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Author Topic: Next-Generation Sound Engine v20241225 / Next Generation Unified Sound Mod v1.2  (Read 20244 times)

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Logo design by Ta183Huckebein/Raven

NG-SE: Next-Generation Sound Engine, a mod designed to expand the capabilities of the game's sound engine far beyond what was possible before.
NG-USM: Next-Generation Unified Sound Mod, a complete sound mod designed to maximize the new features made available by NG-SE.


The total list of features of NG-SE includes...

Never existed before:
- stereo engine audio inside the cockpit for single-engined aircraft, including startup sounds and shutdown sounds
- stereo audio in the cockpit for sounds from the aircraft.common preset
- dedicated shutdown sounds for engines
- degree-specific modulation of the sound of an aircraft by the angle from the camera to the aircraft
- gun start/stop sounds for guns with looped audio
- randomized delay for cannon sounds
- WEP injection sounds
- docking/undocking sounds for dockable aircraft (TB-3/I-16 SPB, MXY7, aerial refueling, etc)
- deafening of sounds in the cockpit during G overload
- reporting of aircrafts’ engines’ preset names and various other things such as settings and errors in a new logfile
- unique startup sounds for every engine preset
- sounds differing based on an aircraft's mach speed
- specific sound for when an aircraft's fuselage scrapes across the ground
- "mach silence" where an aircraft flying at supersonic speeds is silent from in front
- sonic boom heard during supersonic flybys
- trigger sound for attempting to fire empty guns
- rotary switch sound for operating gunsight/bombsight controls
- configurable extra layer of distance attenuation for engine sounds
- configurable reassignment of motor presets by motor preset name to avoid having to manage multiple presets for one sound set
- configurable reassignment of motor presets by plane type to allow for increased motor sound variety without modifying buttons or DiffFM flightmodel files
- configurable reassignment of gun presets to allow for gun sound variety and management without modifying gun classes

Already existed before, but in a different or limited form:
- universal sonic boom for all aircraft (previously seen in JetWar modpack, but only for select aircraft)
- afterburner sounds for all game versions (previously seen with SAS Engine Mod, but only for specific game versions and modpacks)
- dynamic wing fold sounds (previously seen in UV3, but the sound was fixed-length instead of dynamic)
- dynamic arrestor hook extension/retraction sounds (previously seen in UV3, but the sound was fixed-length instead of dynamic)
- configurable pitch differentials for multi-engined aircraft (previously seen in UV3, but not configurable)
- sound cues for the beginning and ending of flap extension and retraction (previously seen in UV3, but didn't differentiate between electric and pneumatic sound variants)
- sound cues for landing gear transitioning out of the fully extended/fully retracted position (previously seen in UV3, but didn't differentiate between electric and pneumatic sound variants)
- dynamic bomb bay door sounds (previously seen in UV3, but the sound was fixed-length instead of dynamic)
- airbrake drag rumble sound that fades in and out as the airbrake extends and retracts (previously seen in UV3, but without any fade-in or fade-out effect)
- precise and verbose logging of missing samples (the stock game logs missing samples, but doesn't say which preset the samples are missing from; NG-SE does)

Already existed before, but not compatible with NG-SE until implemented into it:
- benitomuso's cockpit sounds mod (this is disabled by default, see NG-SE documentation for more information)

Most features are also extensively configurable (see the NG-SE documentation for instructions on how to interpret and edit configuration files).

The total list of features of NG-USM includes...

- new sounds for almost every piston engine:
   - Allisons (with and without turbocharger)
   - AM-series
   - Bristol Centaurus
   - Bristol Hercules (also used by Mercury-powered aircraft)
   - BMW VI
   - BMW 801 (not entirely "new"; remastered from earlier 2021 DB605/BMW801 soundset)
   - DB601 (not entirely "new"; remastered from earlier 2021 DB605/BMW801 soundset)
   - DB603 (not entirely "new"; remastered from earlier 2021 DB605/BMW801 soundset)
   - DB605 (not entirely "new"; remastered from earlier 2021 DB605/BMW801 soundset)
   - Hispano/Klimov M-100/105/VK-107 series
   - Jumo 211
   - Jumo 213
   - M-62
   - M-82
   - Napier Sabre
   - R-1820/1830
   - R-2600
   - R-2800
   - R-3350
   - Radial Generic soundset used by some engines which I could not find audio recordings of
   - Rolls-Royce Griffon
   - Rolls-Royce Merlin (with a variation for the P-51)
   - Sakae
   - Land vehicle motor sounds for Jeep, Kurogane, and Kubelwagen
- new sounds for every jet engine, with increased variety of jet sounds for various jet engines (increased variety present in B.A.T. JTW module only)
   - Derwent
   - Jumo 004
   - HeS-11
   - F110
   - F404
   - J33
   - J47
   - J57
   - J65
   - J79
   - J85
   - RR Nene derivatives (J42, VK-1)
   - Tumanski R-11/R-25
   - TF33
   - TF34
- full utilization of the stereo audio feature of NG-SE
- almost all piston and jet engines using angle-based sounds (listen to the jets from the front and the back from outside views, you'll see what I mean)
- accurate gun-port whistle sounds for the P-51 that can only be heard when pulling Gs at high speeds
- blue-note sound for the Hawker Hunter
- extensively remastered version my old misc sounds pack
- slightly updated version of my old guns sound pack
- full-RPM-spectrum distance modulation: engine sounds differ in quality at a distance at all RPMs, not just high RPMs
- start/stop sounds for all guns
- all other manner of various new misc sounds allowed for by NG-SE features

Although I tried to use mostly audio not present in other sound mods for the sake of variety, some holes had to be filled, and victor639514 in particular also provided large libraries of jet engine and piston engine audio; so some credits go to:
- victor639514 (jet sound library, piston sound library, a small number of samples from VSM)
- Jafa (a lot of R2600 samples, and some other engine sounds)
- Jiver (a few samples from JTSM, I've long since forgot which)
- Tiger33 (a few engine sounds here and there)
- AngelofDeath6V (thunder sounds)

Thanks must also be given to the testers, who went through an arduous process of downloading and redownloading endless WIP versions:
 - Geschirr
 - Hog
 - victor639514
 - P51vsFW190
 - Ta183Huckbein
 - SAS~Storebror
 - SAS~Skylla
 - sercrets

I must also thank SAS~Storebror for consulting on various technicalities of the game's internal code, which helped to make some of the features of NG-SE possible, and Ta183Huckebein/Raven for designing and creating the logo at an ungodly hour of the morning... ;)



For users of
 BAT 3.X or 4.X
 UltraPack 3.X
 SAS ModAct 3/4/5
 HSFX, ModAct2, UP2, and other MODS/FILES type games
Download NG-SE v20241225 / NG-USM v1.2 Smart Installer via Mediafire (EXE format, 720 MB)
The smart installer will automatically detect which type of modded game you have and extract files to the correct folders accordingly.

For all other game versions and people who don't like or don't trust installers,
Download NG-SE v20241225 / NG-USM v1.2 Manual Install Package via Mediafire (RAR format, 720 MB)

For modders and other interested parties,
Download NG-SE v20241225 + source code (without NG-USM) via Mediafire (ZIP format, 235 KB)

All three above download options include the NG-SE official documentation. Alternatively, you can also download it directly: NG-SE Readme via Mediafire (PDF format, 157 KB)


Other Information

Update Log

2023, December 25th: NG-SE v20231225 released, and NG-USM v1.0 released.
2024, June 1st: NG-SE v20240601 released, and NG-USM v1.1 released. [click here for details]
2024, December 24th: NG-SE v20241225 released, and NG-USM v1.2 released. [click here for details]


NG-SE's patent-pending It Just Works™ technology ensures that it will work with pretty much if not any game version (besides IES, but nothing works with IES), including:
- 4.07 with Hackney ModAct (even when I loaded it up and it worked, it still took a second to believe...)
- 4.09 with SAS ModAct 2
- 4.09 with UltraPack 2
- 4.10 with SAS ModAct 3
- 4.10 with DBW
- 4.10 with UP3
- 4.12 with SAS ModAct 5
- 4.12 with VP Modpack
- 4.12 with CUP
- 4.12 with BAT
- 4.12 with HSFX 7

NG-SE hasn't been tested on 4.08 or 4.11, because barely anyone uses those versions, but it will probably work with those as well.

Some users have reported game crashes with 4.13. 4.13 is not currently officially supported by NG-SE, which may change in the future. It might turn out that making a sound engine mod that works with 4.09, 4.10, 4.12, and 4.13 all at once is not possible, in which case there will not be a separate version of NG-SE for 4.13.

Noteworthy compatibility notes about other mods:
- VP Modpack's full throttle smoke: INCOMPATIBLE: this mod is completely incompatible with NG-SE as it modifies the "SndAircraft" class
- WxTech's full throttle smoke: COMPATIBLE: WxTech's variation of this mod does not overlap with NG-SE's code, so there is no conflict
- Tiger33's flybys: UNSAFE: causes undefined behavior, overwrites many core NG-SE features, some users report it works but expect limited results
- BAT SoundMatrix Unlocker: SUPERFLUOUS: NG-SE's features encapsulate all of BSMU's features, so it is pointless to install it
- Benitomuso's cockpit sounds: SUPERFLUOUS: this mod has been implemented into NG-SE, so it is pointless to install it
- 4.12 SPL Unlocker: SUPERFLUOUS: this mod has been implemented into NG-SE, so it is pointless to install it

NG-USM is made to work properly only for games which have NG-SE installed. If NG-SE is not installed, the possibility of minor annoyances—most likely some motor sounds being left unchanged—does exist. Sound mods, though, are by their nature very universal, and it's unlikely to the point of impossibility that NG-USM by itself could ever cause any serious problems.

General-Purpose Warning

NG-SE messes with a lot of different things to a very large extent. It has gone through a lot of play-testing with the testers who range from normal players to experienced modders, but it's still possible that a highly experimental mod that introduces so many completely new core sound engine functions could have some unusual or adverse effects that are as of yet undiscovered. Please report any problems in this thread.

Check your logfiles! The more people hunting bugs, the better.

And, last but not least,
, and enjoy!
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NG-SE / NG-USM Update Plans and Legacy Version Download Links
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2023, 04:07:41 PM »

Plans for and progress on the next version:

- NG-USM: Improve piston engines' flyby sounds
- NG-SE: Attempt compatibility with 4.13.X
- NG-SE/NG-USM: Stereoify aircraft.misc.prs
- NG-USM: Universalize the extended jet sound variety that's currently only available in the BAT JTW module
- NG-SE: Pitch effect with time acceleration
- NG-SE: Allow for motor preset name reassignments based on EMD name
- NG-SE: Integrate Tiger33's flybys
- NG-SE: Allow for specification of the pmin and pmax points of a controller separately from the minhi and maxlo parameters
- NG-SE: Try to fix sound-emitter initialization-popping
- NG-SE: Add sounds to parachuting humans
- NG-SE: "Debug mode" universal missing sample checker


The preset checker has been finished, and many missing samples have been identified. Once all issues have been cleared, an interim NG-USM v1.2.1 and respective NG-SE version will be released before the next major update, which will address the rest of the items in the plans.

NG-USM v1.2.1 is currently being delayed by issues with the preset checker causing game crashes on 4.12-based game versions.

Download Links for Legacy Versions of NG-SE/NG-USM:

NG-SE v20240601 / NG-USM v1.1
 Manual install package: [DOWNLOAD]
 NG-SE with source code: [DOWNLOAD]
 NG-SE Documentation: [DOWNLOAD]

NG-SE v20231225 / NG-USM v1.0
 Manual install package: [DOWNLOAD]
 NG-SE with source code: [DOWNLOAD]
 NG-SE Documentation: [DOWNLOAD]

Due to Mediafire storage size limitations, only the manual install packages, and not the smart installers, will be available for legacy versions.
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Great, thank you!!!


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Oh boy how fascinating! I'll def give it a go.


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Excelent!i`m waiting for mod like this for long time!Il2 is a incredible simulator!

Peter Lynn

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Downloading now, and thank you for all your work....And Merry Christmas!


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Big props, FL! Your hard work on this mod doesn't go unnoticed.
As an early adopter, I can wholeheartedly endorse it.
The top-notch sounds of NG-USM, a hallmark of FL's work, are just the tip of the iceberg.
What really makes this mod shine is the revolutionary NG-SE features, easily missed if you're just skimming the release post.
A genuine game-changer for IL-2!

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Nicht schlecht Herr Specht. Not bad Mr. Woodpecker.
Just a saying for sth. being outstanding, incredible.
Thank you. I did read it up before, it's a payload of refinements.

I'm testing this in my Cassie as I write.

Your love to detail is insane, the cranking of the Wildcats wheels, Flaps sound, even the Scheiße GUI Klick Button Sound is
treated to a better.
The crash slide sound is audible. Love it.
Call me a Groupie,

Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


  • SAS Honourable Member
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very nice indeed  only one thing for me wish ground brakes could be a little louder as i am a little deaf old age
lol but great work many thanks


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If I use VSM 7.5 do I need to remove it?


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the  gloster meteor  sound goes missing in the jtw and waw

(bug report sent by PM)

That's a very disappointing discovery. I used a little trick to transpose the RPMs of the engines of the Meteor from 7000-16500 to 1000-3500 for sound presets to make it easier to use, which seems works in 4.10, but not 4.12... some testing will have to be done to fix this. Two Weeks, maybe. ;)

Edit: I've discovered the reason for this. It appears that in UltraPack, all Meteors extend from a common "air.MeteorXX" type, but in BAT, they don't. NG-SE only checks for the common "air.MeteorXX" type for RPM sound controller value transposition, which means it doesn't detect the Meteors in BAT as "air.MeteorXX" type aircraft, which means the RPM controller values used will be incorrect, causing missing engine sounds at high throttle settings.

Now that it's Christmas day, I'm going on a hiatus from modding until next year, so a fix should be expected in early January.

If I use VSM 7.5 do I need to remove it?

Nope. VSM starts with a "V", and NG-USM and NG-SE both start with an "N", and, funnily enough, mods starting with letters earlier in the alphabet are given higher loading priority, so NG-SE and NG-USM will both override any files in VSM. NG-USM is also made to account for the possibility that your game is using VSM buttons, in which case it will use NG-SE's preset renaming feature to override the preset name changes made in the VSM buttons file to ensure compatibility.
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  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Outstanding and enjoy your time off!

This type of work keeps IL-2, a 20+ years old Flight Sim relevant for... well...  23+ years...

The future is now!

(Downloaded, installed the BAT version, flawless installation, great sound.  Really love the tailhook and gear sounds.)
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)
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