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Author Topic: Next-Generation Sound Engine v20241225 / Next Generation Unified Sound Mod v1.2  (Read 20260 times)

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Another quick update. Over the past month, I have found a total of around 5-10 hours to work on this mod, and it there is still a considerable amount of writing and proofreading to do for the documentation. That stuff really takes forever and a half, and I don't want to be delayed another month for the sake of it.

So, I've decided to release the new version when it's ready, without the documentation. It's all pretty much ready, and putting everything in the installer doesn't take that much time or effort, so I'll give everything a last once-over, then release the new version to the public without the documentation, which will be updated when I find the time.
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Really excited about this update!  Thank you so much!


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Can’t wait!


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Hope nothing too serious is dragging your release. No pushing just curious.


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It's the damn landing touchdown sound. I thought it'd been fixed months ago, but the problem came back: it doesn't reliably play every time it should. Been pulling my hair out endlessly. I'll get it eventually.
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Thank you for your answer.


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Any new audio files?
Maybe put up a preview version of the audio replacement experience


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The Next-Generation Unified Sound Mod has been updated to version v1.2:

Code: [Select]
NG-USM v1.2:
  - given stereo startup sounds to all applicable motor presets
  - reworked aircraft.common presets to use new NG-SE aircraft.common stereoification and aircraft.common.prs unification
  - carried over benitomuso's cockpit sounds (turned off by default, see NGSE.ini)
  - new universal sonic boom
  - blackout silence
  - airbrake drag rumble sound
  - fuselage scrape sound
  - docking/undocking sound
  - trigger sound heard when trying to fire empty guns
  - rotary switch sound heard when operating a bombsight or lead computing gunsight
  - implemented stereo touchdown sound
  - added extra layer of bass to ground rolling sounds at high speed
  - tweaks to B-17/B-24, J47, Sakae, BMW801 motor sounds
  - increased spl of hit.air.prs from 100 to 115 in internal views
  - changed cockpit electronics sound to not play for aircraft that entered service before 1938
  - fixed Sakae engine ludicrously high volume caused by incorrect sample format
  - fixed a few missing samples and incorrect sample listings
  - many other small tweaks

The Next Generation Sound Engine has been updated to version v20241225:

Code: [Select]
NG-SE v20241225:
  - integrated benitomuso's cockpit sounds
  - stereoified aircraft.common.prs
  - stereoified engine startup sounds (single engine aircraft only, as with all other stereo engine sounds)
  - "mach silence": aircraft traveling at supersonic speeds now cannot be heard from in front
  - added capacity for stereo engine shutdown sounds (currently unused by NG-USM)
  - added capacity for universal sonic boom, which will also sound during supersonic flybys
  - added capacity for pilot blackout/redout based sounds (also activated by pilot death)
  - added capacity for airbrake position based sounds
  - added capacity for mach speed based sounds
  - added capacity for fuselage scrape sounds
  - added capacity for stereo landing touchdown sound
  - added capacity for trigger sound in cockpit when firing guns
  - added capacity for gunsight/bombsight adjustment sound
  - improved logic for landing touchdown sound
  - deprecated aircraft.common_w.prs in favor of aircraft.common.prs used for both non-float and floatplanes (this can be switched back, see documentation)
  - fixed forceAttenuate not working when aroundAngle is disabled
  - fixed NullPointerException caused by guns with looped sounds
  - fixed stacking of artillery sounds
  - NGSE.log now logs missing samples and which preset they come from
  - NGSE.log now logs infinite pitch slopes
  - NGSE.log now logs sound controllers and their IDs
  - NGSE.log now logs the reason for preset reassignments
  - NGSE.log now uses correct time zone instead of UTC when SAS Common Utils is installed
  - NGSE.log blurb now tells users to include the file in problem reports
  - to increase performance, NG-SE now completely discards invalid class name-based preset reassignments
  - SoundPreset.java, in the case of standard format standalone presets, will now completely discard missing samples instead of adding them to the sample list anyway (may improve performance in some edge cases?)
  - many other small tweaks

Download at the first post: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71885.msg782503.html#msg782503

- - -

This update, as you will know if you have been following this thread, was released much later than (up to as much as four months later than) originally intended. After having finished what I thought was around 75% of the features and logic, I believed the update to be near completion, and posted this progress report, listing all the features that had been added (including many that were, at the time, half-finished and glitchy). A few weeks later, after experimenting more with the WIP version and hearing feedback from testers, it became clear that many of the new changes were not fully implemented up to a standard that is suitable for posting publicly, and work began on finalizing the new features, make sure there were no mistakes; nothing missing, no code logic flaws, etc. This led to, after the implementation of the new features, a fixation on two main issues:

1) the Sakae engine being way too loud for seemingly no reason, and
2) the landing touchdown sound not playing randomly for seemingly no reason.

The first issue took over a month to solve, and was solved purely because of luck. After scouring the files over and over, once every few days, hoping each time that I'd find something I missed before, I finally looked at the audio samples being used (before, I believed that it was impossible for the audio files themselves to cause a problem like that, and so I had discounted such a cause as a possibility), and discovered that one of them was in the wrong format. Over a month spent endlessly tearing hair out, because a single file was saved in the wrong format.

After that, I set my focus on the landing touchdown sound, which I believed myself to have fixed after many iterations of the code. By this time, the rate of progress on the update had slowed down considerably because of burnout, as I had begun working on this update right after finishing the previous one, and had suffered significant demoralization from having wasted so much time on such seemingly tiny issues that should have been fixed so easily and quickly, but instead had taken over a month each.

Then, the race against the clock was lost as significant changes in my personal life led to the vast majority of my free time simply being wiped right off the calendar. Eventually, I decided to just post the update without writing the documentation, because I didn't want to go through the process of having to make a few edits to it every day when I found the time and keeping track of which of what part of 20 pages of documentation I had updated over the course of a week. But then I discovered that, yet again, the landing touchdown sound was not working. With the update 99% done, and not enough free time at any one time to finish work at any given moment, no guarantee that I'd even find the issue, two months passed with no progress.

Finally, though, with time off from my responsibilities to visit family for a few days over Christmas, I found time to work on the mod, and finally managed to correct the issue with the code for the landing touchdown sound, marking the update as, at last, 100% completed. The documentation was written, and it even took surprisingly less time than I expected. All in all, this has been a far longer and more arduous process than it ever should have been, but with this update,

the Next-Generation Sound Engine has finally reached the state where all originally planned features are fully completed.

This is a massive weight off my shoulders, and from now on, updates will be mainly focused on improving NG-USM, the sound mod itself, instead of working on NG-SE, the foundation, as the foundation has finally been laid. Working with presets and samples is faster, easier, and much less volatile than working with internal game code, so hopefully, in the future, a situation like this will never happen again.

With all that being said,
and ENJOY!!!!!
and... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Peter Lynn

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Merry Christmas and thank you for this fantastic mod. :)!


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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Thanks FL for your work

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A tour de force by any means, but all our thanks to you.
Take a well earned rest.


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Thanks !!  :)
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