I've had random problems with AI and takes offs also, not just this one.
It seems to be just the #4 or the #4 and #3 plane taking off across the airfield at a random angle.
Part of me thinks it might have something to do with these are "Navy" planes, Jap Zeros. Maybe there is some behavior there for the AI to take off right after the previous pane in line does as if on a carrier?
But I've still had them be inline with the other aircraft and the runway, then power up and skew off to a side angle from the runway anyway after the previous pane is up.
Like they torque or over rudder to the right when taking off.
I've had the problem in the past with F4U-1's on Henderson, can't remember what I did, think I just deleted and redid the flights.
Also, FYI, I did find out that if all planes are not airborn by the time the lead plane reaches the "Take Off" "Normal" way point, the flight will circle low right after take off until the last plane is up. Here my bombers would circle right after takeoff and straight into hilly terrain if near by, they wont climb to avoid.
The FIX was placing the "Take Off" "Normal" way point far out so the #1 a/c didn't reach it until the last plane was off, they still took off in the minimal runway distance though.
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