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Author Topic: Paratroopers v.2  (Read 3518 times)

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Paratroopers v.2
« on: January 25, 2024, 06:05:21 AM »

While Storebror is developping an exporter for animated meshes, and I am finishing new paratropers' meshes with more realistic uniforms and helmets, here's an intermediate version of the Paratrooper mod.
A few years a go I uploaded a first step of this mod comnsisting of chutes of various colour/camo pattern and shape, however this mod demanded to rewrite array of the cod files or the java files.

Here in this new version of the mod, there is no longer any need to change cod or java of the planes.
1) The current paratroopers use teh regualr pilot mesh, with new bitmaps (I must confess that I am not a good skinner) reproducing the various uniforms camos.
2) Whenever a country and a period are selected, the paratroopers change their uniform accordingly, as well as the colour/camo of their chute and, if suited, the shape of the chute (in the case of teh German RZ36 and the Soviet PD41 parachutes).
3) There are also changes if a winter map is selected (for German and Soviet paras) and if the mission is at night (for German and Italian paras were historically the only ones to use black or grey-black parachutes, as the British russet-Brown chute and the US camoflaged or olive drab chute answered the need of night missions).

It happens that Quick missions of the QMB have totally fantasist datations - most are from mid 1940, one is from 1946 and Hawai is from Decemebr 1960, not to speak of teh one called Salomons_Oct943 which is dated....15-06-1940. So I include in the upload a modified Quick folder, repalcing the one in the Missions folder in the root of the game, with corrected, mostly historical, dates. Thus you'll can test teh verious combinaisons of date, season and hour.
I also added a few missions (copies of the MOD mission with date modified to suit the years 1947, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1961, so you can follow the various evolutions of French paratroopers uniforms and chutes.

[The situation in Indochina and Algeria was a logistic mess with equipment changing all the time - as a matter of fact in Indochina French soldiers used whatever they found so you could have  a same unit with different uniforms and even different pieces of uniform on individual soldiers. It seems the French did not draw the lesson from the "debacle" of may 1940 - and even after Dien bien Phu whcih was a pure logistic defeat, the lesson apparently was not learnt - a similar situation happenned these last years during teh French intervention in Mali and Nigerm with new models of uniforms and boots being issued all the time to try to cope with the situation - and it was a very size limited conflict]

The mod is suited to 4.12.2 but will probably work with any other version of the game - (Well, let's say that I will not take bets on  4.2 as some main classes have been modified and the new java environment behaves differently, but let's wait and see your feedback)

The mod will conflict with the Visual Mod9 by BenitoMuso as Pablo has modified drastically the paratrooper class in his mod. :(
However it does not conflict with the NG-Cam mod. :)

Theres is one known visual bug with thd cords attachement postion of the RZ36 as there is no real parachute bag presently - just a bitmap drawng on the paratrooper. :(

Download link:

Paratrooper mod v2 consisting of 2 folders (both are needed) t put into your mods folder
a) ! Aerial Paratroopers
b) ! Aerial Chutes For Paratroopers


Modified dates Quick missions - folder to copy over the current Il2\Missions\Quick folder   (not over the Il2\Quick folder)



PS You may need these tables (Ignore the column markes "Meshcode"):

and this (in red are the new missions)



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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2024, 06:11:03 AM »

I will try to test on my Bat 4.2.1.


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2024, 07:09:46 AM »



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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2024, 11:27:05 AM »

Thank you Dreamk, I will try this mod as soon as possible,
I'm currently having a small technical problem, my Windows is blocking the download which has happened before so I guess I'll be able to download it tomorrow without any problems.

Best Regards,


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2024, 11:42:55 AM »

Some ISP operators happen to block major file hosting sites including Mediafire. Butit is often inconsistant and not permanent as generally related to an alert on hacking activity against their servers. however usually only even if the main Mediafire site IP is blocked, subdomains are accessible.
so instead of:

or use a free proxy like https://www.proxysite.com/ (start of the downloading may take a minute but it runs smoothless after that)

or simply wait for 12-24 hours before trying again to download from the main mediafire site.


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2024, 02:21:08 PM »

From Proxi Site I managed to download the main file, the one with the patches for the missions is still blocked, even if I download from the above mentioned site,
After installing Paratroopers v2 and loading the mission, the game initially runs smoothly, after 1-2 minutes it stutters and the image starts to shake.

My log:

Best Regards,


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2024, 04:10:24 PM »

Hi my version of the game 4.2.2 hotfx 4, Installed as for indications but can't seem to see any differences from stock. Any clue? and also are these paratroopers to be seen only in quick missions or else?


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2024, 07:51:12 PM »

These paratroopers are seen whenever you select a plane with paratroopers AND select a country on the list:
USAF, USMC, UK, France, Luftwaffe, Regia Aeronautica, IJA, IJN, USSR, Hungary, Poland.  (QMB or FMB whatever, any mission where you choose these countries as player - yourself or the AI)
For other countries, no change.


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2024, 03:04:07 PM »

 Thank you very much, Dreamk, after initial problems (file conflict of another mod) so far everything works 8), I tested IJN and USAAF,

Best Regards,



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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2024, 05:28:23 AM »

Of course, after having replaced the old crude Oleg puppets on almost all the planes I use, with the magnificent Ranwers pilots... it would be fantastic to see the parachuted crews with new and realistic 3D pilots of a new concept, perhaps changing the position of the arms and legs on a basic model from the Ranwers series...
But perhaps it will take another ten years to realize a dream.... :(



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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2024, 07:57:13 AM »

Dear Dreamk

it is right that ur create new paratroopers with new helmet?
in my view im thinking thats paratroopers are pilots
thats will be awsome

congrats dear dreamk


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Re: Paratroopers v.2
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2024, 09:54:27 AM »

Piotrek hi!
Your log contains a number of error - bad resolution of a number of skins (probably hi-def skins while you have the core Il2 dll installed and they need carmasters' dll) and one aircraft lacks engine hooks while the java looks fot them.
One error is linked to the paratroopers and more specifically to the USIrvin chute used only by us paratroopers between July 1st 1942 and December 31st 1943 (period covering Torch and Sicily). I tried to reproduce this error but coudl not - all went fine. So 2 steps:
1) reinstall the mod, it is possible that one of the 3 files related to Usirvin chute got corrupted
1) tell me what mission / map you loaded that got you this error (CoralSeaOnline1 is dated July 15 1940 and indeed when I checked it dispalys an early us paratrooper in OG suit with a white IrvinWhite chute not a USIrvin chute)
2) try the mod on the modified quick missions called Smolensk and Slovakia summer that fall in this time frame
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