I began working on this mod when Dimons uploaded the Ju86E. But Real Life has its demand and it remains at mid work on my hard disk.
The recent creation of the SASImporter by Mike is a revolution that incited me to check its obvious abilities to facilitate plastic surgery and transplant surgery on various aircarft models - it brings an end with the cumbersome manipulation of 3ds, obj, mismatched mapping and so on - the result of the first test is here - the Ju86 family. I reworked the 3d model, the java, the loadouts and even make a template, a very basic one - sadly Hayate who made the template of my previous mod, the Ju52 family, passed away a few weeks ago, he was a great modder and a very kind person.
Here the result:
Download link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/le6zjo217plzwjf/JU-86new.7z/fileThe mod needs the installation of the weapons in the following archive:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/t0tqwgxqr1ttl2z/Ju86+weapons.7z/fileThis archive includes also 2 weapons folder: 1) _armsGerman_WW2 and 2) _armsUKWW2addenda
https://www.mediafire.com/file/t0tqwgxqr1ttl2z/Ju86+weapons.7z/filePlease, reinstall the _armsGerman_WW2 folder if you have already it in your installation - I corrected the BSK36 weight (by mistake I put a weight eght times the real weight and could not understand why planes could not take off with 16 or 24 BSK36 - till i found the mistajke)
You can pour the content of the _armsUKWW2addenda into the _armsUKWW2 folder (asa matter of fact teh emshes of these ordnances were already in teh _armsUKWW2 folder but their java were lacking)
The mod has been tested in Il2-FB 4.12.2 SAS Modact 5.30 so will work in BAT 3.x without problem - for BAT 4.2 you are invited to report.
The original Dimon's Ju-86E is included (though i have corrected its loadouts.
Ju-86E air.JU_86D1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86D1 air.JU_86D1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86E1 air.JU_86E1 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86E2 air.JU_86E2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86K2 air.JU_86K2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86Z2 air.JU_86Z2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86Z7 air.JU_86Z7 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Ju-86D1 Ju-86D-1, 1937
Ju-86E1 Ju-86E-1, 1938
Ju-86E2 Ju-86E-1, 1939
Ju-86K2 Ju-86K-2, 1938
Ju-86Z2 Ju-86Z-2, 1937
Ju-86Z7 Ju-86Z-7, 1938
# Ju-86E
Ju-86E.default Default
Ju-86E.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86E.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86E.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86E.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86E.none None
# Ju-86E1
Ju-86E1.default Default
Ju-86E1.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86E1.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86E1.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86E1.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86E1.none None
# Ju-86E2
Ju-86E2.default Default
Ju-86E2.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86E2.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86E2.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86E2.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86E2.none None
# Ju-86K2
Ju-86K2.default Default
Ju-86K2.4xSC250 4xSC250 Bombs
Ju-86K2.16xSC50 16xSC50 Bombs
Ju-86K2.64xSC10 64xSC10 Bombs
Ju-86K2.16xBSK36 12xBSK36 (432 B1 Inc)
Ju-86K2.none None
# Ju-86Z2
Ju-86Z2.default Default
Ju-86Z2.none None
# Ju-86Z7
Ju-86Z7.default Default
Ju-86Z7.4x250lb+8x20lbRL 4x250lb GP + 8x20lb Frag Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lbGP+8x25lbInc 4x250lb GP + 8x25lb Inc Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lb+4x25lbInc+4x20lbRL 4x250lb GP + 4x20lb Frag + 4x25lb Inc Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lbSAP 4x250lb SAP Bombs
Ju-86Z7.4x250lbAS+8xSmokeFloatsNo1 4x250lb AS Bombs + 8 Smoke Floats No1
Ju-86Z7.none None
