Or does it just add maps and planes?
Got another question 
Ive heard about Dgen and DCG, which one works better with BAT?
Finally, is there a way to easily create your own dynamic campaigns? BAT does seem to have a huge list of maps that are unavailable in the QMB
Fair questions. Let me see if I can help.
* For the most part, no, it is the additional planes objects and engine/graphic/sound enhancements
* However... look here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62119.0.html -- That is a huge collection of updated missions for BAT
* Also look here on instructions:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,69937.0.html* Bottom line is that there is a huge amount of content in this community, especially highly immersive campaigns for BAT... look here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,269.0.html* And if you want to dig into DGEN dynamic mission creation, you would be a very welcome effort. The link above has a sticky post with info on that...
* Asking whether DGEN or DCG is better is like asking if Apple is better than PC in certain ways... possibly not as contentious... DGEN of course was developed for IL-2, while DCG is a third party development. Both have pros and cons... but you cannot use both at the same time as far as I know. I typically stick with DGEN as a matter of personal preference... but that means I miss out on DCG campaigns. I have used DCG for single missions which do not interfere with the campaign engine.
Either way, BAT is my go to Mod pack and I enjoy it because it has 4 separate era-based modules, and it supports the SAS ModActivator, plus it gives you the freedom to add the mods you want (mostly... where there are no comflicts...)