-> Vampire:
Yeah, that's how I did it to the _texts-file.
It is no big deal with the search and replace function.
"I see what you did in the map texts. That is indeed not really good."What do you mean? The new file is only supposed to be an alternative offer for users with different language setting!?
-> gunny:
It is a bit micro management but you could do this way:
- find all names in a certain map you want to "correct"
- look for them in f.e. google maps - so you will find the correct spelling
- than open the _texts-file, search for the name
(maybe with typing only the known part --
f.e. my Silesia map: city of Görlitz should be in your file "G#rlitz" - so search for "rlitz")
- than you can replace the missing letter(s)
For the pronunciation you can look also in google. I looked for the spelling of " Å " in Denish and Svedish.
As I said, it would be a micro management, but also not sooo much work.
(hope everything is displayed correct
here, so my intension is clear
