Another April fools day has arrived!
This year's offering is...
A DB605-powered Me 163, and a jet-powered Me 321 (known as the Me 421).
Download here: Me 421 requires the weapon classes from last year's Fi 156 S.M.U.D.E. to work:,70562.0.htmlThe Me 163/DB 605 requires the weapon classes from the Me 362 to work:,71644.0.htmlUnfortunately, when trying to use the Me 421 outside of BAT or UltraPack, I get the dreaded empty loadout selection box. One of these days, I'll figure out what the problem is and fix it, but until then, the Me 421 should be considered as only compatible with BAT and UltraPack.
Both planes tested and working in
- UltraPack
Me 163/DB605 also tested and working in
- 4.12.2m + ModAct 5
air.ini lines for both aircraft:
Me-421 air.ME_421 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Me-163DB605 air.ME_163DB605 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER entires:
Me-421 Me 421, 1946
Me-163DB605 Me 163 (DB605), 1945 entries:
# Messerschmitt Me 421, 1945
Me-421.default Default (12x MK 108)
Me-421.48xR4M 12x MK 108 + 48x R4M
Me-421.16xWfrGr21 12x MK 108 + 16x Wfr. Gr. 21
Me-421.3x50mm 3x 50mm Autocannon (6x MK 108)
Me-421.3x50mm_48xR4M 3x 50mm Cnn. + 48x R4M
Me-421.3x50mm_16xWfrGr21 3x 50mm Cnn. + 16x Wfr. Gr. 21
Me-421.gunship Gunship (7x 50mm Cnn.)
Me-421.gunship_48xR4M Gunship + 48x R4M
Me-421.gunship_16xWfrGr21 Gunship + 16x Wfr. Gr. 21
Me-421.none Empty
# Messerschmitt Me 163 (DB605), 1946
Me-163DB605.default Default
Me-163DB605.bk37 2x BK 3.7
Me-163DB605.empty Empty
Happy April fools day!
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