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Author Topic: Markings issues on some italian aircrafts (wrong numbers and not changable)  (Read 677 times)

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Hi mates!

As someone know I'm building up a new set of markings and full units for italian aircrafts....I have done it and the beta test haven't shown issues apart the management of markings!

As you can see in the original tread the MC200 (one of the planes with issues)....have the default Regia red numbering:

BUT in BAT (sorry for the words but isn't a joke) the model show german type numbers that can't be changed by editing any of the specific Squadrons file to allow use some of my numbering:

BAT Macchi MC.200 early (wrong and german style default markings....if you look the number 1 you can see that it have a white border while the stock italian markings doesn't):

BAT FIAT CR.42 (correct default markings)

BAT FIAT CR.42 (My updated markings with Squadron file upadate to show yellow numbers as used from the specific unit when deployed to English Channel)

I have tried to look into the 3do/plane/MC200/hier the relative overlay but I can't understand how they work....moreover I remember that the specific marking are defined by classfiles....

Also adding the original classfiles (410 and 409 too) doesn't restore the original italian numbering....

Checking other installation I discover that also Uptrapack hve the same issue while Aviaskin have the correct markings for all italian airctafts....

Affected BAT/UP aircraft are:

Fiat G.50B (other variants show correct numbering*)
Fiat G.56 (also really misplaced roundels and doubled numbering)
Macchi 202 (all variants)
Macchi 205 (all variants)
Reggiane 2001
Reggiane 2005

Italian aircrafts with correct numbering are:

Fiat CR.42
*Fiat G.50 , Bis , Bis N
Fiat G.55 SSo , SSI , serie I , serie I late
Reggiane 2000 , GA
Reggiane 2002 , 2002 N
Cant 1007 early , bis , cargo

Hope to see a fix soon because I'm a bit hampered also in a DCG campaign I'm developing about the 40-42 siege of Malta....

Thanks in advance for any tips , suggestion , or help to fix you can provide me!


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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The problem goes back to Stock and Modded content,
it's not a BAT problem per se.
Second thing, it stays pretty darn low on any Fixes priority list honestly.
It's very cosmetic, one Fix is reknown for Stock 1946 called adapted Generic Skin usage.
I don't mean a pure Blank. This relagates the Problem to any User who cares about it.
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Hi Walter

As you say "specific marking are defined by classfiles", I did some changes for the numbers in my SCW campaign, but that was trial and error edits only.

Perhaps you could try to use the Aviaskin classfiles in BAT, not all of them but those that fix the problem?

Or you could copy the relevant parts from Aviaskin classfiles into the BAT classfiles?

Best regards

vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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Yes I was looking at this but I can't find any of them in my Aviaskin DGen installation....

No problem...I'll build skins with them....not so good but too few interest in correct markings....


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The markings are a result of a complex interaction between plane meshes (overlays), plane classes,  Paintschemes classes (more than 30 different paint schemes), regiment mat and texture files, and decals. If only one element is missing or wrong you will have a problem and that is why in most of the planes the issue is not addressed with many preferring to use an appropriate skin 


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You're right!

Is a complex matter and the people able to deal with this are few....I'll skin the plane and I'll overlook at the wrong numbers....at least are red....


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In most of the cases (in particular for mod planes) you really need to add the 3d overlay, then check that plane class make reference to the correct paintscheme class and finally that all the appropiate info is stored in the correct mat file and that you have the correct textures and decals.  For Italian planes this is further complicated by the fact that individual units were very creative in the implementation of recommended paint schemes


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In most of the cases (in particular for mod planes) you really need to add the 3d overlay, then check that plane class make reference to the correct paintscheme class and finally that all the appropiate info is stored in the correct mat file and that you have the correct textures and decals............

Another solution could be remove the wrong overlay....but....I can simply remove the overlay from the hier to diable them?

............ For Italian planes this is further complicated by the fact that individual units were very creative in the implementation of recommended paint schemes

Infact to get correct units numbering I have added the new tga for all the Torpedo-bomber units plus some more emplyed over Malta for my WIP DCG campaign in development....


  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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No, the overlay is within a Mesh, you can't tinker it up with Hier.him.

These Meshes are Multi Layered most, that is best to explain it. And that is making the issue complicated,
hard to handle.

No overlay in Mesh, nothing to show up. as simple as that.
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Ok...I'll give up...I'll skin markings at the best I can....


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Re: Markings issues on some italian aircrafts (wrong numbers and not changable)
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2024, 10:40:24 AM »

Hi mates!

As someone know I'm building up a new set of markings and full units for italian aircrafts....I have done it and the beta test haven't shown issues apart the management of markings!

As you can see in the original tread the MC200 (one of the planes with issues)....have the default Regia red numbering:

BUT in BAT (sorry for the words but isn't a joke) the model show german type numbers that can't be changed by editing any of the specific Squadrons file to allow use some of my numbering:


Affected BAT/UP aircraft are:

Fiat G.50B (other variants show correct numbering*)
Fiat G.56 (also really misplaced roundels and doubled numbering)
Macchi 202 (all variants)
Macchi 205 (all variants)
Reggiane 2001
Reggiane 2005


Small update...I have managed to have correct numbers on the planes listed in the quote above...
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