Update 0002 For Pre-Alpha is Still Available (15 Jul 2024)
Latest Progress Update Here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,72627.msg798310.html#msg798310(Image Courtesy of PO_MAK_249RIP)
[16 Jun 2024 Update 2]
Announcement: UQMG 1946 Max Public Pre-Alpha Release (Download Now, or when you feel like it…)[Download Links Below, but I urge you to read this before installation.]Greetings IL-2 Sturmovik Community,
For about a year now I have been working on an updated version of the UberQuick Mission Generator (UQMG) program. UQMG 1946 Max is a completely new approach to UQMG which has a similar intent but it is a lot more flexible, and ultimately, I want it to be a fully functional mission building aid for single- , online and campaign mission building.
It is very different from UQMG, but uses some of the concepts that were important to UQMG, namely, the Clone algorithm, which allows the addition of enormous amounts of flights which would take, let’s face it, ages to design manually in FMB.
That means that in a couple of seconds I can take a flight of 4 aircraft, and I can add 50 copies in organized fashion, without causing issues. Suddenly you have 250 aircraft flying. You can’t do that with anything else out there. You could have them all be in the mission, or you could choose to have them come out in waves (spawning in user-set intervals).
But of course this is a Pre-Alpha, typically reserved to the development team. I am it. And you, the community is… uh… are… English is hard… the team. I request you take a look at this humble new approach and give me some honest feedback. I can’t promise I’ll fix or implement everything, again, because I am a team of one, but I will acknowledge your recommendations. I may be able to implement them in the future. Or I could whine like a little boy/girl and say that you are mean and post a rant reply on how the world is mean and unfair… unlikely. You get the point.
The installation of this version should be a lot easier than UQMG Classic, and it includes documentation that has a guide, as well as a tutorial which I hope is fun for you. As you know, UQMG Classic was very limited due to how moronic my implementation of script based code made it so file-intensive, and how it made it so hard to update it with new objects and maps.
I tried to include a lot of documentation that allows you to develop Map templates right now. No more bureaucracy!
Thank you for your support.
PLEASE READ GUIDE AND TUTORIAL BEFOREHAND (INCLUDED IN FULL DOWNLOAD - updated 16 June 2024): https://www.mediafire.com/file/pk130zyty5sitel/UQMG1946MaxGuide%2526Tutorial.pdf/fileDOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/l5g7q0j4x2nlwx7/UQMG46Max.zip/file or
* Mission4Today:
https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=3201Update Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5ktifrqqxp5tzsn/%25230000_PreAlphaUpdate.zip/file* Update Instructions
---- Download File to the same folder you installed UQMG Max
---- Unzip it to the "UQMG_Updates" folder
---- Run JSGME.exe
---- Remove any previous updates
---- Install New Update (All updates will be cumulative so you only need the latest)
---- You may erase older updates
* Update Log
---- Updated Guide PDF File (16 June 2024)
Please make sure you check the files in the “\ini\documentation” folder, it includes a lot of good stuff including a guide for building your own map templates for UQMG.
Important information:
IF UQMG 1946 MAX DOES NOT RUN OR FAILS* I have never deployed a VB.NET 2022 application before, but tests at home in different computers seem to indicate this should all work, because upon building of a release version of a program it SHOULD include all required Microsoft Library libraries required.
* UQMG 1946 Max was generated for the NET 6.0 environment
* If you have NET 6.0 libraries of Runtime Files Installed, UQMG Max should run
* If not, you will have to install them. As it has been shown below, upon first run, you should get a prompt to download the NET 6.0 libraries directly from Microsoft. The benefit is that it should detect your CPU (Intel x86 or x64, or AMDx64), or you can download them yourself and you can install it.
* More info here:
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0 (.NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.31)
---- For x86 (32-bits):
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.31-windows-x86-installer---- For x64 (64-bits):
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.31-windows-x64-installer---- For AMD 64-bits:
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.31-windows-arm64-installerMY ASK:* Please go through Guide and Tutorial before posting any bugs
* If you are advanced in mission design and you design a new map template, please share it with me so I can make it a part of the next release. I request you also supply updates to the Template spreadsheet, as I can fix issues you may encounter
* If you design new missions with the interface and you are happy with them, please share them so I can include them in the next release.
In all sincerity, thank you for all the support I have gotten for almost a quarter of a century (sounds more impressive than 24 years).
And here is a 100% non-AI picture my daughter drew for me... Better than the AI ones!
More Information on UQMG 1946 Max Development* Map Templates:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71913.0.html* Development Log:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71120.0.html* Pre-Alpha Preparation:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,72370.0.html* Cloning Update:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,72347.0.html* Development Help Requests:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,72197.0.html* Development Videos: