Announcement: UQMG 1946 Max Alpha Release (02 March 2025)
Read About it and Get it here
Latest Progress Update will be placed in last post of this thread.
(Image Courtesy of PO_MAK_249RIP)
[02 March 2025 - Alpha Release]
Announcement: UQMG 1946 Max Public Alpha Release (Download Now, or when you feel like it...)[Download Links Below, but I urge you to read this before installation.]Greetings IL-2 Sturmovik Community,
First and foremost, thank you for those of you who downloaded and used the Public Pre-Alpha. Pre-Alphas are typically not public but I thought it would be nice to put it out there. The feedback in this thread really helped me with the installation and inner working of UQMG 1946 Max, UQMG Max for short.
For about two and a half years now I have been working on an updated version of the UberQuick Mission Generator (UQMG) program. UQMG 1946 Max is a completely new approach to UQMG which has a similar intent but it is a lot more flexible, and ultimately, I want it to be a fully functional mission building aid for single-, online, and campaign mission building.
It is very different from UQMG, but uses some of the concepts that were important to UQMG, namely, the Clone algorithm, which allows the addition of enormous amounts of flights which would take, let’s face it, ages to design manually in FMB. That means that in a couple of seconds you can take a flight of 4 aircraft, and you can add 50 copies in organized fashion, without causing issues. Suddenly you have 250 aircraft flying. You can’t do that with anything else out there. You could have them all be in the mission, or you could choose to have them come out in waves (spawning in user-set intervals).
ALPHA FEATURE SUMMARY* New UberQuick Diorama Importer (UQDI) Application & PDF Tutorial/Guide
- This can be used for all missison building in FMB, not just UQMG templates
* New UberQuick Template Builder (UQTB) Application & PDF Tutorial/Guide
- Use this with the "from scratch" Guide for faster, powerful and speedier Map template building
* Updated UQMG Guide
* Updated Detailed Template Building from scratch Tutorial
* Full Database Ruleset search/save/load
* Flight Editor feature/design revamp
* Waypoint Editor full save/load of templates
* New WAW Khalkhin Gol Map template (part of UQTB tutorial)
* Update to all included missions (including DOF missions)
* Countless Fixes (issues with taxi, takeoff, scramble, cloning, spawning, and many more)
* Updated entire project to newer .NET 9.0 Library standard (ensures continuous support)
What is missing:* Current support is to BAT 4.2.2, but through Flight Editor Mod feature, it supports 4.2.3 Aircraft
- 4.3 works perfectly with it, but some of the new planes are not in UQMG yet (will be incorporated soon)
* TGA and JTW will also be supported... but I will work on 4.3 WAW and DOF first
* Dogfight Arena, Coop Mission version will be supported by Beta
- Note all Test stage Single Player missions can be used for Coop (just edit mission file to remove the player flight in FMB)
Full Readme:
Thank you for the feedback during the Pre-Alpha. I feel more comfortable with the current code so I am releasing it as an Alpha. Unfortunately I have not added the Dogfight or Coop mission generation code yet, that will definitely be in the Beta. Nevertheless there are some really exciting features in this release.
I am a team of one, and the IL-2 community is really the supporting test organization... so you are an integral part of the development of this new approach to UQMG. Thank you in advance.
* Alpha (01 March 2025)
- Updated entire project to newer .NET 9.0 Library standard (ensures continuous support)
- New UberQuick Diorama Importer (UQDI) Application
- New UberQuick Template Builder (UQTB) Application
- Documentation (PDFs)
+ Updated UQMG Guide
+ Updated Detailed Template Building from scratch Tutorial
+ New UQDI Guide/Tutorial
+ New UQTB Guide/Tutorial
- Flight Editor
+ Moved Country/Unit section to a better position
+ Moved and simplified Composite behavior section
* Removed redundant Glider Air & Ground start delays
+ Added Scramble Run Distance option
* This gives options for fixing erratic takeoff behavior after scramble or taxi to takeoff options
- Surface/Scenery/FPS Tab Options
+ Improved design for future features
+ Options get saved and loaded in UQMG files (compatible with previous saves)
+ Added Default/Reset button
- Enabled Waypoint Editor Template Load & Save capabilities
- Tools Menu access to IL-2 Folders/Files (installation, conf.ini, last mission log)
- Help Menu w/ links to guides, tutorials, documentation
- Added various status messages to status strip
- Added mission type description selection in Mission Briefer
- UQMG Mission File Features
+ Display File Name in status bar (for load & save)
+ Added last directory memory (open & save remember last folder used)
+ Added better way to load & save FoW Recon planes (older version still compatible)
+ Added Rule Set load & save to UQMG mission file
+ Added DF Arena Settings load & save to UQMG mission file
+ Added DF Arena Plane Selection (including total planes and load limitations) load & save to UQMG mission file
- Aircraft Database
+ Added Ruleset Open & Save features (SP/Coop)
+ Added Search Criteria Open & Save features (SP/Coop, DF/FoW)
- Added Content
* Added 2 Blue and 1 Red sample missions (14 total)
* Updated all sample UQMG missions to Update 0003 standard
* New Khalkhin Gol Map (generated for the UQTB tutorial)
- Multiple code fixes
Older updates are placed in the end of this document.
* This is a whole new approach to Quick Mission Generation
- UQMG 1946 Max is not only a quick mission generator but also...
- A mission authoring tool and aid
- A potential aid for Campaign writing
* There are documents you can explore with detailed template building insstructions
* Template Building Tool to shorten template building time
* Map templates have a lot of information to help you generate missions
* The 'File' Menu allows you to Load and Save UQMG files for future use
- Try some of the sample files to get a taste of the features
- Except for future features, everything is saved
* Yes you can have missions with composite flights, like dirigibles carrying planes, tug/gliders, Mistel, Zvenos
* You can setup Escort flights using the composite flight menus
* You can have alternate Seabase or Carrier operations
During Alpha, to Generate a mission:
* Go to the Mission Aircraft Tab to select the aircraft you want
- Click on the Flight Group (FG) field (or Radio Button to indicate player flight) to launch Flight Editor, and select features (Type, Weapons, behavior, etc)
- You can fly in any FG (red or blue) that has a plane (you can also select position from leader to 2nd element wingman)
- Launch Waypoint Editor to customize FG flight behavior (Speeds, Altitudes, Coordinate Changes, Formation, etc)
- Launch DB to search and create rule sets
- You can save and load FG templates (useful for often used aircraft)
- Hover mouse over S-A-E letters to learn about Start/Action/End logic in UQMG
* Go to the Conditions/Briefing/FoW Tab and select mission parameters and write description
* Go to Map/Objectives Tab
- Select from 5 WAW Alpha Map Templates or 1 DOF template
+ Italy online (2 versions)
+ Norway online (3 versions)
+ Northeastern Brazil Full-scale (1 version)
+ Khalkhin Gol (New)
+ Gallipoli (DOF)
* Go to Surface/Scenery/FPS Tab to choose amount of ground/water activity
- In future, there will be a LOT more options, including loading/saving your choices
- Currently most artillery and ships are set to the lowest/weakest setting (in future you will be able to customize)
- Play with the sector editor, it is REALLY useful to customize what is present in mission
* Go back to Mission Aircraft Tab to generate test mission
- Mission will be at "[IL-2_BAT_InstallationFolder]\Missions\_UQMGTesting"
- If "Overwrite last 'test.mis' file" is checked
+ Mission will be called "test.mis"
+ When you generate a new mission it will overwrite the last one
- If it is not checked
+ Mission will have a unique name and will not overwrite last one
* Click on "Start/Switch" To IL-2" to either launch IL-2/BAT or to switch focus to IL-2 if it is running
* Go to FMB, and load/play mission
- Experiment with features... you can make changes and simply re-load in FMB very fast
Final Comments:
* Currently only a Single Player mission version is generated, although you could play it in Coop by removing the “player” line
* DF features are not implemented yet in mission generation, but are encoded (so they will be present in a future release)
* You can save and load Aircraft Templates for re-use in the Flight Editor
* You can Open and Save UQMG mission files for re-play/edit
* Cloning (the unique UQMG feature to copy several flights) is implemented except:
- Only UQMG Classic and Large Box formations are implemented
- Skin/AI randomization is not implemented yet
* Ground/Naval object editor is not written yet
* Yes, TGA and JTW will also be supported... just be patient
* Yes, BAT 4.3 will be supported... just be patient
Enjoy and please report feedback at in same thread where the Alpha was posted
(My old website is gone. I did not see a reason for paying the fees.)
* Pre-Alpha Update 0002 (15 July 2024)
- Ability to change versions
- BAT DOF 4.2.2 (Added planes from BAT 4.2.3 are added as MODs)
- Added ability to use test runway for versions that do not have static carriers (like DOF)
- Fixed "FG 11 & 12" Cloning Problems
- Clone interception is randomized
- Composite Clone Behavior is fixed
* Pre-Alpha Update 0001 (16 June 2024)
- Updated Guide PDF
* Pre-Alpha Release (15 June 2024)
The installation of this version should be a lot easier than UQMG Classic, and it includes documentation that has a guide, as well as a tutorial which I hope is fun for you. As you know, UQMG Classic was very limited due to how moronic my implementation of script based code made it so file-intensive, and how it made it so hard to update it with new objects and maps.
I tried to include a lot of documentation that allows you to develop Map templates right now. No more bureaucracy!
Thank you for your support.
PLEASE READ GUIDE AND TUTORIAL (INCLUDED IN DOWNLOAD), it will help, and I tried my hardest to give you very clear instructions.
Update Link: Future
* Update Instructions
---- Download File to the same folder you installed UQMG Max
---- Unzip it to the "UQMG_Updates" folder
---- Run JSGME.exe
---- Remove any previous updates
---- Install New Update (All updates will be cumulative so you only need the latest)
---- You may erase older updates
* Update Log
---- None yet for Alpha
Please make sure you check the files in the “\ini\documentation” folder, it includes a lot of good stuff including a guide for building your own map templates for UQMG.
* Download Zip file from the link provided above
* Unzip the file to the folder of your choice
- Recommend not using Desktop
- Do not use a system protected folder, such as "Program Files"
* A Shortcut is provided, but you will need to update it for the target location you installed
* You can start UQMG Max by double-clicking "UQMG46Max.exe"
- I recommend right-clicking and starting it in Administrator mode
- Windows 10, Windows 11, Malwarebytes, and other anti-virus applications will most likely block it, because it is an unknown file
- I 100% guarantee and promise the entire IL-2 community there is no malware or privacy-invading routine in my software (as long as you download it from my link)
- You will need to tell Windows and your AV software to allow execution
* As we found out in the Pre-Alpha, VB.NET 2022 applications will work if you have the proper .NET library installed.
* I have tested the installation in both Windows 10 and 11
- I compiled UQMG Max as a portable/CPU/OS-neutral application but I cannot guarantee it will work in all Operating Systems
* UQMG 1946 Max Alpha was updated to the NET 9.0 environment
* If you have NET 9.0 libraries of Runtime Files Installed, UQMG Max should run
* If not, you will have to install them. As it has been shown below, upon first run, you will get a prompt to download the NET 9.0 libraries directly from Microsoft. The benefit is that it should detect your CPU (Intel x86 or x64, or AMDx64), or you can download them yourself and you can install it
* More info here:
---- For x86 (32-bits):
---- For x64 (64-bits):
---- For AMD 64-bits:
* Please go through Guide and Tutorial before posting any bugs
* If you are advanced in mission design and you design a new map template, please share it with me so I can make it a part of the next release. I request you also supply updates to the Template spreadsheet, as I can fix issues you may encounter
* If you design new missions with the interface and you are happy with them, please share them so I can include them in the next release.
Since this is an Alpha test, I request you take a look at this humble new approach and give me some honest feedback. I can’t promise I’ll fix or implement everything, again, because I am a team of one(-ish), but I will acknowledge your recommendations (for example, sercrets, larschance, Dimlee, PO_MAK_249RIP, adrianstu98, TWH_Pixy). I may be able to implement them in the future. Or I could whine like a little boy/girl and say that you are mean and post a rant reply on how the world is mean and unfair... unlikely. You get the point.
This is an Alpha Release, and I am the the entire development team. Here are some credits for incredible help:
* SAS~Storebror (Mike): Load Out Lister used in UQCT2020 which makes the UQMG script files for aircraft and their loadouts
* PO_MAK_249RIP: UQMG Splash Graphics work (will be enabled later), and Cover Graphics for 3 UQMG guides
* Dimlee: dioramas for UQDI
* genXgamer: dioramas for UQDI, taxi patterns for UQTB
* SAS Staff: Allowing me to hang out here, and putting up with my BS
* Wife Jai: Somehow still has not left me because of IL-2, a miracle for sure
* Microsoft Visual Studio Development Team: UQMG Max is developed in VS.NET, specifically VB.NET, with additional coding in VB Script, and good old Command Prompt Batch Scripts, and Powershell Scripts
* AI Coding Help:
- Microsoft Copilot: support coding for UQTB and UQDI
- Google Gemini: minor support for UQTB
* Support: 200+ people who downloaded and tried/tested the Pre-Alpha
* My daughter: 100% non-AI P-47 picture (aspiring animation artist)
* My son: for waking me up from my dream of becoming a heavy metal guitarist; he is the one that will conquer all guitarists...
* UQMG Users: In all sincerity, thank you for all the support I have gotten for almost a quarter of a century (sounds more impressive than 24 years)

More Information on UQMG 1946 Max Development
* Map Templates:,71913.0.html
* Development Log:,71120.0.html
* Pre-Alpha Preparation:,72370.0.html
* Cloning Update:,72347.0.html
* Development Help Requests:,72197.0.html
* Development Videos:,71733.0.html
More information about the Diorama Importer here:
More information on the Template Builder