[LINK FOR CURRENT PACKAGED DIORAMAS: All Dioramas her will be included in the UQMG Alpha, plus a whole bunch more, 281 total]
[Latest Update: 2 Mar 2025].
[Added better info on diorama source.]Something I have been thinking about... it would be probably better for future dioramas to be facing the default East direction (90 degrees), so there is more predictability on how to place them upon rotation. Just a recommendation. But not necessary.
Updated Instructions (Please follow this):
v1.6 by UberDemon (27 Feb 2025)
Functionality: Fully functional
* Concept: UberDemon
* Dioramas: UberDemon, genXgamer, Dimlee
Ground Dioramas can be reused to populate areas of the mission map. This adds to immersion factor, but can also decrease fram-per-second (FPS) graphics performance.
To create a diorama:
* Use FMB
* Use any map, however Online 1 Summer from Stock is recommended for most dioramas.
* Add any ground object (static, stationary, artillery, building, ships, planes, moving objects, etc)
* It is preferable to have the diorama objects and diorama overall to be facing East (90 degrees) for predictability upon rotation.
* Add ONLY one static camera to be used as a rotation point in the diorama.
* Best Places for the camera are the left of the leftmost middle object, or close to that area. Middle can work but makes predicting results harder.
* For final diorama, remove any onther type of object from mission file.
* Naming convention of the file:
- diorama_[Description][CountryDigraph]_[version]_[Author].mis and .properties
- Example: diorama_Field109Assembly&OpsDE_0001_gXg.mis
- The example is a German aircraft ops are designed by genXgamer, and it is the 1st version/variation of the design with darker tents.
Add a lower size JPG screenshot.
Take a screenshot of your Diorama in FMB displaying desired area in 3D mode (not from map/above). Open JPG in a picture editor. Reduce size of image by at least 50%. Name your picture the same as the mis and properties file. If you don't add a picture nothing will be displayed... but it is better to have one.
* Crop the picture making reducing horizontal length, then resize screenshot to 50% size
Briefing convention (which goes in the .properties file)
Short Tab Description:
Title: [descriptive name]
Author: [author] @ SAS1946
Version: [BAT DOF/TGA/WAW/JTW, SAS, Stock, etc.]
Title: Bf-109 Field Assembly/Maintenance & Operations Area
Author: genXgamer @ SAS1946
Version: BAT WAW 4.2.X
Full Description Tab - Example:
This is a diorama for German Bf-109 aircraft assembly, maintenance and operations. These can be placed in improvised fields or existing runways/airfields. The scene has very light artillery defense.
So as a part of my ongoing re-design and current coding of UQMG 1946 Max (
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,72627.0.html), one of the features I included is the ability to set up scenery in the maps. The Diorama Importer adds the ability of placing carefully designed diorama-like scenes including all types of IL-2 ground objects. Not only that but also the ability to repeat the scenery in different parts of the map and at different angles if necessary. This will not only save time in mission design and generation but also add to the immersion.
Some ideas are"
* German and Allied AAA battery sites (objects and buildings)
* Static Artillery formations (objects and stuff like trenches)
* Maintenance depots
* Refueling stations/re-arming stations
* Bomb depot dioramas
* Supply depots
* Army companies
* Aircraft building / repair areas
* Air base standard objects (radio trucks, ambulances, firetrucks, fuel trucks, and personnel)
* Train station objects
* Naval dioramas... on water or as a part of a seabase...
.... Anything that could come to mind
Obviously I can't do all of this, too much time, however we have some talented mission designers that could come up with brilliant dioramas!
How I see this...
* The map should not matter... but the mission file should only include the objects in the diorama... could be both static and moving objects
* include any type of ground/surface object
* Use ONE static camera to set the rotation point/axis...
I recommend using the Online 1 Summer Online map... easy to load, good flat surfaces.
Anyone interested in collaborating will be given credit and you can simply paste the mission code here...
Below is an example:
* Name: diorama_HeavyFlakDE_0001.mis
Mission Code:
MAP Net1Summer/load.ini
TIME 12.0
CloudType 0
CloudHeight 1000.0
army 1
playerNum 0
Year 1940
Month 6
Day 15
WindDirection 0.0
WindSpeed 0.0
Gust 0
Turbulence 0
MDS_Radar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
MDS_Radar_RefreshInterval 0
MDS_Radar_DisableVectoring 0
MDS_Radar_EnableTowerCommunications 1
MDS_Radar_ShipsAsRadar 0
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
MDS_Radar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
MDS_Radar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
MDS_Radar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
MDS_Radar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
MDS_Radar_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
MDS_Radar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
MDS_Radar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
MDS_Misc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
MDS_Misc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
MDS_Misc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat1_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat2_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
MDS_Misc_BombsCat3_CratersVisibilityMultiplier 1.0
Bigship 1800
Ship 1800
Aeroanchored 1800
Artillery 1800
Searchlight 1800
0_Chief Vehicles.4-Maultier_TTA_Flak18 2
45704.93 8202.35 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45792.99 8098.22 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45998.25 8098.23 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46098.61 8201.57 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46099.48 8399.70 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46001.30 8500.51 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45797.91 8501.39 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45697.09 8397.94 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45701.71 8206.01 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45797.15 8002.57 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45996.83 7998.80 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46201.52 8200.99 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46199.01 8394.38 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46000.59 8600.33 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45798.41 8600.33 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45692.92 8395.64 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45700.45 8200.99 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45795.90 7900.85 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45995.57 7899.59 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46296.96 8095.50 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46295.71 8503.64 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45999.34 8702.05 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45794.64 8703.31 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45689.15 8393.12 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45696.69 8197.22 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45799.66 7802.89 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45995.57 7797.87 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46399.94 7998.80 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46403.71 8599.08 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46000.59 8803.78 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45798.41 8796.24 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45689.15 8391.87 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45696.69 8189.68 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45795.90 7703.68 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45996.83 7697.41 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46495.38 7903.36 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46496.64 8700.80 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45998.08 8899.22 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45795.90 8899.22 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45691.66 8388.10 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45692.92 8184.66 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45799.66 7596.94 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45996.83 7600.71 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46600.87 7802.89 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46594.59 8798.75 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45998.08 8998.43 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45798.41 8999.68 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45685.39 8396.89 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45694.18 8178.38 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45798.41 7501.50 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45999.34 7502.76 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46697.57 7698.66 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
46696.31 8902.98 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45998.08 9102.66 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45798.41 9105.17 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45689.15 8393.12 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45689.15 8183.40 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45800.49 8143.48 120.00 0 2 2.6388890743255615
45897.64 8142.77 120.00
0_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45879.91 8299.95 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
1_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45879.94 8279.87 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
2_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45879.89 8259.76 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
3_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45880.00 8239.79 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
4_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45859.45 8299.31 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
5_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45859.48 8239.06 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
6_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45859.70 8279.34 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
7_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_88mm 2 45859.77 8258.83 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
8_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 45895.30 8276.29 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
9_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 45874.30 8313.25 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
10_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 45874.63 8225.23 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
11_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak18_37mm 2 45846.46 8263.17 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
12_Static vehicles.artillery.ArtilleryHSFX7$Flak38_Vierling 2 45894.19 8262.70 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
13_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak38_20mm 2 45845.63 8275.73 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
14_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 45865.18 8313.09 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
15_Static vehicles.artillery.Artillery$Flak30_20mm 2 45865.79 8225.28 360.00 0.0 0 1 1
16_Static vehicles.stationary.Ambient$Artillery 0 45869.61 8269.72 450.00 0.0
17_Static vehicles.stationary.FlagMoving$FlagMovingGE1 0 45839.87 8299.78 450.00 0.0
18_Static vehicles.stationary.FlagMoving$FlagMovingGE1 0 45900.12 8240.38 450.00 0.0
19_Static vehicles.stationary.FlagMoving$FlagMovingGEc 0 45899.74 8299.86 450.00 0.0
20_Static vehicles.stationary.FlagMoving$FlagMovingGEc 0 45839.49 8239.60 450.00 0.0
21_Static vehicles.artillery.Infantry$AxisInfantryStand 2 45895.96 8299.63 697.91 0.0 0 1 1
22_Static vehicles.artillery.Infantry$AxisInfantryStand 2 45846.06 8241.93 697.91 0.0 0 1 1
23_Static vehicles.stationary.Wflyr140522Stationary$BMW_MGr 2 45847.73 8253.59 540.00 0.0
24_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$VW82t 2 45835.56 8256.21 540.00 0.0
25_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 45857.09 8249.22 540.00 0.0
26_Static vehicles.stationary.Stationary$OpelBlitz6700A_radio 2 45856.70 8289.19 540.00 0.0
27_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45822.88 8261.18 540.00 0.0
28_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45822.88 8251.41 540.00 0.0
29_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45822.97 8241.56 540.00 0.0
30_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45823.18 8231.66 540.00 0.0
31_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45823.07 8271.49 540.00 0.0
32_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45823.24 8281.38 540.00 0.0
33_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45823.13 8291.60 540.00 0.0
34_Static vehicles.stationary.StationaryJP02$L3000_bache 2 45822.66 8301.24 540.00 0.0
35_Static vehicles.stationary.Siren$SirenCity 2 45882.59 8269.49 540.00 0.0
36_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 45899.90 8220.37 540.00 0.0
37_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 45839.99 8220.59 540.00 0.0
38_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 45839.88 8320.12 540.00 0.0
39_Static vehicles.lights.Searchlight$SL_ManualBlue 2 45899.69 8320.81 540.00 0.0
40_Static vehicles.aeronautics.Aeronautics$ObservBalloon_90m 2 45730.23 8278.27 420.00 0.0
41_Static vehicles.radios.Beacon$Grossdeutscher_Rundfunk 2 45734.97 8254.58 360.00 0.0
0_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45879.99 8299.93 360.00
1_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45880.26 8279.79 360.00
2_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45880.29 8259.54 360.00
3_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45880.21 8239.49 360.00
4_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45859.32 8299.37 540.00
5_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45859.62 8279.10 540.00
6_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45859.45 8258.94 540.00
7_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45859.49 8238.94 540.00
8_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45873.89 8313.26 630.00
9_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45865.17 8313.18 630.00
10_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45873.96 8225.35 450.00
11_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45865.82 8225.42 450.00
12_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45894.33 8275.79 360.00
13_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45894.45 8262.67 360.00
14_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45845.90 8275.67 540.00
15_bld House$Furniture20mm_Flak_Pos 1 45845.78 8263.13 540.00
16_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45899.94 8220.46 450.00
17_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45840.15 8220.55 450.00
18_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45839.73 8320.41 630.00
19_bld House$Furniture88mm_Flak_Pos2 1 45899.82 8321.04 630.00
45799 8269 100 0