FIRST LOOK: Diorama Importer Tool for IL-2 1946 BAT/SAS/etc… (a Part of the UQMG Suite)
Well, some of you may remember I made a request for template dioramas with the intent of being able to import them on UQMG/QMB templates (,73039.0.html). I have started work on the GUI concept and wanted to share this with you. This will be another mission builder tool I will make available in the upcoming Alpha (PreAlpha download is still available, but it is closed:,72627.0.html)
Rather than making this specific to QMG/UQMG templates, this can be used with any mission you create, as long as it does not use one of the existing Building/Object types the engine uses for substitution.
I have not implemented the substitution routine yet, but I know it is possible because I implemented the taxi importer tool into the Template Builder (another Tool within UQMG:,73209.0.html) and it applies a "relocate and rotate" routine.
The first challenge was tacking the GUI/Interface, and keeping track of the assigned substitutions. The concept is as follows:
Currently you can have up to 50 different types of Dioramas (collections of ground objects) per team (50 for Red, 50 for Blue) imported in a mission. Each type can be imported as many times as you want in different parts of the mission map. So for example, if you wanted nice/complex AAA batteries in the mission… say 20 of them, you would only need one Substitution assignment. So for that team you still could have 49 other diorama types you can import multiple times.
Basic steps would be:
• Start UQMG 1946 Max, start Diorama Importer tool (Ctrl+D)
• Select one or more dioramas (say AAA battery), and assign an object you will use for substitution… say the WickerChair
• Design mission without using the first 100 Building objects
• In FMB, drop the WickerChair in the places you want the AAA battery, and rotate each to the direction you want
• Save mission
• Load the mission in the Diorama Importer
• Run the Importer…
• Re-open the mission in FMB, and you now the mission will have the Diorama’s you specified.
So this is still work in progress, but here are a few previews of the GUI (thank you to genXgamer and Dimlee for producing the Dioramas shown (except for one). The more Dioramas the community produce, the greater the variety.