Mod based on sightings of, apparently, RC-controlled Mistels in the end of WWII.
This mod gives to FW-190A8 Mistel pilot aircraft the ablity to remote control the Ju-88 (or any other) drone by bombsight control keys after undocking.

I'm not sure, whatever it realistic or not, but, pilot now can control flaps (while docked to drone), and airbrakes of drone to facilitate take-off and dive-bombing type attack.

Dive brakes animation implemented in Ju-88 Mistel drone.
Also, added weapon configuration without outer guns, AFAIK, exactly this weapon configuration was used for FW-190 in Mistel set. But I do not recommend to use this weapon configuration online, as it can affect online compatibility a bit.
Patched AI bug, which maked AI to retract landing gears on runway, thus, making take-off of AI-controlled Mistel impossible. U can check it in Single Missions, just don't forget to ask air controller to take-off, or AI refuses to proceed.
Looks like game developers left much room for improvement here, in AI aspect. AI seemed to be unable to carry out mission on its own.
UPDATE: remote detonation feature added for bombers formation attacks, activated by pressing DETACH key again after Mistel AC detachment (bomb key no longer working as detach key).
UPDATE: Mistel FW-190A-8 fixed same way like in FW-190A/F weapon mod:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,7771.0.htmland now has same weapon loadouts.
Now, U can decide to take some additional missiles on formations destroying mission or, may be, some bomb.
UPDATE: RATO & heavy bombs.
Added Walter-Starthilferaketen
und and loadouts with heavy boms, such as:
SC 1800 Satan
SC 2000
PC 1600

These loadouts are a special case, because normal take-off is barely possible. Use this loadouts only as part of composite Mistel aircraft. Boosters, installed same way, as on piloted Ju-88A4, will help U.
There is some features: booster producing sound, air brakes can be operated only after boosters cut-off, detachment with heavy bombs is tricky a bit, flaps of Ju-88 after detachment will be retracted automatically as speed will rise, like on piloted Ju-88A4. Unfortunately, I'm not managed to make selective booster placement, so its installed allways (if U don't want boosters - don't install 6A48D166DA05E222 classfile).
So, now U can do some very bad with your bomb in addition to evil, caused by unleashed Mistel.
UPDATE: RC Mistel mod becomes a part of FW-190A/F weapon mod:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,7771.0.html because it shares some common code. Also, Mistel version of A-8 now is a derivative of regular A-8.
If U istalled FW-190A/F weapon mod, I recommend U to remove folders
\RocketX4+backfire and
\Mistel_RC, as its obsolete.
Link to old (almost independent) version:
http://www.filefront.com/17358648/Mistel_RC_101007.rarHave a nice day