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Author Topic: Mat Manager help  (Read 485 times)

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Mat Manager help
« on: November 09, 2024, 05:15:46 AM »

So I installed the Mat Manager, I think correctly...? But I'm at a loss, I need someone experienced to point me in the right way, please.

First off, anytime I launch it, it doesn't remember that I already pointed it towards the copied IL2.exe, which itself is alarming. After pointing it towards the folder everytime, no additional error messages pop up, so I assume it's a read-only issues. Anyway... who ever thought that absolute flustercuck of a UI is a good idea? I really, really tried wrapping my head around it, considering there's like 3 forum posts online about how stuff works however, I'm left to figure things out on my own. And really, it's a bit discouraging, since if I understand correctly, Mat Manager is supposed to let me export individual markings textures, yet inside the program, all I can do is fiddle with stuff that's already there.

I thought I would be able to export specific markings?
I AM getting a LOT of .mat files in my Cache folder, judging by the amount I'd assume pretty much every single preset in the game, but they appear to be using the vanilla country naming, so I have absolutely no clue what's what. ::(

Am I messing something up, or misunderstanding some crucial step?

To clarify: all I want to do is export every single Czechoslovakian marking in WaW module, modify it, shove it into the game, and have it as a part of the file structure of my custom campaign.
As a side question, is that even doable? Or would I need to separate the markings and the campaign into their own downloads?
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Re: Mat Manager help
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2024, 05:29:49 AM »

To clarify: all I want to do is export every single Czechoslovakian marking in WaW module, modify it, shove it into the game, and have it as a part of the file structure of my custom campaign.
As a side question, is that even doable? Or would I need to separate the markings and the campaign into their own downloads?

What you want to do is create a mod that is "necessary" for your campaign - and your campaign only.

Think carefully what you really want to do - and don't want to do.
You do not want to create a situation where you mess up everybody's install with made up insignia that overwrite the historic ones permanently, without the people knowing oder even understanding what you did there and how to get out of it again.

Yes, you can make such a mod. (learning how to make that mod is a crucial step in understanding what you are doing. You are on the right track. It's just a lot of work. As a hint: you don't need any mat files, you want to exchange the tga files. I would guess.)

My advice is to make it a BATMODS JSGME addition. So everyone playing your campaign can - if they want to - deploy that mod into WAW and deactivate it again afterwards.


And really, it's a bit discouraging, since if I understand correctly, Mat Manager is supposed to let me export individual markings textures,

Oh, I just read this.
This is a big misunderstanding. mat manager (hopelessly outdated and out of time tool that ist is) extracts nothing! It brings its own graphics and mats and modifies the links to new graphics. It is in no way an extractor of anything.



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Re: Mat Manager help
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2024, 05:48:53 AM »

Oh.... and oh. God dammit.  ;D

I'll just use the WaW markings instead, I don't want to pile manhandling an obsolete tool on top of making a custom campaign.
And yeah, to your point: I didn't even think of that.
My motivation was further immersion in this alternate history setting, but honestly, what's in B.A.T. already will most likely serve more than well enough.
Plus, not breaking people's installation would be nice, too.
A Tale of Steel and Fire: An alternate history boogaloo, coming soon to a forum near you...


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Re: Mat Manager help
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2024, 06:01:00 AM »

What MatManager does is extremely simple: the mat files and corresponding textures are stored in the PaintSchemes\Regiments folders then you open the interface choose the period, theater and countries you would like to modify and the corresponding mat files are temporarily copied to the cache folder then MatManager will start IL-2 (using the IL2.exe name as this app is coming from the very first IL-2 Sturmovik times)  and at the end of your session if you have set ClearCache=1 in conf.ini everything will be cleared so you will have to restart the process the next session. If you would like to keep the same settings for several sessions then you can use ClearCache=0 so that mat files and all the rest stays in the cache and they will be available for the next sessions. Considering that the last version of this application was released in 2007 (for IL-2 1946) is naturally working with the countries used by that stock version. Even though the tool is outdated it can still be used to display more correct plane markings (for stock countries) better adapted to the missions you are flying. 
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