This Ju-87C mod is a partially historical and what-if mod. This version is what we think the Ju-87C would probably be like if it was produced and used on the Graf Zeppelin. Therefore it has folding wings and a tailhook as the historical prototype of the Ju-87C had, we've also put in an uprated engine and increased the weight slightly to firstly aid carrier take offs and also account for the various changes that would be made to let the aircraft fold it's wings and tailhoook as well as modification to the landing gear to make it stronger so it won't collapse on landing.
Features - Opening Canopy Internal and External
- Internal "Raised Seat" position
- Folding Wings
- Tailhook
- New FlightModel
- New Default Skin
- Jettisonable Gear

Download Here (Please note that you will need the
Diff_FM mod to use this aircraft)
Installation Instructions are located in the Readme file. (If you have any previous versions installed please remove them before installing version 2.2 to avoid any possible conflicts.)
Credits:Aviator Mod Team:
Sani - Wing Fold Adjustment
VH-Rock - Default Skin
F22-Raptor-2006 - 3D, FM, Class Files
Special thanks to Storebror for his help and work with the gear jettison coding and also to Birdman for his mesh fixes.
Update 2.4 (4.09 and 4.10 users who do not have DBW or UP3)
Fixes "gear down" shaking effect. Aircraft now flies like any other Ju-87. Thanks to Storebror for this update.
Installs on top of base version 2.2.
Download Here