I also have a weird problem:
After installing this plane my IL-2 immediately crashes to desktop when I try to fly or go to arming screen in QMB with any plane selected. If I disable Fokker G.1 (comment air.ini entry), my QMB works again. However, FMB works with G.1 enabled, I can fly FMB mission with G.1 and I also have cockpit. After that successful FMB mission even my QMB works without any problems and I can fly Fokker also there. Unfortunately, at next start of game the QMB is again broken if I don't go to FMB first, but if I just go to FMB first, just exit FMB without loading anything there and go to QMB, then my QMB somehow works. I checked my logfile, but there isn't any error message because the game crashes so violently.
I have no issues with G.1 in my test install, that is the same UP2.01 just with different MODS folder including few mods.
I have hakens disabled in Conf.ini but enabled in JSGME, so at least with that configuration the cockpit seems to work. Thus the HakenAllowed=1 line in Conf.ini seems to be the one causing those cockpit issues.
Update: Also disabling the QMBPro_PAL in JSGME seems to fix the QMB issue with G.1 enabled. However, QMBPro and Fokker work together well in my test configuration without extra mods, so this doesn't seem to be a simple conflict between these two mods. Some of my a couple hundred mods in my MODS folder seems to be also needed for that conflict as third part.
Update2: Commenting out F-86J antry from air.ini also fixes my QMB problem. So, my main install works OK, if I disable one of these three mods: QMBPro_PAL, F-86J (v0.06 and v0.09 cause the same) and G.1, but these three together with my all other mods cause that conflict. However, these three still work well together in my test configuration, so something odd is going on and I don't know what.