I am running a UP 2.01 with QMB Pro Pal and if there is a # in the name it will kill your QMB Pro Pal. Here is the explanation CirX found when I told him I lost two installs over this. ???

This is "caused" by QMB Pro PAL , but really, it is caused by bad skin names. What happens is that QMBPro writes a LastMission.quick file when you fly a QMB mission. It saves it in the maingame Quicks/ directory. In it it saves even your skin setting of your last QMB flight. (this is one of the features of QMBProPAL that is so awesome!)
The problem is this, IL2, and especially this Lastmission.quick file, does not like the # character. If the skins are named like, " # 302 Kokutai YoD-106.bmp " and so on, it will be a problem.
So everything you leave QMB, and then try to re-enter it, QMB tries to read the LastMission.quick file, but it only reads it up the the #, and then it can go no further, and an error (crash) occurs...actually it is more like a freeze. A lock out.
To get out of it you have to ctrl alt del.
To solve it, go to your LastMission.quick file, and delete it before re-starting the game. (QMBpro will recreate it when you again fly in QMB)
To stop the crash from happening again, remove the # characters from all the skin names in your skins folder.
This crash will happen no matter where in the skin name the # appears. I could re-create the same crash with some F86's using the skin
F-86F-25-NH #51-13468 Blue Diamonds.bmp for example.