the SAS Primary Modactivator 2.3Beta___________________________________________________
While "tooling up" for the release of 4.10 (and before you ask, no, I dont know when it is coming out), I have come up with a new version of the SAS 2.2 moadactivator. This fixes all issues we had with 2.2, and goes a step further in some respects.
This may very well be our smallest and most sophisticated modact to date, but it is also a Beta, for testing, and I would like to hear issues arising.
Remember, users of HSFX or UP, DO NOT NEED TO INSTALL THISThis activator will only work with clean, working versions of 1l2 1946 4.09m that were installed from a DVD. Additional files are needed for people who uses the direct to drive downloaded version from Ubi.
To instal: You need a copy of IL2 1946 , upgraded to versiom 4.09 and in working order, on your PC.
Then look at the files that came inside this SAS Modact you downloaded.
There will be 11 items there (including this readme file)
Select all items in the folder
They are:1) a folder called "DGen"
2) a folder called "FILES"
3) a folder called "jsgmemods"
4) a folder called "Missions"
5) a folder called "MODS"
6) an exe Called Il2fb.exe
7) an exe Called JSGME.exe

a dll file called wrapper.dll
9) an INI file called JSGME.ini
10) an SFS file called fb_hfxsounds.sfs
Drag (or copy) them all into your IL2 Sturmovik 1946 folder.
A dialogue will apear warning you about folder replacement. Select "Yes to all"
And then you are done!####################################################
Notes: You cannot use auto installers from other sites with this activator.
All the files needed for manual installations (air.ini, buttons , plane_ru , weapons_ru, etc) are located in the MODS/STD folder. You can open them with MS Wordpad, or Notepad.
This included Buttons file is SAS v7.1 for offline use. Update it with whatever the latest version is when you get this.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,97.0.html(you will get an updated Sound File reference matrix with it)
Here are some links to tutorials you may find usefull:
Buttons:Download the latest Buttons file (Do it now!)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,97.0.htmlThe Buttons file explained:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21.0.htmlFiles you use when adding a plane:About Plane and Weapons_ru files:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,830.0.htmlCustomise your air.ini:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23.0.htmlNote: How to fix Ranks or Awards that appear in Russian (if this should occur):Navigate to your Missions/Campaigns folder, and find the folder of the country which info apears in Russian.
Inside, find the ".properties" file for rank or awards. There will be several of each, they are all for different languages of the game. the ones with an "_ru" on the name, are for the russian version of the game. Your game is reading those instead of the english ones. Find the english ones, (they have no "_ru" or "_pl" or anything) and paste their contents into the russian files, replacing what is there. So your game will continue to read the russian file, but the russian file will contain english ranks or awards .
Troubeshooters:5% and 70% and 60%CDT:https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,22.0.htmlAnd look around in those forums for other topics that may be helpfull to you.
You are now ready to start adding mods. Read the available tutorials and help topics about this at the SAS site. You will get the hang of it soon enough!
Launch the game as usual with il2fb.exe.####################################################
Activating mods with JSGME:We include a version of Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler.
You can use it to safely activate and deactivate mods, which may be helpfull later when you have many many mods.
It uses the jsgmemods folder to store mods in. I have placed some mods in there as examples.
Look at the structure of them to understand how JSGME works. The readme.jsgme files in the modfolders can be opened and edited with wordpad.
You DO NOT HAVE to use JSGME, you can install mods easily in your mods folder manually as well. (probably better, as few seem to be able to place a mod correctly in JSGME for activation

The SAS Team~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
This was made by SAS~CirX, with the help of Charlie Chap and HaDes, and the support of the whole SAS, C6 and Ultra gang of misfits
wrapper by qtim,
backgrounds by SAS~Malone and pin-up.ru
original careers Fix by Potenz, raf ranks fix by McWolf
new Default Sounds SFS by Charlie Chap and SAS~CirX
Download SAS ModAct 2.3 Beta