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Author Topic: inside the CONF.INI  (Read 188119 times)

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #108 on: January 24, 2023, 06:34:44 AM »

Looks like there's some arbitrary side effect that causes this issue.
You've mentioned that the row of trees works well in other maps, but I can assure you that others stumbled upon the same issue already as well.
I still remember the days when I was using forest=3 and on our sunday FAC sessions, on a certain map (unfortunately can't remember which one) at the end of the mission we grouped up on a "Fifi's" airfield (these are narrow neutral airfields we use to group up on at the end of missions) and every time I tried to land there, I collided with some invisible object and got destroyed.
All others were laughing at me, until I set forest=2 in my conf.ini and figured that the airfield was sorrounded by tree rows which I never saw with my forest=3 setting.

Don't ask me what exactly causes the issue, but I remember that back in the days I walked all the way through the game's code and ended up somewhere deep inside native code from il2_core.dll
The issue was raised towards TD and that's where the story ends.
No one ever picked up the baton.

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #109 on: January 24, 2023, 07:12:23 AM »

Mh .. okay I understand that.
Thanks a lot for your reply!

I allways said that one can write a book about the strange, unlogical erros of this game.
Errors that happen although nothing had been changed from one game start to another and stuff like that.

But the thing here is:
It works with four out of five actors files.

That is driving me crazy. There MUST be a solution!?
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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #110 on: January 24, 2023, 07:39:56 AM »

I wouldn't bet on the number of actors files or even on any specific actors file.
It can be anything, for instance something else inside that fifth actors file that triggers the issue, or something completely different.
God knows.

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #111 on: January 26, 2023, 03:56:06 AM »

From what I can tell, just the one particular row of trees object will be drawn as of the type of auto- pop-tree. That would be the original row of trees. There now exist several variants of this object, in different color schemes.my memory is fuzzy, but I have the impression of there being a 'duplicated' version as well.

If a similar looking object, but having a different name, is used, it will be invisible.
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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #112 on: January 27, 2023, 04:57:54 PM »

Hi WxTech!

Thanks for your post.
I was thinking about that, but the object RowOfTrees is exactly the same as in the other actors files.

I did this in the last days:
The actors-file with the problm contained all the airfield infrastructure, the airfield pathes and special landmarks (for example a monastary and so on).

So far.

So I devided this file. One with the airfields, the other with the landmarks.
The new airfield-file still causes the problem. The new landmarks-file does not!

I'm afraid Storebror is right!
It seems that one (or maybe more) special object causes this problem.
I asume, that it is one of the hangars, as (I believe) every other object is also built in the other actors files (houses, trees, industrial..)

Now I devided the new airfield-file in two - east and west.
I think I now have to do the stupid way and eliminate the airfields one by one, until (I hope) the problem disappears at one point.
Than I can start to search for the special object.

I also thought about the invisible airfield plates, but I use them in my BalticMap too and theres is no such problem.
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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #113 on: January 28, 2023, 04:02:09 PM »


I found the source of the graphics error.
It was indeed ONE SINGLE OBJECT!

Somehow, while I was building this map, the object sneeked unintentionally in.

It was the Furniture → RowOfTreesW – Object.
And it was so damn hidden, that even when I found out, where it must be, I didn't see it in the first place.

I removed it, and now the map is just fine with forest=3.

the hidden bad boy was nearly at the same position as the "normal" RowOfTrees.

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #114 on: January 28, 2023, 08:43:47 PM »

good at the end Wxtech was right about the culprit being a particular rows of tree


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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #115 on: January 29, 2023, 12:44:05 AM »

The "W" would seem to indicate that it was a "winter" object type and as such, shall not be mixed with the "non-W" object on the same map anyway.
Glad that you found the culprit Seppel.
In theory we could scan all maps and missions for that object type "collision" and fix all of these.

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #116 on: January 29, 2023, 07:54:09 AM »

No reason according to the Silesia Map.
I used the oppurtunity to rework some other
mistakes in the map and will soon offer a version 2
for download.


(I wonder if ever a mission or even campaign was made on this map..)
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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #117 on: February 16, 2023, 11:23:21 AM »

And here is the solution for the missing shadows.

Although I know, that many guys will laugh at me now, I want to post it for the one single idiot like me, having the same problem :)
It really was that easy!

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #118 on: April 19, 2023, 08:29:54 AM »

Just as a heads-up, the recommendation for "TexFlags.UseVertexArrays" on AMD cards has changed following slibenli's observations in conjunction with il2ge (see https://gitlab.com/vrresto/il2ge/-/issues/51).
AMD users should use "TexFlags.UseVertexArrays=1" like Nvidia users did already.
Recommended settings on page 1 / reply #5 of this thread have been changed accordingly:

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Re: inside the CONF.INI
« Reply #119 on: March 16, 2024, 04:56:35 AM »

Hi Folks,

For years I have configured the LandGeom=3 parameter in the conf.ini. I understand that this value corresponds to a horizon 72km away. In a conversation with colleagues, we had the concern of knowing how far away the horizon is shown when we configure LandGeom=2. It is not a crucial question or a problem that we must solve, since we will continue using it in 3, however, to satisfy our curiosity, we would like to know what the exact result is of setting LandGeom=2. I'm sure I knew this many years ago, but I simply forgot. From already thank you very much. Greetings!
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