I was tweaking my config.ini a bit and found an interesting config.ini explanation. Thought this might of use to some one.
** edit - sorry about only bold letters further down, but despite re-editing I am unable to change them back to standard for some strange reason..
EDIT by StG77_HaDes:
I re-edited it. I think it should be OK. And it also deserves to become sticky 
[il2]describes gametitle=Il2-Sturmovik Forgotten Battlesdescribes game
hotkeys=HotKey gamethis determines whether the game uses hotkeys that are assigned in control section of hardware section of game setup
[window]this describes how windows displays the game on screen
width=1024resolution width in pixels set in display properties settings tab in windows
height=768resolution height in pixels set in display properties settings tab in windows
LCD native resolution not included as an option in FB/AEP/PF Enter your screen values here and Save and start your game.... (if you later open the IL-2 Setup and close it by clicking OK it will change the resolution to 640x480 16bit, unless you change it to something else via this IL-2 Setup.) You will need the following values as well
change SaveAspect=0
ColourBits=32resolution colour set in display properties settings tab in windows. Can be 16 or 32
DepthBits=24Z buffer usage can be 16 or 24
StencilBits=0Set in driver section of Il2FB hardware setup. Can be 0 or 8
All the above deal with image quality. The higher the numbers for width and height then the more pixels will be used in the same area therefore the image will be more detailed. The larger the number of bits then the more detail there is per pixel so better image quality
ChangeScreenRes=1allows the screen resolution to be changed in game. Can be 0 or 1
FullScreen=1forces display to be full screen and not in a window. Can be 0 or 1
DrawIfNotFocused=0setting to 1 allows watching the IL2 window in the background, while Alt-Tabbing out of the game. Quite useful for playing co-ops - if you crash and wait for the next mission to start, you can put IL-2 in the background and keep an eye on the mission progress, but at the same time start ranting about "my fav plane is porked" on the forums.
EnableResize=0Enables user to change window size. can be 0 or 1
must be 0 to allow lcds to fill screen
SaveAspect=1Forces 4:3 picture aspect. Can be 0 or 1
Change SaveAspect=1 to SaveAspect=0 will remove some small black bars at the top and bottom of the screen you get without it on lcds
Use3Renders=0Allows use of up to 3 screens. Can be 0 or 1
[GLPROVIDER]This section comments on what 3D drivers you are using
GL=Opengl32.dllIt will either be openGL or Direct X depending on what you picked during setup.
[GLPROVIDERS]Changed by running setup from start-programs-ubi-il2sturmovich-setup
Open GL=Opengl32.dll
DirectX=dx8wrap.dll[NET]This section deals with your settings for connecting to the internet
speed=25000for multiplayer games.
routeChannels=0serverChannels=31serverchannels indicates max allowable number of players
localPort=21000port 21000 this will have to be enabled in your firewall to allow you to connect to web
remotePort=21000This is Server's port that you connect. Hyper Lobby detects it automatically.
SkinDownload=1SkinDownload= 1 allows skins to be used. 0 does not
serverName=Name of own server
serverDescription=Own description of server
remoteHost=IP Internet address of the remote computer that one connects to
localHost=IP internet address of the local computer that one connects to
socksHost=checkServerTimeSpeed=1Compares master clock of server and client
checkTimeSpeedDifference=0.05Maximum difference of the master clock permitted (Maximum is 5%)
Note spelling of differense is correct
checkTimeSpeedInterval=5Maximum difference of the master clock permitted (Maximum is seconds)
checkruntime=In order to set the client-side verification parameters you will need to manually edit here
checkRuntime=0-no check is made (default);
checkRuntime=1-quick check;
checkRuntime=2-comprehensive check.
cheaterWarningDelay=5.0Time until you are cheating warning
cheaterWarningNum=-1Number of warnings until player is kicked. If at -1 autokick is deactivated.
[chat]region=(dx=0.6925,dy=0.071666665,x=0.0,y=0.0) Position and size of chat window
msg0 =Contents of the message "0"
adr0=ALLReceiver of the message "0" (all)
msg1 =Contents of the message "1"
adr1=MY ARMYReceiver of the message "1" (own side)
autoLogDetail =On-Line Stat Messages
The server hosting an on-line game may set the ‘level of detail’ of the server auto-generated stat messages. The level is set in the conf.ini file in the Il-2 folder, in section [chat], in the autoLogDetail key.Ex.:[chat]
autoLogDetail = 3
You can set the key to the following options:0 - disables all stat messages.1 - only player-vs-player kill messages are displayed.2 - displays player-vs-player, and AI-vs-player kill messages.3 - a lot of chit-chatting.
[game]In game settings
Arcade=0when at 1 changes display to show balloon speech from aircraft and arrow bullet strikes etc. Can be 1 or 0
HighGore=0when at 1 changes display to show gore effects on a limited number of planes Can be 1 or 0
This feature has been dsabled in recent versions of the game
mapPadX=0.6689453mapPadX and mapPadY are position coordinates for the inflight map, they're nothing to do with padlock.They are a measure in fractions of full screen width from left of screen (mapPadX) and height from the top of the screen (mapPadY) for the top left corner of the map.
viewSet=32Snap view -Even number. Pan view Odd number.
Intro=0when at 1 runs intro movie at game launch
NoSubTitles=0(Subtitles for pilots' voices; 1 = none, 0 = all) At top of screen
SubTitlesLines=3Number of lines for sub-titles
NoChatter=0(Radio chatter; 1 = none, 0 = all) To hear pilots voices
NoHudLog=0HUD text messages and warnings; 1 = none, 0 = all At side of screen
NoLensFlare=0(Lens flare effects; 1 = none, 0 = all)
iconTypes=3 allows user to change what is displayed in icons when enabled these are available from key bind in control section.
Icon Settings: You can change your icon types and distances by typing these variables in console in game the command syntax is: mp_dotrange [FRIENDLY|FOE] [DEFAULT] [COLOR] [DOT ] [RANGE ] [TYPE ] [ID ] [NAME ]
FRIENDLY or FOE keywords define which party the following parameters apply to the aircraft of the viewer's army, or the aircraft of the hostile armies.
The following keys define the distance at which the appropriate icon is enabled:
COLOR: The distance at which icons take the color of the inbound plane’s army. Icons farther away will be drawn in grey.
DOT: The distance at which the “dot†plane marker becomes visible.
RANGE: The distance at which the distance measurement appears in the icon.
TYPE: The distance at which the airplane model or model family becomes visible.
ID: The distance at which the tactical number is visible.
NAME: The distance at which the aircraft’s pilot name is visible (if it is driven by a human pilot).
mp_dotrange DEFAULT restores the Pacific Fighters predefined icon setup.
mp_dotrange run without parameters prints the current icon setup ranges (which may be issued by both client and server).
e.g mp_dotrange FRIENDLY COLOR 0.1 DOT 15 RANGE 5 TYPE 0.1 ID 0.1 NAME 2.5
This will give you friendly info at Aircraft dot at 15km range at 5km Pilot name 2.5km all other at 100metres
eventlog=eventlog.lstdescribes where eventlog is written=n to is enabled
eventlogkeep=00 when 0, every mission overwrites the event log file, so it contains the last mission only. when 1, it writes an eventlog continuously, keeping log for all missions you fly
3dgunners=1For 3d gunners in PF will effect frame rate =0 turns them off
Typeclouds=TypeClouds=0 - standard clouds
TypeClouds=1 - improved quality clouds
[HotKey game]describes keys assigned during play
[HotKey gui]Escape=activateThis line needs to be in config to end missions, For some reason, this line very often disappears when patching is done.
[HookViewFly Config]this section is how your view moves in external view
timeFirstStep=2.0Time until aircraft passes camera
deltaZ=10.0Angle of camera to aircraft
[HookView]The camera origins are fixed but the distances you may be able to change for the [Hook View] and [Hook View Fly] sections
[HookView Config]AzimutSpeed=0.1
MinLen=1.0(closest distance from a given object while in camera view)
(Default distance from object when using external views)
MaxLen=3000.0(Max distance from camera you can zoom out, I have mine set to 50000 which is 50km. Nice for finding stuff if you die!)
Speed=6(speed of mouse zoom and pan, higher is faster)
[HotKey builder]these are key assignments when using the mission builder
[MouseXYZ]This section concerns the variables for mouse control
The mouse is generally used as a viewing device either in game or when viewing tracks
[HotKey Console]This section deals with console . There is a console help section in forums at
www.airwarfare.com for full list of commands. In the console you can change most of the config parameters while in game.
Shift Tab=ActivateThe console is where you can type commands to the game. In this default setting you press shift +tab to show console
[Console]The console is where you can type commands to the game.
In the default key setting you press shift +tab to show console
The most common use is fps START SHOW to display FPS
In the console you can change most of the config parameters while in the game.
HISTORY=1024Number of lines permitted in console
LOG=0Here logs are disabled but you can save them by setting to 1 if you wish the console will then be saved to a text file for you to view later.
[sound]This section deals with sound settings in game most are determined in the in game hardware setup sound section
Speakers=10=Default 1=Headphones 2=Desktop speakers 3=Quadraphonic 4=Surround
Placement=00=Default 1=Small 2=Narrow 3=Wide
RadioEngine=2Radio volume
MusicVolume=8Music volume
ObjectVolume=14Object volume
MusState.takeoff=1Takeoff music can be 1 or 0
MusState.inflight=1Inflight music can be 1 or 0
Crash music can be 1 or 0
MasterVolume=12Main volume
NumChannels=20=Default 1=8 2=16 Best for quality vs. performance 3=32 Beware of performance hit!
[rts]This section is for input controls for mouse and joystick
;ProcessAffinityMask=1IL-2 supports two processors using the ProcessAffinityMask in the conf.ini. There's little documentation from Maddox Games about how you're supposed to use it, though.
ProcessAffinityMask=1 Core1 (default) or
ProcessAffinityMask=2 Core2 or
ProcessAffinityMask=3 Core1+2
You must remove the semicolon in order to run this command Basically tells IL-2 which core(s)to run on. There appears to be no consensus that running IL-2 on two cores shows any tangible difference.
One more thing to add. With the Semicolon in place you essentially have the same as:
ProcessAffinityMask=0 which also uses both cores so it's the same as =3.
EDIT BY StG77_HaDeSActually you HAVE to set game to use Only 1 core to have better FPS and considerable LESS stuttering.mouseUse=2
can be 1 or 0
trackIRUse=1TrackIR is a piece of hardware that moves view when you move your head. This line also has to be in file if you use niewview a program that helps you get better control of your hat switch
locale=Set menu and HUD message language to other than English, e.g., German (de) or Russian (ru) or Hungarian (hu)
[rts_mouse]SensitivityX=1.0the higher the value the more sensitive movement in x axis
SensitivityY=1.0the higher the value the more sensitive movement in y axis
Invert=0Inverts mouse movement
SensitivityZ=1.0the higher the value the more sensitive movement in z axis
[rts_joystick]Joystick settings are found in hardware setup in game See Tully's Joystick section for full instructions on setting up your joystick.
X=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0Each axis has 12 entries. The first is the dead zone ( 0 to 50) the last is filtering ( 0 to 100)
Y=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0If all values set to 100, IL-2 software does not do any "curving"
[Render_DirectX]This section is for your video card and how its features are used in the game.
Most use OPENGL as the game was optimized for this so all comments are in this section.
See Video card section in IL2 optimization guide for explanation of terms
[Render_OpenGL]This section is for your video card and how its features are used in the game.
See Video card section in IL2 optimization guide for explanation of terms
As Far as I Know the Text variables are all set in hardware setup program and depend on your card.
TexQual=33= normal
2= reduced by factor of 2
1= reduced by factor of 4 0 = reduced by factor of 8.
Only need to reduce for older graphics cards of 16mb or less.
1=Bilinear (fastest)
2=Trilinear (Improves quality with little sacrifice in speed)
3=anisotrophic (Best quality but slower)
TexCompress=20=No compression best quality
1=16bit conversion
2=S3TC compression, best Performance. with little worse texture quality
TexFlags.TexCompressARBExt=1must be activated if S3TC compression is used
HardwareShaders=0Must be 1 to activate Perfect mode.
Shadows=1The lower the value in this section the less detailed these appear but game runs faster e.g
If you suspect trees or forests may cause the frame rate to drop, try lowering the Forestparameter in the conf.ini to 1, or even 0 (that would make forest appear in less detail, but render faster).
The only ones I have adjusted are water, Forest and Effects.
TexLarge=0 High-resolution airplane textures (0/1)
0= low resolution, fewer memory needs, faster
1= quality, improves textures more memory need, slower
TexLandQual=3TexLandLarge=0 High-resolution land textures (0/1) 0= low resolution, fewer memory needs, faster 1= quality, improves textures more memory need, slower
VideoSetupId=150 - Safe Settings
1 - Default Settings
2 - Maximum Settings
3 - NVidia GeForce 6800/6600/FX/4/3
4 - NVidia GeForce 5200..5900 - 1.x Shaders
5 - NVidia GeForce 4MX
6 - NVidia GeForce 2 GTS/MX/256
7 - NVidia Riva TNT2
8 - ATI Radeon X800/9800/9700/9600/9500
9 - ATI Radeon 8500/9000
10 - ATI Radeon
11 - Intel 915/925 (GMA900)
12 - Kyro II
13 - Matrox G400
14 - 3dfx Voodoo 3
15 - 3dfx Voodoo 5
16 - S3 Savage 4
17 – Custom
Water=1To select water rendering mode please modify the Water section in the file conf.ini in the [Render_OpenGL] section (Water = 1 by default).
Water = 0 - Water with flat geometry (fastest).
Water = 1 - Water with flat geometry (fast).
Water = 2 - This mode is visually similar to water = 3 but it runs on ATI cards 9800, X800, X1800 and later models.
Water = 3 - Fast render mode with Vertex Shaders 3.0 (NVIDIA 6600 and later models)
Water = 4 - Better quality mode with Vertex Shaders 3.0 (NVIDIA 6800 and later models)
ATI 9500 and higher supports modes: 0, 1, 2.
NVIDIA 6600 and later models support: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
NVIDIA cards before the 6xxx series support: 0, 1, 2 (2 is not recommended).
Effects=1To minimize effects settings, use Effects = 0 (effects without shadows).
Effects=2, ([Render_OpenGL] section of conf.ini) test mode for improved effects lighting. This mode required 3.0+ MHz CPU.
ForceShaders1x=0If on older cards try to use ForceShaders1x = 1 it's helpful for GeForce FX 5200, 5600, 5700 cards. Not needed for newer cards
Clouds renderingIn order to see higher quality clouds you will need to manually edit the conf.ini file located in your main game folder before launching the game. Open the file with a text editor, find the [game] section and in the TypeClouds= line write in either 0 or 1, then save the file.
TypeClouds=0standard clouds
TypeClouds=1improved quality clouds
When playing online the player will see the cloud type set by the server, and not as individually set in their conf.ini. This is done to ensure all players see the same tactical situation in the air regardless of their settings.
PolygonOffsetFactor=-0.15If you experience flickering airfields when viewed from high altitude, add these two lines into the OpenGL section to fix the issue
[DGen]Not added by default used to alter settings for offline play
NoBadWeather=1Can be set to zero or one, one meaning you never get bad weather
MissionDistance=50Can be set to from 10 to 200 Kilometers, depends on the map and targets available. It is not guaranteed that there will be suitable targets in this distance
NoAirfieldHighlight=1Set to one to zero. Zero meaning you'll have AAA/flak unit at some unused airbases
RandomFlights=0Can be set to 0 to 5 Random flights are flights not related to your mission, both friendly and enemy are just incidental you may or may not see these flights, they might not get close enough. Default or not having the line in conf.ini is average (3). Can affect frame rates.
MaxFLAK=5Can be set to 0 to 100, default or not having the line in conf.ini is 10. Can affect frame rates. Affects the amount of flak generated from your airfield to target, so can affect frame rates very much.
AirIntensity=LowSettings are low, medium and high. Default or not having the line in conf.ini is medium. Sets the number of flights, enemy and friendly, that are related to your mission. On low setting, there will be no random flights and it will override the "RandomFlights=" setting in that case, ( see above ). Can dramatically affect frame rates.
GroundIntensity=LowSettings are low, medium or high. On low, you'll only have ground objects around target or active airfields. Default is medium (or not having the line in conf.ini ) and there will also be extra objects around your flight route, besides target area and active airfields. High gives you extra targets of opportunity to and from your home field. Can dramatically affect frame rates.
Maxbomberskill=1Settings are 0, 1, 2 and 3, ( for rookie, average, veteran and ace ) and default or not having this line in conf.ini, the AI bomber gunners will be kind of random or depend on other settings like CampaignAI=. This limits the entire bomber skill ( not just the gunners ) to a lower level if preferred, so you can attack bombers more easily if you limit it to a low setting. It affects only enemy AI for bombers, not friendly. Unfortunately, this does nothing for transport aircraft, such as LI-2, C-47 or JU-52, so be careful around those and don't assume they will be limited like the bombers if you set this to a low setting!!! Sometimes FW-200 Condor can also sometimes be assigned as a transport plane in some maps, so watch it!!!!
CampaignMissions=HardSettings are easy, normal or hard. Default or not having the line in conf.ini is normal. This changes the scripts ( ops files, I.E. - ops41-E.dat, where "E", means easy ) files in the Dgen folder used to generate missions. Affects the number of enemy planes encoutered as opposed to the number of friendly planes in your group/s. For example, set on easy, you might have a mission generated which gives you four fighters on your side with four bombers, and two enemy fighters will later show up to intercept your bombers. The very same mission on hard might give you only two fighters on your side, maybe the same number of bombers to escort, but you'll run into four enemy fighters to deal with!! This balances out so it does not affect frame rate much, if at all.
CampaignAI=HardSettings are easy, normal or hard. Default or not having the line in conf.ini is normal. Increases enemy and friendly AI by a factor of one. Low increases friendly AI level higher while lowering enemy AI level. High does the opposite. Normal gives you a more even match of AI strength."
CampaignLength=ShortVeryShort, Short, Medium, Long, VeryLong (VeryLong is default)
Easy settings will add one level to all friendly groups and decrease enemy experience
OperationVictory=100In Pacific Fighters dynamic campaigns the player's actions influence the outcome of individual operations as well as the whole war. The system works by assigning a static number of points to each target destroyed, and calculating a total number of points for each side. If your side destroys enemy targets, points are added to your side's tally. If your side's targets are destroyed by the enemy, the points are subtracted from your side's tally..Each side is assigned a predetermined number of points which in each operation means a historical outcome (victory or defeat). If the operation's tally does not match the historical outcome, an alternative briefing is triggered which may mean a defeat for the side that historically won, or vice versa.For example, if you want mission outcome to always be historical, you can set the parameters to unachievable high values, such as:
Default value for an operation outcome is 100 points (added if it's a victory, subtracted if it's a defeat). War outcome's value is 1,000 points By reducing the numbers you can make your contributions matter much more in the overall war effort.
The following point values are used
Carrier = 100 points
Other ship = 20 points
Plane = 5 points
Tank = 3 points
All other targets = 1 point
The tallies are recalculated after each mission, and they're checked at the end of each operation.
UseParachutesJapanese have chutes from start of war