The SAS Beaufighter pack v3.1
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This pack includes the
3 new slot Beaus, the MkI , MkIf, and the MkX.
if you had previous versions of these you can delete and replace them. This mod solves a few marking issues, and of course, it ties the whole family together in one neat mod.
Also, this mod gives new default skins to the new Beaus, as well as to the Stock Mk21. No more green babypuke color!
ReadMe Included!
v3.1 Fixed stupid error in Weapons RU
v3 Added Mk1f nighfighter, Added gunner to Mk1c, Changed Prop Spinners of Mk1 Series, fair amount of mesh, class and skin fixes
v2 fixed angle of vertical stabelizers on MkI.

Credits for these go to:
Charlie Chap , Jolly and the first Fm for the X was done by Hunin.
Mk1F nightfighter By SAS~ CirX
new default skins by:
The skins were corrected and finished for this pack by SAS~Malone & CirX
This pack was fondled and assembled by SAS~CirX

For those who downloaded v3, there was a mistake in the weapons_ru entries. All the correct readme data is below. I fixed it in 3.1 already. If you have 3 and you do the fix, you dont need 3.1.
Install into your mods folder, and add the following to
BeaufighterMkIF air.BEAUMKIF 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkI air.BEAUMKI 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkX air.BEAU10 1 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER
BeaufighterMkX Beaufighter MK.X, 1943
BeaufighterMkI Beaufighter MK.IC, 1941
BeaufighterMkIF Beaufighter MK.IF, 1941
# BeaufighterMkI
BeaufighterMkI.default Default
BeaufighterMkI.2xfuse250 2x250 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkI.2xfuse500 2x500 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkI.2x250f2x250w 2x250 lb. Bombs & 2x250 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkI.none Empty
# BeaufighterMkX
BeaufighterMkX.default Default
BeaufighterMkX.2xfuse250 2x250 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkX.2xfuse500 2x500 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkX.2x250f2x250w 2x250 lb. Bombs & 2x250 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkX.2x500f2x250w 2x500 lb. Bombs & 2x250 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkX.2x500f2x500w 2x500 lb. Bombs & 2x500 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkX.8x60rock 8x60 lb. Rockets
BeaufighterMkX.8x90rock 8x90 lb. Rockets
BeaufighterMkX.2xfuse2508x60rock 2x250 lb. Bombs & 8x60 lb. Rockets
BeaufighterMkX.2xfuse5008x60rock 2x500 lb. Bombs & 8x60 lb. Rockets
BeaufighterMkX.2xfuse2508x90rock 2x250 lb. Bombs & 8x90 lb. Rockets
BeaufighterMkX.1xtorp 1xMk13 Torpedo
BeaufighterMkX.1xtorp2x250 1xMk13 Torpedo & 2x250 lb. Bombs
BeaufighterMkX.1xtorp8x60rock 1xMk13 Torpedo & 8x60 lb. Rockets
BeaufighterMkX.none Empty
# BeaufighterMkIF
BeaufighterMkIF.default Default
BeaufighterMkIF.none Empty
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