View full version: BAT Tech Help
  1. Late Focke-Wulf canopy lever bug
  2. BAT 4.2.2 DOF module no longer working
  3. Hotfix 1 planned
  4. Lockheed AC-130 in BAT 4.2.2
  5. Third party DCG Campaigns not working
  6. Mouse wheel not recognised
  7. ship wake bug in 4.2.2
  8. Mouse not working when launching IL-2
  9. Edward AF Base needs Rework. and MiG-17 bug Hier mesh issue.
  10. "BAT 4.2.2"
  11. bug in 4.2.2
  12. Maps cannot be seen entirely.
  13. TAOS been deleted?
  14. "Type 91 (m)" torpedoes
  15. Just a quick question
  16. How To Center Gunsight? F6F-3
  17. Water Anomaly
  18. Can't see through gunsight?
  19. Pink cockpit Hurricane MKII (solved)
  20. 1920x1080 resolution is not working anyways
  21. B.A.T 4.0 - When launched it just opens in the centre of my 4K screen?
  22. BAT 4.2.1 Fg2 Corsair or racing corsair crashing when selected
  23. White perspex canopies [possible fix to test]
  24. PropTex mod not working [ solved but not for Bf-109 ]
  25. T-33 wing tip tanks?
  26. spiky clouds in perfect mode
  27. Is this the right place to ask questions?
  28. JTW P-51H problem
  29. Files corrupt with bat mod?
  30. Crashing mission
  31. BAT red core problem
  32. Why wont AI fight me in Jet Age
  33. loadout bug entry in log - MissingResourceException
  34. QMB 30% Load Aircraft CTD
  35. Sunderland cockpit problem
  36. B-24J-100-CF
  37. JTW Can't Have Large Scale Flights?
  38. BAT Question regarding compatibility
  39. CTD after installing bat 4.2.1 patch
  40. No Audible Lock/Tone for missles.
  41. How should I install the waw module if I'm just using it?
  42. Damage not visible from in cockpit - Sopwith Pup
  43. AI Bombers Crashing on Takeoff
  44. 'Copying' controls settings to a new install.
  45. Selector
  46. Here's something that may be new!
  47. AA guns and AI aircraft turrets do not work
  48. J2F Duck
  49. Visual Glitches
  50. JU-88 Mistel