New Mission Pro Combo MOD
includes: Mission Pro, Q.M.B. Pro and F.M.B. Plus+
Final Full Release, new functions added to the Beta
I first started just to add some options to the MissionPro, but finally I reworked not only it but my QMBPro too. In this combo I'm including my ScrollWheel function for the F.M.B. that I had for "internal use" we would say, but because I agreed with Frog and Zuti to standardize its use I'm releasing it in a more straight version.
I posted the Beta some time ago, and now, after some testing, new ideas I had and some feedback from you I received, this is the Final Release.
Why a combo? -Because there are some interdependencies between classes that didn't exist before and now require that all are homoegeneous. I took the time to debug everything from my previous Mission Related MODs and make them clear.
What is new? Look at the next pictures and the description:
I made some additions to the basic interface of the Mission Pro, which are self explanatory and suggested by some of you:
Since this Combo Final Version the the Mission Pro now allow us to change the conditions of missions, plus decide if the parachutes (a fps impacting feature) will be enabled or not. Now it remembers the last mission for Single Missions, Campaigns, Net Mission of every kind, etc. (this feature originally was only available for Single Missions and off-line campaigns).
Now you can invoke (only for Single Missions) the Full Mission Builder (F.M.B.) from the Single Mission Pro, and it opens the mission you were working on. This F.M.B. is based on FMBPlus, but the scrollwheel operation and some minor extra functions required to make it available for other modules (QMB and Briefing screens) were implemented:
The QMB Pro now has a link to the F.M.B. too. It allows you to edit the Quick Mission that you are selecting:
It has a couple of corrections in the internal code and per suggestion of Malone I added the comboboxes for the corresponding Countries for all the flights (this is an addition of this Final Release).
Originally I used the folder \Quicks to store the QMBMaps.ini because it was a heritage of the QMB v3.0 of Josse. But it doesn’t make much sense to have it in that folder and it is much more reasonable to have the QMBMaps.ini in the folder where the map missions are: Missions\Quick.
So this new version looks for a list of map missions in the next order:
1-QMBMaps.ini file in Missions\Quick
2-QMBMaps.ini file in Quicks
3-If no QMBMaps.ini file exists at all, the default set of Maps of the program is loaded.
What it means: if you already had a QMBMaps.ini preferably move it from Quicks to Missions\Quick but if you leave it without any change it will work OK except you copy another QMBMaps.ini to Missions\Quick which will be loaded before.
Full Mission Builder Plus+:
-Now it responds to the mousewheel for zooming In/Out while you are editing, avoiding you of having to use the scrollbar.
Since now all my MODs which include mousewheel zooming have a setting, requested by Frog, that in the [Mods] section of the Conf.ini allows you to invert the behavior of the mousewheel through the setting PALZoomInUp=1 (or 0).
-This package is not directly compatible with Zuti MDS because he uses a highly modified version of the F.M.B., but I think that easily he will be able to add the necessary changes for his final release of the MDS 1.2
-Many things should be verified to confirm the operation in parallel with Frog's Formation MOD, but I think that in the near future we will produce standard and compatible versions.
Download Mission Pro Combo (Mission Pro, Q.M.B. Pro and F.M.B. Plus+) - Final Release, from here (
Credits for QMBPro: Josse, FatCat and SAS. To CirX for being my Beta Tester and encouraging me to follow with these projects.
Special thanks to Diego (Sir Galahad) who helped me to debug the MOD to this final version.
Malone for his suggestion of the Country field for the flight.
Credits for MissionPro: CirX from SAS and special thanks and compliments to Andy (Vampire Pilot) who helped me a lot to debug the MOD and make this new release clean, fully functional and stable.
Credits for FMBPlus+: to the author / authors of the original FMBPlus who I never could find who are (if someone tells me I will amend this empty space).