Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => MissionPro => Topic started by: benitomuso on November 07, 2010, 08:40:32 PM

Title: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: benitomuso on November 07, 2010, 08:40:32 PM
New Mission Pro Combo MOD
includes: Mission Pro, Q.M.B. Pro and F.M.B. Plus+
Final Full Release, new functions added to the Beta

  I first started just to add some options to the MissionPro, but finally I reworked not only it but my QMBPro too. In this combo I'm including my ScrollWheel function for the F.M.B. that I had for "internal use" we would say, but because I agreed with Frog and Zuti to standardize its use I'm releasing it in a more straight version.

  I posted the Beta some time ago, and now, after some testing, new ideas I had and some feedback from you I received, this is the Final Release.

  Why a combo?  -Because there are some interdependencies between classes that didn't exist before and now require that all are homoegeneous. I took the time to debug everything from my previous Mission Related MODs and make them clear.

  What is new? Look at the next pictures and the description:

  I made some additions to the basic interface of the Mission Pro, which are self explanatory and suggested by some of you:


  Since this Combo Final Version the the Mission Pro now allow us to change the conditions of missions, plus decide if the parachutes (a fps impacting feature) will be enabled or not. Now it remembers the last mission for Single Missions, Campaigns, Net Mission of every kind, etc. (this feature originally was only available for Single Missions and off-line campaigns).
  Now you can invoke (only for Single Missions) the Full Mission Builder (F.M.B.) from the Single Mission Pro, and it opens the mission you were working on. This F.M.B. is based on FMBPlus, but the scrollwheel operation and some minor extra functions required to make it available for other modules (QMB and Briefing screens) were implemented:

  The QMB Pro now has a link to the F.M.B. too. It allows you to edit the Quick Mission that you are selecting:


  It has a couple of corrections in the internal code and per suggestion of Malone I added the comboboxes for the corresponding Countries for all the flights (this is an addition of this Final Release).

  Originally I used the folder \Quicks to store the QMBMaps.ini because it was a heritage of the QMB v3.0 of Josse. But it doesn’t make much sense to have it in that folder and it is much more reasonable to have the QMBMaps.ini in the folder where the map missions are: Missions\Quick.

  So this new version looks for a list of map missions in the next order:

    1-QMBMaps.ini file in Missions\Quick
    2-QMBMaps.ini file in Quicks
    3-If no QMBMaps.ini file exists at all, the default set of Maps of the program is loaded.

  What it means: if you already had a QMBMaps.ini preferably move it from Quicks to Missions\Quick but if you leave it without any change it will work OK except you copy another QMBMaps.ini to Missions\Quick which will be loaded before.

  Full Mission Builder Plus+:

  -Now it responds to the mousewheel for zooming In/Out while you are editing, avoiding you of having to use the scrollbar.

  Since now all my MODs which include mousewheel zooming have a setting, requested by Frog, that in the [Mods] section of the Conf.ini allows you to invert the behavior of the mousewheel through the setting PALZoomInUp=1 (or 0).


  -This package is not directly compatible with Zuti MDS because he uses a highly modified version of the F.M.B., but I think that easily he will be able to add the necessary changes for his final release of the MDS 1.2
  -Many things should be verified to confirm the operation in parallel with Frog's Formation MOD, but I think that in the near future we will produce standard and compatible versions.

Download Mission Pro Combo (Mission Pro, Q.M.B. Pro and F.M.B. Plus+) - Final Release, from here (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/benitomuso/MissionProComboReleased.rar)


Credits for QMBPro: Josse, FatCat and SAS. To CirX for being my Beta Tester and encouraging me to follow with these projects.
Special thanks to Diego (Sir Galahad) who helped me to debug the MOD to this final version.
Malone for his suggestion of the Country field for the flight.

Credits for MissionPro: CirX from SAS and special thanks and compliments to Andy (Vampire Pilot) who helped me a lot to debug the MOD and make this new release clean, fully functional and stable.

Credits for FMBPlus+: to the author / authors of the original FMBPlus who I never could find who are (if someone tells me I will amend this empty space).
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: 5./JG54_s0crazty on November 07, 2010, 08:49:45 PM
Wow absolutely amazing work There Sir,over all other that you combine to this Combo The country box New choice is perfect ;D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 07, 2010, 11:19:49 PM
Very nice job Pablo, Thankyou so much. 8) ;D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Korrigan on November 08, 2010, 12:50:56 AM
Definitly a must have mod, thank you very much Pablo.  :)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Toasted_Toad on November 08, 2010, 01:53:00 AM
Absolute Ripper Mod, thanks Sport.  ;D


Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: OberstDanjeje on November 08, 2010, 07:07:35 AM
Thanks, great job, very usefull tool!!!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Dakpilot on November 08, 2010, 09:27:05 AM

What have you done? This Mod is outstanding!! with one small download you have increased my IL-2 experience 10,000 fold!! 8)

I have never had the time to investigate the FMB, now with this i can change/edit every mission/campaign to any variable with a click of a button

the only tiny bug i get with my install is the player aircraft dropdown going up, But this matters not at all, because all can be accessed in the advanced setup menu

Thank you so much for this work....although you will now be responsible for me losing even more time to IL-2  8)

Cheers, Dakpilot
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on November 08, 2010, 09:40:50 AM
Thank you very much, benitomuso! The last version already rocked!
Much appreciated new fixes!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 08, 2010, 10:01:55 AM

What have you done? This Mod is outstanding!! with one small download you have increased my IL-2 experience 10,000 fold!! 8)

I have never had the time to investigate the FMB, now with this i can change/edit every mission/campaign to any variable with a click of a button

the only tiny bug i get with my install is the player aircraft dropdown going up, But this matters not at all, because all can be accessed in the advanced setup menu

Thank you so much for this work....although you will now be responsible for me losing even more time to IL-2  8)

Cheers, Dakpilot

Thanks for your coments Dakpilot.

  The problem you have is the result of the different screen resolutions and visual each installation of the IL-2 has. I suggest you to go to the thread of my original QMBPro where many have discussed and explained how to solve it.

  In the ReadMe of the QMBPro you will find that are settings for each combobox. You have to go to the [Mods] section of your Conf.ini (and if you don't have a section like this you have to create it) and add a line like:


  30 is the default value (the one which is causing you the troubles). There is no more straight way to solve it than testing different values until one of them doesn't produce anymore the effect. I suggest you to try with 24 instead of 30.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Dakpilot on November 08, 2010, 01:03:46 PM
Thankyou  :)

those settings fixed it for my install, sorry for asking about something i could have easily read up on in the other threads :-[

Now it is working faultlessly :)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: shardana on November 08, 2010, 01:05:18 PM
I benitomuso, Strangely enough after installing your mod i get qmb as expected but the mission stuff is just the stock one....... am I missing something?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: tonywizzz on November 08, 2010, 03:42:22 PM
Superb, simply superb, never ceases to amaze me what you guys are capable of, it stretches my capabilities just installing the mods ::)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 08, 2010, 11:29:01 PM
well, all i can say is that this mod is now perfect for me! i cannot think of improvements for this anymore.
great, great work, Pablo! magnifico!  ;D 8)
very much appreciated, my friend!  8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: shardana on November 09, 2010, 11:49:55 AM
What I mean is that I don't get the mission pro interface..... just the stock one. therefore I can't use all those great new features included in this mod, parachutes on, weather, etc etc.  what can I do? I want the all package!!!!!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 09, 2010, 12:15:34 PM
shardana, make double sure that you don't have any of benito's older MissionPro mods still installed - they might cause this kind of issue. remove them completely.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: shardana on November 09, 2010, 02:32:54 PM
Ok, Malone I'll have a look... thanks
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Arkbird on November 09, 2010, 03:11:31 PM
Thank you Benitomuso, sir! IT WORKS!!!!!! Again the maps and player plane problems, even after change, but IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 09, 2010, 08:22:54 PM
What I mean is that I don't get the mission pro interface..... just the stock one. therefore I can't use all those great new features included in this mod, parachutes on, weather, etc etc.  what can I do? I want the all package!!!!!

                 this is very strange! Theorically there is no conflict possible for the MissionPro because there isn't any other MOD that work on thast module of the game. Have you installed it by copying the folder to the MODS directory? If you did that theorically there is no possible conflict except with previous versions of my MOD as Malone suggested. But in that case you would see not the plain stock Mission Briefing but the old one of mine: with the chance of selecting Flight / Plane and Skin (which are not options of the stock one).

  It should be that. Regards,

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~CirX on November 09, 2010, 09:12:04 PM
                 this is very strange! Theorically there is no conflict possible for the MissionPro because there isn't any other MOD that work on thast module of the game. Have you installed it by copying the folder to the MODS directory? If you did that theorically there is no possible conflict except with previous versions of my MOD as Malone suggested. But in that case you would see not the plain stock Mission Briefing but the old one of mine: with the chance of selecting Flight / Plane and Skin (which are not options of the stock one).

  It should be that. Regards,


Sounds to me like he has the mod installed at the wrong folder depth, or not extracted and installed completely.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Eexhaton on November 10, 2010, 08:08:23 AM
Downloaded, Installed, Started, Played and F-ing highly Approved!

A really superb addition that adds superior flexibility to the game. 8)

Thanks Pablo and all who made this little gem possible.


1 very minor point of critique:
The aircraft-number flight selector on the very left side (going from 0-4) is a bit small.
I can see the "0" in the box, but the drop box text is so small the other numbers are partially visible.
Nothing serious, just a minor visual thing because it still works OK.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: shardana on November 11, 2010, 11:57:36 AM
Hi all, I managed to find out where the problem laid, I had frog formation mod before this mod in my mod file. now I just moved MPCFR by benitomuso first and it loads ok!! nice work. thanks to all!! and to the author of this great mod!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 12, 2010, 03:45:00 AM
thank goodness you solved it.... :D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: shardana on November 12, 2010, 08:40:09 AM
Yes I know it was quite foolish of me, I should have had a look at the read me with more attention....... 
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 12, 2010, 08:45:37 AM
Yes I know it was quite foolish of me, I should have had a look at the read me with more attention....... 

                 don't worry. With the time I have started to believe that the word ReadMe produces some kind of visual effect or practically a mirage that to most of the people resembles something as "d o n t" showing before "ReadMe".

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 12, 2010, 09:15:18 AM
lol, yes, a bit like 'subliminal encoding'..... :D ;D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: shardana on November 12, 2010, 09:48:40 AM
Yes I'm sure that must be the reason!!!!!! haha cheers mates!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Riptide_One on November 13, 2010, 09:22:30 AM

Thanks for another improvement to the game.

Regarding FMB, how do you use "Select All" and "Rotate Objects"?


Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: hguderian on November 20, 2010, 07:37:50 AM
A great improvement, really...Thank You!!
Is there a way to REPLACE INTO QMB an option to select from there the Viewdistance?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 20, 2010, 08:14:38 AM

Thanks for another improvement to the game.

Regarding FMB, how do you use "Select All" and "Rotate Objects"?



              it should use the settings you already had for FMBPlus. Please check the documentation of that MOD.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: parashoot on November 21, 2010, 12:05:27 AM

may I have previous QMB A FMB translated into Czech. Could would write out schedule new airbrush (for example Country) hereof Mod, how are defineds on files gui_ru.properties, etc . ? I'd like yourself them translated.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 21, 2010, 12:18:10 AM
parashoot, i think personally it is unfair to ask a modder such a thing on an english site...maybe he can do it, and then? then everybody from every other country will want it translated to their own...
also remember that it will be just as difficult, if not more so, for him to translate it as it will be for you to do so...
i just feel it is unfair, but i won't speak on his behalf, and will let him answer you... :)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: parashoot on November 21, 2010, 05:55:10 AM
I'm sorry for my English but I communicate for the first time English. Only would like knew name new airbrush in .propreties files. I translated text myself.   
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 21, 2010, 06:24:16 AM
okay, that's great. oh, by airbrush, i think you mean aircraft.. ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: parashoot on November 21, 2010, 07:05:45 AM
In new QMB was added item COUNTRY. How can I write it into the qui_ru.properties ?
In mission briefing are new items WEATHER, CLOUDS, TIME, PARACHUTES ON, ARMS, FLIGHT, PLANE, NUM, PLAYER / MISSION SKIN. How can I write it into the qui_ru.properties ?

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 21, 2010, 07:52:22 AM
i don't think it can be changed in the gui.properties, but best wait for benito to give you a correct answer... ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 21, 2010, 09:12:24 AM
In new QMB was added item COUNTRY. How can I write it into the qui_ru.properties ?
In mission briefing are new items WEATHER, CLOUDS, TIME, PARACHUTES ON, ARMS, FLIGHT, PLANE, NUM, PLAYER / MISSION SKIN. How can I write it into the qui_ru.properties ?


Yes parashoot, as Malone said, it's not possible to write those texts. They are hardcoded in the MOD itself. The problem is that having to put all the labels in the gui files lead to problems with other things that users could have configured there. The idea of my MODs are just drag and drop in the MODS fodler, but I agree with you that they are only english oriented.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: MR_G on December 09, 2010, 10:29:40 PM
It's dumb question time.
I downloaded the QMBPro mod, and installed it. I // some of the maps that I didn't have, or that I have, but produce slide shows, and added a few of my favorites that aren't in this mod.
Everything works fine..........except...
I have the problem of the aircraft list going up. This wouldn't be bad, except I have all my German aircraft first, and almost all of my Bf-109's are cut off. I get the Bf109E4, which is the default, but the next available aircraft is the Bf110C-4.

I read your instructions that said.."You have to go to the [Mods] section of your Conf.ini (and if you don't have a section like this you have to create it)"

The problem is that I have no "Mods" section of the Conf.ini, and I do not know how to create it.
I did a search on this topic, but couldn't find anything

I also noticed that the section where you chose the number of aircraft, is so small, you only see a dot, and no number. I have a feeling that this could be adjusted, in the "Mods" section of the Conf.ini.

On the plus side, I find that the FMB option in the QMBPro, is fantastic.

Sorry for the dumb questions. My head is rather thick, and it takes some time for me to learn new things.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: MR_G on December 10, 2010, 08:35:03 AM
Problems 99% solved.

I added



But the box for selection the number of aircraft is still a little too small to fit the number in there. I can live with this by just selection the 3rd or 4th "dot", when I use this QMB.
I find it strange that I seem to be the only one with this problem. This installation is built with 4.09m with the SAS mod. Nothing else.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on December 10, 2010, 08:56:04 AM
perhaps you are using some or other gui/font mod?
you might need to use a smaller font, because mine is quite easily readable in one install where i am using a smaller than regular font, and in another special WW1 install, i am using a WW1 style font, which is a bit big, so it is hard to read the numbers, but it's easy enough to figure which is which...1-4 isn't too much to handle... :D
but i think maybe reducing your font size a little will help?  :)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: MR_G on December 10, 2010, 12:27:12 PM
"i think maybe reducing your font size a little will help?"

I have no idea how to do that.
(another dumb admission)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Malone on December 10, 2010, 12:41:20 PM
i'm sure there's a post floating about here somewhere explaining it, do a search for 'font' and see what you find.
i'm a bit busy at the moment - if you haven't come right by tomorrow, i'll giv e you the necessary pointers... ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: MR_G on December 10, 2010, 02:53:57 PM
I found two fixes if I had UP2.01 on this installation

"I notice you said you have a UP2.01 install and a 1920x1080 screen resolution, so go to your ...game folder\Files\font folder and you'll see a file called arial8.font, open it with notepad and go down till you see the line that starts with 1920 and change the 14 to 12 (see below);"


"he instructed to do it in the "Smaller Font" folder in JSGME...so I decided what-the-heck I could try it there,usung your suggestion on "12 " instead of "14". "

I don't have a font folder in my files folder, I I don't have a JSGME folder.

I found something here


but reading it, made my head explode.

Again, I have the plain vanilla 4.09m with the SAS mod.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Uufflakke on December 12, 2010, 05:04:21 AM
Hey Benitomuso, thanx for this mod! 8)
Now I've got a lot more quick missions as I used to have.  ;D
And very usefull in making quick missions or editing them.
But I noticed a spelling error in your QMBMaps list. Sounds like nitpickin' but because of this typo you can't load Mixx' Arctic map.
Instead of Zapolayre it should be Zapolarye.

Cheers, U.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on December 12, 2010, 08:15:52 AM
Thanks Uufflake,
            I'm going to correct that.
  Good to made me aware of that.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on December 12, 2010, 11:40:04 AM
IIRC, I also had this problem with Mixx' arctic map.. ;)
Thanks for checking, love this tool even without that map!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: CWMV on January 06, 2011, 12:56:21 AM
bringing this back.
Great stuff here, but I keep getting other aircraft on the map that I didn't put there. For instance in QMB Ill use Cannons channel map and regardless of what I choose there is always a flight of AI spitfires and BF110's. Whats the deal with that any ideas?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: canonuk on January 08, 2011, 12:29:14 PM
Does this version of FMB+ require a particular mod pack? I'm just using a custom mod installation and I can't get the runway plates to show in FMB
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 08, 2011, 12:44:44 PM
Does this version of FMB+ require a particular mod pack? I'm just using a custom mod installation and I can't get the runway plates to show in FMB

I think that this is a FMB but not acting as mapbuilder...I believe that you should install this one:


All the best!

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: canonuk on January 08, 2011, 01:31:20 PM
Thanks walter, but that's just for UnlockedFMB (which I already use for the maps I've made). FMB + is regular FMB but with access to objects like runway plates
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 08, 2011, 01:45:30 PM
OOOPS mate!

You are right!

I have misunderstood the + and miss the 4.09 section!


Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: jcalonso on January 26, 2011, 06:24:37 PM
Hi everybody!
Has anyone noticed any incompatibility of this MOD with 352nd Cross Channel Map? When I try to load this map in FMB I get a memory error message and CTD. Nevertheless, QMB and Single missions previously created with the map can be flown, apparently without problem.
If I disable this MOD and install old QMBpro_PAL and Missionpro_PAL mods the map loads OK in FMB, but I lose all the goodies the new version has.
Any help will be appreciated.
Best Regards,
JC              ==I forgot: I have 4.09 and UP2.01==
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: ronnybengt on February 26, 2011, 09:51:04 AM
great stuff this..but i run   ithe combo pn 4.09 up2.01 and when making for example 109s and lanc missions and press the fmb button i get the right map but all a/c are jap and american..

any clues on this strange behaviour

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on February 27, 2011, 04:58:24 AM
              that's absolutely correct, but is nothing related to my mod. The missions that the QMB read are very standardized to later allow the QMB module itself to apply what you have selected in the screen. So if you see ani .mis of the Missions\Quick folder all of them will have Japanese/American or Russian/German planes standard combinations. If you change it they will not work anymore.

  There is a lot of information about this. Try the QMB tips in the forum.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: ronnybengt on February 27, 2011, 10:34:21 AM
thanx 4 fast answer ..i ll check the faq
cheers and thanx 4 great mod
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on April 07, 2011, 03:11:58 AM
why this mod makes all mosquito propellers neon pink :o
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on April 07, 2011, 07:14:04 AM

         are you sure Hangman?

  Basically (and I know the MODs quite well because I wrote them since the beginning) there is nothing that could change any visual of a plane. The classes changed in this MOD are completely different of any 3d Content and from any plane (stock or non stock) code.

  Perhaps is something you activated at the same time, but not this MOD itself.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on April 07, 2011, 07:30:30 AM
Try this.....

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on April 07, 2011, 09:24:19 AM
thanks mate  ;D 8)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on April 14, 2011, 01:10:26 PM
Hi Benitomuso, Just a real quick question.  I have all the Maps showing and can fly on most of them, my question is None of my quick Missons are showing.  I followed the install by the letter and put the attached missons and the QMB Maps file in the missons folder but when it come to loading them from the QMB there is nothing in the load box.  Do you have any idea what the problem is ...Thanks Gary
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on April 14, 2011, 02:42:03 PM
Hi Benitomuso, Just a real quick question.  I have all the Maps showing and can fly on most of them, my question is None of my quick Missons are showing.  I followed the install by the letter and put the attached missons and the QMB Maps file in the missons folder but when it come to loading them from the QMB there is nothing in the load box.  Do you have any idea what the problem is ...Thanks Gary

           as it is explained the current order of the last version of this MOD for the possible missions is:

    1-QMBMaps.ini file in Missions\Quick
    2-QMBMaps.ini file in Quicks
    3-If no QMBMaps.ini file exists at all, the default set of Maps of the program is loaded.

  If you don't see anything my only thought is that you have an empty or deffective QMBMaps.ini in Missions\Quick or in Quicks. If not at least the basic set of missions should be loaded by the MOD from its internal config.

  Check it. Remember that missions with // in the heading are not read, only the ones that start with text: i.e. Okinawa but //Okinawa will not show anything.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on April 14, 2011, 11:19:04 PM
Is it possible to add for example FMB maps in the QMB
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on April 15, 2011, 06:41:13 AM
Ha sorted it  ;D Once i put the QMB Maps into the mission folder in it's own little folder, and the missions in a folder outside in the main game itself everything works great.  I think where i cocked-up was in another of your threads i read ( and it's very true ) that you thought it very silly that the Maps ini.file was seperate from the missions and that it made sence to have both the maps file and the missions in the same folder!....This for some reason stuck in my mind and i did this on my install.....Anyway everything is fine now...Thanks for the advice, and an increable MOD...I really dont know how you guys do it....Cheers Pablo...Gary
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on April 15, 2011, 07:26:06 AM
Is it possible to add for example FMB maps in the QMB

                   thew Quick Mission Builder reads missions, not maps. It means: if you don't have any Quick Mission for the map you want, first you have to use the FMB, create the missions respecting the patter for quick ones (check the threads in SAS about how to do it), save them in the Missions\Quick folder and adding (in v4.09 of the MOD) the corresponding line to the QMBMaps.ini

  There's nothing to do with only a map in QMB, that's the reason why you need pre-structured missions.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on April 15, 2011, 11:38:46 AM
Okay i will try that become in my mind and i want to ask it is possible. Making missions is not hard for me so i will try if ican make my own QMB mssions. Thanks for advice.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Slikk on April 28, 2011, 08:21:38 AM

I noticed that when you load a saved QMB mission that the saved regiments will load, but they don’t show up in the regiments boxes. Would you fix this please? In addition, I think that the regiments should act just like the players plane dose. I think they should not reset at all. Just as it’s nice to have everything reset except the last plane that you had, it would be nice if the regiments didn’t reset either. When you hit reset, the regiments boxes should be grayed out but they should retain the last country that you had, that way you wouldn’t have to manually keep changing the regiments back to the one you want every time you hit reset. I think it would be much more convenient this way.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on May 17, 2011, 01:04:57 AM
Is it possible this causing problem like this: When i try to setting up mistle in fmb or trying to fly it in single missions i cannot fly that plane porblem is same if you didn't put mark on player box when you doing your own fmb missions but the problem is not in the player marker because it does that if I put the marker on the box. If this mod had not anything about this problem can anyone tell me what causing this problem. ??? 
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on May 18, 2011, 04:07:11 PM
My issues with this:

1.  exclamation points (!)  in front of plane names in QMB list
2.  having to cycle back & forth with maps to load a QMB mission
3.  having to reset nationalities in QMB missions after cycling.

Other than that a fine piece of work. Thank you.

Fly, are you using the 4.09 version?

Sorry but I will not make any more changes to it. Yes I am solving those issues in the 4.101 version.

-The exclamation point (!) are used to tell that those are A.I. planes and that you cannot fly them. Because some people who don't clearly know, see the planes in the other lists and don't understand why they cannot select those planes for themselves. It's a way of making it clear.

-The QMB maps cycling was not a problem in the v4.09m version not in my MOD for it. It was only a problem that appeared with the v4.10m stock of Team Daidalos, that I corrected in code for the very first version of the MOD for 4.10m. I don't understand clearly your problem.

-I have solved the problem of re-seting nationalities after changin maps. For the new release it will work OK.

If you want Beta test the new QMBPro send me a PM, but it's only for v4.101m

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on June 06, 2011, 01:58:15 AM
Is it possible to make thing like this: you can select objects and then copy and paste them to another place when you build a mission in FMB this would be nice because I don't like clicking objects one by one
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on June 06, 2011, 09:23:41 AM
                  there is a MultiSelect option that gives you the chance to do it. Check in the menues. I'm not specialist in FMB use but I know there is such an option.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Hangman on June 06, 2011, 01:34:20 PM
Sorry if I sound stupid but I can't find option like that so could you tell me where it is exactly.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: RedSpade on March 24, 2012, 10:17:51 AM
This thread is a little old and when I installed the QMBPro, MissionPro, and FMBPlus+ package I noted some oddities that weren't addressed above.  It is probably some noob thing that I've done.

I installed QMBPro, et al to my DBW 1.71 installation under the main folder.  The related JSGME showed the Mod as being available to install, so I did.  The FMB had an "About" menu heading indicating it was the FMB by PAL.  The QMB is titled at the top as QMB Pro V.4.101M by PAL.  When I run either of these, they are awesome.  The kudos in the previous posts for Benitomuso are well deserved.

So I decided to repeat the install for my UP3RC4 installation, using the same procedure.  The JSGME related to my UP3 install did NOT show this MOD as being available.  Now I haven't done anything with my UP3 install, except run it enough to validate that it works.  I generally use DBW.  I believe I'm suppose to have created a #UP# folder for mods, so I created the #UP# folder and moved the mods folder to it.  The JSGME showed the Mods folder available, so I installed it. Then I tested the QMB and FMB.  The QMB looks stock and unlike the QMB Pro I saw in the DBW install.  I only difference I noted on the FMB showed a dialog box for map selection instead of a drop down.  Perhaps that is stock, since I haven't used UP3, I can't say. 

So I played around with the Mods folder coping here and testing and then moving it here and testing. Nope, no joy. I even tried copying the contents of the Mod folder to the #UP# folder.  So I read some other entries about this mod and didn't find anything that seemed applicable to my situation.  Is this mod incompatible with UP3?  Will someone enlighten me with the flaw in my procedure.  Corrective criticism encouraged.  Thanks.

"You might be a moron if . . . "   

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on March 24, 2012, 11:53:05 AM
                   do you have your UP3 properly configured for MODding? I mean, have you used the Storebror, TotalMODder, manual configuration or whatever to allow your UP3 to load MODs from somewhere?

  If you have it in MODded version, you should copy the folders to the #UP# without the MODs directory, straight the folders of the individual MODs. If you still don't have it done, you should follow the instructions on how to MOD the UP3.

  Try to use the version in DBW1.71 of the MissionPro Combo or the last one I published in other post.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: RedSpade on March 24, 2012, 01:39:20 PM
I'm so new to UP3 and modding in general, that I honestly do not understand what you are saying: Storebror ?, TotalMODder ?. :-[  Sorry, I've only been involved with this for about 7 weeks.  I'm very enthusiastic!  Does that count?  I will research the UP3 modding topics you mentioned in your reply and see if I can figure it out.

I use my DBW install 90% of the time, and my 4.10.1 version about 9% of the time, and I've only run my UP3 install to validate that it worked.

Thanks for the quick response.  What I've seen of your package is a great improvement over the stock version.  Thanks for your hard work.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Smilinjack on November 07, 2012, 10:49:06 AM
Hi Benitomuso,
I also posted this in the DBW board.

I'm running DBS with the 18 Monty packs and I've also enabled the DBW MissionPro Combo mod and the DBW Ecran_Wide mod. I'm running 1920x1080 on a 24" monitor and in the QMB screen, the drop down for aircraft selection (1st one at the top) lists all aircraft torward the top of the screen as opposed to toward the bottom. This problem was solved in the original QMBPro by adding the following to the conf.ini:
I've added these lines to the conf.ini in my "Monty" version of the game but they don't have any affect on the QMB aircraft drop down-- it still opens toward the top and is extremely hard to navigate to select a plane.
Any thoughts as to the "fix"?
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 07, 2012, 11:17:38 AM
Hi Benitomuso,
I also posted this in the DBW board.

I'm running DBS with the 18 Monty packs and I've also enabled the DBW MissionPro Combo mod and the DBW Ecran_Wide mod. I'm running 1920x1080 on a 24" monitor and in the QMB screen, the drop down for aircraft selection (1st one at the top) lists all aircraft torward the top of the screen as opposed to toward the bottom. This problem was solved in the original QMBPro by adding the following to the conf.ini:
I've added these lines to the conf.ini in my "Monty" version of the game but they don't have any affect on the QMB aircraft drop down-- it still opens toward the top and is extremely hard to navigate to select a plane.
Any thoughts as to the "fix"?

                           in fact the ethernal problems that the QMB had and that made necessary as a workaround to set the lengths of the lists manually, was that the code of the program never considered the existence of widw screen monitors, etc.

  In this last version I made a real protection to avoid exceeding the limits of the screen. The list will be always visible, but you have to take into acount that the only way of displaying many items in a combobox list that is close to the base of the screen, is to "dropup" the list. Dwropdown would always limit a lot the number of items.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Smilinjack on November 07, 2012, 11:21:28 AM
Ok, I understand.
Thanks for the reply.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Smilinjack on November 26, 2012, 12:41:36 PM
Is it possible to change the font color in MP from Red to Black?
A parameter in conf.ini maybe?
Edit: Never mind Pablo, I found the PALMODsColor=0 setting and put it in the mods section of the conf.ini.
I'm good to go.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 26, 2012, 01:21:43 PM
SmilinJack please "READ" the Read me's, Please. Every Mod has them, and they will keep you from posting a question you can answer your self, cmon dude. ;)
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Smilinjack on November 26, 2012, 01:59:58 PM
Thanks for the advice.
I use the MissionPro that's packaged with DBW. No readme is included in the DBW package, at least that I can locate.
I finally found a "Readme" that was included in a previous release of MissionPro. I had downloaded that quite some time ago.
And before you comment, a search of this forum produced nothing regarding changing the font color in MissionPro.
I generally don't post a question without first exhausting the information available otherwise. I didn't recall the "old" missionpro package until after I posted the question. When I found it, I edited the post so Pablo would not be "bothered" further.
Apparently that was to no avail in your case.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 26, 2012, 04:41:25 PM
Oh your posting of found and changed prob was taken into consideration in prior to my post to you, I just want you and all the new comers to realise that "MOST" mods do come with instructions. That is all my good early acquaintance friend. "RTFM" or "RTFRM"
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: woofiedog on November 29, 2012, 10:14:47 PM
I am having a problem when using FMB with setting aircraft nationality with my 4.09m SAS ModAct2 Beta game when using the last 4.09 MissionProCombo Final Release and wonder if anyone else has had the same problem. The object viewer has a corrupted nationality changer so you can not switch for say USSR to USAF? I have tried different changes... but can not seem to find the problem.

Thank's for any help with this matter.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: benitomuso on November 30, 2012, 12:52:31 PM
Mmm... are you sure you are using the 4.09m version of the MOD? Because as far as I remember in the 4.09 version there didn't exist the AirForce field, etc. It sound like if being a mix.

Take into account that the classes of the Full Mission Builder have changed in every version of the game. So perhaps one MOD "works" in previous releases, but it doesn't have in the base game all the needed functions.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: woofiedog on December 01, 2012, 10:27:50 AM
benitomuso... Thank's for looking into this. I am using the 4.09m version of your mod... here is the read me that is included with the mod.


Here is a non modded 4.09m SAS ModAct2 Beta version of the game with just 4.09 MissionProCombo Final Release added and FMB is working fine.


It seems that some other mod or etc is corrupting the FMB in this only area... the object viewer??? I have three modded versions of the 4.09m game and it is happening with all three. This is why I was asking here if anyone here has had or came across the same problem with their game.

Guess I'll have to reload the mods in a fresh game and see if there is another mod or item that is causing this. Again thank's for looking into this matter and I will get back when I find the cause.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: woofiedog on December 01, 2012, 01:21:57 PM
Well I found my problem... instead of using Forgotten Countries Thin ~ SAS Switch v3.1... I had used the 1ForgotC Lite PlusMcWolf by mistake.


                                  Again thank's for your reply & time.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: King_109 on February 23, 2015, 02:58:19 AM
Thats a great work very thanks dude :D
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Stephen on June 19, 2017, 01:35:44 AM
i wish try this mod, if is possible, but the link in the first post is inoperable.
Is possible reactivate it?

Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Epervier on June 19, 2017, 03:10:57 AM
i wish try this mod, if is possible, but the link in the first post is inoperable.
Strange !  o_O
This link is "storebror sas home"...  8)
Work fine for me!
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Stephen on June 19, 2017, 03:14:06 AM
probably my antivirus, not try shoot down it.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Stephen on June 19, 2017, 09:56:43 AM
Now i have installed QMBPro 4.09 Final in my Mods folder, it work, but i have problem with the player Aircraft list, so i have add in Conf.ini:


unfortunately the color remain blue and red, and the list of player Aircraft remain not visible.
Is possible that are miss one or more class files for these costumizations?

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Epervier on June 19, 2017, 10:34:36 AM
I'm sorry but I did not understand!  :-X  :-[
Here is my configuration:


Nota :
There are two bugs in this Mod:
- you must have a "player" plane.
- the "default" skins always cause an error in the LOG.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Stephen on June 19, 2017, 10:47:33 AM
Hallo Epervier,
excuse me for my bad english, is not that i not have the player Aircraft, the problem is that with QMBPro, also with the costumization in Conf.ini, the list of the player is not usable, i not see the cursor because the costumization in Conf.ini not work as i have not modify the Conf.ini file.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Epervier on June 19, 2017, 10:54:36 AM
I reassure you even if you spoke a literary English I will not understand!  :D

I put the Mod (146 files) in my folder "MODS" and I modified the conf.ini !
That's all !  :-X
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Stephen on June 19, 2017, 11:02:53 AM
Yes for the english i know that is a big problem. Sorry.

Also i have put 146 files in the Mods folder, and then i have modify my Conf.ini, but the modify in Conf.ini not want work.

Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+) [4.09]
Post by: Epervier on June 19, 2017, 03:16:12 PM
Make sure that this Mod loads first ...
Rename it to the beginning of the MODS folder ...  :-|
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: Flying H on June 20, 2017, 01:46:36 PM
Make sure your conf.ini is not set to read only. Right click on the file and choose properties to check, if it says read only uncheck that and click ok twice.
Title: Re: MissionProCombo Final Release (QMBPro, MissionPro and FMBPlus+)
Post by: _Hans on September 01, 2017, 02:22:15 AM
A feature like this should have been part of IL-2 from the first days...

If Oleg and the team had done it differently, we could have had the ability to pick a campaign as "Squadron commander" and manage the aircraft available.  But as is now, I can finally make mixed squadron flights with old planes from prior years mixed in or different sub versions!

Awesome mod, wish I had found this years ago to make flying mod planes in campaigns so much easier!