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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => 3Dfix => Topic started by: SAS~Malone on January 07, 2011, 06:38:26 AM
hi chaps
here's a little something i did just before New Year's for the heck of it, and thought there might be a few die-hard 4.09 fans out there who might like to add this to their install.
I've just separated the great new external 3d model of the Hs-129 planes (B-2 and B-3Wa) from the 4.10 patch, so that they can now be used in 4.09.
just drop this in your Mods folder and you're good to go....please check that this loads before any other Hs-129 mods you might have.
please note, this is only the external model, not the cockpit!
another thing to remember is that the 4.09 skins do not fit this model correctly. you'll have to get your hands on some, or make your own. the default skins are included in the d/l, however. 8)
now you can enjoy some more of the goodness of 4.10 in your 4.09 install. ;)
download: https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Malone/410_Hs129_Mod.rar
full credits go to the members of TD for this (i don't have info on the individual guys who did these models, so i'll just thank the entire team for now :))
Great Malone ;D
thank you !
when you bring the Cockpit for the Hs-129 and the external model of the Do 217 im satisfied.
yeah, that would be nice, but i'm afraid it entails a bit more work than simple file extraction for the cockpits to work properly. i'm sure someone will get around to it one day, though... ;)
You are a BigBoss!!!
Thanks for this beautiful cut of!!!
All the best!
Wunderbar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is there any way the cockpit could be duplicated at this stage or is that just too big a job?
... what a brilliant idea Malone !! :D
THX a lot mate !!
Here is a new skin for this 4.10 new version of the HS129 :
Thanks M8 :)
here's a couple skins that i reworked, that'll fit on the new model:
https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Malone/Hs-129B-2_skins.rar ;)
Now that I can use the new model more skins will come :)
Thanks Malone
Many thx... absolutely great !!
Brilliant! Any plans to extract the D-217 from 4.10 as well, even with a non-accurate cockpit?
its no problem to extract the 3d, however it's a whole new plane, and would require a lot more work than just extracting the 3d files to get it to work - it basically would need a new slot created for it, etc...
perhaps one of the other modders will have a look at that in the future, it's a bit beyond my scope at the moment.... :D
just for kicks, i extracted the 3d and replaced one of my He-111 models with the Do-217 - works to some degree, but leaves a bit to be desired... :P
Is this just me or ...??
I tried half a dozen different pilots but to no avail, as for the undercarriage ...well it doesn't prevent the plane from landing quite safely but ...
Ummm me to (http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv340/Bingo1957/cyu.jpg) as for the pilot model I took the Hs-129 folder out of Wolfighters Luftwaffe pilots and got the original pilot back.
well she looks good in the air
thanks for the tip about the pilot
Yep, thanks for the pilot, as for the undercarriage, here is the fix :
only airstart and no return to base missions ... only kamikaze ones ... :D
It will involve editing a hier.him file I guess - changing the Z-rotation on the undercarriage.
I'll kiss anyone that fixes it, canonuk, (on the forehead I mean... :-*)
It's great mod, but I have only the Hs-129 B-2 new. The Hs-129 B-3Wa is still the old version of this plane ...
Yeah thanks Malone.Can we expect a landing gear fix in the near future?
i hope so, mate....i don't have much time at the moment, and will have a look when i do....
in the meantime, don't let me hold anyone else back from looking into it..... :D.....a little bit of hier editing should hopefully sort it, but i'm stuck on the RL train for the next couple weeks.... :P
... I just asked a friend of mine if he could devote a few minutes to fix that bug ... ;)
Hi Malone,
please,please :P release your Do-217 replacemet of the He-111 model
Germy, i'm not too keen on doing that, mate...it has too many bugs for my liking, as it currently is... :P
@ Mick, i'd appreciate that, my friend.....anybody who knows their way around the hier.him well enough, could probably fix it in a few minutes.... ;)
Malone, my friend has just replied that this is weird since normally this is coded in the java classes not the hier.him, he suspects a "buggy" extraction ...
He unfortunately can't help us since he is about to move house and only has a week left to complete his current pack ...
But well I am sure that of of our talented java gurus will fix it in no time ... ;D
Hi! I removed all previous mods associated with the Hs-129 and I still have the old version of the Hs-129 B-3Wa ... Is this normal, or is it my problem with game? :(
Albert, it works for me...what game/mod version are you running?
Hi Malone! I have 4.09m version of the Il-2 Sturmovik and UP2.01, but i don't use JSGME, but only MODS folder for diffrent mods. I made an experiment and I used only 410_Hs129_Mod (another mods were inactive) but problem was the same: old Hs-129 B-3Wa. When I created new folder: IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/MODS/410_Hs129_Mod/3do/Plane/Hs-129B-3Wa and copied contents of Hs-129B-2 folder, I had new models of Hs-129 but twice Hs-129 B-2... Maybe the problem may be gone, if there were two independent folders in Plane: Hs-129B-2 and Hs-129B-3Wa. Greetings
I also notice this then going for a fly around and I also lack a new model for the 3Wa
Very nice skin by the way Phas3e, would you swap it for my undercarriage bug fix ?
Here is my fix (please send the skin through my PM box) ... :D
FIX : only airstart and no return to base missions ... only kamikaze ones ... :P
Has anyone made a new hier.him to fix the undercarriage?
small heads up, im reworking my template for this and will re-release when its finished:)
Has anyone made a new hier.him to fix the undercarriage?
Not yet I'm afraid.
Phas3e, those skins are toe-curlingly good.
Goddammit....what a skin :o :P
Someone must do something about the undercarriage...
yes...someone must... :D
Well according to Aracno : " Already corrected in the next hotfix."
Does this mean the new HS129 was released without any beta testing ???
Nobody ever tried to take off or land the HS129 ...??
Jeez, since there are not that many new AC in the 4.10 patch, this tells a lot ... ::)
It works fine in 4.10, no problems with the undercarriage ;)
Somebody must have moved the hooks or the alignment of the mesh when the 3D model was being made, and the old 4.09 classfiles haven't been changed to account for it.
thanks for the umpteenth reminder, Gumpy, lol... :D
we're all quite aware of what needs to be done, i think, but it's the classfile work that's beyond me at this stage.... ;)
Sorry Malone but,like my old granddaddy used to tell me (wouldn't hurt to poke a stick at it and see what turns up). ;D
dont forget about fixing the left flap :P
This gear reminds for this:
The 410 vertion got a bug in bombdrop it release the middle and right bomb on first drop
I installed it, and I have a little problem too oO
The gears and the flaps are okay, the gears are not rotated, and the flaps are good too, but the gears are the original, ugly ones, from the original modell D:
And the another modell of the plane is invisible o.O
German engineers think of everything ;)
i´ve got the problem, if I want to see the plane in QMB nothing happens, and if I want to fly it, game error during mission load
nothing wrong here. just the Father Land's new 'steerable' front wheel project that allows German super aircraft to turn on a dime. rotates 360 degrees so you can retreat from trouble as fast as you got 'into' it.
:P :P :P
The very first time you need to land in an extreme crosswind you'll be glad you have this feature.
nothing wrong here. just the Father Land's new 'steerable' front wheel project that allows German super aircraft to turn on a dime. rotates 360 degrees so you can retreat from trouble as fast as you got 'into' it.
:P :P :P
For me take offs and landings with this ´problem´ are no trouble... It looks weird, but the plane could take off and land pretty well... One only need not to look on the undercarriage ;D. Sorry for bad language, I came from a country where English is not often spoken ;D
DaC, your English is better than many whose native language it is. ;)
Hi Malone! I have 4.09m version of the Il-2 Sturmovik and UP2.01, but i don't use JSGME, but only MODS folder for diffrent mods. I made an experiment and I used only 410_Hs129_Mod (another mods were inactive) but problem was the same: old Hs-129 B-3Wa. When I created new folder: IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/MODS/410_Hs129_Mod/3do/Plane/Hs-129B-3Wa and copied contents of Hs-129B-2 folder, I had new models of Hs-129 but twice Hs-129 B-2... Maybe the problem may be gone, if there were two independent folders in Plane: Hs-129B-2 and Hs-129B-3Wa. Greetings
Did you have any luck fixing this issue? I'm having the same problem. '46+UP2.01, no other 129 related mods (that Im aware of)
Oh and DaC, I can second what Malone said about your english. If you met some of the natives here you would be very proud of your english skills.
I made the same experiment as Albert Von Grewe, and of course got the same result ... ::)
This and the undercarriage bug plague this very nice bird ... you have no idea about the number of tyres our mechanics have to change after each and every landing ..!! :'(
I am going to report this to Reichsmarschall Goering in person !! ;)
Thank You. All of You :)
so.... we haven't got a solution......
Well I have just read the (very long) list of fixes included in the new fix patch released yesterday, and couldn't find any fix for the undercarriage ...
The only hint at an undercarriage prob is :
21. Ghost landing gears on Hs 129 when it gets ripped away
But it doesn't look like this is related to our bug... :'(
Say Malone, could you please give another try and re-extract the bird after applying the patch ...? ;)
i'll see what i can do, but i suspect the fix would involve some java work as well, which is not my forte, lol.... :D