Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: Ranwers on January 10, 2011, 05:45:50 AM
Only for two carriers - USSEssexCV9 & USSIntrepidCV11 - just for test. Corsair model is accurate for WWII & Korean War.
Add to mods and deactivate this two carriers in Carrier Crew v... mod.
I think, Sillk do much more ;)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img148/5646/dek2q.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/148/dek2q.jpg)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img535/2997/dek3.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/535/dek3.jpg)
downolad => https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Ranwers/00_deckplanes_test.7z
Very cool. :) Downloading now. Thanks Ranwers. :)
yeah, very cool...thanks clan-master Ranwers ;D
Oh, awesome :O
Downloading now, thanks Ranwers :)
I am eager to test ...
Thank you ! :)
Works fine with 410. Many thanks,
Looks Great!
Very cool!
Superb Mod ... if you are doing more it would be nice to have one with a few more aircraft ... make it crowded.
I love eye candy ... and this is great eye candy. Bravo Zulu mate.
Amazing ! Thanks :)
Wonderful work mate!
I'll look at the Korean Carriers for it installation too!!!
All the best!
Very nice, a long awaited addition :D
Nice Job, maybe soon some other planes F6 F3 etc etc.....Thanks though all the same
Superb, love it, thank you very much.
Definately adds atmosphere to a carrier deck.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. 8) ;D
Cool...but,where are the shadows? :)
Cool...but,where are the shadows? :)
In mesh but game ship not read.
An idea - paint shadows on deck...
lol, yes, i had the same shadow problem with my elevated objects for the carrier deck....
the shadows are there, but as the objects are elevated, and the carrier deck doesn't 'read' the shadows, you'll find the shadows are all at ground/sea level, hidden under the carrier somewhere... :D ;D
Yes Malone - look:
I love this "Mod"! :)
The shadows are secondary ... since they do not exist for humans on the flight deck... ;)
Can you make to where the player can add more F4Us on deck?
um, that is a bit of an oxymoron, actually - sure, if a guy knows how to do it, he can add more planes on the deck, but the author cannot make a mod that 'allows' you to add more as you like...
best thing is just to set a few planes with takeoff point on the carrier, with no fuel. ;)
If there's room in the heir.him, maybe we could have one version spotted for landing and one for takeoff, with lots of planes? That way you could have a carrier for launching and position the pickup carrier a few miles away for when the player returns...
Sorry for chiming in on this one so late but I've been kind of busy lately. Anyway, check your PM Ranwers, Ive got a lot of good ideas for Carrier Crew v5. Great work once again Ranwers . The carriers are really coming alive.
By slikk1 (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) at 2011-02-07
By slikk1 (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) at 2010-08-11
By slikk1 (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) at 2010-08-11
This really adds another layer! Is it possible to use on the ground?
Hi mate!
I know all you are busy with great project behind the hill....but can I ask for news anyway?
All the best!
This really adds another layer! Is it possible to use on the ground?
thats why we have stationary aircraft
Actual hangar deck not far off? lol.
Can I came back with a little pray/request?
Since the upcoming DBW 1.7 'll have an update for the JW is possible to add at the Corsair the Panther and the Skyrider so we can at last have real Korean Carriers decks?
I'm asking because while usually carrier decks were cleared in operation during WWII they in Korea were filled at bow by planes (thus causing that more Panther were wrutten off cause landing accidents then enemy action...) and adding those two plane can make the JW environment very complete with them on the decks...
All the best!
Can I came back with a little pray/request?
Since the upcoming DBW 1.7 'll have an update for the JW is possible to add at the Corsair the Panther and the Skyrider so we can at last have real Korean Carriers decks?
I'm asking because while usually carrier decks were cleared in operation during WWII they in Korea were filled at bow by planes (thus causing that more Panther were wrutten off cause landing accidents then enemy action...) and adding those two plane can make the JW environment very complete with them on the decks...
All the best!
Is there a possibility to use the FMB Conditions to trigger static planes, such as 1940-45 you get Corsairs/F6F, and anything 1950 and up you get the Panther/AD-4's?, just like you do for the catapult mod, steam no steam depending on the date.
But spawning mean that they are at take off point when we need them to be scattered on a plane filled bow deck area and take care of don't struck them on landing as in real life....
can we have this on the Essex angle deck version?
With a few crusaders parked on the sides.
Little bumb since the idea has been rised again!
Hello :)
Wondering if the Royal Navy and Fleet air arm might be able to recieve some love too? Possibly some SeaFurys for us
Korea fanatics? I can help with images if needed as i have various faa korean era sources. :)
It works ;D