Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Jets => Topic started by: SAS~Anto on February 15, 2011, 10:21:35 AM

Title: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12] [4.13]
Post by: SAS~Anto on February 15, 2011, 10:21:35 AM
(https://www.sas1946.com/images/SASBanners/Online_Warning_SAS.gif) (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,14352.0.html)

Messerschmitt Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 for 4.101m
Download Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Anto/Me262_Ultimate_Pack_v21.7z)
P.S. The old 4.09m compatible version is available below

Me-262A-2a cannon position fix

Changelog v2.1
- Trimmable tailplane code adjusted, to allow smooth elevator movement
- Pack updated to 4.101m
- Updated LOD distances by Birdman
- Clone slot removed and loadouts merged with default Me-262s
- Crazyflak's and Birdman's Hakencruz position fix included
- Loadouts revised and expanded, now in default game format
- R4Ms now fire in historic salvos of 6 (thanks Avinimus)
- Opening cockpits for all models (with latest SAS buttons)
- Twister's adjustable tailplane added
- Added engine surge behaviour from 1956 project. Engines no longer instantly set on fire with rough throttle, instead engine must surge and if it is severe, fire or failure might occur.

Changelog v1.2
- WfrGr placement fixed
- Engines restored to original size
- Underground collision issue fixed
- Me-262V-3 by Slow and Me-262HG-II now included, bugs fixed
- Twister's tail trim included
- Canopy now opens on internal view
- Other minor issues resolved

1) Ensure you are running a 4.10m ModAct install (buttons not necessary)
2) Run the 7zip self-extracting archive and extract all to your root IL-2 directory.
3) Open the readme file your Mods directory. Please follow instructions to add air.ini entries.


Classfiles, new 3D and testing by Anto
Addtional thanks to Cirx, Sani, GJE52 for parts from Me-262B mod and Knochenlutscher for resources.
Special thanks to Crazyflak (Hakencruz Fix), Birdman (Hakencrux Fix and LODs) and Twister (adjustable tailplane) for your contributions to this version.

       For 4.09m Users Only

Messerschmitt Me-262A Ultimate Pack v1.2 for 4.09m
Download Me-262A Ultimate Pack v1.2 (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas2/Anto/Me262A_Ultimate_Pack_v12.7z)
Mortar Mod is required for this pack to work! (Click here) (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,5681.0.html)
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: SAS~Anto on February 15, 2011, 10:22:38 AM
Please note, this pack edits DEFAULT slots, so is only suitable for offline play. It will be included in the upcoming Ultr@pack v3.0.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Flying H on February 15, 2011, 10:34:48 AM
Love this tooo!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Comm Cody on February 15, 2011, 02:08:31 PM
How does one surges engines? Rough handling of the plane and throttle? If so, Finally, i can fly the 262!! :D
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Gneisenau_43 on February 15, 2011, 02:42:29 PM
Thanks Anto!  :D
4.10m gave me an empty feeling without this mod...
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Reaper 3-1 on February 15, 2011, 04:37:39 PM
Thanks to all involved!  ;D
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: CWMV on February 15, 2011, 04:53:51 PM
Ok 4.10 is finally going to be an option soon! This gives me hope for the 109 pack update in the near future!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Strike on February 16, 2011, 01:34:56 PM
Please note, this pack edits DEFAULT slots, so is only suitable for offline play. It will be included in the upcoming Ultr@pack v3.0.

To make sure I understand you correctly. This does revise the DEFAULT official 262's so that OTHER players online without the mod would conflict with this. BUT it WILL work online with other clients that have this mod installed?
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Badmuthafunker on February 16, 2011, 03:55:32 PM
Many thanks Anto. One question...

From the readme:

1) Extract to your IL-2 Mods directory (ensure you have the MortarMod installed too!)

Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: CWMV on February 16, 2011, 05:16:43 PM
mortar mod
But I thought this was going to be incorporated into 4.10?
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Chaoic16 on February 16, 2011, 07:58:57 PM
mortar mod
But I thought this was going to be incorporated into 4.10?

MortarMod works for v4.10 too, no worries.  I tried these in IL-2 1946 v4.10 and it worked.


Chaoic out...
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Badmuthafunker on February 17, 2011, 07:57:46 AM
Thanks CWMV. :)
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: SAS~Anto on February 17, 2011, 09:14:05 AM
Argh, sorry gents I failed to update the readme. YOU DO NOT NEED MORTAR MOD!! 4.10m makes it completely redundant.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: flying scotsman on February 17, 2011, 10:11:37 AM
Hi Anto,
           Nice plane, no problem everyone is human, your answering everyones questions and it's so easy to overlook a detail. No Sweat, THANK YOU for the work on our behalf
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Badmuthafunker on February 17, 2011, 02:33:13 PM
Yeah cheers Anto. Nice work mate. :)
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: SAS~Anto on February 19, 2011, 08:05:29 PM
4.10m and 4.09m versions now merged into one topic. Please note that whilst the 4.09m version may work on 4.10m, this is not true for the 4.10m version on 4.09m. If you do so, use at your own risk!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: mad_pilot on February 20, 2011, 03:35:51 AM
Nice but as i see the 2.0 pack is only for 4.10 , 4.09 got only 1.2 pack?
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: SAS~Anto on February 23, 2011, 08:15:32 PM
I guess it could work on 4.09m but the WfrGr21 tubes won't be ejectable.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: Wad_Cutter on February 24, 2011, 12:55:30 PM
Ultr@pack v3.0??????? Wonderfull! Just what I needed. CRAP.......
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.0
Post by: R6Rider on March 18, 2011, 01:24:08 PM
Thank you!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: SAS~Anto on March 20, 2011, 07:41:42 AM

Updated. Trimmable tailplane code adjusted to fix elevator jerkiness bug.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: razor1uk on March 30, 2011, 08:09:50 AM
Here's an interesting 262...
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: SAS~Anto on April 01, 2011, 10:34:24 PM

A small fix to reposition the cannon to the correct bays on the Me-262A-2a (thanks to crazyflak pointing this one out!)
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: juneauite on April 05, 2011, 06:48:57 PM
this looks cool but im newto il2 addons how or where do you put the addons once youve downloaded them?? please help
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: SAS~Anto on April 05, 2011, 07:50:12 PM
Please read this forum, it goes through all the basics of modding:
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: KG3_V on December 11, 2011, 07:10:38 AM
I have installed the version for 4.09 but all 262s stay the stock one
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Knochenlutscher on December 13, 2011, 08:46:25 AM
Yes, exactly how it works, the stock versions are the same, you need to add Me-262A & Me-262V-3 to your air.ini.
Can't remember if the changes affected stock ones in this version?!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: KG3_V on December 13, 2011, 08:53:05 AM
My fault. I have overseen that you have to edit the weapons.ru

BTW, is their any effect that update the ugly stock R4M trails ?
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Knochenlutscher on December 13, 2011, 11:57:14 PM
Stock R4M Trails, ugghh  :o
I'm using Uwe's Effect Compilation, it comes with a bunch of real cool updated effects, at least I'm happy with it,
Trails, Tracers, Gun-Smoke, in-built Nespresso machine  8), etc. It's a fine compilation of Effects compiled by one of our Members.
Must mention, I use DBW, maybe ask one of the 4.09m Experts here which effects suit for you.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: CWMV on December 14, 2011, 12:12:14 AM
It may actually work better with 4.09, as most of the effects in that are actually for 4.09, rather than 4.10.
But Im not sure, never tested it with 4.09.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: BT~Tarik on December 20, 2011, 11:39:15 AM
Stock R4M Trails, ugghh  :o
I'm using Uwe's Effect Compilation, it comes with a bunch of real cool updated effects, at least I'm happy with it,
Trails, Tracers, Gun-Smoke, in-built Nespresso machine  8), etc. It's a fine compilation of Effects compiled by one of our Members.
Must mention, I use DBW, maybe ask one of the 4.09m Experts here which effects suit for you.

I've merged Uwe's effect compilation with Plutonium (and with some other effects...), so that it has it's classfiles. The normal compilation doesn't have the classfiles from Plutonium, to make sure it was compatible. Now that we have the 410 compatible one I thought I'd put them together...That's even better !  8) But I dunno if it changes R4M tracers...

KG3_V, if you use DBW (or modact for 4101) that's what I'd recommend you to do. For 409, I have no idea, I never played it...
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: DimAurora on January 27, 2012, 12:29:43 PM
Version 1.2 works excellently with 4.09. It was the best experience ever flying them. The V-3 does have a tendency to nose over on take-off.  :P
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Lee on April 11, 2012, 07:45:03 PM
Are class.dcg and payload available for Me262A? Would love to have in dcg.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Knochenlutscher on May 01, 2012, 02:10:51 AM
SilverFox23...The V-3 is a Frankenplane, the Modder accidently took our Me 262 with main-gear and
attached tail-gear to it. This way a prob persists, Messerschmitt erased by having
a completely different main-gear angle in the tailsitters.
I talked and pointed to this problem as long as this Mod exists, back on
AAA, got harsh or no responses at all, at SAS I made Reply #13 on:Me-262-V3 own slot.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif)
Problem is, our V-3 needs re-design of main-gear, but most likely
no one's out to do it.
The discrepancies are eye-dropping to Me 262 fanatics.
We need to get rid of A-1A mainwheel design and it's 90° angle.
If we take a look at original V-3, the bay doors are
a way more forward than late production design. In sideview it should be at least
close to Engine and wing leading edge.

My method for take off, may vary to other experienced Members here (No flaps version=0°):
To get airborne in our virtual skies, apply full elevator trim and button for fully raised elevator (set in settings, needs to be pushed constantly, as it sweeps back if you move stick), try avoid using flaps (this may cause a lift).
Give Throttle slowly, reach 150 KM/H (mark at half of the runway! Yes!) and try to keep tail down as long as you roll and possible. Slightly increase Throttle till 180 KM/H (at 3/4 of Runway!) and keep applying elev. trim and full raising at same time (tail down!). It lifts close to airstrips end from alone, if you're safe in height,
wheels in and trim back to horizontal flight.
Needles to say, you may need extra long airstrips in-game.
Don't move throttle fast or use brakes during take-off procedure as this causes you to nose over.
I would call myself an Me 262 expert and wasn't able to land this bird, funny isn't it. Tried all methods I should know about, applying brakes here is fatal.
I apply full elevator to force tail to ground, still I end up nosing, how hard I try.
In my eyes such a wheel configuration barely would have passed the Messerschmitt engineering design staff, as it was tested
to bone on weight balance before passing production etc. The longest strips in IL-2 we have, aren't long enough to make perfect landings without using brakes,
cause that's the application and design of brakes, to use them.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Panzerpreussen on August 07, 2012, 07:54:34 PM

It is possible some update to fix some bugs in the 3d Me 262?, especially in the smoothing...  :)

Attentive your comments..
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: CWMV on August 07, 2012, 08:18:26 PM
Well why not pick up some 3d modeling software and try it yourself?
Modding "staff" is at a low lately, and those that remain are all very busy.
A valid question, but I wouldn't expect any miracles.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Gumpy on August 07, 2012, 10:19:33 PM
Version 2.1 crashes my DBW 1.71 at 70% Anto I noticed that some of the class files you are using and modified are also in my XTD folder all but one as a matter of fact and as I know this mod wasn't built to be DBW compatible.Could this be part of my problem?Version 1.2 worked fine.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: CWMV on August 07, 2012, 11:23:57 PM
I thought this was included in DBW already?
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Gumpy on August 07, 2012, 11:39:05 PM
I don't know maybe it is I can't remember,I'll have check.Shit I'm old half the time I can't remember what I had for supper.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: CWMV on August 07, 2012, 11:42:00 PM
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Gumpy on August 07, 2012, 11:45:36 PM
Crap there isn't a readme file anymore that tells whats in it,I think there used to be one.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: OberstDanjeje on August 07, 2012, 11:59:23 PM
yes, it's there, you don't need this pack ;)
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Gumpy on August 08, 2012, 12:23:25 AM
Well alright then,thanks for the info OberstDanjeje.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: razor1uk on August 11, 2012, 06:02:59 AM
Just about to update to newer version - currently was on v1.2 works via SM306 v4101...

I have so far only flown the V3 occasionally; too much throttle and low speeds cause tail to rise, passing then onto nosing into the ground... Rearward stck pressure on 'flying tail' is needed as suggested - the V3 is HOTAS for take-off and landing.

On the landing in it, I lost one U/C main from losing hieght quickly - gained too much speed and lost a leg; mangaged to land on runaway after approaching much to 'hot' or low at speed, did a few losing airspeed circuits & 'S-Manoevers'... ended up rocking fro and back on inoprable engines after a short slide along runway leaving other mains leg elsewhere.

I agree with Knock, the (main) wheels are too aft, possibly at some point the pivoting angles could be changed, if 3D's not redone as early 262 designs were - pre-tricycle design.
Need more flight-time at some point methinks...

GFX-ally for the V3, the under fuz doors could/perhaps-should be moved close to line up with the underwing forward panellines that are just behind the wingroot leading edge slats, and the main gears moved to fit to the doors... easier said than done though.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: GerritJ9 on August 11, 2012, 11:48:05 AM
Funny... but when I built my first Airfix Me-262 in 1964 or 1965 I immediately associated the 262 with a shark. I still have the original instruction leaflet for the kit, it was contained in a polythene bag in those days. razor1uk's pic is most appropriate indeed.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 24, 2013, 09:13:50 PM
Works in 4.12

Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Cally18 on November 29, 2013, 12:12:04 AM
Works in 4.12

Yes it does, but what is up with the engines?? They either blow out, and you have to restart, or blow up and catch fire?
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: SAS~Malone on November 29, 2013, 12:50:52 AM
you do know that you have to use the throttle very gently with these 262's at ALL times, i hope? this is modelled historically....
accelerate SLOWLY
decelerate SLOWLY
otherwise - KABOOM! :D

Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 29, 2013, 04:08:07 AM
Exactly, Once you take her off successfully you can do it every time, and landing her is very easy she lands herself pretty much
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 29, 2013, 07:24:59 AM
For those who wish to have Wolfighters LW Pilot in your Me-262 Pack,

Download this:  https://www.mediafire.com/download/wc1qgh807lz4xgk/Me-262.zip   Just Drop in your Mods\DBW\#SAS Folder and say yes to overwrite.  Enjoy!

Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 29, 2013, 07:50:24 AM
And dont forget about Phas3e's 2048 HD Skins for Me-262's   https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,32658.msg349416.html#msg349416
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Benno on November 30, 2013, 04:37:58 AM
Correction to take off:  use 7000 rpm instead of 8K.
Sorry , my mistake , memory !!!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: marcost on November 30, 2013, 12:34:59 PM
Just found this. Great pack, thank you. Works with HSFX 6.17. No more Ronson takeoffs  ;)
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Do335 on January 02, 2014, 04:32:30 PM
SAS~Anto, any independent fix for the WfrGr21 tube on the 262, for 4.12? Atm it's misaligned with the rocket like you mentioned in the mortar mod post. It's good in DBW but I can't seem to locate the files with SFSextract.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: halowraith1 on March 03, 2014, 12:06:26 PM
Would it be possible to give the riedel starter's housing a more 'Bullet' like appearance like in real life, as it's currently more of a cone.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: trockengranulat on May 18, 2014, 05:39:33 AM
can you maybe fix the open canopy feature in cockpit view?

thanks in advance,

Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Knochenlutscher on May 30, 2014, 11:33:31 AM
This feature must work in this version, make sure you don't use another Mod with a hier.him file on that planefolder too?!
Lurk inside your Folder and detect the file that loads before this.

To DatDidact: Try out Jeronimos Fix for updated Engines
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: henkypenky on June 01, 2014, 09:27:33 AM
Despite checking in everyday I've missed this update. Works ok in my 4.12.2 / 5.3, only the bombracks are missing with the 2a version and I'm a bit cofused about mortar mod. Does it has to stay or can I delete it? Tried without and the mortars showed up; in the 1a on the always visible bombracks and in the 2a on two thin 'threads'. 
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: Knochenlutscher on April 26, 2015, 11:34:01 AM
Mortar Mod should oinly be used if you intend to use the 4.09 version, btw. this works flawlessy
in 4.12 installs. 2.1 version has Mortar Mod included.

(http://s11.postimg.cc/rfqp7b1b7/2015_04_26_18_24_23.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

(http://s4.postimg.cc/xf0xa320t/2015_04_26_18_36_15.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)

How to install 2.1 in Modact 5.30/4.12 to really get Open Canopies int/ext
2.1 Standalone for 412, start clean and fresh with this.
In order to apply any 3-D Updates, make sure to to always keep the original hims.
You should delete these from whatever Wheels, Engine, Blister, FX or Pilot Mod,
take the time and add the Meshes, him entries by hand if any required (Pilot).
Jeros Fixes, wheels go well without hims. Or you end up having the Swastika Keel Glitch.
Keep that in mind.
Other Singleseater Me262 Mods using 2.1 as a base or requirement are to be loaded in folder hierarchy after this Mod.
Cockpit Mod, apply with care, make sure the 2 Meshes are kept, and add further content to hier.him
precautiosly maintaining basic him features.

https://www.mediafire.com/download/wkmqrahpwv80rvv/Me262_Ultimate_Pack_v21+412+Fix.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/wkmqrahpwv80rvv/Me262_Ultimate_Pack_v21+412+Fix.7z)

Changelog for this Fix:
Classfile change courtesy of GUZKNIFE
Cockpitfolder Hier.him change (DBW extract as used in my tinted Pitshield Mod)

Kind Regards
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 16, 2015, 03:20:20 PM
Works in MA 6.01
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12] [4.13]
Post by: DaedraCross on June 22, 2015, 05:13:17 AM
Hey guys, not really the correct forum to as such a question but there is a chance that it involves this mod (I tried posting on a different topic a bit more related but no-one answered)
So I have ALL of these Me-262 related mods installed:
ME 262 TPF, ME 262 ultimate pack, Me 262 V056, Me 262 HG IV, Me 262 schnellbombers etc, the HG III & HG V + the Me-262 adjustable tailplane, X4, RATO; HGII gyro-gunsight & homing AAM's Mod

Now when I play the game and hop in the cockpit of the A1-a the canopy is gone. Just the part that would open and close, the back and the front are there and the gyro gunsight but all the main part is simply gone. I dont know if it is a conflict between this Ultimate Pack and the Me-262 adjustable tailplane etc.... mod that cant be fixed or helped or if I can fix it with load order/deleting files.

Thanks for ANY help!
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12] [4.13]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on June 27, 2015, 02:17:51 PM
What Gameversion do you use? Please specify. 4.09, 4.101m, DBW, 412 which Modact 530 SAS Flyable or CUP or HSFX,
the List is long.
It is possible to cure, but I doubt without kneeling behind there's no easy solution
I got mine through fiddling.
To understand some Mods have to be loaded first, others are relegated secondary, no need to load before.
Then some are incompatible partially, others ship with necessary classes other with unnecessary Plane/Cockpit (outdated).

Code: [Select]
the Me-262 adjustable tailplane, X4, RATO; HGII gyro-gunsight & homing AAM's Mod
You need to find out which parts (Classes) are overwritten if used, some are not working. I would try sort out that,
search for Plane/Cockpit classes that are changed, corrupt and how.

Me262 care free Package needs further adjustments, you can't simply rename and try to get what I list here.
In order to get Cockpit done, needs deep hier-him revision.
In order to get 3-D Fixes, some require original hier-him and adjustments as well.

1. any Cockpit Mod***** including GUZKNIFE Fixes
but you must decide:
a. Askania???
b. Standard Revi OK!!!

a. and b. can't work together, the Askania Mod is in my eyes too invasive and changes other Slot Me262 respectively, use at own risk...

... the more options, the more fiddling for you! Loading order must be according the hier.him relevance and all must sit together.
You must end with one basic hier.him layout, can't use two different Cockpit styles... i.e. PK + Greif Cockpit mix

2. 3-D Fixes**
3. Soundmod*
4. Antos Me262 Pack v2.1 (Me262 Mother Mod)*
5. Trainer if you use**
6. Gjes B-1a (Doubleseater Mother Mod)*
7. TPF*
8. C-1*
9. A-4*
10. V-4*
11. HG III*
12. HG V*
13. V056 (class + 3-D)**
... every other Me262 Slot Mod you can think of...

* is copy and paste job
** requires further Fiddling
***** requires understatement of hier.him structures prior to fiddling

- for V056 please extract 4.09 and use Notepad to open the cryptic classfiles and search for the Me262A class,
put that into a respective folder. Then take Me262A Plane folder from 4.09 and glue my 3-D fix to it.
Now you're ready for V056. We don't need the rest of 4.09 Antos Me262, to get V056 to work, just that class and
the Planefolder with edited 3-D.

I can't help you with any HG Mod, since I don't use them, would require to download and install myself to see what's going on there.

As a workaround I use a classless 3-D only reflector Askania based on Twisters Mod, as found by Allies
in captured combat Me262. The Pilots never used the gyro option,
just like plain Reflector sight. I found this less invasive Mod is compatible to
Most Cockpit Mods I use, GUZKNIFE and Greif, after a bit fiddling.
When I switch that Mod off I have plain Revi back.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: slipper on June 27, 2015, 04:53:37 PM
Knochenlutscher and DaedraCross

13. V056 (class + 3-D)**

May i ask where you got the V056 mod from please? i would love to have a copy myself.


Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12] [4.13]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on June 27, 2015, 08:38:01 PM
No prob, it was already there:

Tested and made to suit the Requirements, read everything carefully before proceeding.
Since it's DBW only you need the 4.09 class of Me262A
Code: [Select]
If you have trouble installing in other versions, report back in that Thread and we sort it out.
Best wishes
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12] [4.13]
Post by: DaedraCross on November 29, 2015, 01:02:12 AM
Sorry, its been a while but here I am, I still have this problem and im not sure what you were saying I should do. Do I copy my heir into all the other mods or what? I have the grief cockpit installed but that problem with the canopy is still persisting.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: boogabooga on December 11, 2016, 04:06:30 PM
Mortar Mod should oinly be used if you intend to use the 4.09 version, btw. this works flawlessy
in 4.12 installs. 2.1 version has Mortar Mod included.



How to install 2.1 in Modact 5.30/4.12 to really get Open Canopies int/ext
2.1 Standalone for 412, start clean and fresh with this.
In order to apply any 3-D Updates, make sure to to always keep the original hims.
You should delete these from whatever Wheels, Engine, Blister, FX or Pilot Mod,
take the time and add the Meshes, him entries by hand if any required (Pilot).
Jeros Fixes, wheels go well without hims. Or you end up having the Swastika Keel Glitch.
Keep that in mind.
Other Singleseater Me262 Mods using 2.1 as a base or requirement are to be loaded in folder hierarchy after this Mod.
Cockpit Mod, apply with care, make sure the 2 Meshes are kept, and add further content to hier.him
precautiosly maintaining basic him features.

https://www.mediafire.com/download/wkmqrahpwv80rvv/Me262_Ultimate_Pack_v21+412+Fix.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/wkmqrahpwv80rvv/Me262_Ultimate_Pack_v21+412+Fix.7z)

Changelog for this Fix:
Classfile change courtesy of GUZKNIFE
Cockpitfolder Hier.him change (DBW extract as used in my tinted Pitshield Mod)

Kind Regards

I downloaded the opening canopy fix for 4.12 that was provided here. Indeed, the opening canopy is working perfectly. However, the jet engine compressors no longer spin with the fix installed.

It seems that classfile 0FB53F9087AF0E58 included in Knochenlutscher's download both fixes the canopy and breaks the compressor animation.     
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1
Post by: max_thehitman on December 15, 2016, 11:47:29 AM

It seems that classfile 0FB53F9087AF0E58 included in Knochenlutscher's download both fixes the canopy and breaks the compressor animation.   

I never noticed that.

I will have to check my game.
Title: Re: Me-262 Ultimate Pack v2.1 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12] [4.13]
Post by: Knochenlutscher on December 17, 2016, 08:17:37 AM
please take the time to compare this Pack in his meant stage of core working functions
which is strictly 4.101m environment only, as it is was the version calibrated for.

Years went by, then came 4.12, see yourself...
4.12 breaks a plethora of core functions within this Pack and reverts to stock Me262, nothing else.
It's not just Compressor animations, Canopy functions, the whole code of engine surge (aka real like Jumo) Anto created is gone within 4.12.
Core codes not adressed properly, reverting to stock Me262, as simply as that,
let it be FM, dmg, sound, gfx
Trying to glue this Pack intended for 4.101m together for 4.12 let's you lose core functions,
how hard you try. You can get Compressor Animations and Canopies back, but the rest of the cool Code Anto did,
lies dead around.

Would I say it's it's incompatible with 4.12? Ney, it's limited, yes. In the CUP Forum I pointed to the problem earlier,
but despite pointing to it, my skills permitt deep coding or repair this fine Mod for 4.12. So for future we might hope
for a good soul taking over the 262s.