Mortar Mod should oinly be used if you intend to use the 4.09 version, btw. this works flawlessy
in 4.12 installs. 2.1 version has Mortar Mod included.
How to install 2.1 in Modact 5.30/4.12 to really get Open Canopies int/ext
2.1 Standalone for 412, start clean and fresh with this.
In order to apply any 3-D Updates, make sure to to always keep the original hims.
You should delete these from whatever Wheels, Engine, Blister, FX or Pilot Mod,
take the time and add the Meshes, him entries by hand if any required (Pilot).
Jeros Fixes, wheels go well without hims. Or you end up having the Swastika Keel Glitch.
Keep that in mind.
Other Singleseater Me262 Mods using 2.1 as a base or requirement are to be loaded in folder hierarchy after this Mod.
Cockpit Mod, apply with care, make sure the 2 Meshes are kept, and add further content to hier.him
precautiosly maintaining basic him features. (
Changelog for this Fix:
Classfile change courtesy of GUZKNIFE
Cockpitfolder Hier.him change (DBW extract as used in my tinted Pitshield Mod)
Kind Regards
I downloaded the opening canopy fix for 4.12 that was provided here. Indeed, the opening canopy is working perfectly. However, the jet engine compressors no longer spin with the fix installed.
It seems that classfile 0FB53F9087AF0E58 included in Knochenlutscher's download both fixes the canopy and breaks the compressor animation.