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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => WIP Maps => Topic started by: Avala on March 12, 2011, 10:32:16 AM
I want to present you a map of Serbia
More precise central part of Serbia, that is some 2/3 of its territory. I started with the whole Yugoslavia, but it was too big. Serbia was part of Yugoslavia
Which was till WW2 known as Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Germany and the Axis countries attacked Yugoslavia on 6th of april in 1941.
As a part of their Balkans Campaing against Yugoslavia and Greece.
Capital city Belgrade, was heavily bombed by Luftwaffe
Also later in war by the Allies
The Yugoslav royal army and Yugoslav air force gave heroic efforts with defense in so called "April War"
but of course that was in vain against mighty Luftwaffe and Wehrmacht
Later, there was people uprise with Comrade Tito as a leader
What opened so called Yugoslav front
With well known Tito's partisans
Later in the war they even took part in some aerial operations
Enough about history now map :D
I labeled it "unfinished" because it is not sure that I will manage to finish it. So, that is "Unfinished" instead "beta".
Map uses only Slovakia objects, so you need only 4.09 version for it (works under 4.10 also), no other mod building packs needed.
Majority of the textures are new, and everyone of them have corresponding tree and bump map. Map makers feel free to use them at your own will. It uses Zuti's friction mod (if you want your take offs and landings to be smooth).
There is also nice effect on the ground thanks to Bump maps so I suggest to try the map in various "time and weather" settings. Looks beautifully in 4.10.
In it is not finished, so some textures are missing, like airport texture. But in texture folder you will find more of them that are not used. Objects are on little village and smaller town textures, but not on big cities. No roads, railways and bridges, and there are glitches and errors, but consider thats why it is "unfinished".
But, after all, its flyable and what was most important to me, looks little bit different than other IL2 maps.
- Map:
- Textures version 2. Brighter, green is brighter and more yellow. If you didnt like original textures, think that they are too dark or too blue, just replace them with these.
- If someone wants it just brighter, use this. Just drop it in texture folder (MODS\MAPMODS\Maps\_Tex\Avala\serbia)
On page 3 of this thread is also explanation how to make ground brighter or darker, according to your likings.
- Uufflakke's version of textures. For those who prefer more brighter land and different shades.
- Also, for the ones who run simulation in "excelent" mode do the folowing:
Open "load.ini" file, find this line:
Tree0 = Avala/serbia/SrbijaDrvo.tga
And change it to:
Tree0 = Avala/serbia/SrbijaDrvoTL.tga
(Mixx's fix ;) )
I don't have copyright or any other claims on this map, in a part or as a whole. You can use textures made by me on your own will.
Enjoy boys (and girls too :) )
2D map
Some screenshots
Great to see another of your amazing art in map making Avala. Thank you for posting it. I'm downloading it now and cant wait to try it out. :)
Great map, hvala druže ;)
I have checked my correct installation 2 times.
I have the map correctly installed. and it is working perfect in my UP201 4.09.
I have checked the Tex_ and objects files 2 times and I still have the following issues seen below.
Trees and Houses in rivers - can anyone tell what I did wrong on my install?
I have checked the Tex_ and objects files 2 times and I still have the following issues seen below.
Trees and Houses in rivers - can anyone tell what I did wrong on my install?
I think you didn't do anything wrong. As this is still an unfinished map these things are inevitable. Avala must be aware of this issue.
If you take a closer look at two of his screenshots, you can see houses and trees in the river also.
Yes, another really pleasant surprise! Thanks Avala! ;D
Thanks a lot, it looks great, Avala.. When I read "Avala", "new map" -I always must think of Benghalli, my favourite island in IL-2 (with Hawaii)- and those gorgeous Benghalli textures. ;D. :)
editor load map empty PROBLEM
install Northsea_0.5b.part1 map , caucassus map and serbia map C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps
now dont appears maps in the editor.
C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps/all.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
Serbia Serbia/load.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
this guy is talking about?
editor load map empty PROBLEM
install Northsea_0.5b.part1 map , caucassus map and serbia map C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps
now dont appears maps in the editor.
C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps/all.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
Serbia Serbia/load.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
doe zak zak killer
editor load map empty PROBLEM
install Northsea_0.5b.part1 map , caucassus map and serbia map C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps
now dont appears maps in the editor.
C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps/all.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
Serbia Serbia/load.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
I'm not sure what are you writing about...But
You have messed your all.ini file.
All the .ini files should have a word load.
Check that.
Do you have a backup?
+maybe you have too many maps. They can't fit to screen...
I have checked my correct installation 2 times.
I have the map correctly installed. and it is working perfect in my UP201 4.09.
I have checked the Tex_ and objects files 2 times and I still have the following issues seen below.
Trees and Houses in rivers - can anyone tell what I did wrong on my install?
It is unfortunate reallity fact... that this part of world is notorious for spring time flooding, especially rivers Sava and Danube.
Even in 21 century it is still a huge spring problem:
Flooding is part of life at rivers Sava and Danube:
70-80 years ago it was even worse...
For example one huge river island "Veliko ratno ostrvo" at capital Belgrade would simply disappear under Danube river:
Capital Belgrade (where river Sava meets Danube) was frequently flooded:
Even king Aleksandar spent some time visiting flooded willages prior to WW2:
So if you want realistic spring map of Serbia 80 years ago... there it is!
Great work Avala, great mountains model... ;)
editor load map empty PROBLEM
install Northsea_0.5b.part1 map , caucassus map and serbia map C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps
now dont appears maps in the editor.
C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\MODS\Mapmods\Maps/all.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
Serbia Serbia/load.ini
LAL_Crimea_autumn Crimea/LAL_crimeaautumn.ini
LAL_Crimea_summer Crimea/LAL_crimeasummer.ini
LAL_Crimea_winter Crimea/LAL_crimeawinter.ini
LAL_Crimea_mud Crimea/LAL_crimeamud.ini
cztx_Caucasus cztx_Caucasus/load.ini
cztx_Caucasus_W cztx_Caucasus/load_w.ini
I think you mean maps don't show up ingame in FMB? I used to have the same after I added some more map entries in my all.ini. For whatever reason after a few start ups of the game I got a new blue row with the new mapnames in FMB. So maybe it will appear also in your modded IL2.
If not then there is another solution: open the all.ini and disable the maps you never use by adding two slashes in front of the mapname.
For instance: Kiev Kiev/load.ini becomes //Kiev Kiev/load.ini. So the mapname won't show up anymore in FMB.
By doing this to the maps you hardly play you make space for the latest entries. If you want to play let's say the Kiev map again, just delete the two slashes. ;)
Hey Avala
Thanks for your efforts on this map.
I can load the map in FMB,
I can place home bases just fine,
the FMB saves without a glitch ...
Yet when I go to play the map/mission via multiplayer host, I then have a peculiar problem!
The mission loads & gets to the briefing screen, but there are no home bases visible on the map anywhere?
Anyone have a clue as to this peculiarity please?
Thx for any help.
I think that the decision NOT to use a lot of specialized objects is wise. In this way the map will be used by a maximum number of people.
Yeaaaa :P :P
Another one, looks very nice. What a pity mu PC is dying......i will have to wait for making another one to fly this. :'(
I have a question, if you guys allow..
I would like to add some concrete airfield structure here to populate the airfields and fly my jets of this map.
Latest maps are great but not exactly jet-friendly-no tarmac.
So here's my question:
I use Cal Tarmac plates, but so far haven't figured out where in the FMB I can identify the objects.
The readme says:
"Thats it. All done. Enjoy. The section "CAL_MODS_TarmacPlate" will appear in your list of available objects in the unlocked FMB. The following shapes are included..."
He didn't say which numbers..any help appreciated..since this is a problem I have for a longer time.
Thanks guys :) and comrades partisans ;)
Uufflakke is right, objects in rivers must be removed by hand (they are put there by autopop), and that needs time. Also Blond is correct with his explanation, it is really like that. Now when he wrote it like that I think that I might just leave the houses in the water :)
While we are at objects, I also made one template for cities with one of the Uufflakke's packs. It has insignificant FPS drop even on the huge amount of the buildings. Maybe I will implement it in the future (time permitting, right now I even don't have IL2 on the computer at the moment. Also didn't ask Uufflakke for permission yet ).
Looks something like this:
That must be some all.ini problem or something like that. I never had that.
I dont know what can that be. Could be lack of bridges maybe. I must ask 102nd-yu, they tried it in HyperLobby, and as I understood it, there wasn't problems like that.
Problems that I have is when you open console (with shift+tab) it reports some errors. Also I had few CTDs with larger number of planes in the missions in 4.10. I can only assume that is caused because rivers not being at zero ground altitude, or lack of bridges.
@Col. King
Hvala. Razumem te sasvim dobro :)
And regarding IK3, it is now 102nd-yu project, and as I understood it, we will have it very soon through "official channels" ;) (so, it would be very professional top quality work) Firstly as Ai, and there is a chance for cockpit later. For now, it looks something like this: (screenshots by mwolf)
I have similar problem. I don't have time for finishing this also because I'm working and collecting money for new computer for BoB, CoD :D (however they call it these days :P )
Guys, don't forget, use the map and change it in every way you want. That's the main point and the fun.
I have similar problem. I don't have time for finishing this also because I'm working and collecting money for new computer for BoB, CoD :D (however they call it these days :P )
If may advice you in that, that's what i'm planning to use for my next rig, no specially for Cod but also for movei editing and other stuff:
CPU - Intel Core i7 2600K : The best actually, close to i7 extremes but much much more cheaper. Very easy to overclock with standard aicooling. For those going to play in the next years with 1946 it's great choice as the engine makes work the CPU more than the CG. Which is not the case for COD i guess. The best cpu at the moment.
CM - Asus - P8P67 Pro (B3) : rev B3 has been checked out and the problem of intel chipset is solved
Power supply - Corsair - CMPSU-650HXEU
I will keep my CG, Geforce 470
Central Belgrade - beginning of WW2... (Sava flooded)
Karadjordjeva street 1940 - "Hotel Bristol"
Just leave it like that... five stars for reallity... ::)
This is a very beatiful map!
Flew a "tourist" mission and I really liked the terrain and the way you set out the little towns and villages!!!! ;D
Have you tried playing with the colour of the Google Earth tiles? Google Earth textures seem to tend to be dark and not too bright. Some colour manipulation - i.e. lightening or brightening all the tiles and moving them a couple of points on the yellow spectrum might get a more vibrant result.
Now that is cool, thank you Avala! 8)
Can you include a part of "Bulgaria" too hehe (it is Serbia neighbour)
Uufflakke is right, objects in rivers must be removed by hand (they are put there by autopop), and that needs time.
If you have a map maker version of the game, then you can automatically remove objects in water (rivers/ocean/ponds etc) with one single command. In the pull down menu 'files' there is a command that says 'clear water' or some such variation. Just click on that and confirm - voila - ALL objects on water anywhere on the map are gone in a poof of smoke. Saves oodles of time and frustration.
BUT beware. This map making command will remove all objects on water, even those that you wish to have on water, such as manually placed bridges and everything having to do with a harbor like docks, jetties, harbor walls, bunkers on water etc etc etc ... you'd be surprised how may objects are actually placed on water on many maps.
So, next time making a map and autopopping, don't forget the usefulness of the removes objects on water command, but do it before you start making harbors or placing bridge objects ...
The map appear in the list, but when I click on it to load in the FMB, it gives this error message:
World.land().LoadMap() error: java.lang. RuntimeException: Landscape 'Serbia/load.ini' loading error
Try loading the map again, and then hit <shift>+<tab> at the same time. This calls up the error console. There will be lines of white text. Near the bottom will be a line with 'ERROR MESSAGE' in bold. That line usually describes the problem in more detail.
If you can't figure out what it means, give the text here and someone should be able to help you.
Col King, try to load again and press shift-tab and the game will tell you what is wrong. The message above is just a generic error message that gives no info.
Great map....+ 5 stars for reality
Hvala ti ;)
I like the way you populated the villages and towns on the city textures, very lifelike. 8)
And to comment to your post from yesterday 16:30 o'clock, you don't have to ask permission to use the Southern European House pack I created. It is free to use to everyone that's why I released it. Funny to see the SE houses popping up on many maps like Meditterranen, Latin American, West Africa, and even Russia.
About your map: the green coloured textures are bit too blueish in my opinion.
I noticed when inflight and using the mini-map I got a huge fps drop. And without mini-map everthing is back to normal again.
After resizing the ed_m01.tga to 25% problem I can use the mini-map without any problem.
Just a screenshot of a nice area:
EDIT: As we are free to use Avala's textures to our own will I decided to adjust colours of all textures into a yellowgreen summer look . At the moment Serbia looks like this on my PC.
Didn't take that long to change colours of tga's (about half an hour).
Thank Avala! :D
Very beautiful new textures, towns, villages, forests, rural fields!
Beautiful combination of on the map.
A gift to all fans of Europe!
In all guess the master's hand.
Textures are not too dark? I understand that the textures are made especially for Serbia.
But maybe add a little yellow? At least the color of the texture of trees?
Apologies for the intervention, but this is just my opinion...
It's really great that a new trees set of textures was made especially for this map. And a set that moreover shows practically no tiling at all ... that s very useful for other maps as well. As they are now, the trees set will be great to use as jungle trees ...
And indeed, if you finds the colors a bit too blueish or too dark for the Balkans, then editing them into another tint and hue is as easy as pie.
Great work.
Svaka cast, majstori! Odlicna mapa.
Sad nam samo još IK-3 fali (trep trep) :P
Believe me guys, the colors and light are correct for April. Really vegetation is more green bluish with overall drab tone of the ground then yellowish. It is yellow more at late sumer and in autumn. If you use 4.10 try to play with date and time settings, it can be brighter. But it is really different then IL2 maps colors, Slovakia for example is too much yellow for Serbia in any time of year. You can also check it and compare on Google Earth.
Even it is in Balkans, it would be mistake to compare ground in Serbia with Greece for example, two very different things.
Here is some examples:
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3006/2987229658_799baa4ebd.jpg) (http://www.baloncentar.com/galerija/001.jpg)
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/dead/dead.gif) (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/132/391489206_830e2752e7.jpg?v=0) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v127/Pupin11/bgd3.jpg)
Some more here:
Anyway, everyone can change it to his (or hers) own preferring ;)
And there is a easier way to change lighting, also affects color:
In the texture folder you will find text file called: "Zemlja.mat". Right now it is written:
Ambient 0.20
Diffuse 1.45
If you want ground more bright, and also more vivid colors, just change setings to biger number for example:
Ambient 1.20
Diffuse 2.45
And there will be one "Voilaaa!" :)
There was one version with surrounding countries, in order to play April war campaign. But it was too large for IL2. It could go, but with none or very little objects on it. It looked very poor.
@Col. King
There is file "SrbijaDrvoTL.tga", it is tree. I don't know why your game cant open it. I can only suggest to erase everything and to install it again. Are you running in perfect or excellent mode?
Thanks master :)
Notice also how shades for textures are placed on map_t, not so in blocks, its more "spoty" (took me hours in photoshop :P ). Textures are divided in two major group which are diferent in colours and tones "sumadija_fields" and "vojvodina_fields", so that they could be blended easier.
And just splash some yellow on that trees if there is a need ;D
Uufflakke, will you share that repaint? I like the map but with this repaint will be even better for my taste.
Notice also how shades for textures are placed on map_t, not so in blocks, its more "spoty"
I did indeed notice. I thought you worked with some kind of random noise generating filters or 'blot' creating filters (essentially the same but with more control over how placement is done).
But the new trees you made are still a real gem. Overlooked so often in modding, they are otherwise an important component in imparting a good feel to maps. And the invariable tiling on most tree sets was often too pronounced. You found a good way of avoiding that. Your trees or your method for making tree sets is really a good template for making yet more variations of trees.
Uufflakke, will you share that repaint? I like the map but with this repaint will be even better for my taste.
Yes, I think Uuff is the colour king! I hear what Avala is saying about specific Serbia colours, but they really do look too dark and blue-ish.
If the Uuff re-colouring could also be uploaded, I think many of us would be pleased.
Its just hard brush of 2 or 3 pixels and manual spraying over some areas.
Well, Serbia is dark and blue country :D
Guys, if someone want it brighter try this:
Just put it in texture folder. Path is like this: MODS\MAPMODS\Maps\_Tex\Avala\serbia, drop it there, and it will be different. Don't forget to save previous version, just in case.
Uufflakke, will you share that repaint? I like the map but with this repaint will be even better for my taste.
Yes, I think Uuff is the colour king! I hear what Avala is saying about specific Serbia colours, but they really do look too dark and blue-ish.
If the Uuff re-colouring could also be uploaded, I think many of us would be pleased.
Sorry guys, I just made this colour variation for my own fun and personal taste. Not realizing that others would have it also.
And will not share it as it is Avala's map creation and he knows way better than I how Serbia looks.
But I see he made another download link available of Serbia for those who prefer a brighter version.
Uufflakke, I appreciate your concern, but I really don't have problem with that. Everyone can use and tune it in any way he likes. Share it, if people asks . . . . :) (and if it is not too much a hassle for you, of course :) )
Uufflakke, will you share that repaint? I like the map but with this repaint will be even better for my taste.
Yes, I think Uuff is the colour king! I hear what Avala is saying about specific Serbia colours, but they really do look too dark and blue-ish.
If the Uuff re-colouring could also be uploaded, I think many of us would be pleased.
Allright then, here is my brighter version of Avala's Serbia map.
Drop the downloaded serbia folder in Rootfolder/Mods/Mapmods/maps/_Tex/Avala.
Needless to say to backup Avala's original serbia folder first. ;)
https://www.mediafire.com/?2ew7x0psnwo37o4 (https://www.mediafire.com/?2ew7x0psnwo37o4)
Uufflakke, really liked the color balance.
There are also yellow, blue, green. In my colors are more natural for Serbia.
Excellent Uuff!!
Great map!
Very interesting texture. I looked it load.ini.
He almost done everything differently. Very original and fresh ideas are implemented in this map
Thanks Avala!
Re-downloaded and re-installed.
I get the same error.
I run the game in Excellent mode.
Really don't know how to solve the problem...
I have everything working. But for you
Try the following:
open on the way ... .. Serbia_Map \ MODS \ MAPMODS \ Maps \ Serbia
File load.ini
Locate the section [APPENDIX]
Tree0 line and change the selection with black
HighClouds = Avala/serbia/oblaci1.tga
HighCloudsNoise = Avala/serbia/oblaci2.tga
Moon = Moon\Moon0000.tga
ShadeNoise = land/MTO_Noise.tga
WaterNoise = water/WaterNoise.tga
WaterNoiseAnimStart = Water/Animated/WaterNoise00.tga
ForestNoise= forest/summer/sk_ListForestNoise.tga
BeachFoam = water/PacificFoam_.tga
BeachSurf = water/PacificBeachSurf.tga
BeachLand = water/RiverLand.tga
CoastBumpNoise = water/CoastBumpNoiseDimas.tga
Tree0 = Avala/serbia/SrbijaDrvoTL.tga
I like a lot the urban/village areas! :)
Uufflakke, really liked the color balance.
There are also yellow, blue, green. In my colors are more natural for Serbia.
Excellent Uuff!!
Great map!
Very interesting texture. I looked it load.ini.
He almost done everything differently. Very original and fresh ideas are implemented in this map
Thanks Avala!
Take a look at upper green-blue part... strange country... especially in late April/early May...
Take a look at upper green-blue part... strange country... especially in late April/early May...
This air mass produce such blue. It's so obvious!
Put a different time - morning, fog, spring from the textures Uufflakke.
Very similar ...
As we say. The taste and color - no mates!
:PBravo majstore, mapa je zakon, vrlo uvjerljivo i zivotno,radi bez greske na oba racunala ( sinoc sam je instalirao i isprobavao u pono? ), sto bi rekli kod mene "svaka ti (?)dala".
Pozdrav iz ZG , DOKTOR
Hvala doktore, daj boze, daj boze ;D
That photo above is over saturated and tends to blue. I assume thanks to the camera, atmospheric and aerosol refraction is not so visible from such low altitude and that angle.
I wanted to make one "overall" realistic look. There is possibility that it lacks yellow tone. But adding yellow to all texture would be mistake because in that way you increase overall green in IL2. Solution can be adding yellow in just some part of the texture (maybe I will do that).
But I made textures according to personal experience, I live there :D, so as far as I'm concern, and looking that terrain every day, sometimes from the air, that is the closest that I could do.
Fact is that there is no bright green-green as in England green, also there is no so saturated yellow tones, it gets yellowish and drab towards autumn, but not the same tones as in Germany for instance. Green is more dark-green.
But, also the fact is that all of us have different monitors with different settings, it is normal to see it differently. Just go to the store when there is many monitors or TV sets working next to each other, and you will see many differences.
Fact is that we are already accustomed to the IL2 maps, which I think are too bright and too saturated, especially in green tones (so called Ukrainian green :) ) If you have a chance to fly above Europe, you will probably notice that ground is much darker, contrasted and less color saturated than in IL2. I wanted to make something like that.
The beauty with the modding is that everyone can have it according to his own likings, I will put Uufflakke's version in the first post also.
Here is some videos from youtube that in my opinion represrent the ground more or less corectly.
Taken at April 5th last year, notice the brightens of the ground, even it is 2:40pm.
August, not so good quality, but enough to show lack of deep yellow-green.
This one with trike shows the sumer the best in my opinion.
Also from the ground.
Lake Zaovine on Mountain Tara. Notice how trees are dark, from some distance it looks dark in real too (real pacific island-ish :) )
Many nice pictures here:
Few of mine, various times of days, various dates and various cameras (which is the most important because color distortions)
Overall impression of the nature is that greenery is bluish-silverish-light green in the spring, which goes more olive-drab-dark green through the sumer, then yellow and red in the autumn, but never deep yellow.
Again, there is no technical possibility that we all see the same. It depends of many factors. Anyone else's "vision" is just as valid as mine, so its good that everyone can have his own version :)
@Col. King, Mixx
I'm glad that's solved now.
This is a gorgeous map Avala, thank you very much for making it available. I personally love the dark colouring of the textures.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. 8) ;D
If someone finds textures too dark, I can only suggest to paste them into some other map and try them there. I guarantee that they will not be dark.
Dark and light doesn't have anything with the colors on textures per se. It can be easily changed to darker or to brighter, I have explained that in initial post and in my post on page 3.
Its easier to do than to explain what to do, so I made some tunning. Now these are brighter and green is more yellow, also some other "tonal" changes (its better then overall shift in yellow). I will put them on the first post also. Would be nice if someone can make some screenshots with them, I know what am I doing but
cant see because dont have il2 installed at the moment.
Enjoy :)
Here are a couple of nice pics, with only the contrast adjusted in PS to look cooler.
The colors look OK for my home area in April...
(http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/th_01.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/01.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/th_02.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/02.jpg)
(http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/th_03.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/03.jpg)
And here are a couple of pics above my home town Panc(h)evo 8)
(http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/th_04.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/04.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/th_05.jpg) (http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x31/warhawk_photo/razno/05.jpg)
Hello, and congratulations on yet another evolving masterpiece! I am facing a bizarre situation with this map in FMB; it loads fine, saves OK at first (I populated the larger part of Belgrade, set 4 Heinkel bombers on a bombing mission and 4 Hurris as interception. When I choose to play though, I only get the Hurricane (my first choice) and when I end the mission and return to the FMB map, the map shows nothing, no buildings, no Heinkels, nothing! In the mis. file, everything is there, from the static objects I placed on the map and saved... ::) Any suggestions?
PS. I use Uuflakke's textures instead of Avala's Serbia textures.
EDIT: The shift&tab command shows no internal errors. The only warnings I get are,
warning * Buf0 : Obj: 22, Vert 153, Ind 444
warning * Buf1 : Obj:21, Vert 216, Ind 312
warning * Buf2 : Obj:64, Vert 31064, Ind 46625
EDIT: Probably I had overpopulated the map or something went wrong with saving the mission. I created a new mission, with a 'lighter' version of Belgrade and everything works fine. I am still adding objects (buildings) to the map, so if the problem reappears, this will be the reason
one question.
some of yyou can please upload a simple mission of serbia so i can load the map? but without rare modplanes. txs
none of the links are working getting a file load error retrying
Fact is that we are already accustomed to the IL2 maps, which I think are too bright and too saturated, especially in green tones (so called Ukrainian green ) If you have a chance to fly above Europe, you will probably notice that ground is much darker, contrasted and less color saturated than in IL2. I wanted to make something like that.
100% agree with that. The thing is the deep of colours in Il2 doesn't match with the real colours and how they evolve with the way rays of light touch the surfaces. If you only goes a little to red, or green or blue, and the colours goes always too much to red, green or blue.
Desaturating this a little may help, but we would need one day a new lighting engine.
This map recalls me great painters, michel angelo, leonardo...unachieved like most of research works, but a real thesis about how things must be done :). Unachievement is sometimes more interresting than finished things = it shows the thinking behind.
So true about the colors :)
Hang on, I will upload small update. Probably tomorrow. I think that I get the colors and light better now. It isn't bluish, and it is lighter now. Also some other minor fixes. In the next update, hopefully it will be some roads, railways, bridges . . .
It will be closer to "achieved" :D problem is that I always have new ideas that I must try, that takes time.
Hi Avala.
I just posted this on MrOblongo's thread (i'm doing a repaint) about my first impressions about.....Cod map rendering. Don't know what you think about that but i would like to have your feeling about this.
The quote....
Hum....back to some years behind ::)...
Just tested CoD. I was hoping this way to use textures and most of all transition from one texture to another one would be just a bad dream forever. THE thing i was fighting against is making his return = the disgusting grey spots....
texture falling from nowhere...
Don't want to make a debate about Cod after all what have been said but....this is a regression. Not only compared to my own work (no personal glory guys...) but just take a look to Mixx maps for exemple, all the efforts made from month and month to make the map modding skip out of this archaic method of representation.
Look that uniform grey...what's the problem guys, is this so hard to paint it manually and difference of tones ? Looks like Super Mario Bross. What the fuck is going on here ? Please take Mixx on the team guys....I could help if were in Russia but please, don't work like that.
Sorry guys but i'm so sad
To many red in the colours. Bad filters, looks like Birds of prey....and arcade game. This not how light and colours work for real.
Looking around a little bit more my final opinion is that at least in terms of texturing this is really a regression.
Looking around a little bit more my final opinion is that at least in terms of texturing this is really a regression.
I've said something about COD here and there what I like and what I don't like but the main thing is it is too much based on default IL2 (just like the official IL2 patches, if modifications never existed), in COD main focus was/is based on cockpits which looks nice and the rest of it seems to be like homework or just 'a job'. Sorry to say but London is created by Russian developers who don't seem to have any affinity with the UK or have never been there besides a short business trip. It is exactly like another member said: "London looks like Leningrad at the Thames. " Spot on. I couldn't have said it better.
Imagine British game developers creating Moskou or Leningrad/St. Petersburg in front of their monitors just with online documentation in a tiny office.
It's a game compiled of several elements which don't have a unitity.
If a computer game does have a beating heart this one is missing one. It is just a collection of elements.
I still cant believe that THAT is actually real IL2 CoD. I'm really hoping that Oleg would pop of off somewhere and say "April fools day joke ha-haaaa".
I agree with Uufflakke, thats just a collection of elements, where planes are new, but the ground is from original IL2. What, where, and why did they doing 7 years. All the bad things from IL2 is here again.
The only modern thing that I saw on the ground is normal mapping, and even that looks too much uniform and generic, it is looking like the ground is made with painted plaster. This is not Wings of Prey, WoP had very decent ground, only with silly chroma post procesing efects. I mean look this, and compare it with CoD:
This must be some old IL2 rejected map . . .
My little experiment with textures came out very good. I made textures blurred on purpose, so that all job with details is done by Bump textures. The result is that overall textures are much better blended now, and further reduced tiling. And the best is that details are more visible and are moving with the sun.
Now I know that I made fields too small, should be bigger for better look. Also tree rows should be better. Looks something like this now: (maybe needs just a little desaturisation)
(http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv340/Bingo1957/serbia2.jpg) Beautiful map Avala Thanks.
I like your pic Gumpy, very nice :)
Very nice INDEED.
This is an impressive piece of work - many thanks for sharing the results of your efforts :)
I do however have a slight problem with the rivers suddenly 'drying up' and revealing an underlying ground texture as the viewing angle is altered slightly - I've attached 3 screen shots looking in the same direction, from the same position, but with the vertical angle varied fractionally, to show the issue:
Is this the result of a bug in the map files ..... or perhaps an issue with my video card/display settings?
hi Terry. I think that water problem might be because of unlevel height on map_H. My Caucasus map has similar effects. To solve the problem, the map area for the water would have to all be at the same elevation, or zero elevation like on standard IL2 maps, but this does not look normal for maps with mountains where the land gradually rises in elevation. So, sometimes we have to compromise and live with the results.
But you may also have this visual effect because of your graphics card. I'm curious, are you using "excellent" or "perfect" settings?
Many thanks for the respose, CT ~ your suggestion of an issue with map_h sounds like a possibility, however it's just occurred to me that it may be due to a map_T issue - I'm now wondering if perhaps the rivers have been left with a land texture, rather than having a water texture painted over?
I'm running with "Perfect" settings and all visuals maxed for quality in conf.ini
Video card is a recently installed Radeon 6870; so the hardware is well up to the job, although it's entirely possible that the drivers are at fault.
It would be interesting to hear if anyone else has seen similar anomalies.
This is an impressive piece of work - many thanks for sharing the results of your efforts :)
I do however have a slight problem with the rivers suddenly 'drying up' and revealing an underlying ground texture as the viewing angle is altered slightly - I've attached 3 screen shots looking in the same direction, from the same position, but with the vertical angle varied fractionally, to show the issue:
Is this the result of a bug in the map files ..... or perhaps an issue with my video card/display settings?
That was a try to make one river with different altitudes, which resulted in cut out sections. I assume that the river goes on again somewhere in the far? It looks ugly on some places, but the whole map is experiment. Newer version looks better :)
If that is not it, than it could be something with your graphic DLLs, if your are using some downloaded.
This is an impressive piece of work - many thanks for sharing the results of your efforts :)
I do however have a slight problem with the rivers suddenly 'drying up' and revealing an underlying ground texture as the viewing angle is altered slightly - I've attached 3 screen shots looking in the same direction, from the same position, but with the vertical angle varied fractionally, to show the issue:
Is this the result of a bug in the map files ..... or perhaps an issue with my video card/display settings?
In my opinion this is due to map_C and that videocard Radeon and probably..... with a computer ....
Weak computer bad "cuts" map_C to water and land, especially on the edges of large map - especially rich ponds and rivers
In the border zones of RGB (90 ...... 128) texture of the ground map_t superimposed on the river or the ocean for the species from afar. And why is it only happens with "older" videocards Radeon .... I know for myself.
hey ho :)
i can't get this map work over UP3 can someone guide me??
I face a problem with landings in that great map; the planes do land, but instead of moving on, they stand still, their wheels spinning on the ground... ::)
your graphics are as good as CoD
It's really funny that no one from all these map makers can't finish this map for Serbia, how many beautiful campaigns could just be made here for it...really sad.
Maps are quite intensive a project to complete ... especially the populating with objects. Parts can be automated, such as making villages or hamlets ... and while larger cities can also be automated by auto-popping, making templates for a city can be so intensive a job and useful for only a few cities anyway ...
The best maps are really done by hand with endless copy/pasting ...
It's a great project to complete, very fulfilling, but only if you have lots of spare time ... getting a basic 1 texture map up and flyable takes an hour or two at most. Putting in textures gets exponentially longer and populating even more so ...
My campaign for this map:
P.S. It has my little patch for Excellent/Perfect texture bug.
I did not know of the Serbian map's existence until the recent mission post at M4T.
What a great surprise. Thank you, Avala, for this gem!
It made me wonder if there are other maps like yours that have passsed me by. You did the Serbia map in such a fashion that no objects had to be added, a boon to those of us who do not carrying gigs of modded object add-ons.
Got your Benghali and Serbia. Are there others I've missed?
And thanks again for this beauty!
Only map download link works, the rest are dead/private, please fix :(
Yes Mr Avala, please fix the links. Thanks!
This is a very good looking Map. Thanks Avala
Hi, folks,
perhaps some of us noticed that there was a campaign Polat Ikara released at Aviaskins:
The hisrorical campaign uses map of Slovakia because the map of Serbia is unfinished yet.
I dare to try some steps in finishing tasks, such as restoring Mymap_c.tga, making new ed_m01.tga and ed_m02.tga , adding highways, rails and roads through ... in forests, removing the flood partially. The preliminary results are shown at Aviaskins:
Before continuing further, I ask Mr. Avala for his kind permission to work on his marvellous map.
It would be nice if anybody can give link here to brighter Avalas tekstures, since the link in the first post is dead.
It would be GREAT if someone would finish this map! It has really nice potential, and it covers historically important ground. And few can do it better than you, Uzin! :)
The preliminary results are shown at Aviaskins:
From what I understand of post #2 (Google Translate) a 3D modeller is needed to create some typical buildings for the city of Belgrade.
In case a modeller enthusiastically starts creating these buildings be aware that 3rd picture is not Belgrade but the Peace Palace in The Hague, The Netherlands. ;)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_Palace (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_Palace)
I understand the confusion though, there is a clear link between the Peace Palace and Serbia but it has nothing to do with WWII.
From what I understand of post #2 (Google Translate) a 3D modeller is needed to create some typical buildings for the city of Belgrade.
Yeap, you understand right, 4 conformity to the historic era view with buildings of Serbian cities 3d modeller(s) WANTED:
Some additional photos of historical buildings in Belgrade:
Progress report.
After lowering the rivers to zero height and smoothing the valleys, 124 bridges were positioned.
Airfield areas were flattened and equipped with default runways and taxiways, basic hangars placed.
Railways, highways and roads were completed, railways stations added and their area levelled.
Population of cities completed, using now default buildings. Roads cleaned , they are default ones , going through the cities without any undedfault objects.
Kalamegdan built as frankenobject:
What to do:
Smederevo fort, Petrovaradin fort, revision of ed_m01.tga, ed_m02.tga.
The map then became flyable for mission and campaign makers.
If anybody likes to beta test the map, write, please in PM.
Avala's original map uses friction mod, which might make troubles in newer versions of Il2. So I covered the airfields with BlankFieldPlates by canonuck.
The change of Decline from 53 to more realistic 44 seems to improve the appearance of textures - they seem brighter (to me at least).
Smederevo fort:
Beograd main railway station. Kalemegdan near horizon :
Very nice progress indeed! Keep it up! :)
My 2 cents: IF you can manage with only stock objects more people will probably D/L and use the map.
My 2 cents: IF you can manage with only stock objects more people will probably D/L and use the map.
Yes, I did: essentially only stock objects were used, if the objects of Slovakia, Canonuck, Finlandia may be considered as such.
Here is Petrovaradin fort:
Hello mr. Uzin! Great looking map, nice to see her finished! Been to Novi Sad and the fort, good job representing it in IL2! A question if I may... Will it just be a 1941 map version? It would be amazing to have a post war version too, with Batajnica airfield, so jets could be used... T-33s, F-84s, F-86s, MiG-21s... Unusual mix of eastern and western aircraft was operated by Yugoslav air force, good times 50s and 60s...
My 2 cents: IF you can manage with only stock objects more people will probably D/L and use the map.
Yes, I did: essentially only stock objects were used, if the objects of Slovakia, Canonuck, Finlandia may be considered as such. Here is Petrovaradin fort:
Not bad, however during the war there was one more bridge just a bit upstream from the one you created, which took the railroad from Novi Sad through a tunnel right under the fortress. You can still see the pillars on which it once stood, the tunnel entrance is now overgrown by vegetation:
Also, the fortress ramparts stretch out a fair bit from the main fort - there are several rings of fortifications not obvious from the ground but very much visible from the air.
Hello mr. Uzin! Great looking map, nice to see her finished! Been to Novi Sad and the fort, good job representing it in IL2! A question if I may... Will it just be a 1941 map version? It would be amazing to have a post war version too, with Batajnica airfield, so jets could be used... T-33s, F-84s, F-86s, MiG-21s... Unusual mix of eastern and western aircraft was operated by Yugoslav air force, good times 50s and 60s...
Thank you for your appreciation of unfinished work, lol.
Your proposal is very interesting, the mix of aircrafts seem to me nice, too. As you can find at wiki, the similar mix was also in 1941 : there were Hurries together with Bf-109 and Italian crates.
The work of the map might be done even for later periods, but it requires essential reworking , similarly as in the case of Poland 1939, 1944, 1945.
So we can see it later, if at all..
Not bad, however during the war there was one more bridge just a bit upstream from the one you created, which took the railroad from Novi Sad through a tunnel right under the fortress. You can still see the pillars on which it once stood, the tunnel entrance is now overgrown by vegetation:
Also, the fortress ramparts stretch out a fair bit from the main fort - there are several rings of fortifications not obvious from the ground but very much visible from the air.
Many thanks for the comment on Petrovaradin fortress, I shall try to do my best.
As it concerns the railway bridge near the fortress, I am afraid the default Il2 bridge cannot be positioned properly.
Since it appeared only during the war, perhaps I can omit it for Aptil 1941 ?
You are probably living in the area, so your comments are greatly appreciated.
What do you think about Avala's textures ?
I was never there , so I must rely upon the experts.
Good work there Ivan!
What do you think about Avala's textures ?
I was never there , so I must rely upon the experts.
According to Avala the represented area ís really that dark. Since he lives there I think we should rely on his expertise. ;)
Second, the darkness not only comes from the textures but is also influenced by its BumpH files and last but not least by the Ambient and Diffuse parameters in the includes Zemlja mat.file.
By the way, I appreciate your eye for realism and detail in populating the Serbia map. :)
Not bad, however during the war there was one more bridge just a bit upstream from the one you created, which took the railroad from Novi Sad through a tunnel right under the fortress. You can still see the pillars on which it once stood, the tunnel entrance is now overgrown by vegetation:
Also, the fortress ramparts stretch out a fair bit from the main fort - there are several rings of fortifications not obvious from the ground but very much visible from the air.
Many thanks for the comment on Petrovaradin fortress, I shall try to do my best.
As it concerns the railway bridge near the fortress, I am afraid the default Il2 bridge cannot be positioned properly.
Since it appeared only during the war, perhaps I can omit it for Aptil 1941 ?
You are probably living in the area, so your comments are greatly appreciated.
What do you think about Avala's textures ?
I was never there , so I must rely upon the experts.
Yes i grew up nearby, my mother is actually from Novi Sad and i served my military service in the Danube riverine fleet so yes i do know my bridges. :D :p
That particular rail bridge was the first permanent one built in the area. and was built in 1833 when the railroad was laid out.
The one bridge that you have on the map was built in 1928.
Both were blown up by the withdrawing Yugoslav Army in April 1941.
The first one (the rail bridge with the tunnel beneath the fortress) was soon repaired by the Germans and was back in use from early 1942 until October 1944 when once again it got demolished, this time for good. The underwater pillars were deemed too damaged to allow safe repair, and since then the tunnel remains unused (its opposite end, away from Danube, has actually been converted into a warehouse).
The second bridge (one that you have on the map), which was originally a road bridge only, was then rebuilt as a combined road-rail bridge and was back in service from January 1946. The railway had to be routed through downtown Petrovaradin (the old walled portion of the city beneath the fortress) and such arrangement existed until 1962 when a new road-rail bridge was built further downstream.
Both the 1946 and 1962 bridges, as well as an even newer one upstream built in 1981, have been all destroyed once again in the 1999 war with NATO.
Re: textures - i find them OK, the colors are different than what we're used to in Il-2 but IMO they do look like Serbia from above.
And i must add my many thanks to you for taking up the task to finish this map.
If you need any specific info please do not hesitate to ask, i will do my best to try find you an answer. :)
It's the deep green color shade of the forest on Avala's map that i find quite accurate. The agriculture changes with seasons, of course.
OK if one mountain is not enough (by the way, that was Mt. Avala on the outskirts of Belgrade), here are a few more:
Fruska Gora, in the north near Novi Sad:
Kopaonik, in the south of the country:
Rudinik, in the central Sumadija region:
Rtanj, in the east:
Jastrebac, in the south:
Stara Planina, on the border with Bulgaria:
Zlatibor, in the west:
So yes, pretty much all mountains in Serbia are covered in deep dark green forests. At least in summer. :)
Petrovaradin fort from the South:
Petrovaradin fort from the North:
Still at Exvellent landscape settings.
Very nice!
Would you mind taking a screenshot of the whole area with Petrovaradin and Novi Sad from above (just so that one can see the populated areas), so i can point out what areas have not yet been built up in 1940's compared to today? It seems to me that you were using a modern map as a reference, but this area was much less urbanized back then - today it has well over 400,000 people but then it was under 50,000. Namely the area where the oil refinery sits today (top image, across the Danube on the right side of the image), back then that was just a swamp with a small Gypsy settlement of maybe ~150 houses, surrounded by an old half-dry silted up meander of Danube cut off from the main river stream.
Also, there was pretty much nothing west of the rail bridge (the one that i mentioned earlier, that went through the tunnel under the fortress) since the railroad used to mark the western city limit (nowadays is right in the middle of the largest most populated urban area of the city).
Its very Beautiful map, Still in WIP Right,
Your notice is highly appreciated, thank you very much.
As for the populated areas, I made them on the basis ov Avalas original map. It would be nice it you (por anybody else) can provide the maps of april 1941 at best, otr near to that date.
Here is the area of Novi Sad I have now:
(http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_NoviSad_1_zps99ioochh.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/NoviSad_1_zps99ioochh.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_NoviSad_2_zpskcelz6nr.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/NoviSad_2_zpskcelz6nr.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_NoviSad_3_zpslc6vhiye.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/NoviSad_3_zpslc6vhiye.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_NoviSad_4_zpsvo6pynzc.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/NoviSad_4_zpsvo6pynzc.jpg.html)
Mark freely, please, what to remove.
If you have any other proposal as for which landscape details to add, either in Novi Sad or elsewhere, I would be grateful. But for the time being we must satisfy with frankenobjects. Be aware, however , please, that I do not know to realize all proposals by Il2 game means.
Map made flyable, all objects present. See Fw189 ower Beograd and Hurricane over NoviSad:
OK here we go:
I've been searching for a good WW2-era map of Novi Sad for quite a long but am unable to find. However, here's the same area from WW1 - it did not change much in the 30-odd years in between, it only really started to be built up and expanded since 1960's:
You can see how there is nothing behind the Petrovaradin fort, and also the area where the oil refinery today stands is marked as an island and is just swampy wilderness. Also, there is nothing to the west of the railroad (and between the railroad and Danube).
Here is a closer look centered on the city:
The bridge that you have on the map has not yet been built, but there is a pontoon bridge in its place (in fact it was at this location since the 1600's). It has been replaced with a permanent one in 1928. The rail bridge was built in 1833.
Basically, this means that the following area needs to be cleared off the map (marked in yellow):
Here are some details that would be great if possible to add (i did not mark what needs to be removed on these views, i think the above is clear enough):
And some buildings:
The Cathedral on the main square:
The City Hall, viewed from the Cathedral tower:
Please let me know if there is any more info that you'd need, i'll be glad to help!
Many thanks again !
There is a problem with railway bridge opposite to Petrovaradin fort - the railway there must stop on the right hand side of the river, since we have not the possibility to create workingt tunnels in Il2 game, sorry.
Ther cathedral might be temporarily replaced by Pilsen one. The City Hall might be also made by frankenobject. There is the question about Banovina Building : really was there soh very modern looking building in 1941 ? It looks like from Bauhaus school of architecture, doesn't it ?
Do you have any info about direction of Novi Sad airfield runways you marked ?
Any info about the size of other cities like Sabac, Smederevo, Kragulevac, Krajevo at the time before WWII will be greatly appreciated, too. Then it would be possible to decrease populated areas in map further.
Many thanks again for your interest and valuable help in the map making.
No worries if you can't connect the railroad to the bridge, if it can't be done it can't be done.
Banovina was built in 1930 and it was ultramodern for it's time. It is still one of the symbols of the city.
Of course, i understand the need to use frankenobjects, i posted those photos to kind of give you an idea what the real stuff looks like, so you could easier find the best fit.
You can see the outline of the former airfield here (the site is now military barracks for AD and armored units), the airstrip is long gone...
This image of Novi Sad during WWII might have your interest as well.
http://donauinseln.blogspot.nl/2012/11/danubian-archipelago-on-fire-archive.html (http://donauinseln.blogspot.nl/2012/11/danubian-archipelago-on-fire-archive.html)
Aerial photo of Kragujevac in 1915
(http://s20.postimg.cc/kxdu7bmy5/Kragujevac_1915.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
image sharing (http://postimage.org/)
Thanks, Uufflakke !
Novi Sad, 1944:
Belgrade, location of the civilian / military airfield before and during WW2 (nowadays in the middle of the large urbanized residential area of New Belgrade):
This has been later replaced by separate military (Batajnica) and civilian (Surcin) airfields not far to the north of the original location.
Smederevo 1941:
The city was severely damaged in the first months of the war, the old fortress was being used as a depot for captured war material, and there was an explosion that flattened much of the city causing a great number of casualties.
The above image is one of the rare ones showing the fort, the adjacent railway depot and further in the background the port on the Danube before the disaster.
Here's a modern view of the fort showing its location in relation to the Danube:
You can see where the medieval walls have been breached by the explosion.
Great map Uzin! 8)
Any info about the size of other cities like Sabac, Smederevo, Kragulevac, Krajevo at the time before WWII will be greatly appreciated, too. Then it would be possible to decrease populated areas in map further.
This website contains thousands of picture postcards of Serbia. From around 1900 untill the 60's.
No aerial photos (unfortunately) but some panoramic views are included. At least it gives an indication of the size and buildings of a town.
http://www.delcampe.net/page/category/cat,-2,language,E.html (http://www.delcampe.net/page/category/cat,-2,language,E.html)
Smederevo 1930
Kraljeva 1932
Hi, friends,
many thanks to your infos on Serbia before WWII.
The Donjo Polje AF at Beograd is appreciated especially, it will be included into the map,
obviously there were concrete runways.
It would be nice to have more aerial photos of Serbian AF prior to WWII,
I believe there might be more technically advanced AF there.
The Airforce was fairly modern for its time, up to about 1927 it was one of the most modern in Europe (on par with France, if not by numbers then by quality of planes in use), after that it started lagging behind. Of course, it could never measure up to the biggest and strongest ones but it was quite adequate within the immediate region. During the 1930's the country fell unto hard times and so investing into modernization of the armed forces slowed down.
Nevertheless, when the April 1941 invasion came, the Yugoslav Airforce was capable of mustering some 800 first line planes, of which about 300 were of most modern types - Bf 109E-3, Hawker Hurricane IA, Rogozarski IK-3, Bristol Blenheim I, Dornier Do 17K, Savoia SM.79K, Caproni Ca.310, the remainder were older Hawker Fury, Avia BH.33, Ikarus IK-2, Breguet XIX, Potez XXV and others.
In addition to this, there was also a second line aviation which beside Breguet and Potez biplanes also employed pretty much anything that could fly in the country - trainers, civilian types etc. This brought the total strength of the operational arforce to about 1400 planes.
Yugoslav aeronautical industry has produced several domestic types but the most important aspect of it was license production of foreign types. Hawker Hurricanes, Bristol Blenheims and Dornier 17's among other types have been mass produced locally, often with local 'flavor' - small alterations and improvements. There have been interesting projects in development like upgrading Hawker Hurricanes with DB-601A engines, or the B-4 locally designed upgrade of Bristol Blenheim, and some locally designed prototypes - IK-5 heavy fighter/destroyer, Ikarus Orkan fast bomber, Zmaj R-1 bomber, Rogozarski R-313 reconnaissance bomber...
Having said all of that, what is important to realize is that there were serious political issues in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia at the eve of the war, which made a large part of its armed forces less than eager to fight to defend the country which they perceived as oppressive. If we take this into an account, and with the numerical superiority that the Germans and their allies already had over the Yugoslav Airforce, it is no wander the April invasion ended how it did.
Regarding the airbases, only 2-3 biggest ones had paved airstrips, most of them were grass fields. Especially the small dispersal bases from which the airforce operated in case of war. These usually had only the most basic facilities for refueling and rearming the planes.
Before reading ab out Yugoslav airbases post of Tadoye, I made frankenobjects in Novi Sad:
Banovina, Cathedral and City Hall, railway bridge going to tunnel through Petrovaradin hill added:
Just a question: which were other AF with paved airstrips, in addtion to that in Beograd, please ?
Wow, that actually looks very very good! :)
I'm not sure if there was any other paved airstrips within the confines of this map, maybe Kragujevac but i can't find a photo which would confirm.
Meanwhile, here are some pictures of the Belgrade airport (Dojno Polje) showing the civilian terminal and hangars how they looked in 1930's:
Dojno Polje AF with grass texture changed (original one has tiling issues).
Light version of the map (with default objects mostly, population completed together with highway, rail and roads net, with AF taxi , runways and stops, with bridges and railway stations) called as Serbia_RC1 is here for betatesting:
Map was tested on Il2 versions: DBW1.71, UP3RC4 and TD4.10with SAS modact 3.06,
allows succesfully to save and fly missions made in FMB.
Everybody is allowed to modify the map to his/her personal taste and release it under his/her name.
(I am going to the hospital ...)
That's not a good news mate!
Hope nothing serious....
....I wish you to get weel soon!
A good map !
I wish you health!
All the best Uzin!
Dear Ivan, I wish you a speedy recovery!
Hi, friends,
I am here (at least temporarily) because my sickness is treated outpatiently, so I am again at Serbia map, lol ! ;)
When testing the just released version, Serbia_RC1, on UP3RC4, Mr. Toobone from Aviaskins and I met weird phenomena:
1. near Kalemagdan, at certain height and angle, white plates protrude into the map, and disappear when changing the distance of view (can be seen here:
post #53 of Yesterday, 12:08 )
2. some aegyptian or greek or roman ruin floaats above Kalemegdan, even if I never add it to the map.
(http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_Kalem_UP3RC4_zpseg6p7z3w.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/Kalem_UP3RC4_zpseg6p7z3w.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_Kalem_UP3RC4_2_zpsvs7gegtl.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/Kalem_UP3RC4_2_zpsvs7gegtl.jpg.html)
3. Bf109 AI planes disappear on Donje Polje AF at Beograd, after landing , taxiing to stop and switching out the engine.
This weird behaviour (1, 2, 3) occurs in UP3RC4, but not in 4.10 SAS modact 3.06 and modded 4.12_2 versions of Il2.
Perhaps can anybody help, please ?
Hi folks,
need some help here. I downloaded the map and can open it in FMB, but can not save the map neither in UP3RC4 or modded 4.12_2. After saving the map in coop or dog fight and try to leave the map hitting exit button, small window pops up asking "would you like to save the new mission file". Hitting "yes" there is no change, hitting "no" I can exit, but the map is not saved. Any suggestions?
Hi folks,
need some help here. I downloaded the map and can open it in FMB, but can not save the map neither in UP3RC4 or modded 4.12_2. After saving the map in coop or dog fight and try to leave the map hitting exit button, small window pops up asking "would you like to save the new mission file". Hitting "yes" there is no change, hitting "no" I can exit, but the map is not saved. Any suggestions?
Both UP3RC4 and 4.12_2 version were tested for saveability and flyability of missions created in FMB , both by me and other users, so you can try to use program Universal static.ini checker for finding which objects are missing in your install. The program can be d/l here:
#1, Goose, you miss objects.
Read here for 4.12, post 1, replies 10 and 53:
Good Luck!
great to see you back on your post again! Keep up the excellent work! :)
@ Goose (not only):
flying in FMB mission created in 4.12_2 modded Il2, over Novi Sad:
Nice mate!
Here's a skin from M4T to go better with that Storch: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads2&file=details&id=6763
Thank you Uzin and Tom2. There is a busy weekend ahead for me to find out what I have missed. Wish me luck. ;)
Chutch of St.Save in Beograd, as made by Molva and nachprod aka Murdoc of Aviaskins:
The St. Sava Church was not yet built, it was completed only recently.
St. Michael's cathedral:
St. Mark's:
The St. Sava Church only had its foundations completed by the time of war, and it remained so until 1980's when construction was restarted. It is still not fully completed.
But that model can be put to good use to represent a generic Serbian Orthodox monastery.
@ Radoye:
I think it is misunderstanding: so called small church of St.Sava was modelled, not that built in 1980s.
Look here:
or here:
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=4094&page=2 post 39
or here:
A small church of St.Sava was built in 1895.
A question: where is the orthodox monastery (you mentioned above) located, please ?
D'oh silly me, right, i see now ;D
Monasteries - they're pretty much everywhere. See this map:
It shows the Serbian Orthodox eparchies.
And here: http://www.manastiri.rs/
you have a table which lists all the eparchies with the number of monasteries they contain. Clicking on each will give you a detailed list with photos for most, as well as a map showing the position of each monastery within the eparchy (the red symbols with a square base and a cross, the others are parish churches).
I hope this helps!
Thank you very much, Radoye !
I shall try to implement at least some of the churches at proper places , using Kiev aand Peterburg temples as placeholders. If anybody will create more true objects, they can than easily be replaced.
You see, I started to work on Serbia map a bit too in a hurry, usually I devote more time to study of reality. Nevertheless, with the help of you and other community menbers, I hope the wotk will go well, too.
Bf109 AI planes disappear on Donje Polje AF at Beograd, after landing , taxiing to stop and switching out the engine.
This weird behaviour (1, 2, 3) occurs in UP3RC4, but not in 4.10 SAS modact 3.06 and modded 4.12_2 versions of Il2.
Dear Ivan,
Could you please provide all necessary things to reproduce the issue?
I guess it's this map plus a mission you've created in FMB, so we have the first, but please provide some download link for the second.
Best regards - Mike
Thank you very much, Radoye !
I shall try to implement at least some of the churches at proper places , using Kiev aand Peterburg temples as placeholders. If anybody will create more true objects, they can than easily be replaced.
You see, I started to work on Serbia map a bit too in a hurry, usually I devote more time to study of reality. Nevertheless, with the help of you and other community menbers, I hope the wotk will go well, too.
No worries mate, i'm glad to help if i can. :)
Bf109 AI planes disappear on Donje Polje AF at Beograd, after landing , taxiing to stop and switching out the engine.
This weird behaviour (1, 2, 3) occurs in UP3RC4, but not in 4.10 SAS modact 3.06 and modded 4.12_2 versions of Il2.
Dear Ivan,
Could you please provide all necessary things to reproduce the issue?
I guess it's this map plus a mission you've created in FMB, so we have the first, but please provide some download link for the second.
Best regards - Mike
Here is the package Serbia_compare.7z:
which contains new folder Serbia_RC2, where actors.static was repaired,
and the mission called 0_1a4_RC2_Avtree.mis .
Both these items, i.e. folder and mission file, were installed both into TD4.01 SAS modact ver3.06, and UP3RC4.
The mission contains 4 Yugoslav Bf-109 F2 AI planes and one German, the players one.
After running the mission, push Ctrl-F2 and you will see the AI planes taking off near Beograd, circling and landing , taxiing to stop.
While in UP3RC4 the AI planes disappear after switching off the engine, in the other Il-2 version planes remain at stops, as it should be.
Note: my UP3RC4 is the original one, without new improvements added recently. It resides on external disc.
Thank you for your time and patiency with my delayed posts.
@ Radoye and everybody else knowing it :
A question:
was there river port in Beograd in 1941 ?
It is absent so far on Avala's danube there.
@ Radoye and everybody else knowing it :
A question:
was there river port in Beograd in 1941 ?
It is absent so far on Avala's danube there.
It was located on the right bank of the Sava River, near its confluence into Danube, between the King Alexander bridge (destroyed in 1941, post-war replaced with Brankov bridge) and the Kalemegdan fort.
You can see it in this photo (the Alexander bridge is already destroyed, with two pontoon bridges visible in its place):
Also, please note the location of the main railway station with the huge marshaling yard between it and the Sava river bank, with some tracks continuing on towards the port.
Ratno Ostrvo island at the very confluence seems to be flooded by the high waters.
You might find this useful too:
It's the map showing the pre-war tram lines in Belgrade in 1933. You can see the location of the then existing bridges (Alexander bridge is still being built, it was completed in December 1934) and the locations of some of the city landmarks.
These maps:
...shows the extent of the built-up urbanized areas in and around Belgrade at the time of WW2 (it actually depicts the operations during the liberation of the city in October 1944).
And here's one nice detailed Kalemegdan Fortress map:
The picture below shows three main churches in Beograd,
two of them still represented by now almost default ones - Kronstadt sobor and Bartolomew in Pilsen, as placeholders:
As for the river port in Beograd. I mentioned above, it concerns this one -at Danube east of Sava river:
No, that did not exist then.
Here's an aerial photo from 1944 that shows the bridge over Danube (originally King Peter II bridge, destroyed in 1941, rebuilt by Germans, then destroyed again in 1944 and rebuilt once again post-war):
As you see, there is no port.
thank you very much, so Avala was correct when did not draw Danube port on Mymap_c.tga. I need not to create it now, so saving the time.
I think that the Sebia map suitable for mission and campaign builders is near completion now. I decided not to add any further landsmarks such as castles and monasterys - there is 1500 objects - small villages , which Avala placed and populated, this seems quite enough.
Or are there any objects which anybody suppose to be necessary to add to the map before release, please?
Your and other community members opinions would be apreciated on this matter.
Sounds good. The bottom line is that any such objects can be added later if really needed, there can be a v2.0 of the map.
I just remembered something, do you have yet the Nis Fortress?
Niš fortress is very nice, unfortunately , Niš is out of the boundary of Avala's Serbia map, where the most south town included is Podujevo.
Actually, Podujevo is some 60 km southwest from Nis, on the road from Nis to Pristina just inside the Kosovo border...
Sorry, it should be:
SE end of Avala's map is somewhere at Bonik, Lebane.
The edge is about half the way between Krusevac and Niš, which is excluded.
OK i see, i thought that might be the case. :)
Dear Ivan,
I like to express my appreciation for all your efforts and hard work in continuing Avala´s work. I would like to ask you or somebody of your friends at Aviaskins if they could do the Belgrade Airport/Terminal building from Dojno Polje as they did marvelous work on St. Sava church. I tried and would like to post some pictures from the building and of the replication of same on display in Aviation Museum in Belgrade, but I am not allowed to. I think Radoye and many others would welcome this "small" additional work.
Dear Ivan,
I like to express my appreciation for all your efforts and hard work in continuing Avala´s work. I would like to ask you or somebody of your friends at Aviaskins if they could do the Belgrade Airport/Terminal building from Dojno Polje as they did marvelous work on St. Sava church. I tried and would like to post some pictures from the building and of the replication of same on display in Aviation Museum in Belgrade, but I am not allowed to. I think Radoye and many others would welcome this "small" additional work.
Thank you for your appreciation of our common work on Avala's map.
Any info about the terminal at Donjo Polje would be appreciated as far as it concerns the state in 1941, the time period the map is for.
As far as I noticed here in the thread , the suitable placeholder of the terminal could be that at Tri Duby of Slovakia map, perhaps except of the size of the object..
You will be allowed to post your info here at SAS after you will send at least 5 post, if I am true.
Well, the airport building was from pre war times as Radoye already posted two pictures I think. There are only few pictures available from the building, although it was built in 1931, partialy destroyed by american bombing raid in 1944 and was present until airport clousure in the sixties. The building and the hangars were teared down for the new buldings built at New Belgrade.
One of the hangars still stands today:
Here it is in the context of the airport, with the terminal building visible as well:
Terminal building:
Another important Belgrade landmark - the old Fairgrounds:
You see the King Alexander bridge (destroyed 1941), and the Belgrade port. Kalemegdan is in the extreme left of the photo, and in the upper right corner is the King Peter II bridge across Danube. The rivers are extremely high and there is some flooding around both Sava and Danube. The Fairgrounds are near the bottom of the picture. During the war they were converted into a concentration camp.
All that remains today:
I was not aware that one of the hangar still exists. Very nice pre war pictures Radoye. Thank you for sharing.
And here the pictures of the airport building model on display showed in aviation museum in Belgrade. So if somebody knows how to make the buliding for this wonderful map hope this pics would help.
(http://s12.postimg.cc/l1m6fod4t/k_Aerodrom_Beograd_4.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s3.postimg.cc/xdfg11nmb/k_Aerodrom_Beograd_5.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s30.postimg.cc/6et4qfrpt/k_Aerodrom_Beograd_6.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
(http://s3.postimg.cc/4cb3rn36b/k_Aerodrom_Beograd_7.jpg) (http://postimage.org/)
Here are possible composing bricks candidates for franken terminal building.
Meantime, the process of creating true Serbia objects is progressing: see #88 in
Meantime, the process of creating true Serbia objects is progressing: see #88 in
Awesome! Thank you and all the good folks at Aviaskins for your effort!
Molva of Aviaskins made St.Mikhael Cathedral Church in Beograd.
Will be patched into released map Serbia1941.
(http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_SabornaCrkva_2_zpswhezegak.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/SabornaCrkva_2_zpswhezegak.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_SabornaCrkva_3_zpsbjyzucx3.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/SabornaCrkva_3_zpsbjyzucx3.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_SabornaCrkva_1_zpsbx81amnl.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/SabornaCrkva_1_zpsbx81amnl.jpg.html)
Very good to see this nice progress. Keep it up gents! :)
Molva of Aviaskins made St.Mikhael Cathedral Church in Beograd.
Will be patched into released map Serbia1941.
(http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_SabornaCrkva_2_zpswhezegak.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/SabornaCrkva_2_zpswhezegak.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_SabornaCrkva_3_zpsbjyzucx3.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/SabornaCrkva_3_zpsbjyzucx3.jpg.html) (http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww341/Uzin_2009/th_SabornaCrkva_1_zpsbx81amnl.jpg) (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Uzin_2009/media/SabornaCrkva_1_zpsbx81amnl.jpg.html)
Looks cool, man! :)
Uzin, this is looking fantastic. One question: will roads/airfields move in your update compared to Avala's original? In short, is it ok to start building campaigns for the map based on the first page download or should we wait for you to finish your version? Or use the beta in the interim?
Great work, once again. Thank you.
Uzin, this is looking fantastic. One question: will roads/airfields move in your update compared to Avala's original? In short, is it ok to start building campaigns for the map based on the first page download or should we wait for you to finish your version? Or use the beta in the interim?
Great work, once again. Thank you.
Location of the airfields is essentially the same as given by Avala, only minor adjustment was made. Roads and railways are completely newly made,since original Avala map had none of them. Only minor adjustmments of the routes were made in comparison with the first my versions. Rivers are completely those of Avala. Hence, the bridges were only slightly moved . In any case, the last version released should be right, I suppose. Last, presumably final version release is here:
Hi Uzin,
just stumbled over the map of Belgrade from 1940 issued bei German General Staff marked with point of interest like airport, military areas, airplane factories and other industrial areas probably used for German assault in April 1941. If there is any interst, this map would perfectly fit to the map of Serbia 1941. To post the map is impossible as 35.1 MB big, but here is the link where it can be found:
The title is Belgrad STADTPLAN VON BELGRAD (MIT ZEMUN) ????? 1940
Hi Uzin,
just stumbled over the map of Belgrade from 1940 issued bei German General Staff marked with point of interest like airport, military areas, airplane factories and other industrial areas probably used for German assault in April 1941. If there is any interst, this map would perfectly fit to the map of Serbia 1941. To post the map is impossible as 35.1 MB big, but here is the link where it can be found:
The title is Belgrad STADTPLAN VON BELGRAD (MIT ZEMUN) ????? 1940
Many thanks, Goose !
This link is very important, it makes possible to create realistic map of not only Beograde, but also of other yugoslav cities,like Osiek, Dubrovnik, etc. These data inspire me to try make whole Yugoslavia, as Yugoslavia_East and Yugoslavia_West maps, with almost photographic contemporary cities textures . Tried in Microdem, it is viable, the population should be less dense than in Avalas central Serbia map. Nothing promising, but bearing in mind. Interest of users could decide, lol. ;) ;)
I think that such map (Yugoslavia) can be very useful....is one of the last missing maps for early WWII scenarios....Marita deserve her map....
Hi Uzin,
the idea as such sounds very promissing. The maps of Slovenia and part of Croatia already exsist and can be merged with map of Serbia to map of Yugoslavia. Let´s wait and see what the comunity has to say.
Hi Uzin,
the idea as such sounds very promissing. The maps of Slovenia and part of Croatia already exsist and can be merged with map of Serbia to map of Yugoslavia. Let´s wait and see what the comunity has to say.
Avala used a little more 800000 static objects in actors.static, after merged with Croatia & Slovenia its can be up to 1500000 objects - nothing 4 powerfull cards like r9 290 or GTX970, but old @ feeble cards - brakes. Mappers who have experience with large actors know more about it.
Hi Uzin,
the idea as such sounds very promissing. The maps of Slovenia and part of Croatia already exsist and can be merged with map of Serbia to map of Yugoslavia. Let´s wait and see what the comunity has to say.
Avala used a little more 800000 static objects in actors.static, after merged with Croatia & Slovenia its can be up to 1500000 objects - nothing 4 powerfull cards like r9 290 or GTX970, but old @ feeble cards - brakes. Mappers who have experience with large actors know more about it.
It is unnecessary to have all little villages like on central Serbia Avala map, compare with map of Poland, which has about the same area of land as the supposed whole Yugoslavia map. The number of unnamed villages might be halved at least, without the worsening of the map appearance, I think.
From the same Polish website, this could be also interesting:
From the same Polish website, this could be also interesting:
Thank you ! This is a treasure !
Damn, Yugoslavia map sounds amazing! Dreamed about it from time to time I must admit... Adriatic coast, islands, Bosnian mountains, plains of Slavonija... And not only for WW2 scenarios, 90s wars could be recreated using existing objects and airplanes...
Sorry about this late entry to the subject, I just wanted to let you know that there'll be a near-complete (missing about 6 sheets) set of British (GSGS) 1:100,000 maps of Yugoslavia available on the same site mentioned in the thread. They should appear in mid-December 2015, hopefully sooner (end of November). This will be followed by a set of GSGS 1:250,000 series (complete, I believe), then about 80+ sheets of a German 1:25,000 maps (unfortunately, not very detailed, despite the scale). There are also some other semi-related maps, i.e. 4 x pre-WW2 sheets covering Yugoslavia, and about 15 - 20 sheets of a "nationalities" map from approx. 1940, based on the old Austrian 1:200,000 maps. And a number of (up to 100) sheets by AMS, from late 1990s (mainly 50K), but all those should come up some time in early 2016.
Ah, yes, probably in the next couple of days, a Soviet army town plan of Saraievo, from around 1970s - 1980s.
Sorry about this late entry to the subject, I just wanted to let you know that there'll be a near-complete (missing about 6 sheets) set of British (GSGS) 1:100,000 maps of Yugoslavia available on the same site mentioned in the thread. They should appear in mid-December 2015, hopefully sooner (end of November). This will be followed by a set of GSGS 1:250,000 series (complete, I believe), then about 80+ sheets of a German 1:25,000 maps (unfortunately, not very detailed, despite the scale). There are also some other semi-related maps, i.e. 4 x pre-WW2 sheets covering Yugoslavia, and about 15 - 20 sheets of a "nationalities" map from approx. 1940, based on the old Austrian 1:200,000 maps. And a number of (up to 100) sheets by AMS, from late 1990s (mainly 50K), but all those should come up some time in early 2016.
Ah, yes, probably in the next couple of days, a Soviet army town plan of Saraievo, from around 1970s - 1980s.
Many thanks for the info.
Woiuld you be so kind and give any links, please ?
oops, times fly, it's past 1st week of December, still nothing's come up. I need to pest the person who was supposed to add at least the GSGS 100K maps, because I know they're ready, just need to be linked to the index sheet. Regarding other maps I mentioned above, it looks like I won't have time to work on them until Christmas, I'm afraid. Funny how things speed up towards Christmas, so much more to do, so much less time to do it. I'll try to get something done on those maps by then.
(https://i.postimg.cc/brDYg7Mf/Mosquito.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ctWN4b0F)
How do I get The skin for the Mosquito
Sorry for not making new topic and for requesting this time.