Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => USSR_Singles => Topic started by: Karabas-Barabas on March 17, 2011, 12:20:12 PM

Title: Yak-7 without razorback [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on March 17, 2011, 12:20:12 PM
Standard fighter cocpit VVS RKKA 1943

Yak-7 without razorback more than 4000 from all 6400 Jak-7 (Jak-7UTI and Jak-7V, Jak-7, Jak-7A, Jak-7B)
5120 Jak-7 with M-105PF

Jak-7 43 (~25-3x series Novosibirsk plant N 153 and ~10 series Moskow plant N 82), max speed 514 +-2-3 km/h - 570 km/h
Jak-7 autumn 43-44 (~40-50 series plant N 153 and ~20 series plant N 82), max speed 531 +- 2-3 km/h - 580 km/h
(in game Yak-7BPF =  22 series (first N 22-41) plant N 153 and 1 series plant N 82)

ver. for 4.10
http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/Yak-7B_Late_410.7z (http://www.nullwar.com/ftp/test/Yak-7B_Late_410.7z) (875 kb)
new link:

For a new dl link see reply #31 attachment here (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,14631.msg515174.html#msg515174)!

3D model and FM based Yak-9

ver. for 4.08/4.08 (FM for diffmmod)
For a new dl link see this posts attachment below!

fix 25.04.2011
For a new dl link see this posts attachment below!

Jabo & Karabas-Barabas
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Gaston on March 17, 2011, 04:03:55 PM
Thank you very much !

That's nice, Karabas ! The more Russian planes, the best it is ! Just a question : what do I do with the buttons+7B file ? where to put it ?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on March 17, 2011, 04:28:18 PM
...: what do I do with the buttons+7B file ? where to put it ?

rename button and copy Il-2_folder\MODS\STD\gui\game\
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Gaston on March 17, 2011, 04:49:42 PM
OK ! Thank you !
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: mandrill on March 17, 2011, 05:37:29 PM
Wouldn't the Yak-7B bubbletop be heavier than the Yak-9?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: agracier on March 18, 2011, 07:46:40 AM
The buttons file included in the download is much smaller than the current buttons file. So I surmise that the download buttons does not contain all the new aircraft available for Il-2 so far.

Concurrently I surmise that the newest buttons, while much larger, does not seem to contain necessary entries for these new mods.

This because neither of the 2 buttons, the latest SAS 8.3, nor the included version in the download, seem to work with this mod.

Any chance of newer buttons being available?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: mandrill on March 18, 2011, 09:25:58 AM
Aah, interesno! I have a previous Yak-7 bubbletop mod, but it has only 1 version of the a/c. This mod has 2.

K-B, why is there such a difference between the "late" version and the "last" version of the 7B bubbletop? Were production methods improved?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on March 18, 2011, 12:32:46 PM
Wouldn't the Yak-7B bubbletop be heavier than the Yak-9?

The fuselage of late Jak-7 and early Jak-9 and Jak-9D was identical, differences in a design of a wing and arms.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on March 18, 2011, 12:34:25 PM
K-B, why is there such a difference between the "late" version and the "last" version of the 7B bubbletop? Were production methods improved?

Yes, improvements were brought in each new series.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: mandrill on March 18, 2011, 03:21:16 PM
Wouldn't the Yak-7B bubbletop be heavier than the Yak-9?

The fuselage of late Jak-7 and early Jak-9 and Jak-9D was identical, differences in a design of a wing and arms.

But the internal structure of the Yak-7 was wooden and was heavier than the aluminum structure of the Yak-9, no?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on March 18, 2011, 03:37:34 PM
But the internal structure of the Yak-7 was wooden and was heavier than the aluminum structure of the Yak-9, no?

Jak-9 and Jak-7 had the same fuselage.
Because Jak-9 is Jak-7DI

Jak-1, Jak-7, Jak-9, Jak-3 had an identical design of a fuselage and identical geometry, because a basis at them it I-26:

Metal fuselage post-war Jak-9 and Jak-3 had only, it absolutely other planes.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: GOZR on April 17, 2011, 11:41:00 PM
Karabas i'm sorry in reality they do have a difference between Yak3 and 9 and 7 as well as the 7Di same goes for their wings and lots of little details and internals. For a model maker maybe but to built them in reality it's an whole different world.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: woofiedog on April 18, 2011, 03:21:30 AM
Excellent work on these two Yak's... Thank's!

If anyone is looking for some Yak-7B late model skins... checkout Canons Skins site.



Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on April 18, 2011, 11:43:46 AM
Yak-7 and Yak-9 in different series had serious enough differences, all likely doesn't need to be realized 50 series Yak-7, as well as all series Yak-9.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on April 18, 2011, 11:48:01 AM
Some errors in 3d models - the tunnel oil-radiator and branch pipes are found and are rectified.

The standard camouflage is necessary.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: GOZR on April 18, 2011, 01:56:28 PM
Well Barabas.. as passionate having different model of a serie is great mostly if the one is making historical or details missions campain..
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on April 25, 2011, 11:44:57 AM
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: RealDarko on April 27, 2011, 06:51:17 AM
late model skins... checkout Cannon's site.

Can't enter the page. Can someone post a link please?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: woofiedog on May 02, 2011, 11:24:43 PM
Just gave Canons Skins a try and it's up and running. Also at the M4T site listed under Yak-9 are some great Yak-7B late and Yak-7B cutdown fuselage skins done by Emel and redskin7.


Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: GOZR on May 09, 2011, 11:06:51 AM
Anyone want to make skins for the upcoming Yaks ?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Mangas on June 17, 2011, 12:36:21 AM
Thanks for these Yaks...
Btw, there's a file "fmyak7_410" inside the archive... Where should I put it? into \Forgotten Battles_4.10m\#SAS\STD\gui\game (near the "buttons" file)?
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on June 17, 2011, 09:18:21 AM
You should add it into the Yak7 folder and 'maybe' rename it fmyak7.....IIKC
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: GOZR on June 17, 2011, 06:29:19 PM
About a skin for my Yak-7Di or Early Yak-9 on the upcoming UP 3.0 ? ?
I really need some stock skin to add.. Thanks a lot if you can.. :) ( you guys can contact me I do have other Yaks coming up as well ) https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16611.0.html

Early Yak-9




The 7Di could be in the Greyish theme, light blue under fuselage and the Yak9 in a Dark greener, light blue under fuselage for example ...anyway something genericly historical ..
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: flightorfight on November 28, 2011, 11:46:10 AM
I'd like to mention a problem with the Yak-7 bubbletop ( called Yak-7 Late in game ) in UP 2.01. Seems almost impossible to taxi without constant ground looping/spinning. Especially with any application of brakes. Almost impossible to navigate it to parking after landing, hard to keep on the runway or taxiway without the incessant spinning problem. I started a DGEN campaign in it and then deleted campaign because I could not enjoy this plane. I like the total immersion of flying and taxiing from takeoff, battle and final parking. I have no idea if this plane does this in UP3.0 as I never upgraded ( downgraded really ) to UP3.0, stuck with 2.01.

Any other YAK in the game, either original or mod, is very easy to taxi. Only this one has problem.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: vanir on February 01, 2012, 11:15:12 PM
I talked to a few people at one point about the wartime yak serie and it's a very complicated story about those yaks. It's very difficult for me to understand and rationalise exactly the differences, progression and timeline between each model. From what I understand they didn't even have different models as such, not in the way we tend to think of in the west, there is never really such a thing as an "A" then a "B" then a "C" model or specific variants with the yaks, they're all over the place. A Yak-7 doesn't really mean anything different from a Yak-9 or a Yak-1 depending on the situation. The Soviet industrial complex was very complex.

It was all very awkward having to move all the factories in early 1941. Then they shipped the existing workforce but also expanded a new one, the idea was to increase production by three times. And it was very disorganised because some sections of the new workforce were woodworkers and textiles machinists, but then some of them were highly qualified alloy metallurgists. Some had to be trained from farmers, others were already tractor mechanics, some were professional aeronautical engineers if the Gulags hadn't claimed them yet. This was happening right at the time when the Yak (I26) was first being surveyed by VVS and Stavka.

Stalin was very paranoid but his reasons were from watching what happened between Lenin and the military commands around 1920, dozens of little-emperors essentially drove him to his death and threatened to rule the empire in the form of shadow governments of independent and warlord fiefdoms not unlike what was happening in China, and over there they were actually murdering their own revolutionary leaders as soon as power was secured and then all the different provinces warred each other for centralised dominance, Stalin was determined that this was not going to happen to him. Personally I suspect and I think Stalin suspected Lenin was poisoned.

These are important factors involved in the production of the yak between 1941-43, the fact is two different workers councils, TsAGI and Stavka were all directly involved and it was a situation where some workers were so scared of what they were doing because anywhere from 30-70% of any leading workforce members were being shipped off to Gulags under charges of sabotage at any one time, all it took was the accusation most of the time. Plus was the fact that the yak was hardly the most important fighter to Stavka, they liked the LaGG and Il2 mostly.

There is a situation where the Yak1 is almost a failure because the finish quality was so bad, but the surplus of YakUTI couldn't be overlooked. There were two major fronts in Ukraine and at Leningrad areas, plus peripheraries. The British started sending lots of aircraft and fuel very quickly along with domestic consumables, and this was a benefit but there were problems with foreign aircraft operating in Russian conditions, very similar to the situation the RAF/FEC had with their Hurricanes in Burma, the local fuel and conditions were so bad the Merlins couldn't take it and had to be detuned, their MkII operated no better than the early MkI of 1940, at least until about 43. In Russia it was like this at times, especially early on. Plus there was the weather, British engines had to be completely drained and reserviced using local fluids and tuning conventions, it killed the performance of the Merlin which was never as celebrated in Russia as it was elsewhere.

With the American lend lease planes there was the complication that they either came through the Middle East route (through Armenia) or shipped to Vladivostok and the entire Siberian railway had to be rebuilt to transport them to the Fronts. This meant the bulk of American lend lease aircraft like the P-39 wound up being stockpiled at receiving ports until the Kuban offensive in 43. The period of some lend lease aircraft in 42 were mostly in the southern Front (Don valley), these were generally detuned British Hurricanes and Bostons operating as bombers and easy meat for the Luftwaffe F4 and G2, even the Bf110 had good success without escorts. It is shown in the pilot kill records which Germany kept religiously, noting type and location of kills. Some small amount of lend lease fighters were available but it was sporadic and often they were simply stripped for things like their armoured seats and radios which were then fitted to LaGG fighters operating at Leningrad in 42.

But there was a good surplus of YakUTI that was built in early 41 because the decision was made this would be the main conversion trainer for all the new fighters the MiG, the LaGG and the Yak1. They made quite a few and because they had larger wings than the Yak1 with better fuselage balance they were very stable and very popular. It was easy just to fit the PF engine in 42 and ShVAK gun so you had a fighter, just strip the rear cockpit position.

So the Yak9 was really based on this concept. The Yak7 is mostly like a modified YakUTI which incorporated all the common factory improvements being forced by TsAGI reports and Stavka involvement. The improvements are represented generally with Yak1 and Yak7 in production series. Later Yak1 used YakUTI wings and eventually became the Yak3 but the popularity of the Yak7/9 never really subsided. And a very big part of all this was the concern of how many fighters are being produced by the month, it was quicker to make 2000 Yak7 than it was to adapt to 1500 Yak9 even though the Yak9 is basically a retooled Yak7 on common lines. It's a question of interrupting the lines and modifying the workers requirements.

All of them really get very blurred in late42 to mid43 until production finally standardised the Yak9 and then reintroduced the Yak1 derivative in the form of the Yak3.
Yak9 were operational in units from Feb43 however, but the Yak7 remained in production through the transition and at this time there is almost no difference between them, excepting which factory was making it.

Therefore to reiterated, as this description has been to the best of my understanding but may be at fault, I find it all very complicated and difficult to understand any exact progression and model distinctions so much as a general development of series production for the Yak family.

I guess the point is that I would like to mention that I am very thankful for any mods for 4.101 which will expand the Yak series effectively for historical campaign building. But even if it is a relatively minor thing, can somebody pretty please fix that horrible looking prop spinner so that it looks nice and smooth :)
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on February 02, 2012, 06:57:12 AM
...Later Yak1 used YakUTI wings and eventually became the Yak3...

The square of wings Yak-7 - 17,15 m2, Yak-3 - 14,85 m2

YakUTI such plane did not exist.
Educational was called UTI-26, Yak-7 has been created on its basis.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: vanir on February 02, 2012, 03:26:45 PM
Thanks for the correction, Jim Winchester wrote that the Yak-3 used the larger Yak-7 wings as opposed to the Yak-1, in fact specifying this was the main difference (aside from moving the oil cooler) between them. He is not a Russian source however, just a journalist and he often gets things wrong.

I know about the UTI26 designation, calling it YakUTI is just my own shorthand. UT (combat capable conversion trainer in this context, can also mean special purpose and trainer aircraft) I (fighter type) 26 (plane model).

Still hoping someone will tackle new models for the LaGG and Yak series in Il2, these are really starting to look dated now in the game compared to many newer aircraft model meshes but they are great fun to fly.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: Karabas-Barabas on February 02, 2012, 03:56:43 PM
For a long time already there are mods
Yak-1 Early to 36 series = in game Yak-1
Yak-1 Late with M-105PF
Yak-1 light with 1xShVAK
Yak-7 Sh-37
Yak-9 43 and Yak-9T 44-45

LaGG-3 1, 8, 11 series, Sh-37 41 and 42 years
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 28, 2013, 12:04:41 AM
These work in 4.12
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback [4.12]
Post by: Stefan SG on November 12, 2014, 03:28:29 PM
Unfortunately the mod of late Ya-7B faces problems with tail wheel in 4.12. Let me propose its replica with the tail wheel working in 4.12.

(http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p172/StefanSG/2014-11-12at22-17-37_zps467d98e1.jpg) (http://s128.photobucket.com/user/StefanSG/media/2014-11-12at22-17-37_zps467d98e1.jpg.html)


Credits to Karabas-Barabas and Melissa for this excellent mod.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: macgiver on May 10, 2015, 08:58:47 AM
Link to "fmyak7_410" is dead, some posibility of new dl?
thanks in advance
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: SAS~Gerax on May 10, 2015, 09:28:10 AM
Link to "fmyak7_410" is dead, some posibility of new dl?
thanks in advance

dl the attachment.  ;)
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback
Post by: macgiver on May 10, 2015, 07:26:34 PM
Thank you very much.
Title: Re: Yak-7 without razorback [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Hartmann84 on January 16, 2017, 04:00:36 AM
Hello do not tell me how to add this mod plane Yak-7B+Late 412 in HSFX 7.0.3 when I add in air, always fly up to 60%