Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Visual Mods => Topic started by: SAS~CirX on October 19, 2009, 12:26:15 PM
Download Ecran Wide 2 by Josse & CirX (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas/gui/Ecran_Wide_Josse_CirX.7z)
This makes your loadscreen and game gui wide screen compatible. It also fixes the map position for widescreen users, and adresses a number of other issues.
This is based on Josse's original Ecran Wide Mod. This version combines that with a font-resize (i include some notes in the font files from Bee's font mod, which was very helpfull), and fixes the button stretch of the main interface buttons. it also provides load and main gui background images that are proportionally compresssed and removes the frame options of the original mod for a standard option. It also includes the simple smaller map icons originally done by the Fly_zo, and lastly has a mod in that reduced the audio volume of those gui "clicks".
This is made for widescreen users. Normal screen users will get NO benifit from it.
I tested it for my screen , which is a 22inch, set to 1680 x 1050. So that is the only rez I will qualify this for, but it would be interesting to hear if it works on others.
For guys who do not want or need the little frame around the map in the game, download Ecran Wide 2 no-map-frame patch (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sas/gui/Ecran_Wide_Josse_CirX_noframe.7z)
note: This mod is already contained in UP2.01
CirX & Josse
to play missions in widescreen, you must manualy make the changes in your conf ini. I myself play at 1680 x 1050 (16:9)
you will know this mod is also working, when your loadup screen is also widescreen, and you are able to move your map in flight right to the edges. Tip: By clicking with both mouse buttons down on the map, you can move it to wherever on the screen you like, and it will remember that position.
my conf ini reads so (this is just an example, your may differ):
here is an example from another user:
Works like a charm, no more black bands on screen! Thank you very much! Resolution I use is 1920x1200.
Works perfectly on my 1440x900 laptop, thank you Josse and CirX !
Thank you!!! A must have for all widescreen users!
1920X1200. Everything where it belongs. Map with small frame, a little smaller, smaller icons; speedbar in the left corner.
If I wanted to change the splashscreen (I don't) would I have to do the following?
"......background.tga. just remove it and its accompanieng .mat file"
Reason I ask, sometime ago I downloaded from AAA a variety of spashscreens and the download was just comprised of background.tga files, no .mat files. If in the future I decide to change the splashscreen, would I just copy the new .tga file in? And, would doing so change any of the other screens (briefing, etc)? Everything looks really good with this mod, but I was just kinda curious.
Thank you.
If I wanted to change the splashscreen (I don't) would I have to do the following?
"......background.tga. just remove it and its accompanieng .mat file"
Reason I ask, sometime ago I downloaded from AAA a variety of spashscreens and the download was just comprised of background.tga files, no .mat files. If in the future I decide to change the splashscreen, would I just copy the new .tga file in? And, would doing so change any of the other screens (briefing, etc)? Everything looks really good with this mod, but I was just kinda curious.
Thank you.
yes. All background files in the game are called the same, but they live in different areas.Like, the loadscreen lives where I mentioned, but the main background screen lives in missions/
Specific other background TGa's live in your other campaign and missions fodler. Do a search for them. And you dont have to replace the .mat file, just the tga. Make sure it has the same dimetions, and it must be slightly compressed from the sides...you will see.
Any chance for an original airfield icon please? Aaa... help?
Zaelu, the airfield icon you see IS the original. IF you want a smaller one, here it is, it goes into the icons folder in the mod.
;D This is mine, make all icon translucence, also small tuning on several TGA, make it more clear. resize plane size, make it smaller, others keep same as CirX‘s, for 22' that looks fine.
Every once in awhile a Mod comes along which really changes the game for the good - this is one of 'em 8) 8) 8) 8)
One of the best mods ever....Thanks! ;D
I've got a problem:
When i'm flying and open the map there is only a grey window.
any solutions??
Usually when that happens you just have to click on the map and it will then display correctly. ;)
... I have just ordered a 27' 1920*1080 monitor today and I am really eager to try this mod ... :P
Here is a very nice prog to let you compare screen size and aspect ratio etc ...
http://tvcalculator.com/index.html?b6099e4f60a5ee33e7c6cec0278bdac0 (http://tvcalculator.com/index.html?b6099e4f60a5ee33e7c6cec0278bdac0)
So, I'm still getting up to speed here. I came across this wide screen support item before I even knew what HSFX was. I was wanting to find a way to expand the games screen so I could get the benefit of my Samsung monitor. Since I found this forum, I've updated to 4.09m, downloaded and installed HSFX, along with 7z.
I've downloaded CirX's mods and extracted them both. So with respect where the mods actually go in the scheme of things. There's a C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Mods folder and a C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\jsgmemods folder. I think I'm suppose to put them in the JSGMEMODS folder. But from what level of directory in modifications do I make the copy?
Do I copy L:\Downloads\1946\Ecran_Wide_Josse_CirX\MODS\2 Ecran_Wide\*.* or L:\Downloads\1946\Ecran_Wide_Josse_CirX\*.* or something else entirely? Any help would be extremely appreciated.
the place to put it is in your mods folder.
the "2 Ecran_Wide" folder in the download, is the one you put into your MODS folder (just like a mirror image of the way it is in the download)
So it will be for you :
C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Mods\2 Ecran_Wide\font\...ect
Hmmm. I copied to the mods directory but don't have the benefit of the wide screen placement of the speedbar, minimap, etc. However, the pin-up sepia is awesome.
did you use 7zip to unzip it? Other apps may not be so successfull.
Check if, in the folder of the mod, you 4 hashed classfiles (names like 8D899CBE8D84FB1C , ect)
...the UPS guy knocked on my door this morning, only one and a half day after I placed my order (hats down Amazon ...!!) he had a big, very big parcel for me ... :P
Well the least I can say is how could I live that long with a such a tiny 20' 4/3 screen ...?? :D
The 27' 16/9 is huge to the point that I am now embeded in my cockpit, and I can see details I didn't even suspect before ...!!
The Ecran-Wide 2 mod works like a charm, a big THX to Josse and CirX ;)
Here is da monster :
http://www.lesnumeriques.com/iiyama-prolite-b2712hds-p240_7112_50.html (http://www.lesnumeriques.com/iiyama-prolite-b2712hds-p240_7112_50.html)
http://www.testnumerique.fr/produit.php?cat=22&id=30 (http://www.testnumerique.fr/produit.php?cat=22&id=30)
awesome! ;D
very nice!....must start saving for one of those.... ;D
maybe i could sell a kidney.... :P
Great choice!
I have also an Iiyama , a Pro Lite E2607WSV (26"@1920x1200) and I love it!
Thats awesome Mick. :)
I did use 7z and I do have the hash files.
then have you made sure there is not another mod loading before this one, that has any of the same files in it?
Also have you set up your conf.ini for widescreen?
I have turned off the mods in HSFX and conf.ini is set to 1920 x 1080 after discovering that on another forum. As a matter of fact, I came across your mod when I was researching if it was possible to move the HUD/messaging text and the minimap to my newfound extremes. Truly, hats off to you.
My setup has other issues as well. A little bit of history...
I recently re-introduced myself to IL2 after having it sit dormant on my system for a year.
I rewrote my CH-Products scripts, updated my ATI drivers and brought my IL2 install up to 4.09m, found the widescreen mod and added HSFX as I stated earlier.
After each step, I verified I had the performance I wanted.
But after I added HSFX, for the primary purpose of adding 242's historical mods, I have observed the following:
I get the dreaded "60% Install" when trying to apply the historical mods. No amount of buttons fixing made that go away.
My frame rate drops down to crazy low levels (1 fps to 4 fps) when terra firma is in 10% or greater of my frame. If I point my view skyward I get 60 to 70.
--I thought I had fixed my framerate issue by dropping my terrain values to flat and low (dull and boring). It did work for a time being. But my past few game starts have proven otherwise. The game is currently unplayable. So, if anyone has any ideas as to where to look to make some changes I'd appreciate it.
I know I introduced a bunch of variables into my system and game configuration so in lieu of any specific board member recommended corrections to apply, I am going to restore back to 4.08m and start over.
Since I'm talking about my "problems", here's some other things I encountered since I started to immerse myself into the greater IL-2 community:
This board appears to be one of the most current and extremely active with posts. The updated stickies that keep important gameplay items current and foremost is the best community offering I've seen.
I've applied to a couple other forums (m4t and 242) and I've received no confirmation or reply. With m4t I applied over a year ago without any success as well as recently trying again as well as sending a separate email. Are these "invitation only" forums? Do they screen out applicants that use browser based email addresses? I have pop server access with my provider but I haven't used it in years. Do I smell funny?
Firstoff, HSFX is realy geared towards SEOW players. 242sq also. A while ago, HSFX's core was used to make a user friendly ultimate modpack for the wider online and offline community. This is Ultrapack. There are forums out there that have personal problems with ultrapack, and express this by advising their readers to install HSFX. The result is the 242 got what they didnt want...
Start from 4.09m again (be sure, 4.09m, update your game to that). The you should go ahead and download and install ultrapack. This Widescreen mod is even in there already.
After that, grab the SAS Ultrpack "Modfolder" for UP here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,7949.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,7949.0.html)
which will make it easy and painless for you to add more custom mods.
Good luck!
Works as advertised. All I can say is "WOW". Following your recommendation for installing UP has created a new game for me. I can now drive up my ATI card where I used to only be able to use directX. I think I'll be hanging around this forum for a while.
I owe you a virtual beer.
... the only "bug" I have is this transparent "frame" just under the map, tried to modify the square "Planxx" files to shorten them and make them rectangular but to no avail ...
I have seen this before , but I cant remember.
Please look for other mods that could conflict, and also if this mod is properly installed and it is the latest version.
The mod should contain 4 classfiles
and in Ecran_Wide\gui\game\pad\
you should find 6 files,
I think the one in question here are padcelluloid.mat and planshet.tga, they are the important ones.
... THX CirX, I'll give it a try but anyway I don't even consider it a "bug", I am so satisfied with this mod and my new wide screen .. :D
ah, wait, I know what this is Mick.
You have the Minimap mod from Benitomuso in there, dont you? (if so,you might have mentioned that ;) )
To solve, go into 00_PALMiniMapV2\gui\game\pad
and disable the PlanshetFrame.tga file.
... ;D
... you were right CirX ... as usual ... a big THX ..!!
@Dry Heat, did 7z really unpack your screen to the size of Micks?! If so I´ll reject my winzip and start using 7z! My 24'' Benq would blow up to, what? 32'' or more? ;) ;D
If only Flying H. I'd have some Jumbo-tron monitors by now.
Guy's and SAS_Malone !
A big thank you to you all , very nice, i shall be busy :P
I'm stuck with the old 6600 because my MoBo only has a AGP port, i'm thinking of a new MB :P
does anyone know of the top of there head what SFS file the original icons are in.
I've customised the size (reduced) of all the icons that are part of this mod, but theres a couple that aren't in it, like some of the mission objective icons, and i want to reduce them in size to.
currently going through all the SFS files looking, but any help pointing me in the right direction would be awesome!
EDIT found them.
note: This mod is already contained in UP2.01
There is previous version of this mod in UP 2.01. not that.
Ecran Wide 2 no-map-frame patch works perfectly ! Thank you very much :)
Beo, sorry if this is obvious, but have you tried to change the SaveAspect value in your conf.ini ? It should be set to 0 for 16/9 or 16/10 screens.
FYI, here's the [window] section of my conf.ini:
Well it certainly works as advertised.
My only issue is trying to find my correct 'size' to put in conf.ini
I'm running a 20" HP2009M monitor, and I know its 16x9, so I put 1600x900 in the conf.ini settings. gave me a serious sense of vertigo while playing! Something is not right at that setting. I also used the program mic linked to above but truth be told I'm not really sure what I'm looking at. Is there a list of monitor sizes and their corresponding resolutions somewhere? Ive searched here and elswhere and haven't found a whole lot.
EDIT: Ok well I should have checked wikipedia
Thing is if I go any larger than 1600x900 the game wont start. I'm guessing because its a resolution that I cant run?
1600x900 is the native resolution of your HP monitor, so you should always and only use it as this is the best definition and quality you will get, make sure also that it is Windows desktop resolution ... ;)
1600x900 is the native resolution of your HP monitor, so you should always and only use it as this is the best definition and quality you will get, make sure also that it is Windows desktop resolution ... ;)
Ok that makes sense, and its what windows is set to, but it definetly doesnt work in IL2.
Ill put it like this everything is, well, shortened! like this
Have you enabled resize?
Not sure what your refering to so prpnably not
CWMV, I run my game in 1600x900 too, have a look at my conf.ini here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1472.msg140999.html#msg140999 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1472.msg140999.html#msg140999). Hope it will help.
CWMV what is weird is that the screenie you posted obviously shows a 16/9 image, only the Corvette is shrinked (very practical to park it by the way ...) ???
Can you post a pic with an AC in game (profile and front view) ?
I am sure we are going to find a fix for that bug of yours ... ;)
Oh the corvette image is just something I found online to illustrate my point, its not quite that bad!
Damn I tried playing it again and after about 5 minutes I had to shut it off, just really hurts the eyes for some reason.
Ill try to get screen shots later.
Ah, OK, now I understand better, I was wondering how you could have a shrinked object in an obviously 16/9 image ... ;D
... well post your new GTX460 video settings then ... ;)
Not sure what your refering to so prpnably not
That's what I mean:
EnableResize=0 >>>> try to use 1 <<<<
I do not know what's going on with me gentlemen, but it does not work with different combinations.
EnableResize=0 >>>>>>>insert 0 and 1 without the effect of
EnableClose=0 >>>>>>>>insert 0 and 1 without the effect of
mod directory "2 ecran_Wide" pasted to the mods directory, jsgme, and copy the files inside the mod - nothing could.
Buttons have also depended 7.9 and it does not change anything
I do not know what's going on with this modem
Ok cleaned my posts up a little bit.
Heres what I have, courtesy of my samsung captivate.
In 1280x960
and then in 1600x900
Actually, I think the 1600x900 picture is more accurate! Ive just been playing with the other resolution I couldn't tell.
But still the image is 'flat' for lack of a better word, to the point that its nearly unplayable. Its like if you don't need glasses, but you put a pair on that have a heavy correction and wear them for a while, your always trying to focus and its never quite right.
Well the 1280x960 (4/3 format) streched view is quite normal if you use the Wide screen mod, and the 1600x900 (16/9) looks OK to me ... ;)
Take a look at your gauges inside the cockpit, do they look like circles or not ??
If they are oval then you have a prob, otherwise everything's OK ... :P
Ok cleaned my posts up a little bit.
Heres what I have, courtesy of my samsung captivate.
In 1280x960
and then in 1600x900
Actually, I think the 1600x900 picture is more accurate! Ive just been playing with the other resolution I couldn't tell.
But still the image is 'flat' for lack of a better word, to the point that its nearly unplayable. Its like if you don't need glasses, but you put a pair on that have a heavy correction and wear them for a while, your always trying to focus and its never quite right.
Well the 1280x960 (4/3 format) streched view is quite normal if you use the Wide screen mod, and the 1600x900 (16/9) looks OK to me ... ;)
Take a look at your gauges inside the cockpit, do they look like circles or not ??
If they are oval then you have a prob, otherwise everything's OK ... :P
Damn why didnt I think of that! Cause its 0452 here and i havent slept.
I think my eyes are just going to have to get used to the right proportions. The increase in definition is worth it though.
I'm at a loss with this mod. I'm having the same problem in both of my UP 2.1 and HSFX installs, that being I get a flashing square box in the lower left hand corner of my screen followed by graphic glitches and stutters. When it first happened I thought I had issues with my new system but everything else runs very well. Out of curiosity, I disabled the Ecran mod and just set my config manually to 1920x1080. That is my monitors native res and it looks great as far as the screen proportions looking correct. All the cockpit dials look nice and round, so all I'm giving up is the new placement of the HUD readouts and for the on screen map. That and the new load screens, which I really liked. Short of going thru my mods one by one to find it, can anyone tell me if there is a known mod that conflicts with Ecran? Any help would be appreciated.
Strangely enough, the mod ain't working here on 4.10 + SAS Modact;)
Anyone has a idea?
Both the normal Ecran and the beta for 4.101 work great for me. Thanks! ;D
Love this, thanks
Well, I've got a 1920x1080 screen, ASUS VG236H. I install the map into MODS, but I still see a black box on each side on the startup screen, and in the menu too;)
But inflight, it takes the whole screen, but the left under stats of speed, altitude etc.. are just like the start up screen, somewhere in the middle of the screen:S
Strangely enough, the mod ain't working here on 4.10 + SAS Modact;)
Anyone has a idea?
If you install the Ercan wide version for 4.10 into your jsgmemods folder it should work okay mate.
Now if that fails.Open the folder called ercan wide for 4.10, which should be located in the jsgmemods folder.Then open a folder called mods, inside you should see a folder called z ercan wide beta 4.10.Now copy this folder into your main MODS folder.You should now have it working if my first post didn't help. ??? ;D
Already got it working;) Throwed the UP Ecran into the SAS version;)
Thanks for the help!
Uauuu! My world change to 1366 X 768.
Uauuu! My world change to 1366 X 768.
Same here ;D
screen jpgs ... old size.
TGA, not jpg, but that's not the problem (I don't know what it is though). Ecran should stretch the TGAs to be the right size.
still doesn't work for me. in fact, i don't need the mod to make the screen 1366x768. i just change the res in the conf.ini. the only problem is the load screens and map location remain in the 4:3 position whether I use the mod or not. hmmm..
This mod is already in UP 2.01 (jsgme) but why this make my game from UP 2.01 to UP 2.0 when I enable this?
hi Hangman, what changes is only the GUI screen not the game.
i you want to solve it go to files folder, look for the GUI and the backsreen TGA you find there and copy/paste to your ecran wide folder in JSGME (better deactivate first, doing the job and reactivate)
best regards,
Is the max. size 1920 ? when i try 2650x1440 the game won´t start :(
Is the max. size 1920 ? when i try 2650x1440 the game won´t start :(
Hola mi pregunta es si existe alguna forma de hacer compatible el Ecran Wide con el FOVMod, ya que en la versión UP 3.0 RC4 no funcionan juntas sin ser con la carpeta (#UP#SampleFolder.rar), que ya no se recomienda su uso.
Existe otra opción para instalar estos Mods en UP?
P.D.: Disculpas por el mal manejo del inglés...
Hello my question is whether there is any way to make compatible with the Wide Ecran FOVMod as in version 3.0 RC4 UP do not work together without being in the folder (# UP # SampleFolder.rar), which is no longer recommended for use .
There is another option to install these mods in UP?
P. D.: Sorry for the bad command of English ...
Well, after installing modact 3.06, I finally got around to activating this mod! It works excellent on my 1366 x 768 laptop! (kind of an odd resolution) :)
This is a cool mod! However, I have a problem:
in FMB the aircraft selection menu drops up, instead of down, making the A-20s inaccessible. A solution would be greatly appreciated :D
my screen res is 1600x900
wilkommen, doktor :D
i don't use ecran wide myself, but there is a solution for a similar problem when using QMB Pro mod - check out benitomuso's thread for that solution, it might help for this, as well.
(assuming you mean QMB, not FMB, naturlich)
this section: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,75.0.html - stickies.
just an fyi, it is still possible to select the A-20's with this issue, you just need to select the aircraft until highlighted, (usually, click on it twice) -then scroll using the mouse-wheel, and the planes will scroll up/down without the need of the drop-down (or up, lol) menu.
an easy way to do this is to select the very last plane in the list, then scroll down to the first, which you can do using this method. all you need is a mouse-wheel - if you don't have one....well, you really should. 8)
Danke sehr, Mr. President!
No fancy mouse for me, I play on a laptop who has no scroll feature :'(
So I will give QMB Pro a shot.
Thanks for the help!
dear SAS! is there a way to change the font color in a briefing from red to black? thanks in advance!
P.S. small correction, red font gives PAL MissionProCombo mod
Hi guys. I have a question, and depending on the answer a request.
My question is, is there a way to specify separately what resolution to use for the game interface (when not flying)? For example in the custom [mods] section in conf.ini?
If not, could we get something like that in a future revision please?
The reason I'm asking is because I run 3 monitors in Eyefinity, 6052x1080 with bezel compensation on. (Yes, the game does look utterly amazing!) The problem is, when I turn on this mod in DBW, it occupies the ENTIRE 6052x1080 viewable space, and looks ... very funny, to say the least. In addition to being a bit hard to read things, many of the radio buttons and menus are cut off and hidden behind the bezel compensating areas. Being able to run the game at that high resolution, but for example maybe specify an interface resolution of 1920x1080 that is centered in the viewable area (and hence centered on the main screen) would fix this completely. Hence why I wanted to post here and ask.
Does this mod cut off the top and bottom of the in-game field of view? Maybe my memory is faulty, but I thought that it did not. Just did a complete UP-DBW reinstall, and I'm not sure if this mod is working the way it's supposed to. (Top and bottom of FOV are cropped.)
Does this mod cut off the top and bottom of the in-game field of view? Maybe my memory is faulty, but I thought that it did not. Just did a complete UP-DBW reinstall, and I'm not sure if this mod is working the way it's supposed to. (Top and bottom of FOV are cropped.)
AFAIK this mod doesn't touch the in-game visuals, only the menu screens. If you want better FOV ranges you'll need to use San's FOV Changer tool, or these two mods:
While San does deserve sainthood for all the work he's done on that tool, I much prefer those two mods linked as they're guaranteed to work, San's tool tends to cut out and stop working occasionally.
With Ecran Wide I (4.10.1, SAS-ModAct3.06) can't select a home base...
Any hints?
der Blaubär
My squad went through this last night. You need to make sure of what your "Native" screen resolution is and put that in your conf.ini
width=1920 or what ever yours is!
height=1200 also whatever yours is
SaveAspect=0 ensure yours is 0
Now if that does not allow you to put your cursor right on the home base icon you will have to do as I do and increase the zoom on the map and move your cursorer around the base untill you see the highlite icon appear. You will just have to get used to moving your pointer around the base till you find it. Sound familure?....lol
It's the only bug I see with the wide screen mod, FMB works just fine no probs with pointer and object.
you will have to do as I do and increase the zoom on the map and move your cursorer around the base untill you see the highlite icon appear.
That's it! Thank you so much. Never had an idea like that... :D
der Blaubär
hi all, is it actually possible to get wide screen support for 4.11 ? its odd coz because i managed to do it really easily with 4.11 before with a really old wide screen mod (the first wide screen mod i think) ive since been away & come back reinstalled windows & repatched IL2 from 4.08 to 4.11, & where ever i look it seems the same info is appearing on various sites, but its not working for me...?
the main thing im seeing everywhere for 4.11 in the config.ini is the following...
ChangeScreenRes=0 <------------- (Makes my screen goto the upper left, showing the rest of my desktop)
SaveAspect=0 ;<------------------ (Does nothing)
Any help on this guys would real appriciate it
Ok I got it figured out, 4.11 widescreen without using any mods :) This may help some people, & you will have to experiment depending on your TV/PC equipment.
If anyone is interested, its a combination of your GFX card settings, your TV settings & your IL-2 config.
The only weird thing is that your game will start in 4:3 aspect, & then when you start a mission or go into online play, it will kick into wide screen 16:9 in perfect aspect.
It will vary from TV to TV, & Graphics card, but you can try doing the following...
Here are my settings;
Graphics-Card (ATI) : Open ATI Catalyst Control, goto your DTV (HDMI) Section & set 'Attributes' to this : set 'Enable GPU Scaling' & click the check box 'Maintain aspect ratio'
Make sure your Scaling Section is on Full Overscan (0%), & that the check box below is *Deselected* ('Use the scaling values instead of customised settings' ect)
Then goto HDTV Support Section, & in the the box to the right above add 1080P(50) as a custom format. Then in the box below add a custom resolution of 1080P standard (1920x1080 @ 50)
Now goto the next section : 'Pixel Format' & set to 'RGB 4:4:4 Pixel Format PC Standard Full RGB'
TV-Settings (Sony Bravia 40-inch HDMI) : Display Settings : Target inputs = Current, Screen Format = Full, Auto Format = Off, Auto Display Area = Off, Display Area = Full Pixel
Optimise your TV for 1080P
IL2 - Config.ini ;
Ok hope that helps anyone having trouble with IL-2 4.11 without using mods
Good luck!
To the admin, may we make this a new thread?
I´ve got this mod working nicely but I´ve got a question...I´d like to change the startup screen from 4:3 to 16:9. Is it possible?
Yesterday I tried replacing the original DBW wallpaper with a 16:9 FullHD version. The game started and showed me the Original 1946 startup screen....funny ;)
Should I use a smaller 16:9 file or is it worthless?
Thank you in advance!
Hi again!
yesterday I made some progress in getting a 16:9 startup screen using this mod.
This is a workaround and not a solution but it seems to work right.
These are the easy steps I made to get a 16:9 startup screen:
1.- Get a 16:9 wallpaper you like. I choosed a Full Hd one (1920 x 1080)
2.- Resize the wallpaper to a "square format". I resized mine to 1080 x 1080 (so I got a stretched image)
3.- Resize the wallpaper to 1024x1024 and save it in TGA format.
4.- Replace the startup screen with your new TGA file and enjoy it.
One question....is there any way of getting this mod working with the "small fonts" mod?...I´d like to have wide screen with the small fonts working together.
I have only just found this mod after a couple of years on IL-2 1946. Excellent app, excellent. Thank you!!! :D
works perfect in 4.11.1 with the mod act. and love the splash screen
Very useful mod!!!
I have only a little bug, the frame around the map si a little bit smaller the the map, so it cover the letters of the sector composing the map.
I tried to install the MOD without the frame but it didn't work...
I have 4.11.1m with the last HSFX
Any idea?
this mod is outstanding, thank you so much! However I have noticed that since installing I can no longer take screenshots simply by pressing "Printscreen" and then pasting the image into paint or photoshop like I used to... is there any way to either fix this or another means to take screenshots? thanks
Semper Fi
Hi people!
I don't want to revive old posts, but I have a serious headache with this mod. :1
I'm running 4.11.1 with HSFX 6.0, and this mod doesn't work ¿Someone had this problem?
I'm running 4.11.1 with HSFX 6.0, and this mod doesn't work ¿Someone had this problem?
With this Mod planned for 409, I have no problem in my 409/UP2.01 !
I'm running 4.11.1 with HSFX 6.0, and this mod doesn't work ¿Someone had this problem?
With this Mod planned for 409, I have no problem in my 409/UP2.01 !
I saw that someone was using this on the same version that I have and it works for him... I don't know what could be the problem :1