Special Aircraft Service
the SAS Hangar => The Lounge => Movies & Screenshots => Topic started by: santobr on April 12, 2011, 08:18:12 PM
1st Brazilian Fighter Squadron
1º Grupo de aviação de Caça (1º GAvCa)
Part of 350th Fighter Group
In January, 27 1945 the P-47 A-6, piloted by Lt. Raymundo Canário (50 combat missions) lost 128cm of his right wing after hit a chimney during an attack, but was able to return safely.
Later, on February, 15 he was shot down by flak, but was able to parachute safely. He was rescued by brazilian infantry soldiers.
Lt. Raymundo da Costa Canário
P-47D-30-RE 44-19663 "A6"
Lucky piloting there, nice skin too (doesn't that sound just wrong?...).
Interesting image... He must have flown very low to hit a chimney. Or he thought he was Santa Claus. Or drank too much caipirinha. ::)
I forgot the name of the well known skinner of the Senta a Pua! skins.
I used the SaP! skins a lot when flying the P-47 over ZipZapp's Alpen map.
Made these screenies a couple of years ago.
Well, I think it seems almost perfect to me... :)
If the pilot drinks too much caipirinha, he will never come back home, hehe. :P
Maybe he hit that big chimney from factories, who knows?! :)
I think this skin is from 20_Kyrodus from GAvCaVi (www.gavca.com.br).
You can download them there: http://www.gavca.com/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=63
Do you know what "caipirinha" means in English?
It's something like "little hillbilly girl" or maybe another expression like this. :D :P
I think this skin is from 20_Kyrodus from GAvCaVi (www.gavca.com.br).
Do you know what "caipirinha" means in English?
It's something like "little hillbilly girl" or maybe another expression like this. :D :P
I think the skins were done by Harpia_Maffra, also Brazilian.
A respeito da "Caipirinha"... eu sei o que significa essa palavra... ;)
Desconfiei, mas o pessoal daqui não sabe. :D
As que têm no Gavca são do Kyrodus em parceria com o Urubu, não são as mesmas do Maffra, hehe. ;)
Olha, aqui tem os Senta a Pua! skins do Harpia_Maffra55:
http://allaircraftsimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=29034&p=329542&hilit=senta+a+pua#p329542 (http://allaircraftsimulations.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=29034&p=329542&hilit=senta+a+pua#p329542)
Um trabalho muito legal!
(Translation: Here are the Senta a Pua! skins by Harpia_Maffra55/.../ Great work!)
É um ótimo trabalho, mas podemos ver que são diferentes do GAvCaVi.
E o post no GAvCaVi é mais antigo, mesmo sendo no novo site.
Coloquei duas fotos de comemorações de aniversário de 5 e 6 anos de GAvCaVi em 2005 e 2006, mas acredito que o Kyrodus as fez há mais tempo que isso.
Is a good work, but we can see they are different from GAvCaVi.
And the post in GAviCaVi is oldest than that, even in the new site.
Here we can see that the Kyrodus's skins were used in 2005, in celebrations of 5 years of GAvCaVi, but I think they are older than that.
And here 6 years of GAvCaVi (2006):
So, the skins used in my pictures are made by 20_Kyrodus. ;)
Cheers. :)
Tentei fazer o download mas nao consegui, me registrei mas o administrador ainda nao ativou a conta :S
Algum outro jeito?
Manda um email para o Ponte, ele é bastante atencioso, porém às vezes ele demora para ler as mensagens devido às correrias do trabalho.
O endereço eu te mando por MP. :)