Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Ultrapack Discussion & Support => Ultrapack Downloads & Updates => Topic started by: StG77_HaDeS on May 25, 2011, 12:49:38 AM
Well, it was about time, :)
We all hope that you will enjoy it as much as we do.
Here you will find the super-fast torrent link ;)
The ReadMe will be updated to contain few How-Tos and other info.
New Download Link:
Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/42to8z7inp8ja/
OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Ahp5M3GG5xF_hh2KVOGXHl49yHvn
Mega https://mega.nz/#F!ZeQ0wKRA!HBHIFCGaT-lkA-AaKRMhQw
(Parts are interchangeable)
On it like a fat kid on a cup-cake!
Thanks a million Hades and all others involved!
All I can say is :D
Thanks to all for devoting so much personal time to a free project like this for all our enjoyment
me: on it like a fat kid to the bargain bucket of kfc :P
told you, I said as soon as I reinstall hsfx 5, this would come out.
I was right
Cowabunga,Buffalo Bobl!
HERE WE GO :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I will be be seeding
Mahlzeit, now it's time for Dinner. Will seed to.
Thanks a bunch
my connectivity is real bad this morning....torrent says it will take 37 weeks, and 6 days to complete...... :D.....thank goodness i am a patient man.... :P
Sounds like you'll be enjoying it in time for UP4's release! :D
I only have to wait a few days. 8)
Things will get much easier after few hours since the seeders will be hundreds.
After download it please leave it for a couple of days seeding so people will get UP 3.0 RC very fast.
yeah, i'll seed it as well, it's just the line that i use is heavily influenced by local traffic.
after office hours and over weekends, it gets real fast, so i'm sure it'll only really take a week or so. ;)
Awesome, Thankyou :D
Cheers, Neil :)
ok, noob torrent user question: i am d/l'ing now, using uTorrent.....how exactly do i seed it? ???
Im rolling at 4mps.
ok, noob torrent user question: i am d/l'ing now, using uTorrent.....how exactly do i seed it? ???
it should do it by itself, just leave the torrent program running in the background.
ok, cool, thanks....it's currently estimated time of completion is now 1 year and 9 weeks, so i'll be seeding for awhile, lol.... ;D 8)
ok, noob torrent user question: i am d/l'ing now, using uTorrent.....how exactly do i seed it? ???
after starting the dl, right click in nTorrent window on UP 3 dl, there is an option where you can adjust the upload and downlod option
maybe someone can send you a dvd with the files
it's okay, as i explained, my line is slow during work hours, but it'll improve later. i'd guess that by next weekend it'll be done, as i can normally d/l around 2-3 Gigs over a weekend. ;)
Maybe try a Router re-start (unplug for 1-3 min), for me it helped when my connection lags.
As long as you're online, u-torrent running and the file is not altered/moved from the folder, you seed. When you quit connection, close u-torrent or alter the file(move/delete) than you're not seeding any longer.
BTW. have set your Torrent straight? Not just installing and good. You need to make further bandwidth-tests (at least 2) of your connection to set your Speed in your torrent application straight.
As for the specs in your Torrent and connection, don't be a fool and take a higher number, awerage and good means here, if my load is 16,3 I'll take 16 not 17.
The u-Torrent inbuild test Tool for me never worked, I made them separately to get my awerage bandwidth data.
If you set your Torrent in options straight and it's still laggy, then it's not your fault, your connection or less Seeders.
How it works, go to U-torrent site and use FAQ/Forums there, it's too complicated. I have a manual in german and can hardly understand what they are talking about.
You need your specs in kbit/s!!!
Download-Speed: [++] 262.144 kbit/s (32.768 kByte/s)
Upload-Speed: [++] 163 kbit/s (20 kByte/s)
lil Maths in the Morning, take your Upload speed and divide by 8, multiply the summ you get with 0,8
16,3 (my needed max upload rate)
16 is my specific "max upload rate", with a 2000 T-DSL( with from time to time speed if I would have 6000, but very close), if connection is still laggy you may give it 1-3 kbs less in max upload rate, try if that works, than it should be faster. Bit torrents do upload always with your max. upload speed, that's why it is important to set it according your specs. To avoid an overkill in your connection, which will show up, that it laggs.
As I said I can hardly understand this, but it works, from time to time I check my connection and apply changes if there is a need.
This should help some of you experiencing lags.
Regards Knochenlutscher
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Big thanks to all gui´s that make this real!!!
seeding............ 8)
My upstream speed is 4Mbps. That should help out with the seeding, I hope :-\
Oh man big thanks to Boelcke. i didnt know about adjusting the settings on the download. I changed my bandwidth allocation from normal to high and my DL speed went from 30-40kb/s to 150kb/s! ???
BIg, big thanks to the Ultra Pack Team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello everybody
I am eager to install UP3 and my download is at the moment at 76.5% !
I have a vanilla install of 4.10.1 Modact 3.1 that is running fine.
I do not know how to install UP3 on top of it , or shall I have to do a separate install...but then I lost the interest of what Modact 3 has been done for.
Thanks for any help .
Big , big thanks to Hades and to the UP team.
Madcop :)
75.87? :o
the heck, I'm 0.6 LMAO
d/l speed 20kb/s
Hello everybody
I am eager to install UP3 and my download is at the moment at 76.5% !
I have a vanilla install of 4.10.1 Modact 3.1 that is running fine.
I do not know how to install UP3 on top of it , or shall I have to do a separate install...but then I lost the interest of what Modact 3 has been done for.
Thanks for any help .
Big , big thanks to Hades and to the UP team.
Madcop :)
Just sit down and relax ;)
You can install it over as it won't interfere with SAS Mod Act. If you have downloaded the SAS FBDSM skins the back them up and then copy them to the installation.
Hello Hades
Thanks a lot for this quick answer . My download is now at 93.6%.
So, the path to my install will be the one of my 4.101 Modact 3.1.
I 'll first desable the "right" column of my Generic Mod Enabler.
Thanks a lot
Madcop ;D
God dammit I'm not home yet I should wait about two hours when I can strat download :P
My estimated download time is between 1 and 5 weeks...And with all those power cut's i have here it might be the least :(
Check your Firewall and/or NAT Port forwarding in your routers.
220 kb/s yet :)
Congratulations !! (http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac90/HolyGrail_photos/ura.gif) (http://i888.photobucket.com/albums/ac90/HolyGrail_photos/10234.gif)
What do you mean Hades ? I don't understand
I mean that if you are "behind" an adsl router you have to open its ports to have a fully working torrent or you can also use Universal PnP.
Thank you very much UP Team ;D :D ;)
I just had to download it and see what all the hype is about :D
Can't wait to really put the unique exe to it's full use :D
SAS Modact 3.04b will copy and paste into this game version.
By the way 4 days and 10 hours not bad for Thailand. (downloading free in Thailand)
Thsnks again UP Team ;D :D ;)
Leechin' 'n' Seedin' right now! :P 8)
1.000 torrent downloads in ~7 hours!
We at UP and SAS thank you Very Much! It is an honor to see so much anticipation and the embrace of the community! And we hope you to really enjoy what we have to offer.
Panos :)
I mean that if you are "behind" an adsl router you have to open its ports to have a fully working torrent or you can also use Universal PnP.
With my ISP they inhibit that at the ISP end, I am also one of the ones who would take 7months5 days and 17 cents to do some torrents.
Anyway, for those who struggle with torrnets, there will be some static download links for mediafire and the like, later this week. :D
Cheers Panos! ;D
a good day indeed.
Just and Important Heads Up to users of the FBDSM (F#ckingBig Default SkinMod)
UP 3 has "placeholders" for them that will overwrite yours. So back them up (or make sure you still have the original downloads of them), then install UP3, then drop archives 1 to 5 back in.
Archive 6 is for stock Zeros only, so if you have it, dont put it into your UP/SAS install, just leave the placeholder in it's place. We will do a nice zero's skinpack in future if more skins become available. There are very nice new defaults for the zeros from Kanjimi in UP3 already :)
Thank you guys.....Awesome ;)
I will seed it :D
Can anyone give me a quick rundown of what's new in it and the major mods? Is there an f4u-4?
are static links planned ?
average download rate of 16kB/s :'(
Yes there will be static links in a couple of days.
thanks, i honestly prefer static links, wich will give me my full 650kB/s :)
i just need some patience :P
Is there a readme or manual available that lists what's in UP 3.0? Sorry if there's one staring me in the face, I've looked around and can't seem to find it...
Yes there will be static links in a couple of days.
Good news! Then I'll wait a bit longer. After about two hours just 2% of d/l takes too long for me.
Will it also be posted in newsgroups?
Awesome!!! Long waited for!!
Im downloading with 59kb/s and uploading with 120kb/s :))
1 day 15h to go... ;)
Is there a readme or manual available that lists what's in UP 3.0? Sorry if there's one staring me in the face, I've looked around and can't seem to find it...
I am still updating it, :D
Hello Hades , Hello CirX.
Downloaded the all stuff in 2 hours. Already installed UP RC3 on my vanilla 4.101 Modact 3.1 after having my FBDSM backed up , and reinstalled after completion of the U.P. RC3 install.So I have "sasup_fbdsm 1 to 5" installed in my main Il2 folder.(I took "6 to 14 "out of my install ).
In my Gen.Mod.Enabler the followings are activated
#SAS_6 dofTrackIR-ClassFiles.
#SAS_EcranWide for 4.101
Now when switching from UP3 to Modact3 I receive a "Il2FBexe-Application Error " screen at 23% of "Loading Static Objects" when launching a QMB Mission.
Switching back to UP3 the same QMB mission lanches without any fuss.
What can be the source of this Application Error ?
Please canyou help me ?
Thanks a lot
PS-In my #SAS# folder ( ex MODS folder) I have the followings
00_6dof for TrackIR
00_Different FM 410 by SAS-CirX_DiffFm_410
AC-Nakajima N1K2J-GERD TAINAN KYOSO_N1K2J_NEW_Ver_1_1 (11.5.11)
COCK-Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4_CirXcustom_Lowrez_4.101
SAS_ Ecran_Wide_4101
I have nothing in my #UP# folder except for the stuff provided with it.
UP run Fine with the addons for UP. You have to know what you are doing to activate any additional stuff.
Don't mix the addons in the JSGME. Use the SAS addons for the SAS activator and the UP addons for UP only.
14 hrs left....i can wait ;)
Exellent news UP3 I know my download is a bit slow but i am sure it will be worth the wait to get it installed. We at the 51st Fighter Interceptor Squardron feel very gratefull that we were involved in some of the testing of the core files that were used for the Jet pack and included in UP3 and I am sure the Community will be very happy with the end results. Thank You to all Involved in UP3 for your efforts are greatly appriciated!!!
Hello Hades , Hello CirX.
Downloaded the all stuff in 2 hours. Already installed UP RC3 on my vanilla 4.101 Modact 3.1 after having my FBDSM backed up , and reinstalled after completion of the U.P. RC3 install.So I have "sasup_fbdsm 1 to 5" installed in my main Il2 folder.(I took "6 to 14 "out of my install ).
In my Gen.Mod.Enabler the followings are activated
#SAS_6 dofTrackIR-ClassFiles.
#SAS_EcranWide for 4.101
Now when switching from UP3 to Modact3 I receive a "Il2FBexe-Application Error " screen at 23% of "Loading Static Objects" when launching a QMB Mission.
Switching back to UP3 the same QMB mission lanches without any fuss.
What can be the source of this Application Error ?
Please canyou help me ?
Thanks a lot
PS-In my #SAS# folder ( ex MODS folder) I have the followings
00_6dof for TrackIR
00_Different FM 410 by SAS-CirX_DiffFm_410
AC-Nakajima N1K2J-GERD TAINAN KYOSO_N1K2J_NEW_Ver_1_1 (11.5.11)
COCK-Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4_CirXcustom_Lowrez_4.101
SAS_ Ecran_Wide_4101
I have nothing in my #UP# folder except for the stuff provided with it.
sorry, the reason for this is that UP3 uses a modified files.sfs, which replaces the stock one that modact 3 works with. We will in future probably find a easier way to do it, but for now, you have to disable UP3 in jsgme before launching SASModact3, or any of the other options.
Then enable UP3 again before launching it with the selector.
there will perhaps also be some confusion over the various UP3 options in jsgme, I will write something about that in a sec.
OK, here is special instruction for guys who already have SASSModact 3.04 installed:
After installing UP3, go to your jsgme folder, here: H:\MyIL2s\Dark Blue World\jsgmemods\#UP#_Enable_UP3.0
and delete the il2fb.exe file (you already have it)
Then, if you want to enable UP3, only select ONE of the options at a time. In other words, to enable UP3 with normal 4:3 screen, you must ONLY enable #UP#_Enable_UP3.0 OR #UP#_Enable_Hakenkreuz
To plany UP3 with widescreen support, you must ONLY enable #UP#_Enable_WideScreenSupport OR #UP#_Enable_WideScreenSupport&Hakenkreuz
Do not enable two or more of them together at any one time.
This is only for guys who already have Modact 3.04 and has it working.
And when you want to launch another thing than UP3, like Modact3, stock, or Classic modded game, you must first Deactivate the option you chose for UP3 in your jsgme.
I downloaded and installed..have the up3 loading screen etc and have Up3 enabled in JSGME..
I dont see helicopters or Lancaster bombers in my planelist
and can you also tell me what the UP sample folder in the download is because if its a sample as in i should have it in my Clean 4.0.1 install directory i dont?
I downloaded and installed..have the up3 loading screen etc and have Up3 enabled in JSGME..
I dont see helicopters or Lancaster bombers in my planelist
You should. Check the planelist better. If you don't then something is not right with your installation.
and can you also tell me what the UP sample folder in the download is because if its a sample as in i should have it in my Clean 4.0.1 install directory i dont?
UP 3.0 uses a directory named #UP# instead of the classic MODS one. So the #UP# sample directory is an #UP# directory ample to install manually additional addons if you like.
You can ignore it if you like.
I downloaded and installed..have the up3 loading screen etc and have Up3 enabled in JSGME..
I dont see helicopters or Lancaster bombers in my planelist
You should. Check the planelist better. If you don't then something is not right with your installation.
and can you also tell me what the UP sample folder in the download is because if its a sample as in i should have it in my Clean 4.0.1 install directory i dont?
UP 3.0 uses a directory named #UP# instead of the classic MODS one. So the #UP# sample directory is an #UP# directory ample to install manually additional addons if you like.
You can ignore it if you like.
Thks Hades..
Hmmm well there not there but all the ships etc are there along with the flyable AI 110-c4 for example..
What do you think the problem is..
I had a clean install and run the installer into that folder..loads/runs ok as it should but def no helicopters
Great work to all involved. Must have taken ages to do! Works great, download went petty quickly too. Like the new launch screen and am enjoying playing around with the new goodies - the Skyraider - my god! What loadouts. Also interesting to see the Polish planes - hadn't seen them before but they will be handy for a campaign idea.
At the start when you launch IL2 that cool settings thing comes up which allows you to set the amount of RAM. Should I just set that as high as the RAM on my system or is there something I should know about it? I just have 2 GIG.
Thks Hades..
Hmmm well there not there but all the ships etc are there along with the flyable AI 110-c4 for example..
What do you think the problem is..
I had a clean install and run the installer into that folder..loads/runs ok as it should but def no helicopters
are you very sure that you selected "UltraPack 3" with the selctor?
Then set your RAM setting to 512MB or 1024 at most.
Please tell me, can you confirm this bug?
That the helicopters and Lancaster are missing?
Great work to all involved. Must have taken ages to do! Works great, download went petty quickly too. Like the new launch screen and am enjoying playing around with the new goodies - the Skyraider - my god! What loadouts. Also interesting to see the Polish planes - hadn't seen them before but they will be handy for a campaign idea.
At the start when you launch IL2 that cool settings thing comes up which allows you to set the amount of RAM. Should I just set that as high as the RAM on my system or is there something I should know about it? I just have 2 GIG.
I would not recomment (personally) more than 512 unless you are sure otherwise. I have 2g ram also, and 512 works well for me.
PS, Helicopters are all in my game, lanck also.
Just tried to fly T-6 Texan (1946) in QMB and got a "Mission loading failed:null" error. "Naval" Texan works fine. Only UP3 is activated through JSGME.
PS By the way, are there any chances to implement a true wing shape on T-6 (may be in next UPs)?
Just tried to fly T-6 Texan (1946) in QMB and got a "Mission loading failed:null" error. "Naval" Texan works fine. Only UP3 is activated through JSGME.
Confirmed that the "Default" loadout produces this error. All the other loadouts seem to work. This is officially Bug #1 ;)
Good spot!
Cheers :)
Please use these boards to report any bugs:
For client Version
For DF Server Version:
Found em! :-X
for us guys stick behind our small watersparkles (torrent does not desccribe fully the slowiness of this....)
please post some SCREENSHOOT OF THE BEAUTIES. !!!
Confirmed that the "Default" loadout produces this error. All the other loadouts seem to work. This is officially Bug #1 ;)
Good spot!
Cheers :)
Loadout option "Empty" causes the same bug.
1.000 torrent downloads in ~7 hours!
We at UP and SAS thank you Very Much! It is an honor to see so much anticipation and the embrace of the community! And we hope you to really enjoy what we have to offer.
No, it for us a great honour that we can use your impartial support of our favourite game.
One thousand times of thanks for your arduous toil!
Confirmed that the "Default" loadout produces this error. All the other loadouts seem to work. This is officially Bug #1 ;)
Good spot!
Cheers :)
Loadout option "Empty" causes the same bug.
And bugs-thread updated, :)
is in order.
Thank you all, HaDeS c.s / CirX c.s.
381 kb/s down, 804 up...
Thanks Hades :D
I'm trying to d/l using BitTorrent and only getting 2.0 kb/sec ?? On an 8GB BB router ??
It also gives the full download size as 16.4GB ?? Is this correct?
I'm trying to d/l using BitTorrent and only getting 2.0 kb/sec ?? On an 8GB BB router ??
It also gives the full download size as 16.4GB ?? Is this correct?
6.31Gb is the download size showing on mine, 16.4Gb sounds like an unpacked version together with il2 4.101m, ie a complete copy of the installation!
Making 153, please throw that stuff off, it's a torrent of a frenzy kid, those who think from the wall to the tapestry, you can dlld till your in the elders home. Absolutely sounds like a Boobie Trap. Such freaks you have always. Please stay official, manually check the files in your torrent client Hades posted here:
http://ultrapack.tuttovola.org/page/readme (http://ultrapack.tuttovola.org/page/readme)
C'mon guys Seed, we have people with crappy connection here, just leave that thing in that folder and do others a favour, you can play UP3 and make others happy, can't be that hard.
downloaded and torrent open :)
cant'wait to try hhehehehe thank you guys! :)
downloaded and torrent open :)
cant'wait to try hhehehehe thank you guys! :)
Remember to seeed ;D
downloaded and torrent open :)
cant'wait to try hhehehehe thank you guys! :)
Remember to seeed ;D
in seeding, +/- 700 kb/s upload :) 10,3Gb sent until now :D
1.000 torrent downloads in ~7 hours!
135 completed downloads seeding plus 787 partial downloads at the moment. That's nearly 1000 users peering that pack in the same single moment.
Panos, you've set up a monument for UltraPack, IL-2 and all it's users with this fantastic pack.
Can't thank you and your team enough for all the efforts put into this great project.
Best regards - Mike
Cheers Knochen...havent got a clue what your on about but it sounds good ;D
Gonna cancel my Torrent for now and try again in a few days - is there a normal d/l link anywhere ?? I've got IDM so could download thru that from a normal d/l, i'm not a great lover of torrents!!
Congratulations to all involved, for finishing this project.
Unfortunately there are just too many things that I don't like in UP3RC, which in turn means that I don't like the current direction of IL-2 Modding. (changes getting accepted and the quality filter of the modpack)
I don't want to once again spend time tweaking my installation with various mods and adjustments here and there. So I am going back to stock Oleg/TD game as it offers fine enough defaults without any extra hassle and sudden annoyances that appear out of nowhere.
In my limited gameplay with UP3RC I discovered only one bug:
The Lancaster seems to catch fire at the edge of its wing. There was no engine there, and also I didn't even shot at that spot.
I know that his may seem like a crappy/flame post, but the fact is, it is still feedback.
Have fun guys.
thumbs up Mate, your a Gentleman. 8)
Let me thank the staff of UP, SAS and free Modding community for sth. delicious, you have my Seed, as far as it finishes here.
To Making_153:
No, no, it's not that hard, give yourself a Ruck, get a pencil and write:
Clean all the stuff you recently downloaded, every Torrent or files that lurk around. Then just dlld exactly the Torrent from UP site (Right klick save, once you have it, its a few kbits) open in your Bit-Torrent and a pop up Window comes up and it must show the following, check everything is there?Right?:
b71565e7045d7c1bdcc99852bdb8102f *#UP#SampleFolder.rar
6adca1acb3c4bf1d16cb23a4df836f2c *UP_3.0_DFServer.exe
d0f6035fd6e000e57a53567820dd5f50 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part01.exe
8034c8f63e02265de77afc6e02e45c21 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part02.rar
d77d7c7bc8dd29bd25e3d40a0b449aa2 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part03.rar
62cfac096e0e0c5f744b42224a374fbc *UP_3.0RC_Client.part04.rar
4977970dc7f470a6f8a65fe8923938f9 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part05.rar
ce49c25942938d5a37d77ff79034a0d8 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part06.rar
410b49b2806a4401f87c7353b82dca1c *UP_3.0RC_Client.part07.rar
2d54e23051ec7044cc46d02b9feb3598 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part08.rar
b8871b151637a6327bffa559907b6467 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part09.rar
5ccbb3e08069363420a9a8e4207a79ce *UP_3.0RC_Client.part10.rar
0b6388d79eb7bfb41e5bf90b818df7ee *UP_3.0RC_Client.part11.rar
b4a66b12f4a3eb5a92ccac5689d92c63 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part12.rar
39eb9ae5276382ad3cc5430d0ca75afb *UP_3.0RC_Client.part13.rar
be4ba83088cd99d8fb0c8b18ca9d9f77 *UP_3.0RC_Client.part14.rar
These files must be in your Torrent, 6.31 Gb no less no more,
nothing more, if you do it now, you can sit back and wake up tomorrow and have fun after Breakfast or after dinner or at tea-time, but faster if you take IDM or such stuff.
I would like to pour a little bit of water into the wine:
As Hades announced UP3 isn't compatible to 4.10.1m, so that UP3-users can't join 4.10.1m-df-servers (like the little german df-server of the Fliegende Schweine). That's a pitty, although I can understand this decision. Using the UP3-df-server on the other hand 4.10.1m- incl. SAS Modact 3.x-users couldn't join any more.
der Blaubär
little edit
(seeding up3 with 1300kB/s)
I mean that if you are "behind" an adsl router you have to open its ports to have a fully working torrent or you can also use Universal PnP.
With my ISP they inhibit that at the ISP end, I am also one of the ones who would take 7months5 days and 17 cents to do some torrents.
Anyway, for those who struggle with torrnets, there will be some static download links for mediafire and the like, later this week. :D
Cheers Panos! ;D
a good day indeed.
There's probably a host of us out here who REALLY appreciate the non-torrent stuff.
Thank you, Cirx!!! :P :P :P
I cant get the Hakencreuz to show up in the game...Can someone do a short tutorial on how to add mods to UP3.0
***Fixed it ****
So it's up, Seeding with a nasty 2000 DSL, thanks to Deutsche Telekom.
The install was a piece of cake.. I just deleted my 2.0 that was still on my drive, copied my stock 4.10.1 from D to C and it went in smooth. I have to say the new look is nice.. and the sim looks good.. The P-51 seems to me to be a lot smoother.. A LOT smoother.. handling wise. The new P-51 cockpit is interesting.. it will take a little getting used to, the new lights and the look of glass on the gauges.. but it looks good. The cockpit lights aren't as bright.. I like the fact that that solitary pipper is gone when cycling through the K-14 sights.. If you recall in one mod pack.. I don't recall which one it started in but in HSFX 5.0 the stationary dot at the center of the Mustang pipper stays when cycling through the K-14 sights very annoying.. I think the sim overall looks better with 3.0.. (but for some reason UP usually does..) I did notice a bug on the 109s.
For some reason there is a smoke trail on the 109s.. and those are AI 109s so it isnt a mixture issue.. but that's what it looks like. almost.. but the lines are too defined to be mixture.
The jury is still out on the guns.. I need to fly it more before I make any assessments of that.. the same with performance, but so far overall it isn't bad.. The interface is totally different.. so is the GME..
Thanks for the effort guys.
The pics are correct and its ok. The airplane is at 100% thrust and about to overheat. There was a mod that add this feature few months ago and now it was probably implemented to UP.
So UP3 only uses the tock effects? interesting. I didnt notice any sort of effects upgrade?
Oh and not sure if its a 'Bug' or not, but again the 109's artificial horizon is off. Putting you plane level on the horizon will put you in a dive.
Sun shines thru 109 cockpit canopy frame and instrument panel. This was already fixed in HSFX 5.
On the positive side it is very easy to install and use.
I can't get it to launch with UP 3 selected, I could never get the Mod Activator to work either, is there some secret to getting this to work now?. I never had a problem with 2.0. I have 4.10.1 loaded clean and UP 3.0 installed, it's a clean download, and should work, the stock 4.10.1 works as advertised and says 4.10.1 when it launches.
I wish we had stayed with what worked in the first place, it was not broken.
I can't get it to launch with UP 3 selected, I could never get the Mod Activator to work either, is there some secret to getting this to work now?. I never had a problem with 2.0. I have 4.10.1 loaded clean and UP 3.0 installed, it's a clean download, and should work, the stock 4.10.1 works as advertised and says 4.10.1 when it launches.
I wish we had stayed with what worked in the first place, it was not broken.
Neither are the SAS Modact 3.04 or UP3. If its not working for you then the likelihood is that the problem is on your end.
I got it to work, I reduced the RAM usage from 1025 to 768Mb. I guess it does not like the 1025, even though I have 2Gb of RAM. I don't understand that one.
Neither do I! Most seem to get the best from the 512 setting.
As I wrote previously in this thread, with 2G of ram for your entire PC (not just for running the game lol, youd have to switch off windows for that ;D ) up to 512mb on the selector is more or less safe (and already 5 times more than stock!), over that gets dicey.
I use 512,I have 2GB ram myself.
for windows xp users, I can say, the 256 ans 512 settings are the "safe" ones.
2 gig this morning a few days to go :D 8)
I hope I don't shag the modem.
The wife will kill me ???
Looking forward to installing perhaps Friday Saturday. ;D 8) :P
UP down bad.. can any body link me to the Torrent file? Thanks
I can't get it to launch with UP 3 selected, I could never get the Mod Activator to work either, is there some secret to getting this to work now?. I never had a problem with 2.0. I have 4.10.1 loaded clean and UP 3.0 installed, it's a clean download, and should work, the stock 4.10.1 works as advertised and says 4.10.1 when it launches.
I wish we had stayed with what worked in the first place, it was not broken.
Neither are the SAS Modact 3.04 or UP3. If its not working for you then the likelihood is that the problem is on your end.
make sure you have activated "Enable UP3" in the Jsgme before using the selector
Got UP site back, never mind.... Thanks.
Thanx again for the pack :)
Downloaded and installed ok, runs fine ;)
I did notice though that you have used V1.1 of Darwin instead of the V2.0 Final. Is there a particular reason for this?
Edit: Interestingly, all the custom objects I created for V2.0 of Darwin is included for use in the FMB ;)
Cheers, Neil :)
I have too admit i'm tempted to stay with the SAS Modact and add only those mods I like and need - the only thing i'll likely miss is the flyable Do217 but i'm sure someone will make that available soon?
The install was a piece of cake.. I just deleted my 2.0 that was still on my drive, copied my stock 4.10.1 from D to C and it went in smooth. I have to say the new look is nice.. and the sim looks good.. The P-51 seems to me to be a lot smoother.. A LOT smoother.. handling wise. The new P-51 cockpit is interesting.. it will take a little getting used to, the new lights and the look of glass on the gauges.. but it looks good. The cockpit lights aren't as bright.. I like the fact that that solitary pipper is gone when cycling through the K-14 sights.. If you recall in one mod pack.. I don't recall which one it started in but in HSFX 5.0 the stationary dot at the center of the Mustang pipper stays when cycling through the K-14 sights very annoying.. I think the sim overall looks better with 3.0.. (but for some reason UP usually does..) I did notice a bug on the 109s.
For some reason there is a smoke trail on the 109s.. and those are AI 109s so it isnt a mixture issue.. but that's what it looks like. almost.. but the lines are too defined to be mixture.
Actually its not a bug but a feature. There were reports from WWII that when the Bf-109 pilots used their enfgines to the most smoke came out from their engine exhausts. This feature is made by Anto and the A8MT Bf-109 pack.
The jury is still out on the guns.. I need to fly it more before I make any assessments of that.. the same with performance, but so far overall it isn't bad.. The interface is totally different.. so is the GME..
Thanks for the effort guys.
Thank you for using it, :)
Cheers :)
Ok another video of the 109 with DB 605.
The smoke trail is clearly visible in the 720p setting at :20-30 and 1:21-1:29 (and other places as well its just that these really stand out because of the angle to the camera) but its very, very faint, not the two black lines drawn with a sharpie that we have in game.
So fainter, lighter, and more diffused would seem to be the order of the day for these. More like a light gray contrail-ish smoke?
Oh don't pay any mind to the r-tards in the video "sounds like a Rolls Royce engine" my ass!
the smoking 109's is not a bug, but rather a new feature (mod), and a historically accurate one, at that. :)
having said that, i agree that it would look better if the smoke trails were a bit lighter, and not as dark as they currently are....
If anyone has crashes when trying to load in FMB a large map or any other crashes like the "paratroopers not created" message, etc, check this:
Enable the 4GB address in the Il2 selector and if it still crashes increase memory utilization to 1200MBs and you will be fine.
We are pushing game to its limits thus more memory required. But its not a problem since most have at least 2GBs of memory.
the smoking 109's is not a bug, but rather a new feature (mod), and a historically accurate one, at that. :)
having said that, i agree that it would look better if the smoke trails were a bit lighter, and not as dark as they currently are....
+1, but I think Ive already said that more than a few times :D
EDIT: So why does it tell me I may have problems raising the RAM usage above 1024MB when I have 8 gigs?
No, if you enable the Large address setting you can be 1000% safe to use 1200MBs and for more try and see. It won't do you any harm, and please post your max memory settings that the game was fully playable for you.
3378 downloads in 1 single day! Its so nice to see that so many people enjoy the fruits of a combined and wide effort.
And currently we have >2000 peers-seeds with more than 360 seeders!
Thanks again!
that's fantastic, Panos! ;D
my torrent d/l is now on 3% after 24 hours, going much slower than some other torrents i've done, so i think i might rather hold off for the standalone links.....it must be due to the crappy connectivity in my part of the world, even the upload speed is much higher than my d/l speed, lol.... :D...so, at least i'm helping others to get it quicker than i will.... 8)
My download has gone 15h 30min and it is downloaded about 47%. My download speed is also lot slower than upload
No, if you enable the Large address setting you can be 1000% safe to use 1200MBs and for more try and see. It won't do you any harm, and please post your max memory settings that the game was fully playable for you.
3378 downloads in 1 single day! Its so nice to see that so many people enjoy the fruits of a combined and wide effort.
And currently we have >2000 peers-seeds with more than 360 seeders!
Thanks again!
Well 2009 MB is the max I can gt the game to launch with, I still gt the red "exceeds available memory" warning, but I have 8 gigs, or is it talking about memory other than ram?
But regardless, 2009 MB worked just fine.
No, if you enable the Large address setting you can be 1000% safe to use 1200MBs and for more try and see. It won't do you any harm, and please post your max memory settings that the game was fully playable for you.
3378 downloads in 1 single day! Its so nice to see that so many people enjoy the fruits of a combined and wide effort.
And currently we have >2000 peers-seeds with more than 360 seeders!
Thanks again!
Well 2009 MB is the max I can gt the game to launch with, I still gt the red "exceeds available memory" warning, but I have 8 gigs, or is it talking about memory other than ram?
Its the Java Virtual Machine RAM usage, nothing to do with MAX memory of your PC, although you must have >2GBs to use more than 2GBs in JVM ;)
But regardless, 2009 MB worked just fine.
Good to know!
Well 2009 MB is the max I can gt the game to launch with, I still gt the red "exceeds available memory" warning, but I have 8 gigs, or is it talking about memory other than ram?
Just for clarification:
The red "exceeds available memory" warning is triggered dynamically by querying the available virtual memory for the current process.
At the given time this process is the selector (or launcher, call it what you want), which is a 32Bit process quite like the IL-2's Java VM.
Now that the selector is slightly larger than the game launcher itself, the remaining available memory to the launcher might be 1 or 2 megs larger as well, especially on machines with much physical memory installed (since in that case it's more likely to successfully catch a free 2GB chunk of memory in one block).
Anyway, when the memory size background changes from green to any other color, you're walking on a thin line and you should be prepared to face trouble running the game with this setting.
For those who are running a system with 2GB RAM or less, please don't try to set more than 1GB RAM for IL-2 unless you're about to create a new mission in FMB.
The reason why the system tells you that you can address more RAM is that the limit for the Java VM is triggered by virtual memory limits, but your available virtual memory might exceed your available physical memory by far. Trying to address more RAM than what is available in physical memory area will likely cause your game to crash, and even if it doesn't crash right away, you'll end up in a slideshow.
Best regards - Mike
If your torrent is slow go to the settings sometimes the default settings cause too many connection to the computer and can slow it down. The max connections on for say internet explorer for http is 8-10 per download. In your torrent program you want to have between 8-25 per connections per task, 15 should work the best though from my experience. Total global connections should be 30-60. For example like my internet explorer example you'll notice if you are downloading more than 4 files at a time your speed starts to go down, So if its 10 connections per task or file and your downloading 4 files thats 40 global connections. See. Then you have half open connections or something similar depending on your torrent program. This should be set to 10-20 works well at 15 is what you should try. I use bitcomet myself. You may be able to boost your internet speed a little with this program. There is a full tutorial on there website how it works and what every setting does. http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php Sg tcp optimizer program free don't need to install the program to use it is just a simple executible program. I have used this on every computer I have ever had to tweak my connection to its best.
Hi Hades
First thanks for all effort committed to this enormous task
Second a small question: Is it possible to install UP 3.0 RC over a UP 2.01 4.101m game, or over a SAS modact 3.04 4.101m game, or it has to be a "vanilla" install
Best regards
Replied at UP.
This sounds awesome! :D
Most probably just an oversight on my part,sorry about that
will be a patch in around a month from now, so I can look into it
Thanks for letting us know Neil
No worries Boomer, let me know if you have any probs.
Cheers, Neil :)
deeply deeply impressive release, well done.
Just reporting a couple of issues.
1. Where are the Tropicalised 109's? I looked in the F - G series and tried selecting different maps (desert, etc), loadouts etc but just get the standard ones. I seem to have everything else - Mig 17s, the incredibly lethal Skyraider (it carries NUKES for god's sake - and it's a ground attack plane - what were people thinking in the 50's?!!).
Very minor
2. In the FMB, there are a couple of little oddities in the "Objects" List.
A couple of items appear twice and this creates a weird loop in which you scroll through from 2058 (bridge) to 2057/56/55 (all fine - more bridges) and then suddenly reappear at 2083 (Temple ruins).
Same thing happens with these really cool German trucks - objects 609 - 604. There is a plain one and red cross one and they appear alternately at least twice each, creating another weird little feedback loop.
Seeding again - just checked and it's going upstream at 1.2MB/s! Nice to feel like I'm helping my fellow IL2ers around the world. This P2P stuff is cool sometimes.
This is the most extreme il2 upgrade i ever seen, the eye candy for mission builder is just the max :))
Thanks very much for all the people that create this mod pack.
i endured i wa sin 410.1 and removed the old files and mods folder from y ultrapack 2. installed and works just fine. My only quibble is any missions made with what are new consolidate dplanes has created unflyable missions. These entailed anything hurricane 2 series and f65 and fm-2 and fm-2 new. Quite a tickler but once i reviewd the sample air ini it s just a couple of changing the air ini description lines away from being flyable again. So far so good, went in flawlessly as for the install. Also check the bf109f4 on a quick desert map the trop filter dosnt show.
Then set your RAM setting to 512MB or 1024 at most.
Please tell me, can you confirm this bug?
That the helicopters and Lancaster are missing?
Probably too late and already answered by someone else, but I can confirm I have the Lancaster, the Halifax, the helicopters, an awesome Skyraider.
No Tropical 109's though (just in case you were wondering).
It seems my SAS Modact 3.02 selector has somehow replaced the one that came with UP3.0 (I don't have the Enable 6DOF check box anymore) Every thing seems to run ok, any reason I should put it back?
If it works for you, you might leave it like that.
In case of trouble, go pick the latest Modact selector.
Best regards - Mike
uhm, i may have skipepd that but...does planes during QM start with engines off? at every altitude? so does my copy.
Just reporting a couple of issues.
1. Where are the Tropicalised 109's? I looked in the F - G series and tried selecting different maps (desert, etc), loadouts etc but just get the standard ones.
There seems to be a bug in UP3, that will make your plane default to summer skin regardless of which map you fly on and what default scheme skins it has available. Since this mechanism is the one that triggers the appearance of trop filers on desert maps as well, one can assume this is broken by the same bug.
The bug has been reported in the private development thread.
uhm, i may have skipepd that but...does planes during QM start with engines off? at every altitude? so does my copy.
this is not a UP3 bug, it is a 4.101 bug. I had it once, but I cannot recall what mistakes I made in what sequence to cause it, nor exactly how I solved it. But it has to do with changing QMB scenarios and difficulty setting in a certain order and way, And I think I eventualy solved it by deleting my Quick.ini in the user folder, as well as a bunch of other "remembered" setting in the user folder, or something like that. Sorry I cannot be more help, but at least you will know where to start looking.
Thanks for the reply, CirX. Hope you guys can get a fix on it or my Tunisia campaign is dead in the water:)!
Don't worry, I have faith. :)
I recall reading (don't recall where...possibly in the readme or faq) that non-torrent download links will be made available in a couple of days(?). My internet doesn't allow torrent downloads :-[. I don't want to spread rumors, so can anyone confirm if non-torrent download links will indeed be made available? Thanks!
yes, there will at least be a mediafire links sometime the weekend, and some other mirrors.
thank you, thank you!!! :D
This weird Loop in FMB objects is most probably selfproduced by DT or earlier by Olegs Team in 4.10m and 4.101m I vanilla I can confirm it being very annoying, in 4.09m stock game I couldn't remember, the last for 4.09m I did over 12 months ago. I know it because I did some new 16x16 QMB Missions in stock game, and adding from this objects list had this weird conflict, that's why you barely find some in my QMBs.
One simple solution is get the latest Objectslist at hand, time consuming, searching by using scrollbar is more wasted time.
thanks cirx!
Thanks for UP3.0 - loving it...
Ok, now the important question!
I like SAS content a bunch too.. what are some of the key things missing in UP that are kicking around SAS? (Maps, planes, objects etc etc). In UP2, there were 1/2 dozen things I added from SAS, but now not sure what's in there...
Well, I have added the Ki-44 cutoffs (Hei, Otsu and Otsu-Late), but only the Hei works. I don't mind very much, because Hei is my favourite version (and the most used in IJAAF)
Has anyone gotten the intermittent smoke trails to work? Ive tried using the hguderian repack for 4.10 in the UP folder and I just cant get it to work in up3.
Hi. All this in Torrent log after UP-3 download. Is it OK to install?
[2011-05-26 16:29:01] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["installed_apps"]
[2011-05-26 16:29:04] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["installed_apps"]
[2011-05-26 16:29:05] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store"]
[2011-05-26 16:29:05] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store-lang-en"]
[2011-05-26 16:29:06] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store"]
[2011-05-26 16:29:06] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store-lang-en"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:34] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["installed_apps"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:37] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:37] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store-lang-en"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:39] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["installed_apps"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:39] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:39] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store-lang-en"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:40] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:40] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store-lang-en"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:41] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store"]
[2011-05-26 18:15:41] JAVASCRIPT LOG: ["store-lang-en"]
[2011-05-26 20:18:42] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 1526 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-26 22:36:11] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 2604 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-26 22:39:12] [uTP](UP_3.0-RC): [BitTorrent 7.2.1 (81.0)]: Got Request while choked: 489:81920->16384
[2011-05-26 22:56:06] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 149 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-26 22:56:26] Banned [Azureus (100.0)]: -AZ4602-RRK9Xb8TiSh8 (4.81 MB downloaded, 64.0 kB bad)
[2011-05-26 22:56:37] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 99 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-27 00:11:57] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 3100 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-27 00:53:45] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 2855 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-27 00:53:51] Banned [uTP]: [µTorrent 2.2.1 (100.0)]: -UT2210-%2ab%b0%1c%db%b7%9dwm%2c%7b%c6 (2.34 MB downloaded, 64.0 kB bad)
[2011-05-27 00:53:56] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 2855 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-27 00:54:04] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 666 FAILED HASH CHECK
[2011-05-27 00:55:59] *** UP_3.0-RC: PIECE 2577 FAILED HASH CHECK
Got it, installed it, ran it, it works, life is good thankyouverymuch!
Wait i cant find the Cartagena map, is it not included?
What might be a problem everything else works really fine but the menu music is missing and also radio speak sounds. I already have the same problem with SAS modact 3
I installed it on top of HSFX5.01....there are no cockpits when i fly in QMB..any map any plane??
Before the UP included HSFX but this time I think not..... there no moving Infantry!!??
Installed over a clean 4.101, not working ! and i dont have the patience to troubleshoot IL2 after 8 years so i think this is good bye from me and goodby from ME!, thanks all for giving me so much fun over the years and the best of luck with future IL2/UP releases :), im sure the prob is a simple one but i dont have the patience or inclination anymore!
All the best
Did you enable the UP_3.0 addon in JSGME?
It works for 1000s of people so its something related to your system or yourself.
Anyway, good luck to you.
Installed over a clean 4.101, not working ! and i dont have the patience to troubleshoot IL2 after 8 years so i think this is good bye from me and goodby from ME!, thanks all for giving me so much fun over the years and the best of luck with future IL2/UP releases :), im sure the prob is a simple one but i dont have the patience or inclination anymore!
All the best
Hey hades will we be able to add any effects before the full release? I'm having issues trying to get some of them to work.
Yes why not? Use the #UP# directory and add the effects as you would add them in the MODS one.
You'll be fine.
Cheers! :)
Hmmm, ok. Ill give it another shot I guess!
For the life of me I cant get intermittent smoke trails or plutonium effects to work at all!
Great News! Thanks a Lot!!! I'm donwloading this once i'm at home!
Read Boomer's post here -see if that helps.
uhm, i may have skipepd that but...does planes during QM start with engines off? at every altitude? so does my copy.
In some missions they do have you checked all maps / missions
Thank you for this pack, love what you have done with FMB. Thank you very much
Didn't had my glasses on. All OK, Sorry.
p400 fly very well ::)
When you push firebutton after bailout on MIG 17 it will shoot :P
Folks, How do I get rid of the speed bar? In my old mods I could with 'SpeedbarUnits=0', but in UP3 it still shows the heading...
Cant get this to work on a vanilla 4.101m?
Activated UP3/Widescreen/HakenKruz in JSGME get the selector box select UP3 press play - zilch ??
Noticed a little il2fb.ini appears on my desktop followed by 2 files 'arkan.sas and kan.sas' ??
Any ideas guys?
Not been able to check yet but Mike tells me its caused by dragging the .exe to the desktop instead of creating a shortcut !!
Folks, How do I get rid of the speed bar? In my old mods I could with 'SpeedbarUnits=0', but in UP3 it still shows the heading...
You can remove it on difficult selector in game
uhm, i may have skipepd that but...does planes during QM start with engines off? at every altitude? so does my copy.
I had the same bug when a SAS Small FX mod was activated through JSGME along with UP3. I switched FX mod off and the bug disappeared.
I didnt see this anywere, but there is one problem im having. The jeep and wagon are not there, even though they are in the air.ini...
Downloaded and installed UP 3.0 yesterday and have been spending hours playing around with all the new planes. Really great work guys! Thanks so much for all of your hard work!
Now I can finish up the new version of my sound mod and insure it works with UP.
Also, i edited the air.ini, and i moved aircraft by WW2 sides and country, then there is a WW1 section for WW1 aircraft, and the korean aircraft have been moved to the bottom of the list, and there in order by North and South.
If you want it, i can upload it here. of course, if HaDeS does'nt mind... ;D
Still curious about the cars...
please upload it, it will save me the trouble when putting together the SAS triggerpack for UP3. :)
Is it possible to put the cars in QMB.
If I delete the line NOQUICK should them appear QMB plane list?
Folks, How do I get rid of the speed bar? In my old mods I could with 'SpeedbarUnits=0', but in UP3 it still shows the heading...
You can remove it on difficult selector in game
Its already set that way... Heading still remains. I used to use a HUD Mod to get rid of it. Is there some setting in UP3 that anybody knows of?
please upload it, it will save me the trouble when putting together the SAS triggerpack for UP3. :)
Well of course CirX, my contribution to UP3 :)
Now some aircraft may not be in the correct country, but i believe they all are.
Place this in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#UP#\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects
That directory is for vista, on windows 7 i believe this is just Program files. You may also have your game in a different location. if so, everything up to IL-2 main folder is not needed.
Also, Let it overwrite your current air.ini
thanx mate
Just on point of order, please anyone out there, do not have your modded game in program files if you can at all help it, especialy in vista and Win7, and then complain if things dont always work so well. We have explained this before about the selector.
Agreed. What i did was i placed the Ubisoft folder, with all my game copies, on my desktop. that way its alot easier to access :)
Hi all. I am looking for a volunteer or two, who can make a fast download from mediafire, of UP3, to test the integirtiy of the static files befor eI post them. Please PM me urgently.
Hi Cirx,
I believe I got the complete download yesturday my UP3 folder is 6.71 gig. 16 files
One little glitch my 7zip program is in freakin Thai and really screws me over. It takes a long
time to try and extract everything. I wish it was done in the other program that is an English version.
7zip seems to put the language in Thai while downloading the program probably due to ip address.
Also I know from media fire that you can only upload 100mb files. I think with hotfile you were able to do larger files.
If I eventually get this 7zip sorted out perhaps using a translator Wife/Daughter today I'll see what I can do.
Downloading Uploading is free in Thailand Wooha a big project
Well, whoever wants to test the download can go ahead and do it, click here
Hi CirX
My cd of the stock game exploded inside the cd drive
Im planing to by the online version on the Steam website
Is it possible to Mod this kind of game?
Hi Cirx Testing Now
Hell of a lot faster Heaps better obviously then 3 days he he ;D 8) :P
each file around 1hour to 1hour fifteen minutes
now I guess I can put a map update out at the end of this month ;D
How were you able to upload the large files? I remember some tim ago media fire 100 mb files only.
Cheers Kirby
Hi CirX
My cd of the stock game exploded inside the cd drive
Im planing to by the online version on the Steam website
Is it possible to Mod this kind of game?
yes. https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,1531.0.html
How were you able to upload the large files? I remember some tim ago media fire 100 mb files only.
it is my sparkling personality. ;)
Well Cirx all downloaded just fine in 45 minutes!
cool mate. Can whoever download finishes first just check that all the archives are uncorrupted and install succesfully. if so then we can start spreading the link for those in need. :)
Works A-OK for me. Seems good to go. 8)
thanx a bunch mate! :)
CirX, i updated the air.ini, so call this version V2 :P
what i changed was i forget to include that ALLIES and AXIS were for WWII, so this is now what the air.ini is:
Yes Cirx Sweet Install my download NO corrupted files :D :P 8)
I saved both download versions torrent and mediafire on an external hard drive for back up just in case.
Thanks for the new air ini Wild Child. ;D 8)
I really like the new maps list in the fmb. ;) :D
Cheers Kirby
Encountered a strange problem with AC-47. After even minor maneuvers with ailerons I got a "G" overload message. I aligned the plane, but "G" didn't disappear, and shortly after that my AC-47 disintegrated (at horizontal flight, with a speed of 250 km/h). Usual C-47 doesn't have this problem.
Hello all, finally after a fourth try I managed to download it, had to use Bit Torrent rather than the U at the link that was provided. ;) First time using this Torrent thingy, about ten hours to get it downloaded, I thought Torrent was fast. ??? Now seeding.
Thank you very much to all those whose hard work has gone into this. 8)
No problems so far.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thanks for that ini
perhaps a stupid question, but i didn't find anything about it ... where are the trop Hurricanes?
the hurricanes, like the 109;s, have the "trop" integrated into the other slots. That means, if you choose a desert map, the trop filter will appear in game.
However, there is currently a bug in UP3 MDS that prevents the loading of the camo settings for all maps, defaulting everything to summer, including the trop filters. Hopefully this will get sorted sooner rather than later.
Hi CirX
My cd of the stock game exploded inside the cd drive
Im planing to by the online version on the Steam website
Is it possible to Mod this kind of game?
An exploding CD - now that I gotta see !!
How can I get Diff_fm work with this?
Thanks for this pack this is really awesome ;D
CirX! Hi!
unable to downlaod part 8.
There was an error processing your request. (-19)
You can retry your request in a few minutes or contact support. Please reference the file URL and the error code -19.
The rest came in without a hitch...
EDIT: part 8 also downloaded.
Install okay, game works flawlesly.
Thanks to all who made UP3 ! It's awesome ! I've been reading through the threads at this and other sites and have found no mention of anyone having trouble getting 6DOF to work. Am I the only one? or did I miss something? I tried activating with jgsme and through the #up# folder but no luck. Other than that I installed UP3 over SASmodact 3.4 with no problems! Thankyou again to all involved! Cheers, Freya
You have missed my Post, where I can't get it to work since I use Modact 2.72 on 4.10m, several reinstalls later new Patches , HSFX or UP3, no luck, I don't care, it worked in UP 2.01 somehow, but I don't need it, most of the Planes had ugly holes and internals showing in Pit. It's overrated. If it works OK, but you're not alone, tried everything posted here, I have all 6dof Mods since UP 2.01, no one works.
Works awesome in general. An amazing amount of work. THANKS!
Anybody else notice weirdness with the choppers? I set up a qmb with choppers and they immediately lost their rotors, with the chopper spinning around like a blade as they crashed, and the rotors coming down separately... I have no interest in helicopters, but did think it was a bit odd!
Hello CirX, Hades, Crazyflak
and all the beautiful people of SAS, I need your help
I'm trying to activate the MOD 6DOF_LookAround inside the folder # UP #
It tries to step 3 ZUTI MDS files.
When I run the game.
I get to the cabin and the image flickers between the cockpit and loading 100%
I acknowledge this error, I had experienced.
It happened when these 3 files were duplicates and not replaced.
Is there any way that this works?
I thought to load the folder ZUTI_MDS_1.2 # UP # and replace the 3 files, but it seems impossible.
The game crashes when executed.
Maybe I do not have the MDS contained within the UltraPack 3.0.
I achieved sucsess and could install UP3.0RC patching the steams version of the game
Many thanks
I had the same problem. It turned out I had my RAM lever too high. I lowered it, and all was well.
Thanks Jlan, but still not working... from what I understand (from post from storebror in another section) 6dof not yet configured for UP3... so its just one of those things...
You have it working you say?
cheers, Freya
Thanks Jlan, but still not working... from what I understand (from post from storebror in another section) 6dof not yet configured for UP3... so its just one of those things...
You have it working you say?
cheers, Freya
Freya, I have the full 6DOF working no worries, did you activate it in the start up settings?
Edit, I have just seen somewhere else someone talking about a 6DOF look around mouse related mod, if this is what you are talking about, then they said it's not in UP3.0 yet.
thanks Aussie, The file I'm working with is called #SAS_6DOFnormalmouse by PAL. Its the one released with modact 3.04. For UP3 selected - If I activate that in jgsme then it doesn't work. (or if I do it the #up# folder way neither). It works fine running the SAS modact game. Seems to not make a difference if I check the box ( in selector ) called " 6DOF/ trackIR enabled" or not....is this what you do?
Is this the wrong file of 6dof to use with UP3? I've nothing else activated for mods..(exept up3 widescreen haken ofcourse). Thanks for your help. I understand this might be too early to bother with this kinda stuff as the final version of UP might deal with this...I don't want to pester anyone more...just sayin...cheers!
:( Anyone else having trouble on CVs, I get frequent CTD's with all planes and all vessels, even hitting Autopilot seems not to work, but leads in the same CTDs. Am I the only one experiencing this?
thanks Aussie, The file I'm working with is called #SAS_6DOFnormalmouse by PAL. Its the one released with modact 3.04. For UP3 selected - If I activate that in jgsme then it doesn't work. (or if I do it the #up# folder way neither). It works fine running the SAS modact game. Seems to not make a difference if I check the box ( in selector ) called " 6DOF/ trackIR enabled" or not....is this what you do?
Is this the wrong file of 6dof to use with UP3? I've nothing else activated for mods..(exept up3 widescreen haken ofcourse). Thanks for your help. I understand this might be too early to bother with this kinda stuff as the final version of UP might deal with this...I don't want to pester anyone more...just sayin...cheers!
I think you missed something on the install. Its a little confusing. Start with a clean 401m, apply UP3, run the startup to select the options, and pick the hacken with 6dof in JGSME, then start the game - make sure you picked the UP3 game option. Took me a couple tries to get it right.
Installing SAS3.2 in UP3 results:
thanks Aussie, The file I'm working with is called #SAS_6DOFnormalmouse by PAL. Its the one released with modact 3.04. For UP3 selected - If I activate that in jgsme then it doesn't work. (or if I do it the #up# folder way neither). It works fine running the SAS modact game. Seems to not make a difference if I check the box ( in selector ) called " 6DOF/ trackIR enabled" or not....is this what you do?
Is this the wrong file of 6dof to use with UP3? I've nothing else activated for mods..(exept up3 widescreen haken ofcourse). Thanks for your help. I understand this might be too early to bother with this kinda stuff as the final version of UP might deal with this...I don't want to pester anyone more...just sayin...cheers!
hades replayed me in another thread. normalmouse 6dof isn't compatible cause of ZUTI and they had to cut it down...hopefully somebody with some knowledge of it will do something
I apologize. My 6DOF isn't working either. I forget the forward and back movement when I think of 6DOF. I was so long without realizing that aspect, I never missed it. When I made my suggestion to you, I wasn't thinking of forward and aft.
Hades, I've found a bug in U.P. 3.0:
Spitfire MKVc FBs and MVIII FBs don´t show in U.P 3.0 QMB and air.ini file.
Thank you very much for your great effort, Hades and U.P. team.
I've found another bug:
P-47B15, P-47D10 and P-47D22 don't work rightly in cockpit view. The game stops and goes slowly.
Thanks again, Hades and U.P. team.
Anyone know what's going on with this black trees?
thanks Aussie, The file I'm working with is called #SAS_6DOFnormalmouse by PAL. Its the one released with modact 3.04. For UP3 selected - If I activate that in jgsme then it doesn't work. (or if I do it the #up# folder way neither). It works fine running the SAS modact game. Seems to not make a difference if I check the box ( in selector ) called " 6DOF/ trackIR enabled" or not....is this what you do?
Is this the wrong file of 6dof to use with UP3? I've nothing else activated for mods..(exept up3 widescreen haken ofcourse). Thanks for your help. I understand this might be too early to bother with this kinda stuff as the final version of UP might deal with this...I don't want to pester anyone more...just sayin...cheers!
hades replayed me in another thread. normalmouse 6dof isn't compatible cause of ZUTI and they had to cut it down...hopefully somebody with some knowledge of it will do something
I join the cause of 6DOF lookaround.
I refuse to believe it's impossible.
Come on boys, several of us to fly with the mouse on the left.
thanks Aussie, The file I'm working with is called #SAS_6DOFnormalmouse by PAL. Its the one released with modact 3.04. For UP3 selected - If I activate that in jgsme then it doesn't work. (or if I do it the #up# folder way neither). It works fine running the SAS modact game. Seems to not make a difference if I check the box ( in selector ) called " 6DOF/ trackIR enabled" or not....is this what you do?
Is this the wrong file of 6dof to use with UP3? I've nothing else activated for mods..(exept up3 widescreen haken ofcourse). Thanks for your help. I understand this might be too early to bother with this kinda stuff as the final version of UP might deal with this...I don't want to pester anyone more...just sayin...cheers!
Hi Freya, Sorry mate I don't use the 6DOF mouse mod, I use the normal 6DOF Trackir which you need to activate in the selectors settings.
I wasn't sure what 6DOF freedom you were asking about originally so thought i'd mention about the settings.
After a stumbling and confused start, I got 6DOF to work by opening the compatibility window and checkig the compatibility and play as administrator boxes. It works without a problem.
OK guy's this is going great, but without being a nag i have 5 questions if they could be answered please...(ie Hades, it would be much appreciated).
1) Is there a list around that shows all the mods in UP3.0 ? (it may help with my other questions ...lol)
2) Can it be confirmed that the mod "0_Wolffighter_Gore4allplanes_V1.4" is currently in this new UP3.0?
3) I don't detect that the mod "01_Holygrail_Potenz__animated_oil_Blotch_blood_splatter_V2.4finallite" is in the current UP3.0, so will it be added, and if not, can it be added into the #UP# folder without it causing any issues?
4) There was a mod out ages ago that changes the touch_down sounds when landing (I've been using it all along), it's called "touch_down" funnilly enough. will it also be ok to use in UP3.0?
5)Another mod called " Alans_takeoff_turbulance0" deigned to take the punch out of the turbulance and replace it with a more realistic natural vibration, again i have used it in all variations of IL-2 but wondered about this version...great mod i thought may have been included.
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm sure others are wondering as well.
Thanks again to the UP3.0 crew, great job with keeping us in the air in a more realistic manner...much appreciated.
Hello all, the #UP# folder comes as a zip in the download, look for #UP# sample folder. ;)
This folder contains the STD amongst others.
For adding aircraft you will need the new DiffFM for UP 3 kindly provided by Sani and Frankiek:
Add the text to the usual places, the necessary files are in the STD.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
I know this sounds like a real newb question eventhough I'm not.
I presume that classic mods game is a 4.09 modded version Yes? No?
I've tried numorous times to get a 4.09 classic mod game version happening within the new SASUP set up.
Starting with a vanilla 4.09 and gradually working up to 4.10.1 SAS MODACT 3.4b and UP3'
As soon as I take it up to SASMODACT 3.0 being 4.10.1 the old 4.09 modded version comes up as a 4.10.1 mod act and does not load quits at 60 percent not a 4.09.
I'm now presuming that a classic mod game could just be a standard 4.10 with SAS Modact 2.75 with MODS folder only
yes or no.
Just getting abit frustrated because when not working correctly UP3 tends to overide SAS game version and even stock game version ???
Just want to confirm if I do have to put inplace SAS MODACT 2.75 for a classic mods game version.
The latest Modact for 4.09m is SAS Modact 2.3 Beta, which you will find here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,8993.0.html
All later Modact's are made for IL-2 version 4.10 onwards, currently 4.10.1.
"Classic" in terms of the new IL-2 launcher just refers to the naming conventions for folders with modded files in them. In the good old times, and that's what "classic" means here, there were two folder called "FILES" and "MODS" holding the modded files. A prominent IL-2 4.10.1 game version using this layout is HSFX 5.x.
So if you select "classic", this means that you should have some modded installation with the files residing in "FILES" and "MODS" folder.
If you select "SAS Modact 3", your modded files must reside in "#SAS" folder.
If you select "Ultrapack 3", your modded files must reside in "#UP#" folder.
Best regards - Mike
Ok thanks for that. 8) ;)
So no 4.09 version he he.
I did put in a Classic modact 2.75 4.10 version and everthing is running sweet. 8) :D
I just recall alot people saying classic 4.09 version some time ago he he. when 4.09 went up to 4.10
Thanks Mike ;)
No worries now ;D 8)
Hi guys, I downloaded using Torrent and the #UP# folder is there as described. I think CirX and Hades deliberately left it that way so if you felt the need to experiment you could manually add the folder, it does not load into your game with the UP activator. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Ive got a question... i couldnt find the link so im asking it here...
If i have a UP 2.01 version on 4.09 and i used steam to get my game, how do i update it?
... that makes two of us! 8) 8)
Installed a treat for me - I ditched ModAct in the end and went for a fresh install onto a vanilla 4.101m - load times are fab, experiencing a bit of lag at times during play tho ? Didnt have this previously ?
Thanks for the new air.ini WildChild (saved me a job) I just moved the PZL's from USSR to Various BTW
Was there a reason why the Wellington and Fokker werent included ?
Well done guys - free too still cant quite believe it !!
Hi, i am new to ultrpack, can anybody share a link on how to add mods in ultrapack 3.0, thank you.
Well, If you don't miss it, It can't be important!
Haven't posted my thanks before, EXCELLENT work guys. Definitely appreciated
Downloaded and installed last week-end, so far so good! :-* Congratulations and thanks a lot! :)
Leonhart - please read previous posts mate!
You have to move the #UP# folder from the .rar file that comes with your download into your main IL2 folder - it contains all you need for mods - BE WARNED THO not many work yet !!
Works great for me
Thank you! ;)
OK guy's this is going great, but without being a nag i have 5 questions if they could be answered please...(ie Hades, it would be much appreciated).
1) Is there a list around that shows all the mods in UP3.0 ? (it may help with my other questions ...lol)
2) Can it be confirmed that the mod "0_Wolffighter_Gore4allplanes_V1.4" is currently in this new UP3.0?
3) I don't detect that the mod "01_Holygrail_Potenz__animated_oil_Blotch_blood_splatter_V2.4finallite" is in the current UP3.0, so will it be added, and if not, can it be added into the #UP# folder without it causing any issues?
4) There was a mod out ages ago that changes the touch_down sounds when landing (I've been using it all along), it's called "touch_down" funnilly enough. will it also be ok to use in UP3.0?
5)Another mod called " Alans_takeoff_turbulance0" deigned to take the punch out of the turbulance and replace it with a more realistic natural vibration, again i have used it in all variations of IL-2 but wondered about this version...great mod i thought may have been included.
Sorry for all the questions, but I'm sure others are wondering as well.
Thanks again to the UP3.0 crew, great job with keeping us in the air in a more realistic manner...much appreciated.
I been doing some testing with the #UP# folder and the old MODS folder. I have the #UP# installed that came with the pack. I've since started a process of copying over some of my MOD folders items to the new #UP# folder and testing them out one at a time. I am having success with some of them but not all of them. Is this the correct process of transfering over MODS?
UP3 is great - thank you!!! 8)
two thoughts:
1. Would it make sense to create UP3 icons for this forum's UP3 posts and mods? (along the same lines as the 409 and 410 icons)
2. I seem to recall reading that Hades(?) discovered a way to turn on the dynamic shadows within the virtual cockpit of IL2 (similar to CoD). Is this true and was there an intention/hint to include this dynamic shadow feature in UP 3.0 RC or final?
Is this the correct process of transfering over MODS?
Would it make sense to create UP3 icons for this forum's UP3 posts and mods? (along the same lines as the 409 and 410 icons)
It would make sense to post all request to the regarding board which can be found here:
Expect this thread to be more or less unnoted by UP3 staff now that there's a dedicated board for all UP3 related threads.
This thread was supposed to be just an announcement thread, nothing more and nothing less.
Best regards - Mike
Ah, ok, I'll repost to that thread instead.
PS: I didn't mean requests as much as when developers create mods that are for UP3...but I'll clarify in the repost. Thanks!
This is awesome!! A huge thanks to all involved!
Great Job!
Thank you and greetings from Brazil.
Been working with this download since 5/25/11 11:16:44 am and final can tell my wife she can now use the computer again. Wow... that is just a little bit of information all nicely wrapped up in a neat compact set of files! LoL
Still putting things together for the moment... but can't wait to sit my butt in a seat and close the canopy and fire up one of these crates.
Many Thank's... to all who worked on this project and made all of these mods possible and work together for us in one easy download package. Un Friggin Believable
Wicked... again Thank You!
Hmmmm. I have tried on 4 separate occasions to get Up working, but no joy...
I completely downloaded with my torrent the full UP installer twice. I installed it on a brand new clean install of the cd through 410.1 patch, but each time that I tried to launch the game with that
new game launcher it just did nothing. I waited and waited, but no game launch.
When I tried to launch with that cool looking red star icon it would give me " ~~Kan.sas" Windows box saying can't open this file and the red star icon disappeared never to be seen again...
I'm back to my 410.1 HSFX install and it works just fine so I guess I'll just have to stay with it.
For some reason "unknown to me" My computer just will not launch the new UP. oh well, my loss. I bet it is nice though..
Just the " new activator only install does the same thing.
Please try the SAS Modact 3.04b Fallback Selector, which can be found at app. 2/3 of first post here:
This will replace the default launcher by some less sophisticated version which splits the settings, the launcher and the wrapper in several distinctive files.
Best regards - Mike
I've downloaded UP 3.0 RC and installed it without any problems. It seems to work fine. I have found one problem. The ingame radio system doesn't work. I went to the Controls section and enabled the "Tabb" key. That allows me to open the radio choices, but they, in turn, won't respond. For example I can't contact the IAs in my flight . I did a search of SAS looking for a solution. I found one query (Hangman195, Reply #150, 26 May) with the same problem. Has anyone noticed this? Are there any solutions out there?
CirX, i updated the air.ini, so call this version V2 :P
what i changed was i forget to include that ALLIES and AXIS were for WWII, so this is now what the air.ini is:
Hey wildchild, I'm not stealin your thunder but i never saw a confirm on that air.ini you made. Would be nice cuz I'm missing some planes. :P
Mates, let me quote myself since it looks like some didn't see that post yet:
It would make sense to post all request to the regarding board which can be found here:
Expect this thread to be more or less unnoted by UP3 staff now that there's a dedicated board for all UP3 related threads.
This thread was supposed to be just an announcement thread, nothing more and nothing less.
This is not "the" UP3 support thread.
Sooner or later we'll clean up this thread, so besides being unlikely to receive any reply, expect your support claim posts to vanish from this thread without further notice.
Best regards - Mike
Hey I am new to this mod, how exactly to I install it? do I go through each of the packs and install them individually? I am also using the AAA mod will it interfere with the UP 3.0?
I just read the above post, thank you.
CirX, i updated the air.ini, so call this version V2 :P
what i changed was i forget to include that ALLIES and AXIS were for WWII, so this is now what the air.ini is:
Hey wildchild, I'm not stealin your thunder but i never saw a confirm on that air.ini you made. Would be nice cuz I'm missing some planes. :P
Um what do you mean? and which planes are you missing?
None are missing wild child-I went through line by line and checked against the stock, its good to go.
Thx. Chaney, you might have some extra planes that we do not have... try going back to there read-me and place there air.ini line inside my air.ini
I don't know what that multi-crew means can some one tell me?
You can join a mate in the same plane and both can share the controls. Only works in multi-crew planes like bombers and trainers.
Try the Yak-7-UTI or the IL-16-UTI4 ;)
thanks that's cool i have no idea you can do that
WhAt if it was a B-17? Could they be gunners or does it only apply for flying?
Tanks a lot for this excellent pack!
It's userfrendly and thanks for this too!
Cool thx man ;)
Hi there. I would like to know if its possible to have the Up3 installed and play in 4.10.1 servers. I cant seem to find a way to play online. Thanks in advance!
For example, if i want to enter a server that uses 4.10.1 only, and i want to disable Up3 momentarely, how can i do it? i tried the selector and jsmg it wont work
I know thats what i´ve been trying to do. But if i deactivate UP3 the shortcurts wont even work. the selector wont even apear and i cant play either version. Its UP3 or none. Thank you for your help, but there´s clearly something wrong here.
Hi, this link seems to be down. I have been trying for a whilew to download UP 3 without sucess. Any advice, or a link I've missed?
Hi, thanks UP-Boomer, downloaded the sucker last night watching a program about the upcoming Euros.
Ultrapack 3 ROCKS the Planet!
Hi, I'm getting a 95% error of some sort. The thing loads to 95% then sticks. The spash screen comes up then just sticks. I have to close the program by switching off the computer, completely unresponsive at that stage. The thing woks fime at 410.1 when pached up. Any advice?
And up she came, loaded first time with UP~Boomer's advice. My you chaps have been clever boys, I've still got a lot to figure out about how to use the new features, not least how to put in 4.10 mods. But wow, what an amount of stuff. My old computer was a Pentium 3 banger, but I've got hold of an i5 with 3 ram. Not top of the line by any means but should be able to handle this stuff better.
Total congrats to SAS and UP and great online support, I mod another game and you can be like the cast of Casablanca, They wait and wait and wait before an answer comes up, but not at SAS.
Hi, sorry to bother again but how do you get the mod activator to work?
Hi, thanks UP~Boomer I got the mod folder working after a bit of a struggle. All those new SCW planes, Cooo luverly!!! I just loved buzzing about in the Moska over Sunny Spain, tangling with Chirri's and 109 on the old computer. That and the Spit III has turned up, one of the great what if's of WW2 planes, and me big Spit fan.
Totaly brill
Hey i am a noob at all this so please go easy on me, i would like to play this game without having all kinds of mods in my il2 folder and messing about with alot of files, is this just a straight up download install and go or is their more to it that than? also does this mod include things like, sound effects, smoke effects etc airplane skins, basically all the things that make this game great without having alot of loose ends to mess with? example i was playing with Gurner effects and distance mod, JTSM sound mod an the water mod and when i tried to ad some planes etc it all went west due to my in experience so any help will be greatly appreciate.
Thank You.
Of course, though, the packs can't include everything. If you don't like the effects that come with DBW, try Gurner's FX, they are easy to install - just drop the folder in JSGME and enable.
Thank you both for the information we all start/started some where eh ;D
So if i wanted to include say Tigers sound mod then is something like this just as simple as putting Gurners FX into the JSGME folder and enable, only not having quite the understanding yet are there certain types of mods that require more than just a simple drop and enable? If so you you please provide me with a couple of examples so i know exactly what i may need to do with the required files from particular mods,
once again you help if most appreciated
New download link added in first post.
Best regards - Mike