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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => SkinRequests => Topic started by: Col. King on June 30, 2011, 09:39:38 AM
hi king, iirc i had some layers partially done in a i-16 template :)
must check, i have a fetish on unpainted planes, i love the metal/wood contrast and i usually let unpainted surfaces visible (ca.5%) under paint layers
le fu.
checked, and sorry no naked layers for i-16 for now, will do something next week, douglas! i had a naked i-153 skin but no i-16, the time has come hehehehe :D
Hi, Pavlac has an unpainted Yak 1 at http://www.pavlac.fr/spip.php?article278 and a prototype at - 279. Its no I 16, but very nice.
There is one availlable, long time ago, I must search a bit.
It was one of the few unpainted I remember,
I don't know where I have it from.
Ah, I knew it, Flightsim Files.
The Aircraft categories seem to be buggy, so must type a search querry
http://downloads.flightsimfiles.com/package/2186 (http://downloads.flightsimfiles.com/package/2186)
Skin by Stroitel (Builder)
=505 bap=
It would be interesting to show how it looked before recieving the camouflage colors...
The look is with primer, same color overall, no aircraft reach painting point in Metal/wood/fabric finish, parts are primered before asembling and I-16 were no different. Would be nice, but a what if.
If someone takes the effort of doing remember wings fabric covered all the wing, like a sock, and not only parts without metal sheet :).
It would be interesting to show how it looked before recieving the camouflage colors...
The look is with primer, same color overall, no aircraft reach painting point in Metal/wood/fabric finish, parts are primered before asembling and I-16 were no different. Would be nice, but a what if.
If someone takes the effort of doing remember wings fabric covered all the wing, like a sock, and not only parts without metal sheet :).
primer layer always present ;) i must upload my naked hurri mk.i early someday :)
btw, so it's a fabric layer over metal parts? but aileron-wide or even inner section?
There is one availlable, long time ago, I must search a bit.
It was one of the few unpainted I remember,
I don't know where I have it from.
Ah, I knew it, Flightsim Files.
The Aircraft categories seem to be buggy, so must type a search querry
http://downloads.flightsimfiles.com/package/2186 (http://downloads.flightsimfiles.com/package/2186)
Skin by Stroitel (Builder)
=505 bap=
bingo! will be a useful reference, thank you Knochenlutscher!
8) Hey, no prob, here to help.
primer layer always present ;)
Yep, but I mean tinted primer ;), so a primered aircraft looks overall "painted" in even color. Usually russian primer was brick red... so your unpainted aircraft is only overall brick red :).
btw, so it's a fabric layer over metal parts?
Yep, it's not called "sock" by nothing. Leading edge is metal covered to mid wing in upper sides, and 1/3 or so in lower sides. Metal is completely covered by sock. The parts only fabric covered are mid wing to aft, and lower wing. Aileron, horizontal and vertical stabilizer are fabric also. Fabric is white cotton, so if you want an "unpainted" what if it should be white, may be showing a slightly darker shade over metal parts as effect.
but aileron-wide or even inner section?
The problem is, aileron wide for what model? Type 5 aileron is longer, type 10 aileron is shorter (I think that you were thinking about). As said aileron itself is only fabric. Inner wing section is a mix of metal sheet (leading edge, and weapons section) and plywood. Also you should have in mind plywood is red birch and not usual clear wood.
So, this skin you talk for example...
...have many mistakes. Tomorrow will try to point details over that screen.
thank you! the more reference (and first hand notes) the better! :)
Usually russian primer was brick red... so your unpainted aircraft is only overall brick red
now i think if primer is strong enough to hide differences between materials :o
and i must confess i didn't check primer colors before, i only know the greenish ikarol for bf.109 (used for my B/C/D skins, and btw manowar, thank you again for your early 109 panel layer! :) ) so i didn't know russian primer was red
It depends on kind of primer, not always they are clear lacks, or slightly tinted ones like Ikarol 201, primer can be also a "thick paint" looking. Talking on Russian there are not many information about, but I think red primer is probably most wood treatment (and many aircrafts were all wood surfaces). But russian were not only, in Germany also Red primer was used depending on manufacturer, Heinkel used a red primer on its aircraft, and front line patches in aircrafts to avoid rust on newly patched metal surfaces were also brick red (red lead in fact, you can buy that today typical for iron primering), even you can see that in 109 remains some times. Others used a tinted primer but with RLM 02 tint, so what you see is an aircraft overall RLM 02 painted, but over the time some manufacturers also painted his prototypes with overall RLM 02, so when you see that, it's primered or painted? :) Difficult to say. Primer wasn't always the same, it changed in time.
Ok, this is the thing, may be some small details can be pointed better, but an overall view...
Also see that, you can see exactly wing metal parts, and a very interesting detail (but a hard work to do), how red birch wood planks were mounted over fuselage. May be that effect were not seen after mounted, glued and sanded, but may be a nice effect to do...
Hope it helps ;).
Like the possibility of steamed shaping ply style panelling, it would look like a plywood 'rolled cigar' pattern if given an oak or teak polish/stain...
:o now, these are references! wow! thank you!
where they come from? oblique paneling is a nice touch, i'll try, wood paneling must be a good training for albatros skins in ROF, also! :D
btw must be a tough structure, needs a lot of 7.92 bullets to light that flying mezzo toscano :D
Wood with a good design and well glued can be so hard as steel :).
That I took somewhere in a russian forum, but images are from I-16 manual.
argh :D bad news, must reinstall windows lol
i'm growing tired with system crashes, it's the 5th reinstall in 2 years.. must try win 7 64 this time..
BRB with Photoshop CS5, i'm curious :D but don't worry, the naked I16 is still wip and saved ;)
At least you managed to save/back up some of you things. CS5? not a SC5? (an 80's failed British electro-pedal powed layback cycle of sorts.)
nothing lost, is not a sudden crash (but i had in my past)..
my current XP system is not so stable now don't know why, so after tryin' some defrag/cleaning/etc i usually save everithing, format OS drive, reinstall OS from scratch and reinstall few software i need (usually 1946, ROF, Adobe suite, plus Neverwinter Nights 2 and Spore heheh) and copyin' old data from bkup.. is a 1 or 2 day operation usually, maybe this time is a mere excuse to try w7 64 :D yayyy full 4Gb of ram! :D
ps i've googled SC5.. somewhat interesting NSFW images with safesearch deactivated hehehe :D but nothing about the real thing hehhe
funny thing i had for 2 years a 64 bit processor with xp an win 7 32 :D didn't know was a 64 lol
mmh my motherboard can reach 8Gb, maybe later this month :P with a recent GTX560 1Gb now my bottleneck is the processor, but will go for an i7 next life, no enough money now for new CPU+MB :D
Is anyone still looking for this skin? It happens to be on Flight Sim Files.