Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Ultrapack Discussion & Support => Ultrapack Downloads & Updates => Topic started by: StG77_HaDeS on July 29, 2011, 01:48:17 PM

Title: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on July 29, 2011, 01:48:17 PM
Download link and ReadMe.


Cheers :)

New Download Link:
Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pvqnuwrw054kf3t/UP_3.0RC4_Client.exe/file
OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ahp5M3GG5xF_hitxwztRoVzH1u76
Mega: https://mega.nz/#!YSRiiI4a!bO0wAUShI_VKpLjQ-7RvC305Y6ksfQH9MAa9G7Tzztw
(Content is the same on all mirrors)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulatiove) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: benitomuso on July 29, 2011, 02:05:34 PM
Thank you Hades.

Does this one continue to have the HMS Colossus CV showing the Illustrious CV?

Will not theorically conflict with DBW1.3 or it should work with DBW1.4?

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulatiove) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boosh on July 29, 2011, 02:28:58 PM
No, they didn't fix the Colossus CV problem. I've heard it's an easy text replacement fix, I just don't know what to change.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulatiove) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on July 29, 2011, 02:56:18 PM
Thank you Hades.

Does this one continue to have the HMS Colossus CV showing the Illustrious CV?

Will not theorically conflict with DBW1.3 or it should work with DBW1.4?


I will fix it in next update.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulatiove) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Kazegami on July 29, 2011, 03:15:47 PM
No, they didn't fix the Colossus CV problem. I've heard it's an easy text replacement fix, I just don't know what to change.

Replace the Colossus ships.ini file with the one included here:
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~CirX on July 29, 2011, 03:57:13 PM
cool! I see my & magpie's killer blossom is included!  :D

cheers Hades!

To all DBW users, this UP update in required for DBW, it is not optional. If you want to use the upcoming Build 1.4, you HAVE to get this first.
I am still a bit sick, so build 1.4 may be another 2 to 4 days coming.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Borsch on July 29, 2011, 05:00:16 PM
Please get better soon and thank you and all the team for the patch!

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Messcaster on July 30, 2011, 01:24:14 AM
Excellent! Thanks for the update!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: bomberkiller on July 30, 2011, 03:45:03 AM
Thank you!!!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: redfox on July 30, 2011, 04:05:26 AM
I've got a CTD when loading map 'War over Italy' in FMB.

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on July 30, 2011, 04:27:13 AM
Didn´t find a word about the Bf 109 loadout bug in the readme. Is this fixed now with RC 4?
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Riptide_One on July 30, 2011, 04:44:00 AM

Thanks for the update. I got RC4 installed with no problems.


I think you know that we all hope you will make getting well your first priority and that we wish you a quick return to good health.


Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on July 30, 2011, 04:44:04 AM
Didn´t find a word about the Bf 109 loadout bug in the readme. Is this fixed now with RC 4?

Check, should be ok.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on July 30, 2011, 05:11:33 AM
I've got a CTD when loading map 'War over Italy' in FMB.


When you have something like this you ALWAYS check your RAM settings.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: hello on July 30, 2011, 05:20:44 AM
Hades, I just wanted to say a well deserved thank you, GREAT work!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: csvousden on July 30, 2011, 06:59:36 AM
May I ask how to add the War Over Italy to the all.ini?  That map does not automatically show up in my install even though the screen image says RC4 when the game starts.

Did I miss something in the install?

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: redfox on July 30, 2011, 07:47:31 AM
Cheers Hades.

Tried different settings - but still CTD.

May have developed a different problem, as large maps which previously loaded (e.g. Channel maps) are now causing a CTD.

csvousden - try adding 'Mediterran_War_Over_Italy Mediterran_W.o.I/Med_W_o_I_load.ini' to you all.ini.

Cheers - Redfox
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: csvousden on July 30, 2011, 07:55:43 AM
Thanks Redfox!  You anticipated my question.  I found the map after following Boomer's suggestion and was just coming back to ask if anyone had an update for the all.ini file. 

Thank you Boomer also!

And thanks to all the developers of this great game which allows me to escape the mundane world of reality in which I spend so much time.  I am so grateful to all of you!

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: redfox on July 30, 2011, 10:13:51 AM
Cheers Boomer

I have been editing the conf.ini file to try and get better water effects. I've put the old one back in and now all the large maps work. And as you said, TexCompress is now back to 2 and all loads well.

Cheers Redfox
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: MR_G on July 30, 2011, 11:03:39 AM
Does it matter if you use the exe to load it over my RC3, or can you open the exe in a new folder, and transfer the files (and override) to my IL2UP3RC3 folder??

Or am I being just a little too paranoid?
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: MR_G on July 30, 2011, 11:40:02 AM
Good, that means that I'm not totally nuts.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on July 30, 2011, 12:14:19 PM
Does it matter if you use the exe to load it over my RC3, or can you open the exe in a new folder, and transfer the files (and override) to my IL2UP3RC3 folder??

Or am I being just a little too paranoid?

The .exe is made specifically for easy use.
Best is to run the exe . The method that Boomer described also works but in case of the DF server installer because the installer also deletes some older executables this method won't install UP proper.

So i STRONGLY ADVISE to USE the Installer, double-click on the .exe .
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: MR_G on July 30, 2011, 04:17:11 PM
OK, will do.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on July 31, 2011, 01:51:32 AM
The Bf 109 loadout bug still exists. Choosing the U4-MK 108 as loadout for all subtypes of the G6 causes crashes like before. Choosing it in QMB works, doing it in missions or campaigns has the effect that in the arming screen it is listed with default arming and when starting the mission - boom, your plane explodes at spawn.

The same problem like before.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on July 31, 2011, 02:22:10 AM
List the planes that have this bug.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: CWMV on July 31, 2011, 02:36:13 AM
BF-109E Compass is still stuck on north with realistic navigation selected, but otherwise as usual many thanks for the continually improving product!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: cgagan on July 31, 2011, 03:04:19 AM
Many thanks, Hades and the team! I am away from home and have a s***y internet connection, but I shall d/load it when possible!  8)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Vampire_pilot on July 31, 2011, 08:54:29 AM
Boelcke, i cannot confirm this.
I tried to generate a RV campaign, never encountered the exploding planes.
i even manipulated missions with the U3-MK108. these load perfectly.
in the weapons ini it is called U4 but the loadout is registered as U3-MK108 wich is correct.

I correct myself! the  weapons R6-2XMG151-20  bug is only present in DBW

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on July 31, 2011, 12:04:18 PM
All Bf 109 G6 types are crashing for me with the U4 MK 108 loadout in Missions or campaigns. With a clean UP 3.0 RC4.

But: In DBW the G6 types do have the former U3 MK108 loadout. Switching to DBW, the same missions with the G6´s and the U3 MK-108 loadout are working without problems.

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Vampire_pilot on July 31, 2011, 01:07:50 PM
can you make  mis file in UP3 and in DBW and show the weaopns lines?
do they differ for the same loadout?

I also have DBW but did not expect that part to be different since UP is the base with these fundamentals.
I would not expect there being different Bf-109 classfiles.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on August 01, 2011, 12:06:32 AM

Look into the weapons_ru.dat of DBW and you will see the U3 MK-108 loadout, for the G6, G6_Late and G6/AS for example.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Vampire_pilot on August 01, 2011, 06:57:58 AM
now I'm about to be confused....

Boelcke, delete your #UP# folder and try this mission (made in clean UP3RC4) - it will should load and have no bugs, it did for me
Code: [Select]
  MAP 2B_FlightTest/load.ini
  TIME 12.0
  CloudType 0
  CloudHeight 1000.0
  player g0100
  army 2
  playerNum 0
  Year 1940
  Month 6
  Day 15
  WindDirection 0.0
  WindSpeed 0.0
  Gust 0
  Turbulence 0
  Planes 2
  Skill 1
  numberOn0 0
  numberOn3 0
  Class air.BF_109G6
  Fuel 100
  weapons default
  TAKEOFF 103311.98 100820.34 0 0 &0
  NORMFLY 94603.81 92204.98 2000.00 300.00 &0
  Planes 1
  Skill 1
  Class air.BF_109G6AS
  Fuel 100
  weapons U3-MK108
  NORMFLY 68066.76 87332.36 500.00 300.00 &0
  Planes 1
  Skill 1
  Class air.BF_109G6Late
  Fuel 100
  weapons R6-MG151-20
  NORMFLY 84858.57 84333.82 500.00 300.00 &0
  Bigship 1800
  Ship 1800
  Aeroanchored 1800
  Artillery 1800
  Searchlight 1800
  ZutiRadar_RefreshInterval 0
  ZutiRadar_ShipsAsRadar 0
  ZutiRadar_ShipRadar_MaxRange 100
  ZutiRadar_ShipRadar_MinHeight 100
  ZutiRadar_ShipRadar_MaxHeight 5000
  ZutiRadar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxRange 25
  ZutiRadar_ShipSmallRadar_MinHeight 0
  ZutiRadar_ShipSmallRadar_MaxHeight 2000
  ZutiRadar_ScoutsAsRadar 0
  ZutiRadar_ScoutRadar_MaxRange 2
  ZutiRadar_ScoutRadar_DeltaHeight 1500
  ZutiRadar_ScoutGroundObjects_Alpha 5
  ZutiRadar_ScoutCompleteRecon 0
  ZutiRadar_SetRadarToAdvanceMode 0
  ZutiIcons_MovingIcons 0
  ZutiIcons_ShowTargets 1
  ZutiIcons_IconsSize 4
  ZutiIcons_ShowNeutralHB 0
  ZutiIcons_ShowAircraft 0
  ZutiIcons_ShowGroundUnits 0
  ZutiIcons_ShowRockets 0
  ZutiIcons_StaticIconsIfNoRadar 0
  ZutiIcons_AircraftIconsWhite 0
  ZutiIcons_ShowPlayerAircraft 1
  ZutiIcons_HideUnpopulatedAirstripsFromMinimap 0
  ZutiReload_OneMgCannonRearmSecond 10
  ZutiReload_OneBombFTankTorpedoeRearmSeconds 25
  ZutiReload_OneRocketRearmSeconds 20
  ZutiReload_GallonsLitersPerSecond 3
  ZutiReload_OneWeaponRepairSeconds 3
  ZutiReload_FlapsRepairSeconds 30
  ZutiReload_EngineRepairSeconds 90
  ZutiReload_OneControlCableRepairSeconds 15
  ZutiReload_OneFuelOilTankRepairSeconds 20
  ZutiReload_LoadoutChangePenaltySeconds 30
  ZutiReload_CockpitRepairSeconds 30
  ZutiReload_ReloadOnlyIfFuelTanksExist 0
  ZutiReload_ReloadOnlyIfAmmoBoxesExist 0
  ZutiReload_RepairOnlyIfWorkshopExist 0
  ZutiReload_OnlyHomeBaseSpecificLoadouts 1
  ZutiNextMission_LoadDelay 60
  ZutiNextMission_Enable 0
  ZutiNextMission_Enable 0
  ZutiHud_DisableHudStatistics 0
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotNumber 0
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotPing 1
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotName 1
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotScore 1
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotArmy 1
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotACDesignation 0
  ZutiHud_ShowPilotACType 1
  ZutiCraters_Bombs250_Visibility 80
  ZutiCraters_Bombs500_Visibility 80
  ZutiCraters_Bombs1000_Visibility 80
  ZutiCraters_Bombs2000_Visibility 80
  ZutiCraters_Bombs5000_Visibility 450
  ZutiCraters_Bombs9999_Visibility 900
  ZutiCraters_Bombs250_SyncOnline 0
  ZutiCraters_Bombs500_SyncOnline 0
  ZutiCraters_Bombs1000_SyncOnline 0
  ZutiCraters_Bombs2000_SyncOnline 0
  ZutiCraters_Bombs5000_SyncOnline 0
  ZutiCraters_Bombs9999_SyncOnline 0
  ZutiCraters_OnlyAreaHits 1
  ZutiDrop_OverFriendlyHomeBase 0
  ZutiDrop_OverEnemyHomeBase 0
  ZutiDrop_OverNeutralHomeBase 0
  ZutiDrop_OverFriendlyFrictionArea 0
  ZutiDrop_OverEnemyFrictionArea 1
  ZutiDrop_OverDestroyGroundArea 1
  ZutiDrop_OverDefenceGroundArea 1
  ZutiDrop_MinHeight 0
  ZutiDrop_MaxHeight 10000
  ZutiMisc_EnableTowerCommunications 1
  ZutiMisc_DisableAIRadioChatter 0
  ZutiMisc_DespawnAIPlanesAfterLanding 1
  ZutiMisc_HidePlayersCountOnHomeBase 0
  ZutiMisc_EnableReflyOnlyIfBailedOrDied 0
  ZutiMisc_DisableReflyForMissionDuration 0
  ZutiMisc_ReflyKIADelay 15
  ZutiMisc_MaxAllowedKIA 10
  ZutiMisc_ReflyKIADelayMultiplier 2.0
  ZutiMisc_EnableAIAirborneMulticrew 0
  ZutiMisc_EnableInstructor 0
  ZutiMisc_DisableVectoring 0

But load that in DBW1.3 and you will explode on spawn! and that is caused by the U3-MK108 loadout.

if you have things in your#UP# and maybe even a .rc file you may not see the latest updates?
UP3 is a bit problematic to mod yourself....
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on August 01, 2011, 09:43:50 AM
Nope, works for me in both, UP 3.0 and DBW 1.3, no problem at all, when changing it to U4-MK108 - boom again
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on August 02, 2011, 12:29:29 AM
@ Hades:

Where can i look for the changed and up to date loudouts for the 109´s? The loadouts from the weapons_ru.dat file in the #UP# folder is from Rc 1 and can´t be up to date i suppose.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 02, 2011, 11:01:28 AM
this may be because there is no loadout for G6 called U4-MK108 . Only G10's,14 and now G5's have that loadout. AFAIK for the g6 the loadout never existed, not even in stock.

There are however "U4" type loadouts for G6 and G6AS I see. But they are called:


I attach the latest unhashed java files for all 109's from Up3rc4 here. They will be the same in DBW 1.4. In them you should be able to see the loadoutnames.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Vampire_pilot on August 02, 2011, 11:41:40 AM
see, that is part of the dilemma.... the weapons are registered as U3-MK108 (CirX, you better look again if you can't find it) in the classfiles and come like that in the mis file (and that is what stock game allways was like)

but in the game, due to weapons_ru.properties it get's calles "U4-MK108" in the G6s..... this doesnt't help the discussion and was causing the errors to begin with because the RC in fact called them U4-MK108 in the classfiles. You can still find that in the old weapons_ru of RC1

U4R3-MK108 is the MK108 motorcannon with droptank (the naming here is inconsistent again, since the U4 here means the MK108 which alone is called U3. The R4 is the droptank)

I cannot find that loadout for old stock 109G6s.... Boelcke you may know this, was this ever a loadout or is this a new modded one?

CirX, thanks for the files, this may have been the best and most helpful answer to this problem since UP3RC1 :)
I looked up G6, G6_late and G6 AS. all the loadouts in question are to stock spec from what i see. Boelcke can you find any abnormaties?
the new modded planes don't need no backwards compatibility so they don't matter.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on August 02, 2011, 12:59:41 PM
Cirx, thx for joining in  :)

Concerning to the weapons_ru.dat in UP 3.0 RC1 the loadouts were as following for the G6 for example:

# Bf-109G-6
Bf-109G-6.default                   Default
Bf-109G-6.R1-SC250                  R1: 1xSC 250
Bf-109G-6.R1-AB250                  R1: 1xAB 250
Bf-109G-6.R1-SC500                  R1: 1xSC 500
Bf-109G-6.R1-AB500                  R1: 1xAB 500
Bf-109G-6.R2-SC50                   R2: 4xSC 50
Bf-109G-6.R2-AB23                   R2: 4xAB 23
Bf-109G-6.R2-WfrGr21                R2: 2xWfr.Gr.21 Mortars
Bf-109G-6.R3-DROPTANK               R3: 1xType D Droptank
Bf-109G-6.R4-2XMK108                R4: 2xMk 108 Gunpods
Bf-109G-6.R6-2XMG151-20             R6: 2xMG 151/20 Gunpods
Bf-109G-6.R2R3-TANKWfrGr21          R2R3: 2xWfr.Gr.21 + Droptank
Bf-109G-6.R3R6-MG151-20             R3R6: MG 151/20 Pods+Droptank
Bf-109G-6.R3R4-2XMK108              R3R4: Mk 108 Pods+Droptank
Bf-109G-6.U4-MK108                  U4: Mk 108 Nose Cannon
Bf-109G-6.U4R2-MK108WfrGr21         U4R2: Mk 108 + 2xWfr.Gr.21
Bf-109G-6.U4R3-TANK1XMK108          U4R3: Mk 108 + Droptank
Bf-109G-6.U4R4-3XMK108              U4R4: Mk 108 + Mk 108 Gunpods
Bf-109G-6.U4R6-MK1082XMG151-20      U4R6: Mk 108 + MG 151/20 Pods
Bf-109G-6.U4R3R4-3XMK108      U4R3R4: 3x Mk 108 + Droptank
Bf-109G-6.U4R3R6-MK1082XMG151-20    U4R3R6: Mk108 + MG151/20 + Droptank
Bf-109G-6.U3-NOMG131               U3: Recon (No MG131s)
Bf-109G-6.U3R3-TANK-NOMG131         U3R3: No MG131s + Droptank
Bf-109G-6.none                      Empty

Choosing the MK108 loadout, in QMB it was and still is shown as U4-MK108.

Vampire and myself did a lot of trials and testing after every new RC of UP and had always problems with the loadouts for the G6 types. Hades mentioned that the bug was fixed, but as you can see we had still problems, myself especialy with the U4-MK108 loadout. I found in the weapons_ru.dat file from DBW that there are different loadouts included. That confuses me/us much more. What we need is an information what´s the up to date loadout for the G6 types in UP RC4. For UP i couldn´t find any new informations.

I have tested the U3_MK108 loadout for the G6 in DBW and it worked for me, interestingly in the arming screen it is also shown an U4-MK108 loadout - but as said this worked the first time for me since RC1 was released.

I´m not familiar with java code/files so it´s difficult for me to ccheck your files Cirx, i will try it. If the weapons_ru in DBW 1.4 is updated, it will be better to wait for this.

Concerning the U4R3-MK108 loaodut: till 4.09 there wasn´t such a loadout for the G6, it was U3R6 (MK108 with MG151 Gondolas), in 4.10 stock it is MK 108 + drop tank.

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 02, 2011, 04:01:21 PM
You guys are talking about something completely different from the loadout bug. You are talking about the weapons_ru file. That file is meaningless, it is purely cosmetic. I have not looked at a weapons RU file in 3 years. They are always out of date or wrong.

Look at the ACTUAL loadout names in the classfile. that is the loadout name that has to appear in the mission file, not the entry in the weapons properties file, which is , as I said, completely meaningless.

Weapons_ru.properties, is only there to provide a little more descriptive explanation of what the loadout is, when it is displayed in the arming screen. That's it. It is not used anywhere else, and has not bearing or influence on anything.

Boelce, just open any of those java files with text or wordpad, then look at the bottom of it. You will see lists of loadouts, for example this one from the F2:

I mark the area you are interested in red:

        com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsRegister(class1, "default", new java.lang.String[] {
            "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG151ki 200", null, null, null, null, null, null, null
        com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsRegister(class1, "1sc250", new java.lang.String[] {
            "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG151ki 200", "PylonETC900 1", "BombGunSC250 1", null, null, null, null, null
        com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsRegister(class1, "4sc50", new java.lang.String[] {
            "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG151ki 200", "PylonETC50Bf109 1", null, null, "BombGunSC50 1", "BombGunSC50 1", "BombGunSC50 1", "BombGunSC50 1"
        com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsRegister(class1, "droptank", new java.lang.String[] {
            "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG151ki 200", "PylonETC900 1", "FuelTankGun_Type_D 1", null, null, null, null, null
        com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsRegister(class1, "field_mod", new java.lang.String[] {
            "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG17si 500", "MGunMG151ki 200", null, null, null, null, null, null, null
        com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.weaponsRegister(class1, "none", new java.lang.String[] {
            null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null

I have no idea what these are cxalled in the weapons_ru.properties file. As I said, I never look at it, and wont be surprised if they are all wrong. Working out and Filling out the correct entries for the weapons_ru file for any plane is something one should be able to do 5 minutes before learning how to mod, it is just dead easy if you can look into the classfile, just time consuming and irritating, which is why most of us dont bother with it, in the hope that some enterprising young modder will do some of them. Alas, properly dedicated and willing-do-sweep-the-monestary-step student modders are virtualy non existent.

Amusingly, (present company excluded) I find 9/10 times when someone complains about RU entries, they are people 100% capable of fixing it and simply uploading the corrections instead of just pointing out the problem and expecting someone else to fix it.

can you imagine il2 if I or anto or hades or sani had that attitude?  :D

OK, I have to get back to DBW 1.4, lots to do. Good luck with it all!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on August 03, 2011, 01:07:30 AM
What Cirx says is correct. Don't get obsessed with what the weapons.properties files writes because its COSMETIC only.
I have done some mistakes to mine weapons.properties file, this should be OK though.
Put them in the correct subfolder (#UP#\STD\i18N\..) and check.
Piet feel free to use this as well :)

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on August 03, 2011, 01:28:25 AM
thx guys, but keep in mind that we didn't had anything else except the weapons_ru file to check for the loadouts before you posted these java files, that's reason why we asked for clarification.

So, thx a lot, will check it out :)

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Vampire_pilot on August 03, 2011, 07:33:19 AM
You are talking about the weapons_ru file. That file is meaningless, it is purely cosmetic.

LOL... do you remember that line, Boelcke? ;)

Hades, in my eyes, one of the major issues is that since RC1 the #UP# content never was updated.
You may say today that releasing it was a mistake in the first place but reading so many postings that can be connected to people having old junk in their #Up# and rely on it.... you may want to reconsider. You may save yourself a lot of stupid questions if this is kept up to date.
just my 2 cents.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Hawkman on August 03, 2011, 07:55:00 AM
Hi Hades,

Is there any chance you can provide alternative d/l mirrors?  Gamefront just will not work for me. :(

Many Thanks :)

Hawkers :)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: razor1uk on August 03, 2011, 09:00:15 AM
I too would like alternative mirrors; and/or with zip-ed/7z-ed options if posible please Hades.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: StG77_HaDeS on August 03, 2011, 09:18:26 AM

UP_3.0RC4_Client.exe (http://www.share-online.biz/dl/RXVAZ6PLUU93)

UP_3.0RC4_Client.exe (https://www.rapidshare.com/files/3989365714/UP_3.0RC4_Client.exe)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Vampire_pilot on August 03, 2011, 09:20:38 AM
you can "unzip" the exe with 7zip, you know that?

right click, "7zip"-> "open" and 7zip will open it just as any zip file.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Hawkman on August 03, 2011, 09:26:49 AM

Many Thanks - you are a Gentleman and a scholar! :)

Hawkers :)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Slink on August 03, 2011, 09:45:37 AM
Karaoke anyone?

Everybody was weapons file fight-ing,

de-de-de-de-de   de-de-de   dah-dah,

com-plaints were fast as light-ning,

deedle-ee deedle-ee deedle-ee dah-dah,

and though Java was a little bit frightening,

de-de-de-de-de   de-de-de   dah-dah,

Ha-des came through with expert - timing,

deedle-ee deedle-ee deedle-ee dah-dah,

oh-ho-ho hohhh,


oh-ho-ho hohhh,

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: razor1uk on August 03, 2011, 11:12:29 AM
:) nice lyrics :P thanks for the alt mirror links Hades ;D attempting dl  ???
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 03, 2011, 05:14:27 PM
What Cirx says is correct. Don't get obsessed with what the weapons.properties files writes because its COSMETIC only.
I have done some mistakes to mine weapons.properties file, this should be OK though.
Put them in the correct subfolder (#UP#\STD\i18N\..) and check.
Piet feel free to use this as well :)


thanx mate, I will use it :)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: razor1uk on August 05, 2011, 08:30:15 AM
  Mmm, my windows (grrr) still can't keep dl-ed .exe files once they're supposedly 100% down/completed on my laptop; if I choose them myself to dl (automatic system/program exe updates seem untroubled). Updating, youtube & dl-ing AMV's are still unaffected, wierd.... (i think i uninstalled part of net framework without backup, cleaning old old files...) I'll get my friend to dl the UP rc's updates and memory stick em' over.

Otherwise keep up the good work, and if I may also ask if some of the tweeks/fixes in this thread could be retro-actively added/liked to 1st post(ings)? Apologies if this is already done, edit as you choose Hades/mods.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Slink on August 05, 2011, 09:12:25 AM
Hades' new UP3 weapons file with placeholder loadouts (all?) removed and in alphabetical order for searching and testing, with defaults/none out of the way at the bottom, followed by commented out removed placeholders just in case. The hash marks & titles are actually superflous, as they just repeat the name and prevent logical sorting, but can be replaced.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Docholiday on August 05, 2011, 10:46:45 AM
Thank You  CirX.

The new buid includes more of my favourite planes   and   .......

I do not know what You made BUT:   ..... my Swordfish 2 (With all classfiles except the plane remouved) and my Liberator GR.V don`t crash the game anymore...  ;D ;D

You are the Master   ;)


Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Boelcke on August 07, 2011, 01:19:32 PM
good idea Slink, very handy :)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 11, 2011, 08:25:10 AM
sorry to be a pain, but possible for another upload link - maybe mediafire, 4shared, or such...?
gamefront insists the file is not available, and the others don't allow for resuming, which pretty much counts me out at even attempting.... :-[
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: LuseKofte on August 11, 2011, 08:38:59 AM
sorry to be a pain, but possible for another upload link - maybe mediafire, 4shared, or such...?
gamefront insists the file is not available, and the others don't allow for resuming, which pretty much counts me out at even attempting.... :-[

https://www.mediafire.com/?h5f587nj0epnnd3     :)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 11, 2011, 09:32:31 AM
thanks, matey  ;D 8)

...err, i think that link is for the wrong file, Le0ne......it's for a .properties file -  :D
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: the_corsair on August 26, 2011, 07:42:59 AM
The He 219 has a bug regarding the tracers. When i fire, there aren´t any! Absolutly no tracers. Does that happen to anyone else?
Theres the flash in the barrel of the gun and the bullets hit the target, but there are no tracers. Its kind of anoying :(
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: CWMV on August 26, 2011, 08:07:23 AM
That's how its supposed to be. Nightfighters almost never used tracers.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: the_corsair on August 27, 2011, 03:17:28 PM
really? im always learning. Now i need to get used to it. Still feels so strange XD
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: CWMV on August 27, 2011, 03:23:57 PM
I know what you mean  :D
But really its common sense, as tracers work both ways.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: the_corsair on August 27, 2011, 05:12:26 PM
precisely! especialy at night, makes perfect sense. Well, thank you then!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: rubens51 on November 13, 2011, 12:13:46 PM
Hi there. Since I'm becoming a father, I had to rearrange my spare room for my baby, and the computer that used to be my cockpit is now in my bedroom, disassembled. Anyway I installed IL21946 on my notebook, patched it to 4.10.1, then I installed UP 3.0 RC4. Then I wanted to added the new mods released by SAS and, surprise!, there is no #UP# folder on my il21946 folder, to place mods in. How can I do? Thanks!!!
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: DDcrash on November 17, 2011, 04:13:13 AM
Hi, rubens51. Create a new folder in your 1946 folder and name it #UP# ;)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: mellow214 on March 14, 2012, 07:29:38 PM
Can someone please upload the UP 3.0 RC DF Server file to Mediafire? I'm trying to host a MDS server and need the file.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: CrisGer on January 14, 2013, 04:42:13 PM
I hope to install DBW shortly once i get my regular install set, Do we still need this patch?  I will be using the 4.10.1m_to_UP3_RC4_Update 13 part UP3 pack to update from 4.10.1 and then hope to install DBW 1.71. Should I still get this patch installed first? thank you.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~Boomer on January 19, 2013, 05:30:30 AM
I hope to install DBW shortly once i get my regular install set, Do we still need this patch?  I will be using the 4.10.1m_to_UP3_RC4_Update 13 part UP3 pack to update from 4.10.1 and then hope to install DBW 1.71. Should I still get this patch installed first? thank you.

Install UP3,then install RC4 patch and you will be currant/up to date
no other patches required

The RC4 patch has important updates and bug fixes in it
it is all the previous patches/bug fixes included inside it

Then,install DBW 1.71
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: lordish on February 20, 2013, 04:50:08 PM
This link doesn't work!

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: beeps on February 21, 2013, 04:36:03 AM
Hey Lordish,

If you want, here are some links to a 4.10.1m to UP3.0RC4 superpatch:

https://www.mediafire.com/?dqlnn7dqunn7t (https://www.mediafire.com/?dqlnn7dqunn7t)

IF YOU PREFER TO USE TORRENTS:http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/UP3_SuperPack.torrent (http://koti.mbnet.fi/raukorpi/UP3_SuperPack.torrent)

Not sure if that is what you are looking for mate.

For those of you wanting to install DBW 1.71 there is a 4.07 to DBW 1.71 Superpack in Reply 1 in  this thread:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21514.0.html)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: lordish on February 23, 2013, 04:47:27 PM
Hey!  I got DBW running!  I just kept trying different combinations of ALL the stuff I downloaded (almost totally ate up my hard drive) until Bango it ran!  Thanks for all the help, and I DID back up the whole game as it is!

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: CHARLY X-01 on August 27, 2013, 11:58:35 PM
 :)Hello to everybody and in all,
I come of revoler on IL-2 FB1946 due to your ULTRAPACK UP3 RC4, his(its,her) made two years which I is not there any more to play!...
Game works well , on the other hand it(he) it in a thing(matter) that I do not understand(include):
On door plane in campaign I can rearm and refueler (to put holds etc.), my on tracks anything to make?!:-[
I have beautiful to go near cisterns etc. .sa does not want to make anything?
Can you indicate me the craftiness?
Awaiting for your help(assistant), thank you.
Charly. :)

 :)Salut à tous et à toutes,
je viens de revoler sur IL-2 FB1946  grâce à votre ULTRAPACK UP3 RC4 , sa fait deux ans que je n'y est plus jouer !...
Le jeu fonctionne bien, par contre il y à une chose que je ne comprends pas :
Sur porte avion en campagne je peut réarmer et refueler  (mettre les cales etc..) , mes sur les pistes rien à faire?! ... :-[
J'ai beau aller près des citernes etc  .sa ne veut rien faire ?
Pouvez-vous m'indiquer l'astuce ?
Dans l'attente de votre aide, merci .
Charly . :)
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Theoask on November 23, 2013, 10:07:52 AM

I'm looking for a working torrent of Ultra Pack RC4 (including only RC1,2, and 3 and 4). Il aready have UP 3.0 installed....

Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: Bf-110 on March 13, 2014, 06:19:41 PM
Do anyone know another link to the RC4 patch other than those 3 at UP site?
FileFront and rapidshare doesn't work and that share-online is slow as dial up internet.Also,I'm having trouble registering in Mission4Today.
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: GEORGES44 on March 14, 2014, 03:17:51 AM

You have links on this site to UP RC4

According to your desire regarding the sim, I recommend you use one of the big superpack
- for DBW:
- for new TFM (DBW on steroids):
- for HSFX:

Don't hesitate to try all of them to choose the one who suits you most.
Many members have multiple installs ( in my case, vanilla 4.12, UP2.01, DBW, new TFM, and HSFX).

And when you have found the config that suits you, try to find a moment to thanks all the dedicated persons who gave so much to this sim.

Good flight
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 03, 2016, 12:29:26 PM
New Download Link added in first post.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: MudMarine on November 26, 2016, 06:14:19 PM
Thanks for the update.  Its starting to feel like the end for IL2 1946...... :(
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 27, 2016, 01:46:55 AM
Its starting to feel like the end for IL2 1946...... :(
Where did you get that weird idea from?
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: bomberkiller on November 28, 2016, 05:11:13 AM
New Download Link added in first post.

Just a question: Is "StG77_HaDeS" still alive?  o_O

His last active contact here at SAS was: July 20, 2013.  :(
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: SAS~Storebror on November 28, 2016, 05:53:37 AM
He's not actively modding IL-2 anymore or if so, not under his old flag.

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: UP 3.0 RC4 patch (Cumulative) has been released *29-07-2011*
Post by: bomberkiller on November 28, 2016, 11:32:45 AM
Mike, thanks for the answer.