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The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => Dark Blue World Discussion & Support => Topic started by: zack on August 09, 2011, 12:53:36 PM

Title: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 09, 2011, 12:53:36 PM
Dear Gents,
 I've tried to add this mod into #DBW folder (cause gunfire effect is unrealistic and really poor):
But unfortunatelly - still got default fires.

Any ideas how to make it work?

PS. Do we expect any improvements of gunfire in the future UP/DBW updates?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 09, 2011, 02:14:54 PM
PS. Do we expect any improvements of gunfire in the future UP/DBW updates?

no, because I like the unrealistic and really poor current effect.

most effects are a personal preference thing, you can choose your own preference and add it to your game.

if effects guys start packing the FX mods specifically for DBW, so I dont have to sit for days figuring it out and adapting it and cleaning it up, then we may put out some options officialy.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 09, 2011, 02:58:57 PM
Ok CirX, thanks for clear reply, BUT still - how should I install this mod to make it work?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 09, 2011, 03:05:34 PM
Aaargh...so it looks that some mods will not work with DBW anyway?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 09, 2011, 03:08:57 PM
i just realised, I use the #DBW_FX_Small Collection , so I never see those UP3 fires anyway. :)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 09, 2011, 04:31:38 PM
Getters gunfire works fine, just make sure that you remove the "Files" folder from it.
I have packed together a bunch of effects mods into a single download if your interested OP, including Getters gunfire repack, gore 4 all planes, plutonium, 3d smoke trails etc. Let me know if your interested.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Gerson on August 09, 2011, 05:06:56 PM
Im very interested
Can you post a link to your compilation
Ill give it a try untill Plutonium gets compatible with DBW
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 09, 2011, 05:45:45 PM

The readme has the exact contents on the compilation, but off the top of my head its Plutonium, Cinema effects aircraft smoke, Hguderian smoke trails repack, mg17/.303 smoke trails, Gore effects, and the .50 smoke trail and ricochet mod as well as the 3d 20mm smokes.

Simply drop in DBW folder. Works fine for me in both DBW and UP3.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Kazegami on August 09, 2011, 05:51:09 PM

The readme has the exact contents on the compilation, but off the top of my head its Plutonium, Cinema effects aircraft smoke, Hguderian smoke trails repack, mg17/.303 smoke trails, Gore effects, and the .50 smoke trail and ricochet mod as well as the 3d 20mm smokes.

Simply drop in DBW folder. Works fine for me in both DBW and UP3.

Thanks! I'll give it a try too.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Gerson on August 09, 2011, 06:34:33 PM
Thanks for your fast reply
Ill give it a try and keep you informed
All the best
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 10, 2011, 11:27:29 AM
I just added some hint-hint to my post. This should allow you to get some (if not most) of it working ;)
Thank You Crazyflak! Now-everything works fine.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: joycecaster on August 10, 2011, 01:49:07 PM
@CWMV - thanks for this - just installed it and it works like a charm in DBW (after I removed the existing cockpit-gore mod from my DBW folder)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 10, 2011, 05:04:13 PM
Well its been downloaded 40+ times since I posted it, and no complaints so thats good!
All I did was package some great effects made by talented modders, hope y'all enjoy.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: squiffy on August 10, 2011, 06:28:46 PM
I've got one nearly finished... wanna try that out before I try to post it here?  :)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 10, 2011, 06:32:28 PM
Sure, I'm always game! :D
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: colocam on August 10, 2011, 09:53:50 PM

The readme has the exact contents on the compilation, but off the top of my head its Plutonium, Cinema effects aircraft smoke, Hguderian smoke trails repack, mg17/.303 smoke trails, Gore effects, and the .50 smoke trail and ricochet mod as well as the 3d 20mm smokes.

Simply drop in DBW folder. Works fine for me in both DBW and UP3.

CWMV, Thanks a million! The effects look great. ;D
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 10, 2011, 10:11:41 PM
No prob, but not my effects!

If anything I like to think of my personal repacks of these mods as tribute to them every time I use them, because without their great personal efforts IL2 would be neigh unplayable!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 11, 2011, 04:52:14 AM

Great little package mate, the only thing i am not to fond of is the smoke from aircraft engines when on fire, does anyone know how to remove this effect please?


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: dpd1977 on August 11, 2011, 05:50:13 AM
Well its been downloaded 40+ times since I posted it, and no complaints so thats good!
All I did was package some great effects made by talented modders, hope y'all enjoy.

Thanks for this, everything is working perfectly.  I was a sitting duck behind some B-17's to try out the gore mod and saw myself get hit with some 50 cals/  Blood everywhere.

Thanks for doing this work.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~CirX on August 11, 2011, 05:59:31 AM
If you guys will test this out thuroughly, then we can include it into DBW as an SFS option. :)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 11, 2011, 07:51:17 AM
Slipper: I will post the files to disable tonight.

And I also enjoy getters gunfire repack 2, that why its in the compilation lol!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: LuseKofte on August 11, 2011, 08:05:23 AM
If you guys will test this out thuroughly, then we can include it into DBW as an SFS option. :)

I prefer this if it is possible thank you :)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Gerson on August 11, 2011, 09:11:25 AM
Ive been using it for three days in DBW, and no problems so far
All the best
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Kazegami on August 11, 2011, 09:29:17 AM
If you guys will test this out thuroughly, then we can include it into DBW as an SFS option. :)

I prefer this if it is possible thank you :)

Me too! Big thanks for the link CWMV ;)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 11, 2011, 10:40:02 AM
If you guys will test this out thuroughly, then we can include it into DBW as an SFS option. :)

I prefer this if it is possible thank you :)

Me too! Big thanks for the link CWMV ;)
No problem, glad it was of use!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 11, 2011, 11:35:35 AM
Can anybody post the printscreen - I'm curious how looks the smoke effects (f.ex. burning engines etc...).
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 11, 2011, 01:11:08 PM
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: LuseKofte on August 11, 2011, 01:59:09 PM
I cant leave the B-26 alone either  ;D
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: bomberkiller on August 11, 2011, 02:18:15 PM

Your "Mod-folder" is nearly perfect. Have only deleted the "Clouds"-folder, this clouds looking like cottenballs... lol.

Thank you very much for this option, it's great!

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~Tom2 on August 11, 2011, 02:43:47 PM
CWMV: Thanks man! Will try it, also activated Little effects today..will test that later.


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 12, 2011, 10:06:51 AM
Slipper: I will post the files to disable tonight.

Hi CWMV, do You have the list of  files responsible for that engine BIG smoke?
Your pack is great , but I would like to switch-off/remove that effect only.
Thank You.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 12, 2011, 05:47:37 PM
Well if you want to switch anything off you'll have to do some leg work, but here's what needs to be done.

To replace the smokes that are in this (soccoristas cinema effects mid air smoke) with the standard plutonium effects smokes you'll need to open plutonium effects. Go to
and take the files BlackHeavySPD.eff and BlackHeavyTSPD.eff and put them into this effects pack at
Drive:\000_Uwe's effect compilation\3DO\Effects\Aircraft\
Allow them to overwrite and replace what is there already.
With these two files if you try to just remove them without replacing their equivalent from Plutonium effects you will be left with the stock effects smokes. They MUST be replaced with their equivalent from plutonium effects.

and then remove the files

located in Drive:\000_Uwe's effect compilation\3DO\Effects\Textures\

My recommendation is that if you don't care for the effects here simply throw together a compilation of your own. Because in reality your going to put more work into trying to remove/customize the effects found in my quaint little package than you would just putting together one of your own.
All of the mods that are in this are readily available, and the instructions for making them work are all in their specific threads.
All you need to know is the basics of the structure necessary to make stuff work in the mods folder and you'll be good to go!

And I'm happy to help. It took my computer-illiterate butt less than 10 minutes to throw this little pack together, I'm sure all of you are more than capable of it as well.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 12, 2011, 05:58:05 PM

Your "Mod-folder" is nearly perfect. Have only deleted the "Clouds"-folder, this clouds looking like cottenballs... lol.

Thank you very much for this option, it's great!

Hell I forgot there was a clouds folder in there!
Think I may have to remove it on my end as well! :D

EDIT: Wow, a lot of people have downloaded this now. Please post up if its giving you issues!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Gerson on August 12, 2011, 06:36:06 PM
I deleted the clouds folder and now my clouds are OK
All the rest works fine
All the best
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 13, 2011, 05:57:51 AM

Thanks for that

To replace the smokes that are in this (soccoristas cinema effects mid air smoke) with the standard plutonium effects smokes you'll need to open plutonium effects. Go to
and take the files BlackHeavySPD.eff and BlackHeavyTSPD.eff and put them into this effects pack at
Drive:\000_Uwe's effect compilation\3DO\Effects\Aircraft\
Allow them to overwrite and replace what is there already.
With these two files if you try to just remove them without replacing their equivalent from Plutonium effects you will be left with the stock effects smokes. They MUST be replaced with their equivalent from plutonium effects.

and then remove the files
located in Drive:\000_Uwe's effect compilation\3DO\Effects\Textures\

I know i am being a bit picky, but the cinematic effects, and the default engine fire are to much, and plutonium effects are not enough.

Does any one know of an engine fire/smoke effect that is somewhere in between pleas?


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 13, 2011, 07:48:18 AM
If I may slipper, why do think they are too much?
To my eye they are spot on for burning fuel/material, at least where I've seen it in my life.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 13, 2011, 08:33:26 AM
Dear CWMV,
I think Slipper is right.
Those engine-fire-smokes are too big also in my opinion. Just take a look:

No BIG smoke effects at all.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 13, 2011, 09:36:38 AM
Ya, but none of those were fuel tanks or motors engulfed in flame either. The last few seconds show something burning but were too close to judge the smoke coming from it or what exactly is burning.
I can tell you this much though, when avgas burns, it leaves the most thick, nasty greasy smoke you have ever seen, so thick it blocks out the sun. For example check out any of the pics of that 17 that just went up in flames.
That is a burning fuel tank.

Regardless, if you want to change it, have at it! The instructions are posted :D


Now what would be cool is to see a version of this same smoke, but in alight gray. But really from black and white pictures we cant tell color or texture of the smoke very well.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 13, 2011, 11:51:28 AM
Dear CWMV,
I fully agree with You regarding fuel-tank fire smoke. But please notice, that the same kind of heavy smoke we have here when engine is hit. And that is uncorrect in my opinion.
Best  Regards.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 13, 2011, 12:26:51 PM
Dear CWMV,
I fully agree with You regarding fuel-tank fire smoke. But please notice, that the same kind of heavy smoke we have here when engine is hit. And that is uncorrect in my opinion.
Best  Regards.
Sure, doesn't matter to me, you are entitled to yours.
Like I said instructions are there, change it if you like, as I wont.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 13, 2011, 11:56:16 PM
Hey guys I added in all the working classfiles from Plutonium effects. After a few tests it seems to run fine in RC4, anyone interested in giving it a try?
It helps to add back a lot of the small stuff, and actually improved my framerates.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Gerson on August 14, 2011, 04:04:02 AM
For sure I want to try it CWMV
Post a link and I will Download and try right now
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 14, 2011, 12:12:46 PM
Alright here you are!

Now this one may cause some freezes in game, I'm really not sure. Deleting ALL of the classfiles was the only way to make 100% sure that it would work but you did lose some of the smaller eye candy effects.
Adding these classfiles back in hasn't caused any issues for me, but if you get any sort of problem please post up and Ill try to track down which classfile is causing the problem.
The effects included have not changed, and as always many thanks to the developers who made these mods for us.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 14, 2011, 03:13:50 PM

Thanks for the new update mate, unfortunately i get a ctd when bombs detonate, not sure what classfile causes that.

Also i have found a nice combination of engine smoke from a mixture of a few mods, will post tomorrow.


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 14, 2011, 04:32:57 PM
What aircraft were you bombing with slipper? I've dropped from tactical aircraft but never heavies.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 14, 2011, 04:36:25 PM
I was using B-17,s
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 14, 2011, 04:41:47 PM
What loadout? And which B17?
Ive been playing around with it and I haven't been able to duplicate the CTD.

EDIT: Ive run through every B-17 loadout using this in RC4, with no CTD.
Are you in UP or DBW?
Any other mods perhaps with conflicting classfiles? Have you used the classfile checker?

EDIT2: Just ran through in DBW with all B17's and their loadouts, no issues. I cant duplicate your CTD.
Can anyone else?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 14, 2011, 05:10:52 PM
I am using DBW 1.5,  when i disable the effects mod everything is ok, i will recheck and let you know.

cheers mate
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 14, 2011, 05:27:34 PM
Same here. Like I said no issues in either UP or DBW.
Can someone else duplicate this CTD?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Gerson on August 14, 2011, 05:32:45 PM
Downloading and playing-testing in few minutes
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: Knochenlutscher on August 14, 2011, 09:42:54 PM
 8) Cool effects, Thanks CWMV
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 14, 2011, 10:00:36 PM
No problem, glad they work for ya.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 15, 2011, 05:11:23 AM

Downloaded your mod again, and everything appears to be working fine, not sure what was happening, but thanks for your help and for posting this mod.

I have included a link to my 3DO folder, which contains different effects for aircraft engine smoke, not cinematic but quite lifelike i feel. My effects folder has had a bit of mix and match going on, but i believe the effects are due to a file HolyGrail sent me a while back, so i thank him for this.


See what you all think, i really like the new effects but everyone is different.

Instal instructions, just drop the 3DO file included into the folder

000_Uwe's effect compilation, and overwrite when prompted (back up first in case you do not like them)

I am also including a link to CY6's excellent Napalm effect which i use, one of many excellent mods by him, i urge you all to try them.


Thanks again for this mod compilation, and thanks to all the modders for making it possible.



edit :-

I have reuploaded my 3DO folder in .rar format, to save having to download all files separatley, as kindly pointed out by hguderian, thanks mate  ;)

cheers all

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 15, 2011, 05:24:50 AM
Hi...may you re-upload your Effects folder as .zip or .rar...cause without upgrading mediafire to pro I must download one single file at time.

I want to take a look at your effects comparing them to my mixed ones.

Thank you in advance.

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 15, 2011, 11:00:25 AM
Very cool slipper, looking forward to checking these out.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 15, 2011, 11:22:43 AM
Thanks to you!


What is intended to do the WhiteEngineWaveTSPD.eff (in your 3do is WhiteEngineWaveTSPD.eff.eff)? ....I ask that cause this file isn't in the original Plutonium release.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 15, 2011, 12:03:37 PM

What is intended to do the WhiteEngineWaveTSPD.eff (in your 3do is WhiteEngineWaveTSPD.eff.eff)? ....I ask that cause this file isn't in the original Plutonium release.

afraid i have no idea mate, i am not a modder in any way, shape or form, this just happens to be a mix of different effects packages, but i think mainly they are HolyGrails.

I pm'ed HolyGrail quite a while back about increasing the engine smoke a bit on his mods, and he sent me an edited file, i can upload it if you like but as far as i am aware the only changes were in aircraft smoke.

as regards the file WhiteEngineWaveTSPD.eff.eff i have not edited it myself so it must have always had this name, does it do anything if you edit it to .eff ?


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 15, 2011, 12:08:27 PM
It give me a bunch of java errors (in game as in tracks) also if I rename it. As I said I've never see it into Plutonium.

I like for sure to see what HolyGrail had modified in that file ;=))

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 15, 2011, 04:38:19 PM
Ok DL'ing and trying them now!
The napalm worries me though, have you noticed any detrimental effects with framerates?
I mean I'm not worried about it for myself, I average 59.5FPS with Vsync on.
EDIT: Did a very short (15 second) ntrk and tested FPS with and without the napalm.
Stock napalm average FPS was 59.9
CY6 napalm average FPS 59.8
Id say its not a concern! And it looks great. Think I'm definitely going to use this!

As to the 3DO, Slipper when did you get these? A lot of the files contained are the same, ie plutonium effects I guess, but they seem a bit older and some are missing.
I didnt have any issues running it, i simply "-" out the 3DO folder in my compilation and put yours in, but the effects didnt seem to be any more than standard plutonium/uranium pack mods.
I did like the fire from burning fuel tanks though, Ill have to find the correct file/texture for it! :D
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 16, 2011, 04:19:31 AM

As to the 3DO, Slipper when did you get these? A lot of the files contained are the same, ie plutonium effects I guess, but they seem a bit older and some are missing.
I didnt have any issues running it, i simply "-" out the 3DO folder in my compilation and put yours in, but the effects didnt seem to be any more than standard plutonium/uranium pack mods.
I did like the fire from burning fuel tanks though, Ill have to find the correct file/texture for it!

Yeah this was one of my old mods from about a year and a half ago, it was in my old 4.09m MODS folder. Like you said it is most probably Plutonium from HolyGrail, i can not say for sure has it's been a while, and i have messed about with effects in this Mods folder to make things compatible under 4.09m.

I remember asking HolyGrail if there was anyway to increase the smoke from the engine fires, with reference to his default plutonium mod, and he sent me an edited plutonium file, with all the same effects just more engine smoke.

I salvaged this from my 4.09m Mods folder to use in my current DBW 1.5 installation, i could not find the files/textures that gave the extra smoke, i tried a few. so i ended up copying the 3DO folder from my old 4.09m MODS onto yours (the same 3DO folder i uploaded for you) Thats why a lot of files are old ones, but i could not find the relavant files.

I would be interested if you manage to find the files/textures that deal with the engine smoke, then maybe we can 'graft' it onto the latest effects package, without affecting anything else.

cheers mate, and best of luck

slipper  ;)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 16, 2011, 12:07:30 PM
We shall see, I don't think it will be too hard, just time consuming.
Really like the fire effect!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 16, 2011, 01:23:37 PM
Yes, it would be wonderful if we can add those fire effects into  CWMV's files!
Guys, if possible- could You publish screenshot with those engine smokes updated by Slipper?

Thx a lot and cheers!

PS. How to install those effects? Where to put this 3DO folder actually?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 16, 2011, 02:40:19 PM

Its easier to just try yourself mate, screenshots don't really do it justice.

Download my 3DO folder here


and just drop it into the folder off CWMV, replacing the 3DO folder inside (you might want to make a back up of your 3DO folder first)


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 16, 2011, 02:52:44 PM

I have uploaded my effects folder from my old 4.09m install, this is where the engine fire effects are.


Note that this does not work in any 4.10 or 4.101 based game as there are classfile conflicts, i just used the 3D0 folder from here to overwrite yours to obtain the engine/fuel effects.

Don't know if there is any thing else of use in there, like i said earlier it is pretty old now, probably mainly if not all based on plutonium.

wishing you luck on finding the correct files

cheers mate

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 16, 2011, 02:55:45 PM
You are proffessional Slipper, as usual. Thanks a lot!
But as I uderstood- I have to replace 3DO part in 'effects' folder?
Best Regards.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: andqui on August 17, 2011, 11:11:17 AM
It seems that sometimes a fire caused thick, greasy smoke and sometimes it did not.

Here is an example of the latter, starting at about 2:50


Is there a way to introduce new effects into the game, so that there could be some kind of randomization when a fire occurs?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 17, 2011, 11:52:56 AM
Its easier to just try yourself mate, screenshots don't really do it justice.
Hi Slipper,
Just downloaded and installed.
THANK YOU! Now my effects are much closer to reality.
I recommend to use CWMV pack with Your's 3DO folder.
Really awesome.

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 17, 2011, 04:05:59 PM
Your welcome zack, like i said they are not my original mods mate, i use the same set up as you also.


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 17, 2011, 11:24:15 PM
Its easier to just try yourself mate, screenshots don't really do it justice.
THANK YOU! Now my effects are much closer to reality.

Says you, but to each their own.

Regardless I've found the fire files in you 3DO folder Slipper, really spruces up the flames from a burning aircraft!
EDIT: And here are some pics. After integrating a few of the great files that slipper was kind enough to post here's what I'm currently running in mine, but not in the posted download.
Light engine damage:
Closeup of same:
Heavy engine damage:

And my favorite, burning oil/gas! Now with fire from Slipper's folder:
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 18, 2011, 04:00:18 AM
Looking good CWMV,

Are you still using the cinematic smoke in your last two pictures mate? That was the one area i personally did not like much from your posted mod, and why i had a look at my old mods folder for the new fire/smoke effects. Is there any way you might be able to find the fire and smoke effects from my 3DO folder mate? would appreciate it if you have time.

I personally think the cinematic effects are to heavy, and the standard uranium/plutonium are not enough, so it would be good to have the effects for the engine damage/fire separated from my 3DO folder, so that it may be added to any further updates if and when they occur.

cheers once again

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 18, 2011, 10:18:26 AM
Oh ya, I personally wont be getting rid of the cinema effects smoke, just looks too good to me anyway.
The only thing Ive done so far was take the fire effect from your 3DO folder and replace the fire in mine with it. Nice long fire trail+thick smoke=awesome!
Now with your smokes you wanted to make them darker right?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 18, 2011, 01:07:59 PM

For airplane damage I quite like most of the fire/smoke effects from the package i uploaded as they are. I prefer the plane explosion from your uploaded folder, it may be an idea to try them a bit darker.

I would like to know what files affect which effect in game so that i can just keep the airplane damage ones for later, or can instal them on top of a new effects package as one becomes available.

Do the effects that i uploaded depend on any classfiles? or do they just replace default effects?

Thanks for any help mate


Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 18, 2011, 11:08:41 PM
I don't think they depend on classfiles, but there is an easy way to find out.
Which effects exactly do you want to pinpoint?
In the aircraft folder we should be able to find the correct effect file (they are all labeled pretty simply, and when you open them up in wordpad they tell you which texture they access), then we put them by themselvs in their own airplane folder, remove all classfiles, and see if they are affected.
For what its worth though I don't think they depend on classfiles, I haven't noticed any smokes that do.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: slipper on August 19, 2011, 05:16:48 AM
Thanks for the reply mate.

It might be a bit to much work but do you think it would be possible to find out what each .eff file does in the3DO/effects/Aircraft folder ? That way you could pick and choose what effects to add or replace.

I think there's about 35-40 files, i suppose some are self explanatory like EngineStart1.eff, but some TurboJRD1100S.eff,TankSmokeTSPD.eff, TankSmokeSPD.eff, for example what do they do?

If TankSmoke effects fuel tanks on fire, is it only used for this purpose, or do some effects double up?

cheers mate

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 19, 2011, 12:26:49 PM
Hi Guys,
Is it possible to remove this bullet traces effect from CWMV pack?
It looks a little bit like a christmas tree/Star Wars when firing...
Also - I'm not sure if it's historically correct (?)
Thanx a lot.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 19, 2011, 01:26:37 PM
I can tell you from personal experience that they are the closest thing we have yet seen to an accurate tracer. The only thing I don't like about them is the "Ball" at the end. Ive never seen a tracer, from 5.56 and 9mm (really funny looking tracer) to 105's and TOW2C's that have a "ball" like these have, but I'm not sure that they can be removed. Other than that they are spot-freakin-on.

Now I think we need to make some distinctions here, are we going for the most accurate effects, or more what strikes our fancy?
If we are agreed that our highest goal is to achieve the closest representation of reality then why not add some weight to our arguments?
I'm really wide open to hear about different ideas, but please, if your going to say its not accurate please state why you think its so. Its a good way to get the best true effect going.
So if you don't think its accurate that's fine, in fact Id love to hear it, but it sounds a lot better when you say "I spent many years training with small arms and these tracers aren't accurate/need to be changed in X manner" or "The burning aircraft/war material that Ive witnessed did not smoke in the same way these effects do, can we change them in X way?" Etc.
I guess that this is a good spot to say that the effects Ive included are included because they most accurately reflect what Ive seen in my (limited) combat experience.

BUT if it simply comes down to you not liking the way they look they can be removed. Just like anything esle find the appropriate file/folder and remove it.

This tracer pack, by Hguderian I believe, is a fairly close approximation of all the varying effects we see in real tracers. Definitely closer than the stock game which in no way, shape or form resembles any tracer used in any modern military small arms. The stock effect is so terribly off as to be insulting, and just laughable.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 19, 2011, 01:34:10 PM
In the Name of Truth I say you that those tracers are from AED and his RevolutionFX mod, I've only repacked some mods together.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 19, 2011, 01:40:25 PM
In the Name of Truth I say you that those tracers are from AED and his RevolutionFX mod, I've only repacked some mods together.
Ah good man Hguderian! Thanks much for the clarification!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 19, 2011, 01:50:49 PM
Give a try to those from Benitomuso...I like AED's ones but in my opinion are more realistic the PAL_tracers!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 19, 2011, 03:11:31 PM
Haven't seen them, Link?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 19, 2011, 03:50:58 PM
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 19, 2011, 05:01:52 PM
I'm not sure if I did something wrong or not, but the only thing it seemed to change was the smoke and the tracers looked stock, just colored differently.
Looked nothing like LMG fire to me.
There just wasn't enough to them you know what I mean? The only place a tracer looks like a blob is from directly behind...and I'd assume in front? having never been shot I cant tell for certain but I can guess  ;D Ive been really close, but never that close!
The tracers from your pack have the same sense of speed that real tracers impart. their length and shape is to my eyes generally correct where the PAL and stock tracers are far too short.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: hguderian on August 19, 2011, 05:26:25 PM
Too close as target? :=))))))

I'd like both...but from cockpit I prefer PAL ones...I admit that sometimes I switch from one to another type.

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 19, 2011, 06:41:04 PM
Too close as target? :=))))))

I'd like both...but from cockpit I prefer PAL ones...I admit that sometimes I switch from one to another type.

Well I have been, just no one hit this moving target!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: zack on August 20, 2011, 04:37:36 AM
Dear CWMV,
I never flew and shoot in real Bf 109 or Fw 190, but it looks that You did as You mentioned in Your previous posts. Just asked for help how to switch off gun tracers which I don't like personally. That was all-and then You started strange monologue about  Your 'battle-experience' and tread me like a newbie with Your 'teacher to pupil' speach. That was not the way I used to met when asking for help, especially on that forum.
So I would like to ask again- how to replace gun tracers from CWMV pack with PAL effects?
Thank You  in advance for efficient help.
All the best. 

Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SkyHigh on August 20, 2011, 06:43:36 AM
Dear CWMV,
I never flew and shoot in real Bf 109 or Fw 190, but it looks that You did as You mentioned in Your previous posts. Just asked for help how to switch off gun tracers which I don't like personally. That was all-and then You started strange monologue about  Your 'battle-experience' and tread me like a newbie with Your 'teacher to pupil' speach. That was not the way I used to met when asking for help, especially on that forum.
So I would like to ask again- how to replace gun tracers from CWMV pack with PAL effects?
Thank You  in advance for efficient help.
All the best. 

This is what I did. I placed the PAL effects folder in front of CWMV's effects within my #DBW folder. I then disabled the Effects folder within PAL with a '-' and entered the 3DO/Effects folder and disabled the Textures folder here. I now have PAL tracers with CWMV tracer smoke, which is my favourite option.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 20, 2011, 12:51:21 PM
Dear CWMV,
I never flew and shoot in real Bf 109 or Fw 190, but it looks that You did as You mentioned in Your previous posts. Just asked for help how to switch off gun tracers which I don't like personally. That was all-and then You started strange monologue about  Your 'battle-experience' and tread me like a newbie with Your 'teacher to pupil' speach. That was not the way I used to met when asking for help, especially on that forum.
So I would like to ask again- how to replace gun tracers from CWMV pack with PAL effects?
Thank You  in advance for efficient help.
All the best.
No strange monologue dude. You seem to have missed the point by a large margin.

My choices were to either post "No, they are accurate, post your evidence or don't post at all" in a manner that I know would raise offense, or to explain my rational. I also tried to explain my point of view.
No, I've never flown a Focke Wulf or 109, but I have spent the majority of my adult life training with and around the same type of weapon systems and then employing them in their intended use, so you will forgive me if I feel I have the standing to ask others of their evidence in saying things are not correct.

All I want to know is if you think the effects in here are inaccurate then upon what basis or evidence are you making that argument. Like I said if you simply don't like something cause its just not appealing to you then that's fine remove it at your leisure or hey don't use this at all. Just please state as much rather than questioning their "historical accuracy". If you have better experience or evidence Hell I'm interested.

And for the record, I'm not interested in teaching anyone here anything, nor am I certain I could as everything I know well enough to teach is of martial nature. if by taking a non aggressive tone to explain what I would appreciate in critiques is going to be interpreted as loading over you then Hell, I give up.

And if you want to change something you do it just like you did the last ump-teen effects you didn't care for, take the folder of the effects you like and use it to replace the corresponding folder in the effect pack. Easy peasy.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: sa_475th_Chaney on August 21, 2011, 05:53:03 AM
Well its been downloaded 40+ times since I posted it, and no complaints so thats good!
All I did was package some great effects made by talented modders, hope y'all enjoy.

Hello CWMV. Thanks for this awesome mod. I was sick of the bombing something and seeing no burn later. It was too fake. My problem is that I have tried to add mods that I used to run and I am having trouble understanding how to place them in. I know there was a write up on this subject but I dunno, I must be doing something wrong cuz none of them work at all. What do I do exactly to these old mods to make them fit or if you don't want to explain, could you send me in the right direction? Thanks a ton. S!
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 21, 2011, 06:34:30 AM
Sure no problem!
What all are you trying to add exactly?
Normally adding or removing something to/from this pack is very easy, if you tell me what your trying to add I can do my best to get you squared away.
Normally its a simple matter of following the mod\3do\effects\... of the mod you want to add, and in the pack you want to add it to. when you get to the files you want to add you just drop them in the pack in the same place/path that the mod has them in.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 28, 2011, 04:27:33 AM
just a quick note here for anyone using CWMV's FX compilation in DBW - the classfile E59248A20A60686C interferes with the external open canopy view of the Hurricanes.
removing or disabling this classfile cures it.
maybe only noticed by Hurricane freaks, of which i am one, but there you have it, just fyi.  ;)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 28, 2011, 04:31:16 AM
Thank you sir!
You know anyone who can peek in there and see what it effects? I cant look into the classfiles  :(
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 28, 2011, 04:36:12 AM
welll....i can look inside, but what i see inside is slightly greek to me (pardon, HaDeS!) ;D
i'll report back if i find anything, but i have a feeling your mod might not miss this classfile at all.
just off the top of my head, i'd guess it has something to do with the gore/bulletholes mod..
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 28, 2011, 04:39:41 AM
Ya truthfully I didnt even run it with the classfiles at all before.
Then some people said they wanted the classfiles back, so I added all but the two problem files back.
The ONLY thing I noticed different were the blue flames from the merlin exhaust, thats it!  :D
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SAS~Malone on August 28, 2011, 05:02:09 AM
well, this is the thing with fx mods - guys just have to learn to fiddle with these mods themselves - it's really impossible for anyone to make an fx pack that satisfies everyone, because everyone has their own idea of the 'right' fx.
and it's this kind of thing, with the canopies, that someone might not even notice simply because they load a new mod, fly a test with their favorite plane, say, FW190, and everything checks out ok. they now assume this mod works fine.
then, a month or two down the line, they fly with a Hurricane and notice this for the first time, then they have to figure out which of the mods they've added in the meantime that would be causing it.
properly testing this game between mods is no joke. there are only..oh, well over 300 planes to test.  ;D
how many guys here can tell me they tested with every plane between each mod, lol.... :D...so it's important to at least be able to identify potentially conflicting classfiles, always. much easier than testing every single plane looking for errors....
i mean, really, if a guy wants his mod with or without the included classfiles, he should just freakin' do it himself, rather than expecting one of the modders to make a gazillion different versions to suit each guys personal taste.  8)
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: SkyHigh on August 28, 2011, 06:51:19 AM
Spot-on. Really we can't have everything, and sometimes it's simply down to a choice between one mod or another, but not both. Still, thanks for fixing this particular conflict, Malone.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on August 28, 2011, 09:00:57 AM
Agreed, its not like its hard to figure it out either.
It's really too bad that these haven't been really reworked for 4.10.1, but we soldier on! :D
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: notafinger! on September 12, 2011, 05:09:34 PM

The readme has the exact contents on the compilation, but off the top of my head its Plutonium, Cinema effects aircraft smoke, Hguderian smoke trails repack, mg17/.303 smoke trails, Gore effects, and the .50 smoke trail and ricochet mod as well as the 3d 20mm smokes.

Simply drop in DBW folder. Works fine for me in both DBW and UP3.

Hi, is there a new link for this effects compilation?
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on September 12, 2011, 05:30:23 PM
Actually Ive closed the link and edited the effects a little bit.
If people are still interested Ill repost it, I'm just not sure where  :D
Ill see about posting up some links tonight.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: notafinger! on September 12, 2011, 05:40:09 PM
Thanks, I would appreciate that. I've been using HSFX for awhile and just started flying with DBW but the effects are not as good.
Title: Re: New gunfire effects.
Post by: CWMV on September 13, 2011, 12:11:46 AM
Reposted here: