Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Polish/Czech_Singles => Topic started by: Jjuurraa on September 30, 2011, 01:47:45 PM
Real version with 3 MGs (not franken with 4 MGs)! - 2 on fuselage next in propeller! Version with new canopy and others :)
There is link:
I think interesting version of Avia B-534-IV.
This plane has new texture for 3 Mgs (small buble on fuselage). Bk-534 never had cannon 20mm (Oerlikon, it was planned for future) but had 3x 7,7mm Mg. (Czechoslovakia did not have air cannon at all)
I am not author of this plane!
Some photos:
You gotta love those pre-WWII planes ... I've always liked the Avia-534, really maneuverable and colorful with all the many skins. On this version, aside from the number of machine guns, is there any other difference between the other version? Like a difference in FM or other factors?
The "k" means it has a nose cannon, right? Now is this the one the Germans tested for carrier ops too, or is a different one?
The "k" means it has a nose cannon, right? Now is this the one the Germans tested for carrier ops too, or is a different one?
Yes, but Sea version is fake of standart Avia B-534, this is real Bk with 3 Mgs, U can see small bubles under canopy for just 2 MGs, not for 4 Mgs!
Oh ok cool, I'll check it out!
*edit* hmm... seem to be having some trouble downloading, when I try it brings up a little triangle alert symbol. I'll try again later
Oh ok cool, I'll check it out!
*edit* hmm... seem to be having some trouble downloading, when I try it brings up a little triangle alert symbol. I'll try again later
http://www.ulozto.net/9961469/aviabk-534v1-2-rar , click on yellow button STÁHNOUT (download)
Thanks! Looks like it is working now!
Reworking my template for this one; got some of the louvers, the blast channels, and the port side ammo hatch redone. Still going to be a while though.. lots of tweaking to do with rivets and panel lines, but it's a start. The folks who worked on this model did a superb job. Now I can finally put some of those Luftwaffe trainer schemes on the correct variant.. later ;)
One question though.. has anyone discovered how to get the ski version to display?
One question though.. has anyone discovered how to get the ski version to display?
Fly on a winter map?
Set default for the plane to WINTER in air.ini?
One question though.. has anyone discovered how to get the ski version to display?
Fly on a winter map?
Set default for the plane to WINTER in air.ini?
I've tried both, WINTER and flying on a Winter map and neither of these bring up skis ... so that is not the way to do it apparently.
Uh oh.. v1.3 is out: http://vwings.net/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=65&thread_id=3656&rowstart=0 ..seems to feature some changes to the flare 'armament'.
So it appears I'm re-working my template for a WIP.. if the 3D changes at any point, I could be chasing my tail until the final version is released :P
Unfortunately, I don't speak Czech, so researching and skinning Avias has always been somewhat challenging.
@ Crazyflak, I think you're right about the skis mate; I ran some of the posts thru 'translate' and it seems the ski-version is still in the works.
Hi, nice plane, thanks a lot.
I have a problem with the flare, i don't have it in the game (UP3, RC4).
Do you think you can add the hooked-version, this could be a good carrier-trainer plane?
Do you think you can add the hooked-version, this could be a good carrier-trainer plane?
In 4.09 there used to be a sea version of this plane, one with a hook. But I am not certain it was ever updated to 4.10 ... Best to have a look in older posts ...
It uses a 4.09 Diff FM, the one you deal with has 4 MGs.
In fact the real one was this version with a hook, not the other one.
Godzyla is correct, the carrier version was based upon a 'Bk'; note the single gun compartment and square shape of the aft canopy frame. There were three Bk's converted for testing carrier ops, 1940-41, but even with reinforcements to the frame, there were problems with the hook assemblies breaking away, and the experiment was nixed.
The 'Bk' is currently at version 1.6 (http://vwings.net/forum/viewthread.php?forum_id=65&thread_id=3656&rowstart=0). Godzyla, I have not installed this version yet (got distracted to skin more Dogans), but perhaps it will help with the flare problem?
Looks like Stoupa has been dedicating much time to this one; many thanks to him for his continuing efforts.
I have a problem with this version (1.6), I think a weapon is missing, maybe released with the first versions but not with the 1.6.
Hmm.. might be something to do with the recent '20mm option' and the 'weapons_ru.properties' entries?
I've checked the code of the plane.
The HoltFlare in fact is not the flare we can see in the fist post but the landing light pod?
I don't understand why have they chosen this name.
Real Avias was used Holt´s flare for night operations as landing lights. But game cant simulation this, game can make this as classic light, but not as flare. Real Holt´s flare shine only few minutes.
Skies versions for now standing, because I have problem with rubber animation. Czechoslovak and Slovak planes dont have Winter camos. Only Luftwaffe used winter camo, I will make winter camo only with skies version and only for luftwaffe. Czechoslovak Air force only experimented with white splotch makes by whitewash as winter camo, if its true is question, no exist foto with this camo.
New version 1.7.
New version 1.7.
I think this topic should be in:
-> Individual Mod Downloads (Assume unmarked mods are for 4.09 only)
-> Aircraft
And I see author of this plane, so If you want moderate your "child" on this forum. I do not see problem. Servus ;)
It is really similar to the fury. :)
It is really similar to the fury. :)
Indeed it is. (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,17934.0.html) ;)
FM 4.11 https://www.mediafire.com/file/cb05rna3u8n6x49/Bk534_FM_411.rar/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/cb05rna3u8n6x49/Bk534_FM_411.rar/file)
New version 1.8.
If set to map the range of data and then use the marking Slovakia will also change the default skins.
Dates default:
Czechoslovakia 1930 - 1.9.1939
Slovakia vs Poland 1.9.1939 - 15.9.1939
Slovakia 15.9.1939 - 1960
Stoupa, where is v1.8? I cannot find it anywhere!
Stoupa, where is v1.8? I cannot find it anywhere!
There is already a 1.9 version apparently. Just use the link in the first post and then scroll down a bit until you see a link in red.
These are the links on the page:
Aktualizováno 24.2.2012
>>>Stahuj Avii Bk-534 v1.9<<< [18,6Mb]
>>>Stahuj Template.psd<<< [4Mb]
version 1.9 is for 4.11 only, I get an CTD with it in DBW 1.7
Where can I find version for DBW?
I love this plane!
Is possible that someone can e-mail me the v1.8 please?
I never undertsand why some modders don't keep multiple versions for their mods posted
4.10FM version
https://www.mediafire.com/file/8p1bhrs2bl0d96s/Bk534_4.10FM.rar/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/8p1bhrs2bl0d96s/Bk534_4.10FM.rar/file)
Not tested.
Thank you Stoupa, it works. I really wanted this, possibly the best biplane fighter ever.
Nice one, thanks
I found a little bug, with wing tip smoke the smoke come from the tail well.
I have no Holt flare at all, just empty pylon
I found a little bug, with wing tip smoke the smoke come from the tail well.
I havent this problem
I have no Holt flare at all, just empty pylon
Holt´s flares are invisible in game menu view, Because classes cannot make flare lights as flare ( lights limited for few minutes, activated by key for rockets, for example) I used classic landing lights. This is reaseon why Pylon and Flare tubes are as one model( Flares are two tubes on down side of pylon).
I have to check better, but I have tried all the keys but didn't see nothing
I have to check better, but I have tried all the keys but didn't see nothing
Holt´s flares are invisible in game menu view, Because classes cannot make flare lights as flare ( lights limited for few minutes, activated by key for rockets, for example) I used classic landing lights. This is reaseon why Pylon and Flare tubes are as one model( Flares are two tubes on down side of pylon).
Hi StOupa,
Is there version for DBW or 4.101 avaliable somewhere?
Thanks a lot.
Hi StOupa,
Is there version for DBW or 4.101 avaliable somewhere?
Thanks a lot.
4.10FM version
https://www.mediafire.com/file/8p1bhrs2bl0d96s/Bk534_4.10FM.rar/file (https://www.mediafire.com/file/8p1bhrs2bl0d96s/Bk534_4.10FM.rar/file)
Not tested.
Use version 1.9 for 4.11 and replace FM file by this file for 4.10. U need Diff_FM 410 for that.
Thank You St0upa, works fine now!
I am a little bit confused about those flares...
Just installed and got all working flawless....flares inclused!
It's a real original way as they was developed!!!
Maybe the plane are a little bit exposed....
All the very best!
Avia B534 again in the air