Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: 101tfs on October 13, 2011, 04:00:19 AM
air.ini entries:
P-61A air.P_61A_10 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
P-61B air.P_61B_15 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
P-61A-10: short nose, no turret, no pylons, same upgraded engine as B (R-2800-65 2250hp) 2 crew, no landing light on front gear.
P-61B-15: turret, pylons, upgraded engine (R-2800-65 2250hp) 3 crew, landing light on front gear.
CREDITS for version 2:
1C maddox & Oleg: original meshes and code
101tfs: for the model & (initial) default skins
Crazyflak: FM, weapon hooks, loadout research & classfiles ... with a *big* bunch of credit to Storebror for spotting my "turret" mistake that was holding the project from release. Also reworked default skins and template (with 101tfs help)
Storebror: Spoilers & ailerons interaction code.
Notes on FM & Damage model
(FM is a stand-in awaiting a more carefull one, it has however correct dimensions, engines and weigth)
Damage (java) model is from P-38 (thanks to 101tfs for using a close aircraft as starting point for the 3do folder), however as franken, don't expect absolute perfection.
Note on loadouts:
the "turret as gunpod" loadouts allow you to use the turret as a gunpod. When in game, switch to gunner position, disable autofire and go back to pilot position. You're ready to use 8 guns :)
In RL the turret could be used by any of the 3 crew members, and could be switched to "gunpod mod" anytime, but this cannot be done in IL2 (without having to redo a LOT of central code)
Rockets were never fitted on factory, but turned into a common field mod when the lack of airborne targets lead the P-61 to be used as intruder (as I know you won't believe me, some photos are included)
Cockpit :
A proper cockpit (pilot position only!) is already in the works and will be added later. For now it uses the A-20 cockpit.
YOU NEED THE P-38M INSTALLED, since we use its black droptanks (I left 1 loadout with silver droptanks for non-black paintschemes)
If you don't have nor want the P-38M, just download the droptanks classfiles and drop them inside the mod
https://www.mediafire.com/?8c888nwsl12aw6c -sorry for the inconvenience
YOU NEED Diff_FM mod installed
(you don't need them if you are on DBW)
Link updated with the version as I zipped it from my working version in DBW 1.71
( in my archive I only have the first version wich seems to be outdated by a later version,
but this I have not on my HD). This linked now should have all fixes included. Gerax.
https://www.mediafire.com/?ov9fbyb9yo1n3xo (https://www.mediafire.com/?ov9fbyb9yo1n3xo)
Yoy! Skinners! Basic WIP template is out for you to save some tedious work ;)
-my way to say thanks to all skinners
Edit by Czk: Patch to fix taxi issue with opposite brake output: take the folder INSIDE the file and put it inside the P-61 mod, overwriting: https://www.mediafire.com/?6vf5pt5iqw7hjd7
Updated! Now new loadouts for P-61A
Congratulations to everyone involved, a truly needed plane! :)
What a nice surprise! 8)
Thanks for this, very cool aircraft. ;)
WTG guys. Absolutely excellent, and thanx a million to all they guys who worked on this!
Downloading. Let's see the marvel.
Now for some serious BETTY Hunting :D ;D ;) :)
Thank you very very much. ;D :P
Great stuff!!!! Many thanks to all involved for this awesome surprise!!! 8)
EDIT: Could we have an active d/l link for the P38M please? ("file not found" at Mediafront), Thanks,
Is the template available?
Wow cool ! Looks really nice ! Thank you very much to all involved !
Hell yeah guys!!!! Damn. now I wish my PC didnt explode on me >:(
Cant wait to get into the cockpit on this bird
70% CTD with DBW. Removing it solved it, so I thought maybe i ran into the famous "java wall". So I removed all other planes (// in air ini) and re enabled the P-61. Still 70%. Removed it again and...still CTD ! Right now I got no Plane installed at all, but still get that CTD. I simply did as you normally do to install a plane, since there were no special instructions to install...the folder inside the zip in #DBW, and added the air ini entries..Don't think there's something wrong with my installation.
Any ideas how to solve that ? It's very embarrassing cause like this I won't even be able to play at all...
Thank you
Nice one- thanks to all involved!
for 4.09 users?
Still 70%.
I have it on DBW and have no issue. Are you sure you downloaded and unzipped without corrupted files? Can you send me the log.lst file?
Well the d/l was complete, and 7zip usually tells me when smthing is corrupt.
Sure, here is the logfile without the plane installed :
[13.10.2011 12:58:18] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
[12:58:18] OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
[12:58:19] OpenGL library:
[12:58:19] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
[12:58:19] Render: ATI Radeon 3100 Graphics
[12:58:19] Version: 2.1.7417 Release
[12:58:19] Extensions: GL_AMD_performance_monitor GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_shadow_ambient GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_fragment_shader GL_ATI_meminfo GL_ATI_separate_stencil GL_ATI_texture_compression_3dc GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_float GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_copy_texture GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_subtexture GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control
[12:58:19] Size: 1280x800
[12:58:19] ColorBits: 32
[12:58:19] DepthBits: 24
[12:58:19] StencilBits: 8
[12:58:19] isDoubleBuffered: true
[12:58:19] *** Looking for Advanced CPU Instructions...
[12:58:19] [x] PentiumPro
[12:58:19] [x] Multimedia (MMX)
[12:58:19] [x] 3D (SSE)
[12:58:19] [x] 3D (SSE2)
[12:58:19] [x] 3D (3DNow)
[12:58:19] ColourBits 32, ABits 8, ZBits 24
[12:58:19] *** Looking for Render API Extensions ...
[12:58:19] [-] 'GL_EXT_paletted_texture' extension - Palettized textures (8 bit RGBA palette).
[12:58:19] [-] 'GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array' extension - Compiled Vertex arrays.
[12:58:19] [-] 'GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint' extension - Frustum clipping optimization.
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_EXT_secondary_color' extension - Secondary Color for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_EXT_separate_specular_color' extension - SeparateSpecular for 3D fog & specular optimization.
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_ARB_multitexture' extension - Multitexturing.
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_combine' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[12:58:19] [-] 'GL_NV_texture_env_combine4' extension - Multitextures advanced combining for special effects.
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3' extension - Dot3 Bump advanced combining.
[12:58:19] [-] 'GL_NV_depth_clamp' extension - Corrects Shadows rendering
[12:58:19] [-] 'GL_NV_texture_shader' extension - NV Pixel Shaders
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_ARB_texture_compression' extension - Saves texture memory by 400%
[12:58:19] [x] 'GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic' extension - Anisotropic texture filtering.
[12:58:19] Maximum texture size : 8192
[12:58:19] Maximum simultaneous textures :8
[12:58:19] MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 16.000000
[12:58:20] WARNING: ****( Unexpected txr reload (tfNoCompress16Bit): '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/PlaneDamageSmoke.tga'
[12:58:20] WARNING: ****( Unexpected txr reload (tfNoCompress16Bit): '3DO/Effects/TEXTURES/PlaneDamageSmoke.tga'
[12:58:20] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 3 -> 2 (delta = -1) to Range 0..2
[12:58:20] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 5 -> 2 (delta = -3) to Range 0..2
[12:58:20] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 3 -> 2 (delta = -1) to Range 0..2
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 1024 -> 512 (delta = -512) to Range 1..512
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Effects/GunShells/GunsmokeI.tga'
[12:58:21] WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/GunShells/GunsmokeI.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
[12:58:21] WARNING: object '3DO/Effects/GunShells/Cannonsmoke.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped -1 -> 0 (delta = 1) to Range 0..32
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 0.95 -> 0.95 (delta = -1.19209e-008) to Range 0..0.95
[12:58:21] INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 0.95 -> 0.95 (delta = -1.19209e-008) to Range 0..0.95
[12:58:27] Spawn.get( com.maddox.il2.objects.air.SPITFIREMK14CRP ): com.maddox.il2.objects.air.SPITFIREMK14CRP
[12:58:27] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.maddox.il2.objects.air.SPITFIREMK14CRP
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.rts.LDR.loadClass(LDR.java:27)
[12:58:27] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
[12:58:27] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
[12:58:27] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
[12:58:27] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get(Spawn.java:39)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.rts.Spawn.get(Spawn.java:28)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.preloadAirClasses(Main.java:163)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:432)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:358)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
[12:58:27] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[12:58:29] No spawner for 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Plane$P_51A'
[12:58:29] No spawner for 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Plane$MustangMkI'
[12:58:30] INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file 'gui/game/hud/hudG.tga'
[12:58:30] WARNING: object 'gui/game/hud/hudG.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
[12:58:30] INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
[12:58:30] WARNING: object 'gui/game/hud/hudg.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
[12:58:31] com.maddox.il2.objects.air.SPITFIREMK14CRP
[12:58:31] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.maddox.il2.objects.air.SPITFIREMK14CRP
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.rts.LDR.loadClass(LDR.java:27)
[12:58:31] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
[12:58:31] at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
[12:58:31] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
[12:58:31] at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.ai.AirportCarrier.clsBigArrestorPlane(AirportCarrier.java:410)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.ai.AirportCarrier.isPlaneContainsArrestor(AirportCarrier.java:385)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick.fillArrayPlanes(GUIQuick.java:2932)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIQuick.<init>(GUIQuick.java:3361)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUI.create(GUI.java:158)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:701)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:358)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
[12:58:31] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[12:58:33] GUIQuick: class 'air.SPITFIREMK14CRP' not found
[12:58:35] Main begin: PlMisAir: class 'air.SPITFIREMK14CRP' not found
[12:58:35] java.lang.RuntimeException: PlMisAir: class 'air.SPITFIREMK14CRP' not found
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMisAir.configure(PlMisAir.java:872)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.builder.Plugin.loadAll(Plugin.java:206)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.builder.Builder.<init>(Builder.java:2819)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBuilder.<init>(GUIBuilder.java:73)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUI.create(GUI.java:164)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:701)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:358)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
[12:58:35] at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[13.10.2011 12:58:35] -------------- END log session -------------
Somehow I am not able to rename it (remove the - to re enable it), says I need permissions. Also I can't delete the folder, says it is open in another program, but it isn't. In security it shows that I have full control over the folder. Strange.
EDIT : Ah, jut noticed I forgot to disable the SPitfire CRP air ini entry...that's why it sill CTDed ! Sorry, will try it now again...
Ok, problem solved.
I guess the first time I ran into the java wall, then when I disabled the other planes I disabled the Spitfire CRP folder but not the air ini...that's why i still had a CTD. Correcting that and adding the P-61 worked. All is fine now...except that I still have 2 P-61 folders in #DBW, one disabled and that I am unable to delete, and one that is working...
Fantastic! Wonderful!!!
for 4.09 users?
No need to ask, I am pretty sure he is already on it :)
Voilà, voilà ! Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Oh ! Un nouvel oiseau !
Mais qu'il est beau !
Vite ! Il faut que je l’attrape ! ;)
OMG!! Thanks
Heyy this is great, suddenly everything is nice again and the urge to fly returned ;D Many Thanks for this
sublime, gents! :D
only one word ... :
THANKS !!!!!
OHH WOW and suprised ???!! You guys gave me one of my dream planes that I always wanted to have!
Cant thank you guys enough for this wonderful bird!
Greets and much appreciation! Snail!! ;D
Go for it Gentlemen, guess I'll try and see if my Rig can hold this.
Thanks in advance
Wonderful plane, it works as a gentleman.
Is there any reason why the A version doesn't have anybody sat at the rear position? Was the guy from there go to prepare some coffee inside?
The solution for the operation of the turret is perfect.
the rear position? Was the guy from there go to prepare some coffee inside?
In fact it's just a crew of 2. That backseater guy is the pilot's split personality :D
Best regards - Mike
Marvellous what a great surprise
Many thanks
is there nothing I can do if I dont have the P-38M mod ?
Regards (since everyone is saying that)
I only have one question I think. I downloaded all the files, but now could one of you fine fellers tell me how/where this should be installed in DBW? I read the "read me" but to no avail. And before you fuss at me for being stupid, please remember, I have an excuse. I am probably one of the oldest members here (69 last month), and I'm just not very smart. As always, I greatly appreciate the help. Thanks.
Is there any reason why the A version doesn't have anybody sat at the rear position? Was the guy from there go to prepare some coffee inside?
Crews were often reduced to 2, so we represent this fact on the turretless version. However I guess I should invert the positions (only pilot and rear position occupied) since I think the rear was the radar operator position...
I only have one question I think. I downloaded all the files, but now could one of you fine fellers tell me how/where this should be installed in DBW? I read the "read me" but to no avail. And before you fuss at me for being stupid, please remember, I have an excuse. I am probably one of the oldest members here (69 last month), and I'm just not very smart. As always, I greatly appreciate the help. Thanks.
paste the air.ini lines in #DBW/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/air.ini
Then put the "air_P-61 101tfs first release" folder like this #DBW/air_P-61 101tfs first release
I hope this helps :)
I'll have to get back to you. Now I have to look at my games folder to see if what I am reading is really what you are saying. That's one of the problems of being old (one of many, by the way). You also seem to get a little thick between the ears, but then my wife of the last 46 yrs says I have always been that way. Thank you very much for your reply.
take your time, bob, there's no rushing the finer things in life, mate. ;)
take your time, bob, there's no rushing the finer things in life, mate. ;)
Thanks friend, for those kind words. I can truthfully say that you guys here have always been more than understanding with those of us kinda computer challenged. It's sometimes embarrassing to ask the questions I do, but there's always someone nice that answers.
;D ;D ;D ;D Beautiful looking model, and THANK YOU.
I've managed to make a hash of each landing, but sure love the look of this plane
Great work guys, very nice job :)
I installed the P-61 into the dark blue world bld 1.6. The game loaded with no problem, and the both P-61's show up on the plane list. How ever when selected then go to the options screen, the upper window that normally displays the aircraft shows not a plane but a tire. The tire says Dark Blue World on the top and www.sas1946 on the bottom. If you try to fly the plane it get to about 90% then comes up with a "Mission Failed~Null". This is a first. I have never seen that before. All other planes display normally. If any one has a clue and can help I would be really grateful.
Okay got it working. Seems like something got hosed up and I did the install. After reinstalling the plane it worked fine. :-[ Still I have never seen the tire thing before. :o
the 'tire thing' is a placeholder image, used in DBW - you might also see it if you select the 'country' in the airplane list. ;)
if you saw that, it would likely be because of your initial error.
glad it's sorted. 8)
A very good bird, many thanks to all involved, now I´m going to test it aganist the uhu.
WOW ;D incredibel
A real improuvement over our beloved frankem-P61 !
It works fine in DBW
Thanx a lot 101tfs
Thanks to all involved for another great addition. :)
I've tested the B version. And, curiously, in my 3.06 ModAct install, only the main fuselage casts a shadow. Has anyone else come across this issue?
Put it into UP3 RC4 last night and it runs / flys like a dream. Nice skins too. Just one tiny little question. There doesnt seem to be any texture for the radial engines- is this something we could change in the skin, or is it a modeling issue.
Either way, I can live with it- great addition to IL2.
I've tested the B version. And, curiously, in my 3.06 ModAct install, only the main fuselage casts a shadow. Has anyone else come across this issue? I have DBW 1.6 and have the same, but who worries about shadows at night?
Nice planes!
Many thanks to all involved!
The only minor thing it would be nice to improve - to tune AI-gunner, as he is used to fire from the turret into "empty" directions instead of into enemy planes chasing his P-61 :)
Anyway this is of secondary importance.
I enjoy the models! Thanks again!
Is there any reason why the A version doesn't have anybody sat at the rear position? Was the guy from there go to prepare some coffee inside?
Crews were often reduced to 2, so we represent this fact on the turretless version. However I guess I should invert the positions (only pilot and rear position occupied) since I think the rear was the radar operator position...
I only have one question I think. I downloaded all the files, but now could one of you fine fellers tell me how/where this should be installed in DBW? I read the "read me" but to no avail. And before you fuss at me for being stupid, please remember, I have an excuse. I am probably one of the oldest members here (69 last month), and I'm just not very smart. As always, I greatly appreciate the help. Thanks.
paste the air.ini lines in #DBW/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/air.ini
Then put the "air_P-61 101tfs first release" folder like this #DBW/air_P-61 101tfs first release
I hope this helps :)
Just one more thank you for your help. Your instructions worked, and when it works for me, you can congratulate yourself on your communication skills. Something kinda funny, at least to me - I installed the aircraft, went into QMB to make sure it worked, and I selected the P-61A. I couldn't get the danged guns to fire. Then I discovered that that a/c didn't have any guns to fire (or any that I could find). They did in the P-61B. I do have two questions for you if you'll permit - are there any skins for these P-61's? And, the instructions you gave me for installation - are they pretty much standard for DBW? I looked and there was a B-26 that looked interesting and similar. Would your advice work for it also? Thanks again.
bob, i'm sure there will be many cool skins available soon, the template provided in the first post will go a long way to ensuring that.
and the procedure for adding other planes is pretty much the same, yes.;)
I really like this plane. Work fine.
Tks for psd template 8)
bob, i'm sure there will be many cool skins available soon, the template provided in the first post will go a long way to ensuring that.
and the procedure for adding other planes is pretty much the same, yes.;)
Thank you. I was hoping that was the case. I have never understood exactly what the "template" was in relation to skins, but I think maybe I understand better now.
Have had fun flying this plane, but noticed as with the Broncho (OV-10), when on the ground at a full stop you cannot turn left with left rudder, you turn right and with right rudder you turn left.
Have had fun flying this plane, but noticed as with the Broncho (OV-10), when on the ground at a full stop you cannot turn left with left rudder, you turn right and with right rudder you turn left.
Great new plane, but same problem here.
Hey Your plane is really great !
I have only one (unfortunately major) issue:
If I set the Memory usage below 500 Mb any mission with this plane does not load (STOP at 100%), over 500 Mb After flying these planes some minutes I have always a freeze of the image (in game) !
When returning from flying this plane (without freeze) and I hit the "Back" buton of QMB, the game crashes always.
I saw You use no LOD models. Can this cause memory problems ????
my Computer should handle this (4x3 Ghz Quadcore, 8 Gb RAM, Radeon 6900 1Gb VRAM, Windows 7 64bit)
Does anybody have the same problem ???
but anyway Thx for this great plane ;D
Many thank's to all... beauty of a ride.
After getting this plane to work correctly, I really enjoyed flying the bird. The P-61 was my second favorite bird behind the P-38. As for the turret, it was found on the pre-production series that when the turret was rotated it caused buffeting. So the turret was removed on the early models. Later installed in a fixed forward firing postilion. I don't remember if they ever cured the buffeting or not. Thanks to all for the great work on this bird.
finally the P-61!
A Modding subject since day one. i have seen it come and go in WIPs for like four years. Now to life:)
Next thing we now need is the "reduced slots" DBW so all these great new addotions can be added :)
I saw You use no LOD models. Can this cause memory problems ????
I confess I didn't test on lower memory setting... I would expect LODS to be a problem if you have 40 P-61s around... but I am sure you didn't put such high number.
I will run a test myself too, but for sure I would like to add LODS to this baby as soon as possible.
Hi Crazyflak
Seems that I sorted the problem out !
I had to take out some 6 Planes out of my #DBW folder and now it seems to work ?!
I had 39 planes in my #DBW - folder :(
I had 39 planes in my #DBW - folder :(
And I had only 6 or 7 and already memory limit ???
lol! Well I am pleased to be able to say that after all merges are done, we will have got rid of about 50 slots in DBW ;) and then only very central planes will be included -allowing you to choose the rest-
(lol, sorry for the off-topic 101tfs ;) )
Cool !
Sorry I shall remove that (me and my big gob) .... No snub etc intended
Any and all work put into the game is to be welcolmed and far beyond anything I could ever do ..... Big thanks all round ;)
Hey mate you and me both (he says climbing back under stone) he he he . More power to your elbow. As I said the BlackWidow is brill . Cheers all involved (grovelling idiot mode on)
Great work guys, thank you very much!!
Out - F******G - standing! Many thanks to all who were involved!
I m starting to cry of BIG JOYS! I have been waiting and waiting for this aircraft to finally come out in IL-2 1946. What a overwhelming joys that I am feeling now and I thank you so much for your hard works and deep passions into bring this P-61s into IL-2 1946!
:) :D
Chaoic out...
After getting this plane to work correctly, I really enjoyed flying the bird. The P-61 was my second favorite bird behind the P-38. As for the turret, it was found on the pre-production series that when the turret was rotated it caused buffeting. So the turret was removed on the early models. Later installed in a fixed forward firing postilion. I don't remember if they ever cured the buffeting or not. Thanks to all for the great work on this bird.
Hello Cage!
We have something in common... Favs, for me the P-38 is #1 and P-61 #2, too.
The turret was reinstalled in production aircraft in the P-61B-20-NO batch. It was an improved model that cured the buffetting problem.
Col. King
Cool, I have been a big fan of the P-38 since I was a kid. I also flew them in Air Warrior 3, War Birds, and Aces High. It was a fun bird to fly, and when flown to it's strengths a deadly weapons platform.
this love of you for the P-38 and the P-61 makes out of you a buddy for me.
You're in my buddy list from now.
Can you let me in too ::) ;D
Once again, THANK YOU for this mod!
i know there is a lot of work, but- when we can expect to fly with original cockpit?
All the best.
Edit --> there is something wrong with the rudder. It is not possible to correct direction (right) on the runway when starting. Has anybody met the same problem?
Same problem here with DBW 1.6
Thanx for this beautiful plane.
A huge thank you to all involved! One of my all time favorites. She is a true beauty!
I know you guys are gonna hate to see me back, but I have something that is puzzling me concerning this a/c and the B-26. I installed them as I was told to do (thanks for the help), but now, I went into the paint schemes/skins folder, and neither of these planes were listed. Do I need to manually put them in? I think that there aren't skins for these P-61's yet, but there was a skins pack for the B-26. I know the planes are in the game, since I went into QMB and actually was able to fly them. But how do I get different skins to work? Thanks for any advice and help.
I know you guys are gonna hate to see me back, but I have something that is puzzling me concerning this a/c and the B-26. I installed them as I was told to do (thanks for the help), but now, I went into the paint schemes/skins folder, and neither of these planes were listed. Do I need to manually put them in? I think that there aren't skins for these P-61's yet, but there was a skins pack for the B-26. I know the planes are in the game, since I went into QMB and actually was able to fly them. But how do I get different skins to work? Thanks for any advice and help.
no skin directory exists in advance. The game reads the skins from folder which follow the naming convention for the plane itself. There is an intermediate name or socketname established in air.ini that specifies what's the name of the folder that the game will use to open the skins for that airplane class.
But basically you should't worry about the situation, because when some skinner had created a skin for the P-61 it will be included in the corresponding folder to make it work if copied to PaintSchemes\Skins.
Thank you Benitomuso for helping :)
Yes, as he says, there is no P-61 skins yet, and each time you need to create a folder to put skins into it, you use the air.ini line as guide:
P-61A air.P_61A_10 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
P-61B air.P_61B_15 1 NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
Then ALWAYS the first part will be the correct name of the skin folder... so you create the folders
No skins yet to put in, but there will be a skinpack soon ;)
I really appreciate the info. I think I got it now. This was one of those questions I kinda hated to ask, because I figured the answer would have pretty much been a given for all you folks here, and I am the only one not smart enough to be able to figure it out. Anyhow, thanks very much from an old and not very smart guy, but one still enjoying playing the game after a bunch of years.
What a great addition. Salute to all who made this possible.
EXCELLENT work Gents and thank you all.
I'd really like to fly that beauty, but it doesn't work with me. I got IL2 4.101 + newest mod-act + buttons + Diff FM installed. It's runnig perfectly normal with several mods, but this one...... >:(
Who can help???
Sorry, my english is far from perfect ;) It means, I droped the the aircraft folder in the MOD/#SAS folder as usual and added the lines from the readme to the air.ini.....but the only thing that happens is that when I start the game, it stopps at 60% and returnes to the desktop...
Here you will found some info abour 60% crash.
Anyway check your air.ini and your B-26_V2.2 folder.
There is something wrong ;)
Thanks!!! ...I'll try my very best ;)
is anybody working on fixing the behaviour of the plane in ground? That thing about the front wheel and the plane turning to the other side is a little annoying. It's a pitty because it is the only real problem I found using the plane.
Just one question: Is this a frankenplane or a fresh model imported into the game? Even if it's a frankenplane it would be hard to distinguish it from one created from scratch...Very well done gentlemen...
Fix for the taxi issue:
also on first post (with instructions there)
I haven't seen the "Edit by Czk:" on the original post.
Thank you for reposting it and notifying me by PM.
Even if it wasn't my original PacFi model, I'm glad to see this much, much needed plane finally in the game after 7 long years. Nice work, everyone!
Now fix those incorrect spoilerons. :P
Thanx for the stearing fix. Great a/c!
Even if it wasn't my original PacFi model, I'm glad to see this much, much needed plane finally in the game after 7 long years. Nice work, everyone!
Hey PlaneEater... speaking of your P-61 model intended for pacific fighters.. What happened to it if you don't mind me asking??
I was hestitant about installing this frankenplane, but boy was I wrong ...you've done a beautiful job with this long awaited bird...really fun- I look forward to the custom interior but the A-20 works good for now...Many thanks! ;)
Even if it wasn't my original PacFi model, I'm glad to see this much, much needed plane finally in the game after 7 long years. Nice work, everyone!
Now fix those incorrect spoilerons. :P
Do you mean this? (http://www.garagebay9.com/work%20samples/3D/PacFi/P61dias3.jpg)
They are not the same, but I think your model looks better, my model has too many polys :(
Brilliant plane now that I've had a chance to try it out! ;)
how do i install it in UP3 / DBW ??
once again thanks for this awesome much awaited mod. a bit of help requested: How do you install this bird on UP 3.0/ i'm unable to finfd the 'MODS' directory, plane.ru 7 air.inio folders & files. please help. thanks in advance
thanks for the quick reply... just a few more questions if you don't mind: you said that there's no need to bother about the Planes.ru & weapons.ru right? what about the air.ini ( it doesn't seem to be anywhere in the IL2: 1946 foler) & apparently there's no folder named #UP# in the il2 root directory
please help me as to wher i went wrong. much appreciated. thanks
yes, amongst the files to be downloaded for UP is one called #UP#samplefolder.rar.
that one contains the necessary files and folders. ;)
Even if it wasn't my original PacFi model, I'm glad to see this much, much needed plane finally in the game after 7 long years. Nice work, everyone!
Now fix those incorrect spoilerons. :P
Do you mean this? (http://www.garagebay9.com/work%20samples/3D/PacFi/P61dias3.jpg)
They are not the same, but I think your model looks better, my model has too many polys :(
Yup, that's my baby. It was cut from the game because of the legal issues with Northrop-Grumman being DICKS.
The spoilerons were curved and pivoted up out of the wing in an arc. Hard to describe with text. Here is a page that shows some very grainy pictures of a mechanically correct recreation for an RC plane: http://home.comcast.net/~aljoajo/rcb/bw7.htm.
Here's a youtube that shows them very clearly, at 6:10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo-f2x8T7d8&feature=related
See how they're quarter-cylindrical, but taper to a smaller diameter towards the wingtip.
Dear SAS~Crazyflak & SAS~Malone,
Thanks, you were right.. although I downloaded the #UP#sample folder, i didn't install it. after i did so it was good to go
Before anything let me say that i really enjoy flying the P-61. & it's great to finally see it in Il2:1946... To be honest i wouldn't have known it was a frankenplane if the creators hadn't said so....
I hate to be a critic but just a minor issue: Didn't the real P-61 have split landing gear doors for the nose wheel unit? like in the image below:
Whereas the model in this mod has a single-piece gear door for the nosewheel unit? Other than that this mod is simply superb!
Please don't get me wrong... This ISN'T a complaint... just a suggestion...
Without wishing to criticize you, too THE ESCHATOLOGIST, but several aircraft, of the original game, have serious errors that make them unreal. In this case the difference is so insignificant that I believe does not have the slightest problem.
After all, we fly with the landing gear collapsed. 8)
Even if it wasn't my original PacFi model, I'm glad to see this much, much needed plane finally in the game after 7 long years. Nice work, everyone!
Now fix those incorrect spoilerons. :P
Do you mean this? (http://www.garagebay9.com/work%20samples/3D/PacFi/P61dias3.jpg)
They are not the same, but I think your model looks better, my model has too many polys :(
Yup, that's my baby. It was cut from the game because of the legal issues with Northrop-Grumman being DICKS.
The spoilerons were curved and pivoted up out of the wing in an arc. Hard to describe with text. Here is a page that shows some very grainy pictures of a mechanically correct recreation for an RC plane: http://home.comcast.net/~aljoajo/rcb/bw7.htm.
Here's a youtube that shows them very clearly, at 6:10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo-f2x8T7d8&feature=related
See how they're quarter-cylindrical, but taper to a smaller diameter towards the wingtip.
PlaneEater check PM, your baby really fly!
...And if possible, split doors for the nosewheel unit gear bay, if you please.... Just a request..please don't get me wrong....
I don't get you wrong, we are aware of some 3d shortcomings (like landing gear doors) but I can't promise anything soon.
Hi Crazyflak...Thanks for considering it... It's ok if it isn't too soon; but maybe sometime in a future release, perhaps.... (I don't mean to sound too demanding).. just a humble suggestion...
I want to offer my highest comments and thanks to you on your P-61's. This is a plane I've wanted to see in IL-2 for a long time. It's great to have such a fine mod available to bring it to life in IL-2.
As it may be of help to you, I think I should mention that so far, I've had one screen-freeze event. I was chasing an enemy in a P-61B. As I closed in, the turret gunner began firing. I turned with the enemy plane as the turret gunner as firing and the screen froze. Eventually, the game shut down.
In any case, thank you very much again. I look forward to flying your finished product.
Version 2 ? ???
Really, I'm late! :-X
My dream came true!
I love :-* this great plane, perfect work!!!
Point taken :). I did try running that mission again, but could not reproduce the previous event. Also, I tried the 'A' model but had no problems with that one.
Working fine here.
A Big tks.
I think the Black Widow was the most remarkable twin engined fighter... :) postscript: wanted to post something, the first time here ;)
I downloaded version 2 of the coolest American twin-engine nightfighter, but I have a problem.:( This is the first real problem I have with mods. The loadouts of the P-61A aren't working properly.:o The fixed four-gun turret doesn't appear when selected and bombs/drop tanks are floating under the wings because the wingpylons are not there... Does anyone have the same problem? How can I fix it? Thanks in advance!
Wing King
Due to limitations in game coding some 3d changes related to loadout choice are not done in loadout selection window. However, they should be OK in game since turret and bomb pylons should appear while loading the mission.
Just installed...beautiful work!! Many thanks! The gun turret is deadly...
I report a strange FullThrottle smoke behaviour...it goes vertical rather than horizontal.
it goes vertical rather than horizontal.
Haha maybe it's recognized as a ship ? :p
...or a steam locomotive :=))))))))))
Thanks for your answer Birdman, I'll check it out right away! (I should have checked it in game, not only in the loadout section... ;) )
Wing King
Edit: It works! Thanks for your help!
I know it's probably been in here more than once, but I'm stretched for time. I keep getting a 70% crash on SAS ModAct, the buttons are all updated, etc. What is my problem?
nevermind i messed with it and got it going thank you
I just installed the p61, its marvelous.
Just a question, on the p-61B, the turret doesn't work, I press C, the turret is selected, but nothing happens with the mouse controls, what happens is that pilot controls are still on manual, you can fly it, shoot the main guns, etc, press c back to cockpit.
It´s this issue, our just some thing I done wrong?
I just installed the p61, its marvelous.
Just a question, on the p-61B, the turret doesn't work, I press C, the turret is selected, but nothing happens with the mouse controls, what happens is that pilot controls are still on manual, you can fly it, shoot the main guns, etc, press c back to cockpit.
It´s this issue, our just some thing I done wrong?
Once in the turret, press "A" to disengage the "autopilot" for the turret.
Just that, Tank You Very much US_GRANT :D
Fantastic mod and wonderful plane of course! Many thanks to everyone who worked on this! The mod works flawless, no problems at all!
Best regards,
Wing King
Did a couple of skins for this (N30020 civil skins) at M4T, if anyone wants them
great mod, excellent work
could you post a link?
Hows the new cockpit progressing?
Here's the link for the civil skins:
http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1003 (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=1003)
I think Ranwers will work only occasionally on the cockpit, in between planes (Do-17, Bloch 152, Ju-188, F4 Phantom... pffff he has a lot of homework :D )
Yes, I'm working only on Do-17 right now. Still 99%... and I can't finish :D
I think Ranwers will work only occasionally on the cockpit, in between planes (Do-17, Bloch 152, Ju-188, F4 Phantom... pffff he has a lot of homework :D )
Yes, I'm working only on Do-17 right now. Still 99%... and I can't finish :D
After thats done whats next? :P
Crazyflak, any news on that little mod giving a fixed 4 machineguns as option for the P-61A ? (remember our little exchange of infos earlier in this very thread?)..
Have you redownloaded? 410m version at least was updated almost immediately after our conversation
But if you're a 409m guy, you'll have to wait a bit... I have to convert new version to 409m for histomod anyway I'll do soon.
Attention a ne pas faire du travail déjà fait ! Les P-61 sans cod sont déjà fait ! ;)
Et la version 2 (410) est convertie en 409 !
@Col. King
Did you test the version 2 (409)?
Oui ! Je préfère... 8)
Merci !
Attention a ne pas faire du travail déjà fait ! Les P-61 sans cod sont déjà fait !"
Hello Gabriel, est-ce-que cette nouvelle version est pret et telechargeable?
Ou faut il bien attendre que JP donne l´ok (pour Histo bien sur...)
Hello Gabriel, est-ce-que cette nouvelle version est pret et telechargeable?
Ou faut il bien attendre que JP donne l´ok (pour Histo bien sur...)
Should be discussed with JP (Histo) !
not so easy these last days unfortunately.....
not so easy these last days unfortunately.....
Nothing prevents you from using version 4.09 (with COD).
Le reste concerne uniquement JP ! ;)
Wow! I am really impressed. I am going to make this my Chrismas present from the SAS 8) Thanks all.
However, I have to figure this one out. It seems like I cant add it. When I put the two entries in the air.ini I get a CTD. I am using DBW 1.5. As soon as I remove these entries the game works fine. I put the aircraft folder in the recomended place (I read this whole thread 3 times) and still I am the village idiot. :(
I hope someone can come up with something to help me get on track. I am flying a lot more now that I got rid of my G940.
Thanks fellas, have a good one.
Hi Maico,
Do you have the correct buttons file for this plane installed? The one that came with DBW 1.5 likely does not contain the flight model for the P-61, so you will need a more recent buttons file from SAS.
Ohhh, OK, Thank You FW. My install is a bit dated now...
Of course, Crazy-Flak! I forgot. It uses the Diff-FM mod. :-[
I apreciate the help guys. Here is the file after I did as you said. I started the game with the lines in the ini and the file in #DBW folder. The game crashed and I grabbed this file.
I also noticed I cant run DBW 1916 or any other mod. Only DBW will run.... Uhmmmm
Anyhow, here is my file.
[27.12.2011 18:50:59] ------------ BEGIN log session -------------
OpenGL provider: Opengl32.dll
OpenGL library:
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Render: GeForce GTX 580/PCI/SSE2
Version: 4.1.0
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.maddox.il2.objects.air.P_61A_10
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.maddox.il2.objects.air.P_61B_15
[27.12.2011 18:51:14] -------------- END log session -------------
Ok, I have tried redownloading it and still no joy. The damn thing is mocking me now. But I see that I cant start DBW 1916... Related? Maybe... I tried the troubleshooter but it is too vague. All I know is that as soon as I put the P-61 entries in the air ini, my game dies at 70%. I wonder what is going on. I can only start DBW. Anytime I pick a different game the game crashes...
Sorry this is the first mod I added to DBW. Do you have any idea why DBW 1916 will not start?
That is it. That was the solution. Once I disabled "cache" in the IL2 DBW selectors options and got rid of the ~wrapper .cache fine in #DBW I reloaded the P-61 and put the lines in the air.ini and now it works. Thanks Gerax and crazyflak and all of you at SAS for making this happen. I am off to fly the Widow.
I am a happy camper :-)
Thanks for this beauty plane .... ;D
I have some problems after install L-39C, I can´t play without deleting the P-61 V2.
The game run and loads fine, I can see planes and select skins for both, but when I select a mission and press fly, it hangs.
I use 4.10.1m UP3.RC4, log doesn´t seem to explain details but I am not an expert.
Maximum texture size : 16384
Maximum simultaneous textures :8
MaxAnisotropic (1.0 = none) : 16.000000
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 75 -> 32 (delta = -43) to Range 0..32
INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() - Clamped 120 -> 60 (delta = -60) to Range 0..60
Regiment load failed: null
at com.maddox.rts.SFSInputStream.<init>(SFSInputStream.java:65)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Regiment.<init>(Regiment.java:73)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Regiment.<init>(Regiment.java:128)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Regiment.loadSection(Regiment.java:203)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Regiment.loadAll(Regiment.java:195)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:429)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:358)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:428)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
No spawner for 'com.maddox.il2.objects.vehicles.planes.Plane$SWORDFISH'
Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, It is possible that MODS folder has much sounds and maps, perhaps 5 planes .... But this idea don´t let me use both planes.
Testing the MODS folder, I installed the beauty Lancaster and there is no problem, it runs fine as if it was from original game, so perhaps "Too many mods isn´t the reason".
OK, it´s running fine.
There are some issues with a modded P-39 model.
Dam this is nice thanks for another fantastic aircraft, works like a dream..Well done folks
OK, another nugget here. I've had Ultrapack 3RC4 and DBW 1.7 (1.71?) installed for about a week now and I'm enjoying them immensely. My learning mission for today was to install a new plane, and naturally I gravitated to one of my favorite planes, the P-61. So I downloaded this particular screen and installed it, I think, according to the instructions, but it isn't working. I assume there is something wrong with my understanding, so I hope someone can point out the "error of my ways".
I added the two entries to the air.ini file and manually added two directories to my PaintingSchemes/Skins folder names "P-61A" and "P-61B". I copied the BMP files into the P-61B folder. When I launched DWB, I get to the 70% mark and then CTD. If I remove the entries from the air.ini file, the game starts fine. What is MY problem. Thanks in advance.
I'd also like to install the F-4 Phantom..... :P
Hi! For the 70% CTD look here: Special Aircraft Service > Tech Help > Tech Help : Using Mods > Topic: 5%, 60% & 70% crash Troubleshooters
Also, Do you have the latest buttons installed? :)
Also look here: Special Aircraft Service > Tech Help > Tech Help : Using Mods > Using Mods Tutorials > Topic: How to install a New Aircraft
Hope this helps!!
I assumed, rightly or wrongly, that since my install was only a week old (and being version 1,71 of DBW) that I already had the most recent version of the buttons file. ?
I will check the links you recommended.
I didn't find any smoiking guns, per se, but I did activate my log.lst file and it shows the following:
sFMDir = gui/game/buttons
s1 = flightmodels/me-262(ofnowotny).fmd
s = FlightModels/Me-262(ofNowotny).fmd
m_lastFMFile = gui/game/buttons
GUIQuick: class 'air.P_61A_10' not found
Main begin: PlMisAir: class 'air.P_61A_10' not found
java.lang.RuntimeException: PlMisAir: class 'air.P_61A_10' not found
at com.maddox.il2.builder.PlMisAir.configure(PlMisAir.java:572)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.Plugin.loadAll(Plugin.java:150)
at com.maddox.il2.builder.Builder.<init>(Builder.java:2161)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUIBuilder.<init>(GUIBuilder.java:73)
at com.maddox.il2.gui.GUI.create(GUI.java:164)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1853)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main3D.beginApp(Main3D.java:1548)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.beginApp(MainWin3D.java:211)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:420)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
[17.03.2012 22:30:18] -------------- END log session -------------
So it appears I'm missing the class files for the P-61. Where do I find these? Why weren't they in the download if I needed them? Are these part of the button's file?
Sorry to be so dense. This is a pretty steep learning curve.
No worries at all. It took me a while to grasp it as well. I'd try downloading the P-61 mod again. It may have been a corrupted download and you may have not gotten all the necessary files.
As long as you are dropping the p-61 mod itself into your #DBW folder
and adding the air.ini files and such it should work like a charm.
The buttons are separate. They control the FM and as far as I know don't contain any class files.
Not all the time but usually a 60% means you need to update to the latest buttons file. In some cases
this may show as a 70% CTD.
Perhaps there is something else I need before this? I re-downloaded the file and when I unzipped it, it only had BMP files in i, which makes sense, this is only a skins file http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&get=991 (http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&get=991). I probably need something else? I'm running this in DWB, so I thought I was covered.
On another note, I did get the F-4 Phantom installed. It is awesome.
I can not describe how much fun I'm having with this IL 2 stuff and the gratitude I feel to all of those involved, even the nuggets.
Hi! Sounds like you need the actual plane itself which is here:
Special Aircraft Service > Individual Mod Downloads (Assume unmarked mods are for 4.09 only) > Aircraft > Twins > Post reply ( Re: P-61A&B V2 ) should be the first post with a download link.
Congrats on begining to MOD your game! You are in for a real treat :D
Wow, how did I miss that..... :-[ Thanks Saab_ja36. I have it up and flying...... I appreciate your aid on that one!
I LOVE YOU GUYS....thanks for finally making this a reality :'( :D
Any chance to upload again the Basic Template for this aircraft, Please :)
the link is down :(
Thank you
Any news on the Cockpit?
No, we are overloaded with other works... believe me, I want that cockpit too, but I am too busy to try continue it (in case Ranwers has no will to)
guys, this is probably just me but... is one of your landing gear leg oleos not showing?
... oleo pneumatic suspension ... (dampers) ... ;)
I don't recall actually how this planes looks, lol, I have to reinstall it.
guys, this is probably just me but... is one of your landing gear leg oleos not showing?
Just checked in game... damn! You're right... how come I never noticed? Thank you for the report, I'll fix.
EDIT: lol! just noticed other bugs as well...
e-book -trainings for manual P-61 Black Widow :lol:
Anyone have any screenshots of their P-61 cockpit they would post. I would like to see what it looks like.
Sorry , I never got my P-61 to work and I wanted to see what it looked like.
Anyone have any screenshots of their P-61 cockpit they would post. I would like to see what it looks like.
Thanks much for the look. I am building a new computer Ii am starting all over again. Maybe this time around I can get the P-61 and the A-20 to work I haven't seen the A-20 pit yet.
Thanks again.
52Zebra out
I have reloaded my 1946 and I am up to 410m
I do not have a Mod wet or a Mod activator.
Whats a Mod wet?
sorry, that should be yet, lol
Hey Zebra the A-20 pit is pretty much the same as the P-61 with some really small almost unnoticeable differences.
I nocticed that, what about the A-20 ?
Congratulations to everyone involved, a truly needed plane! :)
Unfortunately can´t get the turret started...didi it like discribed when the bird was introduced: changed to the gunners position, disabled the he automatic pilot, returned to pilot´s position...nothing happens except the regular guns...
wht can i do?
regards Elmar
I apologize for this stupid question, but how do i disable the Autofire. I switch to the gunner view wit "c" and press "a" to disable it, but when i return to te pilot view, it says "Gunner: Autopilot on". And i cant stop this guy from shootig :( a long time ago i knew how to do this but now.... :-[ can anybody help me?
I noticed it after posting. I am not the only one with this problem :)
To disable the autofire you'll have to disable autopilot automation first. At least in DBW that autopilot automation control is Toggle Level Autopilot in control settings.
BTW, when using the turret as gunpod in P-61B-15 you'll have to visit gunners position and disable autopilot there in the beginning of flight. Otherwise the gunner autopilot still aims the turret to other directions than forwards and you'll shoot somewhere else than you wanted with the turret guns. On the other hand, with this arrangement you can still jump to the gunner position, aim the turret and fire at someone attacking from behind, only with different trigger than normally as turret gunner. Aiming the turret back forwards again can be done automatically by toggling gunner autopilot on and off.
Thanks. I just did not know how to disable the autopilot automation :-X
Uuuhhhgggg!!! No 4.09 version???
Uuuhhhgggg!!! No 4.09 version???
There is a version of 409 here on this forum.
The post is called "P-61A-10 & B-15 (4.09) - v2".
I love this plane. It is great :)
But it is a bit hard to control while take off. Is this normal?
And the "real" cockpit? any updates?
Would be great to see a "final" version of this plane.
But so far this plane is well done :D
Hi guys,
I'm afraid the links aren't working :(
Thx in advance for the help, I really want to give it a try !
Yes.. -links are broken.. :(
Can we expect a new link to download that missing airplane? ;)
I need it in DBW v.much!!! ;)
Any new links for this or the P-47N?
Link updated with the version as I zipped it from my working version in DBW 1.71
( in my archive I only have the first version wich seems to be outdated by a later version,
but this I have not on my HD). This linked now should have all fixes included.
See first post for new download link.
Any new links ... or the P-47N?
Go here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18224.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18224.0.html)
Any new links ... or the P-47N?
Go here:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18224.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18224.0.html)
There are some Important links, Dead at the first page.
So- I went over to the histomod site, and I couldn't find it anywhere (but I don't speak French) Where did you find this- The picture of the Black Widow with the correct landing gear doors. Where do I get It?
I'll patiently abide 'till someone serves this up in an edible form. Thanks!
Anyone get this to work in 4.12?
barrett_g, see the thread: "P-61A-10 & B-15 (4.09) - v2".
Does any body have the template for this aircraft. Link is dead.
Do you mean a Skin template ?
I have a psd called
P-61 template V1 czk&101tfs
Yes thats what i'm after psd would be awsome.
Lines for weapons.ru (Or weapons.properties, in Modact 5.30):
# P-61A
P-61A.default Default
P-61A.none Empty
# P-61B
P-61B.default Default
P-61B.2xdroptanks_in 2xDroptanks (Inner Wing)
P-61B.2xdroptanks_out 2xDroptanks (Outer Wing)
P-61B.4xdroptanks 4xDroptanks
P-61B.4xdroptanks_silver 4xDroptanks (Silver)
P-61B.4xNapalm 4xNapalm
P-61B.4x1000 4x1000 lb. Bombs
P-61B.4x1600 4x1600 lb. Bombs
P-61B.8xAP_HVARrockets_2xdroptanks 8xAP HVAR + 2xDroptanks
P-61B.8xHVARrockets_2xdroptanks 8xHVAR + 2xDroptanks
P-61B.6x45rockets_4x500 6x4. 5" Rockets + 4x500 lb. Bombs
P-61B.4xdroptanks_turret_as_gunpod 4xDroptanks + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.4xNapalm 4xNapalm + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.4x1000_turret_as_gunpod 4x1000 lb. Bombs + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.4x1600_turret_as_gunpod 4x1600 lb. Bombs + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.8xAP_HVARrockets_2xdroptanks_turret_as_gunpod 8xAP HVAR + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.8xHVARrockets_turret_as_gunpod 8xHVAR + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.6x45rockets_4x500_turret_as_gunpod 6x4. 5" Rockets + Turret as Gunpod
P-61B.none Empty
Were do we get the Template
Can you tell by this text line witch P-61 this is?
P-61 air.P_61 1 NOINFO usa01 DESERT
It works in 4.12 but I am unable to add or change the skin and make it fit.
I went to the folder C:\Users\my computer name\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#SAS\P-61\3DO\Plane\P-61(Multi1)\summer
and found the skin dot tag files. They are an A-20. The A-20 is the default skin. I am mission something here.
(http://s11.postimg.cc/40lf73gg3/P_61.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/655s86i2n/full/)
(http://s10.postimg.cc/mp5eajx3t/skin1o.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/lmv7s0ead/full/)
Can you tell by this text line witch P-61 this is?
P-61 air.P_61 1 NOINFO usa01 DESERT
It is not same plane... and mod !
For this see here : https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18494.0.html
And for this plane the forlder for skins is P-61 ! See line air.ini !
That's the one I have.
Is there a P-61 that works in 4.12 besides that one ?
This P-61 works in 4.12
I have this version of IL-2 loaded on my PC. (http://s16.postimg.cc/40eft3zmd/IL_2.jpg) (http://postimg.cc/image/d86o9t6oh/full/)
I want to know if I can get this version of the P-61 to work in this version of IL-2 ?
Eperviers 4.09m is clearly marked 4.09m compatible only,
for reason, if you install that one, trouble starts.
It is a gamble to try if Eperviers exclusive 4.09m Gems work in 4.101m.
Some do work out of box, otherts like this, obviously not.
Recommended for your Install is this version here, alternately you can grab
Eperviers version, only to extract Arms folder and two Droptank classfiles if you
don't wish to install P-38M.
Prelimaries for UP3:
Diffm for 4.101m needed (do a search on our site, we have two versions for 4.101m)
Thank you
I have the P-38 M installed and my game can see it and I can fly it.
The game dos not see any of the P-61's
I'm so far unable to install this in my UP3
Again, P-38M already going, fine, next step, Diffm and 4.101m version from here
If that doesn't help, you may post a Log as then my knowledge quits and further assistance from
Experts is needed.
Has anyone tested these in 4.13? Just curious.
Ok Thanks
Heres the Spare
. . . I want to know if I can get this version of the P-61 to work in this version of IL-2 ? (4.10 game-version)
Sorry for the late reply 52Zebra.
This aircraft is working in my 4.10 game version. Both P-61A and P-61B fly very well.
BUT... to really be honest,
I do not know now if it was this model version I installed or the Epervier version which works with the 4.09.
Sorry, I did not leave a note on my folder about which version I installed.
Try this version - IF it does not work. Just Delete it and install Epervier 4.09 game version and it will work ok. (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/idhitit.gif)
---- Epervier 4.09 game version ---> https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,19033.0.html
As for skins, all the already posted skins work very well on both these models. Because the airplane 3d-models
are all the same, weather you use 4.09, 4.10 or 4.12.
OK, Thanks for your help.
I noticed a funny mistake. A turret can kill a gunner. The cannon barrels are in the aircraft skin and bullets can hit a gunner.:)
(https://s8.postimg.cc/bdwzwxs79/2017.11.13_22-22-18.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/5pqp61nup/)