Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => WIP => Topic started by: Docholiday on October 14, 2011, 02:40:52 AM
Hi at all Invader lovers
I started to import the D0 model in the game. Unfortunatetely after 85% of this work was done I recognised that I should have UV-map it before >:( :(
So I learned to map and now the real work can begin.
It is in an REALY EARLY stage. So don`t exspect the Plane in the game before Christmas (which Year ??) ;) 8)
keep on Doc!
I keep my fingers crossed :)
Great news!
Patiently waiting...
Carry on, soldier! ;)
Good news!
Great !
That would be a very nice Christmas present.
Please don't forget us poor skiners and try to make the most convinient mapping you can (no wierd symétries nor distrosion ...).
I'm really lookong forward to skinning this place.
It will make a good companion to my French F8F and P63 for Indochina missions.
Thanks in advance.
PS :
It isn't a frakenplane, is it ?
Great !
That would be a very nice Christmas present.
Please don't forget us poor skiners and try to make the most convinient mapping you can (no wierd symétries nor distrosion ...).
I'm really lookong forward to skinning this place.
It will make a good companion to my French F8F and P63 for Indochina missions.
Thanks in advance.
PS :
It isn't a frakenplane, is it ?
No the D0 is new (props amd perhaps gear I don`t already know). Until know I use the a cloned slot of CY6 Franken-Invader (with all her shortcommings) Perhaps later one of the Java-cracks can help me and tweak it a little (moving of the turrets, moving-pattern of the Gear-doors, gunner cockpits ???)
@UF_Zargos: it will be my first UV-map :-[ I hope the result will satisfactant for You
Cool, looking fordward to it :D
Hi Doc,
I like this plane very much for many reasons :
- it's quite elegant
- it has an impressive weapon load
- it was one of my first model when I was a child.
And as I made some skins for French P63 and F8F, I really want to make skin for the A26 which was also involved in the Indochina war in the French Air Force.
I'm sure you're going to perform an excellent job for the modeling as well as for the UV-mapping.
I just wanted to focus your attention on skiners concerns.
A little heads up for my favourite plane ;)
She is still nude :-[ but she will get her skirt soon. But she is already armed ;)
D0 with all hitboxes and clips and caps nearly assembled. After a nice skin she will get her damage models !
Perhaps Christmas the beta will fly on Your computer
Wow- looking really good, Doc. Keep it up!
This will be an AWESOME addition to the game Docholiday! Thank you for tackling this project. Any plans for a glass nose with a Norden?
My favorite plane too Doc but you knew that already huh? Thanks for the updates. She is going to be a real winner. Please Doc, no rush. What ever time you need. We can wait. Deal?
This will be a tremendous addition Doc. Loved this plane for years.(From my "Old Airfix" modelling days.)
Looks a winner. I know you will do it justice. 8)
Cool, looking fordward to it :D
There is a buy now button HERE http://www.courtesyaircraft.com/Current%20Inventory/N26FK%20Douglas%20A-26C%20Invader.htm
Price is 125 000$
yes it is that cheap, yet would you like to pay for maintenance and fuel?
Sweet Doc :D
Looks pretty damn cool. :D ;)
After Korea Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and I believe the last A 26 in service was in Indonesia.
So there is a huge use for this aircraft. ;D :D
Cheers and thanks for the hard work.
There is a buy now button HERE http://www.courtesyaircraft.com/Current%20Inventory/N26FK%20Douglas%20A-26C%20Invader.htm
Price is 125 000$
Hey get off my cool-aid! I've been buying lottery tickets to pay for that one for years now!
Another great project Doc!
Discovered a couple of manuals on Invader in internet:
Hoping they could be useful. But I admit that there is no need in the first (beta?) release to have "every minor detail"... :)
Wow, it's looking brilliant! I'm really looking forward to this plane. Keep up the good work and don't rush it, take your time! Thanks in advance!
Wing King
...She is still nude :-[ but she will get her skirt soon. But she is already armed ;)
Ooh, airplane porn! My favorite! ;D
Looks great. Really looking forward to this one, Doc.
A little progress: better smoothing, new Wing-Racks, cooler-flaps, CAPS are made etc.... 8)
Good news: Crazyflak is making a template for this plane and he will write a new slot with better funktions for the turrets and the gear-doors ;D
she is growing nearly every day
Good news: Crazyflak is making a template for this plane and he will write a new slot with better funktions for the turrets and the gear-doors ;D
Good news indeed !
If Crazyflak is ok to share his template I would make some skin skins with great pleasure !
Cool Crazyflack.
You know I can start skinning from amost nothing.
Just a pannel line layer and I'm on the run !
Interiors can came later on.
The most important thing is to learn how the skin "works", how the different parts of the skin file are connected on the 3D model, etc.
One you know that, skinning is quite easy.
I was just wondering if I could also get the mod's files to see the skin in flight because I don't have any 3D software.
Ok. That's fine.
Take all the time you need, I'm not in a hurry.
I've already plenty of work with French F8F and D520 !
Pardon the high-jack, but just wanted to say thx to Zargos for the nice work he has done so far on the D.520. For some strange reason I can´t post on C6 forums.
This Invader will be a beauty in his hands!
Pardon the high-jack, but just wanted to say thx to Zargos for the nice work he has done so far on the D.520. For some strange reason I can´t post on C6 forums.
This Invader will be a beauty in his hands!
This kind of hijacck must be forgiven !
Thank you for your support !
Doc is of great value to me, all his projects is right in my alley.
And everybody working to Get it running asap. Is a friend of me
Please, allow me some time...I want to send you more than just a mapping guide ;)
...but Docholiday has to agree for me to send you the plane as well (I don't think he will object)
Wait please some hours !
Tonight I will send the newest version of my plane with new UVV. But no worries: I changed nothing that would influence the panel lines ! but the internal parts (engine, inner Bombbay is all new) so I will send a new UVV of this parts too !
Zargos can use my pre-Beta-Invader for skinning if he wants !
By the way: Your inbox is full ;)
Zargos can use my pre-Beta-Invader for skinning if he wants !
Cool !
Thank you doc.
I just need to know how to get the files.
Zargos can use my pre-Beta-Invader for skinning if he wants !
Cool !
Thank you doc.
I just need to know how to get the files.
I will send You a PM with the link !
That's fine.
Thanks a lot !
Is it going to have the ability to "Lock" the turret to the forward position for 2 more guns like the real thing?
The possibility of 16 .50's firing away at something just makes my mouth water....
Just one other thing...
When you do the guns, would be nice if you set them up like on the P-47's where some of them, for example the wing guns, are mapped to the MG's and the nose guns mapped to the cannons.
Is it going to have the ability to "Lock" the turret to the forward position for 2 more guns like the real thing?
The possibility of 16 .50's firing away at something just makes my mouth water....
Just one other thing...
When you do the guns, would be nice if you set them up like on the P-47's where some of them, for example the wing guns, are mapped to the MG's and the nose guns mapped to the cannons.
I would like to have this possibility (locking turret forward too) ! In reality only th versions with the early canopy had them.
I already asked Crazyflack if he could do this (like the P-61)......
French B-26 Invader over INDOCHINA
http://www.frenchwings.net/indochina/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=6 (http://www.frenchwings.net/indochina/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=6)
I see that the latest activity in this topic was a few months ago. Is there news or an update on this project?
Wing King
I see that the latest activity in this topic was a few months ago. Is there news or an update on this project?
Wing King
I have already an flyable Invader in my game :P ;)
But it has no playable gunners (only AI). The Turrets don`t work korrect. I have no template a.s.o.....
Because of "real life dutys" I am only working slow on the CAPS .. but its going forward forward 8)
In general I am waiting for Crazyflak`s work (Template and new slot (with playable gunners too) ;)
and, after Crazyflak created the template, Zargos will do a default skin.
Thanks for the update Doc! ;D Good to know there is some progress being made. 8) I'm patiently waiting... ;)
Wing King
Looking forward to it!
I have enjoyed your fake Invader over Korea, so this will be good! ;D
Outstanding news Doc. I haven't heard to much from you in a while and didn't to press any more then what you apply to yourself. It will be here when it"s here and that's great. Thank you very much for staying with the project. I'm going to live it when she roll out. wc
In general I am waiting for Crazyflak`s work (Template and new slot (with playable gunners too) ;)
and, after Crazyflak created the template, Zargos will do a default skin.
Sorry for the big delay, my friend :)
Now that I finally tackled Do17, I can return to this one... with now a full understanding of turrets & gunner positions ;)
Panel lines for Zargos should also be send to him soon.
Great news ;-)
Doc ;D
Outstanding work, Doc :) :) :)
A lot of folks here are (I'm sure) looking forward to this beauty.
Hawkers :)
That's graet Crazyflak.
I was longing for somethig to do with the A26.
I'm looking forward to receivig your panel lines ...
By the way, I'll be on holiday for the next two weeks.
Everything is in good hands then, splendid news ;D
Hi Doc Holiday :D ;) :)
and Crazy Flak, :D 8)
This will be the next best thing to the Thai New Year coming up April
Well used in Bay of Pigs invasion Cuba, and in Central America.
Indonesia had one of the last A-26 combat ready aircraft used against insurgant forces.
This will be a beauty for sure ;D ;D
hey, that looks most impressive, crazy! :D
one thing about working on 'pain in the ass' stuff - the feeling you get when it's finally done is really good, and generally makes it worthwhile - the best reward will be in seeing some of the cool skins that will no doubt surface....:D
Yep- what Malone said- looks fantastic!
Its gonna look gorgeous :)
Another beauty on the way!!
WOW Crazyflak ! That looks good !!! ;D ;D
Now the 3D-model of an A-26 will become an Invader ! ;D ;)
One smal remark: on the upper turret the lines for the tilting part of the gun-turret should be on the oposite side (I think ::))
Thanks a lot
PS: My biggest Il-2-dream comes true: A-26 Invader in the game ! ;D 8)
One smal remark: on the upper turret the lines for the tilting part of the gun-turret should be on the oposite side
I know, but first I correct turret angles in the java, then I correct lines in template. It is minor detail, Zargos can start skinning and then work out the corrected turrets ;)
O.M.G. Love it!
[DJP] I look forward to downloading it when it's finished. It will be a great addition to the game.
David Prosser
Request for those who work on A-26. Watching a lot of AI-against-AI in QMB reveals that AI(ace)-upper gunner (on aircrafts like A-20G or the franken A-26) is eager to shoot forward at enemy planes, but he is rather reluctant to shoot backwards i.e. in defence, while defence is his main task. It would be nice to tune its FM if possible.
Hello guys !
I'm really sorry but I still hadn't the time to work with the new template realesed by Crazyflak.
The point is that after being away two week from my job, I've loads of work to do.
When I come back home, I'm just unable to do anything else then having a quick diner and going to bed !
Hope this won't last too long ...
Do not worry, Zargos :) We are all in same situation with little time for many things. Just advance at your own pace, it is something to enjoy, not to feel pressure ;)
+1 8)
I've made a quick test this evening with Crazyflack panel lines template ...
Some weird things immediately appear to me :
I just wander if I have the last version of the 3D model and UV mapping from Doc' ?
Very much looking forward to skinning this one Doc, one of my favourite AC.
Very much looking forward to skinning this one Doc, one of my favourite AC.
Hy Rock
I am sure that Crazyflak will, as soon as all problems are solved and the plane is released, make the Template public!
Oh, Excellent, thank you!
Zargos@ you don't have the latest 3d. I will send you soon today or tomorrow (I also want to get the turrets done on java)
I am really looking forward to this one!
Yes, this will be great! I have a Korea campaign waiting for this most welcome addition to the game! ;D ;D ;D
Yes! I'm eagerly awaiting this as well. I just found skins for Dean Hess's P-51 from the movie battle hymn and I'm ready for Korea!
I might try my hand at making a mission for the first time after studying the tutorials.
Oh yeah , now thats what im talking about Doc , time to cough up the goods and let us have a play ;)
I've just started with the skin. ... but very slowly.
Well, I'm not verry satisfighted of my work.
I can't get the bare metal render I want.
Grrrrr .... !
I'll show you pictures as soon as I've made something that deserves to be watched !
I'm not verry satisfighted of my work.
I can't get the bare metal render I want.
Grrrrr .... !
Thank you for the confession, Zargos, I don't feel so lonely anymore with my skinning frustrations :D
This is looking great Doc! :P
Looks amazing!
Skinning is just starting ... I know I should have started earlier but ...
Nevertheless and thanks to the effort of Doc and Crazyflak, I have know a good base to start from.
Of course many little "bugs" have to be fixed but the work is on a good way.
Here are two screen shots of the preliminary skin :
Hope you like it !
I don't like it because I LOVE it!!!!
Awesome!! :P
I've been in love with the A-26 since Air Warrior when, with smart flap and energy management, you could turn with most single engine fighters at low altitude, and run from them if you couldn't. Now, lord help us, now the Invader is coming to IL2. Beautiful!!!
perfect! is almost ready for battle.. 8)
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YESSS! ;D
Time to pick up my old Korea campaign for this beast...
stunning Visual!
UF_Zargos, you and Doc are doing a good job. I'd like to do a 1942-45 campaign featuring the Mitchell, A20 G, and latterly this plane.
David Prosser
UF_Zargos, you and Doc are doing a good job. I'd like to do a 1942-45 campaign featuring the Mitchell, A20 G, and latterly this plane.
Thank you.
But don't forget Crazyflak who provided (and still providing ...) a great amount of usefull work !
UF_Zargos Ok, I'll include him too. Thanks Crazyflak.
David Prosser
Bazinga ;D
Sweeeeet! 8)
Bazinga ;D
This looks really sweet! Great job! ;D
Gorgeous kind of springs to mind, looking forward to this beauty. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Any chance for cockpit shots?
A little update of the skin.
I've change the color of the metal layers because some of you noticed me that the former were maybe too blueish and didn't seem to reflect light as in the real life.
Hope you'll like this new release ...
Here we are ...
:o :) ;D 8)
Very, very nice - finally the true Invader !
Bravo, Zargos ! de la belle ouvrage que voilà ! me réjouis d'avoir ce zinc sur mon DD !
oh my god I want that so badly
Amazing!! :)
Stunning work! Such i high quality model! Cant wait!
Hallo Zargos
Incredible Your new clothes for our lady ;)
Looks really awfull !!
@Crazyflak: You will hear from me tomorrow
Great job!
Have you modeled the bomb bay spoilers ?
Do you intend to create several variations of the Invader ?
(http://allmods.brinkster.net/th/6/5/5375.jpg) ???
This one, I don't know.
Is it a model of your own ?
Do you intend to create several variations of the Invader ?
Yes: on first release the one you see (A-26B-51) plus other 2, the late pacific one (A-26B-55 with a single turret) and the A-26K with no turrets and wingtip tanks. Later on the glazed-nose one should be relatively easy.
Hi Crazyflak,
These are good news because I've seen many profile of French A26B-55 Invader during Indochina war.
And I also some interesting skin to make for A26-K ...
By the way ... did you know something regarding the model radko111 had shown ?
It is also an interesting version with the "bomber nose"
By the way ... did you know something regarding the model radko111 had shown ?
No, I don't. I'll send a PM
Congratulations to all!!
She is just coming out perfect!
Well done in the silver coat Zargos, much better now. ;)
No, I don't. I'll send a PM
He has a hard time with english and he just wanted to express the desire for such version to be done, the model pic was to illustrate (it is not his model). :)
"Discovered in internet"
(Hoping that it could be interesting to somebody)
Technical Manual Illustrated Parts Breakdown USAF Series B-26K Aircraft. Parts 1,2 (1965)
These days are rich for A-26! :)
"Discovered in internet"
Flight manual of A-26A (1969)
Any updates guys? Can't wait to get my hands on this one :D
Thanks for the update mate, she's one of my favourite aircraft and I will surely be making a few skins for this one :)
Hi Rock.
As Crazyflak said: Its a little bit slow because I have some problems with the mapping :(
BTW: the Caps and damages are nearly done. It´s by myself so the damages and CAPS will be not toooooo sophisticated ;)
What issues are you having with mapping mate? Maybe I could help?
I wish to add that internals are finished unless I didn't notice some parts.
@Docholiday and Crazyflak :
Sorry I've forgotten to upload the interiors files ...
And skinning is still progressing despite mapping bugs :
@Rock :
There are many little things that Doc could explain better than I would.
I'm just the nasty skinner who only spots the bugs but who is helpless to fix them !
Zargos, That's looking beautiful mate! Will you be sharing the template upon completion?
If there is any help needed with mapping, just shoot me a PM and I'll lend a hand
Will you be sharing the template upon completion?
Of course !
Looking fantastic. I cant wait to fly this one.
This is awesome guys. Can't thank you enough for bringing this beautiful bird to life in IL-2. :P
I'm also preparing a PTO Olive Drab skin :
Some French A26 should also come next ...
Loveable and very desirable!!!
Simply astonishing!
Beautiful :-*
Regarding A-26 rear gunner. Watching a lot of AI-against-AI (aces) hints that upper gunner and rear gunner behave differently. Upper gunner likes to fire forward and often prefer to fire not at dangerous enemy behind but at other directions.
He also likes to fire at any direction into empty place (or maybe at enemy far-far-away). Rear gunner (like B-25) behaves better. It would be nice to make behaviour of the A-26 rear gunner as "the rear", as his primary mission is to defend A-26 from behind. Otherwise it will be of a little help (for example P-61B turret's gunner is poor in defending his aircraft despite having powerful weapon).
Of course I am not sure that it is possible. For example a gunner logic may not taking into account the level of danger from enemy planes. Anyway it would be interesting to know...
Thank you for doing A-26!
very funny your avatar cwmv; very very...
It's a joke of course, if anyone is truly offended I'll change it.
thank you for your answer ;)
but you know sometimes, personnal history can explain my reaction and I haven t see a joke where i should I.(sorry for english)
I'm also preparing a PTO Olive Drab skin :
Some French A26 should also come next ...
I know this one prolly is not the same model that was in Korea, but how about some "what if" Korean Theater skins, for us guys doing campaigns there.
Looks very very nice and can't wait to sling around the IL-2 skies.
It's close enough Hoss!! A definite +1 for a Korean War skin. I think some of them were black for night operations.
:D Lovin it.....I wish I could skin as well as that....my artistic ability seems limited to the 3d stuff....lol
:D Lovin it.....I wish I could skin as well as that....my artistic ability seems limited to the 3d stuff....lol
And I wish I could perform some 3D stuff ... but I haven't the lesser ability fot that.
Every one has is own skills.
That is what make us complementary and provides us the pleasure of working together !
Every one has is own skills.
That is what make us complementary and provides us the pleasure of working together !
Well said Zargos! That´s precisely what makes this site great!
Each one contribute with his/her capacity to create a richer game to the benefit of all. Thank you very much for all of you modders working on the Invader. I really look forward for this one.
And the creators need us to use theyr work, or else there would not be a point at all.
We are family we are family na na
Le :P ne
awesome! been playing thirdwire's modders a-26. good in that sim but yours will rock!
awesome! been playing thirdwire's modders a-26. good in that sim but yours will rock!
I struggle with some 3d-work (ugly shadows) and I am waiting for Crazyflak (new Slot and correct moving turrets) !
zargos that olive drab paintjob...
YESSSS!! 8) 8)
any chance ona 37mm armed version or the 75 mm howitzer. i havent found pics but the wiki mentions these types:
The A-26 was originally built in two different configurations. The A-26B had a "solid" nose, which originally could be equipped with a combination of anything from .50 caliber machine guns, 37mm auto cannon, 20mm or even a 75mm pack howitzer, but normally the solid nose version housed six (or later eight) .50 caliber machine guns, officially termed the "all-purpose nose", later commonly known as the "six-gun nose" or "eight-gun nose". The A-26C's "glass" nose, officially termed the "Bombardier nose", contained a Norden bombsight for medium altitude precision bombing. The A-26C nose section included two fixed M-2 guns, later replaced by underwing gun packs or internal guns in the wings.[8]
First class ! :)
any chance ona 37mm armed version or the 75 mm howitzer.
Not anytime soon, we have enough work. Those are not important variants anyway. As far as I remember they were just trials and never adopted operationally.
What you'll get is already mentioned in this thread 3 variants (all solid noses) and, on a later update, the glass nose variant.
Doc, sorry for delay, I am out of home and reworking template besides the damn turrets. But I'll get this sorted at beginning of june.
looking forward to seeing this baby in the game!
@Doc and everyone else involved in this one:
It's looking absolutely great! Congrats!!
Ok, Docholiday & Zargos, hang on there guys, I am working my ass off on this one as I type...
To do list:
top turret 40% done
ventral turret 100% done
gear animation 50% done
A-26K wingtip tanks 90% done
A-26K props 0% done
Loadouts all variants 85% done (new weapons 95% done)
Weapon hooks all variants 80% adjusted
skin for A-26K 30% done
I'll get you some screenies on loadouts (with -hopefully- 100% turrets done) on Friday at latest.
It's progressing, it's progressing... 8)
I hope lighting issues on meshes can be solved, my engines internals are lighten up as an UFO and I mean a real one :P
Keep up the good work guys, CF, take your time matey, your a busy boy ;)
I hope lighting issues on meshes can be solved, my engines internals are lighten up as an UFO and I mean a real one :P
That's interesting. First check that there isn't any hier.him scaling. Then making them use Matt material could help just like I did with late Corsairs. If you can't fix it, then I could try.
Good Idea, Birdman... I'll try right away :-)
edit: yeah! it worked nicely, Birdman! Flashing engines are gone 8)
I hope lighting issues on meshes can be solved, my engines internals are lighten up as an UFO and I mean a real one :P
That's interesting. First check that there isn't any hier.him scaling. Then making them use Matt material could help just like I did with late Corsairs. If you can't fix it, then I could try.
Hi Birdman
If You could help me with the lighting issues I have with the Flaps, ailerons and elevators tht would me more than fine !! ;) ;D
Thx for Your Help mate
Weren't flaps already corrected Doc?
Anyway I'll take a look into the materials to see if I can apply the same dirty trick :)
Doc@ do you work on 3dmax9, 3dmax2010 or Gmax?
Weren't flaps already corrected Doc?
Anyway I'll take a look into the materials to see if I can apply the same dirty trick :)
Doc@ do you work on 3dmax9, 3dmax2010 or Gmax?
Lol! Now this is unexpected. I can't open the 3dmax files you sent me so I assumed they were from a different 3dmax, but we use the same (I can only used 64bit max though, while you probably use 32bits)
Lol! Now this is unexpected. I can't open the 3dmax files you sent me so I assumed they were from a different 3dmax, but we use the same (I can only used 64bit max though, while you probably use 32bits)
no I use 64bit but it I am no more sure if I don`t use 2011 version ! 8)
at home I will verify
OK, I still don't use 3DSmax, but I can fix lighting issues in text editor when I get text meshes in game. Thus, I can check whether the issues are easy to fix for me and can maybe give some useful tips when I see them. My method is especially useful in situations where things get really tricky in 3DSmax.
At least I'd like to see this great plane finished soon and want to help you to get there.
Just a few A-26K "loadout" screenies to motivate :P (notice that slots are not yet separated, so A26K and A26B visual features are mixed)
Entering the night with a good dose of flares and frag clusters:
100lbs pounders:
250lbs pounders (old & low drag):
A few in daylight for better visibility:
rockets all over the jungle, no need to spare, you've got plenty of them (114, to be precise :P):
Ground-pounding rulez 8)
Wouah ! Superbe ;)
cant wait! looks like it can seriously unload some punishment!
Awesome modelling and skinning, well done chaps :)
We can't take any credit on modelling, but Docholiday is surely suffering a lot on importing ;)
Those loadouts are outrageous! :D Well done
Lol! Now this is unexpected. I can't open the 3dmax files you sent me so I assumed they were from a different 3dmax, but we use the same (I can only used 64bit max though, while you probably use 32bits)
Now it`s clear: I use 3ds 2011 64bit
These Images of the loadouts loo great --> new motivation ;)
@Birdman: Really nice that You will help me too !
Thank You guys
That is bloody badass! The jungle is no longer safe!
Doc@ since you have the latest 3dmax, could you save the files in backwards compatibility mode and resend them to me? Your first batch of files is unusable by my old 2010 64bit 3dmax :-\
Hi both of you little secretives !
I'm away a few days from this forum and you make your buisiness behind my back !
That's not fair !
Hum, well,
Since these new loadouts are great, I forgive you !
By the way ? Nothing new about turrets and our "little" 3D bugs ?
Turrets? I hate them, so I work on them when I get enough "guiltyness" on my back :P
But it is advancing, do not despair ;) Ventral turret is close to perfect... upper turret needs myself pulling together to repeat the horrendus process I had to apply on ventral turret :D
Hallo You two ;)
@Zargos: No secrets ;) as only Crazyflak`s work was advancing ! I am stuck with my part ! :(
@ Crazyflak: I will try to send You the parts in an older file-format (if it is possible)
Thx Mates
Need some more "guiltyness" ?
You can trust me for providing you loads of "guiltyness" ...
I'm quite good at this game !
Wow! Nice pics, and what a badass loadout on the A-26K! :P Thanks for all the work Crazyflak, Docholiday, UF_Zargos (and others?). I'm really looking forward to this beauty. 8)
guys, whatever you do with this please use the landing gear of the P-61 or P-38, they're absolutely spot on for the A-26, which was very soft and bouncy on the suspensions.
Looking fantastic, chaps- excellent work.
Any news in project???????????????????? :-[
Any news in project???????????????????? :-[
... sure, two weeks ;)
eeeeasy pitbull.
It will be out for christmas.
I know that. for sure. They told me.
But christmas 2012 or 2013? 2014
we have to wait and find out.
Wait and help them if they need assistance.
Sorry, for being a major pain in the ass, but here's the inevitable question
"Any news?"
I think I saw in a thread where he was going to start work on the Skyraider and B-26's again..... which is great news.............
I'm pulling for the Skyraiders first................... it has a tail hook.... sorry
I think I saw in a thread where he was going to start work on the Skyraider and B-26's again..... which is great news.............
I'm pulling for the Skyraiders first................... it has a tail hook.... sorry
Same here.
LOL this is hilarious :D
I think I saw in a thread where he was going to start work on the Skyraider and B-26's again..... which is great news.............
I'm pulling for the Skyraiders first................... it has a tail hook.... sorry
Same here.
Which makes all the difference in the world ... ::)
Okay Czk................. I'm confused now, which is it yer working on.............. sounds like the B-26 is the easiest to finish first, because yer over doin it on the AD skins... give RDDR a ring and let him help you out, I'm sure the boys over at A&A would love to get their hands on your Skyraider template......
Now back to work and stop teasing us.......
I think I saw in a thread where he was going to start work on the Skyraider and B-26's again..... which is great news.............
I'm pulling for the Skyraiders first................... it has a tail hook.... sorry
Same here.
Which makes all the difference in the world ... ::)
Okay Czk................. I'm confused now, which is it yer working on.............. sounds like the B-26 is the easiest to finish first, because yer over doin it on the AD skins... give RDDR a ring and let him help you out, I'm sure the boys over at A&A would love to get their hands on your Skyraider template......
Now back to work and stop teasing us.......
Reading through this topic I see a few screen shots of the A-26...
Just by chance I wondered if there were plans to do the nose guns horizontally as against vertically.....Or as a load out option ? 'Early n Late'
Now I'm no Invader expert but all I can find is that the later variants had them vertical and the WWIIs had them as I show?
She is a looker whatever 8) Thanks :)
Reading through this topic I see a few screen shots of the A-26...
Just by chance I wondered if there were plans to do the nose guns horizontally as against vertically.....Or as a load out option ? 'Early n Late'
Now I'm no Invader expert but all I can find is that the later variants had them vertical and the WWIIs had them as I show?
She is a looker whatever 8) Thanks :)
The late-WW2 gunnosed versions who will be (propably) in the pack are all 8-gun-nosed versions (vertical of course) with 6 guns in the wings.
...and additional Crazyflak has a special bonbon in the pipeline.. 8)... but I will not say more
;D This will be really nice If I can replace the A-20s (painted as A-26s) in my resurrected Redstar/Whitestar1948 cmpn. And It actually LOOKs like an A-26.
Crazyflak; watch "Always" again. I'm sure that will get you inspired, especially with Holly Hunter buzzing the field. :P
The skinner guys will go nuts. This is a shot I took at an airshow in Guntersville Ala in early 92.
I thought that the A-26 is a single place cockpit, however I think there must be a jump seat to the right rear (since the pilot sits toward the left), as this guy is standing up checking clearance. This is a Korea color scheme.
Another Korea skin, Harlengen 89. Dmned if it doesn't look like it has two seats up front.
Another C, devoid of turrets.
This was an executive conversion that was in the process of having its turrets fitted (I dunno where the guy found them, but I saw them in the hangar). Had just been obtained by the former Air Acres museum in Cartersville Ga. I did photography for them, and this AC was aquired by them at this airshow in Titusville Fla (89). While enroute to an airshow the next yr, the owner somehow got the tail of his newly restored T-37C in the prop arc, and was unable to eject since the Federal Aviation admin (FAA) refused to let him activate the ejection seats, killing him and a passenger. The A-26 made it back ok, but the museum folded. I have no idea where the AC is now. Went well with their B-25 and C-119.
I hope we get to use this soon, and I like the rest, really appreciate all the work. I hope to be worthy of this effort with my work in the FMB when it comes out.
;D This will be really nice If I can replace the A-20s (painted as A-26s) in my resurrected Redstar/Whitestar1948 cmpn. And It actually LOOKs like an A-26.
Crazyflak; watch "Always" again. I'm sure that will get you inspired, especially with Holly Hunter buzzing the field. :P
The skinner guys will go nuts. This is a shot I took at an airshow in Guntersville Ala in early 92.
I thought that the A-26 is a single place cockpit, however I think there must be a jump seat to the right rear (since the pilot sits toward the left), as this guy is standing up checking clearance. This is a Korea color scheme.
Another Korea skin, Harlengen 89. Dmned if it doesn't look like it has two seats up front.
This was an executive conversion that was in the process of having its turrets fitted (I dunno where the guy found them, but I saw them in the hangar). Had just been obtained by the former Air Acres museum in Cartersville Ga. I did photography for them, and this AC was aquired by them at this airshow in Titusville Fla (89). While enroute to an airshow the next yr, the owner somehow got the tail of his newly restored T-37C in the prop arc, and was unable to eject since the Federal Aviation admin (FAA) refused to let him activate the ejection seats, killing him and a passenger. The A-26 made it back ok, but the museum folded. I have no idea where the AC is now. Went well with their B-25 and C-119.
I hope we get to use this soon, and I like the rest, really appreciate all the work. I hope to be worthy of this effort with my work in the FMB when it comes out.
In meantime You could use this stopgap fake-Invader https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,11067.msg120020.html#msg120020 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,11067.msg120020.html#msg120020) fort shorten the time ;)
Its still an tweaked A-20 but with the armament of the A-26 8)
Veerry interesting. :o
I hope you got some post 1947 USAF skins in there because that's what it's needed for. Looks great, for a stand in. I was using the A-20G in my old 1948 project with an excellent A-26 lookign skin designed for my project by an old squadmate. Has the shell ejection chutes painted on for the 6 wing .50s. This is a bit close and will certainly do for a while. Thanks for pointing that out.
I hope you got some post 1947 USAF skins in there because that's what it's needed for...
The Invader was used also in WW2 in Europe and IIRC there's a squadron operating it in the Pacific too.
Yes, I'm well aware of the combat they saw in both theatres of WW2. Check the 2 twin .50 gun packs under the wing in that shot. These things could sling more lead than anything until the AC-47 came along I guess.
The unique turret set up was interesting, somewhat similar to the B-29s. The limited service only resulted in 7 confirmed kills for A-26 gunners I believe. Japan was crawling with all versions after the war while My late Dad was in the occupation force (USAAF/USAF 47-49).
I remember seeing some of the On Mark modifications as used in Vietnam when I was a kid at Ft. Rucker in the early 60s. Lots of stuff from Egland and Tyndal used to come thru there, so I assume they were from there. Had the SE Asia camo to. Wish I had been into cameras back then, but I was too busy building scale models .
Any news?
Any news?
Unfortunately the biggest "motor" of this MOD-Plane Crazyflak is currently taking a pause of modding.
So I do not know if or when this plane will be finished ! :(
This seems such a dreadful shame to be left, kinda treading water.... :(
Doc, can't you ask for the files back to be finished off ? 'If or when', a tad rough on you m8t. Even if we had the WWII type without all the Nam stuff it would be great ;)
23428 is a lot of views..... sad for all the time n hard work thats already been put into this special bird.
Best of luck :) 8)
This seems such a dreadful shame to be left, kinda treading water.... :(
Doc, can't you ask for the files back to be finished off ? 'If or when', a tad rough on you m8t. Even if we had the WWII type without all the Nam stuff it would be great ;)
23428 is a lot of views..... sad for all the time n hard work thats already been put into this special bird.
Best of luck :) 8)
It`s a good idea ! ;)
UnfortunatelyI can`t contact him :-[
Crazyflak said that he's currently sorting out his hardrive and will send the work to the respective author of all the projects that he participated.
I think we would all be very appreciative of that, as we are all certainly thankful for all the great work he has done for us in this sim. Salute. 8)
Indeed I can confirm that Crazyflak said he will ship out any unfinished projects before going on a prolonged break from Il-2.
We will miss him.
Yes indeed. This community will be a little bit diminished without him. I hope he comes back some day.
Damm.. hope he cpmes back some day....
He probably will. This stuff is as addictive as meth, but alot more fun......and it doesn't rot your teeth out. ;D Nice of him to be considerate of the rest of us smoking our paychecks away in this dark alley. 8)
Anyone who has been working so hard and so long for this wonderful game of ours really deserves (and needs!) to get a little home leave. And even just get time to PLAY Il-2 - many of those most committed ironically enough don't get any time to do that! He will probably be back, in his own time. I'm just very, very grateful for all those things he did find time to do.
I'm just very, very grateful for all those things he did find time to do
+1000. Agreed.
AFAIK there was another great Korean era project by Crazyflak and some other modders - new 3D&armament for Skyraiders. Today I'm unable to find that thread in WIP section. Is that project dead?
AFAIK there was another great Korean era project by Crazyflak and some other modders - new 3D&armament for Skyraiders. Today I'm unable to find that thread in WIP section. Is that project dead?
Yep, I was looking forward to that one as well................... hope Maurice passed it on to a good replacement to finish.
Not dead. As I understand it was very close to completion.
Hallo Crazyflak.
I know that You are still occasionally around 8)
PLEASE empty Your Mailbox. So we could "speak" about the Work You already have done for me ?!
Thx in advance Mate
Crossing Fingers, she is still alive and breathing!..............
Cheers Maurice, Doc, Anto
YEAH ;D I was hoping it was still going. Hope it comes out well. Any estimated time of arrival or when ever it comes out it comes out?
What do you see?
(hint hint: A frozen A-26) (http://gvla.perso.neuf.fr/Img_forum/music_whistling.gif)
when ever it comes out it comes out
exactly! :D Sorry guys, no time for this one until I get out of hell. :-\
Sadly this AC is aircooled!
Just wondering if the project is still alive?I'm hoping it is,it looked like it was close to being released. :) (Thanks for the info Doc) :( :( :(
Hallo @ all.
From my side this project is dying :( it`s free to adoption ;)
If anybody cappable of modding will bring this Bird into the game he can get everything from me. He has just to give proper credits to anybody who helped me in the past: (Crazyflak, Zargos...)
Do you know what the thing that still needed to be done?
Do you know what the thing that still needed to be done?
Crazyflak began to make a slot. But with his own words: " it`s a mess" ;-). But he created correct movements and gunner view for the turrets AND the right animation of the Landing gear (especially frontwheel). As Cockpit I used the B-25-Cockpit. Crazyflak created a void with panel-Line too. And Zargos already created some skins. But he sended "only" an experimental skin to me. He made skins for the internal parts too.
The plane is already flying with this "Beta-Beta-slot"
Is CrazyFlak completely out of modeling now, or just taking a break?
Is CrazyFlak completely out of modeling now, or just taking a break?
I don`t think he is completely out of modding but I lost his helping hand .. :(
Crazyflak suffered from modders fatigue , or similar. He had so many projects and to little time and people receiving his mods demanded more of him for every mod he delivered.
I am afraid he is out for the long run, if I am wrong I be very pleased , no happy is the word
Bummer for sure. Well he does deserve a break, given all of his great contributions. I sure hope he comes back though.......for purly selfish reasons of course. ;)
Unfortunately, I can't work on this simply because I don't remember how to mod properly. However, I do not want to see this project die. How close were you to finishing (as a percentage complete) this project?
Unfortunately, I can't work on this simply because I don't remember how to mod properly. However, I do not want to see this project die. How close were you to finishing (as a percentage complete) this project?
There is still hope
A generous shining guy came and he will safe this beautyfull lady from death 8)
Great news !!!! 8) 8) 8)
Whopeeee! :D When it's ready I will complete my Korea war campaign for her! 8)
Unfortunately, I can't work on this simply because I don't remember how to mod properly. However, I do not want to see this project die. How close were you to finishing (as a percentage complete) this project?
There is still hope
A generous shining guy came and he will safe this beautyfull lady from death 8)
Excellent news!
Great news indeed :) Fingers crossed this will make the next DBW
As I look over the WIP forum, I just wondered if there is any news or updates with the Invader .... Hope things going well ... :-D
Nice, will it be 4.12 compatible?