old | new |
clean config, 200 (default) or 425 (overload) rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/46drqleh7/old_clean.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/fpv62jnnv/old_clean.jpg) | clean config, 267 (default) or 425 (overload) rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/o0qml8ex7/new_clean.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/8z5i1mlqj/new_clean.jpg) |
center line: 75gal droptank, 200 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/3psk45qq3/old_center_75gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/4xt09pitn/old_center_75gal.jpg) | center line: 75gal droptank, 425 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/ey25e7f63/new_center_75gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/ft6lztzm3/new_center_75gal.jpg) |
center line: 108gal droptank, 425 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/st0fwo9l7/new_center_108gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/71zl5kgaz/new_center_108gal.jpg) | |
center line: 110gal droptank, 425 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/w14x9pvuz/new_center_110gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/s445xnb0r/new_center_110gal.jpg) | |
center line: 200gal droptank, 425 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/afzum3z4b/new_center_200gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/joelg585n/new_center_200gal.jpg) | |
center line: 1000lb bomb, 200 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/8077zqvt7/old_center_1000lbs.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/p6kz967ij/old_center_1000lbs.jpg) | center line: 1000lb bomb, 425 rounds per gun (http://s8.postimage.org/igww7t5vn/new_center_1000lbs.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/l2ftyslhl/new_center_1000lbs.jpg) |
center line: 500lb bomb, 425 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/sy476cgwb/new_center_500lbs.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/csyyas32j/new_center_500lbs.jpg) | |
6 x 4,5'' Rockets, 200 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/s50s57pmz/old_6x45.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/580it1xfv/old_6x45.jpg) | 6 x 4,5'' Rockets, 425 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/uguzxky2z/new_6x45.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/8kuzajmvf/new_6x45.jpg) |
2 x 500lb bombs, 200 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/ao19nue8b/old_wing_500lbs.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/bw1pte6bv/old_wing_500lbs.jpg) | 2 x 500lb bombs, 267 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/4x1wimrgr/new_wing_500lbs.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/3y2pe03nv/new_wing_500lbs.jpg) |
2 x 1000lb bombs, 267 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/5drpit4ln/new_wing_1000lbs.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/kpo0wr3wr/new_wing_1000lbs.jpg) | |
2 x 108gal droptanks, 267 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/rlmi4gjgr/new_wing_108gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/jbrsnpf9n/new_wing_108gal.jpg) | |
2 x 110gal droptanks, 267 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/wbh16szuz/new_wing_110gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/92zbhvr7v/new_wing_110gal.jpg) | |
2 x 167gal droptanks, 267 rounds per gun (http://s7.postimage.org/hjcbfgtxn/new_wing_165gal.jpg) (http://s7.postimage.org/3k1deejkb/new_wing_165gal.jpg) |
Bug Reports | Additional Features | |
So APIT does more damage I take it? Does it normally have tracer and ball then?
is it possible to rename the stock loadouts so that it´s compatible again?
Can I just clarify that we would add the new lines in 'weapons.ru' after the original stock lines?Hm...
i vote we let the AMT have the ultimate Vote on this.
Their plane....
Installation requirements:
You need some of the big mod packs being around, either HSFX or UP3 (with or without DBW on top).
This pack is not compatible with Stock 4.10.1m since it needs a whole lot additional stuff (might be possible to add everything manually, but it's strictly unsupported).
I hate 4.10 and UP3 ;)
Thx for the report Gumpy, I'll check how to get both mods compatible a little easier.Tried renaming folder and got 70% CTD,and I'm using Freddy's cockpit.
One other suggestion would be to rename the Jugs' ordnance patch folder from "P-47D Ordnance Patch" to something like "0000_P-47D Ordnance Patch" so it will be loaded first.
Anyway... since I tried some P-47 cockpit patches unsuccessful during development of this ordnance patch, may I ask you which particular cockpit patch you were using, maybe you can even provide a link to the regarding mod's thread? Thank you very much!
Best regards - Mike
I'm using Freddy's cockpit.Hm yes, unfortunately as much as I can see all traces of that mod disappeared at Histomod, can't find it there anymore.
Don't worry, it's on the ToDo list already 8)
Best regards - Mike
You need some of the big mod packs being around, either HSFX or UP3 (with or without DBW on top).
This pack is not compatible with Stock 4.10.1m since it needs a whole lot additional stuff (might be possible to add everything manually, but it's strictly unsupported).
Just to clarify this:
1.200 is the total number of all current ordnance options of all Jug models together with a peak of more than 200 ordnance options on the adopted P-47N-15.
Cool, this works in MA 5.3, Thanks Mike!!!
do not quote pics please.
While this mod version is basically compatible with both stock missions and online gameplay, please note that due to the fact that stock loadouts have been altered, stock missions might not turn out as expected and you might be called a "cheater" when using this mod online, especially due to the raised ammo count.