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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => Cockpits (ReSkins) => Topic started by: Der Wüstenfuchs on November 08, 2009, 04:54:32 PM

Title: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011* [4.09] [4.12]
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on November 08, 2009, 04:54:32 PM

Update 15/04/2011
New Revi Masks For Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4


1) Extract archive content to your MODS folder
2) Merge & overwrite

-- DOWNLOAD (https://www.mediafire.com/?1b5s6fm1ff3hnss) --


Version 4:
-arms cover for MG151 replaced by MK108 one (G-10, G-14 & K series)
-UV light wire position corrected (K series)
-raised reticles (E and F series)
-replaced philips screws with slotted (frame)
-new right side panel (all Bf's)
-new text (where needed)
-added transverse bars on canopy frame (G & K series)
- Zünderschaltkasten (bomb detonator switch box) for G-10
-other: added deviationstabelle, fuel pipe little darker, fixed coloring issues on windows, little tweaks on panels (corrected direction of bolts...), new parts around ventilation valves, new light bulb (FuG25a device), wire holder...

Version 3:
-fixed missing MW50 gauge (G-14)
-text correction (MG17/MG131 instead MG151)
-new gunsights (plus new reticles & tinter)
-new pedals (thanks C6_Claymore for the hint)
-F2/F4 ammo bar correction
-new night lights for landing gear indicator
-new headrests
-new floor (plus scratches)
-other: new oil splats, yellow fuel pipes, new wires, new glass, new screws (backplates), new nuts+bolts (front panel), new leather belt and straps (left side), color corrections

Version 2.1:
-fixed armor plate in Erla cockpits that doesn't move when you open canopy

Version 2:
2nd version brings lots of changes, new features, parts and bug fixes. Most important are:
-new realistic gauges and devices/instruments
-full compatibility with Anto's Bf-109_Ultimate_Pack
-support for opening canopies
-G-6Early now has Revi C 12/D gunsight with dynamical tinted reticle dimmer mechanism
-fixed missing canopy glass (E/F series)
-final fix for missing fules tubes (F series now have original fuel tubes and tinter without white lines on left window)
-final fix for Turn&Bank
- fixed Z_Z_Masks that prevent reticle clipping
- in aircraft with opening pits, some of them you can „adjust seat position“, allowing you to lean out of the cockpit while canopy is open
-added some new/missing parts
-various cosmetic changes such as: new floor, new pedals, new glass lens, new gear indicator lights, sharper text where available, new chain...
-other bug fixes

Version 1:
-new gunsight for E-4/7, F-2/4, G-2, now it has dynamical tinted reticle dimmer mechanism
-replaced C/12D with Revi 16B in E-6Early cockpit
-new altimeter gauge for E-4/7
-fixed compass in E-4/7 (now it works properly when you turn night lights)
-manifold pressure, airspeed indicator and radiator temperature gauges frame painted in black
-removed glow around magnetos in E-4/7 cockpit
-pipe below front panel is now gray instead black in E-4/7 cockpit
-removed extra screw on all magnetos
-added belt on seat in E-4/7 & K-4 cockpits
-new canopy glass
-little plate (above landing gear indicator lights) is now higher, so now you can see gear indicator lights properly
-gear indicator lights repositioned and have more contrast & glow
-added missing landing gear indicator lights in G-14 cockpit
-new realistic screws on rare armorplate for all cockpits
-removed gray/black lines above seat in all cockpits
-refined edges on rare armorplate
-yellow fuel pipes
-added photo of lady in E-4/7 cockpit
-new pump with refined gauges in E-7Z cockpit
-removed white lines on window in F-2/4 cockpit
-fixed missing fuel tube in F-2/4, G-2, G-6Early cockpits
-fixed damaged airspeed indicator color in F-2/4 cockpit
-added markings on throttle stick (except in E-4/7 and K-4)
-added elipse on top of canopy in F-2/4 cockpit
-added missing valves on both sides in G-2 cockpit
-fixed night lights on manifold pressure and RPM indicator in G-2 cockpit
-added transparent desiccant patch on front window in G-2, G-6E/L, G-10, G-14, K-4 cockpits
- altimeter and manifold pressure gauges frame painted in black (G-6E/L cockpits)
-added missing needle on oxygen quantity gauge in G-10 cockpit
-added gray plate behind oxygen quantity and pressure gauges in G-10 and G-14 cockpits
-fixed turn & bank in K-4 cockpit
-fixed leather below flight stick in K-4 cockpit
-darker plate above gear indicator lights in K-4 cockpit
-panels on left side are now gray in K-4 cockpit (no more feeling that instruments are „floating“ and it also adds some missing parts)
-fixed landing gear indicator lights in Bf-110G-2 and G-4 Wilde Sau


Before installation delete or disable:
-all old Bf 109 cockpits packs
-old AHS or similar mods
-old Bf 109 Mirrors pack
-NonWonderDog's gunsights and/or NWD Gunsights_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits
-if you have  Anto's Bf-109_Ultimate_Pack , delete 4 java files in my pack (the ones next to 3do folder)

1) Run the installer
2) Make sure the destination folder points to your MODS folder
3) Install & enjoy


*For best experience use it in conjunction with Anto's Bf-109_Ultimate_Pack which includes new AHS & VisualMod*

Anto - mesh editing, java files, bug fixes
Avala – oil splats
bolox – instruments
C6_Claymore – original Deviationstabelle
Der Wüstenfuchs - gauges, instruments, parts, bug fixes
FlushMeister - gauges, canopy bullet holes
fly_zo – original transparent desiccant patch
NonWonderDog – original gunsights (NWD_Gunsights_v3)
Yayo - bug fixes
This mod is made possible by and based on original 3d models and textures by Freddy from Histomod (http://histomodforum.forumactif.net/)

Thanks Flanker35M for pictures and all "bug hunters", also huge thanks goes to Anto for his help & support

Installer size: 35.2 MB
Unpacked: 1.68 GB
MD5: 781aad8b1eec9484dfa0848aaed435a1
SHA1: c1c40cd5c71362084828e0b62646aa2882a075c1
CRC32: f8b74607

-- DOWNLOAD via MediaFire (35Mb) --

-- DOWNLOAD via Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/328098381/Combined_Bf-109_Cockpits_Pack_V4.exe) --



Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 - Extras

1) Engine cowlings and wings holes fix
2) Bf-109 Mirrors Pack
3) New wheels for Bf-109s
4) Remove pictures of ladies
5) Restore pictures of ladies
6) Remove desiccant patches
7 ) Restore desiccant patches

1) Engine cowlings and wings holes fix
- place AAA_109_AHS_Plus folder in your MODS folder (if you have Anto's  Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v1.41, you don't need this pack)

2) Bf-109 Mirrors Pack
-place 00_Bf-109 Mirrors Pack folder in your MODS folder

3) New wheels for Bf-109's
- place 00_Farrelswheels folder to your MODS folder

4) Remove pictures of ladies
- go to Remove Pictures Of Ladies folder and copy Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 folder in your MODS folder (merge & overwrite)

5) Restore pictures of ladies
- go to Restore Pictures Of Ladies folder and copy Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 folder in your MODS folder (merge & overwrite)

6) Remove desiccant patch
- go to Remove Desiccant Patches folder and copy Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 folder in your MODS folder (merge & overwrite)

7 ) Restore desiccant patch
- go to Restore Desiccant Patches folder and copy Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4 folder in your MODS folder (merge & overwrite)

Anto & Co. - Engine cowlings and wings holes fix
MrJolly - Bf-109-E Mirror Mod
Cpt_Farrel - Bf109's wheels
Der Wüstenfuchs - updated mirrors, desiccant patches & ladies pictures files

MD5: a02ee77ad9a08278c59f4eef244e910a
SHA1: c18a3401b434d28313c4846b606b57ecac36ae73
CRC32: 188548b0

-- DOWNLOAD via MediaFire (http://download799.mediafire.com/tziz0yucunyg/myqd3nvytmz/Combined+Bf-109+Cockpits+Pack+V4+-+Extras.rar) --
-- DOWNLOAD via Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/328104169/Combined_Bf-109_Cockpits_Pack_V4_-_Extras.rar) --

UltraPack (F4 Trop, F4/R1, F4/B, F4/B Trop) FIX:
I found Bf-109F2B.him in my old back-up files and tested that it's the right name for those UP F4's.
Thus the fix is to go to 3do\Cockpit\Bf-109F-2 folder, copy hier.him there and rename that copy as Bf-109F2B.him.


Addition: A Manual Install LowRez version of this pack is now available here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,4505.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,4505.0.html)
Title: Re: Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V2
Post by: 4./JG53_Badger on November 08, 2009, 05:55:06 PM
Absolutely a must have now....Thank you guys....
Title: Re: Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V2
Post by: Flanker35M on November 09, 2009, 09:34:05 AM

 Downloaded, installed and working off the bat without a glitch! Whoa what a difference in the Erla Haube!!! Finally can see out from the Bf109G later versions :D Thank you Wüstenfuchs!
Title: Re: Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V2
Post by: Bender on November 09, 2009, 12:31:39 PM
Perfect work !  ;D
Title: Re: Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V2.1
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on November 21, 2009, 03:45:41 PM

I have made some visual changes and few corrections to NonWonderDog's gunsight pack, so now it's compatible with my pack and it looks better. Please test it and report.

Installation: just extract from archive and move 00_NWD Gunsights_Combined Bf-109 Cockpits folder to your MODS folder.

-- DOWNLOAD (http://download297.mediafire.com/tdz2omrytutg/zhogzygnetn/00_NWD+Gunsights_Combined+Bf-109+Cockpits.rar) --

Title: Re: Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V2.1
Post by: BravoFxTrt on November 21, 2009, 06:35:47 PM
Thanks for the update and it works and looks Great. ;)
Title: Re: Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V3
Post by: cgagan on December 13, 2009, 10:27:49 AM
Installed earlier today, as a prerequisite to Anto's new Bf pack. Installed smoothly, no problems. It is truly a work of art!  8)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Dornil on February 12, 2010, 10:59:35 AM
Thank you very much for this excellent mod!
The only thing I dislike is that when I look though the canopy glass, everything I see is slightly blue. There was nothing like this in default/other mod bf-109 cockpits. Any way to change this?
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on February 13, 2010, 08:07:24 AM
Thank you very much for this excellent mod!
The only thing I dislike is that when I look though the canopy glass, everything I see is slightly blue. There was nothing like this in default/other mod bf-109 cockpits. Any way to change this?

You can delete Bf109F2AperPlex.tga and Bf109F2Aperture.tga, to have stock glass, or download THIS (http://download146.mediafire.com/wnrwzqwzz1eg/1dm3mvzwnzm/Glass.rar) to have clear glass (extract files from archive and put them in cockpits folder)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Alex T. on April 05, 2010, 05:54:23 AM
Hi Anto,

 I have to say the work you've done is staggering, at the moment I'm only having three issues:

1) When I get cockpit damage, my Revi 12 gunsight shrinks!  ???
It basically looks like the normal gunsight when it's broken, but it's like 10 times smaller.

2) I'm having an odd light reflection on the right side of the Bf109-E4 cockpit, as if there was some other glass there.

3) The early Bf109 cockpits (E1, E3, E3B) won't load. I find myself hanging in the blue, but if I press F2 I see the plane, which I can't control either.

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Alex T. on April 05, 2010, 05:58:58 AM
uh and if I can suggest another thing.. there's a silly mistake that has been present since the start of IL-2 which regards all the german planes cockpits: the Junghans clock inside the cockpit doesn't have any moving seconds hand! The thin long one is the chronograph one, which can be manually started by the pilot, but it wouldn't normally move, and even if it did it wouldn't be in digital fashion, it would be a continuous movement with no second by second click.

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: WNxTerminator on June 29, 2010, 06:24:41 AM
One word: AMAZING.

This is an absolutely amazing repaint, and I'll be recommending it to 109 junkies everywhere. Before, I was using Freddy's repaint, but this one beats it by a mile and a half. It looks much more realistic. The textures are so epic, and at night when I turn the lights on...just ftw. I'll be flying more night missions now just because of the cockpit lights.

I do have one question though: The pictures, are they apart of the panel or are they separate? I'd like to replace it with a picture of my girlfriend  :-[


2) I'm having an odd light reflection on the right side of the Bf109-E4 cockpit, as if there was some other glass there

I have this problem too, I noticed it on a bombing mission. I could see the sun through the right side and through my seat in a turn.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: von_Kasbegi on August 20, 2010, 10:25:24 AM
Hi Mates Im using succesfully IL2 1946 + UP2.01 with MODS folder activated and in it mods from SAS 1946 page.

Im okay with all u have done and are constantly getting here, im self hobby-programmer, Graphic freak and intermediate modder. I really appreciate the work of yours on the Mods here, im really thankful everyone who releases usable and fantastic things here.
I've never had a single problem to understand how to mod the UP2.xx and how to set it for correct functioning.

Altough this is my first post here, I have some concrete question to this thread, especially to that things which are in 'Extras archive' to V4 Cockpits mod. And to that things about the possible need of the "AAA+ Visual VHS thing" or how it calls.

And it's....well, Should I putt from that Extras archive (when recently unpacked) some of the 00_ prefixed folders to my MODS folder or not? For example- do i need add into MODS folder > Bf-109 MirrorsPack, FarrelsWheels.

And second part of my question is, if i need to give into MODS too that  "AAA_109_AHS_Plus" thing or not? It seem, when i looked on the date of creation of the files in it, that it might be obsolete actually.

Isnt better to use what is coming as 'default' with Cockipts pack V4, or Shall use that Anto's Me 109 Pack?

Which thing shall i do? Please give some advice to this. I will be very pleased if somene will explain which of those things is most actual and best for running with Bf109 Ultimate pack version 2.2 smoothly.

Most important is for me to know if i need  that AAA_.... thing or  the latest "Anto's Ultimate thing" or if i can just use default files which comes in (with) V4 version of this Cockpit Pack. I want to use it with "Bf-109 Ultimate Pack v2.2" from here (SAS site).

I need some explaining and detailed answer to that question. Thanx everyone who will help me out of that Crossroad...ehm xD
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on August 23, 2010, 04:31:47 AM

Extra pack is optional, so if you want new stuff (wheels, mirrors) or to just remove some things  (pictures of girls/desiccant patches), you should used it.

About AAA_109_AHS_Plus: If you have Cockpits Pack V4 only, then leave it in your mods folder. But if you also have Anto's Ultimate pack, then you don't need it.
Anyway the best choice is to use Anto's pack and this one together.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: von_Kasbegi on August 31, 2010, 10:08:12 AM
Me again... ;)

btw..in between isnt the "Bf-109 Ultimate pack v.2.x" right that Anto's pack?

I somehow found it should be like that that the 'Anto's Bf-109 Ultimate pack' already calls here "Bf-109 Ultimate pack v2.1" -> thread with that name and to this is there patch (to v2.2 - which i applied too) too.

So if i actually had installed that Bf109 Ultimate pack v.2.2 that means I Dont need that AAA_AHS....and so on thing, coz i am running  Antos pack (Bf Ultimate Pack 2.2) together with Bf109 Pits V4

So i can simply delete the AAA_ thing from my Mods folder. But after all thanx for helping me, even i've actually found how the things are here (relations to Anto packs and their names here in SAS page).

Bye Mates.... Actually inm flying Bf109 C and D from Sas and Gerds Doras.
see later, thanx for advices Wustenfuchs  :)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on September 06, 2010, 10:10:29 AM


I am using the über low rez 109 cockpits by Der Wüstenfuchs and 6dof trackir. The problem is that targeting reticle is cut off waaay before the horizontal edges of the reflector glass:


I would like it to be displayed like so:


Could someone kindly suggest which values and in which files (I guess its Z_Z_mask.msh?) I should tweak to remedy the problem?

Saw this picture and thought that it was exactly relevant to my question haha
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 06, 2010, 10:33:13 AM
Actualy we did it deliberately, I think I had this discussion with nonwonderdog yonks ago, and he did some of the first new masks. The illustration is incorrect, just a drawing. The shape of the reflection edges is governed by the reflector apperture lens, not the angled glass. So, if one was to be 100% correct, then the mask shape should be an oval, not a circle even as it is now.

You can see this a bit here:

Japanese Fighter Optical Gun Sight Type 98/98?????? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXsVg8F91t8&NR=1#)

and here

Reflector Gunsight (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Blem3FlkaMc&feature=related#)

and also

Mark VIII gunsight (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7KvpWloagE&feature=related#)

also demostrated here ???98?????? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgLVB0Ghmb0&feature=related#)

these are not Revi C12's, but the physics are the same. The Japanese gnsights in the video are derived from the Revi 3 series if I am not mistaken.

in the videos it may seems sometimes that the side edges are straight, but if you look carefully, they are the long curves of the oval reflection of the lens.
I do agree the mask of the 109s may be on the small side, but not by much. :)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on September 07, 2010, 07:12:26 AM
Ok, I see :)
I thought it was a bug:)
Would it be very difficult to post a file wit a mask for "less realism"? Having to constantly reset trackir for it to be perfectly centered is major pain :( Especially so here, on the German planes, that have targeting reticle off center...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: StrykVladzimsky on September 11, 2010, 03:02:30 AM
Whenever I add these cockpits my FPS goes waaaaay down. I know this has to do with my old computer, right?
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Flanker35M on September 11, 2010, 03:08:12 AM

Stryk, try CirX's LowRez Pack of the same pack. Can be found HERE (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,4505.0.html). I hope that helps as these cockpits are a beauty!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: StrykVladzimsky on September 11, 2010, 03:09:27 AM
Jee whizz! Thanks! I'll check 'em out now.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on September 11, 2010, 04:06:08 AM
Back to Revi's mask side of things- is this a video http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpost.php?p=180262&postcount=74 (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpost.php?p=180262&postcount=74) of a real revi or one from FSX or something? Its usable reflector area is nicely wide;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: SAS~CirX on September 11, 2010, 05:40:42 AM
It seems real. It is a good find that! Hopefully someone will look at enlarging the mask holes sometime. They do seem a little too small as I said.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: gianluca on October 12, 2010, 05:58:36 PM
hi wuestenfuchs and thks a lot for your wonderful job!
Everything's fine in my UP 2.01 install where I installed also the Anto's pack!
Just a small issue; the new revi for late 109, I out it before the cockpit pack in MODS but still I get the old Revi....
any tipp or help welcome!
best regards, gianluca
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: CWMV on October 20, 2010, 01:49:25 AM
Ok I cant figure out how to remove the women s pictures, I don't understand the instructions.
Do you have to delete a file in each planes cockpit folder?
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: OberstDanjeje on October 20, 2010, 02:53:17 AM
Use the extra, copy the folder in the RAR e overwrite the original files
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: CWMV on October 20, 2010, 04:26:41 AM
Use the extra, copy the folder in the RAR e overwrite the original files
What extra?
Im not quite sure what you mean...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: OberstDanjeje on October 20, 2010, 05:33:17 AM
In the first post there are 2 links, one is for the cockpit pack, the other is for the extra feature like no women's picture, ecc
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: CWMV on October 24, 2010, 03:41:33 AM
In the first post there are 2 links, one is for the cockpit pack, the other is for the extra feature like no women's picture, ecc

Ok so these are two different things? I thought it was two separate places for the same cockpit pack. Otherwise Im just not seeing the other link!

-- DOWNLOAD via MediaFire --
-- DOWNLOAD via Rapidshare --

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: OberstDanjeje on October 24, 2010, 07:11:49 AM
Look at the end of the first post
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: thefruitbat on November 07, 2010, 01:49:58 PM
hi guys, i love these repaints, but have encountered a slight problem with a couple of 109f's.

I run UP2.01 when i fly with my squad, and so for that install, just added the repaints and not anto's pack as well, as that requires a diff buttons, and even with the online buttons, it still causes smoke bugs on some planes with those flying stock up2.01.

The only 109's i found issues with, are the,

F4 Trop
F4/B Trop

all the other 10 Friedrichs are fine, including 2 other f4's

heres the problem, its two parts, 1st ammo couters not working,


and secondly hole behind the pilot,


anyone got any ideas?????

don't understand why its working for some of the f4's and not all of them :P
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: OberstDanjeje on November 08, 2010, 03:00:05 AM
Try to put this mod on the top list of your mods folder
I'm quite sure you have other mods incompatible with this one, like some POV mods or so.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: thefruitbat on November 08, 2010, 05:20:20 AM

i've already checked all that before i posted.

I don't use any pov mods anyway.

it happens if its the only mod in my mods folder, and no mods in jsgme are enabled, just a 'stock' UP2.01.




yet the

F4, F4 1.3ata, F5 recon, F6 Recon, F1, F2, F2*, F2 trop, F2/B and F2/B trop all work fine.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: OberstDanjeje on November 08, 2010, 06:49:54 AM
Try removing AAA_109_AHS, anyway you don't need it, if I recall it's already in UP.
The files used for UP and the Anto's 109 Pack are a bit different, so the old hier.him used the new files giving the your issue
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: thefruitbat on November 08, 2010, 07:33:54 AM
removing AAA_109_AHS makes no difference, still have the same problem.

there is definitely something in Antos pack that cures this, because on my other install which is a UP-SAS hybrid, i've Anto's pack installed in conjunction with this cockpit repaint pack, and there's no problem with these 109's.

I just have no idea what.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: OberstDanjeje on November 08, 2010, 08:17:53 AM
As I said the hier.him for the cockpit is different for the F-4 trop in UP and the Anto's pack.
Search in the bf-109F-2 folder in the cockpit pack and rename this Bf-109F2B.him in Bf-109F2_B.him or Bf-109F2-B.him or Bf-109F4.him or Bf-109F4B.him, ecc.
I remember I had the same issue and solved renaming this file.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on November 08, 2010, 03:08:44 PM
OberstDanjeje is right. There were others with the same problem and renaming *.him file did the trick.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: thefruitbat on November 13, 2010, 11:59:24 AM
will try this.

my bloody internets been down for the past week, so havn't had chance to pick this up until now.

will report back
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: AkeR on November 13, 2010, 12:26:13 PM
Just a quick question:
If I have already installed the package and backed up the folders form the MODS folder.=>1.)AAA_109AHS_Plus Combined 2.)Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4
Can I drop it where it is needed, or it is a completely unsafe operation and will result in a buggy game? (installation package not only uses the MODS folder?)
tHank yOu! ;D
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on November 14, 2010, 05:49:44 AM
Just a quick question:
If I have already installed the package and backed up the folders form the MODS folder.=>1.)AAA_109AHS_Plus Combined 2.)Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4
Can I drop it where it is needed, or it is a completely unsafe operation and will result in a buggy game? (installation package not only uses the MODS folder?)
tHank yOu! ;D

Yeah it's safe, just drop them in the MODS folder.

EDIT: Jeez I really need to finish V5  :P
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Mick on November 14, 2010, 09:02:44 AM
Quote from: Der Wüstenfuchs
EDIT: Jeez I really need to finish V5  :P

... Jeez what did you add to V4 ? Air Conditioning ??  :D
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: thefruitbat on November 16, 2010, 04:11:34 PM
As I said the hier.him for the cockpit is different for the F-4 trop in UP and the Anto's pack.
Search in the bf-109F-2 folder in the cockpit pack and rename this Bf-109F2B.him in Bf-109F2_B.him or Bf-109F2-B.him or Bf-109F4.him or Bf-109F4B.him, ecc.
I remember I had the same issue and solved renaming this file.

ok, i've tried copying the hier.him file, and renaming it all of the above names and a few more, and copying it back in, and no joy, still can't get it to work.

i guess thats what you meant as well, rather than just renaming the hier.him file, as that breaks all of the f4's the same way.

As you've said you had the same issue could you please have a look and tell me what you renamed it to cure this problem please.

cheers fruitbat
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Birdman on November 17, 2010, 04:54:41 AM
I found Bf-109F2B.him in my old back-up files and tested that it's the right name for those UP F4's.
Thus the fix is to go to 3do\Cockpit\Bf-109F-2 folder, copy hier.him there and rename that copy as Bf-109F2B.him.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: SAS~Anto on November 17, 2010, 05:13:28 AM
Hey Birdman can you PM about the details of this fix? To make life easier for all parties I'll try and align the 109 pack with Ultrapack
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: thefruitbat on November 17, 2010, 10:30:34 AM
I found Bf-109F2B.him in my old back-up files and tested that it's the right name for those UP F4's.
Thus the fix is to go to 3do\Cockpit\Bf-109F-2 folder, copy hier.him there and rename that copy as Bf-109F2B.him.

Thanks thats fixed it:)

could of sworn i'd already tried that syntax, but obviously not, my bad...

cheers fruitbat
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on November 18, 2010, 05:22:22 AM
Thanks Birdman, I put your solution/fix to the 1st post  ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: lemonpop on January 06, 2011, 10:40:33 PM
Currently I found some mystic bug from your great 109 cockpit package. With 4.10 patch most of cockpits seem to work well except G-6(early) cockpit.
It shows always some strange block in front of the front windshield. I've here attached a pix for your reference. Plese let me know some way to solve this.  :)

Thank you for the great cockpit pack ever!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: cgagan on January 07, 2011, 12:31:37 AM
Yep, I confirm I have also detected it in that particular cockpit exclusively
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on January 07, 2011, 11:39:59 AM
Currently I don't have IL-2 on my computer, but I will check it as soon as I put IL-2 with 4.10 update.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: brouculy on January 07, 2011, 08:24:14 PM
Thank you for the reply!  :)  I will wait for that.
I love so much the great cockpit!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Miglanz on March 18, 2011, 05:27:13 PM

first of all I must say that those cockpits really look wonderful, way better than before!

But I have one question and maybe someone can help me.
In my plane-list (e.g. in the QMB) I have two E-4's. The first one has the nice new mirror (from external point of view and from the inside visible), BUT opening the canopy has no visible effect, so the canopy stays closed.
With the second plane it's different: looking at it from the outside shows the mirror on top of the canopy, but the mirror is NOT visible in cockpit-view! In exchange opening the canopy is nicely animated.

What I would like might be obvious: having the mirror in external AND cockpit-view (so seeing it on top of the canopy and being able to look in the mirror from the cockpit) and on the same time seeing the canopy unclosing when I press "Open canopy".

I hope my english is good enough to submit this question properly.

Read you again,
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Miglanz on March 19, 2011, 05:34:01 PM
Hello there,

moreover the changing of the seat position does only work with that E-4 which has NO visible opening canopy. The one where you can see the canopy opening does not have a working change of the seat position :(

And using the 6dof with headshake (but also with the old version where headshaking was disabled) on the E-4 with visible mirror and not opening canopy results in the fact that you can see through the motor! The 6dof view works great with all the other Bf-109's that I tried; only the certain E-4 has problems :(

Someone knows a solution?
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on March 31, 2011, 01:54:59 PM


I am using the über low rez 109 cockpits by Der Wüstenfuchs and 6dof trackir. The problem is that targeting reticle is cut off waaay before the horizontal edges of the reflector glass:


I would like it to be displayed like so:


Could someone kindly suggest which values and in which files (I guess its Z_Z_mask.msh?) I should tweak to remedy the problem?

Saw this picture and thought that it was exactly relevant to my question haha

AAAND this vid as well - the working Revi: http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpost.php?p=180262&postcount=74

What a shame that this still has not been corrected:( I saw several posts on SimHQ asking the same question as well...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Mick on March 31, 2011, 02:10:54 PM
... although it is for the FW190, take a look here, I had the very same prob and could solve it thanks to Sani ...  ;)

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on April 01, 2011, 03:47:52 AM
Thanks for that, but is it the right thing? My problem is not centering the reticle, but widening the usable reflector area where reticle is displayed when one uses 6DOF TrackIR...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Mick on April 01, 2011, 04:16:31 AM

... sorry, I thought your prob was lowering the reticle that is obviuosly too high in your screen ...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 01, 2011, 05:14:26 AM
Alright I will try to solve this problem, and if I fail I will ask some other gurus for help ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on April 01, 2011, 09:15:06 AM
That would be awesome!
And thank you for what you have already created- unbelievable achievement these 109 pits are!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 01, 2011, 05:17:06 PM
I'm still working on it, but I think this should be fine:

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on April 01, 2011, 05:58:21 PM
It is P-E-R-F-E-C-T! Yaaay!:)

Perfect look and perfect for actually aiming! Really appreciate your work Der Wustenfuchs!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: CWMV on April 13, 2011, 02:01:49 AM
Are you still working on that wonderful reticle fix or is it now included in the 4.09/4.101 109 pits pack?
Spectacular stuff!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 13, 2011, 03:00:24 PM
Sorry for waiting but didn't have time to finish it. I will release it soon though.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: Borsch on April 13, 2011, 04:01:03 PM
Don't apologise- its your free time and you dont ow anything to us. Our nagging is just showing our appreciation for your work!:)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 14, 2011, 06:14:09 PM
Ok finally managed to grab some free time and finish those new masks, download link is on the 1st page:


Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Yardstick on April 15, 2011, 01:41:12 AM
Thanks for your work, the Revi fix works really well with my HSFX 5.01 install.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: thefruitbat on April 15, 2011, 04:40:12 AM
cool, thank you 8)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Borsch on April 15, 2011, 06:53:02 AM
Just added this to Low rez version of yours - works perfect! Many-many-many thanks!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Mauser151 on April 15, 2011, 07:27:34 AM
Dear Der Wüstenfuchs,
all German Revi's have had either blue, green or red filters-red only Nachtjagd. With you is without filter.Without filter became not flown. ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: US_GRANT on April 15, 2011, 10:53:01 AM
Currently I found some mystic bug from your great 109 cockpit package. With 4.10 patch most of cockpits seem to work well except G-6(early) cockpit.
It shows always some strange block in front of the front windshield. I've here attached a pix for your reference. Plese let me know some way to solve this.  :)

Thank you for the great cockpit pack ever!

I don't see any strange block. Just the bulges from the gun fairings.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on April 15, 2011, 11:56:22 AM
He mean the second windshield semitransparent that you can see as in front of the main one I believe!

In this case try to search that you have no other mods that give you POV or cockpits....
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 15, 2011, 12:50:44 PM
Dear Der Wüstenfuchs,
all German Revi's have had either blue, green or red filters-red only Nachtjagd. With you is without filter.Without filter became not flown. ;)


I suppose you talk about tinted reticle dimmer ? It's there, you just need to bring it up, just press Ctrl+D.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: McWolf on April 16, 2011, 12:47:39 AM
Quote from: lemonpop on January 06, 2011, 11:40:33 PM


I have same problem as you when I use 6DOF mod.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Knochenlutscher on April 16, 2011, 01:00:21 AM
I suppose he's not meaning tinted Reticle Glass, which to be bring up as kinda sunglass. He means a Filter like
for Nightfighters there where Filters like this availlable, it could be easily attached over the the Revi-lens itself.
Fl.52119 Rotscheiben-Linse
- Nachtjagdversion Revi C/12D.
http://www.cockpitinstrumente.de/instrumente/Flnummern/52000-52999.htm (http://www.cockpitinstrumente.de/instrumente/Flnummern/52000-52999.htm)
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,10911.msg118458.html#msg118458 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,10911.msg118458.html#msg118458)
I applied to my Nighfighters were I could in the.mats (Uhu, Bf110G-4...)

These Red Filters are documented to be in use (Books about nighfighters in lw service etc.) , but I never heard or read them being availlable in Blue or Green? Doesn't make sense for me. As I'm a hobby Photographer with my own small labor I can only suggest a Red filter in the darkroom when I work with b/w cold film developping. For colour you can use red, but I have old AGFA Filterplates for my lamp in Yellow-Green and Orange, which are marked as special Filters for colour-film laboratory. For photography there are plenty filters availlable in different saturations Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Blue, gives some nice effects if used the right way, i.e. Orange in hazy wheather.
Do you have a source for those Blue or Green filters?
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Mauser151 on April 16, 2011, 11:23:43 AM
Contact this man R35 and ask him for filter colours who gave. He is a specialist of Revi's and can say you more in addition. ;)

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 17, 2011, 06:10:16 AM
Thanks for the infos. I think somekind of switch can be done, to enable this filter in-game. But that's just something to consider  ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Borsch on April 17, 2011, 05:48:42 PM
I know I said this two days ago, but I just have to say it again: THANK YOU for these amazing cockpits!

Just completed the original in-game "Defend Taman Harbour" Slovakia Bf109G-2 single mission for the first time (those pesky LAGGs outnumber you 8 to 1 and have alt advantage- such a nuisance)- and your cockpits and NEW RETICLES ;) made me enjoy myself so much that I shot down 5 and made the remaining ones limp home. I'm a crappy pilot, so thats a landmark achievement for me:) (Things are sooo much easier though with proper 6DOF as I can lead the target and shoot under the bonnet sooo much better)

Thank you for providing inspiration!!!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on April 19, 2011, 07:58:58 AM

No problem mate, I'm glad I could help you with new revi masks, so you can enjoy your game.  ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: oho on May 27, 2011, 04:53:32 PM
I also get a dark square in the G-cockpits.  I use the FOW-mod. Is there a file that is responsible for this square. These Cockpits are really great. Dot't know how to upload a screenshot, but it looks like in the posts above. In F-Modells everything is fine.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: 4./JG53_Task on June 15, 2011, 01:02:13 PM
I can find no pictures of 109s fuel gauge the way it is with this cockpit pack.  The numbers are in the complete wrong spots.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: CWMV on June 15, 2011, 01:06:09 PM
Then post your evidence and a solution, otherwise you might want to take a less critical tone.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on July 04, 2011, 01:50:53 PM
Just one quick question, can these be used in 4.09m HSFX 4.1 as ive tried installing them in JSGME that didn't work then i tried adding them to the MOD folder and that failed too ( p.s I have no other 109 MODs)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on July 05, 2011, 12:08:51 PM
Hey i just sorted it  ;D I took this pack out and installed the Low Res one instead, added the photo's and the all important mirrors...and they all work...Great CockPits folks thanks for these fantastic MOD'S..Gary  Strange this mod didn't work and yet the low res did :o
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: CWMV on August 27, 2011, 08:06:21 PM
Figured Id post this up here.
Has anyone any evidence in favor of the reticle fix? I know that I was all for it, but now I cant find any reflector gunsite from the second world war, including Revi's,  that actually works like this one now, and most seem to have a VERY limited field of view, as in the stock reticle limitations.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Mangas on September 04, 2011, 10:44:02 AM
Strange bug in G6 (early) cockpit:
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras
Post by: greybeard on September 10, 2011, 11:20:35 AM
3) The early Bf109 cockpits (E1, E3, E3B) won't load. I find myself hanging in the blue, but if I press F2 I see the plane, which I can't control either.

I got very same problem.

Oddly, nobody answered to Alex T. nor complied about.

Any help?
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: bolox on September 11, 2011, 07:30:08 AM
one way to track down problems like this is to open up the console (shft tab by default) . in amongst all the 'gibberish' you need to look for lines that say something like "can't find texture... " can't open heir.him...." look for the ones related to 109

these error(s) should give you a clue as to what is "missing"
10 to 1 it's a conflict  with another mod but details of what mod activator/version you are running and any other mods (that affect 109's in partic) might also provide a clue as to what is wrong
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Der Wüstenfuchs on September 12, 2011, 10:02:45 AM
Sorry for a late reply. The thing is I don't have such a problems starting with E1 and all the way to the K-14.

My setup:
IL-2 v4.09
MODS folder (Ultimate 109s v2.2 by Anto, plus bunch of other mods)
SAS Buttons 8.7 for 4.09 games

I have Anto's mod listed before mine in MODS folder.

Please read the post above, it's the best way to find out what's wrong... as bolox already stated.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: greybeard on September 13, 2011, 10:16:59 AM
Thanks bolox and Der Wüstenfuchs for your kind replies.

Yes, Shift+Tab debugging is a good idea, honestly I didn't thought of it, but, reading DW's comment, I got convinced is a compatibility issue. Actually, I'm running 4.10.1 only with SAS Modact 3.06, whilst I see he's using 4.09+UP2.

Lately, I replaced it by CirX's LowRez pack and it solved the problem.

A big thanks to DW and all modders involved: it's a great work!

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: JG26 von Richten on February 22, 2012, 04:33:30 PM
Hello all, I have Anto's ultimate 109 pack and when I try to load any of my 109's all I see is the regular no cockpit-in the ground camera view, can anyone tell me what Im doing wrong? Im running 4.101 SAS Modact with only a few mods.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: OberstDanjeje on February 23, 2012, 12:13:08 AM
Did you have this cockpit too?
Without the 109 pack don't work
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: JG26 von Richten on February 23, 2012, 09:14:59 AM
yes i do, ive tried both the regular and the low rez and neither of them work
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: cgagan on August 17, 2012, 06:31:13 AM
Hi all,
I installed this great mod together with Anto's Bf109 pack in my 4.11.1 setup and I can only get all bf109s as A1. Whenever I select a bf109 I get the "blank horizon" screen. Now, I know this is not meant for 411.1 setup, but in case anyone has installed it succesfully, I would appreciate a comment. My log file reads as follows:
[12:17:39]   INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/Bf-109E-7/Emil.him'
[12:17:39]   WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Bf-109E-7/Emil.him' of class 'HIM' not loaded
[12:17:39]   INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3DO/Cockpit/Bf-109E-7/Emil.him
[12:17:39]   INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3DO/Cockpit/Bf-109E-7/Emil.him
[12:17:39]   java.lang.RuntimeException: INTERNAL ERROR: HierMeshObj: Can't load HIM 3DO/Cockpit/Bf-109E-7/Emil.him
I suspect aclash wit anothermod (I have several installed and I am in the process of disabling them one by one to find the culprit)...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: hguderian on August 17, 2012, 09:04:49 AM
Don't waste your time cgagan!!!

It's surely a problem between .him files. Probably 411.1 don't have any Emil.him, or its cockpit .him files are not the same due the different
cockpit from 410.1.

Try to extract .../cockpit/bf.. from 411.1 sfs files then
1) compare them with those from the combined pack...
2) or simply disable these last ones (BACKUP) and try the mod without them...
3) put those from 411.1 into the related combined pack folders!


Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: cgagan on August 17, 2012, 10:21:23 AM
Thank you very much my friend! 411.1 is my "summer thing", as I have it stored in my laptop or holiday gaming, so it really does not matter, I am satisfied with what i have. Back home, its the SAS ModAct and DBW!!!!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: LuseKofte on August 17, 2012, 10:34:30 AM
ha ha summersim = 4.11
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: cgagan on August 17, 2012, 11:25:08 AM
Yeah, serious stuff is for home!!!! ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 17, 2012, 02:48:07 PM
Has any one (NE1) got IL_1946 v4.11 going and still going, "modded"??? I sure as hell gave up on it. Im stickin with DBW. :P 8)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Semor on August 17, 2012, 05:17:49 PM
No problems here,so far. 8) ;D I got HSFX as the base mod-pack

+ parts from Modact 3.6 (the exe selector for faster loading&ram settings)

+58 individual mods (untill now..)

+all the eye candy from SAS/DBW

+DCG & Asura´s new DGen mod

=all runs fine AND stable together!! 4.11 is such a big improvement!

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: cgagan on August 18, 2012, 08:15:20 AM
After installing Benitomuso's autodiffFM for 411.1, I had no problems installing various mods, most of them working properly; I really enjoy 411.1, I find the lighting and some details in scenery pretty good, plus the new aircraft available and the way the A1 behave in flight...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: tarakan67 on September 04, 2012, 01:55:25 PM
Currently I found some mystic bug from your great 109 cockpit package. With 4.10 patch most of cockpits seem to work well except G-6(early) cockpit.
It shows always some strange block in front of the front windshield. I've here attached a pix for your reference. Plese let me know some way to solve this.  :)

Thank you for the great cockpit pack ever!
I solved this problem. Just delete 4 hash files(named like this:6F612F749A9258E8) in folder Combined Bf-109 Cockpits Pack V4. But then animation of reticles shadow works incorrectly
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011* [4.11]
Post by: tarakan67 on September 20, 2012, 10:39:03 PM
I fix classfiles for Bf-109G-6Early. Now Revi worked correctly without visual artefacts. Unpacked archive into Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 folder and agree for replace.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: OberstDanjeje on September 20, 2012, 11:58:29 PM
Thanks, nice fix ;)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on December 10, 2012, 08:47:36 PM
*BUMP*  Links are dead!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: tarakan67 on December 26, 2012, 11:28:48 AM
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: bomberkiller on December 27, 2012, 01:45:12 PM

the link do not work with IExplorer!

With Firefox all is ok!   :)

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Starfighter24 on January 15, 2013, 10:23:06 AM
Is this mod included in DBW??
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Kilo on January 15, 2013, 11:11:10 AM
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 02, 2013, 09:43:59 AM
It would be nice to have a working Link for these Fine Pits. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: HotelAlpha on July 29, 2013, 07:16:28 PM
Yes it would!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Griffon_301 on July 30, 2013, 02:11:26 PM
think I have it in zipped form and in installed form in an old backup installation;
first one is roughly 160Mb, the other one is roughtly 1,6GB, but I do not know if it is the last v4 version, although I think that the one in an old DBW1.6 backup should be the v4

Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: bolox on July 31, 2013, 07:19:46 AM
It would be nice to have a working Link for these Fine Pits. Thanks!

not sure if these are the latest version (but they are V4)- Found them in a backup
first is a zip of self installer V4- 35mb

and also found an extras zip for V4 - 25b

No guarantees but hope they might help
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on July 31, 2013, 07:43:54 AM
Bolox, You Are The Man!!! Thanks Good Buddy...
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: HotelAlpha on July 31, 2013, 08:46:52 AM
Yes thank you bolox!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 01, 2013, 08:19:47 PM
Got these Pits working in MA 5.12. I sure did Miss these good old Pits. Thank You Very Much Bolox.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: airgroundmerc on June 04, 2014, 07:36:07 AM
just stumbled over your cockpit and this stuck me in the eye at once:

text correction (MG17/MG131 instead MG151

NO! These control lights are for the gundpods! Rechange again to 151! 151 was also used as short form for 151/20 as the 151 was not in use in fighters after introducing the F-2
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 04, 2014, 08:35:47 AM
None of the links work. If somone can upload these pits and Fixes would be awesome, they will work in DBW2. :)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Flamer50 on June 05, 2014, 01:41:44 PM
None of the links work. If somone can upload these pits and Fixes would be awesome, they will work in DBW2. :)

Patience grasshopper..I'll have a link for it(Der Wüstenfuchs Bf109 Cockpiots Ver4_(HighRes))
in a bit. It has the Revi update and an UltraPack Fix included. ;)


Here's the link to the file,

Enjoy :)
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 05, 2014, 03:16:29 PM
Thank so much BWF.

You made my whole month!!!  8) ;D
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Fresco23 on June 06, 2014, 05:00:56 PM
a UP fix!?  ;D
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Royzewic on June 19, 2014, 04:37:42 AM
works on 4.12.2!, the icon can be added!
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: SAS~Malone on June 21, 2014, 04:15:33 AM
...and so it came to pass.... :D
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011* [4.09] [4.12]
Post by: Kashmiro on July 30, 2016, 10:40:11 PM

please does any1 know how to fix this problem? :/
i run 4.10.1m UP3RC4 maybe its not working on this version? :/
(https://s32.postimg.cc/fjuargp85/2016_07_31_04_38_32.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/bapkpalyp/)

as u can see here the sunglare is shining through the cockpit texture, happens only with combined cockpits v4 on BFs... :/
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011* [4.09] [4.12]
Post by: greybeard on July 31, 2016, 01:12:45 AM

first, as you may notice from tags on the topic, this mod is not made for 4.10. Second, the issue you're pointing out is an error in the making of the mod (which has its advantages, though, since allow you not to loose padlock view when object is behind cockpit panels... ;) ).
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011* [4.09] [4.12]
Post by: WxTech on July 21, 2019, 09:54:10 PM
When the Sun shines through a texture like this, it's because that texture has--and is using--an alpha channel for transparency cutouts. Either that texture must not utilize transparency for defining its shape (relying instead upon tracing the part's outline with only polygon vertices), or it must have a backing texture without an alpha channel, to act as an opaque screen.

For instance. Here, the panel has a somewhat 'complex' outline. Ideally, it would be made by defining its perimeter with a fair number of vertices, building up the thing with a good number of polygons. But the original artist decided instead to go the easy route, by setting as few as just 4 corner vertices, relying on the alpha channel's tracing of the outline to hide the non-panel outer parts of the texture.

Other cockpits also suffer such 'bleed through', even 'accidentally', due to failure to ensure non transparency-based textures are utilized. Transparency in a texture not intended for the Sun to shine through is fine only if backed with another non transparency-based texture.
Title: Re: Bf-109 Combined Cockpits Pack V4 + Extras *Updated 15/04/2011*
Post by: Mick on July 22, 2019, 07:21:55 AM
... this bug was fixed way back in the ancient times, 2009 I think ...  ;)