Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Other Mods => WIP => Topic started by: western0221 on December 17, 2011, 09:33:20 PM

Title: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 17, 2011, 09:33:20 PM
Here is a topic to request and discuss about Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD.

 * * *

At 26th/Mar./2012 , I released an instant patch version5.7.2.1 supporting all existing 4.10.1m folding wings airplanes and bugfix.
DOWNLOAD - https://www.mediafire.com/?nb1ca4cllngzchd

This patch doesn't work independently.
In environments CTO-MOD working, add this patch.
SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.5 's CTO functions bug is fixed.
DBW1.71 's CTO functions bug is fixed.
At HSFX5.0.1, you have to enable "Carrier Take-off 5.4" in JSGME.

At Ultr@Pack3, this patch is incompatible and ingnored instead of installing.
When you want to use this patch at Ultr@pack3, please request in Ultr@pack forum to import this patch.

And with "1956 The Jet Era pack v1.1"(one old version), Carrier Take-off MOD doesn't work.
1956 pack's class file override CTO-MOD.
For 1956 pack v1.1 users, install next "5.7" CTO MOD.

Changes from 5.7.2 - Add F-4B/J
Changes from 5.6.2 - Add F-4D/E PhantomII and AS-TBR
Changes from 5.6.1 - Fix A-1 Skyraider family Bug
Changes from 5.6 - Add Ar-196T0/T1

 * * *

At 31st/Dec./2011 , I released Carrier Take-off MOD version 5.7 for "1956 The Jet Era pack v1.1".
This MOD supports these environments...
- SASModAct3 + "1956 The Jet Era pack v1.1"
- SASModAct for HSFX5 + "1956 The Jet Era pack v1.1"

Fearture limitation of SASModAct for HSFX5 + "1956 The Jet Era pack v1.1".
HSFX5 contains original AI MOD at AI planes' maneuvers.
But "1956 The Jet Era pack" overwrites and erases this AI MOD functions.
I can't recover this AI MOD functions in this CTO MOD 5.7.

 * * *

Original Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD is made by Fireball.
And latest single version 5.3.3 for 4.10.1m is released with ZUTI Friction MOD and CY6 Ground Attack MOD here

For "IL-2 1956 The Jet Era v1.2" users, that MOD requierments "SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.4" contains CTO functions.

And Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD is contained these MOD packs.

I plan to improve this interesing MOD.
In example...
I want to hear palyers' requests and discuss it.

Before making this topic, some requests were written in Carrier MOD topic
Please read what requests were written before, but don't continue discussing ther, it's here.

And I compared Daidalos Default / CTO5.4 in HSFX5 / DBW1.6 AI MOD at airplanes set arrangement on Carrier. Take some screen shots.
That is written in my blog.

Addition, some information is here
SAS~Gerax said interesting for player pilots at today's CTO version.

Which airplane has folding wings / which doen't ... is listed up in #7 of this topic.
See #7.

From players' eyes, differences with "Catapult MOD" and "Carrier Take-Off MOD" are can't see clearly. I understand your situations.
In 1946 MOD history, at first Fireball released "Catapult MOD" within "Carrier Take-Off MOD". And in long time they are dealed as one MOD.
But from programming eyes, "Catapult MOD" and "Carrier Take-Off MOD" are different / separate ones.
Now, HSFX5 has only "Catapult MOD" in "History SFX MOD" body, and "Carrier Take-Off MOD" is separated in JSGME.
Other MOD packs - "Ultr@Pack3" and "Dark Blue WOrld" have both "Catapult MOD" and "Carrier Take-Off MOD" in one thing.
But as single MOD, "Catapult MOD" improvement and "Carrier Take-Off MOD" improvement are separated.
This topic is for only "Carrier Take-Off MOD".
About "Catapult MOD", use https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20102.0.html

But in "SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.5", both Carrier Take-off MOD and Catapult MOD are contained as one pack.
DBW1.71 is the same.

What functions are in "Carrier Take-Off MOD"? OK, I tell you.

Carrier Take-Off MOD functions:

Catapult MOD functions:
* * * * *

How to use catapults?

1. install new Catapult MOD ( or MOD pack like "SAS AI, Engines, Hotkeys & Carriers Mod v2.4" , DBW1.71 , HSFX5.0.1 )

2. You have to taxi your airplane from spawning point to the catapult starting point and push "Toggle Chocks" key, then airplane will be set on the Catapult.
After you make full-throttle, push "Toggle Chocks" key again, the catapult push your aircraft to take-off.

3. When you enable "Carrier Take-off MOD", AI airplanes jump to the catapult starting point, not taxi.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: AG-51_Razor on December 18, 2011, 03:13:20 AM
Please include Gerd's beautiful F8F in this. It sounds very interesting.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: asheshouse on December 18, 2011, 04:00:11 AM
Existing carriers have Hooks LPark0 etc.
These seem to have no function.

I think AI aircraft landing should taxi forward to the LPark area to permit the next aircraft to land.
Once in the LPark area, apply chocks, fold wings etc, before finally de-spawning.

Even better to have working lifts option but this would require major programming and re-modelling.

Seaplanes using catapults do not work correctly.
There seems to be too much friction between the floats and the catapult surface.

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: santobr on December 18, 2011, 05:38:13 AM
Yes, seaplanes, please.
So, asheshouse could put catapults on battleships. ;)

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 18, 2011, 05:52:32 AM
About Seaplanes Catapult... that is not in area of CTO.
That's in Catapult MOD area 8)

Which problem/request you have, is in CTO? in Catapult?? ...is difficult to separate for non-programmers, I see.

But in fact now, Catapult MOD and CTO MOD are separated in thier improvement.
I will lead that request is which one's.

I also wish... Seaplanes take-off by Battleships'/Crusers' catapults.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: fokker95 on December 19, 2011, 02:46:53 PM
Existing carriers have Hooks LPark0 etc.
These seem to have no function.

I think AI aircraft landing should taxi forward to the LPark area to permit the next aircraft to land.
Once in the LPark area, apply chocks, fold wings etc, before finally de-spawning.

Even better to have working lifts option but this would require major programming and re-modelling.

Seaplanes using catapults do not work correctly.
There seems to be too much friction between the floats and the catapult surface.


I think that would be really cool. I actually wouldnt even despawn them until there was no room...typically they all were sent down to the front end while they recalled all the planes. You would often see basically a reversal of what you saw when you were taking off..all the planes down at the nose end of the ship in spacing simliar to what it was takign off.(although packed tighter since wings would not need to be unfolded again) Would be cool to leave them there....and then as the last slot got filled, despawn the last slot after it folded wings and parked...this way you would have a full deck of retrieved aircraft, and always have a new empty slot for the next landing bird :) This would be the most realistic approach i think :)

Since we are going to have to setup the proper data specs and info in order to make the cell spacing and takeoff portion work correctly, it would then be quite easy to take the data we will need for that portion of the code and then apply it to this (landing/parking)portion of the code. It would not be that much additional work to implement it really. Alot of the work neeeded will be resolved by the first part we are planning to fix anyways.

As to the seaplanes...tha isnt going to be that hard to fix i dont htink. Simply test to see if it is a seaplane, then adjust the friction or the catapult boost..either way woudl work probably. Probably the simplest would be just to boost the catapult power, but it might be just as easy to disable the friction if it tests to be a seaplane type. The we can have workign cats on battleships and cruisers.

I am sorry I cant help to code anythign right now. I am tied up on another project I am trying to wrap up, and it is goign to be 3-4 weeks yet to finish it. Once i am done with that I will be happy to code some stuff. I will help western as I can in the meantime, if he runs into trouble or needs help in some manner. I will do what I can. I jsut dont have the time to write the code on this one right now.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: FIGHTS ON on December 19, 2011, 05:15:01 PM
Agree with Fokkers comments above. ideally have the hooks" (?) where the AI taxi to after landing on the St'b'd (right) side of the bow so as to allow the port (left) cat to be free for launching "player" aircraft again. (so as to prove the landing without crashing wasn't a fluke!)

Would it be possible to build a "net" for the WWII carriers (level with the island) that "raises" upon the "request to land". Even a wire? - just enough to break your plane should you miss the wires, but able to be raised / lowered at the command "request permission to land".

Loving these aircraft carrier MODs. Using Colosus & this new Essex, set at 35 km/h & into wind at 8 m/s provides perfect "circuit" flying. Fly an F3j fury with an A-1h Tanker in the overhead and you can fly & trap for hours!
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 23, 2011, 02:59:18 AM
Airplanes list with folding wings:

-Daidalos 4.10.1m
F4F family (without F4F3)
TBF/TBM family

-MOD released
SeaHurricaneMkIb, SeaHurricaneMkIIc
F9F2 Panther
TF9J Cougar
Ar-196T0,T1 (Non historical plane, "if" MOD)
AD_Tanker, AD Skyraider family
A6M2 22 family, 21 addition family.
Fw190~T (Naval Fw190 / Non historical plane, "if" MOD)
SeaHorse(Naval F-51 / Non historical plane, "if" MOD)
PA48CRP (Non historical plane, "if" MOD)
AS-TBR (Non historical plane, "if" MOD)

-BETA MOD released
F8F Bearcat
F8A, F8E, RF8A Crusader
F-4D, F-4E PhantomII
B4Y1 (Now BETA doesn't have folding wings, I plan making his wings folding)

-MOD not released , released in the future
F7F Tigarcat
F9F8 Cougar
A-7 Corsair II


-Carrier based airplanes but not folding wings in historical, released
F2A-2 Buffalo
SBD family
TBD Devastator
A6M all after M3(Type32,52,53,54,62,63)
N1K's subtype (MOD)
BF109T (MOD / some old books said "with Folding Wings", but nowadays say "BF109T1 didn't have Folding Wings")

-Carrier based airplanes but not folding wings in historical, not released - in the future
A-4 SlyHawk (MOD)
F-14 (variable wings / MOD)
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: BT~Tarik on December 23, 2011, 04:53:04 AM
Seahorse, PA-48 Enforcer CRP, SBD. Those come to my mind.

And I guess you're only talking about released mods, otherwise:
A-4, F-4, F-14, F9F8 Cougar, Tigercat (dont remember its real name, but AFAIK it is/was an AMT project).

And others that I forgot I'm sure.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 23, 2011, 05:06:18 AM
SBD haven't folding wings IIRC.....and maybe the Cougars haven't them too
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 23, 2011, 05:12:35 AM
I rewrite list.

Some MOD planes, I misunderstand as Daidalos's. I moved them.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 23, 2011, 05:14:45 AM
Seahorse, PA-48 Enforcer CRP, SBD. Those come to my mind.

About SBD, walter_solito says right.

Seahorse or PA-48 Enforcer CRP ... I don't know these MOD existance.
Where can I get them?
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: BT~Tarik on December 23, 2011, 05:36:45 AM

Ah ok, didn't know about the SBD, I thought every naval plane has Folding Wings...

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: The_Alaska_Man on December 23, 2011, 05:48:55 PM
well in my UP3 with the essex class, original planes (corsair, hellcat etc) fold there wings, while the carrier jets (f9f panther, tf9j cougar, and fury) don't fold wings on carrier.

also the original planes fold there wings and line up in rows of 4

while carrier jets just start with wings extended in rows of 2



^^^^ like that

carrier jets


its kind of annoying and folding the wings and lining up in rows of 4 (or 5 if possible) saves some space

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 23, 2011, 05:57:22 PM
well in my UP3 with the essex class, original planes (corsair, hellcat etc) fold there wings, while the carrier jets (f9f panther, tf9j cougar, and fury) don't fold wings on carrier.

also the original planes fold there wings and line up in rows of 4

while carrier jets just start with wings extended in rows of 2

I know and I see that.
It is this "Carrier Take-Off MOD" (UP3 version) doesn't know NEWBIE Jets have folding wings.

When I finish New "Carrier Take-Off MOD" and it will work on UP3, New Jets will line up with folding wings.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: The_Alaska_Man on December 23, 2011, 06:09:55 PM
cool news im using the carrier mod by sanka(you,pablo and the last name escapes me)for UP3, will that be an update for it or a whole new mod?
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 23, 2011, 06:18:01 PM
cool news im using the carrier mod by sanka(you,pablo and the last name escapes me)for UP3, will that be an update for it or a whole new mod?

I plan, "Catapult/Arresting wire MOD" is single separated, "Carrier Take-Off MOD" is single separated.

But some MOD pack like DBW, in the future both MODs will be contained as in one.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: The_Alaska_Man on December 23, 2011, 11:32:05 PM
ok i did some testing and all the "original planes" that can fold there wings will and on the boxer i was able to get rows of five ^^^^^

so the original planes fold the wings, but all the addons planes for the carrier dont fold wings not even the skyraider,

so hopefully youre new carrier take off mod fixes the folding wing problem (its annoying ???)

cheers and merry christmas
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 23, 2011, 11:37:52 PM
so hopefully youre new carrier take off mod fixes the folding wing problem (its annoying ???)

Now, why I do this project is...
to make those new planes spawning folding wings.
This is only.

But today's "CTO-MOD class file has folding parameter" style,
at next new plane, also folding wing doesn't work. It will continue ... continue...

Then, I'm helped by Storeber, make planes to have folding parameters and get out from CTO-MOD class,
if planes' MODDers will implement that new parameters in MOD, CTO-MOD will not have to be changed.
But this big change need much time.
To quick release for now existence planes enable folding wings, I soon release old style class file.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: AG-51_Razor on December 27, 2011, 12:34:17 AM
"-MOD not released , released in the future
F7F Tigarcat
F9F8 Cougar
F-4 PhantomII
F-14                "

The A-4 was so small it did not need folding wings.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 27, 2011, 12:48:04 AM
The A-4 was so small it did not need folding wings.

I correct #7 list.

I try CTO-MOD renewal coding , at first for DBW.
But my codes have many serious bugs. DBW doesn't start any missions.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 28, 2011, 03:15:42 AM
Now I have programmed "for 4.10.1m" existence all folding wing airplanes.

Bf109T MOD - it doesn't implement folding wings (instead of it has folding wings in historical).
When I will have spare time, I will add Bf109T MOD to enable folding wings.

And Update #7 folding wings list!

I have to convert Naval Fw190~T MOD to 4.10.1m, to test it with CTO-MOD parameters right or not.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 28, 2011, 08:41:24 AM
CTO-MOD parameter for Fw190~T is now OK.

I release an instant patch for working CTO-MOD, enabling all existing airplanes with folding wings.
DL link is in my 1st post.

SASModAct3.0.6 / HSFX5.0.1 / DBW1.6 are supported by this patch.

This is ONLY a Patch, so you need to have CTO-MOD working environment.

With "1956 The Jet Era pack" , CTO-MOD doesn't work and this patch isn't able to be used.
Ultr@Pack3.0RC4 ignores this patch and you don't use this.

Total CTO-MOD renewal needs more time.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 28, 2011, 10:47:26 AM
I overlooked Ar-196T aerial airplane MOD at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,8374.0/topicseen.html

Now I install this Ar-196T and check... Oh...... it has folding wings!

OK. I add Ar-196T parameter soon.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 28, 2011, 10:37:31 PM
I released Carrier Take-off 5.6.1 patch.
DL link is my 1st post.

Changes from 5.6 - Add Ar-196T0/T1
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 29, 2011, 12:30:09 AM
Sorry but since I was waiting DBW1.7 before update my 4101 installation (atm I'm keeping update only my beloved 409 installations!!!) reading the treads about carrier mods I'm lost a little!

I have a SAS mod activator v3.06 plus DBW 1.6 plus Jet War plus AI mod installation....can you confirm that to make all thinghs working I should install this mod plus the catapult mod and make them loading before JW & AI ???

Thanks in advance for your clarification!!

All the best & THANKS for the grat works you are doing for all us!!!

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 30, 2011, 09:53:59 AM
Patch 5.6.2 released. See 1st post.

Changes from 5.6.1 - Fix A-1 Skyraider family Bug

For "1956 The Jet Era pack" users, soon independent single MOD 5.7 will release.

5.7 will be the version for only "1956 The Jet Era pack".
Other MOD environments don't need whole CTO-MOD. Existent CTO-MOD or CTO-function is working.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 30, 2011, 10:14:49 AM
Understand mate!

I'll wait for 5.7!

All the best!

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on December 31, 2011, 05:45:45 AM
I released Carrier Take-off MOD version 5.7 for "1956 The Jet Era pack".

See 1st post.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: slipper on January 01, 2012, 07:51:00 AM
Hi all

i am finding these new carrier mods a bit confusing, could someone please list the different mods needed under a DBW 1.6 game? There is a Carrier take off mod, a carrier mod, a temperature mod and a new Essex carrier, do i need to install all of these? Or are some included in other mods?

Thanks for any help


Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on January 01, 2012, 08:38:48 AM
i am finding these new carrier mods a bit confusing, could someone please list the different mods needed under a DBW 1.6 game? There is a Carrier take off mod, a carrier mod, a temperature mod and a new Essex carrier, do i need to install all of these? Or are some included in other mods?

All of these.
Carrier MOD need "for DBW" version install.
CTO is optional. But I use latest CTO by myself.

When you don't need Diving Hawk's single new Essex, you can only install its class files contained in my Essex 1960 pack.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: slipper on January 01, 2012, 09:16:28 AM
Ok cheers western for the help, so just to make it clear, i need

carrier mod (beta)


USS Essex


Variable Temperature MOD



Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD


Is that right? Does it matter in what order they load?

Thanks again western for taking the time to answer, and for some great mods


Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on January 01, 2012, 09:40:18 AM
Ok cheers western for the help, so just to make it clear, i need

carrier mod (beta)


USS Essex


Variable Temperature MOD



Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD


Is that right? Does it matter in what order they load?
That's right.
Only "carrier mod (beta)", 1st post link is old version. Latest version is at last page.
Other MODs are 1st post link is latest.
All the MODs are indipendent and nothing order to load.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: slipper on January 01, 2012, 09:45:51 AM
Cheers western  :)
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: Telmo on January 02, 2012, 03:27:33 AM
Hello western0221 ! First, happy new year :) I wish you the best.

So i have a little problem. I have on my computer SAS Modact + Jet Area 1956.  I installed your Carrier Take-off MOD version 5.7 for "1956 The Jet Era pack. The take off work perfectly for me  but my AI friends  still finished in the water. I have to write something to my conf.ini ?

Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 02, 2012, 03:55:23 AM
Maybe you miss the Catapult mod....
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: Telmo on January 03, 2012, 08:52:09 AM
No no, I have the last Catapult Mod for SAS Modact 3.06, The Jet Area 1956 and the Carrier Take -oFF. So i don't know why it doesn't work :(:(
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on January 03, 2012, 11:07:54 AM

Bf109T-1 didn't have any folding wings!
This is a new theory but reliable.
I make this CTO-MOD about Bf109T-1 with no folding wings. (Nothing change now 8))

#7 list is edited.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: duffys tavern on January 03, 2012, 04:15:47 PM
Thank you very much. Great job.
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: crapshack on January 27, 2012, 11:40:23 PM
hey guys,
im having some trouble with the mods everytime i start up FMB i just crashes  :( any ideas?
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on January 28, 2012, 12:59:46 AM
hey guys,
im having some trouble with the mods everytime i start up FMB i just crashes  :( any ideas?
When you disable Carrier Take-off MOD, not crash?
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: crapshack on January 28, 2012, 01:19:57 AM
yeah, but why doesnt it work for me?

Im using 4.10+DBW
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on February 25, 2012, 08:43:06 PM
Patch 5.7.2 released!
Add F-4D/E PhantomII and AS-TBR
DL link is my 1st post.

And supporting airplanes list and non-folding wings Navy airplanes list is in comment #7 (updated).
Title: Re: Request/Discuss Carrier Take-Off (CTO) MOD
Post by: western0221 on March 26, 2012, 02:50:20 AM
Release at my 1st post.

Changes from 5.7.2 - Add F-4B/J