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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Polish/Czech_Singles => Topic started by: kumpel on January 18, 2012, 02:50:35 AM
This is a major update to the P.11c Polish fighter. It adds a range of improvements, corrections and new features, and incorporates all previously published updates. I think, it offers a better feel of this aircraft by removing the annoying primitive look of the original model. Not everything is historically exact but much closer to reality than before. For those interested in flying over Polish skies in 1939 it should offer more realistic experience.
Other than corrections and improvements there are, as usual in my projects, some experimental features.
There is a rain animation on the windshield, when actually flying in the rain. It uses animated textures, rather simplified but giving a reasonable impression.
There is a changed timing of the engine start up (no general classes have been modified).
There is also, more for fun, an animation of the pilot coming in and out of the cockpit. Two versions are included - discrete time steps and interpolated.
There is an emulation of the residual fluorescence of instrument legends and compass light. A bit of a guess here as I did not find sufficient info on the Polish Gerlach gauges.
Details in the P11c_Readme.txt file.
This project remains a kind of WIP, more stuff can be added in the future.
~ Original : 1C
~ This project (3D, textures, Java, FM, sound) : Kumpel
~ Previously published updates:
engine mesh and damage model : Loku
some cockpit textures : Tyrl
DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bm19lqjh41he2o5 (https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?bm19lqjh41he2o5)
PLEASE NOTE: the new version PZL_P11c requires DIFF_FM option (included).
Great --- These earlier aircraft are my favourites.
I was enthralled by the P11c when i first bought the game many years ago ... any improvements are more than welcome ... many thanks.
Just flew the plane a few times and it looks ever so much better. Especially the cockpit ... now the cockpit is up to par with other Il-2 planes ... and the extra armament of 4 guns is also very welcome ...
You've done a fine job.
I'm a little bit confused now - what exactly should I put (and where) just to update my current P-11c stockplane (DBW 1.6)?
Kumpel - thank You for Your work, really needed update of polish legend.
Bardzo Dziekuje.
I'm a little bit confused now - what exactly should I put (and where) just to update my current P-11c stockplane (DBW 1.6)?
Unzip the downloaded rar file. Inside are three folders.
Place the folder called 'AA_P11c_PS' into your #DBW folder, and add the line
PZL_P_11c air.P_11CPL 1 pl01 SUMMER
to your air ini ...
If you have DBW installed then you do not need the Diff_FM mod. The skins you put in your respective skin folders for the various P11 variants ...
Presumably the same method works for a UP3 install, just use the folder appropriate for containing mods instead of #DBW ... #SAS I believe is the name?
Great job, one of my favourite aircraft of all time! Many thanks, 8)
Thx Agracier, actually I just wondering why should I put additionial air. ini lines - we have p11c existing in game?
Thought that Kumpel's folder will use existing air.ini lines...
Thx Agracier, actually I just wondering why should I put additionial air. ini lines - we have p11c existing in game?
Thought that Kumpel's folder will use existing air.ini lines...
You get an extra aircraft, another P11 variant in this mod ... so not only is the original P11c updated, but you get a new second P11 variant as well. That is why the extra line is included. Compare both air.ini lines to each other and you'll see they differ.
PZL_P_11c air.P_11CPL 1 pl01 SUMMER
P_11c air.P_11C 1 pl01 SUMMER
Genialne !
Dzieki bardzo !
Thanks very much!
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img269/7564/grab0000a.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/download/269/grab0000a.jpg)
I installed this mod, put the lines on the correct places. when i go to the QMB, the "new" P.11C works fine, but the old one doesn't show on QMB when i select the plane. Any tips on how to solve it?
Kumpel - jestes mistrzem niekonwencjonalnego podejscia do ilka. Brawo! Dziekuje!
Great job. Thank you!
Genialne !
Dzieki bardzo !
Thanks very much!
Master Ranwers - all we really need now is to shot down some bloody Do - 17s. ;)
I installed this mod, put the lines on the correct places. when i go to the QMB, the "new" P.11C works fine, but the old one doesn't show on QMB when i select the plane. Any tips on how to solve it?
You're right ... I didn't bother to check the game version. However the P11f does work independently.
I installed this mod, put the lines on the correct places. when i go to the QMB, the "new" P.11C works fine, but the old one doesn't show on QMB when i select the plane. Any tips on how to solve it?
You're right ... I didn't bother to check the game version. However the P11f does work independently.
The P11.F works fine. Only the OLD P11.C stopped working.
Wow this is absolutely fantastic option from the simulator, but very many great realism in addition, you can apply it to all aircraft?
Congratulations on a great job Kumpel
There is a rain animation on the windshield, when actually flying in the rain. It uses animated textures, rather simplified but giving a reasonable impression.
@ Stefano - I've edited Your picture a little bit, just to show the things in better visibility:
Man, this is some kind of revolution actually!
To have such effect for all planes.....yummy!
Thanks very much!
Ranwers is being coy as usual. Please observe the new pilot figure he's created.
Great work but sadly I got a whole new sort of CTD when trying it.
After loading, I see the cockpit for a sec then CTD
The reason for old PZL P.11c not loading is:
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Plane/P-11c(Multi1)/Engine1_D0_mod.msh'
There is just a reference to engine mesh that doesn't exist in hier.him in (Multi1) folder. Just remove that _mod in line 'Mesh Engine1_D0_mod' in 3DO/Plane/P-11c(Multi1)/hier.him and you'll get the stock slot working again.
The cockpit looks great, thanks a lot!
I was already happy with the P11, but I'm downloading yours beacause I'm intrigued with your extras. It's incredible, you were reading my mind. Just two days ago I was thinking It would be great if someone could make the effect of the rain in the windscreen, and quite often thoght about pilot climbing in an out of the cockpit. Thanks for making my dreams come true. :D
the fix for the old P11c works just fine. Back in game now.
But could I ask how you get the pilot effect working? I can't seem to get it done.
Dzieki Kumpel za wklad w rozwoj PSP w IL-ku! ;D
P.11c to zdecydowanie jeden z moich ulubionych samolotow w tej grze! Teraz kiedy mamy jeszcze Losia i Karasia mozna odtworzyc Kampanie Wrzesniowa! Szkoda tylko ze jeszcze nie ma mapy Polski zeby moc polatac pod Ojczystym niebem... :( Gdzies czytalem ze byly pewne pracy nad nia ale cos ucichlo chyba ostatnio...
Jeszcze raz dzieki za nowa P.11!!! ;D
The reason for old PZL P.11c not loading is:
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Plane/P-11c(Multi1)/Engine1_D0_mod.msh'
There is just a reference to engine mesh that doesn't exist in hier.him in (Multi1) folder. Just remove that _mod in line 'Mesh Engine1_D0_mod' in 3DO/Plane/P-11c(Multi1)/hier.him and you'll get the stock slot working again.
The cockpit looks great, thanks a lot!
Hello Birdman, where exactly should I remove this line from? I mean- which folder?
Thank You in advance for the details.
Hi all, after a bit of a fight I got it working; only the DiffFm supplied did hang-up my pc at 'loading ac 30%' in the QMB.
Using the 'old' DiffFm solved this. ( I did not activate the 'new' version)
@zack just remove the '_mod' from the line mentioned, not the complete line.
Hello Birdman, where exactly should I remove this line from? I mean- which folder?
Thank You in advance for the details.
From this folder:
...IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#DBW\AA_P11c_PS\3do\Plane\P-11c(Multi1)
in this file:
from this line
remove the characters:
So that it becomes
Thx agracier! This fix procedure worked fine!!!
Outstanding work. After I got over the trauma of loosing my original P.11 (thanx for the fix above), and restoring it...I renamed it "P.11a" in my Plane Ru file.
Boy its great to pretend.
Wow this is absolutely fantastic option from the simulator, but very many great realism in addition, you can apply it to all aircraft?
Congratulations on a great job Kumpel
The plane is suberb and + a great mod ideia with rain in glass!
There is no greater reward than finding people interested in your work ...
A word of explanation.
The stock P.11c will work fine and does not require DIFF_FM, it is needed only for the add-on version with the experimental stuff.
The add-on plane uses 3do\Plane\P-11c model alone. Effects, Presets, Samples and Interpolated dirs are only relevant to this plane.
The stock plane uses the original FM and sound defined in the buttons file (whatever the version).
Many thanks to all for a good word.
Cheers, Kumpel
Great job! Congratulations!
Cze??! Normalnie szok Kumpel!!! Super mod. Chcia?em podpyta? czy mo?na ten mod wrzuci? wprost do i?-ka v 4.09 lub czy planujesz wydanie moda pod ta wersj??
Now this is a great mod kumpel Thanks a lot. :)
4.09 FM for P11.F???? ;)
4.09 FM for P11.F???? ;)
+1 .... please :)
hej kumpel!
won't write in polish because it would be unfair for the others here :D
So, if you or Loku would have some spare time to loose, maybe could you make the fuel tank "jetissonable" as it was on the real P11 in case of fire, alowing the pilot to land in glide, safely without burning as it happens now in the game, saving the airframe in the same time.
Co myslisz o tym?
Epervier can you do 4.09 FM for P11.F :-\ please
I'm missing something! I do not understand! :-X
Why do you want for an FM P11F? This mod applies only to the P11C!
For P11F see here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3396.0.html
I have not tested this Mod... in winter the birds hide themselves be so cold! :P
Quelque chose m'échappe ! Je ne comprends pas !
Pourquoi voulez-vous un FM pour le P11F ? Ce mod concerne uniquement le P11C !
Thx Agracier, actually I just wondering why should I put additionial air. ini lines - we have p11c existing in game?
Thought that Kumpel's folder will use existing air.ini lines...
You get an extra aircraft, another P11 variant in this mod ... so not only is the original P11c updated, but you get a new second P11 variant as well. That is why the extra line is included. Compare both air.ini lines to each other and you'll see they differ.
PZL_P_11c air.P_11CPL 1 pl01 SUMMER
P_11c air.P_11C 1 pl01 SUMMER
sorry my mistake :-[
I have installed this Mod and only P_11c is working
so we need PZL_P_11c
FM for 4.09 Users !
to test, please !
Thanks :D
Outstanding update for that almost forgotten plane!
Love to fight with her against early 109's :)...thanks a lot for that!!!
EDIT: wold it be possible to make the the beautiful green paintsheme without markings for missionbuilders?
Very nice,
is it possible to build on this version a new PZL P-24 aircraft?
I'm confused? I still have only the P.11c slot in my planelist in QMB - the PZL_P.11c is nowhere to be seen?
I have applied the heir.him edit as described above (although my entry was Mesh Engine1_D0_MOD not Engine1_D0_MOD.msh as shown in the text?) I just deleted the MOD should I add .msh after D0? No other entries have .msh after them in my heir.him?
I'm using DBW 1.71 and the plane is installed properly - any ideas?
Epervier can you do 4.09 FM for P11.F :-\ please
Thanks a lot
Drogi Swiety Mikolaju...
Poprosze o P-11g Kobuz na Swieta :P
Dear Santa...
I ask for P-11g Kobuz for Christmas
One little bug in DM:
- after losing wings, antenna cables still exist.
And animation of pilot doesn't work :(
But after all - it's excellent!!!
Report: it works in 4.12.2 (SAS Modact 5.3 + TFM-412 THE NEXT LEVEL). Everything seems to be OK. So maybe 4.12 icon, please?
Can anybody refresh the download link in the first post, please ?
Thanks in advance.
It seems I overlooked this thread, oops ! >:(
Isn't there pilot scrambling into the plane, too ?
link now working, problem SOLVED.
Very please help, when loading a mission I have a mistake (Hook_MGUN Dump03 not fund) Makes no idea what's going on. 4.09 UP 2.1. Thank you
Nice additions, only one problem: when I get out of the plane, and then back in, the right strut of the landinggear disappears....Wheel is visible, and no problems to get in the air, but that part of the undercariage stays hidden.....
One question: why in Polish version has it smaller wheels? Is it historical?
Indeed, last preserved airplane in Cracow Museum has smaller wheels than these shown on old photos, but I was sure that these new wheels are not original.
Does anybody knows?
I would like to report a little problem, the old p-11 shows up in QMB but only if you select Poland in the country section, if you select another country it will disappear.
Can the Log file detect this problem? I don't know if it can or not, its not a loading problem this is why I'm not posting the log file. If the answer is yes I will post the log file.
@ IS, try fiddling in Hier.hims let's say take larger wheel Plane folder and look what it takes to be
bigger. Just a mesh.file being different by size (kb/date?) or additional changed hier.him entry at Wheels.
Let's say on Fi156, I never saw wartime pictures with some of thee better claimed huge balls, instead my
resource collection only shows smaller. But maybe it was the liking of the modder to get sth. smoother Meshes.
As this Mod contains both, you're free to try gather the desired fav of your kind.
Had the same Prob until today when I read through all the Posts again, a Fix is provided there,
please scroll down to Reply #24 agracier tells you how to fix by hand.
I did it this way just recently, works flawless.
Best wishes
Thank you it worked for me too :)
@Knochenlutscher, thanks, indeed it was possible to make wheels bigger editing hier.him (there was remmed option for normal wheel size).
Only unanswered question (very curious for me) is, why modder have used this smaller size, and only for Polish variant...
Code for wheel size (bigger wheels are remmed //):
Mesh GearL1_D0
Parent GearL2_D0
Attaching 0 -0.85 0 1.04936 0 -0.03664 0.02966 0 0.84948 0.7983 -0.31095 -0.9148 // x0.85 (X,Z)
//Attaching 0 -1 0 0.999391 0 -0.034899 0.034899 0 0.999391 0.7983 -0.31095 -0.9148
Mesh GearR2_D0
Parent CF_D0
Attaching 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 -0.3974 -1.13134 -0.55284
CollisionObject GearR2_D0
Mesh GearR1_D0
Parent GearR2_D0
Attaching 0 -0.85 0 1.04936 0 0.03664 -0.02966 0 0.84948 -0.7983 -0.31095 -0.9148 // x0.85 (X,Z)
//Attaching 0 -1 0 0.999391 0 0.034899 0.034899 0 0.999391 -0.7983 -0.31095 -0.9148
Glad you made it possible for you, congrats.
Still don't have a proper answer, unless you ask the author, he may tell you...
Kind Regards
Colleagues Save the ...
So far, in all versions I've played there standing on the ground the P-11. Unfortunately WAW / CUP missing ... What to do? Where to find SSP P-11?
Hello Rector,
if I remember well in CUP stock P.11c slot was removed with incorporating Kumpel's update (and unfortunately by the way stationary plane too).
So You need small fix for Kumpel's P.11c for C.U.P. WAW to have static P.11c with old stock P.11c.
To preserve stock slot add the following in the listed files:
P_11c P.11c, 1939
P_11c air.P_11C 1 pl01 SUMMER
P_11C vehicles.planes.Plane$P_11C 1
Description P_11C
Icon Plane
// Class
Class air.P_11C
// Panzer
PanzerBodyFront 0.002
To have a Kumpel's update as separate plane You need following entries in the listed files:
PZL_P_11c air.P_11CPL 1 pl01 SUMMER
PZL_P_11c PZL P.11c, 1939
# P.Z.L. P.11c
PZL_P_11c.4Wz33guns 4xKM Wz.33
PZL_P_11c.2Wz33guns 2xKM Wz.33
PZL_P_11c.Wz33guns2puw125 4xKM Wz.33 + 2xPuW 12.5
PZL_P_11c.Wz33guns2puw5Z 4xKM Wz.33 + 2xPuW 5Z
In my install it works,
let me know how about Yours.
That's what I meant these records. Sorry - PZL P-11 still there. :-(( Probably the lack of a file and the game did not see the plane. We can only hope that someone will complement this gap. Nie mniej - Dzi?kuj? za pomoc.
A simple rquest for this plane....can this line:
PZL_P_11c.4Wz33guns 4xKM Wz.33
....be changed into:
PZL_P_11c.default Default (4xKM Wz.33)
I ask this because in campaign generation the loadout 'default' is a must for DCG....and D_Gen I believe....
Thanks in advance for your consideration!
I gotta say, this is still one of my all time favorite mods.
I've flown it previously, but just re-installed in 4.13.2 to fly alongside the P-7. This is a lovely aircraft, and beautiful sounds from that engine!
P.S. Look what i found. Going to try and order these!
main site: http://cobi.pl/en/
pretty cool stuff!