Do-17Z-0 air.Do17Z_0 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Do-17Z-2 air.Do17Z_2 2 NOINFO g01 SUMMER
Do-17Z-0 Do-17Z-0,1938
Do-17Z-2 Do-17Z-2,1939
Hi Epervier we need you ;D
hope we can have this beauty in 4.09 ;)
Thanks for the great beauty of this plane....can I ask which Plutonium I should install as IIRC some version give issue with DBW
Thanks for the great beauty of this plane....can I ask which Plutonium I should install as IIRC some version give issue with DBW
No plutonium needed anymore.
Still cannot get cockpits in DBW 1-7,
Have the DBW Folder with DO-217, & latest DO-17, &Plutonium effects v2 all in the same folder and all I get for cockpit is grass &sky.....what am I doing wrong?
Knew I was thick!
You should be proud of the job you did. This is really awesome!
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/Do217k1/skin1o.tga'
WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Do217k1/skin1o.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Do217k1/Gloss1D0o.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Gloss1D0o.mat'
INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Gloss1D0o.mat'
java.lang.RuntimeException: INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Gloss1D0o.mat'
at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.Load(Native Method)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.<init>(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit.<init>(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitGunner.<init>(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitDo17_TGunner.<init>(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.createCockpits(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(
ObjState.finalize: Object of com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitDo17_TGunner NOT destroyed
sorry, but the muzzle flash are in the wrong place ;)
The flash from the defensive gun ;)4.09... 4.10...
do the Dornier 217s work by default in DBW 1.71 because mine don't seem to have cockpits either
Just place the mod in the #DBW folder... don't even try to separate the contents.
Very strange issue for me... the plane works well in my 4.10 installs, but I have no cockpit in 4.09 (and I have the 217 working too...). Have I missed something ? what other mod does the 4.09 version need ?Yes of course !
Thanks! it worked for me :)
Is there a BOB campaign already with this plane?
Is there a BOB campaign already with this plane?
Ah... je crois que tu as mis le doigt sur un truc, là... le C6 a l'ancienne mouture du Ju-88, si je ne m'abuse... possible que le problème vienne de là ?Je testerai... ;)
seem's a tad under-powered.
For 4.09 users !
See first post for link ! ;)
my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have
For 4.09 users !
See first post for link ! ;)
Hi Gabriel, the 409 version (in my 409UP201 install) causes a CTD after 70% loading and as I disable (//) the lines in air.ini all is once more ok: I have the Do-217 alive and working so maybe is another ac mods interfering... I wonder if I am the only one!
Best regards
don't know, I don't fly the "stringbag"my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have
I had this exact same problem, and it can be sorted by changing your graphics to perfect settings in the conf.ini
Just to confirm, if you load the fairy swordfish in your current install is the cockpit showing up funny? maybe pink or seethrough?
my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have
I had this exact same problem, and it can be sorted by changing your graphics to perfect settings in the conf.ini
Just to confirm, if you load the fairy swordfish in your current install is the cockpit showing up funny? maybe pink or seethrough?
Well load a qmb of it and find out! :D
don't know, I don't fly the "stringbag"
;) Re conf.ini perfect graphics.
Very interesting I looked for 'graphics' by using 'find' in the conf file in DBW but it came up as 'not found' and I could not see it as a reference, do you mean a number, like 4 which seems to be the highest settings for some values?
To Crimar: tried in another alternative mODS folder I can select in my 409UP201 install (together the 217 and only 4 other ac but no other mod requesting a change in any of the .ini) and it works.
So definitely a typical mods interference even though I have no clue about which, I have too many to check!
Ok, I have found the mods conflicting with the Do-17 in my install (custom 4.09): B-25A, B-25A late, B-25B, B-25B Raiders.
I don't know why yet, but all works fine for the Do-17Z when I disable them in the air.ini. No more CTD at 70%. :)
Hope this helps Gianluca and somebody else.
For users pack C6, see : noticed that these packs included a self stationary Do-17 but, both pack seem to be for 4.09 users.Would it be possible to a include the self stationary plane for us 4.101 DBW 1.71 users somewhere?
Little update...
Ah ? can you help me because when i add a plane (DO 17, Arsenal VG33, L 39, JU 88G6, B26, KI 45, JU 52 transport, B 24 D, B 24 GR V, HS 123, TBD 1 and D4Y3) to my game with FW pack activate, the game always crash at 70 % (some said that is class) or it crash when i press fly.
I thing it's come from the diff.FM but i don't know.
I add those plane one by one in game with the pack but impossible to play, it's always the same end :( .
... I can view the aircraft in QMB, but when I load the mission it crashes at 30%.Yes !
If it does, then I'm sure a man like Ranwers could correct it in 5 minutes flat. :)
Works 4.09 in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)
....only noticed that some cockpits/JU88A4 files are missing (maybe you have deleted redundant files in your installation....) and cause the cockpit to don't show....but copy and past the previous version one solve the issue....As I mentioned in the first post:
....only noticed that some cockpits/JU88A4 files are missing (maybe you have deleted redundant files in your installation....) and cause the cockpit to don't show....but copy and past the previous version one solve the issue....As I mentioned in the first post:
- Do-217_409 needed !
So I doubt that this version is different from the previous ... ;)
- Download the version for pack C6 !
- Copy the contents of the folder cockpit\Do17Z
- Paste this contents in your folder cockpit\Ju-88A-4
Bombing sight doesn't work in 4.12/4.12.1. Pls find fix. Put inside and overwrite.
Using fix, pls note:
1. Elevation 0 deg - No Bombing sight's frames;
2. Elevation 2 deg - Bombing sight's frames appear;
3. Elevation 71-80 deg - Bombing sight's frames disappear.Works 4.09 in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)
Tested v2 and noticed a little glitch , not serious:
A grey bar appear from the bottom of the screen overlapping the main visual....the issue can be noticed when switching to Lofte view at take off....on normal flight it appear when manouver the plane....but obviously you don't manouver so much when in the bombing run....
S there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?Well...may be you need to wait....less than 2 weeks ;) (still a few details to deal with - Real life's burden has been heavy lately - but as soon as I get a free evening I'll finalize this pack - Archie is already waiting to make the skins :))
I think I haven't understood the installation directions. Do 17 and 217 work correctly in my DBW 7.1 versions, and the Do-217 correctly as well. But I can't get the Do-17 cockpit to show. Instead I get the dread horizon picture.
QuoteS there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?Well...may be you need to wait....
I thought I would try to re-install any wayGlad that you got it sorted Hamm66, sometimes it's just something deep down in the dark of your game installation that got screwed during adding and removing several mods before, or just a glitch during extraction of a new mod, either case it's always a good idea to try to redo the steps that didn't work before and the result in your case speaks for itself.
Now the AI lower their landing gear...go figure!
And now for some reason they don't lower their gear again.Do you have a Mod Management damage to landing gear?
And now for some reason they don't lower their gear again.Do you have a Mod Management damage to landing gear?
'Mod Management damage to landing gear' I don't know what that is to be honest.
I cannot get the plane to appear at all not even on the QMB screen when you click the little button. I am running 4.12.2 with Modact 5.3, I tried both versions, 4.09 and V2, but the plane just simply doesn't show up. Any solutions?
THIS IS FOR DBW if you don't have the Do217 cockpits, it will not work
I understand that this is for DBW, does anyone know of anyway to get it to work with the new version? 4.12.2m, please
I do have it working on my DBW version, I was just hoping to see it in SAS 5.3x
It works, It works.....thanks heaps!!!!!
QuoteS there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?Well...may be you need to wait....less than 2 weeks ;) (still a few details to deal with - Real life's burden has been heavy lately - but as soon as I get a free evening I'll finalize this pack - Archie is already waiting to make the skins :))
NS_Koty, I tried it and got CTD. Could you share your installation procedure? Thanks,
EDIT: It works as A1 only
I've downloaded the latest (2.2) 4.09 version and I can't fly this plane. The cockpit does not show up ingame. I have selected the 4.09 FM for SAS and everything loads correctly, does anyone know what can I do to fix this? Do I need to download the Dornier 217 mod?This is indicated in the end of first post!