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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Ranwers on February 08, 2012, 11:21:46 AM

Title: Dornier Do-17Z V2 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Ranwers on February 08, 2012, 11:21:46 AM

Finally... Do-17z in two versions: Do-17Z-0 and Do-17Z-2

Instal model in #UP# or #DBW#.
4.101 Diff FM is required or you'll get a 60% CTD https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12169.0.html

Download V2:   https://www.mediafire.com/?m2jft1eb62wo3p1

Add to air.ini:
Do-17Z-0         air.Do17Z_0 2                        NOINFO  g01 SUMMER
Do-17Z-2         air.Do17Z_2 2                        NOINFO  g01 SUMMER

add to plane_ru.properties
Do-17Z-0      Do-17Z-0,1938
Do-17Z-2      Do-17Z-2,1939

Skins folders:

V2 some fixes by crazyflak:
-bombsight fixed (big thank you to Gumpy for testing)
-retractable tail gear added
-Fuel tanks now catch fire more easily (thanks Birdman for spotting this difficulty)

THIS IS FOR DBW if you don't have the Do217 cockpits, it will not work

1C & Team Daidalos for original models & code
An unknown generous modeller for the original Do217 cockpit

SAS~crazyflak - classes, FM
Flames effect taken from Wolfighter & Hollygrail
Landing gear damage code from Wolfigther
RDDR - skins
Rock & Grief - template
Ranwers - rest

Thanks for help:
just champi


Edited by SAS~Epervier

For 4.09 users !
- DiffFM_409 needed !
- Do-217_409 needed ===> https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,18856.0.html

version 2.02

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 17, 2012, 06:01:25 AM
Ok, V2 is out, erase previous version before installing this one.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: coenoo1 on March 17, 2012, 06:04:18 AM
This stuff is awesome!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: cgagan on March 17, 2012, 06:34:26 AM
Many thanks, Maurice (and Ranwers, of course...)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Verhängnis on March 17, 2012, 07:20:19 AM
Thanks Rawners and Co!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Germy66 on March 17, 2012, 07:46:56 AM
Hi Epervier we need you ;D
hope we can have this beauty in 4.09 ;)

Oh ???Yes Thanks Rawners and Co! ;D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 17, 2012, 07:54:33 AM
Hi Epervier we need you ;D
hope we can have this beauty in 4.09 ;)

Yes, there's no excuse now Gabriel: the bombsight is working :P
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SAS~Poltava on March 17, 2012, 08:17:43 AM
A big THANK YOU to all involved! Now all is well again  :P
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: flying scotsman on March 17, 2012, 09:33:46 AM
Still cannot get cockpits in DBW 1-7,
Have the DBW Folder with  DO-217, & latest DO-17, &Plutonium effects v2 all in the same folder and all I get for cockpit is grass &sky.....what am I doing wrong?
Knew I was thick!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 17, 2012, 10:14:23 AM
Thanks for the great beauty of this plane....can I ask which Plutonium I should install as IIRC some version give issue with DBW?

Hope to have time to install this great new bird in my building up 410 in the next days....I really need a little IL2 hotel holiday!!!!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 17, 2012, 10:40:24 AM
Thanks for the great beauty of this plane....can I ask which Plutonium I should install as IIRC some version give issue with DBW

No plutonium needed anymore.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: saab ja26 on March 17, 2012, 10:41:22 AM
Thanks for this!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: bren on March 17, 2012, 10:59:21 AM
Can anyone make a version (possibly unflyable) for the clean v4.11?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 17, 2012, 12:36:44 PM
Thanks for the great beauty of this plane....can I ask which Plutonium I should install as IIRC some version give issue with DBW

No plutonium needed anymore.

Thanks for the reply mate!

I hope to have some available time to test it next monday evening....
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Badmuthafunker on March 17, 2012, 12:37:51 PM
Still cannot get cockpits in DBW 1-7,
Have the DBW Folder with  DO-217, & latest DO-17, &Plutonium effects v2 all in the same folder and all I get for cockpit is grass &sky.....what am I doing wrong?
Knew I was thick!


Hi scotsman,

This fix worked for me with v.1 in my 3.06 ModAct install, and it also works with v.2.

If your log contains any of the following:

ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/He-111H-2-BGun/87BGun.tga'   

WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/He-111H-2-BGun/87BGun.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Ju-88A-4/87BGun.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load '87BGun.mat'   

Go into the 3do/cockpit folder, and make a new one called He-111H-2-BGun.

Then open the Do-217K-1 folder, open 3do/cockpit/Do217K1, and copy these files: 87BGun.mat and 87BGun.tga.

Then paste them into your newly created He-111H-2-BGun folder in the Do-17 mod.

Hope this works mate.  ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Uufflakke on March 17, 2012, 01:06:28 PM
Thanks!!!  8)

By the way it is KAMPFGESCHWADER ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: RedSpade on March 17, 2012, 04:46:28 PM
You should be proud of the job you did.  This is really awesome! 
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Flamer50 on March 17, 2012, 05:05:39 PM
Thanks to Ranwers, crazyflak and Co. for V2!

Thanks for that "fix", works fine in ModAct306 8)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on March 17, 2012, 07:43:34 PM
A much needed aircraft particularly for the first half of the war in Europe, thank you Ranwers, crazyflak et al.

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: David Prosser on March 17, 2012, 11:24:13 PM
Thanks Ranwers. This one works in my DBW1.6. It didn't until I deleted a couple of mod planes I won't likely miss. I just tried it in an SCW mission, and it worked fine. I might turn that into a test mission. The crash you just heard was me dropping the two campaigns I'm currently working on. I'll likely re hash the Ba65-Vizcaya campaign, or the Storch Poland campaign to include this plane as a bomber career. Which one would people like to see?


David Prosser
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: flying scotsman on March 18, 2012, 12:36:49 AM
Re Badmuthafunker,
                              Thanks for that will have a go at it,
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: flying scotsman on March 18, 2012, 12:51:31 AM
Re no cockpits on Do17& 217, Tried badmuthafunkers fix but no change, didn't have that error. But in any case really glad to see the planes ...so I can shoot them down, Do-17 much harder than some others!
Thanks to all
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: vpmedia on March 18, 2012, 04:15:03 AM
You should be proud of the job you did.  This is really awesome! 

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 18, 2012, 06:49:37 AM
For 4.09 users !

I have good news and bad news!
You want the bad?
The cockpit of the Do-17 bomber does not work in 409! It's worse than version 1!
The cause: incompatibility between versions 409/410 of the position of Ju-88 bomber !

You want the good?
By putting the old viewfinder of Pe-2, the post bomber runs!

You have the choice!
1 - no cockpit bomber
2 - old viewfinder of Pe-2
3 - someone else takes care of converting 409!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Germy66 on March 18, 2012, 07:01:02 AM
Hi Epervier
please option 2 - old viewfinder of Pe-2
better than nothing :(
Thanks for asking and thanks for your work :-\
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: LuseKofte on March 18, 2012, 07:13:57 AM
I do not remember if I said thank you Ranwers and Crazyflak. So I say thank you Ranwers and Crazyflak
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: herbarnold99 on March 18, 2012, 09:25:26 AM
Hi Epervier,

I also say option 2 is very good. It will work for now, and if I'm flying a Hurricane or Spitfire it won't matter too much! Thanks for all that you do for the 4.09 dinosaurs... Merci Encore!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 18, 2012, 09:39:49 AM
Hi mate!

For me the best is option 2....but since I fly mainly flighter even option 1 at second place....option 3 is disqualified because contrary to public decency :) :) !!!

What about give him the full Do-217 of 409 version cockpit?

All the best!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: gianluca on March 18, 2012, 10:12:51 AM
Wise man Walter you are! I second this!
And  big big thks to Ranwers, Maurice and Gabriel!!!!

Best regards,

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 18, 2012, 10:17:59 AM
thankyou ever so much for this,I'm only slightly disapointed because I know how to fix this, I'll just slap a JU-88A4 cockpit in
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: David Prosser on March 18, 2012, 10:22:30 AM
Will you shortly re-issue your recent BoB campaign as a Dornier career? I'm seriously thinking of doing that for one of the existing Polish campaigns. I've just added an SCW single mission at M4T. Nothing terribly challenging I'm afraid.


Davids Prosser

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 18, 2012, 10:26:48 AM
according to my log and a quick search through the cockpit files shows that it wasn't compiled properly
it is missing a couple of files and thus there are a few corresponding java errors

Code: [Select]
INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/Do217k1/skin1o.tga'
WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Do217k1/skin1o.tga' of class 'TTexture2D' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Texture required
WARNING: object '3DO/Cockpit/Do217k1/Gloss1D0o.mat' of class 'TMaterial' not loaded
INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Gloss1D0o.mat'
INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Gloss1D0o.mat'

java.lang.RuntimeException: INTERNAL ERROR: Material: Can't load 'Gloss1D0o.mat'

at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.Load(Native Method)
at com.maddox.il2.engine.HierMesh.<init>(HierMesh.java:596)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Cockpit.<init>(Cockpit.java:878)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitGunner.<init>(CockpitGunner.java:255)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitDo17_TGunner.<init>(CockpitDo17_TGunner.java:215)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.createCockpits(Aircraft.java:2973)
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.load(Aircraft.java:2450)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadAir(Mission.java:1287)
at com.maddox.il2.ai.Wing.load(Wing.java:134)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.loadWings(Mission.java:1079)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission._load(Mission.java:455)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission.access$000(Mission.java:129)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Mission$BackgroundLoader.run(Mission.java:405)
at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:437)
at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
ObjState.finalize: Object of com.maddox.il2.objects.air.CockpitDo17_TGunner NOT destroyed
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 18, 2012, 11:25:17 AM
sorry, I was planning to point out the errors, multi-pit planes make my brain hurt
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 18, 2012, 12:56:44 PM
FOR 4.09 USERS !

Coming soon with the proper cockpit-Bomber !  ;)
Just a few tests to do, put everything nicely!

Juste quelques tests à faire, mettre tout proprement !
@Maurice, je t'envoie mon compte-rendu ! ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 18, 2012, 01:02:49 PM
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 18, 2012, 03:09:07 PM
For 4.09 users !

See first post for link !  ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Mick on March 18, 2012, 04:11:52 PM
... our 4.09 Guardian Angel has struck again ...!!  :) :D ;D 8) :P :-*
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SkyHigh on March 18, 2012, 09:31:37 PM
"Big thanks to Ranwers and 'Flak and everyone else who worked on this" from me too! And also thanks to Epervier for the 4.09 version-working brilliantly in my 4.11 install!  ;D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: OberstDanjeje on March 19, 2012, 12:53:56 AM
Again thanks for this nice aircraft, sorry, but the muzzle flash are in the wrong place ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 19, 2012, 12:56:50 AM
sorry, but the muzzle flash are in the wrong place ;)

sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: OberstDanjeje on March 19, 2012, 12:57:39 AM
The flash from the defensive gun ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 19, 2012, 01:12:37 AM
The flash from the defensive gun ;)
4.09... 4.10...

4.09 is possible ! The gunners are the same as the Do-217. And 409 there was this problem not solved!  :-[
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: OberstDanjeje on March 19, 2012, 01:14:13 AM
No sorry, DBW 1.71, anyway not a big issue ;)

I checked the Do217 in DBW and them are in the correct position
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 19, 2012, 01:19:28 AM
I feel less alone if the 410 have the same problem!  :-X
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 19, 2012, 01:30:57 AM
do the Dornier 217s work by default in DBW 1.71 because mine don't seem to have cockpits either
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: OberstDanjeje on March 19, 2012, 01:31:44 AM
do the Dornier 217s work by default in DBW 1.71 because mine don't seem to have cockpits either

yes, it works by default
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 19, 2012, 02:08:11 AM
my 217s don't seem to have cockpits either!
this isn't good, sounds like it's time for a new install
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: spartan18a on March 19, 2012, 03:37:46 AM
I'm a bit lost.
Where do I have to place the 3do, cod folders and the rest of the files?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 19, 2012, 07:47:02 AM
Just place the mod in the #DBW folder... don't even try to separate the contents.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: flying_spud on March 19, 2012, 11:35:18 AM
Nice job ranwers - and thanks to Epervier for the 4.09 conversion again.  8)

Now BoB is complete and the skies over Greece, Poland and France look better than ever. Glad the fuel tanks were made to burn properly as that's what i intend to do with this beauty - shame really!  :D 
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on March 19, 2012, 11:48:08 AM
This is a work of art, after the Do-17 was put on hold my heart sunk. But this is something else, well done everyone and thanks for all the hard work.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Gaston on March 19, 2012, 01:28:37 PM
Very strange issue for me... the plane works well in my 4.10 installs, but I have no cockpit in 4.09 (and I have the 217 working too...). Have I missed something ? what other mod does the 4.09 version need ?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: spartan18a on March 19, 2012, 01:31:31 PM
Just place the mod in the #DBW folder... don't even try to separate the contents.

Thanks! it worked for me  :)

Is there a BOB campaign already with this plane?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 19, 2012, 02:03:35 PM
Very strange issue for me... the plane works well in my 4.10 installs, but I have no cockpit in 4.09 (and I have the 217 working too...). Have I missed something ? what other mod does the 4.09 version need ?
Yes of course !
Puisqu'il y a un dossier Do-217 dans le dossier "cockpit" !
Since there is a folder Do-217 in the folder "cockpit"!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Gaston on March 19, 2012, 02:22:21 PM
Maybe a corrupted file... I download again, just in case !
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SAS~Poltava on March 19, 2012, 02:23:45 PM

Thanks! it worked for me  :)

Is there a BOB campaign already with this plane?

If you just want to shoot it down, there certainly is:  :P

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 19, 2012, 02:25:46 PM
Is there a BOB campaign already with this plane?

"Figther Boys" by Poltava    :)

I am just in the middle of this campaign (I had to see the Do17 in action ;) )  thank you so much, Poltava!

EDIT: lol! I see Poltava posted just ahead of me :D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Gaston on March 19, 2012, 03:07:56 PM
Bon, Epervier... j'ai téléchargé le Do-17 (4.09) et le Do-217 (4.09), que j'ai réinstallés dans mon installation C6 (en faisant attention au FM évidemment), et bang ! toujours pas de cockpit pour le 17. Pourtant, le 217 marche nickel ! je m'y perds, là...
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 19, 2012, 03:49:26 PM
Attends là !! Tu parles du cockpit "pilote" ? Pas des cockpits "gunners" ?

Si c'est le cockpit "pilote" alors c'est le pit du Ju-88A-4 modifié ! Et le pit "bombardier" c'est aussi celui du Ju-88A-4 aussi ! Voir les noms des dossiers dans le dossier "cockpit" !
Je me demande s'il y a compatibilité avec le C6 je ne sais plus ce qu'il y a comme Ju-88 !
Faudra que je vérifies ça de plus près...

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Gaston on March 19, 2012, 04:13:50 PM
Ah... je crois que tu as mis le doigt sur un truc, là... le C6 a l'ancienne mouture du Ju-88, si je ne m'abuse... possible que le problème vienne de là ?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 19, 2012, 05:11:12 PM
Ah... je crois que tu as mis le doigt sur un truc, là... le C6 a l'ancienne mouture du Ju-88, si je ne m'abuse... possible que le problème vienne de là ?
Je testerai... ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SAS~Malone on March 20, 2012, 12:04:03 AM
err...pardon moi, mon ami's....please provide english translation for us non-frenchies, guys.
soon, we will have some individual language sections under the different languages forum, and i'm sure la Francais will have it's own sub-forum.
in the meantime, please help us lesser-educated ones also understand here in the open forum.
merci. :D

and BIG THANKS - Ranwers, crazyflak and co. fantastic addition! :D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Mick on March 20, 2012, 12:58:37 AM
... Gaston has got a missing Do17 cockpit bug (that uses the JU88 cockpit), but since he has the C6 pack with a previous version of the JU88 cockpit, may be this is the clue that explains his bug ...

Epervier is going to check all this ...  ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Gaston on March 20, 2012, 04:06:00 AM
True, Mick... sorry, guys, but sometimes I can better explain in French, as English is not my language...
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SAS~Malone on March 20, 2012, 04:09:17 AM
no worries, Gaston...by all means, speak what is easier for you. ;)
as long as someone can help us with at least a rough translation, all is good.
just in case someone has a similar problem, it will help them too. :D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: WALLYGATOR on March 20, 2012, 04:14:59 AM
in dodfight ,if i choose the JU88 ... and after the DO17 the pilot cockpit windows are not transparency ...
if i stop the game and reload it it run ...  and the cockpit is correct ...
i am in DBW last version ... 1.71 ... 

sorry for my bad English.. 

Heeuu i try a second time and now it's run ....   BIZARRE ..  i suspect the JU88 A17 ......
but it's just one single idée ...   
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Germy66 on March 20, 2012, 05:59:14 AM
Works perferct in my 4.09 ;D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Benno on March 20, 2012, 07:48:58 AM
Work's perfect here (4.09m/2.1) seem's a tad under-powered. :P
PS Now were is that Finnish skin I saw.  :-[
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 20, 2012, 08:16:59 AM
seem's a tad under-powered.

As it was in real life ;)   around 950 hp per engine, so only 1900hp total. It is lighter than the Do217, though ;)

To compare, He-111P2 has 2x1000hp for a 2000 total and He-111H2 has 2x1100hp for 2200 total.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: gianluca on March 20, 2012, 10:31:09 AM
For 4.09 users !

See first post for link !  ;)

Hi Gabriel, the 409 version (in my 409UP201 install) causes a CTD after 70% loading and as I disable (//) the lines in air.ini all is once more ok: I have the Do-217 alive and working so maybe is another ac mods interfering... I wonder if I am the only one!

Best regards

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Shakaali on March 20, 2012, 10:56:35 AM
Thank you, THANK you, thank YOU!  :D

Been waiting for this a long time. Almost all Finnish planes are there now, only Fokker CX is still missing  ;)

BTW, no cockpit for me either... DBW 1.7.1 installed.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on March 20, 2012, 11:11:26 AM
This can't be possible, I used Do17 on DBW171, I am sure nothing else is required as I have barely anything else installed.

Check corrupted download.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Shakaali on March 20, 2012, 11:48:07 AM
Re-downloaded and re-installed Do-17. Still no cockpit. And no cockpit for Do-217, too  ???

I'm pretty sure 217 cockpit was there before the installation....
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 20, 2012, 11:49:48 AM
did you use the DBW 1.71 super install?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Shakaali on March 20, 2012, 11:55:19 AM
Yes. And reinstalled just a few days ago, everything else is working smoothly.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 20, 2012, 12:00:58 PM
my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Shakaali on March 20, 2012, 12:06:22 PM
That may be the reason. I'm not 100 % sure the Do-217 was working, although I think it was.

However, it's OK for me as I usually don't fly bombers.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 20, 2012, 01:10:09 PM
I beleive it is the reason, I actually made  fresh install in the hope I could get this to work yesterday, nada
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: mac1 on March 20, 2012, 03:01:20 PM
my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have

I had this exact same problem, and it can be sorted by changing your graphics to perfect settings in the conf.ini

Just to confirm, if you load the fairy swordfish in your current install is the cockpit showing up funny? maybe pink or seethrough?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crimar on March 20, 2012, 03:02:24 PM
For 4.09 users !

See first post for link !  ;)

Hi Gabriel, the 409 version (in my 409UP201 install) causes a CTD after 70% loading and as I disable (//) the lines in air.ini all is once more ok: I have the Do-217 alive and working so maybe is another ac mods interfering... I wonder if I am the only one!

Best regards


Same for me. CTD at 70%.
The Do-217 is ok.
Seems like a missing class file. What about the mods needed for a working Do-17 in 4.09 ?

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 20, 2012, 03:28:22 PM
my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have

I had this exact same problem, and it can be sorted by changing your graphics to perfect settings in the conf.ini

Just to confirm, if you load the fairy swordfish in your current install is the cockpit showing up funny? maybe pink or seethrough?
don't know, I don't fly the "stringbag"
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 20, 2012, 03:50:13 PM
For users pack C6, see : http://www.checksix-forums.com/showthread.php?t=174907
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: mac1 on March 20, 2012, 04:58:42 PM
my 217s don't work with the super pack, you will most likely have to manually install up to 1.71
I can't be bothered so I'm going to make do with what I have

I had this exact same problem, and it can be sorted by changing your graphics to perfect settings in the conf.ini

Just to confirm, if you load the fairy swordfish in your current install is the cockpit showing up funny? maybe pink or seethrough?

Well load a qmb of it and find out! :D
don't know, I don't fly the "stringbag"
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: flying scotsman on March 20, 2012, 05:23:13 PM
 ;) Re conf.ini perfect graphics.
Very interesting I looked for 'graphics' by using 'find' in the conf file in DBW but it came up as 'not found' and I could not see it as a reference, do you mean a number, like 4 which seems to be the highest settings for some values?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: gianluca on March 20, 2012, 05:32:23 PM
To Crimar: tried in another alternative mODS folder I can select in my 409UP201 install (together the 217 and only 4 other ac but no other mod requesting a change in any of the .ini) and it works.
So definitely a typical mods interference even though I have no clue about which, I have too many to check!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: BT~Tarik on March 21, 2012, 12:04:45 AM
;) Re conf.ini perfect graphics.
Very interesting I looked for 'graphics' by using 'find' in the conf file in DBW but it came up as 'not found' and I could not see it as a reference, do you mean a number, like 4 which seems to be the highest settings for some values?

You better read this (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,9756.0.html) ;) Helps a lot !
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 21, 2012, 01:26:57 AM
note to the DBW 1.71 super pack users, apparently you have to go into the configuration.ini and set hardware shaders to =1
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crimar on March 21, 2012, 05:01:04 AM
To Crimar: tried in another alternative mODS folder I can select in my 409UP201 install (together the 217 and only 4 other ac but no other mod requesting a change in any of the .ini) and it works.
So definitely a typical mods interference even though I have no clue about which, I have too many to check!


When I load my game with the original air.ini (with Do-17z and Do-217 inside), the game doesn't CTD and the planes are Ok.
So there is -as you said above Gianluca - a mod interference.
There is no class in conflict when I run classcheck.exe.
Looking forward to find a solution. I'm not in UP201, but with a custom 4.09.

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crimar on March 21, 2012, 08:16:55 AM
Ok, I have found the mods conflicting with the Do-17 in my install (custom 4.09):  B-25A, B-25A late, B-25B, B-25B Raiders.

I don't know why yet, but all works fine for the Do-17Z when I disable them in the air.ini. No more CTD at 70%.  :)

Hope this helps Gianluca and somebody else.

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: RealDarko on March 22, 2012, 02:43:47 AM
I'm getting a error saying that can't load mesh russian paratroopers or something like that. Any idea?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: OberstDanjeje on March 22, 2012, 05:05:12 AM
Maybe this could help:

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: RealDarko on March 22, 2012, 07:14:45 AM
Thanks OberstDanjeje! Works perfectly now!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: gianluca on March 22, 2012, 11:25:07 AM
Ok, I have found the mods conflicting with the Do-17 in my install (custom 4.09):  B-25A, B-25A late, B-25B, B-25B Raiders.

I don't know why yet, but all works fine for the Do-17Z when I disable them in the air.ini. No more CTD at 70%.  :)

Hope this helps Gianluca and somebody else.


Thks Crimar, in my case there are other ac responsible 'cause I have no B-25 extra but it could be one between the following: Bell47, Dh-89, Helico AI, L39, OV-1 & 10, PT Boat, Tri Motor, Spit CRP, A/B-26 the 3 variants, B24-D, Ki 30 & 51 so quite a long list eh? But as I said I have at least a good environment where to fly the Do-17 so no probs!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Gumpy on March 22, 2012, 03:14:55 PM
For users pack C6, see : http://www.checksix-forums.com/showthread.php?t=174907

I noticed that these packs included a self stationary Do-17 but, both pack seem to be for 4.09 users.Would it be possible to a include the self stationary plane for us 4.101 DBW 1.71 users somewhere?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 22, 2012, 03:45:14 PM
I'm late in updating the SSP !
The same goes for SP !
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 23, 2012, 12:33:31 PM

I have just installed this great plane into my 409 version and got it working flawkess as AI but I haven't cockpit for first person fly....LOG report:

INTERNAL ERROR: Can't open file '3DO/Cockpit/Ju-88A-4/88_Antenne.mat'

If someone can upload....or tell me where to get this file 'll be really thankful!!!

BTW this is a great plane....you can love it flying....me and you can love it escorting....you can love it shooting....but only if I don't shoot you before.... :D

All the best!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on March 23, 2012, 01:08:50 PM
- Download the version for pack C6 !
- Copy the contents of the folder cockpit\Do17Z
- Paste this contents in your folder cockpit\Ju-88A-4

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on March 23, 2012, 02:36:38 PM
Thaks mate!

Pasted the files and got the plane fully flyable!!!

Thanks to our great mods maker Ranwers and all the other guys involved to give at our community a new great pearl like this!!!

All the best and thanks again!!!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: laugust5 on April 14, 2012, 10:37:51 AM
I have IL-2 4.10.1 + UP 3.0RC4. Tried to do the DBW Mega download, but could not make it run, gave up. I probably just couldn't hang with all of the required steps.....I only offline game & have no issues playing with 3.0RC4...but I really want to add the Do-17Z, AI only is fine.

I have never added an aircraft to my game. I have read as many of these threads & guides & can't follow them.

Is there anyone who can help me with this or point me in the correct direction for a real newbie's gude to step by step adding an aircraft with details?

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: laugust5 on April 18, 2012, 07:48:53 PM
Its very sad for me that I cannot add this aircraft. Especially when I see so many new skins out for it.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: CWMV on April 18, 2012, 09:20:27 PM
Id suggest you check out the new comers section, but failing that shoot me a PM and we shall see about getting you squared away.
We were all like that at one point! :D
Title: Dornier Do-17Z v2.01
Post by: Epervier on April 22, 2012, 10:17:22 AM
Little update...


See first post for link !
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Mick on April 22, 2012, 10:19:14 AM
Little update...

... Big than you...!!  :D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: SAS~Bombsaway on April 22, 2012, 01:55:03 PM
For those who have 4.09 UP2.01 and could not get the cockpits to work I had this problem when I first downloaded the 17. I tried getting the 217 cockpit folder from the C6 version and no luck. But today I downloaded the 217 4.09 version here....


When I installed the 217 it worked perfectly so I reinstalled the 17 and now the cockpit works and I can fly the 17. I dont know if anyone else has this problem but maybe if you install the 217, the 17's cockpit will now work for you as well.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Red13 on April 22, 2012, 06:19:57 PM
Sadly, I don't have this mod as I've no time to play IL2 right now, but looking at the above pictures of the Do 17Z model in profile there is a significant error in the nacelles: specifically - in real life, the Do 17Z did not have adjustable cowling gills (the earlier models did - the M & P - but not the Z).

The Z's Bramo engines were simply close-cowled with no means of increasing or restricting airflow. This is an old error that has been perpetuated down the years ever since it first appeared in a 1960s publication (Profile 164 'Dornier Do 17 and 215'). Later publications get it right - see Kagero's tome on the Do 17Z.

If I've misinterpreted the pictures and the model does not have this error then, naturally, I apologise for my presumption. :-\  If it does, then I'm sure a man like Ranwers could correct it in 5 minutes flat.  :)

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: JG13~Wulf on May 18, 2012, 07:38:24 AM
It's possible to have a version compatible with claymore FW 190 pack ?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: CWMV on May 18, 2012, 08:04:44 AM
I run both without issue.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: JG13~Wulf on May 20, 2012, 06:38:49 AM
Ah ? can you help me because when i add a plane (DO 17, Arsenal VG33, L 39, JU 88G6, B26, KI 45, JU 52 transport, B 24 D, B 24 GR V, HS 123, TBD 1 and D4Y3) to my game with FW pack activate, the game always crash at 70 % (some said that is class) or it crash when i press fly.
I thing it's come from the diff.FM but i don't know.
I add those plane one by one in game with the pack but impossible to play, it's always the same end :( .

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Birdman on May 20, 2012, 05:10:11 PM
Ah ? can you help me because when i add a plane (DO 17, Arsenal VG33, L 39, JU 88G6, B26, KI 45, JU 52 transport, B 24 D, B 24 GR V, HS 123, TBD 1 and D4Y3) to my game with FW pack activate, the game always crash at 70 % (some said that is class) or it crash when i press fly.
I thing it's come from the diff.FM but i don't know.
I add those plane one by one in game with the pack but impossible to play, it's always the same end :( .


Looks like you're running out of permanent Java object memory there. If that is the case, then the fix is a selector update available at https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,16403.0.html
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: JG13~Wulf on May 21, 2012, 09:25:22 AM
Thanks, i'm going to try that  :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: JG13~Wulf on May 23, 2012, 11:54:17 AM
Problem solved, I was at the limit of slot for the game with the FW pack.
I delete some plane and now it's ok.
I'm going to try during this week :D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Hoon on June 03, 2012, 04:42:06 PM
Having some problems guys, I can view the aircraft in QMB, but when I load the mission it crashes at 30%.

It's the only extra aircraft I have installed, on a v4.10.1m, with UP3 RC4.

Any ideas chaps?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on June 04, 2012, 02:46:26 AM
... I can view the aircraft in QMB, but when I load the mission it crashes at 30%.
Yes !

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Hoon on June 04, 2012, 12:19:38 PM
I looked at those threads, but can't find anything about 30% crashes. I've wrangled with 60% and 70% crashes and always got to the problem, but not this.

I generated a log file but it's pretty daunting-looking, huge block of text.

(I just discovered that your Do-217 (as included in up3) doesn't work either. Correction: it only doesn't work when the Do-17 is listed. I removed the folder and the air.ini etc entries, and now 217 works.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: flying scotsman on July 01, 2012, 04:13:54 AM
 :) Thank you to all who post on this thread, lot of reading but sorted my missing Do-217 & Do-17 cockpits.
Put settings on excellent, was the answer,anything less no cockpits.
Have had to do a long winded re-install from vanilla, 4.101 to DBW1 and then the long download of each update, as there is aproblem with the superinstall, anyway did it, then no cockpits, Read through all these posts and there's the answer - Thank you everyone - I've told CirX about the superinstall prob and the mediafire site is not working at the moment - yes I did have backups that have worked before for installing other aircraft, but they let me down this time

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on July 01, 2012, 04:33:43 AM
I am sorry for all this trouble you have been with - I know the feeling I passed similar situations in the past.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on July 01, 2012, 05:08:44 AM
If it does, then I'm sure a man like Ranwers could correct it in 5 minutes flat.  :)

No need to disturb the master, it is 2 minutes java work to fix... but I first check sources (I am presume you are right, but just routine).
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: liampo on August 13, 2012, 04:30:21 AM
Gee rawners, this is a beutiful plane, the last installment to my battle of britain plane collection.  thanks alot .   
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: crazyflak on August 13, 2012, 04:51:37 AM
Btw, I am not forgetting the cowl flaps patch, but I just have a lot on the list :X
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: BravoFxTrt on August 13, 2012, 10:26:45 AM
Awesome, Many Thanks!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Henning on August 18, 2012, 07:02:26 AM
my game crashes  at 60-70% because i dont know how to work with this FM file
can somebody help me?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on August 18, 2012, 07:26:27 AM
4.09 ? 4.10 ? 4;11 ? UP2 ? UP3 ? DBW ? HSFX6 ?
He will have to learn to be more precise.
If you have a problem with 60-70% then it must also learn to edit the log file!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Henning on August 18, 2012, 08:09:39 AM

I installed UP 3.0 RC 4 and Dark Blue World 1.2.

I downloaded the Do 17 file and put it into "jsgmemods" ,was that right?
After that I added the lines in "Air.ini" and "plane_ru.properties"

What to do now?

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on August 18, 2012, 10:13:27 AM
I've never been adept to a plane in the JSGME.
Because if you change the air.ini but you do not activate the plane you will have a CTD 60%!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Henning on August 18, 2012, 10:32:33 AM
But I activated the plane in JSGME,
and it still doesnt work.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Epervier on August 19, 2012, 03:43:43 AM
If you have a problem with 60-70% then it must also learn to edit the log file!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: Henning on August 19, 2012, 08:07:26 AM
thank you very much!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: HaFu1939 on October 17, 2012, 02:32:37 PM
First of all, I want to express my thanks Ranwers, Crazyflak et al for the Do 17Z model. This aircraft is inevitable for missions from early period of the war. Unfortunately I have noticed some strange behaviour of the AI during landing with this plane. It seems that AI Do 17 cannot land. At the approach planes fly at too high level, time after time repeating the approach circle. Some damaged planes try to land beginning with steep sinking (about 40 degrees), then flare-out too high, which leads to loss of speed, loss of lift and finally to destruction of undercarriage. It is a pity, when a raid cannot be finished with a successful landing on the base. Could it be fixed? Lastly one more wish than a question: could we hope that we will have one day a Do 217E also?
HSFX Expert 6.0.16, WestFront 1940, airports Köln-Ostheim, Köln-Butzweilerhof, Essen-Mühlheim.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: HaFu1939 on October 17, 2012, 02:52:43 PM
Thanks for your explication. Anyway, your Do 17 is an excellent model of an excellent plane :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out
Post by: skyrover on February 07, 2013, 07:59:22 AM
Oh well,sorry, I have not seen the "red note" ; will wait
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: depalmer on March 29, 2013, 02:02:43 PM
Maybe he(Ranwers) could repost the old version. Use it as a target mostly anyway.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: crazyflak on March 31, 2013, 02:31:32 PM
I made the link available again until I get time for a few fixes.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: max_thehitman on March 31, 2013, 03:46:10 PM

Thank you Crazyflak !
Your a great pal 8)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: Mick on March 31, 2013, 03:57:55 PM
... I love your new black cross Max ... is it natural or siliconed ...??  :P
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: VonWaffen on April 01, 2013, 06:07:32 PM
Nice to see this plane in the game.
 The 3reich without DO17 ... it's not really the 3reich loll
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: depalmer on April 03, 2013, 12:26:33 PM
Thanks SAS~Crazyflak needed the link again after a hard drive crash.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: GUZKNIFE on July 12, 2013, 07:05:04 AM
Works 4.09 in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: El_Marta on July 15, 2013, 02:36:44 AM
Works for me, but I have no bombsight.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: Stefan SG on August 10, 2013, 05:25:50 AM
Bombing sight doesn't work in 4.12/4.12.1. Pls find fix. Put inside and overwrite.


Using fix, pls note:
1. Elevation 0 deg - No Bombing sight's frames;
2. Elevation 2 deg - Bombing sight's frames appear;
3. Elevation 71-80 deg -  Bombing sight's frames disappear.

Works 4.09 in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: dimax on August 18, 2013, 03:25:54 PM
I tested the Do-17 in DBW 1.71. AI Planes do not land.
I tested Version 4.09 and 4.101.
Has anyone the same Problem ?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Dreamk on August 18, 2013, 04:02:03 PM
The never landing bug in the Do17s and Do217s is due to errors in the polares of the FM - we discovered that when testing the Br20 (which FM is based upon the Do217 as its flying profile was similar). PM Mick, he may have a corrected FM for the Dorniers. If not, just wait a few days... ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Epervier on August 18, 2013, 05:13:08 PM
For Rebels 409 !
version 2.02

AI was taught to land

See link in first post !
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on August 21, 2013, 04:41:29 AM
Hi Gabriel!!

Thanks for the new version , I tested it in my 409 jewel and got the planes correctly landing....

....only noticed that some cockpits/JU88A4 files are missing (maybe you have deleted redundant files in your installation....) and cause the cockpit to don't show....but copy and past the previous version one solve the issue....
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Epervier on August 21, 2013, 05:27:19 AM
....only noticed that some cockpits/JU88A4 files are missing (maybe you have deleted redundant files in your installation....) and cause the cockpit to don't show....but copy and past the previous version one solve the issue....
As I mentioned in the first post:
- Do-217_409 needed !

So I doubt that this version is different from the previous ...  ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on August 21, 2013, 06:12:00 AM
....only noticed that some cockpits/JU88A4 files are missing (maybe you have deleted redundant files in your installation....) and cause the cockpit to don't show....but copy and past the previous version one solve the issue....
As I mentioned in the first post:
- Do-217_409 needed !

So I doubt that this version is different from the previous ...  ;)

Hope to don't bother but I have the 217 installed , I need to specify that:

Do-17 cockpit point to DO217K1+JU88A4+JU88A4bombardier folders while Do-217 cockpit point only to DO217K1 and the missing textures is the '88antenna'....
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: crimar on August 21, 2013, 12:51:17 PM
no cockpit for me too (and I have the Do-217).   :-[

- Download the version for pack C6 !
- Copy the contents of the folder cockpit\Do17Z
- Paste this contents in your folder cockpit\Ju-88A-4

solved with your old advice, Epervier. Same thing for Wallter, I think.   :(

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 is out...[Link temporarily unavailable]
Post by: Stefan SG on August 24, 2013, 02:04:42 PM
Pls find below link for updated Do-17Z bombing sight fix.
Now it works normally at any elevation degree.


Bombing sight doesn't work in 4.12/4.12.1. Pls find fix. Put inside and overwrite.


Using fix, pls note:
1. Elevation 0 deg - No Bombing sight's frames;
2. Elevation 2 deg - Bombing sight's frames appear;
3. Elevation 71-80 deg -  Bombing sight's frames disappear.

Works 4.09 in 4.12 SAS ModAct 5.11 :)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on August 25, 2013, 09:32:18 AM
Tested v2 and noticed a little glitch , not serious:

A grey bar appear from the bottom of the screen overlapping the main visual....the issue can be noticed when switching to Lofte view at take off....on normal flight it appear when manouver the plane....but obviously you don't manouver so much when in the bombing run....
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on September 04, 2013, 09:12:15 AM
Well after 3 weeks trying to get this working, I gave up :'( Long time ago when this bird first came on the scene I installed it and it all worked fantastic (I hadn't even noticed there was no bombsite!) But when I saw this update I thought o.k lets improve on her. Even though I run 4.11 HSFX 6.17 everytime I selected the Do-17(in QMB) it showed up in aircraft select, I could even select one of the incredable skins but when it came to loading the mission I got to loading the aircraft and id get a memory failure.  Thankfully now ive gone back to the 4.09 version (god bless whoever added that link!!!) and I have the aircraft back ;D  O.K I dont have a bombsite, but am i happy Hell Yeah....Ranwers Thanks for your wonderful work, but I think Ill Keep mins simple..Ta..Gary
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: El_Marta on September 04, 2013, 09:36:18 AM
I have most likely the same issue. Everything is fine until I start the mission. Mission loading stops at 30% (loading aircraft.)

I use SAS Modact 5.22
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on September 05, 2013, 09:43:44 AM
God knows what im using anymore as far as SAS modact is concerned, there have been so many mods ive lost track.  Mod wise I updated to HSFX 6 and created my own mods folder, and bang every thing in manually.  But I had the exact problem as you El_Marta..Thought I had a bad download (downloaded it 3 times) and it just kept crashing at the same place as yours.  Then I decided to go back to the MK1 version (which was 4.09) O.K it is the JU-88 cockpit and hasn't a bombsite, But it works!  If you continue to have problems, I would advise sticking with the MK1 version untill someone has sorted out the MK2....Happy Flying..Gary
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Stefan SG on September 28, 2013, 01:45:51 PM


Tested v2 and noticed a little glitch , not serious:

A grey bar appear from the bottom of the screen overlapping the main visual....the issue can be noticed when switching to Lofte view at take off....on normal flight it appear when manouver the plane....but obviously you don't manouver so much when in the bombing run....
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on September 28, 2013, 02:26:07 PM
Thanks Stefan for the new fix!!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Rector on October 18, 2013, 08:57:32 AM
S there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: SkyHigh on October 19, 2013, 05:40:37 AM
I don't know if this is any help to anyone here, and may already have been posted, but I was having problems with the Do. 17 not showing up in either HSFX 6 or 7. It was appearing on my plane-list, but I could go no further. I couldn't access the skins nor would the plane appear in QMB missions. I discovered a conflict with the relevant 'fix Cowling Engines and props' mods and disabled the Do 17 files within. Got my Dorniers back.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Dreamk on October 19, 2013, 10:34:46 AM
S there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?
Well...may be you need to wait....less than 2 weeks ;) (still a few details to deal with - Real life's burden has been heavy lately  - but as soon as I get a free evening I'll finalize this pack - Archie is already waiting to make the skins  :))
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/a/img69/1342/uhc6.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/a/img41/9774/ycyu.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/a/img197/3330/yjn2.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/a/img607/2682/mh16.jpg)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: SAS~Poltava on October 19, 2013, 01:49:55 PM
Oiiiiiiii! I'm wetting myself! "The Flying Pencil" - WONDERFUL!

DreamK - You Rule!!!

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on October 20, 2013, 02:45:27 AM

Dreamk....the old sweat ruler!!!!

(hope that can be understand as a good thing...meaning that for old sweat I mean the old planes like how was called veteran pilots)

Thanks for your work dear mate!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: SAS~Gerax on October 20, 2013, 04:09:37 AM
DreamK, this "Bleistift" looks fantastic !  ;)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on November 13, 2013, 03:21:27 AM
Apologize for bothering....any news about the flying pencil?

Thanks in advance for your reply!

All the very best!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: jeanba on November 13, 2013, 12:16:21 PM
Great work dreamk, as usual ...
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: ozy1 on November 26, 2013, 09:30:22 AM
Any chance of correct rear gunner instead of do 217.thanks
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 for 409 and Il-2 4.12 [4.12]
Post by: jlan5031 on November 27, 2013, 01:12:50 PM
I think I haven't understood the installation directions. Do 17 and 217 work correctly in my DBW 7.1 versions, and the Do-217 correctly as well. But I can't get the Do-17 cockpit to show. Instead I get the dread horizon picture. It works correctly as an AI.
I spent all yesterday trying all the combinations, Trying all the FM files in 06_Do-17, pasting the cockpit folders from 217 and DBW versions, reinstalling. Nothing works. The Logfile. txt shows a failure to capture the 87gun. I read in in the thread it works for some 4.12s, so I wonder what they have done that I haven't? I'm modded up to ModAct 2.2

Below is the end of my Loglist. Sorry I don't know how to put in a sub window.

   at com.maddox.rts.BackgroundTask.doRun(BackgroundTask.java:155)
   at com.maddox.il2.game.MainWin3D.loopApp(MainWin3D.java:108)
   at com.maddox.il2.game.Main.exec(Main.java:448)
   at com.maddox.il2.game.GameWin3D.main(GameWin3D.java:235)
ERROR [com.maddox.sound.SamplePool@223bf0] Cannot load sample pool: motor.M-82.start.end
ERROR file: File users/perry/Icons not found
Mission: QuickQMBPro/Berlin/BerlinBlueNone00.mis is Playing
warning: no files : music/inflight
[Nov 26, 2013 9:48:14 PM] -------------- END log session -------------

Can anyone help, or will it just not work in 4.12?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Rudik8627 on November 30, 2013, 07:33:06 AM
how to install air_Do-17Z_released V2? please help
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: ozy1 on November 30, 2013, 02:56:28 PM
I don t know if this is the right place to post but i would like to ask is there a mod witch makes possible to see the crew inside the bomber,when i am flying Do-17 for example i can t see gunners or bombardier,or when i am at the gunners position when i look around i can t see the other crew pilot etc.thanks
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: ozy1 on December 11, 2013, 12:17:43 AM
no reply anyone
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Typhoon Ib on December 14, 2013, 06:54:00 AM
... no reply is a reply.
answer must be no, then...
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: SkyHigh on December 14, 2013, 07:32:13 AM
I think I haven't understood the installation directions. Do 17 and 217 work correctly in my DBW 7.1 versions, and the Do-217 correctly as well. But I can't get the Do-17 cockpit to show. Instead I get the dread horizon picture.

You wouldn't happen to have a version of the 'engine, cowlings and props' mod installed? If so, try disabling the Do-17 folder within it.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: jlan5031 on December 14, 2013, 10:13:30 AM
Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. I tried your solution, but it didn't work. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 20, 2013, 07:17:02 AM
S there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?
Well...may be you need to wait....

A gentle bump for the flying pencil....useful to wrote explosive Xmas wishes!!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on February 15, 2014, 09:07:37 AM
Hi Dreamk!

Any news about please?

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: alexandre4442 on February 15, 2014, 09:47:33 AM


I'm really looking forward seeing that fabulous plane too.

Sorry to bother

Best regards
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: David Prosser on February 15, 2014, 06:27:02 PM
You can take that to the bank guys. (In other words, it will happen)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: enrico on February 24, 2014, 05:12:29 PM
@Jlan, I had the same problem, then I installed the SAS_AI_flyables patch and now all works fine.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: jlan5031 on February 26, 2014, 08:05:07 PM
Many thanks for your reply. Alas, that didn't help either.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: SAS~Storebror on April 05, 2014, 06:41:45 AM
I thought I would try to re-install any way

Now the AI lower their landing gear...go figure!
Glad that you got it sorted Hamm66, sometimes it's just something deep down in the dark of your game installation that got screwed during adding and removing several mods before, or just a glitch during extraction of a new mod, either case it's always a good idea to try to redo the steps that didn't work before and the result in your case speaks for itself.

Have fun with the "flying pencil".

Best regards - Mike
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Epervier on April 05, 2014, 08:27:16 AM
And now for some reason they don't lower their gear again.
Do you have a Mod Management damage to landing gear?
Do you have a Mod to change the wheels?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Mick on April 05, 2014, 09:57:41 AM
And now for some reason they don't lower their gear again.
Do you have a Mod Management damage to landing gear?

'Mod Management damage to landing gear' I don't know what that is to be honest.

Epervier means, do you have this mod ? :

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: tripletrouble on May 19, 2014, 09:05:09 AM
I cannot get the plane to appear at all not even on the QMB screen when you click the little button.  I am running 4.12.2 with Modact 5.3, I tried both versions, 4.09 and V2, but the plane just simply doesn't show up.  Any solutions?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: The Radge on May 19, 2014, 09:07:45 AM
I cannot get the plane to appear at all not even on the QMB screen when you click the little button.  I am running 4.12.2 with Modact 5.3, I tried both versions, 4.09 and V2, but the plane just simply doesn't show up.  Any solutions?

THIS IS FOR DBW if you don't have the Do217 cockpits, it will not work

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Badjohnny on May 21, 2014, 12:47:44 AM
I understand that this is for DBW, does anyone know of anyway to get it to work with the new version? 4.12.2m, please
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Ralph.B on May 21, 2014, 01:51:24 PM
I understand that this is for DBW, does anyone know of anyway to get it to work with the new version? 4.12.2m, please

Didn't get it to work either under 4.12.2m ad MODACT 5.3. But after I've installed the SAS Engine Mod v2.7 it works like a charm. You can find it in this thread:

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Badjohnny on May 21, 2014, 09:24:52 PM
I do have it working on my DBW version, I was just hoping to see it in SAS 5.3x
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Ralph.B on May 22, 2014, 12:45:09 PM
I do have it working on my DBW version, I was just hoping to see it in SAS 5.3x

Maybe I've formulated my posting a bit confusing, so have edited my post above. What I wanted to say is, that it works under MODACT5.3 as far you have installed the above mentioned engine-mod. I think it is related to the required DiffFM, which obviously isn't part of MODACT5.3. And you must have installed the flyable AI-planes. Otherwise the plane loads without 60%-CTD, but you'll end up somewhere under the ground with a weird cameraview and can't do anything.     
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Badjohnny on May 25, 2014, 11:39:37 PM
It works, It works.....thanks heaps!!!!!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: max_thehitman on May 26, 2014, 01:10:34 AM
It works, It works.....thanks heaps!!!!!

AH! Great! Another happy pilot to join the squadron of the IL2+mods!  ;D
Happy flying!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 24, 2014, 01:52:48 PM
S there a chance the old Dornier - blaitshtift Do-17 E. F or M?
Well...may be you need to wait....less than 2 weeks ;) (still a few details to deal with - Real life's burden has been heavy lately  - but as soon as I get a free evening I'll finalize this pack - Archie is already waiting to make the skins  :))


My one year bumb for the Do-17 in his early versions....

My fingers are still crossed?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: archie1971 on December 24, 2014, 04:37:37 PM
boys must still wait left my comp and use the backup and I hope that we will be able to save data to Sturm
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Dreamk on December 24, 2014, 11:42:16 PM
the plane is flying - I am just stuck with the new vector bombsight (I made the various versions of the GV219 vector bombsight for the Do17 F, M and P, besides the BZG-2 of the Do17E) - it's the consequence of the drastic reduction in 6D0 head movements that DT has introduced through the DT.dll - but I think I found the solution to get around this shoal - a crazy one but it will probably do the trick. If it doesn't, I'll release the plane with the BZG-2 bombsight for all versions. So...still a little more time to wait:))
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: SAS~Poltava on December 25, 2014, 01:29:01 AM
Great news! This is one of the few gaps left in this game.  We are all waiting, patiently, and wish you all the luck (and spare time) that you need!

Keep up your amazing work! :-)
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on December 25, 2014, 02:23:51 AM
Thanks Dreamk!

As Poltava wrote take all the time you'll need to finish this great project!

Have an Happy Xmas!

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: vpmedia on December 25, 2014, 03:39:36 AM
Thanks Dreamk, excellent news!
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on February 24, 2015, 03:48:42 AM
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Ralph.B on February 25, 2015, 11:06:43 AM
Like said one page earlier got it to work under 4.12.2m, MODACT 5.3 and the SAS Engine Mod 2.7. Apart from the known bugs it works fine exept one problem, that I noticed after flying around with this bird a bit more. The engines tend to overheat within less than a minute with more than 83% throttle, even when the radiators are open.
To be eager, I have no idea if the real plane was such sensible. Call me a fool if it was for real. Otherwise where's the problem? Incompatility with the Engine Mod (without it got an CDT after loading 60%)?
What confuses me too is the fact, that I found two FM files in the Do-17 folder. One in the main folder (which is present in other planes as well, that have a own flight model), annother one in the cod subfolder. What does this second FM? When I delete it, the plane still loads and the overheating seems to be in a range, that seems more realisic from my point of view. Do I miss something else now?
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Koty on June 11, 2015, 06:38:32 AM
Working in 4.13
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: cgagan on June 11, 2015, 10:05:52 AM
NS_Koty, I tried it and got CTD. Could you share your installation procedure? Thanks,
EDIT: It works as A1 only
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: Koty on June 11, 2015, 12:06:48 PM
NS_Koty, I tried it and got CTD. Could you share your installation procedure? Thanks,
EDIT: It works as A1 only

Heh, I didn't mention that one? ...Sorry then. Yeah, works only as AI.
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Loht773 on June 14, 2015, 04:59:29 PM
I've downloaded the latest (2.2) 4.09 version and I can't fly this plane. The cockpit does not show up ingame. I have selected the 4.09 FM for SAS and everything loads correctly, does anyone know what can I do to fix this? Do I need to download the Dornier 217 mod?

Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2
Post by: Epervier on June 14, 2015, 05:57:00 PM
I've downloaded the latest (2.2) 4.09 version and I can't fly this plane. The cockpit does not show up ingame. I have selected the 4.09 FM for SAS and everything loads correctly, does anyone know what can I do to fix this? Do I need to download the Dornier 217 mod?
This is indicated in the end of first post!
Do-217 needed !
Title: Re: Dornier Do-17Z V2 [4.09] [4.10] [4.11] [4.12]
Post by: ROMULO on February 21, 2017, 12:30:43 PM
Hello  :) thank you, Working 4.13.2 SAS Modatc 6.2.
Always considered this model one of the most attractive ww-2 :P :P
Thank you very much again