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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: SAS~CirX on November 22, 2009, 06:33:25 PM
Maraz gave me the goahead to post this day version here. S! to Maraz and thanx a lot man! :)
This is the daylight version of the Ju88C.
Changes in v2:
Reticle Chnages
POV Chnaged to fit Reticle
AI Behaviour changed to suit Fighterversion
Download the Daywalker v2!!! (https://storebror.it.cx/sas/archive/sasdl/planes/Ju88C6_Daywalker_v2.7z)
Ju88 C-6 Dayfighter
by Maraz
Ju-88C-6 air.JU_88C6 2 g01 SUMMER
Ju-88C-6 Ju-88C-6, 1942
# Ju-88C-6
Ju-88C-6.default Default
Ju-88C-6.10xSC50 10xSC 50
Ju-88C-6.20xSC50 20xSC 50
Ju-88C-6.none Empty
Skinfoldername: Ju-88C-6
Thank You CirX and Maraz. Nice addition, cool Plane.
Nice Sunday night surprise.Thanks guys.
Not sure if this is something y'all can address, but this aircraft does not seem to be using the appropiate type of AI for a heavy fighter. They fly straight and level in formation like a level bomber when you attack them, and they behave very oddly when ordered to attack air or ground targets by the player (the AI seems to become very confused).
Also noticed that the rear gun continues to return fire after the rear gunner is killed and the position is no longer manable by the player. (Phantom crew member or phantom gun?)
Hurray!!! ;D Thank you guys for this amazing gift!!!!!
Great addition! Many thanks for your latest present, 8)
Wow amazing news there m8 :) Thank you wery mutch SAS~CirX ;)
Thanks CirX and Maraz
Many thanks to everybody involved! I was waiting for that one!
Thank You Guys !!!
Thank you Thank you Thank you.
This just made my day!
Thanx all.
Ranwers, will you do your square tail 88 also! And post them :)
Not sure if this is something y'all can address, but this aircraft does not seem to be using the appropiate type of AI for a heavy fighter. They fly straight and level in formation like a level bomber when you attack them, and they behave very oddly when ordered to attack air or ground targets by the player (the AI seems to become very confused).
Also noticed that the rear gun continues to return fire after the rear gunner is killed and the position is no longer manable by the player. (Phantom crew member or phantom gun?)
The bomber behaviour I can fix on an update. The other litte bugs are perhaps more the sorts of things one expects from a new mod like this, and I am sure the author will sort them out as he develops it.
I confirm the bomber behaviour. Can they be treated with a Bf110 G4 sort of stimulant? ;D 8) 8)
Thanx all.
Ranwers, will you do your square tail 88 also! And post them :)
Ok - but please look deep in hier of Ju-88C ;)
Ok - but please look deep in hier of Ju-88C
no, I had to take the antennas completely out of this one, cause I could not get an aswer yet from Maraz, and Charlie said they were taken out for HSFX cause the plane may go for official patch. SO, to be safe, I took the mswh out and the hier entry.
no, I had to take the antennas completely out of this one, cause I could not get an aswer yet from Maraz, and Charlie said they were taken out for HSFX cause the plane may go for official patch. SO, to be safe, I took the mswh out and the hier entry.
Ups - sorry - I took Ju-88C and hier from UI1.8...
THANK YOU! :) 8)
an excellent mod! the only problem i'm having is the engine noise is so low. How do I fix that? No other plane suffers from this
These two aircraft have been on a list of wanted rides for a while... a big Thank's to all that have made these bird's possible. (http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/images/smilies/bowdown.gif)
try to do what version of R-2? It is the same plane as the C-6 but with the engines and bodywork as the Fw190A, and slightly higher speed.
Been waiting so long for this- thank you very much!!
Beautiful job,cant wait for the nactjagd version now!Anyone have an ETA on this or a G version?
While Im using this via 1.8, I just gotta say that I loooooove it. 2-3 second full MG/Cannon burst on an A-20G turned it into a metal seive hehe ;D
Please read this, maybe it helps you:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,609.msg6349.html#msg6349 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,609.msg6349.html#msg6349)
Yes, sorry. I forgot J-1 engine in JUMO211.emd.
THANKS it's OK now !!! Very good plane !!
A great addition, Ju88C was a big missing in IL2. THANKS TO MARAZ and SAS~CirX !!!
Just saw this for the first time this morning. ;) ;) ;)
Can you check the FM re the flaps? The a/c appears to suffer from pronounced "B17-itis". Even combat flaps force the nose up so dramatically that it's impossible to lose altitude in a normal controlled way. Add to that, the a/c is nose heavy because of the guns and it makes it crazy to try and land. You go from fighting to keep her nose up with no flaps, to suddenly sailing off into the stratosphere as soon as you engage flaps.
Thanks for all the hard work and a great plane!
The gunsight in mine is off-center and squished. Anyone else have this problem?
Can you check the FM re the flaps? The a/c appears to suffer from pronounced "B17-itis". Even combat flaps force the nose up so dramatically that it's impossible to lose altitude in a normal controlled way. Add to that, the a/c is nose heavy because of the guns and it makes it crazy to try and land. You go from fighting to keep her nose up with no flaps, to suddenly sailing off into the stratosphere as soon as you engage flaps.
Thanks for all the hard work and a great plane!
You are right:
The Ju88C (I love this plane!) has a strange flight-behavior: To fly straight you have to trim the elevator down a lot.
Even for taking off you have to trim down a little :-(
any eta on when we'll get some antenna's on it?
I dont know. We did not post the nightfighter because it seems it is being developed for an official add on. I have not heard back from Maraz yet about it.
If some modder goes and puts antennas from...say, the 110 mod on this, that is not in my control. But I cannot myself post this mod with it's own antennas yet.
Sad, but, there it is.
Hi to All!
Could anybody make some skins for this Junkers? ::)
Allright Boys,I know some of you out there know how to do it-who here wants to make a JU88 antenna mod-
you've got the green light from the Man himself!Who the heck knows when some official add-on will arrive?
Allright Boys,I know some of you out there know how to do it-who here wants to make a JU88 antenna mod-
you've got the green light from the Man himself!Who the heck knows when some official add-on will arrive?
... in two weeks... ;D ;D ;D :'(
Hi to All!
Could anybody make some skins for this Junkers? ::)
Yes, I'd also like to have some;)
Guys, this does look awesome.
I tried to install it, but I now get a 60% crash.
I downloaded the latest SAS buttons, but still...60%! :(
Any ideas?
Did you go through step by step, the 60% troubleshooter?
Another issue: does not seem to work with bomb bay door mod.
I see. Could that be causing the crash?
I don't think so. Bomb bay doors simply won't open. Can't drop bombs.
Did you go through step by step, the 60% troubleshooter?
Well, I've done the AAA one in the past, and the general idea is that the wrong buttons file causes crashes.
mmm, try ours.
Is the problem that the buttons file I downloaded does not contain the Flight data for the Ju88?
wow, thank you so much for this fantastic add on ! been waiting for a JU-88 fighter.
one thing i have noticed is that its too slow in level flight for the C-6 varient. the fastest i can get out of it is around 355kph, i looked up the top speed for the JU-88C6 and its:
Maximum level speed 303 mph (488 kph)
is it possible to make it faster ?
many thanks for this great plane !
one thing i have noticed is that its too slow in level flight for the C-6 varient. the fastest i can get out of it is around 355kph, i looked up the top speed for the JU-88C6 and its:
Maximum level speed 303 mph (488 kph)
I think your 355km/h are IAS and not TAS
Remember in the speedbar and in the instrument you read the IAS (indicated air speed) and not the TAS (true air speed)
wow, thank you so much for this fantastic add on ! been waiting for a JU-88 fighter.
one thing i have noticed is that its too slow in level flight for the C-6 varient. the fastest i can get out of it is around 355kph, i looked up the top speed for the JU-88C6 and its:
Maximum level speed 303 mph (488 kph)
is it possible to make it faster ?
many thanks for this great plane !
It's also cockpit armour is too week for the heavy fighter, imho...
Yes, speed increase is necessary, and skins also :)
Thats right: unfortuenatly as Dayfighter the speed of this plane is inhistorical low !
But I know that You guys are always looking for historical FM`s. So I`m sure one fine day somebody will ameliorate this ;)
Guys, look at Il2 Compare. You can see that the best performance Ju-88A-4 has at 5800m.
Ju-88C-6 has same engins and Vmax=480 km/h at 5800m - not so far from real life.
So, it looks like we need to delete the gondola (as many crews did in real life)
And two MG-FF? :)
The more variants the better: with gondola, without gondola, with antennas, with Schraege Musik...... ::)
Guys, look at Il2 Compare. You can see that the best performance Ju-88A-4 has at 5800m.
Ju-88C-6 has same engins and Vmax=480 km/h at 5800m - not so far from real life.
but this model will only get to that speed if you full dive at full throttle. level flight the max i can reach is 355 kph approx. the C-6 Can reach 303 mph (488 kph) bare in mind the C-6 Did have the same engines as the A-4 but she had modifications which helped it lose some weight. ones i can think of;
3 crew members instead of 4,
1 less machine gun
Removal of Gondola (Unofficial optional Modification lower Weight )
Removal of Air Brakes
Removal of Bomb racks (Optional)
and also Removal of some Cockpit Equipment not needed (correct me if im wrong)
so these weight cuts must of made it faster..
As I know C-6 was about 500 kg lighter than A-4 and the max level flight speed was abt. 490 km/h. With antennas (nightfighter) it was abt. 450 km/h.
The maximum that I could reach at the game was 435 km/h (real speed) at abt. 6000 m. So we have abt. 50 km/h lesser than it should be.
Hi mate!
Some time is past so I ask if there are any news about give a more fighter bomber issue at plane behavior?
It still have too much trouble with ground target!!
r4xm, you need a screenshot to belive in 480 km/h on 5850m? :)
The speed could depend on the map, try Smolensk, true air speed 488 km/h at 5900/6000 m
r4xm, you need a screenshot to belive in 480 km/h on 5850m? :)
I've tried on the Moscow winter map. She had 50% fuel oil, and I've used the automat for horizontal flight. In this conditions the maximum speed was 435 km/h (true air speed).
whats going on with the antenna's for this?
And two MG-FF? :)
I believe it was only one ;)
Winter map mean slow speed
I believe it was only one ;)
She had: 3- MG-FF (20-mm) - two in gondola and one in the nose, 3 - MG-17, 1- rear MG-131. ;)
Winter map mean slow speed
Why? ::)
whats going on with the antenna's for this?
Yes, It would be interesting to know any news about it...
Why? ::)
Cold air means dense air. Imagine the difference between an airplane flying through normal air and a plane flying through jello. Which one will fly faster? :)
Cold air means dense air. Imagine the difference between an airplane flying through normal air and a plane flying through jello. Which one will fly faster? :)
Hmm.... It's an interesting question! I'm not a sceintist, but I'll check the temperature at the same altitudes on winter and summer maps.... :P
But, any case, if the game models such things as air density dependent on temperature - it's a great game! ;D
Hi mate!
Some time is past so I ask if there are any news about give a more fighter bomber issue at plane behavior?
It still have too much trouble with ground target!!
Sorry walter, we are not working on this mod all the time. When we come to update it, we will look at the whole thread and note all the reports. Each need only be noted once.
Thanks mate!
I'll look forward to the next update!!!
Hmm.... It's an interesting question! I'm not a sceintist, but I'll check the temperature at the same altitudes on winter and summer maps.... :P
But, any case, if the game models such things as air density dependent on temperature - it's a great game! ;D
Yes, it's true!!!
The game engine is quite complex.
Sorry walter, we are not working on this mod all the time. When we come to update it, we will look at the whole thread and note all the reports. Each need only be noted once.
Thanks for the answer good buddy. I will be looking forward to
seeing this aircraft with some antennas one day.
But, any case, if the game models such things as air density dependent on temperature - it's a great game! ;D
It does...and much more ;)
May I ask wich version are planed, was searching the net for other variants and there are some very nice versions out, wich aren`t even covered in other
http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2005/06/stuff_eng_benshahar_ju88.htm (http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2005/06/stuff_eng_benshahar_ju88.htm)
Hi All!
Here is other Fw-190 nachtjager, Ju-88 and He 219 variant (yes-yes CFS 3 models =( )
http://www.regshanger.com/Regs%20hanger%20main/CFS3%20Aircaft/Ju88/Ju88.htm (http://www.regshanger.com/Regs%20hanger%20main/CFS3%20Aircaft/Ju88/Ju88.htm)
http://www.regshanger.com/Regs%20hanger%20main/CFS3%20Aircaft/He219/He219.htm (http://www.regshanger.com/Regs%20hanger%20main/CFS3%20Aircaft/He219/He219.htm)
http://www.regshanger.com/Regs%20hanger%20main/CFS3%20Aircaft/Fw190/Wildsau.html (http://www.regshanger.com/Regs%20hanger%20main/CFS3%20Aircaft/Fw190/Wildsau.html)
To the question about planes slower in winter than summer. Well, fighter pilots at work enjoy the cold winter as their jets get more thrust in colder air thus better perfromance with less throttle. At summer takeoff runs are longer due warm air. For a charged piston engine, compare to a car with turbo and intercooler, the colder the air coming in the better thus more HP ;) If taking the logic that because air is thinner at summer then the planes should climb worse during summertime, less air to keep the plane up ;) So I beg to differ that planes are slower or worse during winter. Take in account also that during winter the cooling system is under less strain thus radiators keep themselves more closed = less drag leads to more speed ;) So IMO if IL2 engine makes planes slower during winter it is a clear bug, not "fidelity" of it.
Back to topic, nice plane to be used on later war maps as strafer :)
To the question about planes slower in winter than summer. Well, fighter pilots at work enjoy the cold winter as their jets get more thrust in colder air thus better perfromance with less throttle. At summer takeoff runs are longer due warm air. For a charged piston engine, compare to a car with turbo and intercooler, the colder the air coming in the better thus more HP ;) If taking the logic that because air is thinner at summer then the planes should climb worse during summertime, less air to keep the plane up ;) So I beg to differ that planes are slower or worse during winter. Take in account also that during winter the cooling system is under less strain thus radiators keep themselves more closed = less drag leads to more speed ;) So IMO if IL2 engine makes planes slower during winter it is a clear bug, not "fidelity" of it.
Back to topic, nice plane to be used on later war maps as strafer :)
+1 8)
"We did not post the nightfighter because it seems it is being developed for an official add on. I have not heard back from Maraz yet about it."
Does anyone know Maraz?
Perhaps someone can convince him to release a small patch to put some antenna's on the 88.
From earlier posts both here and at AAA,the JU88 has been flying around,with proper radar antenna and proper forward firing weapons,for years
on some developer's PC.......it's just that someone somewhere somehow knows that the community wont be happy unless its part of a "pack",released
with vitally important planes from Major Powers such as a 50's era crop-dusting plane from Sweden and a Towed Glider used extensively in Rwanda in the 1920's.
These Heavy Hitters and all the action they promise will of course require Cirx to spend yet another few hours getting it to work right for the guy like me
who prefers to put new stuff in my game the old fashioned way,without some "pack" that screws up everything else.
Anybody who knows Maraz,Please,just a small patch for antennas right now......
Daywalker into Nightwalker...
If someone would like to put this aircraft into a separate slot for me, (as I still cant do that bit) the addition of the FUG 0 or FUFG 200 antennas is not difficult (see posts for ME 410 and Go229B), given slightly longer I could even create some specialized ones, and it could be done quite quickly.. 8)
I once posted a MOD on AAA with them on the original Glass fronted Ju 88, and got a ear-bashing from a purist for putting them on the wrong variant... so deleted it and lost the original work after one of my frequent IL2 disasters (before I knew how the MODS file structures work) :-[ one of the reasons I am on this site now ;)
I am very sensitive the work of other community members though, it is all about respect. I will not step on others projects but if this is not progressing and others want a "temporary" solution which I will be happy to delete when the "Official" one is finally released, Talk to me. ;D
If this offends anyone .... tell me and I will delete it.
ps I side with Weaselwagon regarding the "Old Fashioned" way as I like to know where things are going...
Daywalker into Nightwalker...
If someone would like to put this aircraft into a separate slot for me, (as I still cant do that bit) the addition of the FUG 0 or FUFG 200 antennas is not difficult (see posts for ME 410 and Go229B), given slightly longer I could even create some specialized ones, and it could be done quite quickly.. 8)
I once posted a MOD on AAA with them on the original Glass fronted Ju 88, and got a ear-bashing from a purist for putting them on the wrong variant... so deleted it and lost the original work after one of my frequent IL2 disasters (before I knew how the MODS file structures work) :-[ one of the reasons I am on this site now ;)
I am very sensitive the work of other community members though, it is all about respect. I will not step on others projects but if this is not progressing and others want a "temporary" solution which I will be happy to delete when the "Official" one is finally released, Talk to me. ;D
If this offends anyone .... tell me and I will delete it.
Cirx cant do this because he,being the head honcho here,is held to a higher level of responsibility.
He cant go and crack this himself and then post it here.But if someone else here were to do it,
it would be a mod-noone has officially stated "we are releasing a JU88C Nightfighter on Feb 20 2010".
As a matter of fact Cirx has stated in this thread that if someone else were to do it there would be no problem.
Look at it this way.If you think it would be impolite to jump in and preempt someone else's work with an
earlier release,isnt it the needs of the many that outweigh the needs of the few?
Does not the community need for this important addition outweigh the bragging rights that the first one to release this would have?
To look at it this way,one would actually conclude that guys developing something who discourage other simultaneous development of
a similar project are actually harming the community by hindering faster developement that could be potentially higher quality than their own.
This is actually monopolizing development,not helping it....
Glynn, as you know, in HSFX, the antennaes of the 88 nighfighter are included, they are just invoisible in the hier. I did ask about this, and it seemed that the creator prefered this to remain so because the nightfighter was slated for TD, or some such.
I totally respect that, and so, when we cut it out for here, the antennaes were removed completely.
But, you know, there were many variant of Ju88 nightfighter, and, were I to do 3d, what I would do would be to remove the lower gondola and flatten the lower end, so we can put a 4 canon gunpod in there, make the tail square and put other antenaes on it, like from the 110G4, and start doing the whole G series from there on....
That would be a lot better,and , step on far fewer toes.
http://www.hyperscale.com/2008/features/ju88g648cw_1.htm (http://www.hyperscale.com/2008/features/ju88g648cw_1.htm)
"But, you know, there were many variant of Ju88 nightfighter, and, were I to do 3d, what I would do would be to remove the lower gondola and flatten the lower end, so we can put a 4 canon gunpod in there, make the tail square and put other antenaes on it, like from the 110G4, and start doing the whole G series from there on...."
Hmm... oh wise one .. food for thought I think... we are truely not worthy ;)
Ranwers posted a notice of intent on a JU88G over at AAA on October 28 2008.
There still is no JU88G.
Seeing how much work 3D modeling can be,perhaps it would'nt be such a bad idea to
petition/ask/beg/demand a small patch to put the damned antennas on.
Some potential reasons to state could be phrased politely as:
1. "You know there wouldnt have been a difference if we left the antennas on,anyway-if wouldnt have made the slightest change in your pack"
2."Other guys have expressed desire to work on it and release it-you're holding them up"
3."whats taking you so long to release your pack,anyway?"
Give me some contact info,I'll take the heat.
I remember on AAA there was a mod with antennas to add them to BF110G2 (so to say as an option). May be it's possible to do the same with the JU88C6 mod? Just to add antennas to the plane as an option for those who wants them?... :-[
Has the AI behaviour of the JU88C6 be updated or does it still behave like a bomber?
Still behaves as a bomber, as far as I know. I think bomb bay doors and rear gunners are also still messed up.
"We did not post the nightfighter because it seems it is being developed for an official add on. I have not heard back from Maraz yet about it."
Does anyone know Maraz?
Perhaps someone can convince him to release a small patch to put some antenna's on the 88.
From earlier posts both here and at AAA,the JU88 has been flying around,with proper radar antenna and proper forward firing weapons,for years
on some developer's PC.......it's just that someone somewhere somehow knows that the community wont be happy unless its part of a "pack",released
with vitally important planes from Major Powers such as a 50's era crop-dusting plane from Sweden and a Towed Glider used extensively in Rwanda in the 1920's.
These Heavy Hitters and all the action they promise will of course require Cirx to spend yet another few hours getting it to work right for the guy like me
who prefers to put new stuff in my game the old fashioned way,without some "pack" that screws up everything else.
Anybody who knows Maraz,Please,just a small patch for antennas right now......
Maraz is in TD and released that C-6 since it was some old franken/hybrid plane that was made long time ago. Nose shape is incorrect, guns are misplaced and canopy is wrong for C-6a/b. Real C-6 would also have guns aligned 5 dec down for easy ground strafing.
I personally don't care if someone attaches antennas, telephone poles or satellite dish to this plane. It doesn't make it any more nightfighter then it is without antenna, but it might make better screenshots. Since there is no real night in game, the self deception works currently. Now you can see runway and all ground shapes from 50km away. When Peter Spoden bailed out and got stuck in tree, he couldn't see the ground from few meters. I'd love to see what happens when the nights get really dark.
No ground radars, ground controlled interception & airborne radar -> no finding enemy planes except with amazing luck.
No blind landing equipment -> no landing alive
No radio navigation & beacons -> no navigation at all. Dead reckoning is pretty damn hard if you cannot see anything.
(the all knowing GPS map is not an option)
I'm feeling that most of the IL-2 virtual pilots don't have a clue how the night fighting really happened. My knowledge had huge gaps about year ago, but now they have got smaller ever since TD "hired" a real night fighting expert.
I must agree with you, i also have a great interest in this part of the war, and the lack of any electronic aids for navigation, bombing, ECM, Interception and landing, makes this an impossible area at the moment to simulate.
I do however appreciate the great efforts some of the modders are going to to give us something at least, even visual mods like the radar antennae help a bit when the alternative is nothing.
With the upcoming release of the 4.10 patch we should be able to at least get some navigation and blind landing aids, and hopefully in the future a working Airbourne Intercept Radar, (are you still connected with this development?).
For anyone wanting any further info the site below is quite good as an introduction to the Radar War, with sections on navigation and some bombing aids, also Martin Middlebrook has a series of books on Bomber Command and certain raids in WW2, which i find to be excellent at giving a "feel" for what the brave crews on both sides had to endure everynight.
http://www.vectorsite.net/ttwiz.html (http://www.vectorsite.net/ttwiz.html)
I personally don't care if someone attaches antennas, telephone poles or satellite dish to this plane.
OK, we will get right on it. I will quite like a Ju88 with a satelite dish.
How about a Kitchen Sink??
he said "attach", not "throw at". I think, if we are going to throw things, it should be tomatos, or 37mm shells, or a batchelor's party. :P
I'd love to see what happens when the nights get really dark.
Like this?
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3554.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3554.0.html)
Try using it with Zuti's MDS, using nightfighters as scouts. Then the "all knowing" GPS map becomes a limited range "radar" - not perfect, but as close as this sim has come so far. (Yes, I know about TD's plans for radar, can't wait :) )
You remember this one?
Why not this antennas?
oh my god! Well, at least he is properly wearing gloves.
I realy like the idea there of attaching lights to the ends of the antenaes. Obviously 1943 lightbulbs might be too big, so it would not be histerically accurate unless we use LCDs.
Fiber Optics Maybe?
Like this?
Yes that look nice and dark ;)
Great source for German night fighter references:
http://www.gyges.dk/index.htm (http://www.gyges.dk/index.htm)
Is their a way to reduce the yellow flash in cockpit when firing ??? :(
Hi all,
I have just downloaded the latest He-219 mod by Ranwers, a picture posted on that topic by SAS~BravoFxTrt, im sure shows a JU-88 with radar antenae, is there one available somewhere?
Hi all,
I have just downloaded the latest He-219 mod by Ranwers, a picture posted on that topic by SAS~BravoFxTrt, im sure shows a JU-88 with radar antenae, is there one available somewhere?
Nice bump for my question
Is their a way to reduce the yellow flash in cockpit when firing ??? :(
to do that requires editing every gunclass seperately. good news is, I did this with the SAS gunmod( SAS complete soundmmod in SFS thread) and this is also been taken up in HSFX and UP.
ive updated it to the new version. but has the Speed been updated.
its still too slow for the C6.
I have tested the sas weapons mod, it really get rid of the yellow flashes
but it seem not to work togehter with jossis original mod :(
I have tested the sas weapons mod, it really get rid of the yellow flashes
but it seem not to work togehter with jossis original mod :(
That's because Josse's mod also edits weapon classes. You could ask him to do a version of his mod with reduced flash glare.
I have tried twice in the past to contact him, to make him maybe willing to edit or update his mod, but never get an answer :-[
I believe that he is rid of guys asking for this mod, exspecially in the pre-SAS time, where this mod was some kind of "bad thing" for onliners and other modders.
the SAS/HSFX/UP gunclasses are all based from Josse's mod.
Maybe here is a problem in translation, that I dont really understand what you want to telling me, or my testing was wrong
I have a quickfight against 4 zeros today, testing it with the SAS Mod, none of the was set in flames by the 50s
So i thouhgt your mod somewere overwrite the belting in jossys mod back to the shredding stock 50s
But maybe me little testing was just not enough, or I dind really hit the tanks
So I wish to know is, use the SAS Mod the same belting as Jossis mod for the 50s and other weapons ?
Thanks for the answer & greetings
Oh, I understand now. I am not sure it is exactly the same. There are several versions of Josse's gunmod. If you can upload the one you have (I only need the classfiles) I can compare it for you and let you know.
It seems to be still a little bit slow as for the fighter...
when is this plane going to get updated ?
its still way too slow for the C-6 (fastest i can get her to go is 375km with 25% fuel, real life she could do 500+) And has a few bugs too. with the Gear bay doors (some reason they are closed when on the ground)
any chance of another update soon ?
I am sure that new fm and 3d will come from the author eventually, perhaps with the next HSFX release. In the meantime I can look around for an updated FM. I will email CharlieChap and see if he has one.
With the 4.10 patch DT will update the Ju88A-4 (better 3D and mapping), maybe an update for the Ju88C will come later from Maraz
Maybe we can get some "non yellow flash" mod without the weapon changes
that would be great
but it seems the weapon mod of this side is gone
Great plane. Thank you. However, if you install it manifested ??????????? bug ... in the cockpit back arrow on the standard Ju88F4 appeared strange texture similar to a visor. Bug related to the fact that the cockpits for the A6 and A4 have the same name. Maybe they should be divided?
Sweet mod! About time we had a Ju88 fighter in game!
Only two questions:
1. I thought the day-fighters retained the guns in the rear of the gondola, will we see these added at any point?
2. Any chance we can get a version that still has the copilot's seat MG installed for attack/Jabo style missions?
This is as great as the nightfighter version. Yet another success in your hands. ;)
I have built a campaign for this aircraft! :)
More details here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,24124.0.html