Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Docholiday on February 18, 2012, 02:33:30 PM
Hallo @ all Costal Command addicts (like me 8))
During the action in Norway, the Strike Wings needed more Fuel for longer flights over Norway. Since the RP`s were the best weapons for the anti shipping action they developped a new type of Rocket-Rail for these planes too. This combination gave them the long range AND the rockets.
(https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img85/407/mos11.jpg) (https://www.sas1946.rocks/images/imageshit/img42/3682/sanstitre13rr.jpg)
I found this in the Book: Banff Strike Wing at war, by Les Taylor, Halsgrove
With great help of Epervier (Classfiles) I made this addition to the loadout of Ranwers CC-Mosquito for DBW 1.7.
You will have the "old" loadout with the "old" Rocket-Rails too.
1] remouved the (ugly) bomb racks from the wings. CC never used these things (only the Intruder Mossies used the wing racks)
2] added new Rocket racks
3] remouved flamehiders and implemented exhaust-tubes
3] added Wing-tanks (from the SAS Tse-Tse-Mossie)
4] Anto`s Rockets included in DBW1.7
5] changed default skin
6] collection of skins (some altered by me to fit changed exhaust)
Version 1.1 for DBW 1.7 (or later) only ! ! ! ! ! !
https://www.mediafire.com/?l0xraan0pm5arbr (https://www.mediafire.com/?l0xraan0pm5arbr)
Version 1.1 for DBW 1.6 or UP3 (You have to remouve Anto`s RP-Update from Your #DBW or #UP-folder before !!)
https://www.mediafire.com/?5ijx6tm25ce320p (https://www.mediafire.com/?5ijx6tm25ce320p)
Alternative FM made by Sputnikshock: Combines aerodynamics of SAS BXVI, original Engine of FBVI and adjusted (historical) weight.
It is only tested in DBW1.71.
https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?vvqw7u21i3a9rr8 (https://www.mediafire.com/download.php?vvqw7u21i3a9rr8)
Just drop it in Your main game folder and let overwrite (Backup before ;))
Just drop the Mosquito_CC - folder it in Your #DBW / #UP -folder
drop the PaintSchemes-folder in Your main game root
Enjoy it Your CC and Mossie - nuts out there ;)
Version 1.1 for 4.09
Alternative FM made by Sputnikshock for 4.09
Version 1.1 für 4.12.1 with SAS MODACT 5.2 https://www.mediafire.com/download/w3y6e56l25v4w69/DOCs_Mossiecc4.12.7z
Let me be the first to thank you for your work. Always so happy when you release them :)
But should we not put it on twins section
Let me be the first to thank you for your work. Always so happy when you release them :)
But should we not put it on twins section
I thought because this is only a modification of an existing Aircraft, Modwork would be the right place !
aaaaargh- running UP3- can't seem to get DBW to run on my oldish machine. Oh well-cant have everything, I suppose. Is that cos of the weapons, doc?
aaaaargh- running UP3- can't seem to get DBW to run on my oldish machine. Oh well-cant have everything, I suppose. Is that cos of the weapons, doc?
Hi Thunda
You can try to combine UP3 it with Anto`s Rockets update, perhaps it works.
Why it does not work with DBW 1.6 I don`t know !!
Hey Doc,I'm runnuing 1.7 but i'm getting just a blue screen on the start of the QMB missions and the mossie dosen't show in the arming screen.Am I missing something?I put the folder in the DBW folder as instructed :(
Found the problem.It was a conflict with the better wheels mod.De-activated the mosquitos in that mod and all works well. :)
Found the problem.It was a conflict with the better wheels mod.
It makes sense!
All cosmetic mods (gears, wheels, pilots, ...) will cause problems if the planes involved are modified for one reason or another.
So be careful... ;)
Have you checked that you have the latest update to Better wheels mod, there was a change to Mosquito's
I have this nice Coastal upgrade functioning perfectly in DBW 1.7.1 with upgraded wheels, looks Great :)
Thanks to all those involved
Cheers, Dakpilot
I will check that Dak.Thanks.
Yup,you were right Dak.Fixed it.Thanks :)
cool ,doc. hope ya can tomorrow. i really like Mossie variants and this is much needed
is there a problem with the gamefront link?
is there a problem with the gamefront link?
That seems to be right: after 47 downloads it does not work anymore !
I will implement a Mediafire file too ! But because I am 24 hours at work I can`t do it before the 21.02 Afternoon ;-(
PS: it seems that all filefront files are not available @ the moment >:(
New DL-links via Mediafire available ;D
If only somebody could modify the FM (perhaps with the RR Merlin 25 with 1635hp ;)) ;) 8)
By the way: the FM of the Ju-88C could need the look of a FM-Pofi too ! (has too much left I think)
Cant say too much, doc, but there might be one in the pipeline..... ;)
New DL-links via Mediafire available ;D
If only somebody could modify the FM (perhaps with the RR Merlin 25 with 1635hp ;)) ;) 8)
By the way: the FM of the Ju-88C could need the look of a FM-Pofi too ! (has too much left I think)
Hey Doc,
I have a NF.XIX FM combining DBW B.XVI aerodynamics with single stage RR25 Merlins here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21559.msg234274.html#msg234274 (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,21559.msg234274.html#msg234274). The NF fm is probably a bit underweight for this incarnation of the mossie, but if you'd like to use it (with or without weight corrections) just PM me.
Ah, sputnikshock- didnt realize you had posted it yet. Look forward to trying it out tonight.
Two further developements in progress:
1] replacing the flamhiders by the Exhaust pipes of the engines (CC-Mossies saw no action ad night. So the flamehiders would have messed the aerodynamic and would cause a lost in propulsion)
2] new default skin
updated DL-link on 1. page !
3] Sputnikshock made a new FM (not already implemented)
Niiiiice. Well done, doc.
@ the Admins.
Perhaps this tread would be better in the "Visuals" (as addon for Ranwers Costal command Mossie ) section ??!
What Do You think ??
... Aircrafts\Twins... it would be better! ;)
.. or there ... ;)
I suggested it here , two against one.... :D
For 4.09 users !
A link for you is on the end of the first post ! ;)
Download-link for new FM, provided by Sputnickshock on first Page
New link for new FM for 4.09, provided by Sputnickshock on first post !
To all of you who are using 4.09, have you considered building a temple for Epervier - the great translator - and bring nicely decorated historic airplane parts as sacrifices? ;D
Will this work for 4.101 with Modact 3.06?
Will this work for 4.101 with Modact 3.06?
I have not tested it but propably yes
Hi, I have - as usual - something strange with this mod; I'm on 4.101 and Sas modact 3.06 and have the DBW1.7 version installed. Game loads ok and I can choose the plane in QMB. :)
The loadout with this mod is the same as without, 2 x250, 2x500, 8x60Lb and 8X60Lb + 2x250. There are no bombracks and no bombs visible whatever the choice. There are no flame dampers visible and I have separate exhaust stubs.Missile racks are the 'old' ones as in the original mod. :-\
After loading the plane in a QMB game I see the following lines when I use Shift/Tab:
Can't open file '3do/Plane/Mosquito_FB_MkVICC(Multi1)/Ordnance.mat'
Object '3do/Plane/Mosquito_FB_MkVICC(Multi1)/Ordnance.mat'of class 'Tmaterial'not loaded and 5 lines down:
Internal error: Hiermesh: Can't find chunk 'Rack1_DO'
Internal error: Hiermesh: Can't find chunk 'Rack2_DO'
Warning: ****(Unexpected txt reload (tfNoCompress16Bit,tfCompressMajor Alpha): 3DO/Plane/textures/propellor.tga
Although the differences, no bombracks, bombs and separate exhausts are enough to have this in my game, I would love to have the new racks and the large fuel tanks. Can somebody point me in that directon? (please)
BTW when using the DBW 1.6 version I have no bombracks / bombs, no exhaust stubs - just a hole - but loadout gives more options. Although only the type of rocket is changing.
henky penky, sounds like you might be missing ordnance that is downloaded w another mod. I needed to d/l the Catalina mod to get some ordnance to get my PBJ's to display all the armament choices.
Hi, I have - as usual - something strange with this mod; I'm on 4.101 and Sas modact 3.06 and have the DBW1.7 version installed. Game loads ok and I can choose the plane in QMB. :)
The loadout with this mod is the same as without, 2 x250, 2x500, 8x60Lb and 8X60Lb + 2x250. There are no bombracks and no bombs visible whatever the choice. There are no flame dampers visible and I have separate exhaust stubs.Missile racks are the 'old' ones as in the original mod. :-\
After loading the plane in a QMB game I see the following lines when I use Shift/Tab:
Can't open file '3do/Plane/Mosquito_FB_MkVICC(Multi1)/Ordnance.mat'
Object '3do/Plane/Mosquito_FB_MkVICC(Multi1)/Ordnance.mat'of class 'Tmaterial'not loaded and 5 lines down:
Internal error: Hiermesh: Can't find chunk 'Rack1_DO'
Internal error: Hiermesh: Can't find chunk 'Rack2_DO'
Warning: ****(Unexpected txt reload (tfNoCompress16Bit,tfCompressMajor Alpha): 3DO/Plane/textures/propellor.tga
Although the differences, no bombracks, bombs and separate exhausts are enough to have this in my game, I would love to have the new racks and the large fuel tanks. Can somebody point me in that directon? (please)
BTW when using the DBW 1.6 version I have no bombracks / bombs, no exhaust stubs - just a hole - but loadout gives more options. Although only the type of rocket is changing.
Try the Ultrapack-Version of this mod ! There the rockets are included !
+ You have to install the Tse-Tse-Mossie !!!!
Perhaps this version will work !?
Cheers Doc
Thanks for support and advise Doc and Mandrill; did as you told and bingo a beautiful CC Mosquito. Thanks.
Fantastic work Doc! Thank you!
Only one small problem .... appears that the copilot has lost his head!! ???
My version is 1.1 activated via JGSME in DBW 1.71
Fantastic work Doc! Thank you!
Only one small problem .... appears that the copilot has lost his head!! ???
My version is 1.1 activated via JGSME in DBW 1.71
Edited by Admin Team !
OK that`s easy I will send a corrected hier.him in the next 24 hours
Great, thank you
Version for in 4.12.1 with the latest SAS-MODACT 5.2 on first page !
Thanks Doc, only a few questions; if bombs can't be used why are they than in the loadout? And I still see flamedampers. But combination of tanks and rockets is beautiful
Thanks Doc, only a few questions; if bombs can't be used why are they than in the loadout? And I still see flamedampers. But combination of tanks and rockets is beautiful
Sorry man for the flame-dampers ! In the newest download they are now gone ;-)
For the Bomb-loadout: There are only Bomb-Loadouts for the internal racks ! 2*250 and 2x500
Thanks again Doc, just dl'd and tried; no dampers and internal bombs. Stupid that I didn't think about internal bomb load. :-[
there's only on thing left: can you get the smoke to emerge from the end of the exhaust? Now it seem to be at the end of the vanished dampers.
(http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af30/henkntb/2013082919-03-24_zps5e98b926.jpg) (http://s990.photobucket.com/user/henkntb/media/2013082919-03-24_zps5e98b926.jpg.html)
Sorry, should have mentioned all in one question.
there's only on thing left: can you get the smoke to emerge from the end of the exhaust? Now it seem to be at the end of the vanished dampers.
Now the smoke comes out of the exhaust pipes ;-)
New version on first page of the thread
Thanks Doc
Thanks for the 412 conversion!
Just tested successfully!
Thank you very much for the 4.12 update Docholiday, really appreciated. 8)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
one small problem remains for me still-the hooks for the exhaust flames seem to be too low; they start some way down from the exhaust stubs where they should emerge if there were flame dampers installed...
blue exhaust flames work though...could it be that the hooks from UV3 are the culprits (I deactivated the 3do folder inside UV3 but that did not help either);
one small problem remains for me still-the hooks for the exhaust flames seem to be too low; they start some way down from the exhaust stubs where they should emerge if there were flame dampers installed...
blue exhaust flames work though...could it be that the hooks from UV3 are the culprits (I deactivated the 3do folder inside UV3 but that did not help either);
For the flames I will see what I can do in the next days