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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: sputnikshock on February 27, 2012, 10:30:13 AM

Title: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: sputnikshock on February 27, 2012, 10:30:13 AM
Microwave Mossies
DH Mosquito NF Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX pack...version 3.1
Updated 10 Dec 2014: VERSION 3.1 FOR Il-2 v4.12

What's new:
- Now fully compatible with Il-2 v4.12
- Bullnose variants provided with AI Mk.8 and AI Mk.10 cockpits each (no more file shuffling)

NOTE: If you already have an earlier version of this pack, the .ini and .properties entries have
changed and need to be adjusted!


- New 3d models, both thimble nose and bull/universal nose
- Cockpits with AI Mk.VIII and AI Mk.X radars
- New flightmodels with Merlin 23s, Merlin 25s and NO2 boosted Merlin 23s
- Extended loadouts
- New skinning-friendly nose UVWs
- Revised default skins



Two 3d models, two cockpits, three flightmodels, and different loadouts in this pack simulate the Mosquito Nightfighter
Mk.XII, XIII, late production XIII, XVII and XIX.

These five nightfighter models were close relatives, and differences between some were minimal. Therefore, in order to save
slots and ini entries, whenever the only major difference was whether or not external wing hardpoints were available, variants
were merged together and can be selected indirectly by choosing different loadout options.

NF Mk.XII/XIIThimbleAI Mk.VIII        Merlin 23+NO2        4x20mm no tracers (Mk.XII, Mk.XIII)
+ droptanks or 2x 250lbs bombs (Mk.XIII)
NF Mk.XIII(late)/XVII        Universal        AI Mk.XMerlin 234x20mm no tracers (Mk.XIII, Mk.XVII)
+ droptanks or 2x 250lbs bombs (Mk.XIII)
NF Mk.XIXUniversalAI Mk.XMerlin 254x20mm no tracers
+ droptanks or 2x 250lbs bombs

In detail:

The first Mosquito variant carrying microwave radar. Rebuilt from NF.II, thus not fitted with the FB.VI 'standard wing', and
not able to carry external loads. AI Mk.VIII radar installed in a conic 'thimble nose' radome. Merlin 21 or Merlin 23 engines.

Idnetical with NF.XII but since these were new production models instead of rebuilds, they were fitted with the 'standard wing'
and could carry two 100 gallon fuel tanks or two 250lbs bombs as external loads.

Rebuilt from NF.II. Introduced the larger bull/universal nose radome which could house either an AI Mk.VIII or the larger AI Mk.X radar.
Again, since these were rebuilds they lacked the 'standard wing' and thus the ability to carry external loads.   

NF Mk.XIII late production
As the AI Mk.X radar and universal nose became available, these innovations were added to the last batch of NF.XIIIs. Practically an
NF.XVII with fighter-bomber wings.

NF.XIII follow-on, Merlin 21/23 engines replaced by Merlin 25s. 'Standard wing', universal nose, either AI Mk.VIII orr AI Mk.X fitted.


The new flightmodels are based on the aerodynamic improvements from the DBW Mosquito B.XVI FM, which was combined with appropriate
engines (Merlin 23 and Merlin 25) and updated to reflect nightfighter variant weights, speeds and climbrates.

There was a small number of NF.XIIIs which had their Merlin 21/23 engines upgraded by adding a nitric oxide boost system. This is modelled
in the Merlin 23+NO2 flightmodel! The system leads to a significant - if not dramatic - increase in performance, especially above 12000ft,
but NO2 supply is limited and should give about 6 minutes of boost power.

Please be aware that these FMs are far from perfect. I tried to mimic real Mosquito NF performance as closely as possible, but took a
conservative approach when changing values. Maybe someone with a better knowledge of flightmodels has the will and time to finetune these


The external 3d model is taken from SAS~GJE52's NF Mk.II, except for the nose sections, which were
modelled from scratch for this mod package. This if for both the thimble and the universal nose.
Both nose models have proper UVW mapping coordinates to make them more skinning friendly.

There are two cockpit models, one with an AI Mk.VIII, and the other one with an AI Mk.X radar set. The cockpits are modifications of the stock
FB Mk.VI cockpit. By default, universal nose variants have the AI Mk.X cockpit, but since both units could be fitted in the these aircraft,
alternative classfiles are provided with the download to switch to an AI Mk.VIII cockpit.
since v3.1: Thimble nose variants come with the AI Mk.8 cockpit.
Universal (bull) nose variants could historically have either of the two radar sets installed, and therefore there are 2 versions each of the Mk.XIII(late),
Mk.XVII and Mk.XIX available, one with an AI Mk.VIII cockpit, and one with an AI Mk.X cockipt. If you don't want to install that many Mossies, well just
pick what you like and strip the rest from your air.ini and .properties files.
Viewpoints have been altered and optimized for
nightfighting/instrument flight and take-off/landing/ground movement. Note that the reticle is scaled down to ~75%.

The radar in the cockpit is only eye candy. These planes are intended for use with
Airborne Inercept Radar Pack for Command&Control Mod v2 - https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26404.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26404.0.html)
Command&Control Mod v3.0xx - https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26654.0.html (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,26654.0.html)


Loadouts now include Doc Holiday's new intruder armament options from his NF30. Bombracks are only attached to the wings if bombs are carried.
Otherwise the wings stay clean. Note that tracer ammunition has been completely removed from the loadout options.


SAS~GJE52 for his Mosquito NF.II, which serves as a base for this mod
Doc Holiday for the intruder loadouts
VP Media for allowing his B.XVI to be modified as a NF skin
SAS~Epervier for bugfixes and 4.09 support
Thunda and Red13 for research and sharing their Mosquito knowledge
sputnikshock for 3D, cockpits, classfile and FM modifications and bugs.

and of course 1C for the stock game, plane, and pits
And last but not least (no way!) SAS for being the fantastic modding resource it is!

Special thanks goes to Doc Holiday. Without his amazing Mosquito NF.30 this project would not have started in the first place.



First REMOVE(!) any previous Mosquito NF Mk.XVII/XIX installation from either your mods, #SAS or #DBW folder (depending on where you want
to install this pack) and also remove any *_ru.properties and *.ini entries you made for it.

Unzip the Microwave Mossie pack and place the three folders (MosquitoNFMkXII-XIII, MosquitoNFMkXVII, MosquitoNFMkXIX) in your mods, #SAS or
#DBW folder, depending on your install.

Add these lines to your air.ini:

Code: [Select]
MosquitoNFMkXII    air.MOSQUITONF12 1              NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER
MosquitoNFMkXVIIAI8  air.MOSQUITONF17AI8 1           NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER
MosquitoNFMkXVII  air.MOSQUITONF17 1              NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER
MosquitoNFMkXIXAI8  air.MOSQUITONF19AI8 1           NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER
MosquitoNFMkXIX    air.MOSQUITONF19 1              NOINFO  gb01  SUMMER

It is recommended to also add these lines to your weapons.properties:

Code: [Select]
# DH.98 Mosquito NF.XII/XIII
MosquitoNFMkXII.default                  Default
MosquitoNFMkXII.Droptanks                Droptanks (Mk.XIII)
MosquitoNFMkXII.Intruder                 Intruder (Mk.XIII)
MosquitoNFMkXII.none                     Empty

# DH.98 Mosquito NF.XIII/XVII(AI.8)
MosquitoNFMkXVII.default                 Default
MosquitoNFMkXVII.Droptanks               Droptanks (Mk.XIII)
MosquitoNFMkXVII.Intruder                Intruder (Mk.XIII)
MosquitoNFMkXVII.none                    Empty

# DH.98 Mosquito NF.XIII/XVII(AI.10)
MosquitoNFMkXVII.default                 Default
MosquitoNFMkXVII.Droptanks               Droptanks (Mk.XIII)
MosquitoNFMkXVII.Intruder                Intruder (Mk.XIII)
MosquitoNFMkXVII.none                    Empty

# DH.98 Mosquito NF.XIX(AI.8)
MosquitoNFMkXIX.default                  Default
MosquitoNFMkXIX.Droptanks                Droptanks
MosquitoNFMkXIX.Intruder                 Intruder
MosquitoNFMkXIX.none                     Empty

# DH.98 Mosquito NF.XIX(AI.10)
MosquitoNFMkXIX.default                  Default
MosquitoNFMkXIX.Droptanks                Droptanks
MosquitoNFMkXIX.Intruder                 Intruder
MosquitoNFMkXIX.none                     Empty

And finally these lines go to your plane.properties:

Code: [Select]
MosquitoNFMkXII      Mosquito NF.XII/XIII, 1943
MosquitoNFMkXVIIAI8  Mosquito NF.XIII/XVII(AI.8), 1944
MosquitoNFMkXVII     Mosquito NF.XIII/XVII(AI.10), 1944
MosquitoNFMkXIXAI8   Mosquito NF.XIX(AI.8), 1944
MosquitoNFMkXIX      Mosquito NF.XIX(AI.10), 1944

Note: If you do not want to install all three planes for whatever reason, you can delete the MosquitoNFMkXII-XIII and/or MosquitoNFMkXVII
folders and skip their respective ini and properties entries. You CANNOT however delete MosquitoNFMkXIX, as this contains the base mod!
Anyway, it is recommended to keep all three folders, even if you decide to put only one or two aircraft in your air.ini.

Warning! This is for advanced users only!

First, make sure you have all three aircraft folders of this pack in your install.

You can convert the Mk.XIII(late)/Mk.XVII and/or Mk.XIX cockpits to show a AI Mk.VIII installation.
In the two plane folders you will find files named --AImkVIII--SOMEAPLHANUMERICCRAP. First, look for the classfile with the corresponding
SOMEALPHANUMERICCRAP name in the same folder. Then deactivate this file by renaming it to -SOMEALPHANUMERICCRAP. Then, rename

You can also switch from the standard Merlin 23 FM to the NO2 boosted FM in the Mk.XIII(late)/XVII.
Workflow is as with cockpit switching, just the replacement files are named --NO2--SOMEAPLHANUMERICCRAP and --AImkVIII+NO2--SOMEAPLHANUMERICCRAP.
As you can see, this is again possible for both cockpits.

Pay close attention when renaming these files! You can end up with a big mess in no time...

DOWNLOAD v3.1 for Il-2 4.12

https://www.mediafire.com/download/z1v08ybg0d1et5g/MircowaveMossies_v3.1_NF_XII_XIII_XVII_XIX.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/z1v08ybg0d1et5g/MircowaveMossies_v3.1_NF_XII_XIII_XVII_XIX.7z)

DOWNLOAD OUTDATED v3.0 for Il-2 v4.10

If you go for this, please re-read the readme:
https://www.mediafire.com/?9n17t171j4s2poq (https://www.mediafire.com/?9n17t171j4s2poq)
Tested with DBW 1.6 and SAS Modact 3.06. Not compatible with 4.09.

DOWNLOAD OUTDATED v3.0, adapted for Il-2 v4.09 by SAS~Epervier

If you go for this, please read the readme:
https://www.mediafire.com/?2y3shuyva5h2paz (https://www.mediafire.com/?2y3shuyva5h2paz)

Happy nightflying

Very nice & detailed historical info, here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23636.0.html
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on February 27, 2012, 10:38:52 AM
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: OberstDanjeje on February 27, 2012, 11:03:20 AM
Oh my god, my poor Ju88C-6 ;)

Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Docholiday on February 27, 2012, 11:15:22 AM
Great Work Sputnik  !!!

Now the british night-owls are complete !  ;D

BTW: Can I jave Your nose please ? She is so much more pretty then my nose  !   ;)


Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on February 27, 2012, 11:18:26 AM
@doc: Thanks! Just sent you PM with details on how to migrate the new bullnose to your NF30. ;)
          Do we have the intruder FB Mk.VI with ASH/AI Mk.XV? But apart from that, the NF Mossies are indeed complete now I think.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: mandrill on February 27, 2012, 12:25:37 PM
Brilliant. Thank you!
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Red13 on February 27, 2012, 01:29:45 PM
Fantastic effort, Sputnik - many thanks indeed. The NO2 boosted mossie, in particular, is gratefully received.. ;)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Thunda on February 27, 2012, 04:10:29 PM
Bravo, Sputnikshock- absolutely wonderful. Have enjoyed every minute of the research and development of this truly epic mod.
Special thanks for including my personal favourite, the thimble nosed MkXII ;D ;)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: saab ja26 on February 27, 2012, 05:03:10 PM
These are awesome beauties!! Many thanks for this!!
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: CWMV on February 27, 2012, 07:02:10 PM
Wow, great work!
Too bad no Luftwaffe lovin goin on... :(
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on February 28, 2012, 01:57:32 AM
Thanks everyone.  :)

@Thunda & Red13: Be careful with NO2. It is a good boost in the lower altitude range, but around 15000ft, fasten your seatbelts, as it will kick...er...propellers!  ;D 

@CWMV: There will be an update to an unspecified Luftwaffe high-performance nightfighter in the not too far future I think (no question's answered relating to this) and I always said we need a Ju 88 G model. Since noone seems to be working on one, well, who knows now that I'm done with the Mossies...
Seriously, a Ju 88 G-6 is on my long-term to do list.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: CWMV on February 28, 2012, 02:05:59 AM
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs [4.09] [4.10]
Post by: Epervier on February 28, 2012, 11:54:36 AM
For 4.09 users !

A link for you is on the end of the first post !  ;)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on February 28, 2012, 12:11:15 PM
Thanks Epervier!!!
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: baronbutcher on February 28, 2012, 09:49:09 PM
Thank you and great work  Sputnik, beautiful mossies. 8) :) Also thanks to Epervier  for making available for 4.09 users. :)
Sputnik look forward to the Ju-88 G series, and hopefully by whom ever more He-219 versions. Poor Me-110G (still love yer), Ju-88 C, we need the Uhl and later Ju-88G to balance the sheet somewhat chaps. Then look out mossies but for now bombers and 110's hide if you can. Tally ho! ;) (Love Mosquito's, Ju88 and He-219.) :)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Benno on March 01, 2012, 03:34:06 AM
Thank you SputnikShock , much appreaciated  ;D
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack released - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: ANDYTOTHED on March 14, 2012, 02:10:36 AM
Wow, great work!
Too bad no Luftwaffe lovin goin on... :(
what do you mean? just pop over to the freemodding sight and you'll see some 110G4 love.
this mod is incredible. I have shot down about 15 110's and I even got a few 88G6. The 219s continue to evade, but not for long :P
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on March 14, 2012, 02:34:55 AM
According to Gebhard Aders (in "Geschichte der deutschen Nachtjagd"), Luftwaffe nightfighters accumulated only 25 confirmed Mosquito kills. (For the whole war!). This is without Welter's claims, which are 7 Mossies in Fw 190s and another 20 or so in Me 262s IIRC.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: farang65 on March 14, 2012, 02:56:22 AM
I haven't done much night flying as yet.

Wow   ;D :D

This pack I'm sure will spur on some night flying

Excellent work Sputnik   :D ;)

Cheers Kirby
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: CWMV on March 14, 2012, 10:48:21 PM
According to Gebhard Aders (in "Geschichte der deutschen Nachtjagd"), Luftwaffe nightfighters accumulated only 25 confirmed Mosquito kills. (For the whole war!). This is without Welter's claims, which are 7 Mossies in Fw 190s and another 20 or so in Me 262s IIRC.

I cant find a copy of this in print...well correction, I can, but not in English.
Anyone? A bit of help?
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: flying_dutchman on September 07, 2012, 04:18:41 AM
I have installed it in my DBW 1.71 and everything is working fine except the loadouts.

I am not sure if the flight model is working as the all the planes fails to gain altitude.

Also will this work with the Command and Control version 3.031 fixes ?
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: OberstDanjeje on September 07, 2012, 06:04:10 AM
Nothing worng with your loadout.
What do you mean by fails to gain altitude?
I don't see any issue with C&C since C&C are just object to place on the maps and to be used by the mission builder
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on September 16, 2012, 08:35:28 AM
As OberstDanjeje stated, it should work fine with C&C. Can't see any reason for potential trouble there.

Concerning loadouts: What do you mean by the loadouts are not working? Your mission builder screen is looking just as it should.
I can only imagine that you are referring to the fact that there are only "Mk.XIII" loadouts, which is correct, as the other versions represented did not have underwing stations to carry weapons or droptanks.

Concerning fm: Could you describe in a bit more detail what you mean with you can't get the planes to climb? Takeoff? Climbing after an airstart? Did you consider elevator trim, flaps and boost?
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: slipper on September 16, 2012, 01:49:36 PM

Good to hear from you mate, where have you been?

I'm not really a fm expert by any means, but I must admit I find the flying characteristics a bit 'flat' on the nighfighting mossies. Can't really put my finger on it, but top speed seems a bit slow, along with climb rate and maneuverability.

I remember you saying that fm was based on the B Mk XVI, so maybe this is the reason.

Try setting a few dogfights v's Bf 110 G-4 , Ju-88 C-6, G-6 etc, and you will find the mossies quite often get beaten, maybe more so than you would expect.

Like I say mate, fm's are not really my thing so I could be talking b******s, but I must admit I agree with oberst in this regard.

Cheers mate

Hope your well

Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: si1va on September 16, 2012, 01:56:10 PM
Massive thanks for these sputnikshock
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: woofiedog on October 07, 2012, 04:25:19 AM
Excellect package of Mosquito's... thank's to all!  :)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Amphiter on November 23, 2012, 11:11:29 AM
WOW!! :o
This is the best mod i have ever seen in this forum.
This is so great wit the CC mod  :-*
I love it.
Thanks for this great work
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on November 25, 2012, 04:59:53 AM
Thanks alot! Glad you enjoy these mods!
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: White-Sparrow on November 28, 2012, 06:45:37 AM
I got this game since 2006 i think and i nerver moded it before.
That was a big mistake  :-X
This game is so mutch fun with your Mosquito NF pack.
Thank you for making this game awesome  ;D
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Benno on November 29, 2012, 03:32:06 AM
Glad you saw the "light"  :D
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Bakimaster91 on September 03, 2013, 03:13:11 AM
Would it be possible to make it compatible with the 4.11/4.12.1m? :) It is a faboulous pack and would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Stefan SG on September 03, 2013, 04:38:03 AM
I use this pack for 4.09 in my 4.12.1/ModAct 5.22. They work fine.

Would it be possible to make it compatible with the 4.11/4.12.1m? :) It is a faboulous pack and would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Bakimaster91 on September 03, 2013, 05:15:54 AM
Allright then, I`ll check it out Stefan :)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: fightingirish on September 04, 2013, 01:51:26 AM
Is there another link to the 4.09 version of this mod as the the gamefront link that Epervier posted on the first page does not work anymore.

Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Epervier on September 04, 2013, 07:28:47 AM
Link updated for 4.09 Rebels !

See end of the first post !
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: fightingirish on September 04, 2013, 09:46:09 AM
Thankyou Epervier  ;D
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: snachito on September 04, 2013, 10:24:20 AM
I just added these Mossies to my arsenal last night and man what fun they are and also how challenging it is to fly in formation at night as well as landing.  The pilots who flew these Mossies at night (and all the other night flyers) had guts, nerves of steel and had to be some of the bravest men ever!!

Thank you so much for these Mossies they just added even more excitement to the game.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on September 04, 2013, 10:29:33 AM
But IIRC in night (historically) they fly always alone....
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on November 05, 2013, 02:11:05 PM
BTW Tested version 409 into 412+5.2 and got them working flawless!!!

Thanks again for them!!!
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: GUZKNIFE on December 05, 2014, 05:18:20 PM
Tested in 4.12.2m SAS ModAct 5.30 successfully! :)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: SAS~Gerax on December 05, 2014, 09:46:47 PM
Tested in 4.12.2m SAS ModAct 5.30 successfully! :)

the 4.09 version? or the other version?
newbes and others needs this infos.  ;)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on December 08, 2014, 06:36:23 AM
I wouldn't say successfull guzknife. The 4.10 version doesn't work in 4.12.2. (and I am not a fan of using 4.09 planes)

However... ;)
Will only be few days, maybe less, until I will release an up to date 4.12.2 version.

Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: GUZKNIFE on December 08, 2014, 07:48:53 AM
Tested in 4.12.2m SAS ModAct 5.30 successfully! :)

EDIT:Tested version 409 and got them working flawless!!!
Thankyou Epervier ! :)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: Epervier on December 08, 2014, 09:58:25 AM
Tested in 4.12.2m SAS ModAct 5.30 successfully!
EDIT:Tested version 409 and got them working flawless!!!
Thankyou Epervier !
Remenber... 409 is magical ! (http://gvla.perso.neuf.fr/Img_forum/music_whistling.gif)
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: kukulo on December 08, 2014, 10:05:23 AM
Great news sputnik! Any plan with 4.12 version of your Ju-88G6 too?

 Putting together some night fighter mods and action with friends and we missed these Mosquito 4.12 versions. Thanks for upcoming new version.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: sputnikshock on December 08, 2014, 10:49:17 AM
Any plan with 4.12 version of your Ju-88G6 too?

Eventually, yes. But that will take time. The G-6 is apparently a big mess in 4.12...and it needs some general bugfixing as well.
Anyways, Mossies are about ready. The bullnose ones will now all come with two cockpit options (AI Mk. 8 and Mk. 10), so that means no more fiddling with individual files.
Also, I have a small patch for for the 4.12 He 219 in the pipeline...RLV map is working in my 4.12 install...the plan is to step by step migrate nightfighting to 4.12. No idea how long it will take though.
Title: Re: Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX + cockpits + FMs
Post by: kukulo on December 08, 2014, 11:17:27 AM
Any plan with 4.12 version of your Ju-88G6 too?
...the plan is to step by step migrate nightfighting to 4.12. No idea how long it will take though.
Sounds definitelly GREAT! Thanks for your work on these.
Title: Re: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX
Post by: sputnikshock on December 09, 2014, 05:07:41 PM
UPDATED! Now 4.12 compatible.
Download in the first post.

Tally-ho nightfighter pilots.
Title: Re: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX
Post by: ggrewe on December 10, 2014, 11:43:39 AM
Schweet! Thanks very much for doing so fast  ;)
Title: Re: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX
Post by: slipper on December 10, 2014, 02:53:53 PM
Many thanks Sputnik. I might be able to slowly wean myself off 4.10 for nightfighting if you keep this up mate  ;)


Title: Re: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on December 13, 2014, 02:38:53 AM
Beautiful Sputnik, up and running in 4.12 HSFX 7.2 with hand made mods folder.  I do a lot of Night flying with the JU-88c6 and this really has added to the game play.  Many thanks for all the hard work.
Title: Re: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX
Post by: SAS~Monty27 on December 14, 2014, 09:06:49 PM
Many thanks Sputnik, beautiful birds.  8)
Title: Re: Now 4.12 - Mosquito NF pack - Mk.XII/XIII/XVII/XIX [4.09] [4.10] [4.12]
Post by: Darkwind on August 10, 2015, 10:47:35 PM
FYI: Gottum  flyin in 4.13, 4.09 version.  8)