Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => USA Skins => Topic started by: PA_Asís on June 17, 2012, 11:32:38 AM
I do it this weekend, so probably I´ll try to improve the skin whit more types in the next days.
First Section
5-F-1 https://www.mediafire.com/?m2gd50ybs88yvhb
5-F-2 https://www.mediafire.com/?m17sdogu9mti7gv
5-F-3 https://www.mediafire.com/?5q2lp31hgpuphj1
Third Section
5-F-7 https://www.mediafire.com/?60s6ecj9lj6olc3
5-F-8 https://www.mediafire.com/?d1a3kg6bl22zo62
5-F-9 https://www.mediafire.com/?d3b5bl81d5qg28l
Enjoy :)
I used Agracier´s template which I thank him for. Of course.
Thank you PA_Asís. Thank you very much. :)
Lovely skins - very colorful profiles ...
Great work, thank you mate. ;)
Great skin, many thanks for sharing! 8)
What do i name the skin folder to get it to show up in game??
Delfin :)
What do i name the skin folder to get it to show up in game??
This skin folder is simply called 'Delfin'
You can always make the names yourself by taken the first part of the air.ini entry. Just copy the part before the first <space> and use it to name the skin folder.
Thanx. Now all we need is for someone to figure out how to add a tailhook.
A little bird told me its in the works. :)
Great work, Asis. ;D
Well - I could not resist - this yellow winged bird is a beauty - so....her's the hook and the slot for the FF-1
Grumman Ge-23 Delfin - update 02 - includes US Navy FF-1
?any thanks, Dreamk and PA_Asis, for instigating this brilliant idea! 8)
Thanx for the tailhook!
Thanks a lot SAS community, whit the economic crisis I expend all my time doing skins..., cheep and funny. ;)
Update with new skins, see first post.
Nice work Asis. I see you used the info from Bwf's USN paintschemes site!
Would you consider a "hack" skin for this aircraft to represent the Curtiss 0-52 Owl?
In these early war (1941) markings?
Economic crisis = bad news for you, but good news for us – more great skins, thanks ;D
@ PA_Asís
It didn't take you very long did it... ;D
They are Exellent! Thanks Very Much for making them. 8)