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The SAS Factory - Tech Help, Ancient Mods etc. => The Keepsake: Old Mod Packs, Game Versions and Guest Mods => HSFX Discussion & Support => Topic started by: Boelcke on July 20, 2012, 12:12:12 AM

Title: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on July 20, 2012, 12:12:12 AM

The campaign contains the following parts:

Belgium 1939, Phoney war
Belgium 1940, Blitzkrieg
France 1940, Battle of france
France 1941: Circus (june 1941 till december 1941)
Channel front spring 1942: Butcher Bird
France autumn 1942: Fortresses ahead
Channel front January 1943: All quiet at the western front
Channel autumn 1943: War of attrition
France may 1944: Pre invasion phase
Normandy june 1944: DDay
Normandy july 1944: Breakout
Northern germany fall 1944: Throes of death
Ardennes: Operation Bodenplatte
Northern germany 1945: Defeat

The campaign is available for

Luftwaffe fighters, RAF and USAAF fighters, fighter bombers and bombers - some 2000 missions all together! you are able to fly nearly everything which was used in ww2 in the ETO. I´ve added some new content from 4.11 and HSFX 6 into the campaign like the Do 17, Hs 123, Hurri Bomber, early two blade Hurricane and so on.

The bomber campaign will start 1941 and ends with the invasion cause the other maps are to small for bomber operations.

The RAF fighter bomber campaign will start also in june 1941. In reality the RAF didn´t made use of fighter bombers before early 1942 in the ETO in day time raids, but hey, it´s fun.  ;)

The USAAF campaigns are starting in 1942 of course.

Flyable planes: Everything which is historical correct and available in HSFX ...

Used maps are Normandy, Ardennes and Northwest Europe. The maps are highly populated with objects from various mission/map template artists.

What do you need to get the campaign working: HSFX 6.01 and dgen.exe

The campaign is available here:


skin packs:

USAAF skins: http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/download.php?view.521

RAF and Luftwaffe skin packs (new Vers. 1.1):


update 01/05/2013: patch for Cyberolas map repaint of the Ardennes map

if you are using Cyberolas map repaint of the Ardennes map:


download this small patch and you will see his great winter and summer texures together with some changed airfields:


just unzip it and copy all the included files into the \DGEN folder, on top to the existing campaign and overwrite the old ones - i think ongoing campaigns will not be affected

Changes V 1.1:

- Fixing the loadout bug for the Bf 109 G6 Erla´s and Mid which can crash the campaign

- Added the Fw190 A4 FR to the campaign (thx to TheFruitBat)

- Added the Bf 109 E7N

- Removed the LaGG3 fake DW 520

- Changed the loadouts for the Typhoon: The Typhoon IB has now always bombs as loadouts, the IB Late always Rockets - so you can choose what´s the best for your taste.

- Both DDay subcampaigns are much more enriched with ground objects and effects like Arti barrage and fire and somke to make it more vivid, like a living battlefield

Be carefull, the rear area has now masses of german AA guns in the eastern direction of the map, the bridges are now heavy defended.
I recommend the allied DDay fighter bomber campaigns, much fun! But much more difficult than before.

Changes V 1.2:

- fixed some problems with the objects in the dday subcampaigns and populated more German airfields

Changes V 1.3:

- cleaned the crowded airfields to avoid crashes for the AI planes when landing and taxing to the dispersal area (thx to Blaubär for report)
- balanced the early war RAF subcampaigns for the AI in 4.11
- many minor fixes and changes in the other parts of the campaign

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 20, 2012, 12:15:20 AM
- Requirements:



- Installation:

unzip all the files into the \DGEN folder from Il2

- The campaign was tested with the following values in the conf.ini [DGEN] section:


If you don´t find a [DGEN] section in your conf.ini file, copy and paste the whole values posted above into the conf.ini and start the campaign

Very important is

MaxFlak: I inserted a lot of anti aircraft guns in the Normandie map, make sure that MaxFlak is NOT more than 40 or you will have a flak hell over the Normandie coastal defences. It also matches my Defense of the Reich campaign.

MaxBomberSkill: Set it to "0" or the sniper gunners of the Fortresses will shoot you to pieces from huge distances.

DISABLE "UseParkedPlanes" or the campaign will crash when changing to the NWE and Ardennes maps.

A guide how to tweak your dgen campaigns according to your taste is available here:


- Skins: 

To get all the skins from the skin pack into the proper folder please copy the skins from the

                      - Bf 109 E7N folder into the Bf 109 E7Z folder and

                      - the Hurricane IIc skins into the HurricaneIICB folder

                      - and the FW-190A-4F skins into the FW-190A-4FR folder.

It´s not needed to get the campaign working, but it adds a lot of immersion to it.


- The Hurricane Ia doesn´t work for allies as flyers plane, so i used the HUrricane Ib insted.

- The early RAF subcampaigns before summer 1941 do have some problems with the dates and time. It´s a software restriction that dgen.exe can´t support dates before the invasion of Russi in June 1941, so i had to choose wrong dates for the 1939-41 parts for the RAF, it will appear with dates from 1941 and 1942. From the channel part on it´s correct. For the Luftwaffe campaigns it was possible to choose the correct dates and times in 1940 and 41.

- In the autumn 1944 subcampaign, the Temptest V has airstarts. I couldn´t find the reason for it, as it is only the Tempest, the Spitfires are working well. So, we have to live with it.

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: CharlieChap on July 20, 2012, 10:11:54 AM
Totally Awesome Boelcke  :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: thefruitbat on July 20, 2012, 10:16:30 AM
yep agree with Charlie, great stuff, downloading now.

One question, did you replace the FW190A4's with the fully rated version that shipped with 4.11?
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 20, 2012, 10:35:55 AM
@CharlieChap: PM sended

@thefruitbat: No, not yet. The campaign was designed for DBW and Il2 4.10 which doesn´t have this Fw190 type. I´ve inserted some new planes from 4.11 and HSFX 6, like Do 17, Hs123, HurriBomber, but not the new A4.

I think there will be some small bugs from the transition to HSFX, perhaps the loadouts or other stuff. The campaign is too large to test all the parts by myself. I want to collect all the user reports for an update and i can also easily insert the A4 in this process. Btw, when was this plane deployed? I assume in spring 1943?
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Silverback on July 20, 2012, 12:24:01 PM
Awesome, thanks man.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: thefruitbat on July 20, 2012, 12:50:21 PM
@Boelcke check PM's
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: <Gunny> on July 20, 2012, 01:05:29 PM
This looks like fun but I need a little help.
I have all down loaded and have the Dgen in place I think.
Now where do I put the mission?
Do I make a folder and place that in the Dgen main folder?

Thanks for the help.I have never added a Dgen mission and really dont want to screw up my install.

I have it working . 
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 20, 2012, 01:42:24 PM
This looks like fun but I need a little help.
I have all down loaded and have the Dgen in place I think.
Now where do I put the mission?
Do I make a folder and place that in the Dgen main folder?

Thanks for the help.I have never added a Dgen mission and really dont want to screw up my install.

I have it working . 

Gunny, the zip file contains only campaign files, unzip the files into the \DGEN folder from il2, no subfolder or anything else - that´s it. The campaign will show up in the campaign rooster as "Boelckes Fighter campaign for  ... " (or fighter bomber campaign or bomber campaign) for Luftwaffe, RAF and USAAF

If you never added dgen campaigns, you surely need the latest dgen.exe, version which is availabel here:


It´s also a zip file which contains only the dgen.exe - unzip the exe into the IL2 root folder, overwrite the old one.

Without it, the campaign will not work.

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: <Gunny> on July 20, 2012, 01:48:41 PM
Thank for the info.
I did down load every thing and winged it.  IT WORKS.

This is very nice thank you.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Gaston on July 20, 2012, 01:57:33 PM
Thanks, Boelcke !

Question : I have a DGen exe. Will it work too, or does it work only with ?

Thanks for the tip !


I try with both versions of the DGen, but I always got a DGen error, and can't load any campaign.

Look :

= DGen (30/04/08) =
seed: 7490828
DGen initialization. Side: gb, Rank: 6
Distance=75 km
Career ID: Gb7
Inherits FB_channel40
ReadDB sorties:1

PlayerWing found:RAF_No001SQN
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No081SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No087SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No081SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No087SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No081SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No087SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
Blue skill set: 5 20 30
Red skill set: 15 50 30
Inherits operations from DGen\opsB_Channel42.dat
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\FB_channel40Red0.mis
Can't open!
MissionDistance set, testing DGen\FB_channel40Blue0.mis
Can't open!
Dangerous areas
Red:1 Blue:15
Can't open Message file DGen\GB_MessageRu.dat

Any idea ?
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: <Gunny> on July 20, 2012, 10:28:26 PM
I have every thing installed.
The German missions work.
The USAF missions work.
When I try the RAF and click the button to load the mission all I get is a BEEP.
I do need help I think.
The others are fun. Thank you for your hard work.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 21, 2012, 01:39:45 AM
@Gaston: Looks like you're missing some message files according to the error.log file, check these files and install them into the DGEN folder:


these files often solved problems in the past

@Gunny, pleae try also these files posted above, i assume you may have the same problem,

if not, it can also be a problem with the british ranks and medals, try this:


should solve your problem
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: <Gunny> on July 21, 2012, 07:22:16 AM
Thanks for your help I download both..:)
All works fine now.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 21, 2012, 07:52:47 AM
Thanks for your help I download both..:)
All works fine now.

glad it works for you, enjoy :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Shardur on July 23, 2012, 02:25:35 AM
Awesome!!! I recently switched over to HSFX 6 and was missing the campaign and with the better 4.11 AI this is going to be even more fun!
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 23, 2012, 04:44:17 AM
Awesome!!! I recently switched over to HSFX 6 and was missing the campaign and with the better 4.11 AI this is going to be even more fun!

Oh yes, the AI is amazing. I was just in a dogfight against a Belgium Gladiator and after giving him a first salvo he stalled and flipped downwards only to recover very near to the ground and trying to steel him away, always flying into the direction of his own AA guns on the ground - never saw that before.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: thermoregulator on July 23, 2012, 03:43:15 PM
Hello, I have similar problem as Gunny, but i get a "BEEP" when i try to run German campaign. RAF and US campaigns seem to work properly. I got this dgenERROR message:
Inherits operations from DGen\ops_WFBelgien1939.dat
Groups Y, U or Z not specified - line ignored

Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:0
Can't open target file to copy:

Any suggestions?
Tahank you.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 24, 2012, 12:01:36 AM
Hello, I have similar problem as Gunny, but i get a "BEEP" when i try to run German campaign. RAF and US campaigns seem to work properly. I got this dgenERROR message:
Inherits operations from DGen\ops_WFBelgien1939.dat
Groups Y, U or Z not specified - line ignored

Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:0
Can't open target file to copy:

Any suggestions?
Tahank you.

thermoregulator: check this thread


some few guys did have the same problem with the DBW edition of the campaign and - i hate this to say - for the most of them the only solution was a complete reinstal of the game
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Gaston on July 24, 2012, 03:17:13 AM
Thanks, Boelcke. Will try what you says. But you did not tell me about the DGen versdion. You recommand a 4.8.06. I have a 4.8.07. Should I go back to 6 ?
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 24, 2012, 05:06:12 AM
Thanks, Boelcke. Will try what you says. But you did not tell me about the DGen versdion. You recommand a 4.8.06. I have a 4.8.07. Should I go back to 6 ?

dgen is a community tweaked dgen, to make the Hawk 75 flyable in vtreluts french wings campaign - nowadays you don´t need this tweak to fly all the mod planes in dgen campaigns, so i recommend dgen, cause sometimes causes unecxpected troubles, on the other hand they should do it both for the campaign
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: aaken on July 29, 2012, 12:23:10 AM
Great campaign, thanks Boelke.
Do you plan to update also your JG27 campaign?

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on July 29, 2012, 04:32:40 AM
Great campaign, thanks Boelke.
Do you plan to update also your JG27 campaign?


no, sorry - it's to much work to update all my campaigns from the past

with the exception of the north africa part of the JG 27 campaign, everything else is included in the Westfront campaign and the Defense of the Reich campaign

btw, i have just uploaded the JG 27 campaign for stock IL 2 at A&A again :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Capida on August 04, 2012, 10:32:45 AM

Congratulations, excelent work!

Please help me, I dont know were and how to set this:


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 04, 2012, 01:09:35 PM

Congratulations, excelent work!

Please help me, I dont know were and how to set this:



check the conf.ini in IL 2 root folder, if there is a [DGEN] section existant, if yes add the lines above into it - if not copy and paste it all into the conf.ini

concerning the mossiondistance, you can set values up to 300 according to your taste - i like the short distance like 75 km to have quick action
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 06, 2012, 06:12:46 PM
@Gaston: Looks like you're missing some message files according to the error.log file, check these files and install them into the DGEN folder:


these files often solved problems in the past

@Gunny, pleae try also these files posted above, i assume you may have the same problem,

if not, it can also be a problem with the british ranks and medals, try this:


should solve your problem

I had this "Beep" and installing the download from link 1 fixed it, however upon choosing a Spitfire F1 1939* campaign my pc froze.
I exited with CTRL+ALT+DEL and tried again, this time with a Hurricane (default choice in the fake war) this worked instantly.
I exited that and tried the Spitfire F1 1939* again, this time it said "this campaign already exists" It doesn't however :) As my career screen was blank, there were no existing campaigns.

I chose overwrite, yet again the PC froze, it seems to be a problem with the Spitfire F1 1939*.

Would you know what the issue could be?
Incase it makes any difference, my Ranks and Medal names are in Russian in the RAF campaigns (they are English everywhere else.)

Edit, bit late so I will have to be more precise tomorow, but it seems to crash D-gen each time I try a mod spitfire campaign, late versions that I think are Madox models, let me have a Spitfire campaign, the others from 1939-1940 crash the game for me.

Just noticed this, it is the only Error file I have for Dgen.

= DGen (17/04/08) =
seed: 54528402
DGen initialization. Side: gb, Rank: 0
Career ID: Gb5
Inherits France40
ReadDB sorties:1

PlayerWing found:RAF_No003SQN
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No001SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No081SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No087SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): II_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
Blue skill set: 5 30 30
Red skill set: 8 40 40
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): III_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG27 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG5_3 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG2 0 00
TestWing(f,s): I_JG26 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No081SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No081SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No087SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No003SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): RAF_No091SQN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
TestWing(f,s): NN 0 00
Inherits operations from DGen\ops_WFFrance1940.dat
Groups Y, U or Z not specified - line ignored

Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:4
Can't open Message file DGen\GB_MessageRu.dat

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 07, 2012, 12:11:42 AM
The error file says that you´re missing the message file called GB_MessageRu.dat - check if it exsits in the DGEN folder - but it looks like you have some serious problems with your install.

I think the only way to solve the problems is to reinstall the game and HSFX from scratch.

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 07, 2012, 04:22:47 AM
It is there.

Well, since last night I have changed 2 things, I fixed the naming of ranks in Russian instead of English and I added your skin packs.
Now it works... very weird :)

Wow, I played my first mission, 10 RAF planes lost for 1 German 109. And that was due to a collision.
I'm amazed anyone made it home from any mission given the difference between the early Hurricane and the 109's.

Thanks for the campaign! It is much more enjoyable than the default Dgen stuff imo. Even if my poor RAF doesn't stand a chance :D
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 07, 2012, 06:35:23 AM
Thanks for the campaign! It is much more enjoyable than the default Dgen stuff imo. Even if my poor RAF doesn't stand a chance :D

this will change in the war time, the late war parts are much more enjoyable for allied pilots
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 07, 2012, 09:21:16 AM
Can AI difficulty be reduced in Dgen?

I cannot compete with anything in here I am afraid :)
I switched sides to try the clearly superiour 109s which shoot down 100% of Hurricanes in every RAF mission, now the RAF planes are 100 times better than a 109, all of which are shot down by the RAF Hurricanes that outperform the 109 in every way *sigh*
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 07, 2012, 11:00:48 AM
check this guide how to tweak your dgen campaigns according to your taste:


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 07, 2012, 11:48:36 AM
Thank you once more!

I am still playing yours, although I am struggling :) My last mission was a turbulance nightmare hehe, at least I am surviving my landings now.

I like the detail on the maps, the  nature of the missions and variety, I haven't encountered any real bugs.

One or two missions have the age old "follow waypoints into mountain" problem that has been around since day one, but they seem very rare.
I will have a nose around the link you gave me, see if I cannot get that into my conf.ini and improve my lot in life.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: DD_BadAim on August 07, 2012, 07:07:20 PM
Tin, I'm not sure how experienced you are, or how much you've flown with the 4.11 AI, but suffice it to say they are serious ass-kickers. It's even worse when the mission builder is good at building missions and getting the most out of the AI (MMM, maybe someone like Bolke?). I know it can suck, but fighting these guys will make you a much better pilot. The best way to deal with the AI in 4.11 is to get online and fly in close cooperation with a live plot who is much better than you are, that way he can keep your tail clean while you fight. 8)

I wrote the above kind of tongue in cheek, but, seriously it's hard to tell the AI from the live pilots sometimes now, they're that good  ???.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 08, 2012, 01:57:23 AM
... getting the most out of the AI ...

good point DD_BadAim, i usualy trying to create a challanging environement and always adding a large number of veteran pilots to the missions/campaigns - the reason is that i was always bored from the stock and dgen campaigns and the payware addon dgen campaigns
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 08, 2012, 02:39:08 AM
I just need to get the hang of these aircraft more than anything, my gunnery is not up to much right now, but in the Spitfire F1, I scored a few kills without too much effort against a 109 and a 110, neither of which I can catch in the Hurricane. I didn't realise i was nuking the engine in the ME109 D either. Nonetheless, it is a lot of fun, even if I do keep crashing lol. I am not sure how wildly flight models changed in the time I have been away, but slowly I am getting there. Chasing the Dornier-17 is kinda amusing in the Hurricane too, seems to take my whole flight to bring one down, roll on cannons!

Did the whole online thing for around 4-5 years I think, not sure I can be bothered anymore, don't know many people that play Il2 these days.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 08, 2012, 06:44:35 PM
Went back to the early Hurricane and decided to stick with it. Having a lot of fun!

Not setting the world alight however :)
Mission one, pulled down below the clouds into darkness and turbulance, I thought I was behind a 109E, turns out he was comming at me head on :(
With one less wing I bailed out and claimed my first kill *cough*.

Mission 2, I tried some mad manouvers to line up on a Dornier without being killed by the snipers railgun, thought I pulled it off too! Unfortunatly I gave the sniper 1 millionth of a second to shoot and bailed out as my engine burst into flames. Typically the second I hit Bail, the fire went out :)

Wont ever know how, but the following mission I took a flap and the entire right engine from a D-17 and claimed my first "proper" kill.
Since then I bagged a few more, few to right home about other than a 109E which I engaged with about 33 rounds left and I killed the pilot, was the first time I bagged 2 in a mission aswell.

Knocked a few more 109s, a couple of Stukas and some  110's down since.

Now our squadron is down to 7 planes :( I guess my landings don't help there lol.

Just two questions.
The date shows 42. I started in 39 and we have the same aircraft and are in the same war, is this down to the map being used?

I can't find "squadron documents" which is a nice way to track what you get up to in the default campaigns, is this something you are able to alter in your campaign?

Either way, this is immense fun! Will stick with it and see what happens, I don't remember what happens when combat ready planes run out, or if the war will ever switch to the next "stage" which is Blitzkrieg iirc.   I am however looking forward to finding out :D

Thanks for the campaign. S!
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 09, 2012, 12:22:56 AM

Just two questions.
The date shows 42. I started in 39 and we have the same aircraft and are in the same war, is this down to the map being used?

I can't find "squadron documents" which is a nice way to track what you get up to in the default campaigns, is this something you are able to alter in your campaign?

Either way, this is immense fun! Will stick with it and see what happens, I don't remember what happens when combat ready planes run out, or if the war will ever switch to the next "stage" which is Blitzkrieg iirc.   I am however looking forward to finding out :D

Thanks for the campaign. S!

The 1942 date for allied campaigns is a bug in dgen.exe, dates before june 1941 are working only for Luftwaffe campaigns - don´t know why, but this will be solved with Asuras new dgen.exe project, which is yet wip.

Concerning the squadrons documents, i don´t know, it should be there.

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: tinfish on August 11, 2012, 02:26:17 PM
Had another weird thing happen in the "Phoney War" (sorry, unable to check right now for correct name)

Flying for the RAF in a Hurricane after one mission debrief I was shown the stats of the war, 41 destroyed, 27 lost. I was unsure if this was the final mission?
I hit apply and fly, was the only Hurricane in the mission, after mission completion I landed and applied, the  next mission loading failed with a map not found error ( I didn't delete it while I was flying over it)

Now I can create no campaing in the first 2 missions, Phoney war and Blitzkrieg, both either crash Dgen or give a blank screen at briefing.

As I have not changed so much as a mod, what could cause this kind of oddness? I assume it is a Dgen error of some kind, as HSFX still works fine and all default campaigns run perfectly.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 12, 2012, 08:35:51 AM
Remebering the other problems you had, i assume that something with your install is wrong, like posted aftere your frist problem report, i recommend to reinstall from scratch - that the stock campaigns are working is no proof, the stock campaigns do not include any mod plane

I had this "Beep" and installing the download from link 1 fixed it, however upon choosing a Spitfire F1 1939* campaign my pc froze.
I exited with CTRL+ALT+DEL and tried again, this time with a Hurricane (default choice in the fake war) this worked instantly.
I exited that and tried the Spitfire F1 1939* again, this time it said "this campaign already exists" It doesn't however :) As my career screen was blank, there were no existing campaigns.

I chose overwrite, yet again the PC froze, it seems to be a problem with the Spitfire F1 1939*.

Would you know what the issue could be?
Incase it makes any difference, my Ranks and Medal names are in Russian in the RAF campaigns (they are English everywhere else.)

Edit, bit late so I will have to be more precise tomorow, but it seems to crash D-gen each time I try a mod spitfire campaign, late versions that I think are Madox models, let me have a Spitfire campaign, the others from 1939-1940 crash the game for me.

Just noticed this, it is the only Error file I have for Dgen.

= DGen (17/04/08) =
seed: 54528402
DGen initialization. Side: gb, Rank: 0
Career ID: Gb5
Inherits France40
ReadDB sorties:1

Can't open Message file DGen\GB_MessageRu.dat

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 16, 2012, 12:28:08 AM
I´ve found a bug concerning the loadouts for the Bf 109 G6 Erla and Mid which can crash the campaign - will fix it and update soon
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Shardur on August 16, 2012, 07:29:22 PM
Hi Boelcke,
I've found a problem with the early stages of the campaign:
I'm not sure what the LaGG-3 are standing in for (since all the important planes can represent themselves) but I think it should not be in the '39 period of the war. The '41 LaGG-3 might be a sub par plane for the time it came out, but in a '39 setting it outperforms everything that is actually from that time by quite a bit.

I have seen a squadron of 8 Bf-109D-1 that came in with an altitude advantage be butchered by only 4 LaGG-3 with no LaGG lost in combat (in HSFX6 with expert mode). The LaGG-3 is over 60km/h faster and so heavily armored that a short burst with the 4 rifle caliber MGs will likely not be enough to take it out.

If you go further into the campaign the advantage will still be there against the Bf-109E-1 but it will not be as pronounced.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 17, 2012, 01:27:30 AM
LaGG3 stands for the Dewonite 520 - perhaps you´re right, it´s easy to remove it from the missions.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 19, 2012, 03:27:03 AM
I´m just working on the update:

- Fixing the loadout bug for the Bf 109 G6 Erla´s and Mid

- Adding the Fw190 A4 FR to the campaign (thx to TheFruitBat)

- Removed the LaGG3 fake DW 520

I´m just in the process to enrich the DDay campaigns with much more ground objects and adding effects like Arti barrage and fire and somke to the maps to make it more vivid:



Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 24, 2012, 11:11:27 AM
made some progress with the dday campaign:


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 24, 2012, 12:02:27 PM
the whole area is a living battlefield now:




Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: X-Raptor on August 24, 2012, 01:39:13 PM
 ;) Whoww Boelcke you really shold be nominated "the chevalieur" of IL2 Dinamic Campaigns: your stuff is impressive, complete and really historical correct under all aspect ever.Thank for your hard -free- and "professional" improvement you offer to all community by much time to all us. I wait all this yours late "DD add-on" heagerly to D/L your masterpiece. regards.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Boelcke on August 24, 2012, 01:41:40 PM
thx X-Raptor, will be available soon, needs some final poolish :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: Kikka on August 25, 2012, 08:30:11 AM
Sad part is that a "real" D.520 has long been ready as an AI bird but its creators refuse to release it until they finish a proper cockpit for it (and lord knows how long that will be).  C'mon guys, those of us who fly as Germans don't care if the 520 has a pit, just put it out there.  Please.   :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 - update Vers. 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on August 25, 2012, 10:49:18 AM
update is available - check the first post :)

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 - update Vers. 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on August 25, 2012, 10:59:24 AM


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 - update Vers. 1.1
Post by: X-Raptor on August 25, 2012, 06:56:07 PM
 :) thank you Boelcke, thank you very much again! I run to D/L and put here any feedback bout
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 - update Vers. 1.1
Post by: X-Raptor on August 25, 2012, 07:08:19 PM
Please any chance to have a Dgen exe 4.08.06   ??
(assuming this is the correct one Dgen version  for flying the campaign?)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 - update Vers. 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on August 26, 2012, 02:30:28 AM
Please any chance to have a Dgen exe 4.08.06   ??
(assuming this is the correct one Dgen version  for flying the campaign?)



Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 - update Vers. 1.1
Post by: X-Raptor on August 26, 2012, 04:34:18 AM
 :) thank you master!.. let's go to fly your Campaign right now!! ;D
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for Il2 4.11 and HSFX 6.01 available
Post by: pappistvan on September 02, 2012, 11:19:36 AM
Hello, I have similar problem as Gunny, but i get a "BEEP" when i try to run German campaign. RAF and US campaigns seem to work properly. I got this dgenERROR message:
Inherits operations from DGen\ops_WFBelgien1939.dat
Groups Y, U or Z not specified - line ignored

Dangerous areas
Red:2 Blue:0
Can't open target file to copy:

Any suggestions?
Tahank you.

me too!! no DBW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


US... GB....good..........
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on September 03, 2012, 12:12:13 AM
pappistvan, check this thread:


especialy post #79 from Slawek.

As said before, some few guys had the same problem with the DBW version of the campaign, the only solution was to do a complete reinstall of the game and the mod pack, after that it worked
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: pappistvan on September 03, 2012, 11:59:23 AM
pappistvan, check this thread:


especialy post #79 from Slawek.

As said before, some few guys had the same problem with the DBW version of the campaign, the only solution was to do a complete reinstall of the game and the mod pack, after that it worked

 DBW me but there's not installed!!

orig hsfx6...

GB...USA...good !!!


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on September 03, 2012, 12:13:37 PM
pappistvan, i know its HSFX 6 but the problem is most likely the same
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: pappistvan on September 03, 2012, 01:35:07 PM
pappistvan, i know its HSFX 6 but the problem is most likely the same

then it is deleted ........... everything else works, but it is not .....
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on September 04, 2012, 12:52:42 AM
when the campaign doesn´t work it´s proof that not everythng works well with your installation - but i can live with that
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: pappistvan on September 04, 2012, 02:25:38 AM

I did just that:   all  "Š" exchange 9

run, O.K. !!!!!!

Thank you, Boelcke!
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: rollnloop on September 04, 2012, 12:50:58 PM
Hi there, thank you very much for all this work Boelcke.

I ran a Spitfire campaign starting at breakthrough and i have a few observations.

1/airbase B1 is home of RAF fighters squadrons, but is also a V2 launch base, a bit odd for summer 44.

2/port north west of arromanches is crowded with destroyers, they fire inland and FPS get down.

3/Subcampaign is very taxing on the CPU, i have a core I5 and 8gig RAM, GF470, everything is fine in QMB with fps >100 (so graphics is porbably not the culprit), but i get as low as 7 fps in some missions of this campaign. Stock HSFX with no other mods.

4/I see mod aircraft like SpitXIV, so i wonder why Tempest is the 44 model up to the end. 11lbs and 13 lbs don't work with Dgen ?

5/all 4 first missions were train busting, and all met strong opposition, resulting in all squadron lost (or sometimes 80%) at each mission. Bit hard for summer 44.

6/it's all very detailed, and a great pleasure to watch from the skies, plenty targets of opportunity, fires everywhere, great scenery !

Thanks a lot for building and sharing these, i'm having a great flight time over normandy !
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.1
Post by: Boelcke on September 14, 2012, 07:59:12 AM
Sorry rollnloop for late reply ... i´m just back from my holidays :) I remember your name very well from the early days of the game.

Many thx for your very detailed feedback, i will add it into the next update if possible.

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Boelcke on September 17, 2012, 09:40:16 AM
update to V 1.2available, check first post

Fixed some problems with the crowded airfields, removed the destroyers rollnloop mentioned above, the V2 launch site is also removed.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: arquillos on September 19, 2012, 12:54:25 AM
update to V 1.2available, check first post

Fixed some problems with the crowded airfields, removed the destroyers rollnloop mentioned above, the V2 launch site is also removed.

Thank you very much for the campaign and the update!!!
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: tbauchot on September 20, 2012, 11:08:08 AM
Hello Mr Boelcke. Thank you very much for your campaigns. It's a very beautiful work and i like them.
But I have a problem like many over users : When I select the Spit FIa or FIIb in your campaigns my game freeze !
This happened on DBW 1.71 and also on HSFX 6.01 fresh install without mods ( with the dedicaced version of your campain for HSFX ). Fortunatly I can use all the over planes and have good time but it will be better if I could use the spits too !  ;)

Sorry for my poor English, I'am French.

Best regards, Thierry.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Boelcke on September 21, 2012, 04:38:28 AM
hm, sorry to say that tbauchet, but i don´t have a solution for it, for me the Spits are working
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: CWMV on September 27, 2012, 01:08:52 AM
Missions seem to be at night? Or rater very early morning.
Started a campaign as JG2, FW-190A2, Jan 1942.
Missions starting at 0500 or earlier.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: jeanba on September 28, 2012, 06:48:13 AM
I started a fighter campaign RAF in early 43 (Sptifire early)
I noted that :
2/3 of missions were unflyable because they started very early in the moring (6:15; 7:15) !!
I always met 110C4, not the "usual" 190 and 109 I would have expected

That's all
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: rollnloop on October 04, 2012, 12:32:14 AM
Thank you very much for update Boelcke, i installed it, hope to fly again soon  :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: HaJa on October 07, 2012, 11:38:55 AM
Thank you for a great campaign, i'd like to know if it would work with the new development DGen currently available?
The current development version is

Best regards//
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Boelcke on October 07, 2012, 11:49:49 PM
Thank you for a great campaign, i'd like to know if it would work with the new development DGen currently available?
The current development version is

Best regards//

No, not yet:

- the development version is from Asura does not work correct with ETO campaigns

- also the campaign isn´t designed for it (yet)

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: jeanba on October 08, 2012, 01:40:34 AM
I confirm for current Boelcke's campaigns, they do not work under Asura's DGEN mod.
For the moment, I am using JSGME to switch betwwen my 2 DGEN istalls
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: HaJa on October 08, 2012, 10:21:29 AM
Perhaps a stupid Q but here it goes :)
How can I make JSGME switch between the two DGen versions?
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: jeanba on October 08, 2012, 11:25:19 AM
Copy the DGEN exe and the dgen directory in a new directory under JSGME
theninstall the new DGEN
You waill automatically be able to switch between both through jsgme.
The name of the "mod" in jsgme is the name of the directory you created above
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: HaJa on October 08, 2012, 10:24:14 PM
Thx, I'll try that approach  :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: jeanba on October 09, 2012, 12:25:48 AM
You can aslo install DGEN_mod (by asura) under a directory under jsgme
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: HaJa on October 09, 2012, 09:54:39 AM
That's a better idea, keep the modified version in JSGME and the stock version in the IL-2 root.
Thx for the heads up.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Stoli151 on December 08, 2012, 05:36:05 PM
Excuse me if this has been asked. Is it possible to fly a B-17 in a campaign with this? I am guessing not since it's not a choice, but just making sure in case I mucked up the install.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Boelcke on December 10, 2012, 12:54:31 AM
Excuse me if this has been asked. Is it possible to fly a B-17 in a campaign with this? I am guessing not since it's not a choice, but just making sure in case I mucked up the install.

no, dgen can´t handle Heavy Bombers as players plane together with groundstart - only airstart possible for B 17 and B 24 as light bomber - means no box formation possibe

if assigned as light or medium bomber, the airfields would be to small (the maps also) for a formation of B 17 bombers

included are B 25 and A 20 bomber campaigns
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Stoli151 on December 11, 2012, 11:35:30 AM
Excuse me if this has been asked. Is it possible to fly a B-17 in a campaign with this? I am guessing not since it's not a choice, but just making sure in case I mucked up the install.

no, dgen can´t handle Heavy Bombers as players plane together with groundstart - only airstart possible for B 17 and B 24 as light bomber - means no box formation possibe

if assigned as light or medium bomber, the airfields would be to small (the maps also) for a formation of B 17 bombers

included are B 25 and A 20 bomber campaigns

Thanks for the reply. So I installed it correctly. When the OP said just about everything was flyable that is in HSFX 6 I got worried. Makes sense to me now.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: marcost on February 05, 2013, 01:58:39 AM
Just getting into HSFX and was wondering about trying to hack BoE into it. No need now!

Thanks for doing this Boelcke, it is great!!


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: Boelcke on February 05, 2013, 02:02:43 AM
thx marcost, BOE was the starting point for my campaigns years ago, because i found BOE to simple - but the result (Westfront) now is muuuch more :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.2
Post by: marcost on February 05, 2013, 01:15:44 PM
Yes it is, I'm enjoying just flying round watching the ground action!!

Thanks again,

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3
Post by: Boelcke on February 13, 2013, 06:51:35 AM
updated the campaign to version 1.3 - check first post for dl link and change log

copy the new files into the DGEN folder, ongoing campaigns will not be affected
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: marcost on February 13, 2013, 10:44:27 AM
Thank you  :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Flanker1985 on April 23, 2013, 12:31:32 PM

hi guys, I downloaded this.
But it is not working. Everytime I press "Generate" button. It will give me a "BEE" sound and nothing will happen.
I do have HSFX 6.17 thing and my game has the latest patch 4.111.
I don't know what went wrong, can everyone please help me? Thanks

Also I did remember that the creater of the French Campaign told me that never try to put hurricane MK 1 in DGen campaign. But this campaign is full of it. Do you think that might be the problem? But if it is, then I don't see anyone else got this problem for some reason.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on April 24, 2013, 11:09:32 AM

hi guys, I downloaded this.
But it is not working. Everytime I press "Generate" button. It will give me a "BEE" sound and nothing will happen.
I do have HSFX 6.17 thing and my game has the latest patch 4.111.
I don't know what went wrong, can everyone please help me? Thanks

please, some more specific information ...

Did you read the thread from the begining, there are some similar problems discussed with solutions - to read 8 pages is not so time consuming?

What dgen.exe do you use? Version
Which campaign don´t start, German, RAF or USAAF?
Every subcampaign or a specific one?
What does the dgenerror.log or/and dgenerror2.log file say?

Without any informations it´s difficult to give support.

Also I did remember that the creater of the French Campaign told me that never try to put hurricane MK 1 in DGen campaign. But this campaign is full of it. Do you think that might be the problem? But if it is, then I don't see anyone else got this problem for some reason.

the MK 1a does not work as flyable for the player, but works as AI plane in dgen campaigns

btw the creator of the French campaign took the first part of his campaign from me, we worked together at that time, both campaigns are six or seven years old  ;)

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Flanker1985 on April 24, 2013, 05:52:59 PM
Thanks for replying me so fast, mate.
Sorry, I didn't know there is a solution in those post so I didn't read them.
I have now see what you helped the other guy earlier who had the same problem like me.
I corrected the way you instructed, now it is working~!  :D

If I encountered anymore problem in the future I'll let you know.
Thanks a lot.  ;)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Flanker1985 on April 29, 2013, 12:54:40 PM
Hi mate. it appear that this campaign still has some problem. I tried to generate each campaign individually and found that the Normandy invasion campaign of the UK won't work. So far, only the map will be generated, but no plane and no mission. I haven't tried US yet. Can you have a look see what went wrong? Thanks.

I rechecked everything. It seems that is working sometimes and sometimes is not. weird  ???
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on April 29, 2013, 11:53:37 PM
Sorry, it´s working for me, again: without any informations about your install and error messages i can´t say anything.

First try the USAAF invasion campaign. Second check for the dgenerror.log after you have an error  and post it here.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: WindWpn on April 30, 2013, 03:19:23 PM
Looks like a few missing skins.  Note, I installed all the required skin packs, but the following appear missing.  If the source for these can be included in follow up response, that would be awesome!


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Claw on April 30, 2013, 07:42:19 PM
WOW Very nice. You don't fool around when you build this stuff.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 01, 2013, 02:50:22 AM
Looks like a few missing skins.  Note, I installed all the required skin packs, but the following appear missing.  If the source for these can be included in follow up response, that would be awesome!


EDIT: You missed the patch 1 for the skin packs:


but you´re right WindWpn, there are some more missing, i´m just working on a new Luftwaffe skin pack for this campaign (all new skins, more than 150) which will include these, check this:


it will take a little more time but not too long till release cause i´m just adding a BoB part to this campaign which will need some more additional skins as well.

I will post it here when ready.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 01, 2013, 07:38:31 AM
Hi Boelcke, I finally got This downloaded and Installed and already started it. You did a fantastic Job Mate, Thank You, Im enjoying it. :)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 01, 2013, 09:28:32 AM
thx man :)

when Asuras dgen.exe mod (atm wip) is released, i will expand the campaign with new maps and the above mentioned BoB part, check these


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 01, 2013, 10:31:21 AM
Wow, thats going to be Great Boelcke.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: dpeters95 on May 01, 2013, 10:36:38 AM
   I don't think anyone else mentioned this but I followed all the directions, ran the first GE mission and ended up on the end of the runway with my gear up and propeller bent.  I tried again and same result.  I substituted DGEN (which came with the HSFX install) for the DGEN version and everything seems to be working just fine (at least the first mission).  I do have numerous popular MODS activated, maybe one of them caused the problem?  I just thought I would mention this in case anyone else sees the same problem...
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update V 1.3 *13/02/2013*
Post by: WindWpn on May 01, 2013, 11:18:21 AM
   I don't think anyone else mentioned this but I followed all the directions, ran the first GE mission and ended up on the end of the runway with my gear up and propeller bent.  I tried again and same result.  I substituted DGEN (which came with the HSFX install) for the DGEN version and everything seems to be working just fine (at least the first mission).  I do have numerous popular MODS activated, maybe one of them caused the problem?  I just thought I would mention this in case anyone else sees the same problem...

Sounds like a mod conflict.  Check for java console for errors.  Likely not tied to campaign.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 01, 2013, 11:32:57 AM

I´ve just uploaded a patch for Cyberolas Ardennes map repaint, please check post #1

So if you use this map repaint


you will be able to have it in the campaign also - absolutely beautiful :)

Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 01, 2013, 11:51:01 AM
Thanks for the cool Patch B.


Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 01, 2013, 11:53:06 AM
thx for the cool screenies :)
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 02, 2013, 06:26:15 AM
Hi Boelcke.

I got killed in my last mission, I tried to load the same pilot, My Plane exploded, Is this supposed to happen?

I just selected a new Pilot now all is good.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 02, 2013, 07:20:33 AM
Hm, exploding planes at spwan are usualy due to wrong loadouts or conflicting mods - sounds like the same problem posted above in post #97.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 02, 2013, 07:31:34 AM
I think I know what it was to fix it. I changed from DBW to HSFX, and I didnt delete the last  DBW  Quicks  Mission File. After I deleted the file and the Pilot the Planes didnt explode. So Im thinking it was the Quicks Mission File. Im going to test that shortly.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on May 02, 2013, 09:10:32 AM
Hi Boelcke,
Now please bear with me this is my first time trying to install anything into DGen.  But i do have a few questions.  Im running HFSX 6.17 4.11.1 and my first question is, Is there a DGen config file within Dgen or is it all part of the il-2 config file ( I only ask as i cant find a DGen config file and my IL-2 config file hasn't got a DGen part to it).
Question 2, Having put all your campaign into DGen,I noticed that they were outside the folders.  Is this right or should they be in the seperate countrys?
Like I said sorry for the hassel but this is my first time trying to understand DGen
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 02, 2013, 09:58:25 AM
Damn, but a good damn, I havnt had an exploding Plane since I reported it, Cool.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 02, 2013, 11:31:24 AM
Hi Boelcke,
Now please bear with me this is my first time trying to install anything into DGen.  But i do have a few questions.  Im running HFSX 6.17 4.11.1 and my first question is, Is there a DGen config file within Dgen or is it all part of the il-2 config file ( I only ask as i cant find a DGen config file and my IL-2 config file hasn't got a DGen part to it).

It´s part of the conf.ini file. The conf.ini does not include a [DGEN] section when the stock game is installed, but that´s no problem.

Simply copy this for example and paste it into the conf.ini:


It doesn´t matter where, at the top or at the end of the file.

Here is a guide for all the settings, if you are interested to play around with it (but there is no urge to do it):


Question 2, Having put all your campaign into DGen,I noticed that they were outside the folders.  Is this right or should they be in the seperate countrys?
Like I said sorry for the hassel but this is my first time trying to understand DGen

All the files are going right into the \DGEN folder - no subdirectory or anything else. You will see my campaign in the rooster when starting a new pilot career as "Boelckes Westfront campaign for ... " - it´s simple.

Important is to update yor dgen.exe file in the IL2 root folder. Download this exe file, version (the latest stock version of dgen.exe) and overwrite the dgen.exe in the IL2 root folder and start a campaign.

Some people have problems with RAF dgen campaigns, if so, try this solutions:


this solved some problems for people, check the first three pages of this thread.

Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 02, 2013, 11:32:40 AM
Damn, but a good damn, I havnt had an exploding Plane since I reported it, Cool.

good to hear - looks like you´re enjoying the campaign :) any ingame shots with Cyberolas new map textures?
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on May 02, 2013, 12:10:33 PM
Thats what i thought, I have your campaign files in the DGen folder and the but your campaign isn't showing up in the list..Strange hay?
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 02, 2013, 12:11:10 PM
Once I get a couple more Missions completed Ill Post some action shots. ;)
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 02, 2013, 11:58:05 PM
Thats what i thought, I have your campaign files in the DGen folder and the but your campaign isn't showing up in the list..Strange hay?

if it does not show up, something is wrong

please try again, unzip the zip file to desktop and copy the files into the \DGEN folder, but not into any subdirectory

the campaign has to be shown in the campaign rooster when starting a new campaign for Luftwaffe, RAF and USAAF
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on May 03, 2013, 07:13:02 AM
Ok Boelcke have done as advised, and im going to post some screenies to show you the outcome as you can see,I have all your missions in DGen but they dont show up in pilot career, only as seperate missions.
(http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b567/NIGHTFIGHTER44/screenshot38_zpsd958cdf1.jpg) (http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/NIGHTFIGHTER44/media/screenshot38_zpsd958cdf1.jpg.html) 

Which if selected, the maps show but no mission script as below.

(http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b567/NIGHTFIGHTER44/screenshot40_zps4f77e7e3.jpg) (http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/NIGHTFIGHTER44/media/screenshot40_zps4f77e7e3.jpg.html)

And when going into the mission,im getting this below.
(http://i1292.photobucket.com/albums/b567/NIGHTFIGHTER44/screenshot42_zpsa9c81733.jpg) (http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/NIGHTFIGHTER44/media/screenshot42_zpsa9c81733.jpg.html)
So I think we can easily say im stumped.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 03, 2013, 08:58:34 AM
You are missing a lot of files in your DGEN folder, i can´t see any campaignsXXX.dat, planes.dat or squadrons.dat files as well any message files or db files, it´s a complete mess - without these it´s clear why the campaign doesn´t show up. What have you done with the files from this folder? Even from my campaign files, the most are missing.

I recommend to install a fresh IL2 again with HSFX and after that install the campaign again. If you have a vanilla IL2 install on your HD, delete the DGEN folder and copy the vanilla DGEN folder into this HSFX install, then install the campaign again.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on May 03, 2013, 10:41:48 AM
yep as i feared!  as to where everything has gone (good question) I havn't a clue. As I said this is the first time I have ever been into Dgen in all the years ive been using IL-2.  I will as you say do a re-build,  many thanks for your help Boelcke and I will try and get your campaign running..It looks ruddy awesome.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: NIGHTFIGHTER on May 03, 2013, 12:06:53 PM
Ye Gods it's working!!!!!! ;D you are the man Boelcke.  I had an old copy of il-2 modded to HSFX5 and copied the DGen from that, replaced it in HSFX6 and it runs like a dream, like i said I have no idea how the old DGen ended up like that as all ive ever done is upgrade, upgrade, upgrade ive never edited DGen...Anyway all is now great, and I shall enjoy your campaign, and also many thanks to the wonderful skinners who have provided the magic skins to go with your campaign, Thanks again mate!!! now lets go fly...Gary
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on May 04, 2013, 01:01:38 PM
ok, glad you sorted it

and the wonderfull skinner ... is me :)
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on May 04, 2013, 01:04:22 PM
And the Wonderful Skinner is one of the Best. thanks for them all Boelcke.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: CWMV on June 01, 2013, 12:01:39 AM
I tried adding the P-47C5 to planesus5 and europlanes...and it dosent work wtf Boelcke!!!

But seriously, awesome stuff. Im going to actually try some allied crates this time.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: TICI on June 07, 2013, 01:39:12 PM
The link for the Cyberolas Ardenne patch doesn't work. Any suggestions ?.
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on June 08, 2013, 11:31:57 AM
The link for the Cyberolas Ardenne patch doesn't work. Any suggestions ?.

arrrgh, sorry for this, i deleted the file by accident - or stupidnes :)  - it´s available again
Title: Re: update: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - V 1.3 *01/05/2013*
Post by: TICI on June 08, 2013, 02:44:19 PM
Thanks, it works well.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on June 30, 2013, 04:57:03 AM
A new, complete reworked skin pack for Luftwaffe skins (version 1.1) is available now:


The pack will also fit future updates of the campaign, the skins for the upcoming Battle of Britain part are included as well.

The RAF skin pack version 1.1 doesn´t have new skins, but i have corrected some bugs with the skin desricptions, so that the unmarked B 25´s or Hurricanes don´t appear anymore for example.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: BravoFxTrt on June 30, 2013, 07:04:58 AM
Wow, Thank You O "Master Of AirPlane Art"  Boelcke
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: pandacat on July 19, 2013, 11:37:16 AM
Hi first thanx to your great work.  Just one issue for me.  I added P-51D30NA in norther germany 1945.  It shows up in the dropdown list.  But when I click generate after selecting the plane, it gives me a Beep, that's all.  I am using dgen 4.08.06.  I have latest 6.017 HSFX install.  Right now I can only fly that plane in quick mission though.  Is there any way I can fix this?
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on July 20, 2013, 03:56:55 AM
Hi first thanx to your great work.  Just one issue for me.  I added P-51D30NA in norther germany 1945.  It shows up in the dropdown list.  But when I click generate after selecting the plane, it gives me a Beep, that's all.  I am using dgen 4.08.06.  I have latest 6.017 HSFX install.  Right now I can only fly that plane in quick mission though.  Is there any way I can fix this?

the stock dgen.exe isn´t able to use all the planes which are existing, some work some don´t

adding a plane to a campaign, even it works together with dgen.exe, is very tricky, if i would try to explain all the files which are depending on each other it would fill more than one book
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: pandacat on July 22, 2013, 02:30:08 PM
So DCG is more tolerant than dgen in terms of adding new planes? 
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on July 22, 2013, 11:51:29 PM
So DCG is more tolerant than dgen in terms of adding new planes? 

Don´t know anything about DCG  - but please keep this thread clean for the discussion about the campaign.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: CaptainMcMuffin on July 23, 2013, 05:30:59 PM
Hi, I just installed this campaign, all I can say is Wow! Great work!

I'm having two issues though.
1. On the Belgium campaign for the Luftwaffe the autopilot does not work and crashes me into the ground

2. This seems to be the same issue Tinfish was having, I cannot start an RAF campaign. Everytime I press generate my game freezes and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Tab out. It seems like he fixed it but didn't explain how! This is the more important issue as I installed this to play a good all war RAF campaign.  :P This issue is only on the early missions, leaning into france works ok
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on July 24, 2013, 06:56:29 AM
Hi, I just installed this campaign, all I can say is Wow! Great work!

I'm having two issues though.
1. On the Belgium campaign for the Luftwaffe the autopilot does not work and crashes me into the ground

2. This seems to be the same issue Tinfish was having, I cannot start an RAF campaign. Everytime I press generate my game freezes and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Tab out. It seems like he fixed it but didn't explain how! This is the more important issue as I installed this to play a good all war RAF campaign.  :P This issue is only on the early missions, leaning into france works ok

sounds tricky, check these things:

is the dgen.exe version correct?


generaly try the message pack to solve problems with dgen campaigns:


the RAF campaign crash can also be a problem with the british ranks and medals, try this:


concerning the autopilot issue, i don´t know, but it can´t be a problem of the campaign cause i´m only adding campaign files to the install, nothing else - perhaps a problem with other mods?

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: CaptainMcMuffin on July 26, 2013, 05:16:13 PM
Hi, I just installed this campaign, all I can say is Wow! Great work!

I'm having two issues though.
1. On the Belgium campaign for the Luftwaffe the autopilot does not work and crashes me into the ground

2. This seems to be the same issue Tinfish was having, I cannot start an RAF campaign. Everytime I press generate my game freezes and I have to Ctrl+Alt+Tab out. It seems like he fixed it but didn't explain how! This is the more important issue as I installed this to play a good all war RAF campaign.  :P This issue is only on the early missions, leaning into france works ok

sounds tricky, check these things:

is the dgen.exe version correct?


generaly try the message pack to solve problems with dgen campaigns:


the RAF campaign crash can also be a problem with the british ranks and medals, try this:


concerning the autopilot issue, i don´t know, but it can´t be a problem of the campaign cause i´m only adding campaign files to the install, nothing else - perhaps a problem with other mods?
Hmm, just tried both of the files out. Neither of them did anything, the British ranks are also in Russian still.

Also I don't think its an issue with a different mod, I just did a brand new install for HSFX before I got the campaign.
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on July 27, 2013, 02:02:27 AM
i´m sorry CaptainMcMuffin, but i don´t have a clue anymore
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Mandra on August 11, 2013, 09:56:12 AM

It will work on HFSX 6.0.17 dgen:

Thaks ;-)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on August 11, 2013, 12:20:58 PM
dgen.exe is a "patched" by the community version, it will work with but i recommend to use - does not have any advantages and can cause problems
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Siegfrid on August 12, 2013, 06:05:25 AM
S! Boelcke,

I have just downloaded your Campaign and it looks great.....I just have one question if I may & hope you'll be able to help me!!
I have also downloaded the Repainted Ardennes map by cyberolas......But as odd as it can be I do not know where in my game I should put this map??
It come in a folder named "Mapmod"...
Merci for your help
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: marcost on August 12, 2013, 06:33:54 AM
Thanks again Boelke - currently flying over Normandy and the Ardennes (great that it works with Cyberolas' repaint) and having a lot of fun!


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on August 12, 2013, 07:24:22 AM
S! Boelcke,

I have just downloaded your Campaign and it looks great.....I just have one question if I may & hope you'll be able to help me!!
I have also downloaded the Repainted Ardennes map by cyberolas......But as odd as it can be I do not know where in my game I should put this map??
It come in a folder named "Mapmod"...
Merci for your help

yep, into the mapmod folder - but better ask for details in the concerning thread from Cyberolas


.../MapMods/maps/(place map folder and files here)

textures should be


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on August 12, 2013, 07:24:55 AM
Thanks again Boelke - currently flying over Normandy and the Ardennes (great that it works with Cyberolas' repaint) and having a lot of fun!



thx Marcost, feeback is always welocme
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6.01 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Siegfrid on August 12, 2013, 09:05:15 AM
S! Boelcke,

I have just downloaded your Campaign and it looks great.....I just have one question if I may & hope you'll be able to help me!!
I have also downloaded the Repainted Ardennes map by cyberolas......But as odd as it can be I do not know where in my game I should put this map??
It come in a folder named "Mapmod"...
Merci for your help

yep, into the mapmod folder - but better ask for details in the concerning thread from Cyberolas


.../MapMods/maps/(place map folder and files here)

textures should be


Merci beaucoup Boelcke
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: wolfstreak on August 20, 2013, 12:21:49 AM
I just installed your Dymamic Campaign. All i get is a load BEEP when trying to load a career in any country. here is what dgen log says...

= DGen (01/05/05) =
seed: 419891838
DGen initialization. Side: us, Rank: 0
Career ID: Us8
Inherits FB_channel41
Cannot find town Atlantis
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on August 20, 2013, 01:32:13 AM
I just installed your Dymamic Campaign. All i get is a load BEEP when trying to load a career in any country. here is what dgen log says...

DGen (01/05/05)

mentioned at post #2:

- Requirements:



- Installation:

unzip all the files into the \DGEN folder from Il2

- The campaign was tested with the following values in the conf.ini [DGEN] section:


If you don´t find a [DGEN] section in your conf.ini file, copy and paste the whole values posted above into the conf.ini and start the campaign

Very important is

MaxFlak: I inserted a lot of anti aircraft guns in the Normandie map, make sure that MaxFlak is NOT more than 40 or you will have a flak hell over the Normandie coastal defences. It also matches my Defense of the Reich campaign.

MaxBomberSkill: Set it to "0" or the sniper gunners of the Fortresses will shoot you to pieces from huge distances.

DISABLE "UseParkedPlanes" or the campaign will crash when changing to the NWE and Ardennes maps.

A guide how to tweak your dgen campaigns according to your taste is available here:



Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: SGT68 on October 12, 2013, 04:03:19 PM

What do you need to get the campaign working: HSFX 6.01 and dgen.exe

It doesnt seem to work with HSFX 7 ontop of 4.12.1...
I got dgen 4086 and got the right maps installed but each time i try to generate a mission i get a 'bleep'

Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on October 13, 2013, 02:02:49 AM

What do you need to get the campaign working: HSFX 6.01 and dgen.exe

It doesnt seem to work with HSFX 7 ontop of 4.12.1...
I got dgen 4086 and got the right maps installed but each time i try to generate a mission i get a 'bleep'

it was created for HSFX 6
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: SGT68 on October 13, 2013, 10:25:15 AM

What do you need to get the campaign working: HSFX 6.01 and dgen.exe

It doesnt seem to work with HSFX 7 ontop of 4.12.1...
I got dgen 4086 and got the right maps installed but each time i try to generate a mission i get a 'bleep'

it was created for HSFX 6

Thank you... looking forward to any future ver 7 campaigns then !
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Boelcke on October 13, 2013, 10:32:20 AM

What do you need to get the campaign working: HSFX 6.01 and dgen.exe

It doesnt seem to work with HSFX 7 ontop of 4.12.1...
I got dgen 4086 and got the right maps installed but each time i try to generate a mission i get a 'bleep'

it was created for HSFX 6

Thank you... looking forward to any future ver 7 campaigns then !

this will be the next, created for HSXF 7 and Asuras dgen mod:


Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Heretic on October 14, 2013, 10:28:08 AM
The "Phoney War" subcampaign works for me.

(Except for the missing P-38, but I'm not flying any '43.'44ish campaign)
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: SnipersHunter on October 17, 2013, 07:43:14 AM
Please update it to 7.0
Title: Re: Dynamic Westfront (ETO) campaign for HSFX 6 - update *30/06/2013*
Post by: Flanker1985 on December 24, 2013, 09:37:50 AM
Hey, Boelcke~! I am back.
I remember once you promised us once HSFX 7 is out, you will update this campaign for it, and there will be no more unhistorical plane.
So I am just checking in see if it's done.
Please let me know, thanks a bunch.  :)