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Special Aircraft Service
Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns => SkinRequests => Topic started by: Hubberranz on August 13, 2012, 03:35:03 PM
For skinnable try this: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,20936.msg291780.html#msg291780
Any chance anyone can do a template ? Skinning possiblities would be a wide range :
PS: AI still does not take off; AI with flaps speed limit is 60kmh; take-off speed needed is 100kmh; stall is near 80kmh.
Yep, I was thinking also to use her as a hack for Me-108 taifun. :)
For skinnable try this
But this was skinnable long ago :-\ ... unless Verhangnis never updated with the fix I sent him? ::) actually it was so long ago I don't remember anything but the fact that Verhangnis asked me help with a supposed skin bug that I corrected right away. I even picked up a started template from either verhangnis or 101tfs to get it finished :)
Can you refresh my memory, Verhans? who's template is the one I have?
But this was skinnable long ago...
Can you refresh my memory, Verhans? who's template is the one I have?
If normal skins would have shown up I would have long ago made a template and skins for this lovely little trainer, quite why they don't I've no idea but it would be nice to know just what is done within the mod to get skins to show from the folder within PaintSchemes as quite a few mods recently have had this skin problem.
I look forward to someone being able to correct that fault, and also to the finished cockpit when it is done.
Hello Robhans, installed and workjing perfectly, thank you very much. 8) Pete. ;D
I downloaded the mod on 11,08,2012; just rechecked and tested it again; skins don't work; from 410 there:
I downloaded the mod on 13,08,2012; just rechecked and tested it again; skins don't work; from here:
... in either cases, if changes reapplied ; skins work.
In that last post, Verhangnis spoke of rough template he made and sent to ... agracier, crazyflak and max_thehitman.
I checked SAS templates, found none, unless I missed it.
I know it should have been skinnable long time ago; I use skins since 409m, in march; but look how many skins been made since; close to zero I think.
Any fix most have been lost, like my previous post gone in previous stealth mode post. :o
I haven't checked if my Bucker409m is latest version ; my game409m went classfiles overload...
and WIP for two set of ini's on hold, one set been used, quite rarely at that.
Found just an old february request by Benno, in german skins sections (11 pages searched; french+others section, 7 pages = nil ):
Yep, I was thinking also to use her as a hack for Me-108 taifun. :)
Recently, Me-108 hack request by Jirpilot1: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,27405.0.html
.. my search went as far back, in requests, as of nov 2011 by agracier, ( who was later sent a template, as above noted ):
I never got around to doing a template or any skins for this cool airplane because its still being reworked on.
I am not sure if it will need a new change around in the UVmapping, so I am sitting quietly and waiting until its finally
finished and ready. Once its done, then its time.
Hello guys, if any of you still have those templates, no matter how basic they are, could you please put up a link.
Even if there are still changes to be made in the model it would be great to actually try out some of the above schemes, once the model is complete they can always be adapted to comform to any revisions that may be made.
This aircraft has been around some time now so it isn't certain it will actually progress beyond what we have already, just a thought. ;)
I can start a new template using the skins as a base, but it would be so much easier to use one of those existing ones. The skins we already have I suppose were made from one of those and look great so I don't think I could improve on them.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thank you very much CrazyFlak, I have received your message and it seems I already
have 2 templates, but at the present moment I am moving all my junk into a new "house",
a new and better pc.
Things are moving along slowly but surely and soon I will get
back to this project and will make some templates and skins available to everyone.
Please be patient, Rome was not built in a day either. So, once I get my new computer
running properly with my new install of all the IL-2 goodies in it, I will be very happy to
create new goodies for me and for you to enjoy also.
This aircraft is only but one of about 52 new airplanes I already have lined up to paint and
do new templates for. Many new aircraft will be arriving soon to the IL-2 8)
These might keep me busy until the end of this year.
I will try my best to speed things up and make them all for you.
Thank you very much Crazyflak for the template, it will be a great help.
The existing lines are a little thick, maybe they had been merged with others so I used them as a guide
to make new 1 pixel lines and corrected any misalignment. Here the opacity of the Black set has ben reduced
and a blured white set added behind.
It's a start, but I will need to make again the rib detailing for the rudder and ailerons as this was merged
with camouflage and weathering layers in the template.
It won't be of the quality that Max can produce but it will enable me to put out a few requests while a more
proficient skinner gives this beaut a go. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thank you very much Crazyflak for the template, it will be a great help...
It's a start, but I will need to make again the rib detailing for the rudder and ailerons as this was merged
with camouflage and weathering layers in the template.
It won't be of the quality that Max can produce but it will enable me to put out a few requests while a more
proficient skinner gives this beaut a go. ;)
Great news ! Never give up ! I surrender ! ;D ;D ;D
Please do not quote entire post with pictures attached.
You are doing a great job on that skin Mission_bug. 8) Please continue.
It is looking great.
Thanks a lot for your work on that template, MB. I'm thinking of some requests, but I guess you already have many. :D
Hello everybody, I've now created a masking layer and eliminated any bleeding of that onto the skin, also established the upper and lower demarcations.
Now that is out of the way the real work of doing the ribs and such can begin. ;)
I haven't had any specific requests myself juanmalapuente but any thread dealing with
this aircraft has a few, just add yours. ;)
The idea is primarily to make a basic template that you all can use, it won't be any major
work of art but will hopefully have enough detail to it to allow each of you to make a few
skins of your own. I will produce a few skins but the intention is to allow you guys to do
your own thing. The masters of the skinning art can add their own blend of magic, the
rest of us can just slap on a bit of paint and go. :D
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Been looking at where these aircraft served, the list seems endless, a skiinner could devote a lifetime to it. 8)
In game markings do funny things on this baby, and the mapping can catch you out :o
I was doing the ailerons and rudder ribs and found they were not exactly where I thought they were, all
sorted now though. :P
All the best, Pete. ;D
Thank you very much for the images Robhans, they will certainly come in usefull. Just Champi has also thrown some pics into the pot of various aircraft under restoration as well as some in museums. 8)
Glad you like it so far Crazyflak, trouble is I cant seem to settle on a style for the ribbing on ailerons and rudder at the moment and have changed things a few times, this is holding progress up at the moment. On the original default it seems quite elaborate and I tried to replicate that but wasn't really happy with it. The images Just Champi sent would indicate it is really very simple and that is what I've tried to capture here.
It maybe that various manufacturers went about things in different ways, the effect on the original default almost resembles that on the 109 fighters, yet I can't confirm anything from photographs other than the simple style above. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Getting there. ;)
All the very best, Pete. ;D
Now, those are good looking dresses for the Bucker!
I like this kind of colourful schemes, seem to fit very well with the type of plane.
Very good work!
Hello guys, glad you like them. 8) The template is very basic but hopefully there is enough there for those interested in this bird to make a few decent skins. My intention is hopefully to upload the template tommorow, I'm going to delete anything from the original that I've decided not to use, bit drunk at the moment so won't be doing it tonight. :D
I've credited Verhängnis as the maker of the original template and acknowledged I've used some layers from the original, maybe I need to confirm this before I do upload it.
I'll upload the two skins shown in the thread but don't think I'll be doing any others, I'll leave that to anyone who feels the need. :D
It was important to do a couple of coded examples just to check how the model maps these things, the Swedish example will show you what is necessary once you see the template.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Thanks a lot, Pete. The skins are great help and also a nice eyecandy.
Big Applause for Pete!!! Hurray! 8) Congratulations on a mighty nice template!
Its a very artsy job! I like it
Hello guys, the basic template is now up for download. ;)
Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D