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Special Aircraft Service

Individual Mods and Packs for IL-2 1946 => Aircraft => Twins => Topic started by: Dreamk on August 28, 2012, 05:26:58 AM

Title: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL [4.09] [4.10]
Post by: Dreamk on August 28, 2012, 05:26:58 AM
Well, As the Finnish theater begins to become a little more "populated", let's go on a little with this "Talvisota pack" - I always had a weakness for the Bleinheim, a plane grossly under-evaluated and somehow repesented in Il2, quite under its real capacities. This plane served faithfully from the Finnish Snows to the skies of Africa till the massive arrival of US made bombers made it definitively obsolete. The Blenheim delivered to the Fins at the beginning of the Winter war could not take in its bomb bay  the Finnish racks and bombs, so they adapted them externally, putting down the bomb bay doors. Afdter these first Blenheims ("Sarja 1") Finnish Produced Blenheim had a bomb bay lenghtened by about 30cm in the pilot direction in order to cope with this problem
BTW these bomb bays are not correctly represented in Il2: there was no such thing as "open bomb bay doors" on the Blenheim, as these doors were spring operated and opened under the weight of the bomb dropped. Therefore when SBC were loaded on RAF planes, the corresponding bomb bay doors were taken out - inner dors if 2SBc configuration, inner and outer doors if 4 SBC taken, as the small weight bombs could not activate correctyly these doors (there is a fantastic clip on Ytube showing these doors in action).
So here is the Blenheim Sarja 1 - on the basis of the Il2 core planes and Tryl's cockpits, with Full British and Finnish armament arrays, including skis, but also fully functional inner wing bomb bays (for some reason forgotten by Oleg - they were systematically used by the Fins and each could take 4 small bombs, not 2 as often written mistakenly).


You'll need of course the British and Finnish bomb packs installed for these planes
As usual, the bomb bay door arrays will display correctly in game though not always so on the QMB screen.
Download links:


British Bombs

British Bombs Addenda

Finnish Bombs

And a bonus:
For those who use to fly on the Night Fighter version Blenheim 1F, here's a fix by Epervier to solve the compatibility problem of Tryl's cokpit with this version.
BlenheimS1    air.BlenheimS1  NOINFO f01 WINTER


BlenheimS1            Blenheim Sarja I, 1939


# BlenheimS1
BlenheimS1.default                                                Default
BlenheimS1.2x500lbs                                  2 500lbs HE
BlenheimS1.4x250lbs              4 250lbs HE
BlenheimS1.4x250lbs+8x40lbsF                4 250lbs HE + 8 40lbs Frag MkIII
BlenheimS1.4x120lbs+8x40lbsPara                     4 120lbs HE + 8 40lbs Frag Para MkIII
BlenheimS1.4x250lbs+8x30lbsInc                        4 250lbs HE + 8 30lbs Incendiary
BlenheimS1.2xSBC250_20lbsPara+2x250lbs+8x30lbsInc 2 250lbs HE + 2xSBC250 (20lbs Para) +8x30lbs Incendiary
BlenheimS1.4xSBC250_20lbs+8x30lbsInc      4 SBC250 (20lbs Para) +8 30lbs Incendiary
BlenheimS1.8x50m30+8x25m30                                  8 50kg m30 + 8 25kg m30 (Tolfvan)
BlenheimS1.8x50m37+8x12m30Inc                     8 50kg m37 + 8 12kg m30 Incendiary (Tolfvan)
BlenheimS1.8x100m30+8x15m30Inc                     8 100kg m30 + 8 15kg m30 Incendiary (Tolfvan)
BlenheimS1.8x100m37+8x15m30Inc                            8 100kg m37 + 8 15kg m30 Incendiary (Tolfvan)
BlenheimS1.4x100m38+4x50m38+8x15m30Inc 4 100kg m38 + 4 50kg m38 +8x15kg m30 Incendiary (Tolfvan)
BlenheimS1.2x250m37+4x100m38                                      2 250kg m37 + 4 100kg m38 (Tolfvan)
BlenheimS1.none                                                                 Empty

3d Modifications, Java Files, FM: Dreamk
Cockpit: Tryl
Quality control process: Epervier
And thanks to Spotter an Tmine35 for the most valuable info they sent me about Finnish Bombs

This mod is for 4.10 and has been tested on SAS modact and DBW 1.7
This package is freeware.
This software may be freely used, copied and distributed with the following restrictions:
1) the present post must be included as a "Readme" text file.
2) DO NOT place these files anywhere that requires a fee for downloading.
3) DO NOT place any of these files in any commercial package or any CD collection without the authors consent.

Theses files should not cause any problems with your computer, but we accept no responsibility if you think it does.

Thanks to Oleg Maddox and Qtim for creating Il2 and opening the gates to Mod creation, to Kumpel for his matrix tool, and thanks to SAS for enabling modders to share their knowledge on Il2 modding.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Birdman on August 28, 2012, 06:11:00 AM
Is there any possibility to have a version that uses the later cockpit of HSFX or DBW based on Ranwers' Mk.IV cockpit with new nose 3D? I think that Tyrl's repainted Pe-2 cockpit is a bit outdated now that a more realistic cockpit is available.

I'm also getting invalid or deleted file currently, so I hope the download link is fixed or is there some update process going on?

Anyway, great work with all these new "Talvisota" planes! I hope we can get the really important radial-engined two-seater Fokkers some day in Fokker C.X update.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Epervier on August 28, 2012, 06:21:35 AM
More realistic it is true ... but not nearly as enjoyable to watch with dials non-operational (UP3/DBW-HSFX6).
Personally and after testing different cockpits, I much prefer to fly with cockpits Tyrl.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Dreamk on August 28, 2012, 06:31:13 AM
Download Link corrected for the Bleinheim Sarja I (also in the first post)

The Finnish Fokker CX Pegasus....to tell the whole truth, I planned to upload it today, but Archie could not finish the skins in time due to Real Life priorities, so we'll wait a few more days for it :) - (I use to upload only after a basic template and skins package is ready to be uplaoded immediately after the mod is loaded). Till then, maube there is another goodie on its way  ;)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Birdman on August 28, 2012, 08:04:29 AM
Great news about the Fokker C.X! After she arrives we have all significant fighters and bombers for Finnish Air Force for both wars. Then maybe Fokker C.V and Westland Lysander could be useful as important liason planes, but that is not so urgent since many other countries also have their liasons missing currently.

Thanks a lot for this great "Talvisota" update! Thanks to it we Finns can now finally play realistic Winter War missions with pretty much complete planeset.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Hangman on August 28, 2012, 08:30:30 AM
I really agree with you Birdman it's nice that those Talvisota era planes get attention what they deserve
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Mad026 on August 28, 2012, 08:44:07 AM
I agree with Birdman too, It would be a sollution that upload two version of this plane, one of the two would be the pe-2 cockpit version, and thi other one would be with the realistic cockpit. I think this would be good for everyone! ;)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Spitwulf on August 28, 2012, 12:10:00 PM
Wow, unespected surprise! Thanks!
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Gaston on August 28, 2012, 02:11:15 PM
By the way, Birdman... where is this famous Blenheim MkI cockpit you talk about available ? I can't find it anywhere...
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Flying H on August 28, 2012, 02:43:41 PM
The fins also used the He 115 to transport their ranger groups deep into the russian wilderness for sabotage and reconnisance operations, is ther a chance to get the He 115 in the future? It was extensivly used along the norwegian coast too and a few were used by the SwAF. It was also used to drop mines along the british coast in the beginning of the war so it would be useful in game.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: max_thehitman on August 28, 2012, 02:45:57 PM

WOW! Interesting New Mod-Airplane Bomber  8) I never heard of this version. I am not too
familiar with the Blenheim family of bombers, so this is great to know.
Thank you to all involved in this project!

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Mad026 on August 29, 2012, 12:40:05 AM
By the way, Birdman... where is this famous Blenheim MkI cockpit you talk about available ? I can't find it anywhere...

Its originally in DBW 1.71!!!!  And  I remember same days it was in the cockpits topic.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: cgagan on August 29, 2012, 12:52:06 AM
By the way, Birdman... where is this famous Blenheim MkI cockpit you talk about available ? I can't find it anywhere...
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Gaston on August 29, 2012, 03:19:02 AM
Mad026... are you sure it is in DBW and not in HSFX5 ? I am in DBW 1.71, and I have the Pe-2 placeholder pit only...

cgagan... the link you give (thanks) is for the MkIV version of the plane, not the MkI...
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: cgagan on August 29, 2012, 03:22:40 AM
Birdman points to that mod (MkIV) in his post...
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Mad026 on August 29, 2012, 03:30:51 AM
Mad026... are you sure it is in DBW and not in HSFX5 ? I am in DBW 1.71, and I have the Pe-2 placeholder pit only...

cgagan... the link you give (thanks) is for the MkIV version of the plane, not the MkI...

Im using DBW 1.71 but i had the ranwers cockpits....and I didn't istall it separatelly but you can use it, Its still in the cockpits topic, and cgagan already linked it.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Gaston on August 29, 2012, 06:24:33 AM
Maybe I am stupid, but the mod Birdman points us to is for the MkIV, not for the MkI. I know my MkIV works correctly, but I was looking for the MkI one... so the MkI ones are with the MkIV ? I will have a look !
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Dreamk on August 29, 2012, 07:09:20 AM
the 3 existing cokpits fitting the Blenheims are called Blenheim1, Blenheim4 and Blenheim4F - they enjoy only partial compatibility between them and none of them is historically true. Each one has its strong points as well as its pitfalls. So it's really a question of individual preference here.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Gaston on August 29, 2012, 08:35:31 AM
You are probably right, DreamK.

Problem is I can't seem to find the cockpit for the MkI (nit IV) version... I even saw images on AAS, but no file to download...
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Birdman on August 29, 2012, 09:33:34 AM
I remember a stand-alone download for that Blenheim Mk.I adaptation of Ranwers' Mk.IV cockpit with the new nose model existed, but it was well hidden in some unexpected place, maybe even in developer forums. Anyway, that cockpit is in HSFX5 and DBW, and the best version is likely in HSFX6. Thus, a version with that cockpit is useful for many users of these modpacks.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on August 30, 2012, 04:09:11 AM
First of all, thank you DreamK for this mod.  Really like the loadout options.

I do have a couple of questions however:

1)  This mod changes the cockpit of the 'stock made flyable' Blenheim Mk I and IF to the Pe-2 stand-in cockpit as well (version: DBW 1.71).  Is this by design - and if not can this be changed? 

2)  Once this mod is activated, the Finnish national insignia (blue swastikas on white) on the fuselage is partially obscured.  Has anyone else encountered this?  (I use Mat Manager)

Thank you very much again for this and many many other mods you put out.  Very much appreciate them.

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: HundertzehnGustav on August 30, 2012, 04:13:04 AM
I like what you did there.
Very much in the same spirit that i see the Mitchells.
Thank you for your research, and making the Blenheim clsoer to what she was... British medium Bomber against many different Targets.

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Mad026 on August 30, 2012, 04:33:46 AM
First of all, thank you DreamK for this mod.  Really like the loadout options.

I do have a couple of questions however:

1)  This mod changes the cockpit of the 'stock made flyable' Blenheim Mk I and IF to the Pe-2 stand-in cockpit as well (version: DBW 1.71).  Is this by design - and if not can this be changed? 

2)  Once this mod is activated, the Finnish national insignia (blue swastikas on white) on the fuselage is partially obscured.  Has anyone else encountered this?  (I use Mat Manager)

Thank you very much again for this and many many other mods you put out.  Very much appreciate them.


It's like you saying!

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Birdman on August 30, 2012, 11:17:28 AM
2)  Once this mod is activated, the Finnish national insignia (blue swastikas on white) on the fuselage is partially obscured.  Has anyone else encountered this?  (I use Mat Manager)

Yes, I noticed it and attached a fix for it. To install go to 3do/Plane folder in this mod folder, disable the existing BlenheimMkI(Multi1) folder there for backup and replace it with my attached one. My folder has much less files since I only included those that are actually modified. In addition to the insignia problem this also fixes all LOD bugs.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Spitwulf on August 30, 2012, 11:22:36 AM
Thanks for the fix, Birdman!
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: flying_dutchman on September 04, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
I am a total newbie in DBW since I have downloaded the DBW 1.71 a month ago and experimenting with the new mod planes that can be added to the DBW 1.71 pack. I am an Indian by nationality and as a former colony of the British Empire was always interested in British planes. I have recently added the Blenheim Sarja I and after copying the Blienheim MkIF cockpit fix to make It compatible with the Tryl's cockpit (Pe-2 cockpit) I found it is not at all historically correct since the Instrument Panel is incorrect and there is no folding seat(near the nose) for the Navigator/Bomber and also no seat provided for him adjacent to the pilot. Also the Night fighter MkIF was modified from MkI and also had a short nosed fuselage  with its upper front glazing all at one angle in the form of a "stepless cockpit", that used no separate windscreen panels for the pilot. But the Tryl's cockpit is just the opposite. I think Ranwer's cockpit is much better but I don't find the dials non-operationals as Epervier said. Also the Sarja I has a short nosed fuselage when viewed from outside but it has a Tryl's Pe-2 cockpit which is not acceptable.

plsease see  MkI cockpit photogarph:


P.S. I found the fix by Birdman which corrects the display of Balkenkreuz useful.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: flying_dutchman on September 05, 2012, 01:23:01 AM
Here is the image of a Blenheim MkIV restored at the Duxford. Probably this one is the blenheim that crashed and was destroyed beyond repair shortly after restoration. The Ranwers cockpit of MkIV is not correct.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on September 05, 2012, 06:38:10 AM
Sorry, you don't have to be harsh if you don't know.

Please read this topic :


you can see for some reason this topic in the SAS forum


has been deleted.
I don't know exactly what is the problem, but obviously there is a problem with the author of the Mk I cockpit, who doesn't want to share or give his permission freely.

If was otherwise the case, be sure that DreamK would have included it, his attention to detail is excellent, you need to check elsewhere in this site to find his contributions.

Still, I hope that something can be done, we're talking here about an excellent mod.... :(
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Ivan-le-Rouge on September 05, 2012, 12:48:15 PM
Dreamk, thanks for this great addition!
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 06, 2012, 10:31:55 AM
2)  Once this mod is activated, the Finnish national insignia (blue swastikas on white) on the fuselage is partially obscured.  Has anyone else encountered this?  (I use Mat Manager)

Yes, I noticed it and attached a fix for it. To install go to 3do/Plane folder in this mod folder, disable the existing BlenheimMkI(Multi1) folder there for backup and replace it with my attached one. My folder has much less files since I only included those that are actually modified. In addition to the insignia problem this also fixes all LOD bugs.

To Birdman:  a belated thank you.  I noticed that you did a lot of fixing of other modders' mods and I want to say that your work is very much appreciated.

To DreamK and others:
I have (I hope) a different angle to the cockpit question here:  is it possible to add the Blenheim Sarja I (with whatever cockpit Dreamk chooses to use) without affecting the other Blenheim cockpits in the 'stock' DBW 1.71?

Thank you,
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Dreamk on September 06, 2012, 01:40:52 PM
The Blenheim Sarja I java class calls for a cockpit whose java class is called Blenheim1 - therefore it does not interfere with the other Blenheim cockpits, whose class are called Blenheim1F and BlenheimIV.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 06, 2012, 03:09:20 PM
The Blenheim Sarja I java class calls for a cockpit whose java class is called Blenheim1 - therefore it does not interfere with the other Blenheim cockpits, whose class are called Blenheim1F and BlenheimIV.


Thanks for the quick reply and your mods again.

My experience was that it did change the cockpits of the DBW 1.71 Blenheim I & IF - so, Let me test this again and get back to you.  Thanks again.

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Dreamk on September 06, 2012, 03:19:51 PM
try deleting the file named 311C13F27D4DD844 in the files of the Blenheim Sarja I - if you already have a Blenheim 1 in your stock Il2, this is the file that changes your cockpit (it's the hashed Blenheim1.class file - it is in fact un-necessary for the Blenheim Sarja 1,  but for whose who have a simple SAS modact installation it enables to fly the regular wheeled Blenheim 1 as well).
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 06, 2012, 04:37:17 PM
try deleting the file named 311C13F27D4DD844 in the files of the Blenheim Sarja I - if you already have a Blenheim 1 in your stock Il2, this is the file that changes your cockpit (it's the hashed Blenheim1.class file - it is in fact un-necessary for the Blenheim Sarja 1,  but for whose who have a simple SAS modact installation it enables to fly the regular wheeled Blenheim 1 as well).


Thanks - tested this and got some interesting results:

I. 'Stock' DBW1.71
- Blenheim Mk.I :  'Glass house' cockpit
- Blenheim Mk.IF: 'Glass house' cockpit

II.  DBW 1.71 + Blenheim Sarja I  (w/ tyrl cockpit fix)
- Blenheim Mk.I :  Pe-2 Stand-in cockpit
- Blenheim Mk.IF: Pe-2 Stand-in cockpit
- Blenheim Sarja I: Pe-2 Stand-in cockpit

III.  DBW.171 + Blenheim Sarja I + deactivating ("-" in front) file 311C13F27D4DD844
- Blenheim Mk.I :  Pe-2 Stand-in cockpit
- Blenheim Mk.IF: 'Glass house' cockpit
- Blenheim Sarja I: Pe-2 Stand-in cockpit

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Birdman on September 06, 2012, 05:58:05 PM
If you want to keep the original Blenheim cockpits in your DBW, you can delete or disable all classfiles not modified for this mod (check dates) and the 3do/Cockpit folder. This actually leaves only three classfiles and the contents of 3do/Plane/BlenheimMkI(Multi1) in my fix into Blenheim_Sarja_I folder.

After this all DBW Blenheims work like before and I can even fly this new Sarja I version with the DBW cockpit! ;)
Unfortunately, there are some bugs with Sarja I:
- Cockpit view has ugly parts of external nose visible in lower nose windows because the code that hides external nose in cockpit view doesn't work.
- Top gunner position has older 3D like in this mod originally and unlike any DBW Blenheim.
- Top gunner position is named Bombardier and is linked to the health of bombardier instead of the gunner itself. This bug also appears in this mod originally but not in DBW Blenheims.

BTW, I also had parts of external nose visible in both fighter versions, but it is not because of this mod. To fix that I had to disable 6FCD5CC80BE155B0 in V2 Gear Damage mod, but that also removes gear damage mod for Blenheims.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 08, 2012, 04:45:10 AM
Thank you again, Birdman, this works.  Very much appreciate your help and DreamK's mod.

By the way, I came across this from the Finnish Defense Force site - make for interesting light reading:


Thanks again.


Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Mission_bug on September 09, 2012, 02:57:06 AM
Thank you very much Dreamk for this, much appreciated. 8)


Many thanks Birdman for the fixes, I also get the MK.I cockpit bug when I remove the class files you mention.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on September 14, 2012, 10:53:24 AM
This actually leaves only three classfiles and the contents of 3do/Plane/BlenheimMkI(Multi1) in my fix into Blenheim_Sarja_I folder.

Please help us, tell us which classfiles should kept.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 14, 2012, 11:02:11 AM
This actually leaves only three classfiles and the contents of 3do/Plane/BlenheimMkI(Multi1) in my fix into Blenheim_Sarja_I folder.

Please help us, tell us which classfiles should kept.

I believe Birdmand's instruction meant to sort the class files by date to identify the 3 standouts that were changed more recently.  With that method, you'll find these:


Keep these then backup and remove the rest of the classfiles.

Not sure that it will work for everyone but it did for me.  As Mission_bug mentioned there may be some visual artifact issue in the cockpit, but not sure this is related to removing the other class files.

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on September 14, 2012, 12:04:49 PM
Thank you it worked for me!!

Still there are a few things left to be done:


After I applied the birdman's fix, the stock Blenheim has now the markings problem that initially had the Talvisota Blenheim.

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 14, 2012, 12:12:27 PM
Did you apply Birdman's fix from Reply #23 first?

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on September 14, 2012, 12:21:53 PM
Yes, sure. The talvisota is ok, the stock has the problem. It most likely has to do with the hier so I need the stock hier file to re-work it.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: ben_wh on September 14, 2012, 01:20:45 PM
Yes, sure. The talvisota is ok, the stock has the problem. It most likely has to do with the hier so I need the stock hier file to re-work it.

Not sure whether this helps but here's what I did:

1) Took the mod files from top of this thread and applied the Birdman fix
2) I did not apply the Tyrl cockpit compatibility fix
3) Removed relevant class files as discussed here from the mod
4) Activated mod via JGME.  My install is DBW1.71

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: FANATIC MODDER on September 18, 2012, 04:02:08 AM
I fix the problems. The missing heads were because I use barnesy's new pilots and it was quite easy to fix the markings in the stock Mk.I by modifying the hier file.


Unfortunately, there are some bugs with Sarja I:
- Cockpit view has ugly parts of external nose visible in lower nose windows because the code that hides external nose in cockpit view doesn't work.
- Top gunner position has older 3D like in this mod originally and unlike any DBW Blenheim.
- Top gunner position is named Bombardier and is linked to the health of bombardier instead of the gunner itself. This bug also appears in this mod originally but not in DBW Blenheims.

Please, if someone can send the hier file of the Mk.I cockpit so I can fix (at least I 'll try to!) these bugs.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: woofiedog on June 19, 2013, 10:16:18 AM
Working fine with 4.12... again thank's!  :)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Semor on August 13, 2013, 10:54:58 AM
Yep. Icon change please  :D Plane works in 4.12,but the bombardier Position needs the same Fix like in many other Bombers.

Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Zuy on February 07, 2014, 05:32:11 PM
I apologize for my poor English! I have a problem:I still have the landing gear instead of  skis!
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: SAS~Poltava on February 07, 2014, 11:55:02 PM
I apologize for my poor English! I have a problem:I still have the landing gear instead of  skis!

Try flying on a WINTER map - ok?
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Zuy on February 08, 2014, 05:30:25 AM
I apologize for my poor English! I have a problem:I still have the landing gear instead of  skis!

Try flying on a WINTER map - ok?

Thank you! The solution was simple: I
are not yet very knowledgeable of IL 2!
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: SAS~Poltava on February 08, 2014, 08:33:36 AM
You are welcome!  :)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Antifiriz on April 12, 2014, 06:41:44 AM
Hello gentlemen, I have an issue. Everything works great, it looks great, bombs look great, everything works flawlessly, all the crew positions work flawless except the bombsight, when I switch my position to bombsight, with C, this happens:

Anybody know how to fix this? I am using 4.12 with SAS Modact. Thanks already :D
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: The Radge on April 12, 2014, 07:10:23 AM
I think this associated with that thing that plane doesn't have special cockpit for bombardier, although do have a place for it... This problem happens to many multiengined mod bombers that have a bombardier...
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Antifiriz on April 12, 2014, 07:47:28 AM
Oh :( I thought it was uncompatible with my version (4.12), thinking about downgrading it.
That's sad, I have been researching about Blenheim operations in Finland for weeks, and planning a campaign about it, it's my mistake that I haven't tried the bombsight first :D

In some mod planes, or stock, you just get the bombsight screen when you press the player switch, is it possible? Is it hard (and time consuming) to make something like that? If it is not, I am willing to learn and do it :/

Thank you for the answer sir, much appreciated.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: The Radge on April 12, 2014, 10:14:08 AM
You are welcome, mate! ;) For any plane that's a heavy bomber you get to the bombardier's room pressing the C and then to look at the bombsight press Shift+F1 (search in the settings to set up the controls to handle it). That's a lot to learn to have all the possibilities of the bombsight, you can also search in the game's manual for this. Good luck! ;)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Antifiriz on April 12, 2014, 10:47:49 AM
Oh no, no no sir you got me wrong, (actually I expressed myself poorly :D ), I mean, can we do the same to this plane? I guess it would be way easier to make the plain bombsight interface, not a complete position. You only click c, and the black screen with sight in the middle appears, I am sure that I have seen that before :D

Regards and thanks, again. :)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: The Radge on April 12, 2014, 11:01:50 AM
Oh, I'm not really sure about this :-\ I think I don't have required skills for this... But I'm not refusing, of course we can try, 'cause this will be veery useful for many planes ;)
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Pockrtplanesairways on September 18, 2014, 05:10:42 AM
This is great and all, but someone needs to make a special campaign for the blenheim. For finnish campaign anyways.
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Typhoon Ib on March 10, 2015, 06:04:23 AM
Bomber and Bombs run fine in 4.12.2
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL
Post by: Whiskey_Sierra_972 on January 13, 2016, 02:34:46 PM
A little bump....


....what about a full 412 conversion?
Title: Re: Blenheim Sarja I - "Talvisota" - Ready to DL [4.09] [4.10]
Post by: cperleberg on June 04, 2016, 01:28:14 PM
Can't get the Finnish bombs to show up in CUP WAW 20.